BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyJohn DeweyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorkers Movement

SOCIALIST APPEAL OCTOBER 5, 1938 of the American people had no more control Czechs Bound for PENNY APPEAL Economic Collapse MAKES HIT Clamor For Peace the GOOD START LET KEEP IT nation rested in Roosevelt hands. The masses SOCIALIST APPEAL Vol. II No. 42 Wednesday, October 6, 1938 over this one man than they had over his DemoPublished every week by the cratic predecessor, Woodrow Wilson, who in SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS 1916 secretly prepared for war against Germany (except for times weekly during first two while he posed as a champion of peace. Continued from page 1) man raw materials. Soon these (Continued from page 1)
weeks October, 1938 only)
at 116 University Place, New York, The President had planned it that way. borders to agricultural commodit. war industries will figure as a passed with their nose in the air Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 Alarmed at the strength of the anti war move. ies of other European countries, marker in the strategic maps of and then came sneaking back ment during the last session of Congress, the But there it encountered resist: Goering 4 year plan. Czech guns, when they thought they could Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six administration had mobilized its full forces, and ance from the agrarian bourgeot built in the name of Law and safely buy unobserved. One hesitated for fully 15 minmonths. Forelgn: 50 per year. Bundle order cents per copy. Single copies cents. the peace loving President had personally in and politieke mettone contenen czarny of Treaties, and which received to making up his mind. Final. Even in Fascist Countries Spontaneous ruling class. The Czech agrarians roll under the sign of the Swa and stuffed the Appeal into his All checks and money orders should be made Demonstrations Show Deep Going out to to the Socialist Appeal.
a referendum on war. Roosevelt wants no curb themselves in continual distress, pocket. He didn wait for his Entered as second class matter September 1, Opposition to War were unable to create an outlet stika against the Soviet Union.
upon his conduct of foreign affairs, even in the change.
1987, at the post office at New York, New York, for their own products through Army Against Russia under the Act of March 3, 1879.
inadequate, feeble, and compromising form of Later Sam apologized to the an augmentation of industrial im But more than that. Even now the Ludlow Amendment.
The peoples of Europe were not consulted by their leaders one can say that it is likely that Nearby newstand man for com last week when it was a question of deciding the issue of war or ports.
MAX SHACHTMAN Editor The recent crisis has already resulted in a reRuins Sudetens many of these guns will be man peting with him. Competition?
HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE newal of the militant offensive against any ref Justerlity and agriculturally, nor democratic Czechoslovakian cent) issue of the Appeal while ful decisions of military mobilization that were taken by the demo Nelther France, saturated in ned with soldiers of the one time he topiese onder. ve sold peace. Not even the democratic Parliaments were permitted to voice any opinion on the dickering that was going on or on the fate Associate Editors erendum on war. Major General John STANLEY, Business Manager partners in the army. The question of the disposi your were here!
agrarian Ryan fired the opening gun in this battle at Little Entente Rumania and tion of this tremendous standing the reunion of the 107th regiment in New York Yugoslavia. were able to imple army cannot be separated from less than three hours. Charles than the parallel measures taken by the Fascist powers.
Others reported similar success. cratic governments in a manner no less dictatorial and totalitarian ment the military alliances by the future international relations Jack Hartman sold 206 copies in Popular Referendum.
last Friday. The proposed constitutional The peace that was devised at Munich was actually part of the amendment for a referendum by the people be tions. The Czech bourgeoisie The fate of the army is more Steward and the Doblinger broth further preparation for war among the powers or by the powers fore war could be declared is the greatest men broke through this vicious circle over an economic problem in itera and Max Schoenfeld all top against the Soviet Union in the none too remote future. But for the While the question of peace or war swayed ace of our security, which must now rest on in the balance last week, the captains and the force, the General said. This extraordinary crisis upon the non Czech especi portions of population and na. One taxicab driver approached masses of Europe it represented for the moment release from the horkings conferred; the diplomats and dictators proposal would prevent the United States from ally the Sudeten German populational wealth, it had been created an Appeal salesman, and bought rible threat of immediate war. Their reaction was full hearted and concluded their deals behind closed doors; the tion. It purchased bankrupt Su as a police force of France east ten for his friends. Several com spontaneous, even though it was expressed only in cheers for the acting promptly, for example, to prevent Mexico deten enterprises for an song and of Germany. It created corps of und es sold out their bundlet along statesmen who were popularly credited with having averted hos official interpreters of public opinion monopo from being invaded by a European nation. manned them with cheap Czech officers whom friends of peace the line of march of the Stalinist parade.
lized the tilities.
