BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyMarxismMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL OCTOBER 10, 1938 Czech Parties Long Prepared Fast Action By Sailors For Authoritarian Regime Wins New Shepard Pact the resistance for the patinademocratic Roosevelt ei ole esinst the Marxist Jewish einum functionarie received throport. ser el present by one per center med lite men working can the Shepard Several days after the wind faseist tendencies with their reformist partners in of the powerful Czech labor move ruse to renew their agreement militancy of the sailors and firetheir of President to come to deal with him and new boundaries represent far on the part of any shipowner, and has shut down completely the Czech National So Germany. If it were up to them greater proportion of the total to force the Shepard com city four newspapers.
Coming CIO Convention HITLER SPEEDS Faces Stalinist Issue EASTWARD DRIVE AGAINST SOCIALIST APPEAL tatorship upon the outbreak of the war, or even at the serious threat of war. This same dictatorial Vol. II No. 44 Monday, October 10, 1988 trend is to be found also in the anti union ref.
Published every week by the erendum measures now on the ballots in the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Far West. Labor, the ruling class figures, must (except for times weekly during first two be hamstrung before the war begins.
Militant Display Quickly Brings Line weeks of October, 1938 only)
In the face of this prospect, workers too must By KELLER even for those circles who until at 116 University Place, New York, conclude that they will utilize the time that While Hitler tightens the noose This is the third of a series now opposed it.
To Heel After Attempt to Utilize Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 neck of Czecho of articles on future develop Compared to the other Europeremains for preparation for preparation against around the Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six slovakia by raising his demands an post war states, the Czechs the war and war makers. And we must realize ments in Czechoslovakia result. Back Stabbing for territories and reparations, months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order that it is against the war makers in our own ing from the partition at the lived in grand style. clique of the Czech bourgeoisie is in turn rich upstarts, a new, robust cents per copy. Single copies cents.
SAN FRANCISCO Militant ac Shepard line ship, as she docked country that we must direct the main fight.
Munich conference and the inAll checks and money orders should be made tightening the noose around the middle class was nourished by a tion of the West coast sailors and in San Francisco. The sallors Labor and all those against the war must be neck of the Czech working class.
vasion by Germany and Po.
out to the Socialist Appeal widespread regime of govern fremen forced the Shepard and firemen walked off the ship.
Entered as second class matter September 1, organized for struggle, must be called to do The resignation of President land. The next article will deal the wealth of the non Crech pror company to renew its closed shop and they were followed them to be Benes, which was taken for grant with the problems of the labor 1937, at the post office at New York, New York agreements with the Sailors Un picket line by men from other battle against the war makers, against the leader under the Act of March 3, 1879.
ed, was closely followed by an inces. re distribution of the ion of the Parific and the Marine departments of the crew.
of the United States war machine: Franklin understanding between Prague ation. Ed.
movement in the present sitsshrunken national wealth and in Firemen for one more year. Displaying the solidarity that MAX SHACHTMAN Delano Roosevelt.
and the Clerical Fascist camp of come is now inevitable. Thou few days after the agree has made the west const unions the Slovak Autonomists. In solsands of enterprises are doomed ment was signed, Joe Curran and famous, the stevodores and teamHAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE There is overwhelming mass support for the Associate Editors emnly announcing autonomy for Istic cooperatives of the Agrarian to bankruptcy. Tens of thousands his stalinist wrecking crow from sters announced that is far as enactment of the bill for a popular referendum Slovakia, they hastened to de party, the latter became from the of petty bourgeois will lose safe the realizing that they they were concerned the wind STANLEY, Business Manager on war. That support must be given fighting, clare: We take our stand be very beginning of the republic the positions. Hundreds of thousands could not worm their way in, de Rush was hot and refused to militant expression, until it hammers against side those states that are lined unchanging axis of table gov of workers will be thrown on the cided to lay off the sailors and handle any of her cargo.
