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AMERICAN LEGION Truck Strike Routs coming war itself.
tion wear themselves its purity unsullied, the intervene will likewise compe!
clear in his notes naval building attorney Socialist Solution Is Only One For Czech National Minorities fascism SOCIALIST APPEAL OCTOBER 3, 1938 Roosevelt manner of intervening in these SOCIALIST APPEAL ways foreshadows with a curacy oseblers Stalinists Run Alliance Monday, October 3, 1988 plans for the role of the United States in the Conclave; Bar Dissidents TO MOBILIZE FOR Published every week by the SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS The war will begin, with the United States REACTIONARIES (except for times weekly during first two weeks of October, 1938 only)
piously on the on the sidelines, protesting its devo New York Progressives Denied Seats; at 116 University Place, New York, and freedom. The other nations to peace Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 Cheering Delegates Clamber On Convention Adopts will be the war. mongers, and incidentally will Roosevelt Bandwagon 10 Point Anti Labor Subscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order out in the fighting. Then, with Substantial Increases Won by Drivers as conta per copy. Single coples cents.
the will regretfully CLEVELAND. The Stalinist controlled Workers Alliance held Program Strike Comes to End; LaGuardia All checks and money orders should be made be compelled to step in to bring love and its national convention here, over the last week end and among other LOS ANGELES. The out to the Socialist Appeal.
Ameri order once more to the world, and by coin pledged alliegance to the New Deal phoney politicians, and adopted 00 Angeles during the past week, True Role Now Revealed Entered as second class matter September 1, 1997, at the post office at New York, New York, cidence to win the lion share of the booty.
a new expulsion order for all Alliance members who refused to toe adopted the most reactionary By Flaherty under the Act of March 3, 1879.
Those same forces that compelled Roosevelt the Stalinist class collaboration line program in its history and geared NEW YORK, Sept. 29. As the great strike of the New York MAX SHACHTMAN diplomatically in the current crisis David Lasser and Herbert Bene itself towards becoming the spear truck drivers drew to its successful conclusion today, its importance jamin, national president and sec barrassment to President Roose head of fuscist organization for the labor movement in this area, as well as the rest of the country, Editor armed intervention in retary treasurer of the Alliance, velt and Mayor LaGuardia.
throughout the country HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE became especially clear.
Mr. Altman declared that the this the war. Roosevelt, indeed, made quite respectively, concocted an amendAssociate Editors ment to the constitution in officers of the New York Alliance gram was adopted unanimously ments as those in the metropolis. ten point labor baiting pro New Jersey drivers benefited directly, receiving the same agree by pointing out that no na that organization.
that tion could remain unaffected by the conse Hitler Rule relief offices because it was the session of the convention. The called out on strike, had their was that of Sanitation CommisCity Hall and sit down strikes in by the delegates at the closing Moving van men, who were not Another characteristie comment Roosevelt Rehearses quences of a major war. Above all would the which in part said: Any member policy of the Communist Party to Atherton, chairman of the Ameriof The constitutional amendment program, proposed by Warren contract renewed with substantial sloner William Carey, who was United States, the economy of which is avoid embarrassing Mayor La canism Committee, calls for the wage increases and general bet overwhelmed by the Mayor or or officer shall be subject to dis Gundia. He snid that critics of deportation of all militant union terment of conditions. Longshore ders to mobilize his department There is a symbolic as well as an actual im every decisive respect dependent upon impericipline who forms of this policy has been terrorized list who are not citizens of the men, it was reported. were of trucks for emergency service.
portance in Roosevelt manner of intervention alist economy as a whole, be drawn into the informing or associates himself and sugged.
United States, demands the in fered a new contract with con Referring to the general state of in the Czechoslovak crisis.
