Anti-naziBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyNazismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SOCIALIST APPEAL OCTOBER B, 1938 Czech Bourgeoisie Prepares For Turn To Fascist Regime Pinning em Down Ths Judas Kiss for Spain Twice during the summer, Negrin made trips Greetings to Workers Voice honor?
smash all resistance from the workers organizaSOCIALIST APPEAL tions. Administrative details what formula to Vol. II No. 43 Saturday, October 8, 1998 use, what territorial divisions, what kind of a possible plebiscite are evidently lett for later Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS agreement, but the main outline of the plan (except for times weekly during first two is already apparent BY JAMES CASEY weeks of October, 1938 only)
This, then, is the reward for reliance on GETS THE SKIDS stroyed by reforms was his sloat 116 University Place, New York, democracy. more than two and a half of incom This is the second of a series gan. Rebellious Czech legionnaires THE BLIGHT OF HITLERISM Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 secured land and posts in the new parably heroic secrifice and courage to end in of articles on future developHitlerism must be smashed!
state apparatus. The workers ments in Czechoslovakia result.
Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six utter and absolute betrayal.
were promised broad reform legis Greed, robbery, persecution, concentration camps, destruction months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order To put faith, in struggle against fascism, ing from the partition at the lation, including socialization of of life at the altar of profits this is the creed of Hitlerism. Hitler3 cente per copy. Single coples cents.
Munich conference and the in industry on bourgeois democracy on their own bourism is beating down, starving, subjecting to savage tortures the All cheeks and money orders should be made vasion by Germany and Po.
While the new president spoke Jewish minority within Germany borders. Hitlerism is working geois government, on England and France out to the Socialist Appeal.
land. Ed.
in factories and mines to striking its toilers day and night for the manufacture of more guns and Entered as second class matter September 1, this was what the socialists and the Stalinists workers, Czech police murdered airplanes in the imperialist battles for more markets.
1997, at the post office at New York, New York, told the Spanish workers and peasants, Bourgeois hundreds of revolutionists. While Hitlerism is reaching out for more and more people to enunder the Act of March 3, 1879.
democracy now gives its answer.
By KELLER ne spoke of reconciliation with slave, more and more lands to exploit, for more and ever greater the Sudeten Germans, Czech No event in history is more tragic than the MAX SHACHTMAN Czechoslovakia is now economconquests. Hitlerism, in its inherent economic and political nature, troops drowned their demand for Editor is ruthless, barbarous, Insensible to the killing and maiming by HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE struggle in Spain. Never have workers and peas. ically and militarily caught on the the right of self determination in shel and gas waves, innocent and defenseless men, women and hooks of the swastika. The brutal Associate Editors ants fought more magnificently; never have they blood. Masaryk promised the Slo children. Hitlerism, fattening from the blood and sweat of labor, treatment meted out by the Czech STANLEY, Business Manager been betrayed more basely.
vaks and the Ruthenians full democratic bourgeoisie to Geris never satisfied. Hitlerim must be smashed.
We must resolve that these workers and peas.
autonomy Instead they were man anti Nazi refugees from the Workers everywhere will agree that the human race, If it is given the brutal regime of the ants have not died in vain. Their sacrifice, heavy Sudeten areas is already sufficient to continue move forward to a brighter and finer life, must rid Czech gendarmerie.
itself of Hitlerism of his odious and poisonous growth before it and terrible as it is, can yet be turned toward sign that it is already beginning to re crient itself politically Applied Democracy overwhelms and consumes what is left of this civilization.
victory if and only if it can be made to teach well.