War On War Makers!
forces the hand of the President ideology.
cial function it import its population 40 since. The west coast unions were Rush was tied up, the Shepard (Continued from page 1)
ant economic concessions and Congress who aim to smother the will of Logical Development it became the center of the new able to win their victory in spite line tried to break the solidarity of the disruptive tacties of Cur of the unions by offering to sign of the country know that. the United States the majority Thus the shift in the Czecho. Occupying more and more of republie.
the decisive positions in the state, Naturally in the life and death ran, whose was prepared an agreement with the Marine is involved in the crisis as fatally as every other Every step of the preparations, every move in slovak system of government is so that they virtually merged with struggle for the maintenance of to sign any fink agreement with Firemen. The firemen refused to great power, that the United States will have the direction of militarism must be countered. be an error to attribute this speed the state apparatus, the Agrarians profits, the working class will be the shipowners so long as they sign unless an agreement was to enter the war, and that they intend to pre The plans of the war makers must be denounced to the National Socialist art of sought still more power. Because the first object of attack. If the could break the and signed jointly with the sailors.
pare to drag the people of the country into and exposed from every platform and at every Gleichschaltung (the Nazi slo prices for the urban populations tolerated workers rights as a With the threat of a strike ty.
of their policy of high agricultural Czech bourgeoisie has up to now Notice of Non Renewal ing up every Shepard line ship on the war whatever the wishes and needs of the meeting and demonstration.
are now witnessing in the inner and low industrial prices for the kind of overhead expense for its Several weeks ago the Shepard both coasts, the shipowners de people may be.
The great sentiment against the war of imconditions They are not going to lose a minute. From perialist plunder must be made unmistakably only the emergence of authorit wages for the workers. the Agra ocratic Front, now it will alm lines sent notice to the cided that they had better sign now on the entire strength and resources of the and irrevocably known. Let the ruling class un arian and rlans came into constant collision resolutely toward the liquidation to the effect that they would re up. The company realized that the Administration and the ruling class will be con derstand that if it plunges the country into its which have long been concealed the government. Soon they began ment.
with the union which expired on men was too hard to buck.
centrated on the main problem of preparing the under the thin shell of disciplined to see a way out in a moderate Once more the and the war for profit it and its cohorts will be swept The coming period will be rich Sept. 30. week later the fire Marine Firemen have taught the country for war, preparing it in armaments and aside, overthrown by the mass indignation democracy.
It is no exaggeration to say would use the existing legal lim no lack of means to spread divi asteement had ended also authoritarian government which in Inner struggles. There will be men were notified that shipowners the lesson that the preparing it psychologically.
aroused against the war.
that in the last few years pracitations on civil rights to crush son and fanaticism among the trying for some time to avoid any lowering of their standard of The Shepard lines have been organized seamen will not tolerate Under the mask of speeches by State De To act in this way, to direct our fire against tically all the political parties of the workers.
partment representatives about disarmament and the crucial danger and the main enemy the the Czech bourgeoisto have been shaken by the fever of fascism. In Opposed Western Orientation tionalist workers now about to be signing an agreement with the living. The commisers world conferences it is certain that the govern enemy at home is not at all to desert Our all these organizations, the demowith increasing worries, they plunged into misery. Allied with with the hope have also been taught that the ment will build more and more rapidly a mil brothers and comrades in Europe, to give up the cratie elements have been on the also watched the changes in the those of Henlein followers who that they would be able to sign seamen refuse to stand for their itary and naval machine such as has never fight against Hitler and Hitlerism. On the defensive.
ention of forces in the interne will remain minority in Cre the permettop fink agreement with a percepteres. tactics or their fink been seen in history. The next Congress will contrary: it is the only way in which to aid The main force of Crech de tional Beld. Scenting good bust choslovakia, they will unleash The commisar bawe Wilkesbarre Guild have before it proposals for armament appro our European comrades, the only means whereby mocracy was the Social Demoness with a Germany in want of chauvinist fury against the nucratic party. It clutched with all foodstuffs, they were not only merous socialist workers of Ger been slandering the West const sailors and firemen with the story priations which will make those of the last to defeat Hitlerism. Rooseveltian imperialism its numerous functionaries had determined adversaries of the man nationality.
