BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInter-imperialist warLeninismMarxismNazismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

get it it DURANTY ARTICLE LAYS DOWN NEW that the instruments of death have been tre ling Stalinists, the Social Democrats, and labor many and the monstrous military aggression of LINE OF KREMLIN Following is a partial text of the speech demendously increased with multiplied efficiency? fakers of all stripes, who betrayed their class by Hitler. Every scribbler, these days, writes about Hotel Center, New York, last Sunday, on The. that is the fearful question which was upper chloroforming it with the illusion of the Peoples the war spirit of the German masses, their love (Continued from page 1)
most in the minds of all the inhabitants of our Front that is the partnership of labor with its of obedience, their stupidity, etc. Base calumny!
war crisis in Enrope and the meaning of the planet as they swayed on the brink of another mortal class enemy.
the German proletariat bureaucracy could somehow bel Munich pact.
the most advanced. Continued from page 1)
war. No! It is impossible to arouse any popular STALIN NEXT STEP the strongest, and best organized in Europe.
ers Party meeting in New York enthusiasm for another military adventure. And last Sunday night.
They did not embrace fascism. They were not Thus the broad lines of postWhat, in the post Munich world situation, can We ve always known and we ve always said in the face of this universal sentiment the imMunich diplomacy begin to take In this trial the Loyalists defeated by it in battle. They were abandoned be the next steps of Stalin? Some nalve people perialist master dread the social consequences that the capitalist system, sinking ever deeper who are headed for an arrangeshape. Britain and France met and betrayed. The jingo nationalist policy of including some superficial newspaper corre in decline and decay, is moving steadily by of a plunge into the dark unknown.
Hitler terms in Central Europe Its ment with the Fascists under spondents and columnista predict a new turn Stalinism in France, in England and the other the tutelage of the Munich powcountries of democratic capitalism, left the Gerown inner logic to a new world war. During the to avert, or at least postpone, THE REAL FACE OF DEMOCRACY to revolutionary polley on the world arena. Some recent crisis of European diplomacy we saw this ers are apparently going to try an inter imperialist war. By this man workers speechless and helpless to combat Stalinist workers, have no doubt some of them conception come perilously close to concrete re The second feature of the crisis which came they hoped to turn the sharp to prove to the Fascists that they the nationalistic spirit propagated by Hitler.
are sitting in this hall tonight, cherish this hope a to edge of the Nazi sword toward are just as resolutely opposed to a point at Munich, which ought to enlighten alization. During those days the world stood in of a return to revolutionary activity. They see the east, against the Soviet Un the very shadow of catastrophe. If the masses of millions who have been duped and doped by ONLY INTERNATIONALIST VOICE the revolutionary movement of what they want to see. Many of them are so the world recoiled in horror and grasped at a ion.
false prophets, was the attitude displayed The only voice raised for a proletarian policy the workers and just as determsick of waving the American flag, and are so ined as the Fascists to stamp It After Munich postponement at any price, if the hands of the throughout the entire affair, consistently, up to in the European war crisis was the voice of the horse from singing the Star Spangled Banner imperialists at the last moment trembledThis obvious fact is admitted the very end, by the authentic spokesmen of Fourth International and its sections. Our com out.
that they want to believe it was all a supernow by Augur, nevertheless, everybody knows the Munich pact rades in Czechoslovakia including the Suasten semi official the capitalist democracles. With their own hands Stage Managers clever revolutionary maneuver to deceive the spokesman for the British For This trial was prepared and was not a solution; everybody realizes now that they stripped away the vell of Illusion and decapitalists. Now areas with unexampled courage, raised the one the polley has falled so ceit and showed their real class face at Munich.
it was not salvation, but only reprieve.
slogan of reason in the mad welter of capitalist eign Office, who wrote in the for the bourgeois The diplomatic crisis around the war that was Barcelona by StalThey demonstrated clearly and with brutal cyniNew York Times on Tuesday that miserably, so catastrophically, they want to be lleve that there will be a return to revolutionary nationalism. In the midst of the crisis, confor the moment averted was only rehearsalIn G. which has been used Germany eastward drive would cism the fact that there is no fundamental dirfronted on one side by the Nazi offensive, and activity on the part of Stalin and his clique.