Czechoslovakia and press. masses themselves The world, he concluded, must either orlabor. It allowed the remaining and democracy proudly called Save There were other results. Not Answer to Labor Misleaders remained excluded from all the conferences, ganize for world law and order with an internaGerman enterprises to go to seed. the Prussians of Middle Europe.
few new faces called at headtheir will unconsulted and their voices silenced Both in France and England the pouring of joy that war, for what their arch reactionIt paid AAA premiums to Czech As far as tional police force or continue as at present un agriculture. And it did a thriving ary mentality is concerned, this quarters find out more about demonstrations of joy and relief ever reason, had been averted.
until the spontaneous demonstrations in the the party that seemed to be were tremendous and unmistak. Let those faint of heart take a der the principle of every nation for itself. This, business with Germany and Aust expression is certainly in order.
streets of London, Paris, Rome and Berlin disof course, means we must increase our navy and ria. Almost one fourth of its for To Bure. at present they speaking with the only clear, able. The masses unmistakably lesson from this!
In Fascist Germany it was the gave their answer to the Jouhaux closed the passionale desire of the peoples for provide for universal military training if we are eign trade was carried on with nourish, like the whole Czech ringing voice in this crisis.
The Labor Bookshop is offering and Citrines who at their pom same. Hitlerite demonstrations to be safe.
these two countries. Its entire population, a deep hatred against commercial They, the potential cannon fodder, were not traffic passed Germany. But in new economic prize for the comrade who sells pous meetings a few weeks ago have always been organized down asked whether or not they wanted war or peace.
When this General bluntly states that a ref through Germany, Austria, Italy, and international conditions, new the most copies of the paper this declared for imperialist war in to the last sieg hell by the week. Bekos is in the lead. Roth the name of the workers they so Nazi party. It was a question of partly Poland and Hugary. De sentiments. new patriotic ideThat was a question their masters lad decided erendum by the people before war could be de and Hartman right behind him. treacherously misrepresent! singing the right tune ane. or else.
pending politically on France, it als will arise.
to decide for them.
clared is the greatest menace to our security, he lived economically through the In the revolution of 1848 the The prize will be Harold Isanca But most significent of all were But the night that Munich seemed is obviously speaking for the interests of Amer latter enemies.
The situation was the same in the democratic Czech ruling classes actively new book, The Tragedy of the the outpourings in the Fascist to end the immediate war threat ican imperialism and its plans for armed inter The annexation of the Sudeten participated in the suppression of Chinese Revolution. The Tues countries. There was a lifting of the German masses. kept in and the fascist countries. Just as Hitler and Mussolini proclaimed themselves the sole interpretvention in Latin America. Such are the hidden German regions completes Cze the movement for liberation day and Thursday editions are the curtain from the blackness of ignorance of most of the main motives behind the present administration opchoslovakia dependence on the sainst Hapsburg absolutism. counted in the running. Other the totalitarian regime. What is developments by the controllea ers of the national will, so Chamberlain and position to the referendum on war!
Reich. The fortifications on the Under their influence, Czech sold comrades still have a chance to revealed was so illuminating, 80 press. broke out into spontDaladier assumed the role of supreme arbiters Rhine cut her militarily from the iers led by the Austrian military give them a race because the clear, so unmistakable that even aneous demonstrations of joy.
Unsolicited Joy over life and death.
