CommunismCommunist PartyFascismHitlerSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL OCTOBER 8, 1938 New Unemyloyed Union Organized In New York Mass Sale of Fate of UAW Lies With Campaign Paper Rank and File Workers Champ Salesman!
ANTI UNION PLAN IS DEFEATED BY HOUSTON LABOR WINS TWO solutely necessary for the com appeal to half the sob toru INDIANA STRIKES Appeal Army Joined by two strong as wide without wrst getting the approval ve haver con low wages and dictatorship within the union and Repulse Hoodlum Attack on Meeting NEWARK, Five thouSympathizers and comrades sand copies of the Workers repulsed the attacks of a reVoice, four page paper of the (Continued from page 1) ion and bring back the open shop.
actionary mob of hoodluma Strong union locals are being At deadline time Ted Bekos, If we are on a street corner we Socialist Workers Party of a lynch spirit in the union against attacked by a flank movement of last Tuesday night at an out demon salesman of the Socialist must let those coming from the New Jersey, were sold and disall progressive workers. Does not the manufacturers in decentral door meeting of the Appeal in New York, had sold his other side of the street know tributed this week as a high the itself organize red bait izing their plants to small outY. at the corner of Tre 1, 047th copy of the extra editions what we are selling so that they Militant Locals Demand More Relief; Want light the independent elecmont Prospect Avenues, of this week. His record on the have their penny ready by the campaign tion campaign being conducted ine militants? It is only natural parts orders to unorganized comBronx Idle Factories Opened; Plan sidewalks of New York, from time they pass us. It is a good here by the that the hails the reaction petitive plants, by the launching For this meeting the com Union Square to Times Square thing to walk alongside of a Among the candidates of the Fight on Sales Tax ary aims of the io. peace of a propaganda program to polrades had come prepared to de and beyond, is way out in front. customer instead of walking are Irving Rosenberg, son the minds of the mass profend themselves against the Here are a few lines from Ted against traffic.
By GEORGE MILTON Goldstein, Joe Farber, for congressman in the 12th It need only be added that the duction workers against union.
familiar Stalinist hoodlums When Staliniat comes along on how he does It: district: Rouben Plaskett, for Michigan Socialist Party unvary. lam, who had disrupted our past By TED BEKOS NEW YORK. Adopting a real Marks, Unifacic, Moe Schlissel place a copy of the Appeal in lass struggle program to meet and Michael Gunn.
congressman in the 11th disingly remained the rather timid, The auto workers must act meetings at the corner. Instead It really easy to sell the Aphis hands with a smile. If he is trict; Frank Shapiro, for state they encountered continuous peal, but you ve got to get the unwilling to buy a copy, assure the needs of the growing army of Although the conference was senator, and willis Crews, for protesting yet thoroughly reliable quickly, or they will find their jobless, 57 delegates, representing most inspiring and the delegates provocations from a gang of tempo. It is absolutely necessary him that you read the Daily Worgeneral Assembly, a combined membership of more showed a real desire to go back however, is no news for those der the barrage of the enemy fire.
street hoodlums. Barrages of to give our prospective reader the ker every day, and that he should rotten tomatoes were answered than 5, 500 unemployed and to their locals and put into action who are acqainted with the fact the manufacturers have already impression that they are spend not be afraid to hear what we workers, met here over the the splendid program adopted, that the Michigan is run by begun putting the union to test by the comrades with an or ing their penny to read a working have to say. Nine times out of October 2 week end in a truly and build a powerful Union, the the unofficial but highly effective in the recent encounters at Briggs ganized counter attack which class newspaper which gives them ten they buy a copy of the Apinspiring conference and founded sessions were far from the peace kitchen cabinet of Walter Manufacturing Co. at the Mceffectively dispersed the reac an answer to the world problems peal.
the city. wide Unemployed and ful and respectable rehearsed Reuther Cord Radiator Co. at the Chamtionery mobsters.
that are worrying them today If someone has no change, give It is becoming increasingly as never before.
him copy free. There are alProject Workers Union. type generally held by the Stalin Martin Reactionary Allies pion Spark Plug Co. Both the The conference program com 1st Alliance.
Plymouth and the GM, workers necessary for comrades to pre One of my slogans was, Hear ways enough sympathizers who pare for attacks at all street mittee incorporated into the pro Harrison Contested all about the four power pact offer nickels and dimes to permit face im.
