BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInter-imperialist warLeninismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

Only the Workers of the World Can Defend the USSR!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth Workers Of The World Unite!
OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 41 Monday, October 3, 1938 375 One Cent per Copy PACT MENACES RUSSIA Open Path to War The democratic and Fascist powers of Europe have This is the real lesson of Munich.
What is the Soviet Union going to do now? Stalin may crack up later when the time comes to conclude deals struck a new bargain which, if it is carried out, will lead Al Munich Chamberlain, Daladier, Mussolini, and and his lackeys in the Communisi Parties have been on far greater issues than that of Czechoslovakia. Then directly to war against the Soviet Union.
Hitler came together in recognition of the fact that filling the heads of the workers everywhere with the no once again the attempt will be made by the boss politiThat is the meaning of what happened al Munich nothing could be more fatal io all of them ihan the tion ihat the democratic nations are the Sir Galahads cians in France, Britain, and in the United States, to last Thursday the That is the meaning of the peace that came al their regimes would survive. After 72 hours in which dragon.
Now the Galahads are all lined up with the for collective security just as they were doing in those the eleventh hour when millions siood mobilizd at all it seemed that despite this faci war among them had dragons. The Izvestia correspondent at Geneva sud12 hours last week when war seemed so near.
the frontiers of Europe and the outbreak of a new im become inevitable, there was a swift and spectacular denly was permitted to say that the social and political The theme song war for democracy can just as perialist war seemed a matter of hours.
change in the situation.
class regime is essentially ihe same in both the aggressor quickly again replace the theme song sacrifice for That is why foreign correspondents are already All the concrete factors in that change will only and capitulating countries. The other Soviet papers are peace. We saw this week how quickly, how cynically calling the Soviei Union Europe great outsider.
come to light in the next few months. One ihing is sure. silent. They don know what to say any more and ap ihe democratic statesmen were able to juggle these That is why the workers of the world have to be Mussolini and Hitler which involve a complete realign proceed from the perilous point it has now reached.
Anglo French imperialism made sweeping promises to parently the Kremlin does not know yet just how to two alternatives around to suit the diplomatic exigencies mobilized now as never before to fight the makers of ment of the balance of power in Europe. The Czechoof the swiftly changing situation. We propose not to war, the bosses in their own countries.
The Daily Worker turned somersaults every 24 dance to either tune or to any tune played by the bosses.
slovak issue was the leasi important of all. The dismemThere can be no more room now for the fakers and berment of that country had already been agreed upon.
hours during the fluctuating hours when war or peace Munich should open our eyes to the cheap demfrauds, the Stalinists and the labor skates, who have been the ease with which the plans to carve up the country seemed uncertain. The New York Times reported from agogy of the democratic powers and to telling the workers for years to put their faith in the created by the Versailles victors were arranged at Munich Paris that the Stalinists seemed to fear the war would not 10 reach complete unity with their Fascist fellow impericome, and had constituted themselves the principal war alists to any extent required by their own vital interests.
treacherous illusion of collective security was buried vakia. The stake was the domination of Central Europe party in the nation. Now that particular war is of, for The question of an inter imperialist war, or a war of once and for all.
and in all probability a re division of the colonies of the the moment anyway. Where do the Stalinists go from the imperialists against the Soviet Union still remains What we have got to drive home now is the real world.
collective security of the international working classedge. For the workers of the Britain and France had everything to lose in an That is what they will have to be asking themselves world in either case there can be but one course.
which lies in uniting the workers of all countries, demo immediate war. Especially since neither power considers while the workers will be learning to abandon the parties that have proved themselves in ihese past few weeks to cratic and Fascist for the common struggle against their itself prepared militarily to join the issue on the battlethe working class, completely independent of bosses. That is the way we ll get security from war.
its capitalist governments and in struggle AGAINST be the most rabid war mongerning organizations in the those governments, can defend the Soviet Union.
That is the way, we ll get security for ourselves. That provide a breathing space in which they can perhaps world and whose policies, claiming to secure the defense Only the workers themselves will be able to create is the way we will save the Soviet Union, still the workers realize the cherished dream of an anti Soviet bloc they of the Soviet Union, have only resulted in imperilling the real, durable pact by uniting their forces, across race fatherland despite Stalin, from the enemies who are now were willing to pay a heavy price. And that price the Soviet Union very existence and national boundaries, and joining their strength to planning to crush it in hopes of solving that way paid at Munich and in the secret diplomatic parleys that The Munich agreement may not stand a week. It establish the Socialist United States of Europe and of the their own insoluble conflicts.
went on before Munich and are going on even now. may fall down on ihe very first allempt to apply it. It World.