In its annual report the Other siderable improvements.
group not legally recognized 35 National Executive Board admit vocation of stricter immigration unions all along the East Constant in the world at that moLet no dream of isolation blind us to this an official body of the alliance. Ited that large sections had with Dies Committee, and asks that evidenced a new spirit of mill claimed: My God! The whole laws, commends the red baiting For three weeks Roosevelt did nothing. He ment, the commissioner excompletely bars any two mem drawn from the Alliance in Mary. the right of free did not wish to soil his hands before the masses tancy, encouraged by the truck world gone crazy. Even m mosignificance of Roosevelt intervention. And let bers getting together to discuss land, isconsin, Idaho and New limited speech be drivers achievements.
with the bloody schemes being cooked up in us notice how promptly he implements his the affairs of this totalitarian or York In the truest sense of the word, motion asking the Legion not Berchtesgaden In a typical Stalinist inspired to participate in industrial dis.
Why They Capitulated the teamsters strike was a battle and Godesberg, in Paris and Lon plans with a doubling and re doubling of arm carrying out any strike action, or resolution, the Alliance put its putes was defeated. The defeat of for all of labor.
The scramble which resulted in ament orders during the past three weeks, and demonstration without the app stamp of approval on the war this motion actually calls for the don. He wanted none of the shame which Bosses Ass Collapse American city going into the the unprecedented spectacle of an proval of the Stalinist officials, a always attaches to the diplomacy of imperialism the demand for the triple speeding up of the clause similar to the one adopted preparation and war mongering by the Legionnaires in order to the Merchant Truckmen Bureau forced to take the side of strikers. Operators, banded together in whenever is forced into the open by the most reactionary old time and adopted the pro war principle break strikes.
Then suddenly he began cabling the capitals Our concern with the events in Europe must contrary to the interests of the nists made their usual demogogle actions that the Legion took to vowed to stand pat until heli sponsible heads of the so called of unions, and is entirely of collective security. The Stal One of the most indicative sociation. who only yesterday against employers and with reof the world. He called for peace and for justice not be allowed to turn our eyes away from the unemployed movement.
and for all freezes over signed up in the business community serving as the other noble abstractions. main enemy, the war makers at home. It is lon came when the delegates cratie front against the fascist of Stephen Chadwick, a Seattle collapsed like a toy balloon terprise, is cast in its proper light The high point of the conven and democracy and for a demo prove its course was the election hundreds and their association directors of the unique publle en His second message, addressed to Hitler, was against them that our heaviest blows must be Chand picked by the Stalinist magrimmer in tone. Herein he sought to estab. directed. There is not an hour to waste in the chine for the most part) voted Thee another resolution, the Alli ship of the Americanism commitwho held the chairman While weather conditions in the by Mr. McKeever statement of The consideration which lish the war guilt, if the war were in fact organization of the workers of the in de to expel a delegation of three rep ance went on record in favor or tee for the past three years, as regions beyond are not ascer. capitulation. Here it is: according resenting to tainable, it is quite certain that theit third term for President Frank the new National Commander of the strike which hit the owners prompted the signing of an about to begin. He was making the record, termined resistance to our own war machine locals with a combined member Turning the convention into a nowned on the West Coast as a ler New York tore into these assospokesman ourteen New York in hate war. Roosevelt. the Lagion, Chadwick is reon on the good solid carth of Greatagreement by the Merchant so that it might come in handy when the time The workers must be summoned to the first ship of more than 2, 000. The del typical big time capitalist political representative of the bosses in ciations like a veritable cyclone.
Truckmen Bureau was that temper of the unlon memberarrived to use it.
and major task: ibe igbi against the war. egation consisted of Judah Altman, chalrman of Local 19, Neil Sion of the Roosevelt resolution trade union movement which has reau has already signed a collecThe Merchant Truckmen Bushlp, as evidenced by outlaw Harrison, chairman of Local 15. snatched up (sie) strikes and the vote at State standards. successfully fought to maintain tive agreement based on the Mayunion meeting presided over by and Brendan Sexton, a former and with mounting hysteria startthe concessions they have won or compromise. The Highway Mayor La Guardia, indicated president of the New York Allied march around the convention for the workers.
