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JAMES CANNON, National Secretary of the and NATHAN GOULD, National Organizer of the just back from Europe, will speak on the WAR CRISIS IN EUROPE AND THE MEANING OF THE MUNICH PACT, at the CENTER HOTEL, 108 West 43rd Street, SUNDAY, October 9, at P.
MASS MEETING Socialist Appeal For The Fourth Workers Of The World Unite!
New Attempt Made To Deeply Involved EASTWARD DRIVE Frame Leon Trotsky In World War Crisis The Only Fight Against War HITLER SPEEDS EASTWARD DRIVE SOCIALIST REVOLUTIONS AGAINST All Central Europe Passing Under Goldman Challenges Dies Agent On There is a grave danger that American workers will Nazi Heel Slanderous Charge Alleging 703 ST look upon the crisis through which we have been passing The technical provisions of the Trotsky Fascist Link as a purely European affair. This attitude is, in fact, Munich agreement concerning the being aggressively put forward by the great bulk of the territorial cessions to Germany fresh attempt to frame up Leon Trotsky came to light this capitalist press. The editorials are telling us how lucky have already been thrown over week. This time it was at the Washington sessions of the red baiting we are to be Americans, far removed from the decadence ing large slices of territory never Dies Committee investigating un American activities.
of the Old World.
mentioned at Munich and he has An investigator named John Metcalfe gave testimony puradded a new demand for reparaporting to link Trotsky with the Nazi Bund in this country and With the utter collapse of collective security, tons from Czeshoslovakia to Inthe Fascist Gold Shirts in Mexico.
there goes a certain revival of isolationism. It is sug sure himself a paralyzing grlpon Albert Goldman, noted Chicago labor attorney and counsel for gested that we should just fold our hands passively, and Cauch economie uite in the reglons Trotsky, wired an immediate challenge to the Dies Committee stand aside from Europe quarrels.
At Berlin the International comrepudiating Metcalfe charge as an unqualified falsehood and de This attitude is reinforced in another way by what ilmit the frontiers of the ceded manding the right to cross examine Metcalfe on his testimony, Smeared with the reformists and Stalinists tell us. They are not at all areas presented in miniature a Metcalfe quoted West Bund friends in the Bund!
isolationist. But they say that the enemy we have to fear picture of the relationship that Goldman Telegram leader named Risse as saying that In his telegram to the Dies Com lives in another country, that his name is Hitler or Mus now exlsts among the four pow.
the Bund and the Gold Shirts solini or Chamberlain or Daladier. Just like the isola ambassadors gently demurred at were working in close collabora mittee, Goldmen sharply repudia tion in preparation for a revoted the charge that Trotsky was tionist, therefore, they seek to keep our eyes turned from the new claims the German replution in Mexico, with the help in any way connected with the the main danger and the main enemy: the danger and the them that Hitler was just as of Trotsky and some Russian Bund or the Gold Shirts.
His wire was as follows: enemy at home.
ready to go to war now as he was Yesterday newspapers carried This charge is literally smeared What everyone of us must understand, and must terence.
the week before the Munich conwith the fingerprints of the a statement by Metcalfe, a witnever for a moment forget is that the crisis which came to Hangover It can be stated with al. nese before your committee, to the a temporary head at Munich is a world crisis, and that in London and Paris, where the most mathematical certainty that effect that he was informed by investigation would show that one Risse that Leon Trotsky was the United States is in it up to its neck.
British and French parliaments voted confidence in the Chamber either Metcalfe or his supposed behind the Gold Shirts, a Fascist informant, Risse, are connected organization in Mexico.
The war that is being prepared in Berlin and Rome on. Daladier policy, there was a As attorney for Leon Trotsky and London and Paris is the same war that is being pre There was a lot of shaking of wish to make the following pared in Washington. Roosevelt participated in the heads over the price that it is statement and ask that it be inserted in the record of your Munich conference and shared in the decisions which it now England and hearings: reached just as thoroughly as if he had been present in to bring about a four power bloc.
France are paying for the chance As devoted champion of the cause of working class Iberation, person around the table in the Fuehrerhaus and had But France and England are Leon Trotsky has nothing but signed his name to the agreement.
paying this price for a very defhatred and contempt for any and inite purpose and with very all fascist organizations, includ This is proved by Roosevelt own actions, quite definito hope. They hope to posting the Gold Shirts of Mexico.
Any statement coming from any STALINIST ISSUE apart from any theoretical considerations which we pone and, if possible, avert an would draw from analyzing the position of the United the sharp edge of the German source Intimating that Trotsky The Appeal Needs Cash!
has at any time had or now has States in the world system of imperialism.
any connection whatever with any PARAMOUNT AT the Soviet Union.
fascist organization is an unqualEverybody is excited and en operative and have made heavy Roosevelt was compelled to intervene directly in the That is why the rapid strides ifled falsehood.
CIO CONVENTION thusiastic about the tremendous sacrifices for the paper. crisis, with his spectacular cables to the heads of the vari Hitler is taking now toward exTool of success of our special anti war isWhile many locals, ous governments. His intervention as everyone recog new grip on Central Europe rep do not know whether Riese sues of the SOCIALIST APPEAL notably New York, have respondmade any such lying statement as By B, WIDICK The reception given to the paper ed nobly, all too many branches nizes, was an important factor in bringing about the resent the execution the claimed by Metcalfe. Even if he Labor Secretary, All along the line has really been and units throughout the coun Munich conference itself. And he and his State depart Munich agreement did, Metcalfe willingness to WASHINGTON.
The inspiring.