Closes Four Papers that the Shepard beef of the Anti Semitism will Spread Congress look like chicken feed.
will not defeat Hitlerism: Roosevelt war will acquired through ten years of the ties with France and the Anti semitism will also play a and was a WILKES BARRE, PA comThe Administration plans likewise to push only make certain the triumph of fascism and leading role. As in Germany, it jurisdictional raid. The fight mittee composed of of and through the next Congress revisions of the dictatorship in all countries, including most de Since 1985 it was assisted by the League of Nations, Stalinists, the democratie out While keeping their left wing will provide pretext for ecco he renewal of the agreement with representatives sought this Neutrality Laws which will put all power even cidedly our own.
more fully into the hands of the Executive, with We can defeat Hitler and Hitlerism only if Bilders who renounced revolution in the government, the real bosses nomie ex propriation. Some 300, 000 to prove parentines was conducted week to settle thicesterlike boete the in the interests of the Czech of the Agrarian group sought in main almost completely within the coast unlons of open shop policies gainst the four newspapers which out any kind of check even from the Legislature, we join with our brothers in all countries, in Russian alliance.
secret negotiations with Henlein much less from the people.
Germany and Italy and Japan as well as in Even the party campaign is already started as the Ameri France and England, to fight against the entire Benes, the cialists, which moves on the bor Czechoslovakia would have been They have been occupying domin their agreements which have pro men have issued news bulletins population than in the Reich. pany in particular to live up to During the strike, the guildscan Legion Convention, for example, showed international cabal of the war makers. Our job, der line between the petty bour transformed a long while ago in ant positions in industry and com vided better wages, living con over a local radio station giving to put on the statue books the laws already if we are really to accomplish it, must begin un geolsle and the labor aristocracy to a neutral like Switzerland merce and are therefore disliked ditions, and safeguards for the coverage of all important events drawn up for the institution of a military dic. compromisingly at home.
had to undergo several blood with a corporative regime and by their bourgeois competitors as seamen who sall the ships.
lettings through fascist splits. secret pact against the Soviet and they have covered their rege The National Democratic Party. Union.
Fast Action The present catastrophic of the masses. Even the liberal well as by the backward sections ular work beats. Refusal of the to them the erstwhile bezochu strain greatest politike e cumpere andre din journalist, Peroutka, ex President notification of the termination of papers ar publishecary scan komerton many Hall, has been completely important opportunity for their months ago in justification of the committee of 33 sailors was on Guild in foreing suspension of the welcoming crews have greatly elded the disintegrated by fascist tenden special economic interests.
It is obvious that after the Rumanian ally.
anti semitio measures of he hand to greet the Wind Rush, al papers.
No Mass Movement dismemberment of Czechoslov The essential thing in the SOCIALIST. APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL akia, the authoritarian wing of (Continued from page 1) peace, force peace on a reactionBut all the fascist organize the Agrarians will take over the and Jews) is the fact that in our wood Broun, president of the ary basis the argument, tions which arose from these helm of the state. If the govern country the proportion of Jews in Can be obtained at the following Newsstands American Newspaper Guild, America has stood long enough (Continued from page 1)
splits, though at times very ment keeps its present military public and economic life does not NEW HAVEN, Conn.
to President Roosevelt that he for the quarrel in the family of create a fact finding board which labor. We can not allow two childency to jump in with both feet strong, were unable to create a cast, the loot will remain in the exceed certain reasonable limit. at University Place, at Church St. bet. Chapel Center Fourteenth St. Nodelman Newsstand, really decisive mass movement could study the A, of dren to continually jeopardize the Into the German camp is pow For a variety of reasons the cupied the war ministry for a even, among this reasonable peo W: at Fourth Ave. at family, for the Agrarians who oc Should it exceed this limit, then Broadway, at Fourth Ave. CHICAGO dispute and then lay the basis for welfare of the nation through erful one, however, and as Ger Czech ruling class was compelled decade filled the entire People ple the Czechoslovaks) a storm Fourth Ave. SE. a and 2) at 160 Wells, Rm. 308 peace.
their squabbling. Public opinion man strength increases, that tento maintain the external forms of army apparatus with Agrariansundoubtedly would rise.
