BolshevismDeath SentenceFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Twelve. Page Congress Issue of the Appeal Will Appear Next Week!
Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth International!
OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VO. II No. 45 New York, Saturday, October 15, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy o a WILL STALIN BOW TO HITLER?
DENIES REVIEW OF MOONEY CASE dichard. clique on the execu arguments of Italy and Ger BEGIN FULL DRESS SPY SCARE TO AID WAR PLANS Sailors Slated To Get National AFL Charter MILITANTS FACE LINDBERGH TREASON TRIAL; THE CULPRIT! LAYS DOWN NEW There is always a scapegoat IN SPAIN COURT when the Kremlin police LINE OF KREMLIN In ears. New and sensational Wants to Put House Frame up Hearings tra le due to time Maxelm het viena Sees No Obstacle In In Order Before Finally Open in Path of Such generals may soon be upon us.
FIGHT FOR PRESTIGE, NOT FOR UNITY But for a starter Moscow has War Comes Proposal Puts AFL Barcelona introduced to us the real cula Move Bureaucrats On prit of the Munich agreement With his timing obviously dic Charles Lindberg!
Hot Spots The long delayed trial of the Joseph Stalin is heading to tated by the war crisis, Roosevelt leaders of the and the Lindberg went to Moscow, ward a pact with Adolf Hitler, released on the same day last was feted, pawed and adored, if he can get it.
Over HOUSTON, Texas.
week two closely connected stateBolshevik Leninists in Spain beand returned to London, rements. One was the record of an Britain and France formed a shadowing in importance any gan on Oct. 11 in Barcelona, portedly, to tell a distinguished interview in which the President other development the Amer Dispatches on the opening of compact with Germany directed gathering that Germany air asked for an end of economic ican Federation of Labor 58th the hearings were extremely force could out fly and outfight against the Soviet Union.
saber rattling by business and the French, British, and Rusannual convention here was the its place a partnership of busivague. They did not give the Stalin answer is apparently sian put together. Worst of powerful plea of Dan Tobin, names of the defendants nor even ness with government as essential all, he was quoted as saying going to be an attempt to form nation progress.
teamsters international union the exact number of militants on that the Russian air force was a compact with Germany directed The second was a communicaTOM MOONEY president, for resumption of netrial. The precise charges were In chaos.
against Britain and France.
tion addressed to the of gotiations with the to likewise not specified in detail. Lindbergh word was apConvention and calling for peace To out woo Chamberlain and between the various opinions and According to the United Press parently quite enough. To be Daladier, Stalin will offer Hitler lleve Pravda, it turned the factions of labor, that is, for reHis first plea caused William one of the principal accusations a more enticing marriage portion wheels of history and decided unification of the LO, and the Green, of president, to was that by their activities the the issue of war or peace in. the produce and the markets of of adjourn the convention while the defendants gave the world the Europe two weeks ago. Who the Soviet Union.
Smile on Both Houses said Lindbergh was overimpression that the Loyalist Gov.
This is the new turn in Soviet Roosevelt has always, of rated?
course, been careful to picture tive council planned further straternment was extremist, thus givdiplomacy that has now come himself to the public as superior esy ing support the interventionist clearly into view.
to the claims of either business or Fight for Freedom Despite all efforts of the roac JOHN LEWIS Trotsky Prediction labor.
tionaries on the council to win (above)
Predicted in these columns last This is necessary in order to hide Goes On After Tobin to supporting a fight Varied Charges week by Leon Trotsky, it was the real function of the govern against the Tobin again confirmed in the New York Times New Setback ment he leads as the political WILLIAM GREEN Other indications were that the blasted away at a recommendaon Oct. 11 by Walter Duranty. right)
charges ranged from responsibilrepresentative of business against ity for the May, 1937, events in apologist extraordinary and spelabor. In this sense, this recent WASHINGTON, The retion of the council which precial pleader in chief for the Barcelona to collusion with the double pronouncement is only fusal of the Supreme Court to re cluded negotiations with the Kremlin and the another variation of the plague view a ision to free Tom Moo lo. and declared there could never Fascists and the illegal export of be peace until John Lewis, Trotsky wrote: We may now on both your houses theme ney, class war prisoner since chairman, was removed.