ance, and a member of its Na hall singing: Roosevelt is our Transport Association is request that officials of the union were As tional Executive Board.
no position to give further conconvention with the Legioning temporary six weeks conleader, we shall not be moved.
held in New York just tract based on the 40 hour week sideration to economic condiCondemn Treachery Action on the mass expulsion of a year ago, the Legionnaires have at the prevailing rate of weekly tions (sle) and that continuaSexton denounced the Alliance some 2000 Aliance militants in become more open and more pay for over the road drivers, tion of our position would have (Continued from page 1) gain the confidence of these mass gether with the Czech working and charged that its policies fol New York was put over for this vicious in their attacks on labor.
with the setting up of a separate meant about the collapse of the boures. And this is possible only if class against German imperialism. lowed those of the Communist weck, and placed in the hands The tone of the New York geois democratic revolutions be every proletarian learns to con In order to subdue the remains Party and the interests of the un of the well greased Stalinist ex ventlon was support of the demo over the road local that will make cost that would have excluded the cost of compliance with the cause of the cowardice of the Gersistently put the interest of the of revolutionary consciousness employed were being disregarded pulsion machine in New York cratio capitalism of President staggering working hours. union demands.
man bourgeoisie and the reaction international liberation of the they develop an odd tactic: First in a desire to spare political em City.
and support of the New They Call It Unique In other words, Mr. McKeever 105 Angeles convention kry attitude of the upper strata of working class and all the exploit we defeat, along with our own The cyclone effect of the strike is explaining that the strikers the Slav nations. Thanks to the ed above the Interests of their bourgeoisie, German undoubtedly moved more towards and the peculiar public emer meant business and that there eternal national struggles the rot own nation, behind which is hid. That will cause the beginning of fascism than anything else.
seney measures it forced upon just wasn any use bucking them.
ten, half feudal Austro Hungarian den the interest of the bourge the proletarian revolution in GerThe Convention reaffirmed the the Mayor are best described by That also explains why the heads monarchy could maintain itself up oisie. But this demands above all many. At this point we also overLegion endorsement of universal the words out of the mouth of of the Chamber of Commerce and to the 20th century. After the the uncompromising defense of throw our own bourgeoisie.
conscription in wartime, Arthurs McKeever, managing the Board of Trade didn try to world war the national Illusions the right freedom of any opadopted at the New York conven director of the Merchant Truck stiffen the resistance of the truck of the Iberated nations acted as pressed nation against its oppress Civil Peace and Fascism tion last year. The Legion will men Bureau. Said Mr. McKeever: owners, but instead plugged for break upon the social revolution even if the latter are blooda brothers They only forget that first, their undoubtedly act as the recruiting The present situation is indeed the Mayor compromise. Further(Continued from page 1) contrasted with the belligerent sergeants for American imperial. unique. In this city we have strike more, it explains why the Mayor Arst fortress in Central Europe, Fascist chauvinism and racism, ready before the war, opens wide voys, Ambassadors Kennedy In speeches at Chicago and Toronto, sm when war is declared. The breakers (sic) furnished by the aid what he did. The latter were the Hungarian Soviet Republic. these most abominible off springs the door for fascism in their own London, Bullitt in Paris, with and for the cautiousness of his Legionnaires will be used as the unions, paid by the city to drive simply more far sighted regard.
And today again, the great wave of bourgeols nationalism aroan country. Secondly, that in case of the English and French govern actions during the past week. Storm Troops of capitalism in taxpayers trucks in a service su ing the interests of New York of nationalism drowns the na among the defeated nations for The conscious participation of smashing strikes and in main pervised by associations repre. boss class than the truck bosses.
