BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarItalyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

JAMES CANNON, National Secretary of the and NATHAN GOULD, National Organizer of the just back from Europe, will speak on the WAR CRISIS IN EUROPE AND THE MEANING OF THE MUNICH PACT, at the CENTER HOTEL, 108 West 43rd Street, SUNDAY, October 9, at P.
MASS MEETING Socialist Appeal Workers Of The World Unite!
Watch for the Appeal During Our Anti War Campaign Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 42 New York, Wednesday, October 5, 1938 375 One Cent per Copy AFTER MUNICH. WHAT NEXT?
What has really happened in Europe?
bosses called on them to do so. To make sure there was iers in Fascist Germany, in authoritarian Poland and We ve got to forge a united front of the workers What will be the effect on the international Labor no protest, the democrats promptly clamped down on Hungary!
AGAINST the bosses instead of a united front with the movement?
newspapers and the radio. They forbade public meetings. In France and Britain and in this country the Com bosses.
What has the effect been on the position of the They decreed TOTALITARÍAN rule. They showed munist Parties and their affiliated organizations and sym We ve got to tell them: Your enemies are your own Soviet Union?
clearly what imperialist war will mean to the great mass pathizers became most loudly, most notoriously, most bosses. Your first enemy is in your own country. You ll What must we do now?
of the workers. It will mean the yoke of dictatorship for aggressively, the supporters of a war policy, an imperial fight fascism not by going to war for your bosses but by These questions must be uppermost in the minds of the masses while the imperialists carry on their own ist war policy!
going to war AGAINST your bosses who are already every worker, of every labor sympathizer, of every sincere struggle for world markets and for the preservation of But the imperialists in London, Paris, Berlin, and planning to ape the German and Italian Fascists and member of the Communist Party who has believed and their capitalist regimes. What happens then to the mych Rome recognized that they had fundamentally more in move against you as soon as you raise your heads!
still believes he is working for the proletarian revolution of democracy vs. Fascism. common than they had in conflict. They recognized, even We ve got to link the workers of every land with and for the defense of the Soviet Union.
For the Soviet Union the Munich conference rep while they were mobilizing their troops for a gigantic the firm bonds of workers solidarity instead of conIt is time, high time, to face these questions. It is resented the complete collapse of its entire foreign display of military might, that their wisest course was to tinuing to separate them by pandering to the worst naimpossible to go on blindly as before. The peril is too policy, the complete collapse of the whole idea of col be master of Central Europe in order to turn the tionalist prejudices.
great, too real. Events have been too harsh, too dis fective security. Let us be perfectly clear on this. Five edge of war against the remaining small nations and We ve got to remember that we will never defeat astrous, to be ignored.
years ago the Soviet Union decided to abandon even the align all against the Soviet Union.
Fascism in Germany and Italy unlesss we make a powerWe ve got to stop and think!
pretense of proletarian internationalism in favor of sup This is what they made a beginning at in Munich. ful alliance with the German and Italian workers! They We ve got to stop and draw a balance for ourselves: porting those bourgeois governments which agreed to This is the real meaning of the Munich four power agree are our real allies and they will raise their heads to the Where have we been heading? Where did our policies make alliances with it against Fascist Germany. The result ment. France and Britain abdicated from control of struggle when we show show them that we stand firmly lead us? WHERE ARE THEY GOING TO LEAD US was the Franco Soviet Pact, the Czech Soviet Pact, the Central Europe and turned it over to Hitler. To Mus by their sides against their bosses and against our own NOW?
People Front, and the abandonment of the attempt to solini they made promises which have not yet come to bosses! Not capitalist alliances but the world wide alliSurely it is time now honestly to realize that there guide the workers along the path of their own indepen fight. In return they have agreed to negotiate all further ance of the working class will smash Fascism!
must have been something wrong, something radically dent class struggle in opposition to their own boss issues in hopes of forming a bloc that will enable GermAbove all, those who are Communist Party memwrong with policies that led to such disastrous results. governments.
any to attack the Soviet Union with impunity. In this bers have to demand the right to raise these questions direction and to use the brief time that remains to regain revolution, because the Sovie Stifling of the Spanish way they hope, for some time longer, to preserve the for free and open discussion in that party!