Thus the Czech bourgeoisie had Not so many days ago, the representatives of England, France, One more bitter fruit from the rotten tree the workers its lesson, which is at the same time Authoritarian Poland has also scarcely come to power when it Italy and Germany met at Munich. Ostensibly that meeting was the lesson of every great event of our time: suddenly discovered her sympawas tormented by the nightmare of faith in democracy is now ready to be called in the interests of Europe masses and to avert an interthies for her follow Slavs, the of social and political collapse. In Bourgeois democracy cannot, will nol, stand flung in the face of the workers.
order to protect itself from the national conflagration. Ostensibly the premiers of the four Powers menace against fascism. Support of bourgeois democ Czechs. The latter may well rise convened to bring perce to a waiting, terror stricken world.
of the revolutionary Recent dispatches from Europe are disclosing, to the bait and try to maneuver racy prepares the way for fascism. Only the workers, in order as long ago predicted in our columns, the stifle the rebetween Hitler and the Poles. But TRADERS IN HUMAN FLESH emergence of a carefully premeditated plan for workers, breaking from the illusions of bour the Poles are themselves dependbellion of the oppressed nationWhat transpired at that conference is now another shady and in preparation for the ent upon Germany. How Poland geois democracy, uniting their class ranks in the liquidation of the Spanish Civil War, a plan inevitable revenge now realized a chapter, will stand if the Anglo French chapter in the ennals of imperialistic diplomacy independent struggle for their own class aim of. of Germany, Poland, and Hung.
prepared under the combined auspices of Franco, which, instead of assuring peace, sealed the guarantee of a new the socialist revolution, can defeat fascism.
bloc should finally decide to take ary, it had to put dictatorial fet world slaughter within a year or two.
Negrin, and the British and French foreign of up arms, in alliance with Russia Let the working class mark its enemies well!
against Germany, is a question ters every year on the democratic fices.
But what transpired at Munich was entirely inevitable. For constitution.
When the plan for liquidating the Spanish Civil the conferees were not spokesmen of Europe tollers but, rather, for the future. But even then It is altogether clear that this plan it not War is published in full and open enormity Law for the Protection of It would be doubtful whether the EDUARD BENES the mouthpieces of their respective imperialisms. They were tradthe result of a capitulation to the dictatorships, Czech bourgeoisie, having already the Republic was adopted in ers in human flesh, assembled to drive home a bargain. And to by its distinguished democratic sponsors, let the but is in the first instance sponsored by Great gain their ends, they were prepared to go the limit their imperiworkers remember who told them to trust those burned its fingers, would once Even more false and ridiculous 1921 in which, among many other alisms were ready waste and Britain and France. Even apart from the fact more risk annihilation by Ger is the legend of a historically restrictions on civil rights, the lay cities and countrysides written and spoken word was sponsors. Stalin, Blum, Citrine, Prieto, Negrin: snuff out millions of human lives.
many war machine.
rooted Czech democracy and its that Great Britain has stood for such a solution it is tbeir plan, for it is their policy which has Even should Czech foreign pol prophet Masaryk. Up to the last placed under preventive censorOf course, the world will remember much talk about the fufrom the first, this is shown by the steps taken produced it.
icy return to the now extinct war, Masaryk and Benes together ship and made subject to the ture of Czechoslovakia, about democracy, and about justice for weeks and months ago, long before any thought French alliance, this would not with the bulk of the Czech bourcriminal code. Even the Austria the minorities. Yet all these sham discussions, elaborated upon of Dollfuss did not have so tarof the Munich Conference.
permit reconciliation with the geoisie were faithfully devoted to by the reactionaries and their allies, were merely a smoke screen Stalinist myth of democracy vs. the Habsburg monarchy. Their reaching a check on the freedom for the basic question of which imperialist grouping was to emerge Fascism. For the Czech bourge ideal was a cultural and provin of the press to Switzerland during which it is authoritatively as the economic oppressor of the Czech workers and peasants.
Since 1933 the government has olsle will in the meantime have cial autonomy under the rule of reported that he held long interviews with rep Good work, Jersey. For an explanation of the recent imperialist negotiations and learned new tunes. It will march Francis Joseph People had full power to dissolve by the whole Czech issue, let us take for simple administrative order any or our witness none other resentatives of Franco. The dismissal of the in The first issue of the Workers Voice, cam better to the rhythms of national Front did not exist at that time.
party or trade union, and to send than Marcel Cachin, leader of the French Communist Party. In ternational volunteers from the Loyalist Army, paign organ of the New Jersey Socialist Workers socialism than to the psalms of But there was a Kaiser Front.
its leaders and members to prison an analysis of the festering European disputes, given in a lengthy the People Front.