the Roosevelt administration in taining civil peace during war penting the merchants whom the They feared a general strike, tions of Central Europe, including one thing, because the working war their bourgeoisie must, under ments. These friendly relations any circumstances, abolish the contrasted with the formal com the majority of the proletariat. class of the victor nations was few remaining democratic rights. munications with Hitler, indica the war demonstrates that Roose time, as well as smashing meet truck owners are endeavoring to which appeared inevitable in case However, if the Social Democra unable to prevent ita imperialists (National Defense Law adopted ting the existence of a very clear welt cannot and does not intend to ings and organizations of workers protect from higher trucking of continued obstinacy, and the cy of Austria Hungary had been defeated. If after the war the from enslaving and exploiting the in 1988 to provide for wpendole understanding between Anglo remain sloof from the affairs of that might resist the war meas costs that would result from in blows that such an eventuality creased wages.
would deal the bosses of the city a genuine revolutionary party, Czech working class and forced ary dictatorship in time of war French and American imperial European Imperialism, whether ures of the government.
The ten point program follows: it had connected the struggle of its bourgeoisie to treat its mi that even in the presence of the as a whole.
gain or war. The war crisis is al the proletariat with the struggle norities Helps Four Power Pact That the right of free ready being Finally, it seems, the trucking of the oppressed nations of the would not today have 90 of the revolution, the subjective factor, the Moscow press, and the Amert.
Although Litvinov at Geneva, cuse for accelerating preparations where the right is invoked to exploited as an ex. speech be maintained EXCEPT FORCE WAGE CUT Arms regained their senses and monarchy for war. Thus the temporary postappreciated with gratitude the the world war would have ended Sudeten Germans with him.
the revolutionary leadership of can Stalinists hailed his suggestponement of war is utilized by Inelte crime and violence.
the proletariat, enjoying the con ion for general con French and German imperialism with the liberation and then the Source of Henlein Strength That Congress be comof American no less than by British Mr. McKeever concludes his statefraternal unification of the na Yes, if the revolutionary labor Adence of the masses could not all powers directly mended for forming the Dies ment as follows: tions of the Danubian Valley un movement had been able to de develop after the previous polley settlement of the Czech situ to complete its preparations for Committee, and that it be asked der banner of Socialism. And velop the class struggle of the of civil peace. In other words, in ation, Roosevelt, no less At this time we take occathan the irrepressible world conflict.
for additional funds so that the Stalinist Leadership the Communist parties, born after Sudeten German workers and the this case the tragedy of the Ger Chamberlain and Daladier, paid committee may complete its sion to express appreciation of work.
Ends Strike with the efforts of the Mayor.
the World War, had known and poor German peasants, Mr. Konman Revolution of 1918 would scant attention to the Soviet Unapplied Lenin national policy, rad Henlein would still be necessarily be repeated.
ion in seeking a way out of the That Harry Bridges, LO.
Strike Points the Way crisis. This potential friend and Heavy Defeat regional director, and all like imperialism would have been de simple gym teacher. And if the Confused by Patriotism struggle had been developed to feated in this region.
ally of the Soviet Union contribaliens be brought to trial ImAnd well they might. For the uted his share to the four power In essence, these comrades conmediately and deported.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. The four Mayor did a distince service to The overwhelming majority of the point where the Sudeten Gerthe world population is exploited man workers had taken control fused by social patriotism, replace against the Soviet Union!
pact whose spearhead is directed That any allen convicted month old strike of the Philco the bosses and the bosses alone.
of a felony in a United States Radio and Television Corporation The drivers could very easily Just as can become a powerful ally of the estates, and had there simultane by a simple exercise in arithmeWilson grandiose (Continued from page 1) court be deported immediately. workers has been sold out by the have gotten better terms with5. That many Department of Stalinist leadership of the United out any aid from the Mayor. At revolutionary. scheme for the League of Nations yet become citizens of the United Labor officials have failed in Electrical Radio and Machine it is, they have won an important struggle against the imperialist clonal oppressions we could be are against the further expansion materialized in the imperialist States are able to arrest under Workers of America, partial victory. This victory is enemy. This demands however, sure that the Sudeten German of the Third Reich. Consequently banditry at Genevu, so Roose the fovernment act of July 1798. ther duties and have blocked mmigration and deportathat the revolutionary proletariat working class would now fight towar does not offer it any chances vele proposal for general. con. which exist in almost every state The men were ordered back to even far more important from the tion laws, and that Congress work after the union leadership point of view of the general movebe asked to investigate the lux signed an agreement calling for ment than it is from that of the if you succeed in postponing war eventuated in the grim deal at would permit the legal smashing of the trade union movement. ness of these officials with an 18 wage cut, 10 percent actual gains made by the men in and the proletariat, blinded by so Munich!