Cor. 67th Blackstone Admitted says they should be spanked, etc. dency will undoubtedly prevail.
Cor. 12th Kedzio The utter hypocrisy of the use First of all, large sections of of Fascist tendencies.
The of convention at etc. etc.
Now the time is ripe for this W; opp. Jefferson Theatre: et News, 37 Monroe Houston, Texas, admitted the In. Under the guise of outlawing of the slogan of self determine the Czech middle classes were An Imperative Necessity storm. The anti Marxist and the Second Ave. at Sixth Ave Ceshinsky Bookshop ternational Typographical Union jurisdictional disputes (c. tion by the imperialists has been still comparatively satisfled with But the transition to new anti Jewish campaign will hold St. 12th St. and University PL. Zettlemeyer, 687 Hamilton St.
ALLENTOWN, PA on a six months probationary po of L) as in England, Roose completely revealed, however, in the positions gained in the newly authoritarian regime in Czech the foreground of the Internal 10 E: Candy Store, 75 Greenwich Otto Yost, 383 Hamilton St.
riod despite the refusal of the velt can hog tie the American these last few days. Germany is created state. Moreover. the Slovakia is not simply a question of Czechoslovakia. And the work. Ave.
1806 North Franklin St.
PHILADELPHIA tribution to the of war interpretations of the cause. Yet its economic and strategic value in the burden of economic the political fractions of the bour has been decelved by treacherous wat Ave. at Sixth Cor. 13th and Market Sts. he could easily sell the idea of and without regard to the ques crises onto the non Czech regions. geoisie. Under the new economic leaders will have to face the real Ave. at Seventh Ave. Cor. 11th and Market Sta.
Setting up the national Outlawing jurisdictional disputes tion of the population. Some of In addition, the destruction of the circumstances, the turn to the Aght against fascism: the light opposite Sterns; 103 44th st.
40th St. Girard Ave.
8th St. Arch St organization does not necessarily by the fake arguments: 28.
and Delancy Sta: Book QUAKERTOWN, Penna.
mean a wider split in the labor merely want to protect labor Him is overwhelmingly populated democratic and the labor organ. right is an imperative necessity against its own bourgeoisie Czechs would have been possible store at Grand and Attorney Sts; Esser Newsstand movement. It is primarily a de from hurting itself through un by Crechs.
Candy Store, 9th St. and Real Motives fensive measure of the o. necessary and stupid feuds, and only through collaboration with Front West Broad Sts.
we want to prevent any injustice The fresh demands backed by the fascist forces of other naStore, 12th St. and Second Ave; which Lewis hopes will give him BOSTON, MASS.
to the employer who is the in Poland and Hungary for cessiontionalities.
Wigerson, 145th St. and St. Nichmore power and prestige in any Andelman s, Tremont st. opp.
of parts of Slovakia and Ruthenia But the basis of Sudeten, Sloolas Ave; 110th St. and Columbus possible negotiations with the Anocent bystander.
CAMBRIDGE, MASS. of Roosevelt wants national uni to the latter country has nothing vak, Ruthenian, Hungarian and BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th Felix s, Massachusetts Ave. at The Broun proposal, coming ty in time of war. And the re: whatever to do with racial self Polish fascism consisted precisely St; Jerome Ave, and 167th St.
Harvard Square right on the heels of President cent events in Europe revealed termination. The Slovaks were in its irréconcilable oppoaltion to NEW YORK Progressives in and on the Executive Board was Copp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, LYNN, Mass.
Roosevelt message to the how. audekly was canceR00: always treated almals by their the imperialist domination of the Local 453, Teachers Union, Immediately discarded after the 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave 54 Central Sq. Rm. 12 Sam Corner, Olympia Square ROXBURY, MASS.
without question was Lewis in special sito portation to unity, war days and the Ruthentans, or to unite against the Marxists FOL, are being investigat Bdministration sot control. Mem. Jerome and Burnaldo Aves: 100th the Friendly Variety, Warren St. is anxious to place further role of Roosevelt towards Inbox Sub Carpathian Russians, have no failed because of the separatis ed by the Stalinist controlled ad bership meetings are conducted St. and Prospect Ave: Allerton racial affinity whatever with the tendencies ministration in connection with in the most dictatorial manner Ave. Station Freeman Ave. and of the Southern Boulevard; 174th St. Grove Hall)
pressure on of lenders for unity is the significance of the Hungarians.