bring the Nazi Reich face to and so the world understands it of another ference between democratic and fascist capit.
by Negrin Co. to seush the Illusion! These people have long since passed on the other by the brutal persecution of the Workers movement. The GRU.
face with Russia and added: crisis soon to come which will herald the inCzechoslovakian police state, they raised the alism. The agreements they signed at Munich, evitable outbreak of war, The horrifying experi While the Russian German conover to the other side of the barricades, thelr will continue to play this role unand especially the amianie protocol of amity slogan: Nelther German nor Czech capitalist hands are red with the blood of innumerable ence of the past days is fraught with menace flict is in the period of preparatil it is deemed that blows of sufand good will signed by Chamberlain and Hitnationalism, but the Sovlet United States of revolutionists. In Russia, In Spain, in and warning for all the people of our planet.
tion, the powers of Western Euler gave a crushing refutation to the Ilars and fcient severity have been struck in Switzerland, in China, in the United State at the workers to permit the free rope may hope to remain unmo The spectacle of the doomed millions, walting in deceivers who have taught the masses to stake The French section of the Fourth Internaon a world wide scale, they have established their heads on British democracy in their agonizing fear for the decision of four diplomats tional, the Internationalist Workers Party, reconclusion of a deal with the lested, provided they remain neuthemselves Irrevocably as the hangmen of the at Munich waiting to hear their fate is symFascists. Then will come the turn strugglo against fascism.
acted to the crisis with terrific energy under the revolution.
of the Stalinists. That is the suHis policy of the last five years bolle of their helplessness in the face of unpre The two imperialist camps represented at same slogan.
Stalin next move will be a diplomatic apcedented deception and betrayal.
Munich the democratic and the lasciat showed In England, the paper of the Revolutionary shattered by a single blow at Mupreme irony that lies back of this proach to Hitler, and Hitler, in turn, will talk nich, stripped of the Western almonstrous frame up. common antagonism to the Soviet Union, business. But not on the basis of abstractions, Socialist League the British section of the Protest the trial of worker milliances with France and CzechoA LESSON IN REALISM Fourth International came out during the week antagonism to the state that was raised up by shibboleths, or principles Hitler principles itants in Barcelona! Their only of the acutest crisis with the inspring slogan of slovakia, for which he sacrificed The capitalist statesmen met in a closed room.
the October Revolution; with a gesture of conare as false and phoney as Stalin Hitler will crime was their effort to espouse the workers revolutionary move. They, the realists of imperialist politics, were tempt they thrust aside the Stalinist traitors Liebknecht, blazoned across the first page: The demand, and Stalin will offer, concessions, conthe cause of the working class In ment, for which he helped crush Main Enemy Is In Your Own Country.
not in the least concerned with senseless ab.
who have served them so well. Years long now, crete and tangible. breach in the foreign trade the struggle against. Fascism!
the Spanish and French revolu stractions about peace, honor, justice, democOn the very eve of the war crisis, with the Stalin has courted the favor of the imperialist monopoly, which will immediately undermine masters assembled at Munich, but this could tlons, Stalin is confronted with racy, etc. They discussed the redivision of the Flood the Spanish Embassy in prospect of a military explosion at any hour, Russian Industry and prepare its collapse? not win for him at the decisive moment a nod Washington and. the Loyalist world from a point of view that was exclusively delegates from all the most important countries, the choice of fighting Hitler unslice of the Ukraine, as a beginning of the disaided by any other powers, or materialistic. They weighed and measured the of recognition or an invitation to the conferGovernment at Barcelona with memberment of the Soviet Union. To show gathered in Switzerland and held the Foundaence. The miserable propaganda of Stalin and tion Congress of the Fourth International. This telegrams of protest! They must prospect of spilling oceans of blood with a coming to terms with Hitler. It good faith on the part of Stalin, a new trial, per Duranty is still a reliable baromhis prostituted hirelings in those days amounted much concern for the victims as four matter ofnot be permitted to hand these event, the historic significance of which is be hapa, new killinga? Litvinov head, as the revolutionary militants, first in eter of the Kremlin climate, It is fact butchers in a slaughter house. The only to nothing but a whining protest at this ingratyond exaggeration, testifies to the boundless rev.
scapegoat for the discredited policy of alliances itude.
