Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyKidnappingLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

OCTOBER 22, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Fourth International Founded At World Congress Thirty Delegates From Eleven Nine Countries Represented Countries Raise New Banner At World Youth Conference a favor of World Congress Climaxes Fifteen Years of Struggle Affiliated Sections of the Fourth International Following is a list of the organizations throughout the world ad bering to the Fourth linternational and of their official organs: UNITED STATES: Socialist Workers Party. Official organs: The Socialist Appeal, The New International, Challenge of Youth.
MEXICO: Bolshevik Leninists. Official organs: Cuarta Interna.
clonal, Clave. Continued from page Continued from page 1)
tion of the Youth International. tioral character, forms and meth.
social democratie bureaucrats the continuation of discussion on CUBA: Partido Bolchevique Leninista. Official organ: Divisa.
the and by the bourgeois The statutes moreover outlined ods of our national sections. Our the Communist International, have judiciously turned to other the program formulations with PUERTO RICO: Partido Communista Independiente. Official or police, with delegates especially the conditions of membership and National sections are to be conself avowed champion of the butts for their humor, especially regard to the relationships bet gan: Chlapa.
from the fascist and semi fs nl fascist the rights of national sections verted into fighting, militant, BRAZIL: Partido Bolchevique Leninista. Illegal publications struggle for peace and against since their policies contributed so ween the resurgent Soviets and countries risking their lives to at and indivdual members of these youth organizations; spirited, bold fascism as silent as the Kremlin demonstratively in one country the Stalinist bureaucracy and la COLOMBIA: Boshevik Leninists tend is a further tribute to our sections.
and colorful. They are to become itself. Its French and British after another towards the anni bor aristocracy: the formulations ARGENTINA: Bolshevik Leninists of the Argentine. Organs: movement and testifles to the un.
Elect Delegates anti fascist, anti capitalist fight.
branches alone were active and hilation of their big organiza were, however, adopted by the Nuevo Curso, Inicial.
bounded vitality and determina The resolution on relations being units adapting themselves to vocal, chasing about in each tlons and their conversion into conference as the position of the URUGUAY: Bolshevik Leninists. Organ: El Piquete.
tion of our International. Absent tween the youth and adult inter the spirit of youth, and leading country for agreements with he impotent emigre sects.
PERU: Bolshevik Leninists. Esparjaco. Ilegal organ. from the youth conference were nationals accepted the classical youth in their struggles.
arch nationalist bourgeois politi. Stalinist Impotence Discussion also occurred on the CHILE: Revolutionary Workers Party. Official organ: Allianza only delegates from our Spanish, Leninist concept of these relaObrera cians and raising furious clamOn National Sections As for the Communist parties question of applying the line of our Canadian, and several of our tions. The Youth International or for a holy war against fascism. which are no longer parties, the program with regard to fac CHINA: Communist League of China. Official organ: The Struggle.
South American sections.
Resolutions on the national secINDO CHINA: Bolshevik Leninist group. Official organ: La Lutte.
which accepts the program and to be directed by the notorious properly speaking, but mecha tory occupation (sit down UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA: Lenin Club. Workers Party of Tribute to Heroes leadership of its adult body is to tions adopted are briefly sumdemocrats of the English banks nisms operated by the Soviet strikes) and shop councils, to the Africa. Official organ: The Spark.
The Youth Conference opened be politically subordinated to marized: and the French steel trust a Foreign Office their doom was concrete situation in the various with a tribute to the fallen he and organizationally autonomous a) France: It hailed the heroic AUSTRALIA: Communist League of Australia. Official organ: clamor to which the working long ago pronounced. It was countries, and also on the part The Militant.
roes of the Fourth International, of the 4th International. Recip work of the Revolutionclass fortunately paid not the another impressive symbol of of the program which deals with GREAT BRITAIN: Revolutionary Socialist League. Official ormany of them youth. To those rocal representatio is provided ary Socialist Youth) in its antislightest attention.
