BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL OCTOBER 15, 1938 Pinning em Down weeks BOURGEOIS HITLER Czech Labor Movement Now Faces Fight Against Fascism for unity are directly contrary to those of the SOCIALIST APPEAL We Wuz Robbed. workers.
Vol. II No. 45 Saturday, October 15, 1988 Roosevelt is priming the war machine and di.
recting foreign politics towards an early Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS participation in imperialist war. If Roosevelt (except for times weekly during first two can dictate the terms of labor peace, then By JAMES CASEY October, 1938 only! Roosevelt will hope to dictate the terms of laat 116 University Place, New York, Y, bor regimentation during the war.
LOVE FEAST WITH ECONOMIC ROY ALISTS Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 The workers on the contrary want peace in Big Business and the New Deal administration have just Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six their own house in order to organize the rededicated themselves to a new and vigorous offensive against months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order Labor.
maining unorganized millions, in order to cents per copy. Single coples cents.
The latest love feast between the money lords and their govcounter act the bosses offensive, in order to erning board in ashington was distinctive for a theme that had All checks and money orders should be made withstand the blows of depression. The interbeen scrupulously avoided, so far as the public was concerned, out to the Socialist Appeal.
Entered as second class matter September 1, ests and aims of Roosevelt and of the workers STALIN during all the six years of the Roosevelt regime. For the first 1987, at the post office at New York, New York, under the Act of March 3, 1879.
are diametrically opposed. But the kind of unity time since moving into the White House, the Great Liberal, in issuing a long public statement several days ago, omitted any and the type of organization that emerges from demagogie jibes against the economic royalists coupled with burnMAX SHACHTMAN Editor the peace fortunately rests first of all with the ing expressions of affections for the forgotten man.
HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE workers and not with Mr. Roosevelt. The leaderInstead, the President offered up a prayer for industrial peace Associate Editors ship of the new organization may become partfor harmony, tranquility, serenity on the whole industrial front.
With a display of beautiful precision, his supplications were touchS. STANLEY, Business Manager ners to Roosevelt labor throttling war plans.
ingly endorsed and re echoed by Big Business, through the voice But a powerful militant and progressive move of Charles Hook, president of the National Association of ment among the rank and file can sweep this Manufacturers. And with equal promptness, Acting Administrator Free Tom Mooney! conspiracy aside.
Aubrey Williams served an injunction to WPA workers against united labor movement, however it comes any strikes on Federal projects.
Tom Mooney has eight new turnkeys They into being, will provide a broad arena for proAt last Mr. Roosevelt discarded his repertoire of platitudes and spoke out what was on his mind. Roosevelt call for peace don live in the shadow of San Quentin but gressives to go to work for a program of class on all home fronts (by government, capital and labor, as he puts they banged the prison gates like any jailer action and conflict with the misrulers of Amerit) is precisely what American capitalism desires. As a substitute would have done ica industry and wealth. Unity will brush aside After twenty years, during which time moun. the secondary issues and the squabbles that arise the constant vigilance on the part of Labor against speed up, the capitalists want harmony and tranquility and a predominance tains of evidence have been accumulated to from rival unions; it will put the real issues on of the Rotarian spirit, with all its verbal baloney designed to preprove Mooney innocence, to prove that the the order of the day DEMOCRACY serve the interests of Finance Capital.
trial was a frame up, to prove that the gamblers, Moreover, we have every reason to believe In place of strikes, the capitalists favor arbitration boards pimps and prostitutes who testified were paid that unity will have another salutory effect. It with their habitual sellouts of workers. The less Industrial perjurers; after twenty years there is not a sol will deliver a smashing blow to that disruptive strife, the bigger the profits for the bosses. Thus Roosevelt sang his little piece and the Wall Streeters at once chorused their apitary sane person who dares to contend that gang that passes by name of the Communist probation. The public performance, however, can hold only one Mooney is guilty of the charges on which he Party. The Stalinists through their compact with meaning for America workers and farmers.
was convicted the Supreme Court could not John Lewis have been able to run riot in the Price boosting a drive to cut wages and a nation wide movefind a technicality on which to release labor unions; the was a free field for their ment for production speed up can now be expected by industrialcelebrated prisoner.