gold and art treasures Roosevelt Prepares expect with certainty Soviet dipwhich Roosevelt employed a year 1914, is a telling blow to attempts Lewis offers to Resign The prosecution was apparentand a half ago. This time it is a to secure pardon for this vetlomacy to attempt raproachement ly also planning to bring into For Anti Labor with Hitler at the cost of new resmile for both houses instead of eran of organized labor by de No sooner had the of court document allegedly treats and capltulations which in Legislation a pretended threat.
pending upon liberals and pro convention adopted the council found in the home of a their turn can only bring nearer Nevertheless, the very language gressive politicians. This cynical report with many abstentions leader proving his relations which Roosevelt used last week refusal will come as no surprise and objections, than Lewis an Observers at the of con ing lead by the Sailors Union of with Gen. Franco.
The Roosevelt administration the collapse of the Stalinist ollgarchy.
shows that he has now specific to the militant workers who long nounced he would resign as vention in Houston reported this the Pacific against government whether or not the three Bol is wasting no time in taking adDuranty confirmation, coming ally in mind the war crisis, and ago realized that only the united chairman on the very day week that delegates there are regimentation of Seamen. char shevik Leninist leaders impris. vantage of the European situsthe needs of American Imperial and determined pressure of the Green resigned from the of sympathetic to the request of the ter was expected at that time. oned for more than a year and tion to hasten this country prep three days later, was presented ism as it makes ready for the labor movement will force Moo Coming right after Tobin de Sailors Union of the Pacific for And secretary Landeberg accused along with the arations for war.
with his characteristic cynicism: war.
ney release from San Quentin Claration that There remains a possibilty the press that West leaders were actually among the con sound pati but of the art of American seamen in all Pacific Coast seamen were prepared to defendants in Barcelona was not dress spy scare, pointed up by makes the prosent leaders of Roosevelt is preparing in his prison. own way, for the national unity Even though two justices dis If necessary to obtain unity. coast, Guit and Atlantle waters. throw organizers into the marine indicated. Previous reports said the opening of German spy France and Britain sleep uneasily which 18 absolutely essential to sented in the opinton, no new the Lewis move caused conster Hurry Lindeberg left the conven: Industry in the AB of Lussed that the Loyadat overnment was trial this week in New York City. at night; namely, Kusso Ger the successful conduct of the war hearing will be held. This is a nation in top of circles. tion, apparently confident that a charter and supplied funds to asking the death sentence for action which Prospects for labor unity soared the charter would be granted. carry on the drive. However, ac these three alone.
Second is the preparation of man rapprochement cooperation finterests of imperialism. He in clearly indicates the attitude of this week in view of these swift This announcement comes on the of executive Commit Protests against this frame up for the virtual militarization of obstacle now to Russo German Protests Multiplled new counter espionage legisla instead of war. When you come tion which is only a thin cover down to brass tacks, there is no that is, he asks that all secondary who was frametl up by the Calif vites business to a partnership: the Court towards the worker develop and Tobin took in be the heels of a series of defeats tee until the convention, The of revolutionary militants in the workers.
differences be put aside so that ornia bosses twenty years ago. half of the 350, 000 organized truck suffered by East coast soamen friendship which Bismarck adDependence upon the Court or drivers carries tremendous weight at the hands of their leaders in Background of Conflict the nation may get ready unlSpain have been multiplying here Roosevelt himself announced at vocated so strongly save Hitler At present the majority of At and in Europe. delegation of Hyde Park that his administra fanatle fury against what he calls the American Fund for Polltical tion would launch an intensifted Jewish Bolshevism. But. Horr will have to be fought.
Industrial Survey Made nually met with defeat. In 1917 ion Affiliated to the of Izational drive on the east const ganized in the National Maritime to Gonzales Pena, Loyalist minjustices on the Court has conti: are the largest international un possibility of a vigorous organ.
a review was refused. In January, but also because the truck driv. by the of The War Department is even 1985, the Court told Mooney heers occupy strategic position in Union. This organization was ister of justice, when tators can change their minds.