friend of the masses in that room, the only the ranks against Fascism, over the latter idea which is now makolutionary vitality of the world wide movement with the capitalist democracies? Another purge to the hangmen of Stalin Negrin!
ing headway.
warning voice that spoke for perce, was that of NOT ENOUGH YET!
of resurgent Bolshevism.
of the Red Army on which the disappearance Parties Mark Time a uninvited and invisible guest the specter of Look, they said in effect Look, what Here, at home, we saw the same thing. The of Marshal Bluecher will be recorded as an adrevolution which could not be exorcised. That is While the initial maneuvers bewe ve done for you. We killed a whole genera 1, 000 Protest Stalinists showed themselves, once again, moro vance payment? Or, proceeding to a drastic sotion of revolutionists in Russia; we destroyed the only real force for peace, for delay, for postgin, the Communist Parties, conlution of the real conflict between the Soviet glaringly shameful than ever, as nothing but Resolutions protesting the per the Comintern; we butchered the red generals ponement of war that is left in this mad capthe disappointed office boys of the democratic verted by Stalin into flaccid in Union and all the imperialist countries, will sta secution of revolutionary milit italist world.
and demoralized the Red Army.
In move to direct attempt to restore private capitalist masters. The Keep America Out of ants by the Loyalist Government struments of his policies, are marking time. At Paris the little The inevitable war that may be postponed And the cold blooded imperialist masters War Committee, that preposterous fraud, with property and open up the Russian market to in Spain, demanding an open trial Stalins of il countries, headed by but not avoided is the price humanity must pay answered by their actions: you haven done papier mache fences around nothing at all the foreign exploitation. for the imprisoned leaders of the for the fallure of the workers, the progressive Browder and Thorez, met to conenough yet. You haven restored the system Keep America Out of War Committee couldn Bolshevik Leninists and of the STALIN WILL FALL class in society, to fulfill their historic mission, of private property. That is our real objectsider their dilemma and issued think of anything to do during the war crisis and the immediate refor their fallure to overthrow the decayed and ive. You, killing the Bolsheviks, by assas These are the questions which Manifesto to World Labor in constitute but to keep as mum as oysters, and to show lease of Russell Blackwell, Ameroutworn social system and replace it by social sinating the red generals, by disorganizing the only possible basis for rapprochement be about the same intellectual expression. Norman which they succeeded in nearly ican militant imprisoned in Bar tween Hitler and Stalin. Phantastic, you say.
Thomas Socialist Party, crawling back on its Soviet economy and demoralizing the Red 3, 000 words in leaving all doors ism. If the coming war is, by all signs, to begin celone, were adopted at the soas a new senseless Imperialist slaughter, with Army by all this you have only made it No, the whole course of Stalin has been leading hands and knees, to fusion with the socialopen under a veritable cloud of cialist Workers Party mass meetreactionary fascism on the offensive, it is the easier for us to attack the Soviet Union to straight to this end. If you read, in the near fu.
patriots of the old guard, saluted the war crisis meaningless phrases about ing at the Hotel Center Sunresult in the first place and let us never for gether with Hitler.
ture, some radical blustering in the Stalinist by missing three consecutive issues of their pa unity and the necessity for preday night.
venting per, the Socialist Call Chamberlain (how press, somo hints and threats of a new appeal is the result of the betrayal of the pro The third feature of the diplomatic crisis was The resolutions were presented letariat by the Social Democracy in the last war the diplomats fear of the masses, that unknown to the working masses of the world, you can how. from handing Spain over by George Novack, secretary of HOW OUR PARTY REACTED to the same fate meted out to and in the revolutionary struggles which fol understand it as the signal for the preparation quantity, that algebraic which cast its menthe American Fund for Political lowed it. In the second place it is the result of acing shadow over their conference.
of a new drastic turn to the right. Stalin and The Socialist Workers Party, the American Czechoslovakia Prisoners and Refugees and were Section of the Fourth International, alone rethe capitulation and betrayal of the German prohis clique, long ago, turned their backs on every The profound anti war sentiment was known unanimously adopted by the In this country Foster and letariat by the two partners in historic crime, to them. They also have memories of the past hope and prospect of world revolution. The buacted to the crisis in a manner worthy of revoHathaway, deputizing for Browmeeting the Social Democrats and the Stalinists.
war and its unforseen consequences. They recall reaucratic caste ts concerned only with self lutlonists. It gave a correct line, it gave informaThe resolution on the Barceloder, attempted in speeches at that it began with England as the dominant preservation, at any cost.