We believe, on the contrary, that a popular West. The loss of her industrial clique fired at rebellous Hungar Appeal is seeing to it that the the bourgeois correspondents At o clock this morning. rePlebiscites might be held among the inhabitants referendum before war could be declared would basis and source of raw materials ians and Poles (their Slav broth press run or the next issues will took note of it.
serve to protect the security of the people brings her definitely into Germ ers. Crech legions fought the be larger to meet the demand for of a few disputed sections in Czechoslovakia to In Rome, reported Cortesi of ported the New York Times, the any orbit. All the commodities Bolshevik revolution. After the more copies of the only paper the New York Times an ardent streets were still alive with celeagainst the war makers. The blindest can now brating Germans decide whether they preferred the domination. most unwhich the Czech bourgeoisie drewwar, a Czechoslovak army march that tells the workers how to admirer of the Fascist dictatorusual occurrence for a week night of Czech or German capitalism. But even plebissee that capitalist society is pregnant with a new upon until now from its Sudetened against the Hungarian Soviet fight war. the manifestations of popular in this hard working city. cites at the bayonet point could not be permitworld slaughter. Although diplomatic deals may colonies, it will have to import Ropublic. Up to 1934, Benes, as Abe Miller, in charge of the joy eclipsed even those which Most of Berlin was beflagged toted their own peoples on so vital a matter as delay it for a time, the danger of war cannot be from Germany at high prices. It foreign ministter, resisted a literature department of the sw. greeted Premier Mussolini pro day unsolicited.
averted so long as the system of imperialist robit had up to now financed its mass pressure for de jure re. is swamped with requests clamation of the empire on May peace or war. Plebiscites were for foreign conThere were actual reports of overseas imports with Sudeten cognition of the Soviet Union so for more Appeals, and suggests 9, 1936. It is strange. that Sigsumption only bery that breeds these wars is not abolished exports, it will now be compelled as to free his hands for service to that the comrades be down early nor Mussolini who is fond of anti war demonstrations both in Nor did the duly elected representatives of the The American people must wrench the power to retrieve this loss through des the Anglo French bloc which up on Tuesday and Thursday if they playing Italian crowds warlike Rome and Berlin but these, naturperate efforts in finding a marto that time contemplated a new want to sell.
of life and death out of the hands of their rul instinets should have scored the But the very appearance of these nation, the Parliaments of France, England and ers. They must demand the democratic right to ket for Cxech agriculture. But intervention against the Soviet With attractive picket signs greatest triumph of his career Czechoslovakia display the least independence of ner only substantial outlet Union.
announcing Socialist Appeal, when he appeared in the role of reports indicates the degree to action during the crisis. They were convened, if have a general popular referendum on the ques throughout Europe is the starv. Since the conclusion of the One Cent comrades will be out Peace messenger. The explanation which the bourgeois statesmen at all, simply to hear reports of what had altion of peace of war in which all persons over ing, over industrialized war ec. czech Russian military alliance on the streets every day and is probably to be found in the fact are conscious of the ever present onomy of Germany.
the age of 18 shall participate.
the Fourth Internationalists have night this week selling the paper. that today were the most spon people whose destinies they so ready been done and decided by their own Vassal of Relch unceasingly warned of the postaneous least organize Führers.
of light mindedly juggle around with The war mongers bave formed an unboly al Thus Czechoslovakia will be sibility and even the probability Fascist demonstrations.
Rarely has the impotence of parliamentary their yapping about democracy.
liance against ibe movement for such a refer. obliged to travel the road already of a final anti communist Agree Where the Masses Stand the Greater Reich and Imperigovernment been more nakedly revealed than in England, the Mother of Parliaments, during endwm. Despite their powerful propaganda, traversed by Rumanta and Yugo ment between the Czech bourgeo What an admission this is of al Italy.
backed up by all the authority of the administrathe real truth! What an answer The masses under the iron heel many exclusive furnisher of is there any reason to abandon the past week. The House of Commons abdi tion, the American Institute of Public Opinion war materials. But this new fune this is this warning especially since all unwitting. to the of Fascism were in no position cated all its powers to the Prime Minister, hand reported last Sunday that in a nation wide sur. tion will not be limited only to Litvinov system of alliances has pitiful caterwauling of the liber glve expression to their feelings (Continued from page 1)
ing him the blank check which he and Hitler als and the bourgeois press who in any way but through the use vey 68 per cent of the voters favored such a farming, Czechoslovakia power been so utterly shattered.