our conference that we met Im the question of pacifism and paIt was in this atmosphere cre mediately after Stalin had of triotism as manifested among the Fan: Workers Fight.
who died fighting fascism in between youth and adult bodies militarist struggles. It took note ated by the Imperialists on the rered the ruling Polish Colonels masses themselves. On the last FRANCE: Internationalist Workers Party. Official organs: La Spain, Germany, Austria and from the highest international of a growth in the organization, one side, their servants in another token Lutte Ouvriere, La Quatrieme Internationale, Die Rote Fahne Italy, to the comrades murdered committees to the lowest units of the improvement of its organiza editorial recapitulation in named point, an the official leadership of the la the form of the official dissolu formulation of the program draft (In Alsace Lorraine. Revolution (Youth. or imprisoned in the above coun both organizations. In the spirit tional efficiency employed and BELGIUM: Revolutionary Socialist Party. Official organs: La tries and in Greece, Poland, Rou. of this resolution the congress unemployed and among students.
bor movement on the other, that tion of the Communist Party of was decided upon in order to the conference of the Fourth In Poland. He could scarcely have eliminate all possibilities of mis Lutte Ouvrlere, Revolution (Youth. mania, France, Belgium, Brazil, elected by request of the adult The regular appearance of Revternational came together.
China and Indo China, and congress) two regular delegates olution organ of the French underlined more strikingly the interpretation or misunderstand HOLLAND: Bolshevik Leninists of Holland. Official organ: De Enige Weg.
throughout the capitalist world, to the International Bureau, one youth organization despite reThe kidnapping and obsolescence of Third Intering of the position of the Fourth brutal murder of comrade Rudolf national and the fact that our International.
SPAIN: Bolshevik Leninists of Spain. Official organ: La Voz Leto our victims of the ter delegate to the International Sec peated confiscation by the Dalaninista.
On the International ror in Russia and throughout the retariat, and one delegate to the dier police was especially greetKlement, noble and devoted mill International is unchallenged intant who had served us so long heritor of its heroic traditions.
world to these our comrades we Pan American bureau of the 4th ed. Negotiations for the fusion of The longest debate took place GERMANY: International Communists of Germany. Official organ: Unser Wort.
paid the greatest revolutionary International. In turn the Bureau the and 200 members of and capably as administrative on the question of the so called tributo as we saluted our martyrs of the 4th International elected the Aisne Youth Federation secretary of the Bureau for the to deliver a heavy blow at our ternational, in which the deleAlthough the Stalinists planned proclamation of the Fourth In NORWAY: Marxist Workers Group. Official organ: Oktober from the Socialist one delegate to the International (split of and pledged to carry on their owu and one delegate to the Party) were in progress and the AUSTRIA: Revolutionary Communists. Official organ: JuniusFourth International, had im conference by eliminating combriefe.
heroic work.
pressed every delegate with the rade Klement and it was and gates of the Polish section advocated that our movement con CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Bolshevik Leninist group (German speakFollowing a report on the work International Secretariat of the conference greeted this great step extremely great responsibilty he remains a heavy blow the deleforward.
Ing. Official organ: Banner. Bolshevik Leninist group (Czechof the world conference of the Youth International, bore and it will therefore be un gates managed to dispose of all tinue as before under the name 4th International in which many speaking. Official organ: Proletarske Noviny.
The resolution on the applica Belglum: The conference derstood that our conference the points on the agenda in a of movement fór the Fourth InDENMARK: Leninistisk Arbejdsgruppe. Official organ: 10 Interof the youth delegates had also tion of the Thesis of the 4th took cognizance of a slackening found itself compelled and well business like manner. Against a ternational. They argued that natjonale.
participated, a resolution was in. International to the world of of the work of the Belgian youth advised to meet under such pre background of firmly acquired the labor movement was in a CANADA: Bolshevik Leninist group.