Pittsburgh to assert the greater tion, and Marxist interpretation of the events. na repressions was as follows: Its membership mobllized for action and sacrineed now than ever before to MASSES ARE AGAINST WAR Stalin, like dictators of the imperialist countries, both democratic and fascist, fears one empire of the Czer, that historie mainstay of fice, and in spite of all difficulties, brought out We, 1, 000 workers Assembled It is important for us, think, to take note cement and develop further the at Hotel Center, protest against of the main features of the war shaking crisis European reaction. Within two and a half thing above all the masses. And well he may.
the Socialist Appeal three times a week. The policy of collective security. But the continued deal with Hitler involving a breach of the years after the war began, the whole structure thrice a week Appeal is the symbol of a party persecution of revo which culminated in the Munich pact. The main the Fosters and Hathaways are tutionary militants by the Loyal.
of Czariam was in the dust and the mighty foreign trade monopoly, a cession of Soviet terthat is geared for crisis. That is the real test outlines are clear enough. The most positive little behind Duranty, whose fst government in Spain and its ritory, or an attempt to restore the system of upsurge of the Russian Revolution had upset of the quality and morale of revolutionary orfeature of the whole experience was the indubit car is closer to the Kremlin inemployment of the frameup the world balance in the west the United States. private property, may very well be the spark ganization, for revolution, itself, is the greatest able opposition of the masses to a new war.
side doors: Russla, he wrote methods of the resulting that will set off the revolutionary explosion in profiting by the dislocation and exhaustion of crisis.
This sentiment, as all observers testify, was must recognize the failure of in false arrests, imprisonments Russia, and bring Stalin to his downfall.
virtually universal. It manifested itself every the European nations, emerged from the war as its League of Nations and colIn preliminary test our party responded and assassinations.
the first power of the world, relegating England If Hitler, now fully armed and backed by Britworthily that gives us a certain confidence for where in every way that was open to the belective security policy. We demand that the leaders wildered masses to express themselves. Even to second place and starting the world wide ain and France, is ready to train the great guns its future. It also gives us the right to address of the Bolshevik Leninempire on the road Germany, where we have been falsely told so dissolution.
against the Soviet Union, that is the fruit of the a brief message to those militants outside its ists and other anti fascist groups What will be the consequences of the next betrayal of the German proletariat and the often that the fascist war lord rules with the enranks, who are sincerely seeking to work and imprisoned for many months be war. that is the question which paralyzed the shameful capitulation to Hitler in 1933. In 1932 thuslastie consent of the masses, the newspaper struggle in an organized manner for socialism. granted open trial with Counsel hands of the diplomats and disturbed their before Hitler came to power Trotsky sounded specially to Stalinist workers, we say: You correspondents testify to the profound dread of of their own choice and all the war which seized the people and their unredreams. Will we lose the war if we win it as prophetic warning. He said that Hitler, once must study and reflect on the experience, you necessary guarantees for their strained joy when it seemed to have been before? Will the multiplied efficiency of the must regain your proletarian health and sanity.
he crushed the German labor movement, and defense; and that an internationwar weapons bring crisis and revolution in six consolidated his internal position on the blood averted, Rid your system of the polson that has been al labor jury be permitted to be (Continued from page 1)
The spontaneous rejoicing of the masses in months instead of two and a half years? Will and bones of the workers, would reach an agreepumped into your veins. And most important of present at the proceedings.
sible without the truck drivers all countries was only superficially expressed in the American colossus extend and strengthen ment with France and England and become the all, get out of that pest house of deceit and On Blackwell support, and they are flatly on its hegemony stil more? The ineluctablo con spearhead of a new imperialist attack against homage to the statesmen who had condescended treachery. Leave the traitor party of Stalinism The resolution on Blackwell record against such a disasterous to postpone the conflict. At bottom it was an tradictions of all the capitalist nations and the Soviet Union. This warning, ignored and de and join with us in building an honest party of was as follows: of the world system as rided, like all of the wise words of Trotsky, is polley.
