Anti-naziAntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

OCTOBER 8, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL People Fronts Lead to Dictatorships in in Europe France and Czechs LaGuardia Beats the Af LABOR IN WAR Turn Authoritarian Legion War Drums In Czechoslovakia the demo disaster for the working class and Indians do sa bigher level of course Hitler without resistance. and its agency the Coraintern, gallant akin While YPSL Fights War War Meet Fight Imperialism To Fight Fascism, Trotsky Tells Cuban Press By LEON TROTSKY weapons of a greedy, hungry, and General Cedillo was left suspend therefore aggressive imperialism. ed In air. On the contrary, the Make Plans to HogSept. 21, 1988 In the Latin American countries cruel defeats of the republicans The most important and the fascism is the expression of the in Spain are due to the fact that Tie Unions When most difficult thing in politics, in most slavish dependence on for the Anans government in alllU. Fights my opinion, is to define on one eign imperialism. We must be unde with Stalin suppressed the (Continued from page 1) PREPARES SELL OUT hand the general laws which de able to discover under the polit agrarian revolution and the inhe is a liberal and wasn he led directly to the authoritarian What will be the lot of Ameritermine the life and death strugical form the economic and so dependent movement of the Swallows 10 Point elected with labor votes?
regime of Daladier. In his speech gle of all countries of the mod cial content.
workers. conservative and even For revolutionists it 18 axio can labor in event of another world war?
before the chamber on Tuesday ern world; on the othe In certain circles of the intel more a reactionary social polley Anti Labor matic that in a crisis every la: This question was asked by Daladier made his new course discover the special combination ligentsia at present the idea of in weak and semi colonial coun plain: Everything that incites of these laws for each single the unification of all democratic tries means in the full sense of Program hate country. Modern humanity with states against fascism enjoys the word betrayal of national Indo his duty for Wall Street. thousands of workers during the everything that makes whatever the political stripe of past few weeks in the midst of the crisis. war out exception, from British popularity. consider this idea dependence.
Frenchmen oppose Frenchmen, its prevailing administration. Mr.
workers to Abyssinian nomads, fantastic, chimerical, capable oncannot constitute anything but Stalin World Gendarme Here is what the Army oftreason! This might have aplives under the yoke of imperial ly of deceiving the masses, espe You will ask me how it can be elther. Taking advantage of the Alcials who will run the country peared a few weeks ago in Huism. This must not be forgotten cially of the weak and oppressed explained that the Soviet governoccasion, pronounced himself during a war period have to say.
manité, the Stalinist paper. Today for a single minute. But this peoples. Really, can one believe went which issued from the Ocas follows before the assembled civil population than ever con More stringent control of the it is Daladler warning to the does not at all mean that impe for even a single moment that tober Revolution suppresses the gionnaires: workers, whom he called upon to rialism manifests itself equally in Chamberlain, Daladler, or Roose revolutionary movement in Back War Program colved of previously at least by expect a permanent mobilizaall countries. No. Some countries velt are capable of carrying on a Spain? The answer is simple: a Whenever our national govdemocratic People involved, tion for peace.
are the carriers of Imperialism. war for the sake of the abstract new privileged bureaucratie writes Major Ernest Dupuy, of ernment takes its position on others its victims. This is the principle of democracy. Had caste, very conservative, greedy, He made it plain that the workthe Army, in his recently foreign affairs (sle. that is the ers would be expected to bear all main dividing line between modpublished book, If War Comes.
the British government loved and tyrannical has succeeded in position of the American peothe new burdens and to meet with ern nations and states From democracy so it would have raising itself over the Soviets.
ple. We may differ among ourArmy in Complete Control the harsh hand of police rule ir this, and only from this view given freedom to India. The same this bureaucracy does not trust selves, but know that the In case a worker has any doubt they protest. With the French point should the very pressing is true of France. Great Britain the masses but fears them.
of what this means in practice, It American Legion will say: Mr.
economic crisis aggravated, the problem of fascism and demo prefers the dictatorship of Fran seeks rapprochement with the President, whatever our foy Major Dupuy adds, This control bottom dropping again out of the PREMIER NEGRIN Facy be considered with co in Spain to the political rule ruling classes, especially must reach not only in commerce, ernment decided for the defranc, France is heading swifty Democracy for Mexico, for In of the workers and peasants, be democratie imperialists. То fense of our country and the industry and alimenation, but toward an even into the most trivial of peropen dictatorship.
stance, signifies the desire of a cause Franco would be a much prove his reliability, Stalinis protection of its peace, we These are the fruits of the Peo three lands where the policy of semi colonial country to escape more pliant and reliable agent of ready to play the role of Genstand behind our government sonal interests.
ple Front!