WALS The Real Menace now completing its survey cover July, last month. resolution of fow days later the New York. Suppose Hitler declines to imhas been listing and classifying back to the State tribunals, but ing the terms of this cooperation, in the California court. He went fare against the is impos that the entire of Lwas the support of the seamen by workers at the Socialist Work will actually mean. The legisla armies against winter, typhus, every industrial establishment in the California Supreme Court de(Continued on page 2) prepared to support the fight be (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
tive program now in preparation and mud, backed by tanks and the country, and arranging the cided against him to includes the Poat said, the fol guns and alrplanes of selflowing vital point: supporting industry. Suppose Herr Hitler prefers the iron and to the structure of the war time to NW. Johnmove torty. male. In the Coming Elections Complete government control coal of Alsace Lorraine to the economy, of the operation and personnel of distant riches of Russia Donetz Business naturally expects and tion for an original writ of habeto renew a three year old applicaall factories manufacturing milit Basin. There is no reason to be will get, its own ary equipment.
as corpus lleve that Russia would refuse partnership. Charles Hook.
president of the National Associatenge Committee has announced The Tom Mooney Molders DoPractically every major de collaboration with Germany or partment of American industry is shed tears over the ultimate fate Lion of Manufacturers, made this that pardon would be sought clear in his speedy reply to the from the Governor of California.
engaged in one way or another of France and the British EmIn the tenth year of the economic depression, the American You can build a successful trade union. by relying on the in building up the American war pire.
President suggestion. Denying working class finds itself organized economically as never before good will of the bosses; that gives you, in the end, only a commachine. Mines, steel mills, rub. New Mass Murders any saber rattling by business, Declaring that Russia must reHook insisted that the partnerin its history. During this decade the American workers have ber plants, railroads, shipbuildpany wnion.
ers, and so on down the line. tire upon itself, Duranty added ship would have to be based on been learning that they must band themselves together as workers, In exactly the same way, you can build a successful political Where does the list end? This the following menace laden fore. industrial peace (1. e. no in their own trade unions, controlled by themselves, in order to party for labor by relying on the good will of boss politicians; legislation means that the govcast: Which will probably mean strikes. Business men, ibat gives you, in the end, only a new name for a boss party.
ernment intends to place the an Intensification of anti foreign wrote, and investors have been down below the level of human endurance.
worried by fears of excessive regJust as it has its own trade unions, so does labor bave to workers of the country under the sentiment and of the cruel camulation and taxation (I. e. re Convention Draws The workers have learned that the interests of the bosses in Iron heel of military rules and paign against all who do not acbave its own party, run by and for labor, and answerable to labor regulations.
cept the Kremlin volce as the duce these if you want us to be the matter of wages and hours are diametrically opposed to the Just as trade wnions have got to fight against the bosses on the Plans for Antivoice of God.
Any worker who protests, we quiet. Some of the emergency interests of the workers; that the bosses are not giving away economie field, so does labor political party have to fight the may be sure, will promptly be Stalin takes will be accompanied words legislation of the past few years must be submitted to careful reHague Fight anything for nothing; that only militant struggle against the parties of the bosses on the political field.
vision (e. repeal or amend to bosses gets any results.
For workers to be organized to support the candidates of ceive the full weight of the penal by new mass persecutions, new By WIDICK frame up trials, new executions.
death no progressive features of On the basis of this knowledge, the workers have built up ties attaching to that charge.
the Democratic or Republican party is not labor politics, but Labor Secretary That is the tentative picture the the of and the Railway Brotherhoods to just a labor cloak for boss politics. For a trade union leader to All the Trimmings In conclusion, he charmingly Duranty gives of the current calNEWARK, strong de a total of around 10, 000, 000 membership.
run on the Republican or Democratic ticket does not make him That is what is in prospect. In culations of the Soviet Bureauobserves that business men are sire for unity with the of a labor candidate, but shows him as a sell out boss candidate.
the meantime the country is in cracy. Duranty article in itself by nature optimists. Well they was the outstanding sentiment at But during the past two or three years the workers have for a good old time spy scare, represents a feeler from the might be on the problem of gov the two day convention of begun to learn an even harder lesson: the lesson that organization With fascism advancing everywhere in the world, and with with all the trimmings, villainous Kremlin in Hitler direction, crnment: they know that in the unions here that set up a state on the economic field, no matter how wide or how strong or how war hanging like a storm cloud on the near horizon, labor does Agents with guttural accents, last analysis their government, council.