operations. In the united unions, the Stalinist ists and manufacturers. On its own part, the government will drop thousands more from WPA projects, as well as prune down The Supreme Court could not find a technic power will be seriously curbed. Their paper relief expenditures.
ality because it was not rendering a decision on unions will be thrown into the waste basket, Astute politician that he is Mr. Roosevelt bided his time to the Mooney Case. It was taking its stand in where they properly belong. The compact with choose the opportune moment for insistence against hostilities on the class war. It was proving that capitalist de Lewis, who practically handed the wreckers the the industrial front. Suprred on by the counsel of Bernard mocracy must have prison walls and iron bars United Automobile Workers, will come to an Baruch and other Wall Street wizards, he has rallied around him the American Labor Party, the Workers Alliance and proto preserve its tyranny over the working class. end, or failing that, its influence will be seriously gressive grouplets in many sections of the land, Mooney is a symbol of the cause of working undermined Then, too, one cannot overlook the exuberant enthusiasm, the class liberation. The eight old men hate this It is too early to predict whether the move pious love and the fanatical loyalty of the Stalinists for everything Cause with every fiber of their doddering being. of Tobin, Lewis and Roosevelt will result in that smacks of Rooseveltalotry, That why they are keeping Mooney in prison. unity. But certain it is that the pressure from That the progressives have encouraged Roosevelt and capital The eight old men, the Supreme Court of below, from the rank and file, has grown to ir.
in their new offensive is beyond dispute. But they have done more; they have sown the seeds for creation of welfare committees or California, the Governor of California and all resistible proportions. That is the great lesson councils that act against Labor and, especially, against the jobless the rest of the watchdogs of capital will never of the recent history of the labor movement.
millions release Mooney of their own accord.
The workers forced the drive to industrial un (Below is the concluding ar proletarian combatants. But will In Poland and in Hungary they The keys to Mooney cell must be wrested ionism. The workers forced the of off ticle of the series on Czechoslo its forces suffice for victory? Will are even now permitted to eke THE BETTERMENT DIET from the hands of his jailers by the might of its craft basis. Now they are moving for unity.
vakla Ed)
it rid itself in ample time of its out a shadowy existence. But evthe organized labor movement.
bankrupt leadership? Nobody can crywhere, whatever the fate of typical example The pressure must continue until it becomes a of the progressive offsprings is the New By KELLER York City Budget Council, made up of civic leaders pledged to foretell. It may be said without the Socialist leaders, the Commu.
Until that time Tom Mooney continued im. fact. And then it must be resumed for a resur The drive against the labor unwarranted optimism, however, nists were invariably crushed.
the betterment of the community. What the councli means by prisonment remains a black stain on the work gent development of the American trade unions movement has already started that the Czech working class will which tactie the Czech capitalists betterment is amply illustrated in a report just published on ing class.
along militant and progressive lines.
The new Slovak government has not be clamped passively into the will choose depends in the first the needs of a working class family.
There can be no freedom for America toilers outlawed the Communist Party straight jacket of Fascism. instance on the degree of tension After a long and supposedly thorough survey, the council has which was at one time the dom Already the Czech workers are reached in the coming class found that 37 is a sum sufficient to supply a family of four while Mooney is still in jail.
inant revolutionary force in Slov. making mighty effort to co struggles.
food for a week. Such a report, issued ders Sliding Scale of Hours akia. Among Hitler conditions ordinate their resistance against The emergency laws inherited about the time of Roosevelt call can only be calculated to set for a truce with the Czechs Ag the class enemy. The long re from the Masaryk Bones democ new minimum for home relief, provide an alibi for pay slashing Tobin Bombshell The moderate resumption of production in ures the demand for the proscrip strained differentiation within the racy, the Law for the Protection and lowering of the workers living standard, Michigan automobile plants has brought with all Caech territory well. No into the open. The demand for Dlasolution of Parties and Trade tion of the Communist Party in social democracy is coming out of the Republic, the Law for the In view of its patent intent, the council findings deserve an examination, even if a brief one.