And that is exactly what the the People Front reached ful land to the peasants, to lift the France have given Austria to world. The Stalinist bureaucracy one hundred per cent strong!
The Czech Turn workers suffer from under Hitlest fruition, the result has been All of the Mayor palaver THE LITTLE FLOWER about the sovereignty of the peoler in Germany and Mussolini in Italy. Even the most trivial cratic bourgeoisie made haste to for the Soviet Union. The events the democratic problems of Mex he so much as dared touch ger to the independence and created by the European war cri in a critical moment, to a simple ture, and so on. In other words, though war would be inevitable now represent the greatest dan Amidst the feverish atmosphere ple, etc. etc. reduces itself here, reconcile itself to its new master leading up to Munich were the ico have no progressive and rev their colonies.
of personal interests must be controlled in war time, says the in Berlin. It dropped Benes and culmination of a process which Olutionary character. And what progress of weak and colonial sis last week, the American Leadmonition: When the governU. Army.
formed a government more pal has been underway for three does democracy signify in Great possible to fight against fascism The conclusion is that it is im peoples.
gion held its annual convention ment decides to go to war, it is atable to the Fascist overlord. An totalitarian regime is all up to the socereign people to accompanying article by Kel. Front. the revolutionary upsurge what exists, that is, above all the colonial and semi colonial. comment on your fatherland. You a native American fascism would any reluctance on the speepul I know Cuba too little to per at Los Angeles. It was interest follow. That all. And, in case or planned for America in event of war. Major Dupuy, a spokesman ler in these columns explains why of the French and Spanish workthis shift could so easily be made. ers and the opportunity to weld maintenance of the rule of the tries must fight first of all can judge better than which of react under such circumstances part, there is always the Amer for the Army. admits it in Always vassals, they are simply the workers of all the races of sume is true in relation to which directly oppresses them, applicable to the situation in Cu be very much surprised at the will say: We stand behind our! Is it wonder that advanced metropolis over the colonies. The against that imperialist country the above expreseed opinions is Marxiats, naturally, were not to ican Legion, which he knows so many wordside changing masters.
Czechoslovakia into a lot of piteous dribble xhout the have been trittered away. German covers here the imperialist hege the mask of fascism or democ concerned hope that shall be such a crisis.
In these weeks we have heard revolutionary anti Fagetewerful France. The banner of democracy irrespective of whether it bears ba. So far as personally am way the Legion stood the test or covernment one hundred per cent Workers and revolutionaries scof strong. Mayor, obviously, scism, when all capitalist coun at the slogan democracy vs. fasMittle democracy of Fascism has taken long strides over the oppressed majority.
able to visit the Pearl of the An. But what has the so called no great exponent of a popular tries have dictatorships now and Czechoslovakia. This week the toward the dominant position in In the countries of Latin Amertullian islands become more communist Party, whose Leader, referendum on war.
rulers in Prague gave a real dem. Central Europe It needs as a during war time all of them will Fascism and Imperialism ice the best and surest method closely acquainted with your peo Earl Browder, proudly exclaimed Time for Accounting be ruthless totalitarian states?
onstration of just how much de jumping off place for an attack on In the same manner we cannot of struggle against fascism is the ple to whom through your news only a few short months ago that The Mayor only does what is Labor Movement Hog Tled mocracy means to them. the Soviet Union. Never has the speak of fascism in general. In agrarian revolution. Because paper send my warmest and the Communist Party is the only to be expected of boss politiBoth the of and the With cold cruelty the Prague peril of Fascism been greater Germany, Italy, and Japan, fas Mexico had made important smeerest greetings.
one which does not have a major cian. His long years in the Re are doomed to be hog tied government put up barriers than now. That is the net result temand militarism are the steps on this road the uprising of Coyoacan, difference with the Legion, have publican Party and his known in event of war. The army will against the thousands of German of the theory and practice of the to say about the ten point pro aspiration to the Republican pre control industry. Speed up, longer Social Democrats and other anti People Front.
gram adopted by this consis sidential nomination for 1910 working hours, lower wages, and Fascists, of anti Nazi Czechs, who Munich has fed fuel to the fres discrimination against union men sought to flee from the Sudeten of war and fascism. But it has outfit last week? Why is the for Wall Street in the coming is what the bosses always want.
areas in the path of the advan also provided a brief reapite for Daily Worker silent? Hasn It war, if his record in the past ho. During war time, they have the cing armies of the Fuehrer. the re marshalling of the divided read the ten points. locaust is not suffelent. But army back them against any Prague will soon be crushing anti and demoralized ranks of the Legion Beats the Drums what are labor leaders doing protests by the workers. Strikes, Fascists in its own territory. Why workers in all countries. That in St. Louis That the American Legion, un who support such a man as the according to militarists, are let them escape the lashes of the task, based upon the form and unAs the American Student Union, anyway they shouldn have der the pressure of war fever, Labor Party candidate for pub treason in war time.