Even during war, in 1916, all a necessary pre condition for liquidation of the report to the Executive Committee of the Communist InternaParty, has just appeared. It is a full sized four Czech Democrney and concentration campa by simthe Czech deputies in the Vienna ple police action. This law was page tabloid. hard hitting paper, it squares war, began as is now known at least six tional, before the Stalin regime entered into People Front alliCzechoslovakia was democrat. parliament made a joint declara invoked against two German Naweeks in advance of the recent public announceice or the same reason that the tion of allegiance and fealty to tional Socialist Parties. It hung us ances with the imperialist robbers, Cachin said in part: off with am the Law Hague right in his own ment. During the same time there have evidently bailiwick.
Versailles Treaty appeared to be the Emperor. Among the signers CACHIN EXPOSES CACHIN been large withdrawals of Italian forces from a permanent threat over the ComThe New Jersey comrades are running a full democratic. The victors, having was none other than Mr. Smeral, munist Party and all the organslate of candidates against the stooges of Hague adversaries, could enforce the new cial democrats, Inter founder of humiliated and disarmed their then the leader of the Czech soixations of the nationalities. Un Franco army tuates the contradictions The crisis which is the world in its depths accenthe various imperialisms. Vital For the past month, the war itself has been and Roosevelt. Their election ticket is sig. order by pacific means. The new the Communist Party of Czecho mentary machine could work in der this terror the Czech parlia antagonism of Interest bring them into violent opposition. Never virtually at a stalemate, with no large scale mil nificant not alone for the revolutionary program impoverished Czechoslovakia winslovakia, and today the real boss menta has peace been so gravely threatened.
itary operations.
on which they stand but for the fact that have to move toward Fascism for of the People Front in Prague.
In 1936 the government ob Nevertheless all imperialist contradictions, deep and serious the candidates are all workers. Not professional the same reasons that starved What is the plan that has been cooked up as they are, give way before another antagonism which is sharper Masaryk himself had already attained through the Law for the Germany, Italy, Hungary and Po that time turned his back on the Defense of the State the right to and more fundamental that which exists between the capitalist in the offices of Chamberlain and Daladier, with politicians professional betrayers to be more land had to choose open dictator Habsburgs, but only in order to abolish at choice the last constisystem undermined by crisis, and the land where Socialism is the acquiescence of Negrin and Franco? What accurate but workers from the unemployed ships.
make a pilgrimage to Russia to tutional rights of the population will be the content of their new peace with movement and the trade unions, negro and This prognosis can seem Inered beg the Czar to put a Romanor and to hand power to a military Turning to the war preparations of the French imperialists, white: these are the representatives of the Soible only to those who allow them.
Cachin touched on the genesis of the recent upheaval over Czechoon the throne of the future Czech dictatorship.
selves to be fooled by the social kingdom.
cialist Workers Party for political office.
They are making ready to complete the smash.
slovakia. He emphasized that the Czech masses were merely Dictatorship Established patriotic campaign of Stalinism pawns in the deals between the Paris and Berlin bankers and in ing of all the conquests of the Spanish workers The Workers Voice is blazing a trail for Faithful to the Emperor under In the frontier border districts about the liberty loving Czech dustrialists.
and peasants. That, and that only, is their plan our party branches throughout the country, bourgeoisie.
the Habsburga, Cuarist under the this law was put into effect imSaid leader of the French Communist Party: They visualize a provisional Spanish regime The Voice is a campaign paper. But it is more However, the list alone of ecoslogan of Pan Slavism, demo mediately, with its accompanying France is closely bound to Czechoslovakia by a double interwhich will be, whatever name is given to it, than that it is a direct intervention of the party nomic losses (see our article last cratic as French vassals, the spy scares, economic persecution, est. Czechoslovakia defends the Versailles and subsidiary treaties week) which the Czechs are sur Czoch bourgeoisie changed its and police terror.
under which she is the beneficiary. Besides, she furnishes arms simply an icon clad military dictatorship. Its func. in local politics and in the daily life of the fering as result of the Munich Ideals like a courtenan changes When Czech Imperialism preand munitions to the States bordering the The close contion will be to root out everything left of work workers.