Strikes would, of course, be ille cial patriotism continues to re Both at home and abroad gal.
view toward corrective action. longer work week, a reclassifica volved in the strike itself. For, it That the immigration laws tion of jobs which permits men to showed the way to ward labor treat, the present alignment of Roosevelt is being halled as a Under the statutes against es be amended to provide that no be replaced by women, loss of own solution of the problem of powers will decidedly change. prince of peace and given credit pionage, any opponent of the gov. foreign country may send its seniority rights of workers, and unemployment: the strike for To All Comrades and Friends: The special Issues will appear (These prophetic words were writ for bringing about a settlement of ernment can be jailed. Espionage citizens here if it is unwilling to the abandonment of the cabinet lower hours at the same rate of the role of revolutionary so on Tuesday and Saturday of each ten before the Hitler Chamberlain the crisis. In forelsen capitals his laws provide a minimum penalty take back its citizens deported makers who were left out of the pay!
praises are sung to flatter or of 30 years inprisonment and percialism, Socialist Appeal. week. The regular, weekly page meetings. Editor.
the Advice to Chisellers agreement entirely.
issue will come out on Thursdays The proletariat cannot combina court the good will of the Ameri mit the death sentence. That all immigration be This brazen sell out agreement stands alone amid the present as customarily. The special Issues The papers, the businessmen, a can titan, whose support is so It is expected that the next ses curtailed until all American citi has been signed, leaving the work good many so called labor leadwave of patriotism and chauvin will sell for le each: the regular down policy and its own la decisive in world politics. At home sion of the legislature will pass zens aro back at work, or at ers for the next two and a half ers as well as the yellow (not price we with a bourgeois alignment of this propaganda is calculated to the industrial mobilization bill so ism. Upon its shoulders has fallen issue at the usual least for a ten year period.
the great task of combatting the are automatically doubling the powers. It can accomplish its his make the American people place as to assure government control That Congress shall be it is feared that the agreement paper, the Dally Worker, play up war mongering hysteria and the bundle orders of branches and intorical task the replacement of confidence in Roosevelt pacitie of industry during war time. The asked to provide application will tend to lower any national the Mayor role in the strike as years at the mercy of the bosses. red. Communist Party and its pro war chorus made up of the dividuals. Several times our usual capitalist society by Socialism intentions, to dispel their distrust bill would draft industrial execforms for citizenship papers capitalist class and its hired run is being printed on all special only through its own class meth of his war plans, to induce them utives into the War Department wage minimum set under the new a great service to everybody.
all Incoming, allens, with In Wage Hour BI.
Lo hand over to him the direction to assure continued management structions in their own langNothing could be more decelving.
press; the Stalinista; liberals and issues. We expect branches to Union Workers Scab The Mayor role was, to be sure, send in greatly increased orders labor leader patriots.
of their destinies.
of their firms, take control of all uage on how to become citizens, One of the major factors con a service to the bosses. But the Masses Want Peace war resources, and close the sec and that fallure to become a Great forces and powerful or for the anti war issues at once.
tributing to the defeat of the truck drivers would do well to The behavior of the vast maurities exchange. Long hours of citizen within five years shall ganizations are at work prepar. We are sure that every comrade Philco workers, was that work look over carefully not only his jority of the American people in work and low pay can be main subject them to deportation.
ing the minds of the American and sympathizer will understand Socialist Appeal, for the Philco company was be past services, but those he has this crisis demonstrated that they tained in the factories by governworkers and the American people not only the seriousness of this 116 University Place That all bills, present and ing done in other shops under in store for them in the future.
want peace. While the fundament decree.
for the horror of imperialist war.
expected, which lower the reU.
contracts. In other The World. Telegram The Socialist Workers Party must New York, mental strategy of the Roosevelt Concentration Camp Gov quirements for naturalization, words, the union men were per (Thursday, Sept. 29. quotes Mr.