Fuehrer in Sudetenland! The deviating polley of class struggle Stalinist organization among the backed down.
should bent the drums loudly for He office? Why do labor leaders But do you think the army little Crech democrats are well against all bosses in all countries students, was taking advantage He added that he was not in ST. LOUIS. In a war against such war preparations as the cre refer to him as a labor mayor? will stop Tom Girdler or Henry on the way to becoming little and a steel welded unity among of the Czech crisis to stage! favor of wasting time answering Czuch fascists. spielte tertba: Why doesn some official of the Ford from making propt from Time Is Short!
the task imposed in this critical lies last week, the Young People who call for abolition of the good to me whether they wersys one point in the program. Mayor for an explanation about time? It is highly significant In other words in France, in hour upon all revolutionists, upon Socialist League called upon all and are against the billyman of the St. Louis New the deportation of allen labor convention of the American Le talk about drafting labor, and red or khakl uniforms, Jullus the work of the Dles Committee, his conduct at the Los Angeles that the Army journals always Czechoslovakia, in Spain, the all militants of the working class. students to break with and boy. Hon dollar navy budget here in cott this war mongering organ the United States. The American dent of the local Council Bridges as an example. etc. is leadership ask LaGuardia what try, but never a word is spoken paper Guild and first vice preal leaders (they mention Harry gion? Why doesn the taking some control over indusization people, he said, feel that these said at a rally here last Friday. to be taken for granted and was his attitudes toward the info The rallies took place battleships are their protection This hosanna to imperialist war taken for granted by all in In mous ten point program adoptabout profit.
around the slogan of Save Cze against Hitler, and it would be Army Will Break Strikes Save the United sentiment to oppose It.
ing held under the auspices of the and some Stalinized liberals.
slogan of Even during the so called States.
Czechoslovakian word about deThe members of the and pence times the National Guard National Alll.
Beating the Drums That New York Little Flower of the unions afiliated with It is used to break strikes like the NEWARK, Hundreds of ince, a non Stalinist group, and and labor friend. Mayor have the right to ask for an ex Little Steel strike in 1987.
Minneapolis, Sept. 26. Several fending the Soviet Union. Only At the Great Hall of city Col the American League for Peace LaGuardia, should join with the planation. Mr. LaGuardin cannot Imagine how the extra hundreds delegates representing the hundred members and sympath the Trotskyltes in the schools unions in this state are expected Izers of the Fourth International raised this slogan in response to lege and broadcast over the radio, and democracy.
rest of the Legionnaires in serve both the Anti Labor Amer of thousands of National Guardsto attend a convention this week gathered Saturday night at the steps toward the four power the held a mass meeting Robert Logaden of the United whooping it for the old war ican Legion and the Labor Party. men will act towards labor if any Night Club party to celebrate the pact concluded by the democrat in cooperation with the faculty. Electrical and Radio Workers of spirit, probably took more people No man can serve two masters. strikes are called during war?
J, Carney, regional direc formal opening of the new head ic and fascist imperialists and whose spirit can only be com America expressed the same idea by surprise, including, we know, Before the calamity of another of the drum beat when he said the Fascists must the Lovestoneites, who argue war which threatened so om papers was one of the first steps Suppression of labor newstor, announced.
quarters of the Socialist Workers aimed at the Soviet Union.
The burning issue before the Party in Minneapolis, at 919 Save Our Trade!
ing patriotic rallies used to whip be met with a firm hand. May with His Honor on this very mat nously last week. overtakes) taken in the last world war. It delegates will be the organization Marquette.
One of the main demands raised mags hysteria when the u. that day come soon. And may the ter editorially in the current is them, the workers ought to know will come quicker this time.
the menace of Mayor Frank the center of the city, is said by the Stalinists, intended to entered the World War Dean democracies be on the right side. sue of their paper always with who is really with them and who War will furnish the bosses of an effective struggle against The quarters, located in to ever both Czechoslovakia and Turner, opening the affair for the He attacked Premier Daladier of sweet reasonableness. After all, against them.