deal is enough to indicate the her lovers. Indeed, it will And no pared to launch the long promised nection between the Crechoslovaklan and French war industry ers control and workers ownership, to break Good Luck, Jersey! And here to more issues real nature of Czech democracy afficulty in acquiring a new au crusade of world democracies Is well known. Emphasis by thoritarian phllosophy.
against fascism, e. to defend of the Voice up the remaining peasants collectives, and to Great Britain, France, Belgium. The Skoda workers are financially united with the Schneider and Holland are democratic at Workers Struggle its Sudeten colonies by armed of Creusot and Banque de Union Parisienne, which acforce, its first act was the estaband hours, the defense against colonies under a black dictator revolutions, the workers were the tatorship throughout the country.
home while grinding their vast As in the German and Austrian lishment of a blunt military dic tually controls them. Skoda has established branches in Poland, Hague and vigilantism, Rumania and Yugoslavia. Skoda produces from 500, 000 to 600, 000 ship. American democracy keep chief driving force in the Czech The Stalinists shouted loudest for artillery shells per month.
Break with Roosevelt the whole world cowering under national revolution. Inspired by Sirovy, the man on a white horse, Further, in denouncing those who would defend the aims of its economic lash. In Czechoslov. the Russian October revolution, who on the first day of his rule the French imperialists (as the Stalinists have been doing with Such a party with such a pro akia for each inhabitant of the they attempted again and again gagged the workers press and the the greatest gusto. the Communist leader, in his report, declared: gram is inconceivable without a Czech nation there was one colo to conquer social along with na workers organizations. We must react with great energy against the propaganda of (Continued from page 1)
are the present leadership of the complete break from Roosevelt: nial slave of German, Slovak, tional freedom. In its distress, the Social Fascists. The leaders of social fascism stand at Geneva may declare for the new white Party, and their capitalist politi leading the preparations for the Jewish nationality it is after all Roosevelt who Is Hungarian, Ruthenian, Polish, or Meanwhile the democratie eruthe Czech bourgeoisie urgently sade has been called off. But at the side of the imperialist leaders in order to maintain the conhaired boy of the Republicans, cian friends.
war, who has directed the councalled Masaryk from abroad. Just temptible Treaty of Versallles, to oppress national minorities, the military dictatorship remains. Slave Regime as Fascism looks for popular The preparations for the reorgantry into the current crisis and to crush down the German proletariat with the burdens of the Tom Dewey.
Force Independent Nominees Like parasite, the Czech bour leaders whose social origin apYoung plan.
Not a Word on War ization of the government, a cabEven in this caricature of a of Hague. How then can you fight Sudetenland that Hitler has now manufacturers and landowners many, are well under way. Sirounemployment, who stands back geoisie lived on the wealth of peals to the masses, the Czech Inet of reconolliation with Ger Similarly in the internal affairs of each country, the SocialIn the midst of the gravest war Convention, the pressure of the war and unemployment and taken for his own. But more than had to find a national hero.
Fascist leaders support their governments and their capitalists crisis since 1917, not one word was rank and Ale was felt: in spite Hague by a declaration of this, it kept its eastern provinces vy may stay or go. But the con strike breaking in violence against the revolutionary organizaof spoken and not one line inserted of the wish of the officials to go faith in the man under whose Slovakia and Sub Carpathian people. He stood above the par against the working class will Masaryk was a man of the stitutional regime of martial law tions. While the theory of Social Fascists has been revealed into the Platform on the war along 100 percent with the Dem active leadership they flourish? Russia in permanent misery, esby history to have been monstrously false, disruptive and misUnless the ranks of the LP question. Perhaps Alex Rose, Du ocrats on the State wide canditablishing there dictatorship ties. Assisted by the Czech social stay. Holding the Czech workers leading, Cachin description of the role of the Social Democracy binsky and Antonini felt that democracy, he used the same by the throat, Prague will now dates, they were compelled to undertake a determined struggle which can be compared only to methods which defeated the work make the independent nomina along such a course. toward the rule of Czarist absolutism. ers revolutions in Germany and and Internal political re orientaproceed to a simultaneous foreign is nonetheless accurate And still further, the Communist leader said: mention of the war would have tions of Langdon Post and Jor wholly independent working class Czech democracy spelt economie Austria. Bolshevism must be de tion. It is our duty to launch mighty movement against Imperiproved embarassing to LaGuar alism, the murderer and devastator: against the unprecedented dla, who had just returned from otorious Inbor balters named by er program the itself is enslavement for more than one Greet the bestiality of chemical warfare, of gas, of bacteria; against the his trip to Los Angeles as the the Democrats for Controller and certain to be swallowed up in a half the total population compriRefugees Turned mass assassination which is being rganiz reigning Lion of the American Attorney General re organize Democratic Party or sing the six non Czech national Convention Back To Hitler more drown humanity in blood.