Dan Tobin dramatic appeal for the re uni it the first storm signals of what promises to doubt Prague will agree to meet unity of action, for the fusion Unions, the Law for the Defense be a veritable whirlwind of strikes. The season fication of the labor movement brought the inThe council would have a working class family of four spend this demand with great pleasure. of the trade union movement of the State in case of War and 10 for their daily food. Since the New York Board of Educatercine struggle between the of and had hardly begun when strike fireworks flared only the proper moment remains which is numerically strong but National Emergency, will enable tion holds it is necessary for a pupil to consume a quart of milk a long way on the road to solution. up at the Briggs, McCord Radiator, Champion to be honen.
divided into several national fed them to wipe out any labor ordaily, it should be assumed that two children in the family of four Tobin was indubitably speaking the thoughts Spark Plug and Plymouth plants involving a These blows, however, are only erations, is more powerful than ganization legally and democratmust spend twenty cents for that vital nourishment. platter for of the strongest and most militant union in the possible total of 40, 000 workers. And now offensive against Czech labor. The fled workers party is also widepreparatory steps for a general ever before. The desire for a uni ically and to send its members the family of Into prisons and concentration of and voicing the hopes of millions there is strike talk in the entire General Motors of at least Afty cents for meat, twenty cents for vegetables and question now arises: Is the situ apread, nourished in part by camps as provided by the statof organized workers in both camps of the trade ten cents for a loaf of bread. Thus, the milk and the one course Corporation with its hundreds of thousands of ation of the workers in Czecho Stalinist propaganda.
meal would bring the expenses up to a dollar.
union movement. Tobin speech was Stalinista wiú Be First bomb workers.
slovakia hopeless? Are there any An Important Distinction This would leave a balance of exactly nineteen cents to purshell because it tore a hole in the fabric of lies What is the principal issue of these actions?
chances of bringing the steamNeedless to say, their first tarOnce again the counter revoluchase breakfast and luncheon for the family of four, or less than roller of Fascism to a stop? tionary leadership, above all the get will be the Stalinists. The three cents per member, used to explain the split. The masses want peace It is the issue that stands uppermost in the mind Grave Moment Stalinists, bars the road to these Social Democrats and the Czech Just what kind of meal a person can buy for three cents the in the labor movement, and now they know that of every worker: how shall work be found for It is impossible to answer this confused but progressive tenden National Socialists will no doubt budget council, of course, failed to state. It should be abundantly self seeking leaders alone have been the ob the thousands of unemployed when the para question with a simple yes or no cies. Proving that they have help the capitalists in such an clear, however, even to the welfare experts that any prescribed stacle.
sitic masters of industry begin their layoffs?
One thing is certain it would be leaned nothing and forgotten action, hoping to save their own 37 weekly diet would increase cases of pellagra, tuberculosis and There are no longer any fundamental reasons The Plymouth walkout was designed to cope criminal lightmindedness to deny nothing, the Stalinists are trying skins. The capitalists will use kindred diseases prevalent among the impoverished working that justify the separation of of and with this problem and now negotiations with masses.
the gravity of the present situs to patch up, on a new and nar their services in order to destroy tion. The Czechoslovak workers rower basis, that same Demo or sterilize the whole labor moveC. The original differences over the question are moving in the same direction. The have suffered their first great de cratie Front which has only just ment step by step. They may also To fight off the program of the budget council and the entire of industrial unionism is no longer at issue. The Plymouth workers demanded a reduction of offensive of the Roosevelt administration, a strong, solid organizafeat since the world war a de collapsed. The special conditions take advantage of the antagontion of jobless is one of the vital needs of the hour. In this connecmarch of developments compelled craft union hours from 40 to 32 hours a week before any teat without a struggle. Through that exist are such that any such ism between the bureaucracy of the political labor movement and after craft union in the of to organize the proclamation of the military move may well succeed in once tion, the Stalinist controlled Workers Alliance, bound inextricably layoffs took place. They wanted to spread the to the administration, is today far more of a liability than an asset on a vertical basis. The speech of Tobin, as rep work to as large as group of men as possible bedictatorship by the Benes Stalin more confusing the already con the non political trade union front and the subsequent Munichfused workers.
to the nation unemployed movement, especially since the resentative of the teamsters union, is the most fore any workers were forced on the relief rolls. deal, they have been brought. For, in contradistinction to pendent financially upon the trade unions are completely de Following the People Frontist line of the Stalinists, the convincing proof of this fact. The organized The demand for the thirty two hour week in overnight, to the same polnt France, there has never been a state, because of the peculiar sysWorkers Alliance frowns upon and seeks to prevent militant masses know this to be true, and they are reaction by WPA workers and destitute families for more jobs and the automobile industry marks a tremendous for where the German proletariat formal People Front in Cze tem of unemployment reller.