Surely it is time now to face realities, to change This same policy led to the Union feared that the rotting capitalist system which is strangling Europe and The Communist International is now preparing lost ground. For this every militant has to thrust from workers revolution there would antagonize its allies all the world.
some dizzy new turn. That what Browder has gone to his mind old lies and prejudices and catch phrases. He in Paris and London. The result agreed to and particiThe Franco Soviet pact and the Czech Soviet pact Europe for and you may be sure members of the Comhas got to try to tell himself the truth, to see things pated in by the Soviet government, was the criminal were blotted out of existence by the agreement at munist Party will not be asked for their views the they really are. Non intervention committee which was used to destroy Munich.
new line whatever it is. will be crammed down Let us take up our questions one by one and try to the Spanish revolution. The result was subordination of The Soviet Union stands more perilously isolated to your throats.
see what that truth really is and to examine events from the Spanish workers peasants to the Spanish de day than at any time since it came into existence.
The workers of the world stand under the constant In this country you may expect that you will the common point of departure of all honest milicants: mocratic bourgeoisie. This has led in turn now to prethe interests of the Soviet Union, the interest of the soc. parations for liquidation of the civil war under the menace of an early return of the war crisis.
called on to make yourselves more than ever devoted ialist revolution in which we all see the sole hope of the benevolent joint auspices of France, Britain, Germany, That is the net result of collective security.
patriots, ardent partisans of Roosevelt, of American imperialism, which is now Stalin last bet. This policy will future.
and Italy.
That is the net result of the People Front. only lead you tomorrow to some new catastrophic The Munich deal has a double significance for us. What did this policy lead to when the crisis came to a That is the net result of the Democratic front. Munich conference or else will lead the working class In the first place it exploded once and for all the myth. head in Czechoslovakia? It reduced the choices to two, That is the truth. Let not kid ourselves or let our to the battlefields of a new imperialist yar.
ical idea that the workers of Russia and of all countries both of them contrary to the interests of the Soviet Union selves be kidded. Let instead ask ourselves seriously: Comrades and all who fight against capitalism, acould depend on their democratic governments to fight and of the working class of all countries: the advance Where do we go from here? How can we get back on fascism. It showed us that our democratic governments, of German Fascism into Czechoslovakia or imperialist the rails toward the workers revolution which we know acting in perfect accord with their own fundamental cap war. with all the horror. the slaughter, the represſion, alone will smash Fascism in every country. which alone ing crazily until you all plunge over the abyss to which gainst fascism, and against imperialist war!
is italist interest, are ready and willing to strike a bargain that such a war will mean.
with the Fascist governments rather than risk social upCzechoslovakia the Communist Party became not security. the collective security of the international these zigzags lead!
heavals that they know will mean the end of capitalism, the instrument of the workers of all races and minorities, working class?
YOU VE GOT TO STOP AND THINK AND BE in its democratic and Fascist form alike.
but the instrument of the Czech national bourgeoisie. Its The answer not complicated.
In the second place it showed how flimsy and mean policy of unqualified support to the Czech regime served We ve got to go back to a policy based upon the ingless bourgeois democracy really is. The demo only to widen the chasm among the workers of the dif interests of the workers.
YOU VE GOT TO GET BACK ON THE RAILS cratic parliaments, to say nothing of the masses, had ferent races, to accentuate the attractive power of re We ve got to drop the false and treacherous notion THAT LEAD TOWARD THE WORKER POWER, no say in the dickerings, in the poker playing, in the actionary nationalism, of race differences. The workers that we will serve the ultimate interests of the workers TOWARD THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE.
ghastly maneuverings with the lives of millions of men, of all races were split wide apart, intead of being united by playing lackeys to the bosses now.