Hague, Jersey political their biggest opportunity for a college administration, drew the France for giving way to Fascism Czar, be the finest home belonging to the United States both in one whose anti union activities have any section of the revolutionary brilliant stroke, was for the so well for faculty student relations that Daladier was, until last week, nation wide union busting cam.
moral that the meeting augured without mentioning. however, paign because the bosses will made him notorious national movement.
have the Army as its force figure.
The occuples the entire Germany not because it was atof armed strikebreakers.
Progressive Action second floor of the large building. tacking Czechoslovakia but be college administration, which has leaders of the French People Preservation of unions as inUnionists predict that two main An auditorium at the front, newly cause of its economic aggression probably been developing its own Pront.
struments of workers against the lines of division in discussion will decorated und well lighted and against us in South America. In little day plan to suppress stuThe Socialist Workers Party oppressive conditions in Industry appear on this question. The Stal ventilated, seats about 200. This other words, Germany is taking war, now feels somewhat reas distributed a leaflet at the meet OMAHA, Neb. The strike of sters International, every today means, above all, to Aght inlst delegates will propose pro is used for party meetings and away our trade in South Amer, sured. Stanley Isaacs, boroughing which was wonde with avid the over the road drivers reunion in the North Central area cal parties, against all moves to gram which calls for reliance on open forums.
president ective this Manhattan, Joined Plained why workers cannot de week, as the International BrothImperialism considers to be its the People Front with an atRoosevelt and other government pledged Anancial assistance.
drag the American workers into Library, Bookshop. Kitchen agents, even though Hague is Solidarity with Farmers own property: this is fascist agtack from the pro war angle on pend on capitalist governments to erhood of Teamsters come to the another world war, The solidarity between the one of Roosevelt props in demo Across the hall is a large amuse greaslon when Germany plays at cratic circles. Progressives are re ment room comfortably furntuhod, ine game; therefore. Save cu: Peace, naturally, out there were of the workers of all countries Drivers Union, Local 511, in an sters was further demonstrated tained for him the pralse of the peace at any price. He was for Aght Fascism. It called for unity assistance of the Omaha General farmers and the striking teamported to be seeking adoption of used as a library and classroom. Rockefeller some things more important than against the Imperialist govern effort to force the owners to re this a program calling for more Opening off the hall is the well oil.
ments, democratie and Fascist, spect the 11 state are agreement throughout Nebraska voiced their The bitter attack of the Execrellance on the part of the work stocked Labor Book Store, selling This is not the last time when peace.
The brother of the Czech Presl and pointed out that war and fas signed in Chicago a few weeks support of the strike. The drivers ers in fighting Hague.
all books, papers and periodicals we will have occasion to say that ago.
Since Hague controls the dem of the labor movement. Behind the U, reached high water dent, Sen. Benes, gave a tearful cism are bred by capitalism, have an agreement with the tional Labor Relations Board and ocratic party and has allies in the the book store is a large and mark in open war mongering un account of poor bleeding CzechoWith the over the road trucka farmers to permit them to bring the Wagner Labor Disputes Act tied up in all important terminals, their produce to the Omaha marked the trend of reactionary republican party, leaders pleasant office with desks for the der cover of its pretty phrases slovakia. We can report that so If you are really sincere in and with the knowledge that the market.
influence in the leadership of the have not been able to take a stand organizer and secretary. This of about peace. The period when the far, pretty co eds wrapped in the The drivers maintain a 24 hour of Instead of blaming the on the current election because fice is used for board meetings. leadership exercised cau American fing and singing the your opposition to Imperiallst war, 175 teamsters locals in the North and are for not doing more in An amplo kitchen, equipped tion and restraint in putting for Star Spangled Banner have not then avold the and its rec Central Area Negotiating Com picket line every day dead set against the major par with a large stove and all neces ward the line of the Young Com yet been introduced, at Fulting sergeants as you would mittee are behind the strike, over determined to keep the trucks of favor of the unions, Green and a plague 60 owners have thus far broken the highways until the strike is company object to the fact that sary culinary supplies, is used to munist League is definitely over: meetings.
ties, it was utilized by the priLabor Party Sentiment provide meals during party af its role and position are out in the Drive Planned Discourage your fellow stu away from the bosses Nebraska won.