whole push them rerevolution. We, 1, 000 workers and friends Tobin Gets Big Backing expression of the profound opposition of the masses of all countries to another war. The lentlessly to war and yet the statesmen falter now approaching a horrible realization. The reEverything comes back to the problem of the and tremble in fear of the unknown.
of labor assembled at Hotel Cenparty, that is the great and outstanding lesson sponsibility rests exclusively with the betrayers The truck drivers stand was terrible experience of the holocaust of 1914 18 ter, having been informed of the and expltulators, the Stalinists and the leaders of the past twenty years. Without the revolu But Chamberian and Daladier are betrayers, emphasized in the plain language with its more than ten million dead and more detention of Negrete BlackTobin used to refute the argu than twenty million wounded and crippled and whino the Stalinists, who taught the masses to of the German Social Democracy, those swine tionary party, there can be no victory, but it well by the Loyalist government, who even went to the length of presenting themments of Green, speaking for the trust the capitalist democracies and their authenthe proletarian vanguard is organized, if it is Imed, with its hunger and starvation, its protest against the imprisonment council report. He pointed out armed with a correct program, disciplined and innumerable Infant victims of malnutrition, its to leaders. What puerile explanation of the selves in Hitler Reichstag and offering to col.
of this militant known for his delaborate as a loyal opposition.
trained for struggle and sacrifice, all things are that over 2, 000 telegrams came epidemics the whole horrifying mess of bloody collapse of their own policy! Chamberlain and votion to the cause of labor.
congratulating him for his first death and destruction all this still lives in the Daladier never promised to defend anything expossible. Once the small wheel of such a party WHOSE THE RESPONSIBILITY. We demand that the Loyalist plea and that unless the convenis geared into the great wheel of the historic memory of the present generation of humans, cept the imperialist interest of their class. They It is the fashion now to blame the German Government accord him an imtion really left the door open to How many lives will new war cost, now remained faithful to their class. It is the snivelprocess, the victory of the workers and the re mediate and unconditional release masses for the consolidation of fascism in Ger generation of humanity is assured.
from jail.
negotiations with the the We call upon the State De teamsters would build their own house.
industrialization program of the nifies that from one end of the partment to provide whatever Already in many Important laLeft Opposition, and by its sav country to the other the admin safe guarantees are necessary for his age policy of forced collectiviza Istrative personnel of the collect States.
conduct to the bor centers, Akron, Cleveland, United Minneapolis, San Francisco and tion, today It is able to cope with Ives will be decimated thus prothe truck the situation only by police mens ducing the same havoc as in insent to the Spanish Ambassador Copies of this resolution were Seattle, and dominant force drivers are the By WRIGHT ures and by extending the blood dustry. Far from alleviating the and the State Department at in the central labor unions, and (Continued from page 1)
The long suppressed news of the catastrophic collapse of Sovietume could not supply the village purgo to the collectives situation it can only speed the this means that Tobin peace lieves that the ranks can be betDenny reports a series of five disintegration of the collectives.
Washington and to the labor policy will carry great weight to ter the advantage of the entire labor brought together into a single or press. The crisis has extend even to agriculture, the one sphere in Are the collectives today. indistant Siberis alone. The defend carefully hidden thus far. But we long term naval construction plan controlled through being economy under Stalin regime is beginning to crop up in the world with goods and the peasant in repress.
turn sabotaged his production. trials in the last few weeks in This newest purge has been movement.
ganization, and tied closely to which the regime had felt itself most secure. Only a short while ago which the kulaks of yesterday ants are charged with disrupts can estimate its scope from the which we now certainly one or Strong Peace Sentiment in the government.
the Stalinists were broadcasting to the world the myth of a record The Lewis gesture and the fact The urgent desire of all milit, harvest.
suing the same policy. for the of grain deliveries namely, grain missar nominated by Molotov that the limit of 2, 050 naval that most unions have conant workers for re unification of tinually gone on record for unity tho and These boasts were used to cov emergency and is unceasingly point, Denny dispatch provides by which method the authorities Supreme Soviet Council last Jan and this may be taken is only planes would be expanded to 3, 000 with the of indicate how not blind them to this thoroughly er up the breakdown in the basic pressing for big harvests. us with a categorie answer. Yeg! obtain much of the grain for uary only 17 still retain their formal figure which will in restrong sentiment is for labor un reactionary motivation for Roose industries, in the production of TIMES, Oet. Not only have the collectives feeding the Industrial popular posts. Eleven members of the gov. ality be far exceeded.