For the first time in world his raise its voice in warning to the regime is to throw its weight to Complete regulation of the be opposed by the Legion. mitted to scab on the Philco LaGuardia editorially as saying to tory we see the treacherous spec 00 for months the side of Anglo French Imperl radio and the press makes it imtacle of so called labor leaders American working class. It must and communists in the fronters with its anti war message and 10. That the Legion continue workers with the full knowledge a meeting of the two borses orreach tens of thousands of work. 00 for year allan alot Germany and Jar: possible to have any other opinion is flight against communism, and consent of the ganizations that there should be ranks of the war makers.
that immediately! Let It not be ments among the masses, the 1so ment.
The Legion, it must be remem The Stalinist union leadership genuity among the various emRecognizing all this, the so said that the American section of Dear Comrades lationist policy of a segment of Censorship of the mails will bered, is the only reactionary or has proved once more its total disployers in the trucking Industry cialist Appeal has taken upon it the Fourth International did not self to make a tremendous effort. fulfill its duty in leading the anti am interested in your paperity of the European situation mercy of the Federal Bureau of Composed mainly of middle class The Philco agreement is just one alfference of three hours a For the duration of the present war forces of the country!
and would like to become a sub compelled Roosevelt to move with Investigation. No one will dare element, and supported by the more sell out in a stream of be week.
war crisis, we will appear three We expect branches to turn in great circumspection. While utter a phrase that might offend American capitalist class, this trayals among which was the set. In plain language that means: times per week! This issue is our at once the full proceeds of their scriber. Enclosed find. Roosevelt hastens to strangle the the powers that be, body might easily be trans med tlement of of frase seedle With the strollowed by any Salehis way entire times for a (1 yr. mo. subscription. movement for a popular referen. vigilante committees will be into the American fascist party. In the Maytag Washing Machine to use their well accustomed dum on war, which aims to permitted full freedom to smash Today strongly nationalist and re Company of Newton, Iowa, when trickery. business ingenuity. to others. All branches are to im weekly Appeal be financed. We give the American people any opposition to the govern actionary, they may very easily the union accepted a 15 wage do the victorious drivers out of mediately mobllize all available urgently appeal to all comrades a volce and vote in determining ment. Lynch mobs will rule the become the rallying center and cut for its members, and the re their hard won three hours a forces for mass sale and distribu and friends to rush contributions Name.
the question of peace or tion of the Appeal. Not a moment to us via alr mall.
thereby place a check, and streets as Hitler Brown Shirts banner bearer for the fascistcent settlement of the strike of week. devise a way to absorb upon his and mobs in Germany. movement in the United States. the Eagle Pencil workers in New catch on. is to be lost lest the anti war Build the Socialist Appeal: freedom of action, he is forced to Dictatorship and not democ Under the guise of American York, who were forced to return The drivers would do well to forces be overwhelmed by the Long live the struggle against Address take their desire for peace into racy will rule in the nation that ism they can be expected to ad. to work and accept 10 wage watch the fingers of the bosses clouds of war propaganda spread capitalist Imperialist war! Comaccount in all his public state will call on its workers to go war vocate fascist principles, without cut as a result of an agreement. and of their friend. Mayor about by the capitalists and their rades, to action!
ments. This accounts for the pa to again make the world safe once labeling themselves as fas between the union leaders and LaGuardia In spite of the agreeagents.
The Business Manager.
cifle tone of his pronouncements, for democracy.
the bosses ments signed.
Roosevelt Moves Open Path to War TO SHATTER ALL CIVIL LIBERTIES Appeal Army