BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionItalyLeninLeninismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

JAMES CANNON, National Secretary of the and NATHAN GOULD, National Organizer of the just back from Europe, will speak on the WAR CRISIS IN EUROPE AND THE MEANING OF THE MUNICH PACT, at the CENTER HOTEL, 108 West 43rd Street, SUNDAY, October 9, at P.
MASS MEETING Socialist Appeal Workers Of The World Unite!
Watch for the Appeal During Our Anti War Campaign Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 43 New York, Saturday, October 8, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy PEOPLE FRONTS BANKRUPT!
For a People Vote Are Leading Toward New Dictatorships PROLETAINED DE TOUS LES PAY WISSEZ VOUDI Humanité crnom che PAS DE NOUVEAU 1014 Pue les on War!
The Fourth International Fights Boss War!
PROLETÁŘSKÉ NOVINY LA LUTTEI OUVRIERE PAS DE NOUVEAU 1914. UPNI PA BEPILATION certainly Le Plebiscite qu on ne sera pas. Baader SAYBER RATIONE treta mora da NET. 22 UITE CUVRIÈRE SEDE EERSTE PA. Bar Set Les de آمدهما عموما وهو ما سماه WORKERS FIGHT Incorporating THE RED FLAG and FIGHT RADI TOS BOL The Enemy Is In Your Own Country Turn The Imperialist Wer Into Civil War LIMIS SO SEE Nové knihy Trockého.
An Editorial France and Czechoslovakia Turning AuIn a copyrighted article released Sunday, October thoritarian; Loyalists Prepare For 2nd, the American Institute of Public Opinion. The Deal With Fascists Gallup Poll. reports that a recent survey conducted by it shows 68 of the voters of the country in favor of UIT INTERNATIONALE BAS UNION SACRÉE. Across Europe this week the profound transformation of the a constitutional amendment to compel submission of any. FRATERNISATION DES TRAVAILLEURS DE TOUS LES PAYS political map of Europe carried out at Munich began to have its proposal to declare war to direct vote of the people.
first effects.
This huge majority of over two thirds is In France the People Front was cut to pieces. Premier DAS Edouard Daladier demanded and secured dictatorial rights which not exaggerated. The statistical methods of the Institute, and more especially the fact that the survey was represent the first stride toward an authoritarian regime in France.
taken before the recent crisis showed the American peoDaladier made it plain that independent struggle of the workers would henceforth be regarded as treason.
ple even more clearly the imminence of the war danger, would indicate that in all probability the percentage is In Czechoslovakia the way was rapidly paved toward alignment of the Czech bourgeoisie with the Fascist bloc. President Benes, conservative.
we Section Belge de labore symbol of the Versailles settlement in Czechoslovakia, was thrust In the last session of Congress, when the project aside. The cabinet was re vamped to bring in three generals and guerre for such a referendum was embodied, in modified form, beslenie capitale wingendre!
representatives of the Agrarians and the Slovaks with a view to in a measure introduced by Representative Ludlou, the le droin roldarinnar de making a rapid shift into the German orbit. The entire Czech pressper valumante de la Weberle entire strength of the Roosevelt machine was mustered donar supplerende de la only a week ago singing hymns to the democratic republicweber dans la Soci Sesilie!
to smash it, and to prevent even a vote upon it. The chorused the demand for immediate adjustment to the new Fascist apel aux travailleurs manuals set up. The demands of Poland and Hungary are being satisfied to Roosevelt machine succeeded, and the measure was et intellectuels tabled.
hasten completion of the process. In the Soviet Union it was semi officially recognized that What a comment this action was on the democthe Franco Soviet pact was now a dead letter. Reports that Marshal racy of the Great Liberal in the White House! And how Vassily Bluecher, commander in chief of the Far Eastern Red Army, plainly it exposes the real intentions of his swiftly exRENDS had been purged, seemed to indicate new internal convulsions reMESES panding armament program!
flecting the impasse of Soviet Foreign policy.
The feeling in the country on the question of the In Spain the Loyalist government the People Frontmade plain its readiness to come to terms with the Fascists. At the war referendum represents an expression of overwhelmCortes on Tuesday Premier Juan Negrin called for an undering sentiment against the terrible threat of the coming standing with the Fascists and gave every indication that negotiations war. We do not ourselves believe that the referendum or have already been going on toward that end. See Editorial on any comparable step can of itself remove ihe threat of www Page the war. We hold that the very system of capitalisiCollapse of People Front imperialism contains within itself the causes of war, and In Paris the People Front first People Front premier in that therefore peace can be achieved in the end only that proud coalition of the Stal June, 1936.