troduced and carried hailing the youth analyzed the condition of organization and advised the imcautionary and illegal conditions agreement in fundamental prin trough between two rising waves POLAND: Bolshevik Leninists of Poland. Official organ. illegal work of the International Confer world youth today. It observed mediate extension of youth work As even made it impossible to ciple, the conference was able to and that no large parties having publications. ence (adult) and greeting its de the intensification of the exploita especially in the Borinage mining conclude its sessions with the adopt the thesis in the Pro yet declared for the new InterSOVIET UNION: Russian Bolshevik Leninists. Orficial organ: cision to launch the 4th Internation of youth; the curtailment of regions. The Belgians responded singing of the traditional battle gram of Transitional Demands national our movement was still Bulletin of the Opposition.
tional. The same resolution after educational, cultural, and general to this decision by laying plans to hymn of the movement, The printed elsewhere in this issue) too small to call itself the InterInternational.
full discussion, endorsed the pro opportunities for youth; their renew publication of Revoluwith only few minor modifications devolving upon it.
national and assume the func SWITZERLAND: Marxist Action group. Official review. Jointly gram of the 4th International exclusion from industry resulting tion the organ of the Belgian The In spite of the difficulties cre tions. This was made easier by rest of the conference was, how.
with Austrian and Sudeten groups. Der Einzige Wer In addition there are several smaller groups, some not yet eg. Thesis on the Death Agony of not only in the tremendous youth.
ated by our enemies the bour virtue of the fact that a wide ever, unanimously in Capitalism) which declares an tablished as regular sections, which, mainly because of reasons of but also from the denial official constitution of Youth The Conference ordered the geois police and their allies of spread international discussion of illegality, are unable to publish a regular press: Lithuania, Rumauncompromising struggle against youts of unemployment among the the sessions and this program had already taken altering the equivocal name of the work of the conference were place throughout the membership been adopted two years earlier nia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Italy, New Zealand, Sweden, Ireland, world capitalism in time of war of youth ta participation no pro: section in England. This section or peace and points the way to duction and industry. The resolu will begin with a fairly large Palestine, etc.
successfully and efficiently con of the International, enabling the proletarian victory.
tlon observed that the develop: membership composed of memcluded in one full day, with the delegates to come before the con on the grounds of facilitating ment of capitalist technology had bers of the united Revolutionary possible collaboration Pledged to Anti War Struggle with attendance of thirty delegates, reference with concrete opinions.
The conference called upon the eliminated substantially the eco Socialist League, who were al presenting eleven countries, the centrist groups then still moving youth, the greatest victims in im nomic distinctions between youth rendy engaged exclusively in former International Secretariat, of transitional demands of the It was pointed out that partic In many respects, the program in our direction.
perialist war to struggle under ond adult but had intensited the youth work. The prospects of our and a delegation from the Youth Fourth International is the most ularly in this critical period, it the revolutionary leadership of social distinctions that capitalBureau for the Fourth Interna important single document ever was imperative that the movethe 4th International against war, ism had locked youth out of in English Youth section are re markable tional.
dustry and was supplementing to be produced in the fifteen long ment be centralized into a func. Continued from page 1)
In years of the history time the truth about the pro and in its manifesto to the youth able to report that the Workers ment. What his centras the trees ording the developmenpable the learned hrane. pars from Femalang shaken the Russiant party and path to peace and to the defense youth.
our movetioning world party capable of er with the Opposition, remained found historical disputes that had of the world declared that the this crime by regimenting the pecially Germany. Poland, Space and Austria, where our comrades and Peasants Socialist Party of to the vague generalizations and only current which today stands of them, driven to extremes by the International, but which had of the Soviet Union lies only The Rights of Youth have been working with unexFrance, as well as the deceptive abstractions which the for the Fourth International: the brutal provocations of Stal hitherto reached us in distorted through the world revolution Following this it outlined a se ampled heroism the Conference of Spain, had accepted our invi official leaderships of the work that our movement was already inism, went off on wild political scraps when it reached abroad This call it implemented by ries of demands for youth of the extended greetings. It recorded activa special resolution on world flowing from and subordin special satisfaction with the observers a mandate which the in the present tumultuous woria Fourth International without the altogether. Others proved to have ity had to be devoted to sweeping anti militarist work, a resolu ated to the demands of the thesis progress of the American organexceptional physical conditions situation! It is not, or rather st how meaningless qualifying term insurrelent stamina and endure away the muck of misrepresentation which instructed all of our on the Death Agony of Capital. fzation which sets the example under which we met unfortu is not so much, the basic program for.