The Road Forward Gedye, the New York Legion war mongering and fas.
The above report was delivered by Cuchin at the nineteenth a new capitalist third party. If Itles living in the country.
For the Czech masses likewise, session of the Eleventh Plenum of the at Moscow in cist tending recent convention. The Convention made clear the this result is not allowed to come democracy was a mesger quanTimes correspondent at Prague The Tenth National ConvenApril, 1981.
Featured the head of a para problem faced by the workers of by default, the workers them who transformed himself into tion of the Young People Sotity. It came into existence in a cialist League, American Youth the most fervid propagandist graph near the beginning of the New York. They have got to take selves will have to take charge Little did Cachin Imagine at the time he exposed the maperiod quite different from that Section of the Fourth Internafor the gallant little Czechs neuvers of the war mongers, that he and Stalin and Earl Platform appears the sentence: control of the Into their in which the French or American their own Browder were to stand before the world in 1938, champloning The American Labor Party af own hands, and make and for a holy war against Gertional, will be held in Chicago, republics were created. In these the cause of one group of Imperialist robbers as against anWhat prommany found himself last week firms its faith in our great Presi political instrument. To do this, New Polish Pamphlet November 24 27.
instances the bourgeois revoluother. Little did Cachin imagine, then, that he and Browder, compelled to report the followises to be the most important dent, Franklin Roosevelt.
the old capitalist parties and re Proletarjat they must repudiate all deals with tions were led by a class which youth convention in the history Ing picture of Czech democracarrying out the Stalinist line, were themselves to play the Roosevelt and Reaction role of Social Fascists, goading the workers to fight for the cy in action after the German fuse to permit or go along with saw the future is a broad avenue This sentence was adopted at the endorsement of any candidZdradzony tuninterrupted progress Reluc movement needs and deserves Army started moving into SuBritish and French ruling classes, under the slogans of Save the very time when Roosevelt was ates of the capitalist parties, detenland tantly, but with self confidence, it the support of the readers of Czechoslovakia! and Save Democracy!
Dzieje Ruchu Rewolucyjnego granted democratic rights to the Socialist Appeal.
issuing orders for a re doubling of Last night the writer saw Little did Cachin imagine that in 1938 Browder would be And they must put forward By KONARSKI the rate of armament building, workers program for their own exploited masses who grew only urging the reactionary motor cars and trucks held up Dies Committee to investigate the TrotsThe is printing a when he and his machine were party, not a re hash of the tripe slowly to their kyites, because the Socialist Workers Party is exposing the ma Order From to prevent refugees (from the Tf these rights limited somewhat political majority.
program book dedicated to the Sudeten areas) from getting chinations of the Imperialists and uncompromisingly raising the standing four square behind of New Dealism. This program Hague in New Jersey and making has got to answer in bold and Liga Robotnikow Polskich the freedom of action of the herole martyrs of the Fourth Into the city, which does not voice of Revolutionary Socialism above the din of Stalinist rapeace with all of the rotten boss clear terms the problems of the Station tionalizations and treachery.
want their numbers Increased New York, ruling classes, they were far from International (Klement, Sedoff, threatening the social domination Wolf, Reiss, Moulin and the es involved in the Primary strugHitlerism must be smashed.