In heated encounter many gram of the new Unemployed meetings against both StalinWhat about the Martin sup at Flint and power local unagainst the Soviet Union. The us to give free copies to interporters on the Executive Board mediate threats to Union a section demanding that delegates strenously objected to ist and Fascist disrupters. For four power pact was the most ested readers who have no money, How did they respond to the in. lon organizations and may have ward to Party and League De burning issue of the day, and Do not lose customer.
the government take over the idle the brazen display of political die Plan for Managerial famous proposals of Hillman to embark upon strikes in the fense Guards!
every worker had it on his mind.
Posters Useful factories. and run them with crimination, which they charged Dictatorship Murray? For three months this near future. What can the auto Make Them Buy. out profit for the benefit of the to membersof the Socialist Party, The attractive picket signs that group waged a furious Aght a workers do to mobilize the union unemployed. the products to be who saw to it that Milt Cohen, of paper penny Is Spiked gainst the Stalinists in a manner membership to a realization of distributed among the needy un. Local 4, was kept off the General highly bureaucratie and arrogant. the dangers facing the union and rade to go to it with all he has Peoples attention is drawn to the employed. This section, patterned Executive Board.
after the resolution of the St. Lined up with the ers was By a Special Correspondent Thousands of auto workers were to a campaign for the solution of in him. We must impress the pas sign, so do not hide it with your Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, Neil Harrison, who in a demaHOUSTON, Oct. Once again repulsed by the high handed these momentous problems?
Leave it to the Executive serby, so that he realzes that our papers. Remember, our signs are paper has something extra, some almost as effective as our shoutwas halled by the delegates as gogic speech succeeded in confus organized labor showed its power methods employed and thus fell one which will gain the respect of ing the majority of delegates inton Houston as a combined offen victim to the Stalinist demagogy. Board to work out realistic program of action and thing different and something he ing.
carry sive of the and the militant As the zero hour appronched in Demands Granted wants.
And let everyone know the Auto this program into effect? No!
draw to us the thousands of un Sald Harrison: These people. of unlons defeated the the factional battle, the The International Executive The other half of the work is price of the paper. One Cent, In Plymouth And employed who to collect the money. Besides Socialist Appeal, and the leadlooking for who are strongly opposed to the boss inspired anti labor Houston Workers Union was swaying on leadership.
program. Want representation Plan at the polls today. The com the brink of a disastrous split. Board composed of Stalinists Briggs Plant those who are willing to buy the ing headline must be shouted out Denounce LaGuardia Tax paper good section of people constantly.
on the Board. According to the plete returns showed that the The CLO. leadership stepped in and reactionary bureaucrats have shown that they are worthDenouncing the infamous la chairman of the program commit powerful unions of the Team at the eleventh hour and forced the Executive Board to accept less in important matters of must be helped to buy the Appeal. If you begin your sales full of EVANSVILLE, Ind. strike Everyone Guardia sales tax as a means of tee, Popovitch, both Bauman and sters Joint Council of the a rotten compromise.
this kind. If the union is to be porsible Socialist life, you will find yourself selling here last week closed both the lo Appeal reader. Place a copy in a more than you can possible discollecting funds for relief, the Cohen not only were in full agree of and the Harris County InCould it be otherwise! You saved, the rank and Ale memcal Plymouth assembly plant and worker hand, but do it in a tribute in the same length of program demanded in its stead a ment with the program adopted, Austrial Council succeeded in bership of the locals must save wrecking crew progressive capital levy tax, but assisted the program com liberal as well as the labor vote successfully by adopting wreckcannot fighi it.
the Briggs body plant. The two pollte way. You will find that time. The Appeal will sell like which would hit the capitalists mittee greatly in drafting it.
are interdependent. After a brief almost everyone has his penny hot cakes if you just put a little in turning down the 29 proposed Up to the Membership and not the workers. It also raised Denounces Discrimination period the strike came to an end ready.
ing methods yourself. You can effort into what you are doing.
the timely slogan: All war funds Cohen strongly denounced these Amendments to the city charter. not fight union splitters by The key problems facing the with a complete victory and 100 to the unemployed.
discriminatory practices on the During the month preceding yourself engineering a union union of organizing the com per cent unionization.
split. You cannot fight bureau petitive parts plants, of organ The management had allowed Full text of the program will part of the and reminded the the election, speakers from these crats by bureaucracy.
izing the one hundred thousand grievances to go unsettled since be printed in next week delegates that at the last city two organizations canvassed convention of the Alliance in union locals and public meetings The temporary conclusion of workers of the Ford Motor Co. the big strikes of 37. Both plants APPEAL.