nately prevented these two par of the Fourth International, as its listed under After the vote, the Polish dele terrific pressure of the Stalinist with which the Stalinist machine work in the armed forces and try, etc. These e. In countries where sections ties from exercising.
Organizational Report program of action for the imme gates presented a statement de machine and the defeats and had muddled and muddled up outlined in concrete terms the the titles: The right to work of the 4th International function diate period in which we live. claring their continued affiliation world wide reaction it engen the issues involved and the minds methods of carrying out this the right to learn a trade; the and where youth sections do not When it is borne in mind that Fruit of a quarter of a century with the International in the dered. Still others were broken in of the revolutionist abroad.
work. special sub bureau was right to education; the right to exist, the conference recommendfew social movements in history of social history, it presents to name of the Polish section.
In character, and collapsed under is in the course these elected to organize, carry out and vote. The resolution also coned that special attention be given have ever been subject to the every worker and peasant the accordance with the new decl bribes.
years that a small but inestim direct the anti militarist work in tained special sections on de to youth work by these sections fierce and all sided persecutions concrete replies which the Fourth ston, statutes were adopted for But in the course of Afteen ably precious nucleus of the reour International.
mands for young women, the and that youth committees de The conference then affiliated farming and peasant youth and voted to preparing the base for and repressions which have been International gives to all the the Fourth International, declar. years of struggle for the prin constructed world movement was our lot, it will be understood how pressing, immediate the 4th International, thereby for colonial youth.
The need for youth organizations be estabgratifying was the organizational racing the exploited and op structure, providing for disci ism of revolutionary Internation after another, more genuinely becoming the official youth sec a special youth organization lished.
report len to the conference. It pressed. It is not only criti plined and centralized operation Alism, a process of selection was united and more homogeneous tion of the 4th International the sublished meet these probGrow Whle Reformists Decay showed that the banner of the cism of that which is, but a and international party democ constantly at work. This process more qualified to assemble the political Instrument of the 4th In. lems as well as to meet the speComrade reporting on the every continent of the globe working class is not to be bes ularly functioning, representative assisted in a thousand ways by ment than any revolutionary resolution launching the Fourth distinguish youth from adult post work of the Secretariat for the 4th Youth International the numerous sections of the Intially annihilated by virulent re International Executive Commit that most colossal of all of Stal. Marxist movement before it had Youth International was then workers.
ternational were not all repre action and modern civilization tee and International Secretariat, in factional blunders: the de been.
adopted, followed by statutes es The resolution finally cailed for brought to the attention of the 1929 of sented at the conference, it was itself hurled back for generations plus sub scretariats which may portation to Turkey History Lessons tablishing the purpose and func la orientation in the organiza delegates the fact that while due either to conditions of ille to come.
progress (numerical and politiebe established under different comrade Leon Trotsky.
It is impossible in so brief a gality in some lands or to finanal) could be recorded for pracWhere the Bolshevik Leninists circumstances and in different Trotsky Role space to do more than indicate German catastrophe demonstrational movement, at the world tically all sections of the 4th cial difficulties we are not have been armed in the past parts of the world The relative freedom he there the great events and issues ted the completo unfessability of conference to defend his line of Youth International. the youth International continuing along that line. We action as he was invited to do organizations of the 2nd and 3rd ments, like the French social mainly with a profound analysis. The conference found time to upon enjoyed, as compared with around which the The same holds true of Ver Internationals have suffered sedemocracy, or by the Stalinist of the present social order and discuss and decide upon the the isolation and almost insuper Left Opposition established at therefore took the initiative in bureaucracy. like the Comintern in general, with the knowledge problems which had arisen in va able restrictions imposed upon the first world conference in calling for the organization of eecken, who withdrew from the vere losses, especially their EuStalinist exile as a whole or both.