WE STAND WITH DEBS On the Eve of War Socialist Solution Is Only One Roosevelt Moves For Czech National Minorities What Became of Democracy (From Banner; Organ of the Fourth Internationalists We have predicted on innumerable occasions that the war for Sudeten Bolshevik Leninista)
Washington Intervention Makes the democracy would put a speedy end to democracy in the very It according to the Communist Firm In Czechoslovakia Record, Helps Speed Up New countries where democracy was to have been protected. Within Party Czechoslovakia social paWe publish articles herewith from the press of the CzechoArmament Outlays the past week this prediction has been confirmed to the hilt. In every triotism is necessary for proletSlovakian section of the Fourth International. These excerpts are democratic nation the mere threat of war was sufficient pretextariat, it must also be permissible taken from the Czech language organ, Proletarske Noviny In the critical events of the past, negotiations remain unknown to for the German proletariat. If the. Proletarian News) and the Sudeten German organ, Banner.
week leading up to the four power all but the governing clique. The to trample on all civil liberties and workers rights.
proletariat of the democracies The Fourth Internationalists of Czecho Slovakia are of every settlement at Munich, President public at large, whose fate is diThe civil liberties of the people throws its internationalism overnationality composing this polyglot nation. Whereas the ComRoosevelt enacted a role reminis rectly concerned, have yet to be of France, England, Czechoslo in France.
board and concludes clvil peace, and defendis imperalist interests munist Party has become a purely Czech nationalist party, Czechs, cent of Woodrow Wilson in 1914. informed of these secret negotiavakia and the other democracies Slovaks, Sudeten German, Poles, and Jews hold high the banner There was, however, one striking tions. The full story cannot be The French capitalist governin unity with the bourgeoisie, the difference between them, all but disappeared as these naof proletarian internationalism. Neither the persecutions of Benes known until it is too late for the ment likewise prepared itself to consequences will necessarily be state apparatus nor the violent pressure of Social Democratic and The intervention of Roosevelt in people to intervene on their actions went on a war footing last defend democracy by trampling that the German proletariat will, Stalinist bureaucracles could shake them in their firm ideas of the present crisis of European im count.
upon the rights of the people. As more certainly, line up behind revolutionary defeatism.
perialism was far more energetic The lifting of the curtain here In Czechoslovakia.
long ago as last July, the govern Hitler. Only If the working class and comprehensive than Wilson and there has thrown a little light ment In the last decisive months they have been calling unceasingly an issue of Rev. of the democracies continues the suppressed amateurish efforts.
upon the backstage activities of class to the workers of every tonguo: Benes does not defend peace struggle olution, organ of the Rev. irreconcilable The Czechoslovak Republic, for olutionary Socialist Youth, afrit against its own bourgeoisle even With the characteristic dupli the administration. It was disagainst a war thirsty Hitler. He defends the interest of declining French Imperialism against the rising German Imperialism. Benes city of capitalist diplomacy, this closed, for example, that before which the masses were called ate of the Fourth International. during war, it it persists in polit am not a capitalist soldier; Intervention assumed the dual sending his last appeal to Hitler, does not defend democracy against fascism but the imperialist upon to shed their blood, became an article attacking the King of ical opposition to its government, am proletarian revolutionist. form of public proclamations, on Roosevelt requested South Ameria military dictatorship overnight. England upon the occasion of his overthrow them, establishes the privileges of the Czech bourgeoisle against the exploited masses of all nations in Czechoslovakla. The role of Benes and Stalinis the one hand, and concealed can and European governments, If the change was not sudden, it visit to Paris was given as the dictatorship of the proletariat, do not belong to the regular movements, on the other. The and even Japan to bring pressure thus transforming the imperialist the role of purveyors of defeat for the working class. The defense was only due to the long record reason.
of the democratic rights of labor against fascist danger from army of the pimtocracy, but to note which Roosevelt dispatched upon Germany and Czechoslo of systematic suppression of demThe strike of the Marseilles war into a revolutionary war, only within and without, is possible only through the organs and the irregular army of the people and immediately released to the He also dispatched a personal apocratic rights by the Czech cablongshoremen was broken by enter the more easily and rapidly methods of proletarian class struggle.
And as we see the decisions of the Munich conference sufficed am opposed 10 every war bul world press, was obviously aimed peal to Mussolini to prevall upon Inets that preceded it.
placing the harbor under milit on to the path of proletarian rev.
ary control and threatening olution.
to prove the correctness of this point of view, one; am for that war with bear latworld public opinion and in Hitler not to march. The text of tended for home consumption. this message remains secret.