ity. Reports in high circles velt intervention seeks to steel, Iron and coal and the acute Nobody belleves in a possibil failed to plant as much as they tion. In the trials the defendants ernment have already been persist that the of is go achieve through unification a nec. shortage of consumers goodsity of bread shortage, but the did last year, but they are negare, of course, presented as the purged, and at least six others retary of the navy, said at SchenCharles Edison, assistant tude from Lewis on peace nego the wartold was at least assured of an cow to wit, Trotzky bloc. The Stalin regime is tot ropean crisis had lessened oppositlations. Recognition of Industrial ing the strict control over labor ample stock of foodstufya. Nevar emergency!
Denny reports: In much or 1st Butt counter revolutering, nothing CD save it.
tion to naval expansion and BA sub normal crop is of itselt the best grain country millions tionary wreckers.
dustries. decisive issue will be ernment by the bosses whose gov head to threaten the regime by a calamity. common enough in of acres of grain have been out, Campaign Against Kulaks wakened the nation to the need the main demand of the grain strike, by failure to deliver Czariat Russia, but a thing of but this is still standing in the of such a program. That is the But what is most significant is immediate use to which the CzeUnity of the labor movement is grain to the government. Such the past in the Soviet Union, liq flelds unthreshed and suffering the resumption in the press of tions was advanced by Tobin that an immediate and imperative newere the boosts. And what is the planted forever by Stalin policy daily loss and deterioration. the campaign against the kulak formula for unity negotiachoslovakian events are being put in this country.
the of executive council cessity. From the point of view reality?
of collectivization, the world was Until the crops are actually In the trials themselves the defound impossible to refute. He of the interests of the workers, The New Emergency.
Witch Hunts Tomorrow told. It is explained away, of harvested the government can fendants are especially de Spy scares will turn tomorsuggested that there were any thus, this serves to that the The harvest has fallen far. be urge, by natural causes, the get its share.
nounced as former kulaks and points on which the A, of so much needed re unification of row into witch hunts against all low expectations. The yield is summer drought, etc. But con Recurrences of Grain Strikes former Whito Guards. The men and the 1o. committees coula labor ranks will prove of Instmilitant opponents of the arma80 poor that Harold Denny, altions last year were far worse, In every respect we have here a who are being shot and jailed are not agree, to leave thoge points ing value only if the drive for ments program and the war. It is reporting this disaster, com and yet the yield was far greater. recurrence of the grave situation none other than the administra(Continued from page 1) to prepare precisely this psychol to some unselfish, unprejudiced it by progressive unionists them ments as follows: This years some other causes must have created by the grain strike of tive staff of the collectives: col Budget WAS already studying ogy that the Roosevelt adminisselves is joined to the struggle reduction in yleld, it should be operated to reduce the crops the original kulak years ago. The lective farm chairmen, granary plans body or board to decide.
for asking the largest tration is now staging its spy for full intra unfon democracy, sald, while unfortunate, is by Prior to Stalin forced collective collectives are sabotaging govern managers, timekeepers, black peacetime naval appropriation in trial and announcing at the same Read the ilitant union policy, and No zation, it was no secret that poor ment grain deliveries!
smiths, tractor station managers history, far exceeding the stupen time that the country can expect above all against the war and the here believes there will be an crops were due to the fact that If years ago the Stalin clique and so on.
dous sum of 550, 917, 694 provided an enormous increase in the tow.
SOCIALIST war makers, whether these are actual bread shortage. But the peasants refused to plant more was able to meet the crisis by a The demands the press that for in the Naval Appropriation cring burden of armaments which found in Washington or in 18 government is generally under than would suffice for their own sharp shift in its economie policy, the purge continue until the last BiH last year apart from the the workers are already carrying APPEAL bor own house.
stood to be storing large food needs. Soviet Industry at that by adopting and distorting the enemies have been exposed alg 1, 000, 000, 000 appropriated for a lon their backs.