APPEAL is leading the strug have always deplored the fact and display of the symbols perfilled out at Godesberg and signed at Munich. referendum. Progressives in the trade unions ful war industry, which armed The Congress of the United States was not in gle against war is given by the that the masses in the Fascist mitted them. But we may be peronght to take the lead in mobilizing this mighty Balkans, is now within walking 2, 000, 000 troops and all of the Stages fact that hundreds of Commu. countries appear to be completelymitted to doubt that the cheers session during the war crisis. The fate of the anti war sentiment.
Germany, not to nist Party members not only distance for infected by the warlike spirit were for the Hitlers, the Mussollspeak of its dependence on GerRed Baiting bought the anti war issue, but fostered by the totalitarian re nis, and their ilk. Those cheers asked numerous questions of crisis. In formulating its program Frame Up our salesmen. Thousands of In blackshirts by watchdogs were for peace and against the masses would war makers. Those cheers tell the New York workers displayed shout in the big carefully planned whole world that when the workof revolutionary struggle against son; and a program to combat great interest in our message.
demonstrations for duce iners other countries hold out war, the Fourth International the lascist movement in Canada alone articulated the real sent presented. Daniel Guerin, the We will continue appearing his role as would be god of war. their fraternal hands to their OAKLAND, Calif. Sept. 28.
iments of the masses which are author of the outstanding work three times weekly for the But the most spontaneous and brothers in Italy and Germany proposed two week period. As least organized demonstration they will not be wanting an anrepresented by a general oppost on Fascism, is represented in an Another Stalinist frame up is be we have previously announced, represented tremendous out swer. Continued from page 1) logical and inevitable debacle at tion to war and which under the excerpt from his forthcominging carried on here in the trial we expect all branches to turn greatest. ono may say the the Munich Conference. The pit stress and horror of the coming book Fascism and Big Bust of Miles Humphries, a LO. or ganizer who threw his Communist In at once the FULL proceeds only real deterrent to the pretul bleating of Litvinov at the holocaust will indubitably findness.
of their sales. So far, the New STATEMENT OF THE OWNER ness Manager, Stanley, 116 Unl The British Policy in Pales. Party book into the faces of the clpitation of war. All the hulla League of Nations palaver at the channels of revolutionary ex York local has completely SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRC versity Place, tine by Rock of Jerusalem. Bridges clique when he realized baloo about Democracy plays no Geneva, while Stalin French pression.
labor move ULATION, ETC. REQUIRED BY financed this undertaking. But That the owner is. If owned real role in the politics of the ally was closing the deal at Palestine, presents a thorough its purpose in genuine revolutionary analysis of Britain role in that ment.
we are counting upon the THE ACTS OF CONGRESS OF by a corporation, its name and imperialist powers. This sham Munich without Soviet participa forces represented by the Fourth center of class struggle. AdditionThe name of Humphries is inother branches to rush to us.
AUGUST 24, 1912, AND MARCH addresses of stockholders owning and fraud is only a lying shibbon, save ironte emphasis to the International are not yet very al articles by Rock are to follow timately connected with the build. Only In this way Is the ap3, 1938 or holding one per cent or more atter collapse of Stalinist foreign numerous but they are ten times and THE NEW INTERNATION East Bay area and equally well oleth in the mouths of the pro of total amount of stock. It not pearanee of the two additional fessional decelvers of the mas polley.
stronger than they were on the AL particularly commends them special issues guaranteed.
of SOCIALIST APPEAL, pub owned by a corporation, the names and addresses of the inses and of their dupes. Alone of all parties and tend eve of the last imperialist war.
known in the Onland labor move lished weekly at New York, to its readers. In my opinion it is difficult, if encies in the labor movement. Their program is more clearly Keep up the good work, Writing on the Soviets and Dement. When he refused to take comrades. The APPEAL staff for October 1, 1938, State of New It owned by a firm, come siven not impossible, for the people of the Internationalist Work formulated. It has tested cadres mocracy. Maurice Spector com orders from the Bridges clique York, County of NY other unincorporated concern, Its is working overtime to put out America. far removed from the ers Party. French Section of in almost every country of the pletes the series of articles con and name and address, as well as scene of armed conflict. to the Fourth International) carworld.