March, Harrison himself was de to expose this vicious attack on the present factional fight has and of a planned campaign of re had been closed for several liberately kept off the Executive labor which a citizens Committee demonstrated with unmistakable sistance to the union busting cam. months and were just resuming Second Anti War Issue of APPEAL of production The useum bilgo planit Has Great Success!
ably chaired by Otto Popovich, cause at that time he was was trying to put across under porters on the International Ex facturers can be successfully president of the powerful and Trotskylte.
We can report once again WORLD CONGRESS ISSUE the name of good government. ecutive Board were incapable of met. It is only necessary to arouse but only some 800 were working militant Jamaica Unemployed and Bosses Spend Thousands leading fight against the Stal the union membership to the con at the time. ten per cent pre that the second special Issue of We are glad to announce that Another controversial point League who was expelled raised at the conference was the the APPEAL directed at the The employers threw thousands inist menace, of providing leader viction that the union is preferred employee list was used to preparations are now being war makers has had an over made to issue the special last week from membership in recommendation of the consti of dollars into the light and the ship for progressive, militant un pared to do the job and welcomes discriminate against union men.
World Congress APPEAL. This the Communist Party because he tution committee to adopt clauses enthusiastic support of the entire ionism, of building the union and the participation of rank and file Those on the list had been select whelming success. Reports from Issue will be in conjunction refused to allow his local being barring officers of the Union boss press and radio was given. conducting an effective campaign union committees to put it acrossed by the management and were our street salesmen in New Upon whom can the auto rehired first. Older mon were used against the best interests from succeeding themselves, after this was part of long planned against the automobile manufacYork City and letters coming with the 10th Anniversary of of the unemployed.
workers depend to do this shuttled around to various kinds in from all over the country in they have served in office one campaign to stop the rapid organ turers.
the founding of the Trotskylst New Groups Join What can be expected of the job! Only upon themselves! The of work they were unable to per dicate that the issue has again year. This point was referred to ization of southern labor, which Left Opposition in America.
burning need in the auto work form, thereby making their dis been completely sold out! It will be the largest and easily slice of the membership of the which will be held in six months. Adent of its strengt Taking with it. Soodly sized the first convention of the Union, is becoming more and more con Stalinists has been stated too ers union is for all the genuine charge for poor. workmanship Everything indicates that the best Issue of the APPEAL class collaboration Alliance, the also have served as an assurance SOCIALIST APPEAL to need possible.
militants to get together; to Grants Rights to Locals thousands of workers and to date. More details will be organizing conference of the work together; to work out a 100 Per Cent Walkout members of the Communist announced next week, but those The conference granted auto to the increasing number of repetition. The program they will before it adjourned at nomy to the locals to engage in aorthern firms which are looking follow can be summed up in a program for the realization of branches which have not yet Party have become aware of The grievance committee these main points in its practhe fact that the American one Sunday morning, was necessary activity at the bureaus toward this growing metropolis minute: The establishment of a placed their orders are urged tical details and for the Immeworked doggedly. seeking a Fourth Internationalists are to do so with a rush! We have peaceful settlement. groups alate launching of a great drive The bossen cowardly, weak kneed policy the only serious opponents of had thousands of extra orders Structural Iron Workers Union, which the Alliance had long since al of their plans; they learned American Union slave labor conditions, The result was an exact revers towards the employers.
throughout the auto unlon for stalled or dodged the issue.
The war in America and that our already, but there are still some locals voted to strike. Neand the United Physically Handi denied.
The high command has the adoption of these polleles.
message is reaching new and branches that have falled to recapped of America. Two other its solution to solve the The auto workers will then be gotiations continued but when hitherto untouched layers of Becoming panicky over the un that the working class spond. Remember! The Worldthe committee was told pointnon Alliance groups sent expected support the Alliance keenly alert on the political as crisis of the Auto Workers Un infused with new hope, new en blank that certain older men workers. In future issues we Congress Issue will be out in intend to give more examples about three weeks. Prepare for delegates to the conference, the membership had given to the new well as the economic front. ion. Drive out the militants, thusiasm and new life. Thousands every Coast and Geodetic Survey movement, the Stalinist fakers, then nobody will squawk and of militants will again come for would not be rehired, and specife cases of this.
it now! Vigilante Plan Association and a Columbia Uni who did nothing for the progresThe first 23 amendments, which everything will work out alright, ward volunteering their sid. Doz worker walked out with the ex In the meantime, there are versity white collar group. sive locais except attempt to were called the Houston Plan, ens of rank and Ale committees ception of two who were subsemore special Issues to come out Karl shier of Chicago, III.