Refugees from Komotau sald gles, and when preparations are democratic rights, decent wager workers: war, unemployment, 102 pages 25 Cents hundreds of others who have of these classes.
today that measures were being Hitlerism is capitalism in its last, decadent stages in violent laid down their lives in the Post War Revolutions taken by Crechs to prevent already under way for cutting dictatorship form. But Hitlerism will no more be destroyed by its the relief program drastically as The post war democracies of struggle for the socialist emansister imperialisms than was Russia Czarism by its World War democratie German refugees in cipation of mankind. The desoon as the elections are over Europe, however, arose in comthat are from escaping into allies. At the crucial hour, the allies joined with the Czarlst white dication article is written by pletely different circumstances the Interior.
guards against the Russian masses.
The motive forces of the revoluMax Shachtman. Outstanding whole tralnload of them So, too, will the democracies of the imperialists join with The has unquestionably tions against the Hohenzollerns among the other features of arrived at Kladno en route to fascist rulers everywhere to protect Hitlerism in the final lifeadvanced toward Independent po litical action during the past two America Permanent Depression and the Habsburgs were no longer from Leon Trotsky, in the the program book are greetings and death struggle.
Prague but here, to the refuyears, but it must be said that ev.
the bourgeois classes but a mod.
form of an article entitled, gees consternation, they discovern Industrial proletariat. NumerSLANDER CANNOT HIDE THE TRUTH ered that their train was being step in this advance has taken The Truth About Unemployment.
ous and united in great organiza The Role of Revolutionary dicerted and moving slowly back The Stalinist prese will continue to divert the attention of its place only as a result of the growtions, the workers Youth, and greetings from our surged ahead to Sudeten territory. Frantie ing pressure of the rank and Ale By ART PREIS readers from the crushing repudiation of the People Front by of their partly reactionary, partvarious youth sections in Eupassengers. pulled the alarm of the workers themselves and Chamberlain and Daladier, with streams of invective against the ly inexperienced leaders. The rope now engaged in the daily against the sustained resistance cord and demanded to be sent Socialist Appeal, as did the Dally Worker on Sept. 24 and on 3c per single copy life and death struggle against strength of their offensive was so fascism and Imperialist war.
to Prague. Rallway authorities numerous preceding dates. The Stalinist journals will continue to of the trade union officials, who 21 2c in bundles of 15 or more great that the German and Ausrefused to comply and a Social conceal the collapse of People Frontism and the criminal failure trian bourgeoisies were able to You can do your blt in an Democratic Party secretary of Stalin and the Comintern to appeal to the masses over the LERMAN BROS. Workers interested in having their friends receive a copy of keep power only with help or suring the success of our allnamed Haas temporarily lost heads of the imperialists during the Czech crisis, with new slan37 EAST 14th STREET this important pamphlet should send in names and addresses the Social Democracy, the Second Important convention by send his reason and was taken to ders against militant workers and distortions of the facts about and Ave cents to cover the cost of mailing and the pamphlet.
International. The democraciesing In ads containing your per Bodice asylum.
New York City the international situation.
of the new German and Austrian sonal greetings. Prices for ads Union Stationers and Members of the Republican Hitlerism fascism everywhere will be smashed, as will Order Now!
republich were nothing but a roare: Full page 10; hall pago Printers defense corps were finally per also the democratie imperialisms. They will be smashed by fined variety of bourgeois counter 5; quarter page, Send all mitted to go to Prague but Phone ALgonquin 3866 8 the tollers fighting not against one another, but together revolution. In the end the German greetings to: National Convenmilitary authorities said they against the common enemy and its People Frontist Selling to Labor Organizations LABOR BOOK SHOP and Austrian workers had scarce tlon Arrangements Committee could do nothing for the others, at Lowest Prices.
Our Printing Plant located at ly more right than they had 160 Wells St. Rm. 808, Chl all of whom, including many Against their alliances with the bourgeoisle, their calum28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK wrested from the monarchies of cago, Illinois.
36 West 15th St. 6th Floor.
functionaries of Left parties, nies and terror, the and the Fourth International will Phone Algonquin 7823 Berlin and Vienna in long years The National Convention were sent back to Komotau and Intensify the fight for Socialism for the the final triumph of of struggle.
Arrangements Committee. deadly danger.
the tollers of all lands. Trails Capitalist Parties in Convention which once