THAT WILL LEAD TO PEACE THROUGH THE that went on in the chancelleries of Europe. The masses in a common working class policy that would alone have We ve got to arouse the workers of all countries to ESTABLISHMENT OF THE SOCIALIST UNITED were simply called on to be ready to die if and when the awakened an echo among the workers across the front vigilance under their own banners.
In Cannon Reports on Strong SMASH SELL OUT! Czechs Bound for Economic Peace Spirit of Masses Penny Appeal Makes Hit Collapse After Munich Pact colThe special Issue of the Appeal and Rose, sold 118 copies in the National Secretary, Just Back From TO SPEAK OCT. 9th last Saturday was a smashing same period.
sell out a few hours after it rol Ted Bekon of the West Side Partitioned Country This is the first of a series Army Will Be ConEurope, Tells of Anti War Activity did the star rush busof articles on fire developThere was an uproar in the iness on 14th Street. He sold 350 Will Become Vasments in Czechoslovakia result verted Into Antiin Paris headquarters of the Socialist coples to carry off individual sal of Reich ing from the partition at the Soviet Force Workers Party that afternoon scoring honors. He was ready to Munich conference and the in.
Just returned from a prolonged stay in Europe, James Cannon, when scores of Appeal sellers start a oneman revolution when By KELLER vasion by Germany and Po. Versailles Treaty. which was discovered that every one of the he was told on reporting back National Secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, gave a vivid de Old Czechoslovakia has 7, 000 copies allotted to New York that he have to wait for more land.
chiefly due to an equal distribuscription of conditions in France at the height of the mobilization City had been sold and that they coples from the printer.
lapsed. Its richest provinces, Botion of industry and agriculture when the outbreak of war seemed a matter of hours.
linked now dwindles down to the level would have to await new press Sam Roth was a close second hemia and Moravia, Cannon will speak on his imruns to get out on the streets to Bekos. He sold 262 copies and through century old economie ties nical industry, almost 70 percent of a beggar country similar to the pressions of the war crisis and papers, fearfully scanning the again.
indulged in some sharp criticism must undergo for the second time of its coal output (not including independent Austrian Republike. will discuss the meaning the intest headlines. Commotion often On Times Square one seller had of our business staff for not giv. in the last twenty years a drastie the loss of the coal and ore dis before its annexation by Hitler.
tricts of Teschen which were from one of the most powerful Munich Pact at a meeting this resulted from the milling groups people lined up waiting to buy. ing him the 1, 000 copies he was surgical operation.
in front of the Cameo Theater on sure he could have sold. Sam The principal industry of the seized by Poland. Moreover Cze industrial states of central EuHotel Center, 108 West 43rd St. of men and women jamming the against the kiosks.
42nd Street George Zola and came back with some rich storles. Hapsburg Austro Hungarian em choslovakia must cede to Germ. rope, it is being transformed into Nathan Gould, National Organ We mingled with these crowds Esther Schor of the Lower East Scores of Stalinists, with Lincoln pire had been concentrated in any 60 per cent of its chemicals largely agrarian country. The izer of the Young People SocialSide Branch sold 350 coples to Battalion button and all, were Bohemia, or to be more precise, and more than one half of its remaining industries, above all ist League, will share the speak and everywhere the strong and ers platform with Cannon. Goula vocal sentiment expressed was In the garment center comrades Some bought timidly. Some and Moravia wheat and live of its world famous Spas which provide the entire Balkan area has also recently returned from for peace. solely for peace. This so 12 of the Bronx Soviet. Shackley (Continued on page 2) stock found a competitor only in yearly attracted thousands of with arms and ammunition, will Europe.
was the dominant current felt JAMES CANNON Hungary.
foreigners and enriched the state now largely depend upon Greater left France. comrade Can everywhere. an elemental but treasury with valuable foreign Germany sources of raw materA GOOD START; LET KEEP IT UP!