These are some of the papers of European sections of the page of Humanite, the Stalinist party organ, of Aug. 3, 1931 on inists, Socialists. and the bour Two Year Record overthrowing imperialism. Nevertheless, the popular Fourth International which alone has raised the firm volce of the 20th anniversary of the outbreak of war, before the days of the geois Radical Socialists which Under Stalinist inspiration the feeling for ine referendum is genuinely progressive in People Front and before the Stalinists became the chief war was forever to defeat Fascism in People Front came into being workers internationalist opposition to boss war in the crisis over character through its embodiment mongerers in the world with the same headline: No New 1914! France and assure bread, peace, three years ago. It was swept inof sentiments directed Czechoslovakia. On the left is the Proletarske Noviny, Bolshevikand in the sub head: Peace by Revolution! Under a picture of and freedom to the masses was to office in the midst of the giagainst the war and against the war makers.
Leninist organ in the Czech language. Note the lengthy section The time has certainly come when this great majcut out by the censors in democratic Prague. Next to it is the Fourth International that today carries forward the internationalist came before the chamber with a adopted, under the pressure of Banner, Illegal organ in the German language of the Fourth Interstruggle!
ority must assert itself more firmly, openly and aggresdemand for immediate approval those strikes, the 40 hour week nationalists in Sudetenland. On top is the Lutte Ouvrlere, organ In the center is the Lutte Ouvrlere, organ of the Belgian with minimum debate of his for and other sweeping social legissively on this crucial issue. The Administration and Conof the Workers Internationalist Party. French section section of the Fourth International, which publishes on its front eign policy, e. of Munich, and lation. Meanwhile the People page gress, allegedly and by their own boasts representing as the Fourth International. The banner headline reads: No New appeal to workers of all countries against Imperialist war. he won it, 585 to 75.
Front regime permitted French Below is Workers Fight organ of the Revolutionary Socialist The Socialists, wobbling weakly, capitalism to re stabilize itself The people, must be called sternly to account.
ternization of the Workers of All Countries!
League, British section, which issued to the British workers the voted for the Munich agreement temporarily and in the last year renewed drive to enact the popular referendum In the upper right hand corner is a reproduction of the first famous slogan of Liebknecht: The enemy is in your own country! The Stalinists, in speechless iso we have seen all the gains of lation, voted against it. On the 1936 successively whittled away, on war must be instituted. Such a drive can no longer demand for special powers in the culminating in the brutal military rest passively on the hopes in Ludlow and the other financial domain rule by de measures taken last month to weak kneed liberals in Congress. Ludlow himself has cree, the vote was 331 to 78, the break the workers opposition to sold out the movement for the referendum. He has Socialists abstaining thus mak the abolition of the 40 hour week.
ing it possible for Daindler to re The People Front that was to done so in two ways: First, by adding so many amend.
main in office and the Stalinists assure to the Soviet Union a frm ments to his original proposal that ii no longer means again voting in the negative. ally against Fascist Germany led a These votes marked the official directly to Munich. The PeoBy LEON TROSKY exit of the Stalinists from the ple Front that was to smash and every war can be passed of by the General Staff of LABORITES TRAIL ranks of the pro government Fascism forever in France has the Army as a case of invasion, as history so well proves, As a military power Czechoslovakia is disappearing from the parties since Blum took office as (Continued on page. but he excepts likewise invasion of any territory in BOSS PARTIES map of Europe. The loss of three and a half million deeply Central or South America, Hawaii, Alaska, all the hostile Germans would be an advantage in the military sense If It did not signify the loss of natural boundaries. The stanislands and possessions owned by the United States or Convention chions of the Bohemian fortress are collapsing at the sound of Council Straddles on under its protection. Second, he has sold out the move, Again Endorses the fascist horn, Germany acquires not only three and a half ment by failing to carry the fight for it to the people and million Germans, but also a firm boundary. If until now CzechoIssue of AFL CIO thus organizing the popular support for it, Gov. Lehman slovakia was considered a military bridge for the Into Unity (Editor Note: This article in Washington, The great majority which stands for the referendum Europe, it now becomes a bridge for Hitler into the Ukraine.
was written before the session which reinstated the four exIn the midst of elaborate ballyof the Executive Board of the must take the fight into their own hands. They must deHOUSTON, Texas.