stood on January 30, 1933, when choslovakia. The Stalinists acted adequate relief. It has become an obstreperous apologist for Mr.
fusing to allow personal ambitions to stand as ward step for the labor movement. The Plym Field Marshal Hindenburg, who in the democratie orchestra as the Czech bourgeoisle will crush Thus it is entirely possible that Roosevelt, supporter of capitalist party candidates for public an impediment to peace. The leaders of of outh workers made a beginning by demanding had been elected President with nolay and stubborn intruders. one section of the labor moveoffice and a menace to militant working class activity. and are on the spot; now they must a thirty two hour week. The next step, pointed by the short lived Interim be ment and its bureaucracy and HEALTHY PROGRAM cial Democrats, called Hitler to tween Godesberg and Munich, take the rest along, under muzzle act, the logic of the unemployed problem, is for a Tobin speech to the Houston convention In the circumstances, New York toilers must welcome the thirty two hour week at forty hours of pay. In the helm of the Weimar republlc. when all seemed set for war, were and leash, on the road toward Now the question te: wm the they permitted to appear on the Fascism. The fear of furnishing organization of the New York Unemployed and WPA Workers came on the heels of a special plea by Roosevelt short, make the bosses pay for the depression. Czech labor movement steer just platform of the official patriots. Hitler with a pretext for military for unity. If and when unity is established, there The Socialist Workers Party greets the action as fatally toward a helpless col. the French workers are now intervention will also play its From a study of its program, it is manifest that the new union will be those who will rush forward to bestow of the automobile workers and calls on the labor lapse like its German counterpart about to draw the balance sheet part in the choice of this gradual stands flatly opposed to class collaboration and has as its main interest the city and nation unemployed.
praise and blessing upon the President. But it movement to raise the slogan of the sliding scale ler landslide in the elections, ner of class collaboration, for the course of events will be, all these will soon become clear that Roosevelt reasons of hours at the same weekly wage!
It will be hailed for its rejection of the Alliance policy to looked on passively while its or Czech workers this unknown considerations are milling around campaign for Republican and Democratic politicians. Particularly ganizations were destroyed. kind of unity must still appear as in the heads of the Czech labor must it be congratulated on its decision to demand that the gov. copy of the November issue to it is impossible to deny that somewhat of a panacea. All the bureaucrats. great rush for ernment reopen all idle factories and provide jobs for all. With pluce their order or subscription the distribution of the figures on more so, because the Social Dem mutual sell outs is at hand. Even this demand, the union gives a smashing answer to Roosevelt Immediately. Address: the chess board of the class ocratic and Czech National Social if the unlikely happens and an drive against Labor.
struggle is extremely unfavorable ist (Benes) party leaders have actual People Front is set up, By Intensification of its activity, the union should soon branch for the workers. Guided by the up to now, in interests of it will be exploded immediately out into powerful national organization. Needless to say the criminal hand of the social pa their governmental posts, refused by the bureaucratic antagonisms union militant program, with its unconditional repudaition of Denounces Strikes trlots, they have abandoned to any kind of united action with ranging within it.
The editors of the NEW IN on the situation in Palestine to People Frontism, has the heartiest support of every member TERNATIONAL announce an ex the October issue, will have a Aubrey Williams, deputy adFascism their defensive outposts: the Stalinists. Quick Showdown cellent array of articles for the special article in the November the Sudeten German, Polish and ministrator of the and Cholce To Be Made November number of the mag. number entitled, Arab NationalHungarian workers and peasants.
On the other hand, it is possible Roosevelt chlef liaison man Even now these leaders will re that, as in Spain, the fighting azine. Variety of contents is in ism in Palestine.
with the Stalinist Workers AlThey have lost the Slovak and sist to the utmost the attempts spirit of the workers will succeed the destiny of the Czech working alists will stand in the front dicated by comprehensive reviews Greece and the Dictatorship liance, ripped off his hypocritRuthenian peasants eternal reb: to bring them together with the in establishing, cover the heads of class. Only a swift and radical ranks of the battle, just as they on the American and world scene. on Metaxas.
ical mask this week, when he els because they live internal Stalinists around one table.