the paper. It is doing its share Before me, a Notary Public, In those of each individual member, on vigorous anti war cerned with the grave interna of the Stalinists to get into the fully appreciate the emotional in Pied in the anti war struggle. We good graces of the bosses a tional situation. It took two and one halt and for the State and county a must be given. know that comrades all over tensity of the French workers ampign during the days of the hatchet man was brought in to foresaid Mahoney BI Analyzed.
personally appeared cialist Appeal Publishing Asthe country will redouble their during the crisis. On top of the crisis. Despite a rigid, war time years of the last war to give The Mahoney Bin, a bill to carry on a campaign of slander rise to the first revolution. The efforts to reach thousands of Stanley, who, having been duly sociation, 116 University Place, memories of the past war, they dictatorship which resulted in establish state owned industries and red baiting against Hum.
new workers with the antihave fresh examples of modern the suppression of one of its next war will work more swiftand says that he is the Business versity Place, Stanley in Minnesota and recently subphries.
war message of the Fourth enaged in 1y. The greatly developed techIzed horror in Spain and China. papers, the Import Hatchet Man Manager of the Socialist Appeal 116 University Place, mitted to the Minnesota State They see war as bloody denth energetic activity in the working nical capacities for slaughter and that the following is, to the International in America!
This stooge for the BrowderLegislature by the Trades Labor That the known bondholders, Send in your extra orders at best of his knowledge and belief, mortgagees, and other security and destruction.
class quarters. Its widespread disa true statement of the owner holders owning or holding per tribution of papers, leaflets and will bring the endurance of the Assembly of St. Paul, is subjected Bridges gang, Ward by name, deC. Alone for War once. and don forget to to a detailed and keen analyses liberately circulated a whisper proclamations, unfolding its un masses to an end within six enclose plenty of money. paper, the circulation. etc. of the bonds, mortgages, or other secur During the weeks of the crisis alterable opposition to war and months. The great preliminary by David Cowles, as to its falsit ing campaign to the effect that The Business Manager ies, weaknesses and inadequacies, Humphries was a registered Com the solitary voice for war in pointing the road of revolution historical work of the Fourth aforesaid publication for the date tles: None.
France was that of the com. ary struggle, was warmly and and amendments are proposed by munist! He also obtained the post quired by the Act of August 24 That the two paragraphs next munist Party. But in face of the sympathetically received by large International will give the prothe writer to make the proposed of Secretary of the East Bay InLERMAN BROS.
1912, as amended by the Act of above, giving the names of the great popular sentiment for peace groups of workers.
letarian vanguard the possibilty the employed and unemployed and thus fastened his clutches on measure actually servicable to dustrial Council, a position which Humphries was slated to receive, 37 EAST 14th STREET March 3, 1933, embodied in section owners, stockholders, and security 537, Postal Laws and Regulations, holders, if they had to carry on their war repeat: It is to our ever of quicker and more effective workers.
New York City printed on the reverse of this the list noldere not only and secur.
mongering agitation in whispers lasting credit that the French utilization of the war than was Union Stationers and Raibeart Scouller of Glas all who disagreed in any way form, to wit: ity holders as they appear upon and always couched in the hyposection of the Fourth InternaPrinters the books of the company as critical terms of defense of dethe case before. That the names and addresses trustee or in any other Aduciary tional was the only proletarian gow, Scotland, contributes a dis with the class collaboration line cussion article on Ways and of the Communist Party. And the Phone Algonquin 8356 8 of the publisher, editor, managing relation, the name of the person mocracy and similar lies.
tendency in that country to unMeans in support of Leon Trots result is trial of Humphries by Selling to Labor Organizations editor, and business managers or corporation for whom such In these weeks we heard many fold a revolutionary program ky position in Their Morals the The chages range from at Lowest Prices, trustee is acting, is given; also reports from the workers sec of opposition to war; to inand Ours as against that of kindnapping to anything the Our Printing Plant located at Publisher, Socialist Appeal Pub that the said two paragraphs contions of Paris in sharp opposition tensify Its activities manifold Professor John Dewey, Stalinists happen to think up du 36 West 15th St. 6th Floor, lishing Ass n, 116 University Pl. tain statements embracing afto the war crying Stalinists, and in the teeth of the greatest Book Reviews ring their testimony of which Phono Algonquin 7823 Editor, Max Shachtman, fant full knowledge and belief 116 University Pl. Bust as to the circumstances and cona definite swing of sentiment crisis in recent years. We can Books reviewed are: The Next there is no limit. The object of away from the was clearly say without hesitation that the ditions under which the stockCentury is America by Carroll this frame up is to Induce the observable. This attitude was is the bona fide repre The October number of THE Murphy and Herbert Proch District Attorney Office to holders and security holders who most clearly expressed by a sentative of the deepest antiJUST PUBLISHED!