The consideration fascists.
resumption of negotiations. coming o. convention. here too is economic and strate Moreover, the Czech fascists legal election of the Local dele cos tion Project in protesting the 11 Windy reports on the great suc Ave. East Moabula Subway Sta. Labor Book Store, 919 Marque in Ave.
Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; The action the of The Main Issue gle. The races involved are merely feared German Intervention in gates to the recent pational con demands from the admin BROOKLYN: Havemeyer and Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
convention towards the typogra John Lewis and the entire the victims of this game.
the event of evil war. And since vention of the American Federa Istration but without any back. 4th Sts. Tompkins and Myrtle ST. LOUIS MO.
phical union shows that Green now have to face squarely In desperate efforts to stave of the Stalinist Peoples Front dim. tion of Teachers.
ing in facts.
Aves. Strauss st. near Pitkin Frey Co. intend to pursue a the following question. win the complete obliteration of the state inished the immediate threat of Ave. Sutter Ave. near Van Sinall the Pay, cits which were given to deren Ave.
410 Washington Blvd.
This investigation smarter course in the future in American workers run the CI. that is left to them, the Czech proletarian revolution, the fascists CLAYTON MO.
dealing with sympathizers or is Lewis giving control of the bourgeoisie this week made haste were kept in the background. earmarks of another frame up. the workers have never been pro LONG ISLAND: 23rd St. 46th The Book Nook, 21A Meramac within the of C. to the Stalinists by making to arrive at a new arrangement Disguised Fascists Many leading progressives have tested except by post card and Ave. Crescent st, and Bridge YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio Roosevelt Role a bloc with them?
not been invited to the hearing letter writing campaigns. Pleket Plaza 27th St. and Bridge Plawith Germany, Frantisek ChvalNevertheless the fascist penetra as yet, while workers who have lines were turned into cheering a Nick s, Wick St. and Commerce very grave danger exists in Who shall run the That returned to Prague from Rometion of Czech parties continued not been on for some time squads for Roosevelt, who had SAN FRANCISCO the role that Roosevelt has as is the question which Lewis can. where he had been ambassador to progress. We hlargest potentia have been summoned and in ad ordered the cutting of reliet ROCHESTER, MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
sumed in regard to the feud be, not avoid answering publicly at for five years, and left at once for a leading party of Czechoslov Stooges received letters asking gled Banner replaced Solidarity 433 Clinton St.
Fillmore Bookstore tween the and the of the national convention.
Sutter Fillmore Sta.
257 Clinton St.
Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts. and his intercession in the LOS ANGELES Reports from Washington say present. The progress Forever and anyone who objects Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
matter can have disastrous con. that Lewis is alarmed at the tre Europe, to treat with the Fuehrer. sklothe Czech Agrarians, Sup: them to satisfied strata of ives are preparing to meet this is promptly labeled a Trotskyite. cor. Main Clinton Sts.
233 Boho Boom 312 1541 sequences for the Independence of mendous strides the Stalinista nancial and industrial interests peasants who had benefited after situation with the widest possible Park Ave.
the American labor movement have made towards capturing the Cor. Main South Ave. Smith News, 5th Mein Sta.
Modern Book Shop. 509 5th St.
Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn abroad this summer to study that much when the beneden od dear ister of Commerce Imrich Kar and wapende now, kept economie been held because William Lev the ranks and the welding to Reitman s, cor. Broad William Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
English and Swedish labor conds to place Stalinistea organizers vas, in the new Prague Govern ally dependent by the monopol ner, one of the officials was not gether of all progressive elements cor. Hawthorne Ave. Reeves Pl. Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
tions primarily because he want in return for unqualified support of the National Federation of granted him by Parliament, al with their around when the progressives, has the Stalinists worried and the PATERSON, SAN DIEGO, Call A, Guabello Stationery Store opinion toward support of similar captive of the Stalinists but the The entire press in Berlin and of a little Bonaparte, threatening Universal News Co. 212 way ed to orient American public Lewis does not want to become Manufacturers, left for Berlin. ready began to assume the alrs appointed hour arrived at the impending frame up is the opening gun in a campaign of slander, 317 Straight St.
Sweet Shop, 2526 Brooklyn Ave.
Democracy Dumped and attempted expulsions. This Pore his commission sailed abroad Lewis tried to take over the auto relations between Germany and speculating over what financial ect is one of the few projects be met with solid resistance, and The Workers Education Pros Workers Education Project will attempt Investigate the Roosevelt knew the facts of la workers union by the device of Czechoslovakia.
bor conditions abroad, but wanted publicity for those ideas. Committee which was rejected by Prague also sought to stave off THREE BOOK COMBINATION: to deal with the acute eco cratic thumb of the Stalinists the role of the fakers will be Not Guilty. Report of the Commission of Inquiry The second step in Roosevelt the founding convention. Yet the the amputation of Slovakia by nomic crisis.
strategy is to appear as the Stalinists succeeded where he the Slovaks and creating a vir in ealm and He demanded the right to work the first to realize the need of orMany of its workers were among exposed in the labor unions, into Moscow Trials) Selling at 50 friend, counselor and mediator in failed, and Lewis knows it.
silence and ganization for workers Leon Trotsky: The Revolution Betrayed Selling at. 59 tual dual regime in the country haughtily informed the press: It and were largely responsible for ASK FOR THE APPEAL the dispute in the family of laThe Case of Leon Trotsky (Mexican hearings)
bor. Public opinion will be moldin which the Slovaks will enjoy is not my habit to confide my securing an of charter CORRECTION relative equality with the Czechs plans to anyone. Thus goes de for educational projects two years AT YOUR NEWSST AND Selling at.
ed, and considerable union sup 49 Daladler Acta His Role port obtained, for Roosevelt promocracy on its path toward an ago. It has ploneered in the field Combination on the above. 98 In the last issue of the soposed actions whatever he may Meanwhile in France Daladler, authoritarian dictatorship in of workers education in New cialist Appeal, a typographical with semi dictatorial decide.
New Polish Pamphlet powers France!
York and at the same time was Two book Combination: Two book Combination: And what could be sweeter for error appears in Trotsky interview the Cuban press.
continually forced to ward off Proletarjat Not Guilty. 50 Not Guilty 50 Roosevelt war plans, and for blows of the Stalinists who made The sentence. the demohis national prestige in middleI am interested in the activities of the Socialist Workers every attempts to get control of Zdradzony The Case of Revolution Betrayed. 59 cratic problems of Mexico have class circles, than to have him Party and in the Socialist Appeal. Please send more informa this important section of the Leon Trotsky Daleje Ruchu Rewolucyjnego. 49 no progressive and revolusponsor and obtain through contlonary character should obtion to: union.
By KONARSKI 09 gress legislation toreing labor viously be changed to. THE All democratic pretenses have 99 unity on a basis similar to proDEMOCRATIC been dumped overboard in the PROBLEMS Order From Combination price 89 visions in the British Labor DisCombination price 79 frantlo attempt of the adminisOF MEXICO HAVE PROputes Act.
Address Liga Robotnikow Polskich tration to afflate the Local to Add 10c per copy for postage Station An Imposed Peace GRESSIVE. AND. REVOLUevery stooge organization of the City New York, NY.
Roosevelt can and will, unless LABOR BOOK SHOP TIONARY CHARACTER.
Communist Party. Proportional 102 pages 25 Cents 28 EAST 12th STREET, the labor movement itself makes representation on all committees MANEAMT XORK CITY Stalinists Try Frameup In New York WPA Project non Czech the action of the Workers Educa. and the agenda Alled with long. Boston Rd. Kingsbridge Rd.