ma Paris in 1930, on the initiative of new communist parties every. Belgian party on the very eve of ropean sections. The Conference of the principles and methods rious national sections. Reference him by which the new society may has already been made to the Ata, made it possible for the in our American the past nine or ten Fourth, International.
less than baker dozen of in adults in condemning the treachtwo auspicious signs: the unifica. ditionally equipped with the in unification of the movement in ment to benefit for the first time years, for that would require nar In that period, while the Com dividuals, and thereby evading ery of the 2nd and 3rd Internavirtually un attendance at a meeting which tionals and their youth sections groups in Great Britain into the which can enable them to defena addition, there were reports of oretical, literary and organiza the class struggle.
moved because of the bureaucrat would have drawn up a balance and declaring the struggle Revolutionary Socialist League, not only the tomorrow of the contacts already established or tional activity of its keenest and Suffice it to remind the reader le vise in which it was held, sheet of the sectarian sterility he gainst reformism and Stalinism.
embracing new affiliate to our proletariat, but also its today. volutionary groups in the colonial thousands of communist milit. policy of the Stalinted and the shifts to the left in the camp of not one of the other soup commission to unmistakable exemplified. It is significant that The Conference established a elaborate resoof revolutionary Marxists Scotland) unification already for the day to day struggle. It were Tricloped mands contains the guiding lines countries and foresthet först time ants began to learn for the first incessant struggle fought against the picial democracy mosse vernd whicho un eftheriore time chroke inom lution on the work in fascist reported in detail in the Appeal is not merely the program for were adopted on the situation in aid the fighters and refugees and allied dogmas of Stalcidental with the turn of the Eiffel, Bauer, Lasterade and sim draft a program, and elected an countries, another commission to and the fusion of the two Fourth have been left in the lurch intem have, it is true, given way stalinists to the fatal polley of llars has even been able to International Bureau and an In the convinced revolutionary the French Party, in connection whe Internationalist groups in Greece. worker, for the vanguard, but with which delegation of the by the Stalinist and social demo to new but not better dogmas, yet People Frontism and the for emerge out of a vegetable exist ternational Secretariat. The con the one which had emerged from for the working class as a whole: deal with the letter of the Moll on the youth question which out scars not only upon the Third In tence to the basic revolutionary ference adjourned with the will, Centrist Decline the determination and the confidand the other from the former against capitalism itself, but for ner group asking admission into lined the policy to be followed at ternational but, alas, on the body principles upon which the comin.
tern had been founded, the small centrists of all varieties, the presence, that the 4th International, delegations of the International effects Archio Marxists. In both cases, the struggle against the dally the movement (the results of its the International Youth Con of the world working class.
Secretariat had contributed deci crisis permanent unemployment, the snawing capitalist molecotiations are referred to else. Terence that took place on after The lamentable tragedy of the revoutomatered internationalitat ture of stagnation or decline is launched, will win the youthode sively the accomplished fascism and the horrors of imOther Problems Considered war in the Far East and on the the Saar and the Czech proleta. Second International for the pur Brandler groups have, with the struggles of the 4th International results.
perialist war.
The situation in Poland, where position of American Imperiallsm riat can be traced to the criminal pose of fusing into a solid Marx. exception of the Lovestone group which will usher in the world Integration of Movement the These two steps symbolized for It is not an exaggeration to been working in the Bund and Before closing the conference ler in 1933, in which it outdia ing socialist workers. In coun intents and purposes. Gone is conference the growing integra fore. there is more thing the group in the Socialist Party, was also adopted a letter of cordial greet. the long ago bankrupt social de tries like France, Belgium, Eng their Indian champlon Roy, who ment, made possible by our whole or tendency in the working class light of the vast prospects now absent. leader of present day ery. Under guise of the thrice tactic yielded significant results, has remained what he was. Gone past course which was based not to present an answer to the burn opened to us by the dissolution revolutionary Marxlan thought stupid policy of united front and brought new forces on to the are German and Austrian and on the concept of superficial and ing questions of the day in so of the Stalinist party. The re and action, Leon Trotsky. only from below, the Stalinists road of the Fourth International. Czech contingents. Gone is the temporary and deceptive ad complete, so realistic, so compre solution of the preliminary All without bombast or fanfare, condemned the German prolet In the same period, there oc Alsatian group of Hueber, the PRINTING CO. Inc.