Militants Built the The structural iron workers alone smash them, sent out a general proposed the installation of a city can be established to help in its quently persuaded to join. Only and we urge branches to rush has won the APPEAL sub conspecial orders for them. Funds has a membership of more than mailing in which they asked the manager, who was to be given union men.
The auto workers have built realization. The rank and Ale can four men now employed are not.
have been coming in too slowtest with a total of 23 subscriprank and Ale not to go along dictatorial powers unequalled in their union by unleashing the again be reawakened for the The strike was well planned tions! Grace Carlson of St. Paul the history of municipal adminis most great tasks ahead. The auto un ly. In order guarantee the tee announced late Sunday night Kyites, the agents of Hitler and When the credentials commit with this corrupt group of Trotstration. Chief among these WILS known in the American labor powerful giant it was over a year occurred, BS the police stayed aggressive labor tactics ion can again become the rest and well conducted. No violence was second. Congratulations to completion of our undertaking, both, and we ll be sending them that another Alliance unemployed Mussolini and big business in this the power to deputize city em. movement. The auto workers we must have an influx of good, their prizes shortly.
solid cash at once. Branch litlocal had just solned the confer country and to remain faithful ployees or anyone else in case of have learned through their own majestle steps, leading the prorants and gas stations in the viago, marching forward with bold away from the strike. The restau ence, the delegates agents, please notice this and enthusiastically. This loaded to the Alliance which is recogget to work on it!
Send all contributions and subs nized and respected by our Pres that they would be given full could they preserve their unions an open assurance to the bosses greatest vigilance and militaney gressive movement of organized clinity refused service to nontion was the Russian speaking Ident and our Mayor.
labor in America union Even the plant to guards urged scals to join the local, which had been previously The conference went on record vigilante protection in case of and build them in the face of World Congress Issue to ap SOCIALIST APPEAL union.
visited by a Communist Party in pear in approximately three 116 University Place disciplinary committee and had favor of setting up a state and strikes, and wAS an Invitation to the terror and the resistance of Labor relations men, attorneys, the employment of scab labor.
New York, national organization at the ear its leading officers expelled from liest possible time and to comexecutives, etc. were immediately On the day when the of the manufacturers.
wired and came from Chicago, SOCIALIST the Trotskyltes.
Drive out the militants will APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL Detroit and New York by airOthers locals represented at the ployed groups and locals through baiting, calculated to insure the municate with sympathetie unem. convention opened in an atmosphere of reactionary that even begin to solve any conference, in addition on to the ori out the country.
one of the dozen major probplane. The union committee Can be obtained at the following Newsstands ginal four locals which left the lems facing the. automobile worked overtime, stenographers NEW YORK CITY The last action taken by the disastrous split in the ranks of NEW HAVEN, Conn.
corrupt Browderite workers today! No! That polworked in shifts. Meetings lasted MANHATTAN: Fourteenth St. Nodelman Newsstand, Locals 2, 4, 9, 15, 17, 19, 22, and was to endorse the aims were conference before adjournment organized labor, the workers of ley is the equivalent of an army the Houston provided them with a Transport Workers all night and into the early hours at University Place, at Church St. bet. Chapel Center Ave. CHICAGO 28. The original four locals were living demonstration that only by command. expelling from. Its the Mechanic Union, the Chau Unemployed Defense Committee joint action can the attacks of Prepare to Fight 160 Wells, Rm. 308 ranks Its most seasoned veterNegotiations came to an end, W: at Fourth Ave. at Chaufset up last week to provide an Cor. 57th Blackstone ans before going in to face and the men returned to work Fourth Ave. and at fer Union, the West Side Wel adequate defense for will Labin the bosses be defeated.
Transit Bosses Cor. 12th Kedzie fare League and the Jamaica Lo and the Afteen others arrested at Teamsters in Forefront ruthless and determined enemy after all demands were granted. NowAves. at Third Ave. News, 37 Monroe In the matter of the preferred Second Ave. at Sixth Ave. cal, making a total of 17 locals a Brooklyn relief bureau. Specific Teamsters Joint Council in join The action of the militant force. The rank and file of the Ceshinsky Bookshop represented.