How far it will go, what Stalin successful, is not, by and of itself, enough. The tremendous and not have much time left in which to build a fighting party of beautiful red haired sirens, and will offer, what Hitler will dewhether run ostonsibly by Old Aspirited demonstration folits own.
handsome, square jawed sleuths mandare all questions that the Deals or New Deals, will always lowed the unanimous approval of unprecedented sweep of trade unionism during this past decade The great task for every militant worker in the present elec to prevent the agents of the doing and dying for Uncle Sam coming weeks may answer.
do their bidding.
a resolution calling for unity, and has not been able to stop wage cuts, layoffs, unemployment and Unity For War the delegates instructed the new insecurity, nor to remove the threat of fascism and war.
tion campaign period is to agitate, in every meeting, forum and Kaiser pardon me, of HitlerStalin Stakes The crucial problem in achiev. ly formed state executive com Therefore, the workers are beginning to draw the approdemonstration for independent labor politics, for a clean break from getting the Intest details on the major stake Stalln can lay ing national unity, however,. smittee to attempt to coordinate priate conclusion: that workers must organize politically, as well with boss politics and boss candidates, and for a bold, fighting their scootle resistant underwear on the table and we may be designed for the special use of sure Hitler will demand no less the integration of the labor move the activities of the the program around which labor politics can be built.
as economically, that they must add to their economic instruthe railroad ment into the war machine. Roo of L, and army staff officers. is the abrogation of the foreign ments the trade unions the weapon of political power, if they sevelt believes that this is serl. brotherhoods in the state.
pression, in November, 1938, there is not a single genuinely yewash, spying is a regular part of Kuwait to Capitaliste exploitas ously handicapped by the division Plan Fight on Hague are to be able to defend and advance their interests.
in labor ranks. He is afraid The fight inst May Hague hundred symptoms Labor Non Partis League independent mass party of labor adhering to such fighting of International relations among tion; in other words, the final act the that one or the other part of the was another main theme of the labor intervention in Primaries and local and State workers program.
the capitalist powers. They have in the liquidation of the coneven accorded It polite and requests dual labor movement will break convention. The Steel lodges Inin several States, however, there are party organizations, spectable recognition in the form the October revolution, elections show the beginnings of this new knowledge.
away from subjection to the war, troduced a very good resolution partially or wholly independent of the boss parties and supported of exchanging military and naval to achieve by the war he is now This is what Hitler would seek and will become the vehicle for on how to struggle properly However, misled by those both outside of and within their the expression of the actual anti gainst the Hague machine. It em ranks who fear the growth of labor political power, workers are by decisive sections of the organized labor movement, which are attaches who are nothing but planning against the Soviet Unwar sentiments of the workers. phasized the need for more inde forgetting or overlooking the necessary rules that have been putting independent candidates forward in next month elec spies in uniform.
ion and for which he is making Relying, and with good reason, on pendent action and self reliance tion. In particular this is the case with: the Farmer Labor Party New Arms Program the devoted social patriotism of by the labor movement. The taught, at great cost, by labor experience on the economic field.
his spectacular expansionist drive in Minnesota; Jaspar McLevy Socialist Party in Connecticut; the The real reason for the trial into eastern and southeastern Eu.
the officialdom of both sections struggle against Hague was a The chief of these rules is simply sbis: labor succeeds only Old Guard Socialist Party in the Reading, Pa. local elections; and became public a few days ago rope. This is what Stalin would of the labor movement, he be major topic in Carney report by its own independent efforts, only by its own militant and the American Labor Party in New York.
when it was announced in Wash offer him without a war if in the (Continued on page Continued on page 2) independent struggle.
Ington that the Bureau of the deal the privileges of the Stalinist (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 8)
tedly for the war which soon even upon the so called liberal not only because the teamsters the here. It heralds the lantle and Gulf seamen are or Prisoners and Refugees protested drive against the spy menace. Hitler is not immortal and die terms in the For Independent Labor Politics!
NEW JERSEY CALLS FOR UNITY prevent the bosses from slashing wages and living conditions he