vances but on the concept of the ner as is done by the Fourth organization deren Mexican see and accomplished its task to the through which fascism marcheaicies and strength between the land. The pitiable remnants of 316 61 STREET, which alone leads to the creation International in its program of tion was reviewed by the Inter fuil. Basing itself on the rich ex unmolestedly to power. The in genuine Marxists of the Fourth the Brandler group have just rePhone RE gent 70690 and victory of the tempered re transitional demands.
national Conference, which dealt periences of recent times and the terests of the German proletariat International, on the one side, cently joined hands with the not volutionary party.
On the Soviet Union with the appeal of the Galicia unpostponable needs of the situ were sacrificed by the Comintern and the ultra left sectarians and much more imposing London How our enemies and oppo The debate at the conference group, and the original decision ation, standing firmly on the for the sake of preserving the the centrists on the other side. Bureau, which is now but a New Polish Pamphlet nents sought to amuse them occured essentially over indivi was substantially endorsed. ground of internationalism, it Soviet bureaucracy and its posi of the sectarian currents, that shadow of its never very subselves at our expense in the past dual sections of the program. Among the other important de launched the Fourth Internation tions in a state of not very per of Sneevliet in Holland more op stantlal self. Proletarjat by cavalier references to our al The conference thereupon en cisions of the conference, besides al, not without difficulties, not manent tranquillity during which portunist than radical came to the only current that remains leged sectarianism and insignifidorsed the line of the program the Manifesto printed elsewhere ghtmindedly, and not in the presumably national socialist its inevitable and inglorious end. as an effective, consolidating revZdradzony cance! As to the latter, they on the Soviet Union, often on the burning issue of the war calmest social sea but profoundly utopia might be constructed in Starting out with a left crit olutionary internationalist cur Dzleje Ruchu Rewolucyjnego really dulled the edge of their enough discussed in our ranks, danger, the greetings to the re aware that it is sufficiently fort. Russia unaffected by disruptive icism of our movement, he has rent that successfully resisted the By Z, KONARSKI cutting remarks by their perma and rejected the standpoint of volutionary fighters against fa ified by the past against what social clashes abroad.
ended recently in a state of com backwash of the reaction, is that.
nent and increasing preoccupa the minority in some sections scism in Spain, and the resolution ever storms lie ahead, sufficiently Sharp Turn plete demoralization and disinto which is today rallied under the Order From tion with our existence, our criti which affirmed the capitalist na on our fallen martyrs and class. confident in its chart, to go for The International Communist gration as the tail end of the no banner of the Fourth InternaLiga Robotnikow Polskich cisms and our activities. As to ture of the Soviet state. At the war prisoners, was the adoption ward with the conviction that the League, as our movement was less demoralized and disintegrat tional. It alone feels the surefootsmall numbers in our move same time, on the request of the of a document outlining the nec final victory, the freeing of man then named, had pursued up to ing London Bureau. He did not edness that will guide the moveP. Station New York, ment which were the theme of American Party committee, ar essity of an international de kind from slavery, lies ahead and then a policy based upon reform even have the courage to appear ment to the triumphant future 25 Cents so many feeble witticisms, the rangements were made to permitfense and rellet organization to will be attained.
Ting the Third International. The on the tribune of our interna which belongs to it!
IO The conference opened under be attained, they are now ad. welcome progress achieved in the ternational Oppositional move veloped in organization de where and a new communist, a the conference, taking with him joined with the conference of the to Signal 102 pages