New Crises Coming try have absolutely. falled to ment have made clear that they go along with the Munich BUT. We don want to hide do their share! As a result, we agreement in exactly the same sense as Chamberlain and ly and without the development This will not take place smoothpeddle it around without the struggle between the top leaderLEON TROTSKY slightest investigation of its truth ships of the and the the fact that we re in hot water brands him as an irresponsible of for the dominating position with our printer. These special is We need money and lots of it the others.
of new and acute crises. Poland directly or indirectly with the falsifier and a willing tool of the in possible unity negotiations for sues have raised have with our RIGHT NOW. We are sending At the same time the Administration utilized the drawn and Hungary, feeling themselves Irresistibly under could there come a charge so pat. the organization of Stalin G. vealed this weeken en meget dever extra heavy printing bills and ad elke necesite to them and wash crisis to re double and triple the speed of armament Wheels the Nazi Juggernaut, are obvious sole motive of seeking to ity to cross examine Metcalfe with John Lewis announced that quired.
tearing away in their turn at ditional expenses they have re the understanding that ALL pro preparations.
ceeds are to be turned in at once prejudice the present asylum of reference to the scurrilous slan the would hold a national Czechoslovak territory in a waThe At the same time we saw how all the fag wavers vering effort to form a common Trotsky in Mexico.
is the der made or repeated by him be convention in Pittsburgh on No paid a cent in wages for weeks elementary revolucommry duty of began to whip up the war hysteria, and to prepare a creante romboek in a more theme and to Those motives are the motives fore your committee. vember 14 to set up a permanent now. The editors have been work each and every branch to carry mass psychology which would brand as traitors and ever feeble, to Germany eastward of the That fact will come Goldman statement and his organization, on a nation wide this out. Once again, we appeal to light the moment a steady demand was published in whole scale.
ing night and day to get the to you to rush funds to us, care spies all those who stood against the war.
expansion which is destined to white light is trained on this Dies or part by newspapers throughout proposal was made by Hey paper out as we promised. Our of the SOCIALIST APPEAL All this simply shows that Roosevelt and the rulers swallow them up.
Committee Investigator and his the country. Continued on page 2) printers have been more than co THE BUSINESS MANAGER.
In both those countries the ton(Continued on page Continued on page 2)
WAR apparent Carlo But of the Appeal Concludes Extra Editions. Now, Forward. With this issue of the Socialist Appeal, we bring States into the holocaust at once. Not even the pre 1917 The Lovestoneites: Another small group which We are confident that the workers of America will be to a close our spiscontinue the issuance of the Appealinist recruiting sergeants.
jingoes dared to speak in such brazen terms as the Stal makes big claims for its anti war position. During the with us will follow the revolutionary road in the crisis, their paper too failed to appear. And when it did critical times ahead.
three times a week. The regular four page edition of the Now look at the other side at the so called anti war a faltering voice, a party afraid of its own shadow So great is our confidence, so firm is our conviction Appeal will appear as usual every Thursday morning.
and frightened above all of what the bureaucrats might that we are ready to make any sacrifice to make our and pacifist movements!
The Socialist Appeal is proud to report the results say. The revolutionary movement would be in a sorry position known. That is how the revolutionists have of its internationalist, anti war campaign, The Keep America Out of War Committee: Bestate, indeed, if it had to look to this impotent, opportu always acted Lenin and Trotsky, and Liebknecht and Four issues of the Socialist Appeal including gun with a great fanfare of publicity, with solemn oaths nistic sect in a time of crisis.
Luxemburg nd Debs.
the current number published in a period of less than No, we are not exaggerating by so much as a comma well meaning preachers, soft spoken old ladies, retired when we say that the Socialist Workers Party through its This issue concludes our three times a week Appeal.
two weeks.
week total of more than 40, 000 copies of the paper generals and publicity secking labor leaders crumpled official organ the Socialist Appeal was the only organiza continue week in and week out. When Munich leads.
as it surely will to a new of New York and the other major centers of the country. meeting, not a press statement, not a leaflet, not a word during the war crisis. The only organization, the only crisis our paper will reappear once again three times a week and daily if we Thousands of workers have for the first time days.
The Keep America Out of War Committee kept democracy against fascism. The only organization, siasm generated will enable us to make the Appeal three paper in this country to expose the lies of a holy war for can manage it. More than that we hope that the enthuread the program of revolutionary struggle against imperialist war.
itself out of sight vanished into thin air, as we pre the only paper to point the road to peace through the Now this is a modest record but contrast it for a dicted it would, when it came time to make good on its times a week a permanent institution in the not too Socialist Revolution distant future. The reception given the extra editions moment with what the other tendencies of the labor promises.
We appeared three times a week because it was our shows how great is the need for this expansion Anovement have been doing during this fateful period. The Socialist Party: This decrepit personal organ duty to do so. We strained every financial nerve of our The majority of the leaders of the trade union move of Mr. Norman Thomas boasted of its anti war position organization. We appeared three times a week despite a Let us go forward to our great tasks! Let us build ment, and have been swept along in a tide and laid claim as heir to the tradition of Eugene Victor large deficit which existed before the campaign.
up our revolutionary organ so it may answer the great of patriotism and war mongering unprecedented in re Debs. At the time when the world trembled on the brink other column you will find the Business Manager telling problems of the American and international labor movement day by day and provide revolutionary leadership to cent years.
of war, its the plain truth about the financial condition of the paper. the working class.
paper failed to appear. That is comment The Communist Party through its shameless rag, the enough. But let us add that at this very moment they are We are confident of our policy, sure that it is right We have made a good beginning!
Daily Worker, has been screaming for an immediate preparing a merger with the reactionary social democrats against the world of patriots, hypocrites, renegades and commencement of war and for plunging the United and their pro war paper, the New Leader.
war mongers.
Now forward to new achievements and new goals!