The 58th pelled officers. The international guarantee of the independence of the remhoo that left no time for serious annual convention of the Ameri nants of Czechoslovakia will signify immeasurably less than the mand a clear cut measure calling for a popular referen political discussion, the conven can Federation of Labor being dum before the Administration or Congress shall have her this week in New York City By JOHN ADAMSON same guarantee for Belglum before the World War.
held here this week reflects the The International Executive Board of the United Automobile the right to engage in any military operations of any endorsed the candidates of the The collapse of Czechoslovakia is the collapse of Stalin cross currents in this organization Workers of America meets October 3rd in Washington, International policy of the last five years. Moscow idea of an arising under the impact of the kind; and they must rule out all exceptions, since any Democratic Party for the key alliance of democracies for a struggle against fascism is a social crisis gripping America. under the watchful eyes of Philip Murray and Sidney Hillman.
exception whatever will prove merely the loophole Governor and Senator and adopt lifeless fiction. No one wants to fight for the sake of an abstract For the first time in years, the The chieftains, acting as arbitrators under the recent which can be used for excuse to suspend the operation ed a wishy washy platform that executive council took cognizance peace agreement concluded in the factional fight, will of the referendum.
could have been written by any principle of democracy: all are fighting for material interests.
of the of unemployed undoubtedly reinstate the five expelled officers and attempt to New Deal liberal.
England and France prefer to satisfy the appetites of Hitler members in a supplementary reunite the board again under the same program to which they The vote on the referendum, moreover, should be The Convention, whose deleat the expense of Austria and Czechoslovakia rather than at port which said that 1400, 000 of extended to all over the age of 18: these are included gates had been carefully handfinally won a majority in their peace agreement.
the expense of their colonies.
the unionists were out of work.
The military alliance between France and the from Growth of the Teamsters Unlon The posram is stated very among those who would be expected to carry on the picked by the officials of the now on loses 76 of its value and can easily lose the entire during the past year was shown plainly in the joint statement is als are responsible for the tu rious battle that has rent the war, and therefore should be entitled to a voice in de LPs themselves not elected sued by Hillman and Murray and 100. Mussolini old iden of four power pact of European in the council report that over the International Executive Board Auto Workers Union. Let us all ciding about it. If they are old enough to fight, they of the party two years ago, was a powers, under the bnton of Italy and Germany, has become a 309, 000 truck drivers were paying of the when a settlement agree to kick out these militare old enough to vote.
slap in the face at the desires reality, at least until a new crisis.
per capita tax into the federa ww arrived at between mas ants from the and peace, tion.
The terrifle blow at the international position of the and needs of the New York workority of the International Exec. harmony and tranquility will be The trade unions, unemployed leagues, fraternal ers for a genuinely independent is the pay off for the continuous bloody purge which beheaded Teamsters Power utive Board and the leadagain restored in the organization.
organizations, farm organizations, all of whose memthe army, disrupted economy and revealed the weakness of the The added power of the Team ers. The statement says in part: Stalinist regime. The source of the defeatist polley rests in Obviously an authentie, genubers are almost solidly in favor of the referendum, Instead of authentic spokesmen sters union was revealed in the Underlying the agreement is the the Kremlin. We may now expect with certainty Soviet diplo fence stradaling position should and must undertake the fight for it. In this way, across the platform one after anthe realization that the factional dit. Ine red baiting program!
macy to attempt rapprochement with Hitler at the cost of new This did not hinder the Commucouncil report took on the ques. ferences in the are, for the mass opinion favoring the referendum will be moother of the Democratic machine retreats and capitulations which in their turn can only bring bilized in a manner to make Congress think twice before Polletti preceded by none other tion of unity with the The the most part, due to outside in nist Party from whole heartedly politicians. Lehman, Wagner, nearer the collapse of the Stalinist oligarchy.
truck drivers and the railroad fluences. This agreement is aimed accepting this program and with casting it aside as it did last winter; and if Congress and then The compromise over the corpse Czechoslovakia does brotherhoods represent the larg. at driving from this union for choking enthusiasm halling the Honor Mayor LaGuarnot guarantee peace in the least but only creates a more est group within the federation all time those influences whatever restoration of pence. And why the President persist in disregarding so flagrantly the dia.
favorable basis for Hitler in the coming war. Chamberlain favorable to more friendly at may be their name or whatever not? Has not the demonwill of the majority, the people themselves will be able Ironically enough, His Honor strated again and again that it flights in the sky will enter into history is a symbol of those titude towards the their source.
to see more clearly who are the enemies in the fight with the action of the Convention did not even promise to go along diplomatio convulsions which divided, greedy, and Impotent Im Wiliam Green, spokesman for Red Balting Program is the most reactionary force in the labor movement today? Does the die hard bureaucrats in the against the war, and upon whom they can rely.
perialist Europe passed through on the eve of the new slaughter Outside Influences. In other (Continued on page 4)
not the attempt to create which is about to drench our whole planet in blood. Continued on page words the militants, the radio. Continued on page 2)
Trotsky Predicts Stalin Will Now Seek an Understanding With Hitler DRIVERS POWER IN MEET Fate of UAW Lies With Rank and File Workers