The partition of the monarchy: exchange. Finally, it loses one als.
non began, the day after the powerful opposition to war.
an unexpected victory for the fourth of its forests and the bulk of negotiations at social consequences of another break down Reserves Go to Front We have described the relative devastating war.
Within few hour after it sue. Wearing specially. deCzechs, brought them face to of its barley crops. one of the economic stability of old CzechGodesberg and when the French We watched the reserves cal appeared hot off the press, the Rulers Fear Revolution signed posters which had been face with the serious problem of main articles of exportation for slovakia. This does not at all Government, poised for war, had led up in the mobilization marchfirst special Issue of the SOCprepared. by. our. APPEAL organizing a new national eco the production of beer.
begun the general mobilization. ing off to man the pillboxes of If the masses have not had IALIST APPEAL devoted to POSTER SHOP. they were nomy. French gold, pumped out Musses Want Peace The annexation of Austria by mean that this country was an the Maginot Line. Everywhere time to forget the horrible experthe struggle against capitalist soon the center of attraction of defeated Germany and Czech During the preceding week it the agonizing scenes producea sences of the last war and hence Imperialist war had been com along the main streets of the colonial brutality finally estab Germany was above all a military exception to the general tendency seemed as though the entire were totally, strikingly unlike the openly manifest a determined pletely sold out! hurry call city.
population was completely ab mobilization of 1914. No fanfare, opposition to a new slaughter, was sent in to our printer to Sells 810 Papers the expense of the Sudeten Germate Italy, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia suffered chronio sorbed in one thing and one thing no cheering, no dainty ladies the Imperialists also have not forrush thousands of extra coples Ted Beekos, a mem man bourgeoisie and the other Rumania and last but not least ally from industrial as well agriCzechoslovakia. With the Sudeten cultural overproduction. With an only: the war crisis. The feverish pelting the troops with flowers. gotten that the war of 1914 1918 onto the press.
ber, sold his papers so succes national minorities.
excitement of the American Weeping women ran after produced the Russian Revolution.
district, Hitler gains not only the In New York City alone, sfully that within an hour he Crippled Economy people, engerly awaiting the ex departing sons husbands and What would another war wreakdecisive strategle position in con Industry which had furnished 000 coples were sold on the had exhausted his original sup And now again, the painfully tral and Eastern Europe but also three fourths of the Austro Huntras and the special editions of sweethearts in the streets. The ing Infinitely greater havoc and street during. Saturday. and ply of 160 coples! By the end the newspapers, will give you but whole scene was permeated with destruction. give rise to after reconstructed economic system is one of the richest provinces of sarian market, hard pressed by Sunday. The members of the of the day he had disposed of smashed. As a result of the the country.
German and Japanese dumping.
a faint intimation of the feelings an atmosphere of tragedy. Not a six months of destruction.
340 alone. Dozens of other and reMunich This is the ghost that sits in deal, Czechoslovakia which pervaded the people of trace of the enthusiasm of 1914.
it had to fight desperately for the sponded magnificently to the comrades sold over 100 each loses more than three fourths of Now an Agrarian Country maintenance of old and the conliving directly in the It seems obvious to me that the conference rooms and par mobilization call that had been during the day.
alyzes the will of the imperialits textile Industry, 90 percent of shadow of the big war guns.
Czechoslovakia, on the other quest of new outlets.
what the bourgeosisie feared was issued and under the direction The greatest proof of the its glass and porcelain Industry, hand, which prided herselt on During the hours of the crisis, not simply a military trial of Ists for military adventure. The In order to dispose of the proof Abe Miller, city literature Importance of this issue and 80 percent of its paper and ceher relative economic and polit ducts of its export Industry it the newspaper kiosks were storm strength with Germany. What they fear of revolution remains the agent, soon were out on the conclusive evidence that the ment production, 70 percent of ical stability among all the small would have had to open wide ita ed by crowds who grabbed at the feared above all eise were the (Continued on page 2)
streets selling the special 1s. Continued on page 2) its ore smelting and electro tech post war states created by the (Continued on page 2)