Truckers Associamarily in the mass production inIt is expected that the senti fairs. coatroom and two wash clear after some years of hedging.
dustries against the bosses ment for a labor party and inde rooms complete the party home. This is the significance of the the war mongers, the In response to this splurge of you would their joining the o. tion which refuses to sign a con: Amendments to the Wagner Act pendent candidates will be re The Saturday Night Club. week of activity.
at this time can only be in the vealed at the convention, and res held September 24, attracted The public pronouncements, planning a show down drive on Join the Young People so agreements with Local 544.
olutions calling for a labor party scores of direction of hog tieing the AmeriInternational Backs Strike City union milit: leaflets, etc. of the were and pro war forces. As the only cialist League as the only organants and their wives. With Miles hysterical appeals for where force in the schools pointing the relentless struggle against boss dent of the International Brother can Labor movement along the Edward Murphy, vice prestintroduced lines of the British Labor DisLast winter, the CI. untons Dunnes master of ceremonies, stand against Hitler; Who is to road for workers, action to stop hood of Teamsters, arrived in putes Act or the Swedish laws (Continued from page 1)
but this was channelized into sup tained the guests for several people they denounce as tories the will undertake a Omaha, bringing with him funds which crippled all militant action port of Labor Non Partisan hours, after which the floor was and sell out artista, Chamberlain campaign to cinch the recent of the International to finance the Executive Council, in his report by the unions for self preservaLeague by the top leadership. cleared for dancing.
and Daladier. These gentlemen demonstration in life of what colJust received for rental: strike. He pledged his word that to the convention engaged in a tion and organization.
Established in their new head are to be convinced to change Meetive security means, and moThe usual run of resolutions on Fight on Printers Delegates collective security Roosevelt quarters, the Minneapolis branch their spots, by mass pressure bilize the students for real antinecessary from the International talked along the lines of John One of the bitter fights coming James Farrell latest novel: to assure victory, will be forth Frey and other reactionaries. peace policy, etc. are expected es of the Socialist Workers Charity from the people.
The futility of imperialist action. As for the before the convention this week is coming Yet the pre convention talk of the question of seating the delewith Keener Interest than in pre League are looking forward to policy could not have been more clared that between it and the No Star Is Lost The pledge of financial assist war to death agrinst the gates from the typographical unvious times in view of the debacle the busiest and most fruitful per completely exposed.
ance from the International put was not contained in the execu ion. This union at its recent conanti war students is a No Man of the Stalinist international iod of activity for the revolutionOpenly For War Land.
Reservations an end to the malicious attempts tive council report.
ventin refused to endorse a resoof the truck owners to frighten polley.
ary movement in this area.
The spokesmen made it The message of President Roolution calling for an of It characterized the as still being received on the drivers and their families with sevelt to the convention in which war chest to fight the Its sufficiently clear that they we an aggressive pro war move CELINE. Death on the Intthe prospect of starvation. While he urged labor unity put the die friendly attitude towards indusnot calling merely for moral ment which is the agency of Article on Painters Union in Next Issue the strike kitchen has been feed hard clique on the spot. How far trial unionism has earned it the pressure, whatever that may the Stalinists and the right hand stallment Plan.
ing the strikers and their faml the sentiment of the of Lundying hatred of the craft unton mean. At Brooklyn College Eve of the administrations in selling Will Expose Plans of Stalinist Fraction lles, agents of the owners have rank and Ale on its desire for clique headed by William Hutning, Joe Lash, national secretary out the anti war movement, conBALABANOFF. My Life of the was asked what including: as a Rebel.
been busy all week telephoning to unity with the o. will be ex cheson of the Carpenters.
the homes of the strikers, trying pressed at the convention re Despite the blows of the crisis his opinion the powers should acDue to pressure of space, we have been forced to leave on Which side do you choose? LABOR BOOK SHOP to fool the men into believing that mained to be seen at this writing. reflected in mass lay offs the tually have done in order to stop the slab sensational article exposing the very latest maneuvthe union and the rest of the One of the Ironic twists of Wil of has a reported dues paying Germany answer was that he The Young People Socialist ors of the fraction in the Painters Union. It will appear 28 East 12th St. ST 0567 drivers movement was ready to llam Green report was that he membership of over 3, 600, 000, acdid not want to commit the League declares that membership in the next issue of the Socialist Appeal.
to calling for war against Ger in the Is Incompatible with Open 10 to P.
desert the strike front and leave took position in regard to cording to the executive council.
the 544 men in the lurch. In ad Czechoslovakia which was com It total is estimated at nearly many by his own say so. but the fight against Imperialist war.
dition to the support of the Team pletely Stalinist, and which ob 5, 000, 000. TO SET UP OPENS BIG International Come to Ad Of Striking Omaha Drivers e self tract, and have signed individuai DRIVERS POWER IN MEET