NEW INTERNATIONAL is now now: The Seven Soviet Arts by throw Humphries in the penitenthe company as trustees, hold war sentiments of the masses.
spokesman of a group of workers to whom personally talked stock and securities in a capacity In the event of war it will be off the press, and features art. Kurt London: New Anthology tiary.
This trial will be no suprise to other than that of a bona fide Shaking with rage and indigneicles of international importance. Selden Rodman; and Death on those who understand the role of America Permanent Depression no tion he declared: come positizing pole for the forces which Walter Held article on Czecho the Installment Plan by Louis the Stalinists in the labor move reason to believe that any other It has just begun to dawn will eventually be directed Into slovakia reviews the Czechoslo Ferdinand Celine. The reviews rement. They are trying by every The Truth About Unemployment person, Association, or corporation on us that these scoundrels (the the new French Revolution. vak crisis and outlines in detall spectively are: Rubin Goteraky: slimy method known to the has any interest direct or indirect bonds, or other in the said stock, Stallnlsts) actually want to Fourth International Founded the anti war position of Edna Margolin; Parker Tyler and to railroad every militant By ART PREIS securities than as so stated by drive us into war.
At this point, comrade Cannon the Fourth International revolu. Dupce.
him. The French Socialist Party turned to the subject of the tionists. The Editors in their magazine outstanding in its gainst the boss class and espe3c per single copy That the average number of maintained its Comments bring the European field, THE NEW INTERNA cially against those who are daily imous policy of keeping cautious ternational, recently held in Eu situation up to date.
copies of each issue of this pub21 2c in bundles of 15 or more TIONAL deserves to be read by leaving the ranks of the Commu.
lication sold or distributed, ly one step behind the maneuvers rope. More details on the Con Leon Trotsky writes on the all Intelligent, forward looking nist Party in disgust. These workthrough the mails or otherwise, to ers must be defended and the Workers interested in having their friends recelve a copy of of the Government ready to jump gress will be found in special founding of the Fourth Interna class conscious men and women.
paid subscribers during the twelve the Socialist Appeal tional organization, hailing its The October number is especially frame up exposed everywhere. this important pamphlet should send in names and addresses months preceding the date shown on the bandwagon with the rest edition of and five cents to cover the cost of malling and the pamphlet.
of the patriots if war broke loose which will appear shortly and be formation as a great achievement valuable with its many fine art quired from dally publications (This informations re The complete collapse, result devoted primarily to the Con and unfolding the role and Im icles on the European and interonly. Order Now!
ing almost in comic impotence, gress.
portance of the Fourth Interna national situation. The subscrip(signed) STANLEY, of Stalin foreign politics was It is an event of the greatest tional in the period ahead.
tion rate is 00 per year. Single Business Manager, on everybody lips. Three years historic significance, Cannon coples may yet be purchased at On Canadian Fascism PRINTING CO. Inc.
LABOR BOOK SHOP of treacherous maneuvering with continued, that the foundation 20c per copy. Address: Sworn to and subscribed before Imperialist powers, with the congress of the 4th International The trends of French Canada THE NEW INTERNATIONAL 316 E, 61 STREET, 28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK me this 16th day of September, Phone RE gent 0690 1938.
League of Nations and with a convened and completed its work (Quebec) toward Fascism are 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEW ANDREW NAPOLI, Franco Soviet pact came to its in the very midst of the war brilliantly discussed by Robert YORK, Notary Publle.
Cannon Reports on Strong Peace Spirit of Masses whe are: NEW INTERNAT OFF THE PRESS above is Signal