While the Stalinists and the reformists, turn toward a revolutionary up: stood first in the struggle against The o. and of 7. Stalinism and Fascism in gave notice to Ohio Struggle: new Stage is the Italy by represents a thor striking truck drivers, warnhave repelled Czech peasants who genuine fighting front against the mittes. But in contra distinction bring it rellet, reviving and stim. fensive struggle, in a desperate subject of a thorough analysis by ough going expose of the StalinB. Widick on the trade unionist United Front proposals to ing them that there can and were seeking liberation from the Fascist threat, the Stalinist and to Spain, this would lead to aulating the opposition forces in situation. The victims will be nuwill not be any strike on.
situation in the United States. tho Italian Fascists; their role landowners. They have voluntar to rig up subtle system offers protecting hand to the in Italy during the Abyssinian might seem, the stronger the re2. Felix Morrow contributes an in the Ethioplan War and the One month ago, a delegation ily surrendered their democratic pressure and persuasion di Czech Fiuscists. War has been war sistance of the proletariat to an article Spain The Final Be link to Italian Imperialism, rights to the Friend of the Sov rected at the government and in postponed, but a new outbreak ing class will scarcely disappear the fewer are in the end its vicfrom the New York Workers In either case, the Czech work overpowering counter revolution, trayal, a lively article on latter Among the book reviews are Alliance, went down to Washiets, General Syrovy. They are tended to prove again their value is close. The class struggle in from the scene without fighting. time. For the survivors of fallen day developments in Spain. John Strachey What is to be now encircled on all sides by to the bourgeois regime.
ington, DC. to see what France and to a lesser extent in An important review on the Done. Thomas Mann The could be done about the Fascism. They are divided among But this community of aims Great Britain, will now develop at Femembering the words of En revolutionary soldiers will never Four Power Pact Whither Coming Victory of Democracy. rope? will be an outstanding and Benjamin Stolberg Story white collar wage cut that had just been Instituted.
to granted to labor aristocracy standing between these bureau both contries are desparately desle is worth more than an easy ors of those who were passively feature. All aspects of the cent of the IO. to be reviewed re The delegation cheered strike.
by Czech imperialism, by increus: crats even less possible than in termined to continue the arme victory, the Fourth International clapped into concentration camps.
developments in Czechoslovakia spectively by Maurice Spector, ing unemployment, by national France. On their march toward ment race. They have before their breaker Williams, when he and Europe leading to the Mu Arthur Pincus and Widick.
asked them to see that their prejudices and anti semitism.
nich agreement will be reviewed. The October number, now on an authoritarian regime, the eyes the example of the successfriends are returned to of Traditions of Struggle Czech capitalists will have to do ſul military regimentation of the am interested in the activities of the Socialist Workers complete article giving the sale, has been extremely well refice in the coming November But there are also positive feat away with labor militancy. They working class by their Fascist Party and in the Socialist Appeal. Please send more informaaccomplishment of the first conceived. The management anelections ures in the pleture. This working can achieve this by various rivals. On the other hand, the tion to: gress of the Fourth International nounces that the entire edition of Put to the test, this great class knows how to Aght. Its his means. In is also contained in this issue. 4, 300 copies is exhausted at the Germany Hitler workers of France and Great liberal, friend of the unemtory is rich in courageous battles. cleaned house of Communists first Britain have just received a les Name The article will specifically con NEW INTERNATIONAL office.
cern itself with Prospects of the It is still on sale at the newsployed, flaunts his true colors Up to the fateful turn toward and Socialists next in few son in democracy which greatly and goes the way of all 116 the People Front not a single weeks, in the Saar and Austria reduces their spirit of sacrifice Address Fourth International.
stands and by agents, however. Rock, the writer from Jeru We offer the suggestion to all erals into the camp of reac year elapsed ih which the streets in a few days. Mussolini tolerated for the Fatherland.
of Industrial Czechoslovakia re the castrated Soclallate and their Events in France and Grent City salem who contributed an article who want to be sure of obtaining mained unstained by the blood of trade untons for almost five years. Britain will in the end determine Union.
New International Offers November Highlights Alliance Friend