Auto Workers Union, the boldorganizational steps for further. ing the in this fight was in ALLENTOWN, PA NEW YORK, Oct. The 14. employee list, the union was al Rand Book Store, E. 15th Militant Keynote Speech est fighters of all of America R. Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
000 workers on the Interborough lowed to remove those they found St. 12th St. and University Otto Yost, 383 Hamilton St.
Henry Rourke, elected unani were referred to the first meeting marked contrast to the of union men, will reject unqual Rapid Transit Lines who belong objectionable. All future appoint Candy Store, 76 Greenwich mously as General Organizer of of the incoming General Executive Central Council which took no Itedly this suleldal program to the Transport Workers Union, by the union before appointmentss. W: at Sixth Ave. at Sixth Cor. 13th and Market Sts. ments will hereafter be okayed Ave.
PHILADELPHIA Forty second St. at Fifth 1806 North Franklin St.
the Union, and who was chair Board active part in the struggle against proposed by Hillman and Mure have been presented with a reGaan of the conference, sounded a these measures; and which, in ray.
quest from the company to accept become effective.
fact, had even voted for some of In all it was the finest work of Ave, at Seventh Ave. Cor. 11th and Market Sts. worning note to the assembled 40th St, Girard Ave.
The Union Under Fire ANNOUNCEMENTS them in the drafting committees.
delegates when he said in his Bero sier when the union content organizing achieved in Evans Post Storm vs Sw. 8th St. Arch St.
loskeynote speech. One of the That the class lines were drawn Essex and Delancy Sts: BookInsertions in this column are The Washington sessions of expires. The company claims QUAKERTOWN, Penna.
store at Grand and Attorney Sta; Esser Newsstand Arst real tests the new organiza 25 cents for five lines. Copy must in this election in shown by the the International Executive Board ses in revenue and threatens to tion will face, comes in Novem be in at the APPEAL office be fact that the returns from Har will undoubtedly witness a shift suspend activity unless the wage with interest to see what role Mr. Second Ave Biederman Book Front West Broad Sts.
ber. after Election Day. when fore o clock Monday evening. risburg and the other working of power over to the side of the reduction is accepted.
BOSTON, MASS class districts were overwhelm Stalinists. What can the auto Quill will play in the City Coun Store, 12th St. and Second Ave between 40, 000 and 60, 000 Andelman s, Tremont St. Opp This action is to be followed by cil, of which he is a member, Wigerson, 145th St. and St. NichHotel Bradford)
workers will be affected by the NEW YORK ingly against the Plan and this workers do in this ensuing peri similar requests by the Brooklyn. when this question of taking over olas Ave; 110th St. and Columbus administration new lay off edict. GALA THEATRE PARTY! See Whichte designed solely to disertais. Which has thrown out of and several other large scale up for discussion. Will he act as st Jerome Ave. and 167th st.
nomic Manhattan Transit Corporation the subway and bus lines comes BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
Felix s, Massachusetts Ave. at Our immediate task will be to Harvard Square organize the thousands of Grand Illusion. Banned by enfranchise the working class employment thousands of unlon transportation companies.
LYNN, Mass.
workers for the most effective the French government because voter. The silk stocking resten and women, has still not of the lines are already in replay along with the LaGuardia 206th st. and Bainbridge Ave: 54 Central Sq. Rm. 12 Aght against these lay offs. of its anti war message. Of spe dential and business districts appreciably lifted. The automobile ceivership and in the event they administration and its line of Jerome and Burnside Aves: 160th Sam Corner, Olympia Square The Workers Alliance, refused cial current interest.
voted 11 to for the Plan, show. manufacturers, keenly aware of close down the City of New York keeping the already bankrupt st and Prospect Ave: Allerton ROXBURY, MASS.
to embarrass the administration, Friendly Variety, Warren St.
evenings, 10th class interests.
und engaged in phoney marches operate them as it now operates Southern Boulevard; 174th St.
and 11th. May be obtained from (Grove Hall)
to Washington after Congress Lillian Reynolds at National This yictory means much to a new onslaught to crush the un the Independent Subway System.
MINNEAPOLIS The latter means acceptance of Boston Rd. Kingsbridge Rd.
journed. The last wage office, 116 University Place. 65c. Houston labor and has shown The letter announcing the in the pay cut since the companies Ave. East Moshuis Subway Sta. Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette cut is still with us, Rourke retention to reduce wages was cannot meet obligations and it 3897 Sedgwick Ave.
Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; Auspices. Downtown Branch of them just how powerful they can minded the delegates.
be if only they will mobilize their BROOKLYN: Havemeyer and AT YOUR NEWSSTAND timed by Thomas Murray, Fed. Further means the continuance of 4th Sts. Tompkins and Myrtie Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
New Officers Elected full strength.
eral receiver for the LR. to the ever increasing wrecks and Aves. Strauss st, near Pitkin 1SK FOR THE APPEAL DATE TO Foster Book Company The other officers elected by YOU VE GOT reach the workers a full two acedents which are mounting as Ave. Sutter Ave. near Van Sin 410 Washington Blvd the conference are: President, HAV! THE TIME OF YOUR MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
months before the negotiation of a result of the failure to make deren Ave.
James Weeks, secretary of the LIFE this Sat. eve. Oct. 8th.
the 1939 contract. The employers necessary repairs and replaceLONG ISLAND: 23rd St. 45th The Games galore, dancing, refreshMechanic Union; Vice Chairman, Fascism Book Nook, 21A Meramac TWO STUDY COURSES: ments. 220 98th St. Apt. H.
Ave. are taking advantage of the ment of rusty, obsolete machinery. Plaza Crescent St. and Bridge Crescent st, and Bridge Fundamentals of Socialism Neil Harrison, chairman of Local YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio Adm. 25c. Ausp. YPSL national recent red balting campaign of Hundreds of workers have been Plaza 27th St. and Bridge PlaNick s, Wick St. and Commerce Lessons 15; and Secretary. Treasurer, Convention. Norris, Instructor and Big Business SAN FRANCISCO Rhoda Pearson, chairman of History of American Labor Mr. Mike Quill, International injured and many killed in sub. 21 way wrecks in the past several MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
Local ROCHESTER, Pearson was elected u ANNOUNCING THE PREMIER By DANIEL GUERIN Movement Lessons President of the Transport Work months due to the city failure DANCE of the year. Check Fillmore Bookston nanimously. Weeks was contested 433 Clinton St.
ers Union, a member of the Com to enforce safety regulations.
Felix Morrow, Instructor your calendars for the City Sutter Fillmore Sts.
257 Clinton St.
by Popovitch, and Harrison was Price on Publication: 00 Classes held every Monday eveConvention Bal and get into munist Party. This was dented by Since all the unions contracts Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sta.
LOS ANGELES opposed by Milt Cohen, Vicestep with a versatile Swing ning beginning Sept. 26. Advance Orders: 26 Mr. Quill and the officials of the expire at the same time on De Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
233 Broadway, Room 312 Chairman of Local Band. Sat. Oct. 15. Further deUnion. But it may very well in cember 31 now is the time for cor. Main Clinton Sts. 1541 Echo Park Ave. General Executive Board of tails forthcoming.
SOCIALIST FORUM Mail your order today. dicate an attempt to build up the membership to realize that a Cor. Main South Ave. Smith News, 5th Main Sts.
21 was elected on the basis of Every Sunday at P. beginanother Bridges case in order aght with the companies and a NEWARK, ning Sept. 25. Dealing with curModern Book Shop, 509 5th St.
one from each local. The RUSSIAN BULLETIN No. 68 69, Reitman s, cor. Broad Willam Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn to lend a militant air to the exPioneer Publishers rent subjects of local, national featuring several important ar Littman s, Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
in addition to the four officers, ticles by Leon Trotsky. Single and international Interest, Good pected settlement on the bosses determined struggle against the proposed wage cut are: Fred Harwood, James copy 200: year Subscrip is the only cor. Hawthorne Ave. Reeves Pl. Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
100 Fifth Avenue Speakers.
way out and that only through a SAN DIEGO, Cail.
PATERSON, Clarke, Frank Whitmore, Charles Socialist Workers Party Hall, tions and single copies on sale New York What will Quill Dot militant Aght will the union win Universal News Co. 212 way Mack, Larry Selman, Julius Kap at Labor Book Shop. 28 East Guabello Stationery Store 919 Marquette Ave.
The workers are also watching any worth while concessions.
317 Straight St.
Sweet Shop, 2626 Brooklyn Ave.
lan, Moe Pichkas, Grace McArdle, Admission Free.
12th St.