General Syrovy. strong man of strikers with court martial. Not How They Explain The few hundred Trotskyites in Czechoslovakia their num and son, and thal is the world Velled Threat the military cabinet, rose to promIt is unquestionable that this trusting the French conscripts There are many comrades, esber is definitely small in comparison with the millions of social the Commander in chier the Social wide war of social revolution. This message, beseeching Hitler organized campaign on Roosepatriotle supporters of Social Democracy and Stalinism have to Inforce this decree, the gov pecially in the rank and Bet united from various backgrounds. The original group was exof the White Guard armies in to continu Eugene Victor Debs.
negotia velt part played a Democracy, who remained faithole in the ernment moved regiments of tions and reminding them of the crisis. Without more information Siberia in 1919 during the Allied ful to internationalism until May pelled from the Communist party in 1928 after the Sixth World defunct Kellog Briand pact, was it is difficult determine how imperialist intervention against African colonial troops to the 21 (the first Czech mobilization)
Congress. During the last few months they have established a the Russtan Revolution. His ostensibly a plea for peace. But important this note actually was.
common organization with former prominent leaders of the scene.
but who were carried away and US LAWS READY Communist Party who had broken with Stalinism, some of them Czech Legion carned the hutred the strike of the construction confused by the flood of social pabehind the sanctimonious phrases In any case, Roosevelt rendered lurked a veiled threat: valuable supplementary diplo.
after the German defeat, the rest after the Zinoviev trial. The of the international working class workers in Paris was broken by triotism. Now they see their salfor their brutal executions of Bol threatening similar action TO SHATTER ALL matic aid to Chamberlain in per Sudeten German elements are composed of former leading Comvation of the proletariat in The supreme desire of the American people is to live in suading Hitler to apportion Czechsheviks.
munists and left Social Democrats, working even now within the In order to prevent any anti world conlition of the democra ponce. But in the event of a oslovakia in a gentlemanly manSocial Democracy and the Sudeten area. All these groups have a The Czech Fascist movement cies against rapacious fascism.
war demonstrations, the French CIVIL LIBERTIES common basis in their Irreconcilible struggle against social patriotThis leads them automatically ingeneral war they face the fact has often put forward the name that no nation can escape some government banned all public Ism and the recognition of the necessity of a new world party of Military Preparations Speeded to the ranks of the partisans of of Syrovy as their candidate for the proletariat.
measure of the consequences of meetings on international ques the status quo, and to the reThe administration did not the post of dictator. The Czech Reading the articles, the reader must keep in mind that the In Case of War We such a world catastrophe. limit itself to diplomatic proclamFascist Party halled his elevation tions. All newsreels dealing with nounciation of class struggle was not the apparently inno ations and backstairs maneuvers.
against their own bourgeoisie.
the. Czechoslovakian. question revolutionary movement of Czechoslovakia has been a state of Would Be Placed to the post of premier and cent statement intended to con Facing the prospect of European were ordered suppressed. The all them with a concern for The socialist struggles in France semi legality for a year and in the last weeks in virtually compledged their wholehearted supvey the intimation, more openly war, the army and navy chiefs plete Illegality. From its very rise the Czech democracy has Under Iron Rule expressed in the past few months made their own military preparaport.
anti war film, Grand Illusion peace. And the socialist struggles hampered the freedom of the written and spoken word with by Roosevelt, Hull, Ickes, and tions, and renewed their propaThe Syrovy cabinet undertook quietly removed from in Czechoslovakia would again strong fetters of a preventive police and court censorship. There What will happen to the Ameri other high administration offi ganda for larger to complete the mobilization of French movies because of its fill them with concern for peace. fore, the Czech organ, which is published legally, must speak a can worker if the United States cials, that in the event of war the Secretary of the Treasury Morappropriations the nation in defense of democ Allies with Bourgeoisles similar to that in Bolshevik legal publications in times declared war to make the world United States would align itself, genthau conferred with the Preslracy by wiping out the last vest scenes showing German and of Carist absolutism.
But instead the Social Democsafe for democracy. French soldiers fraternizing. iges of civil liberties. It immediwith England and French imperi dent on financial measures to be The rigid censoship in the German districts has always com There are enough laws on the alism against Germany and its taken in case of conflict.
ately passed a press censorship. March of Time edition showing racy and after the Seventh Con.
gress of the Communist Internapelled our Sudeten comrades to publish their papers illegally. statue books today to eradicate allies? The diplomatie purpose of Equally ominous was the condecree that gave the army conCzechoslovakia, as. the last tional also the Communist Party Working under the greatest inancial and technical difficulties every democratic right that the the President messages was first ference between the President trol over the editorial content of chose the way of class peace and and under the furious terror of chauvinism, our Czechoslovakian workers have been struggling for to stave off the war, and in case and Bernard Baruch, Wilson newspapers. Newspaper defying center of democracy in Central years to maintain. Additional leg comrades have been raising the slogans of the Fourth Interna Europe was also suppressed.
the censorship were threatened alliance with the Czech bourgeoiwar exploded, to brand Germany right hand man before and during sie. Thus the majority of the Su tional even during the most trying circumstances of the war islation will undoubtedly place the with the stigma of aggressor. the last war. While Woodrow Wilwith immediate suppression. French police raided the Rennes deten German working class crisis. The latest issue of the Czech organ appeared in August government under a virtual dicta In his reply to Roosevelt first son, like Roosevelt, was talking torship.
This decree followed an earlier headquarters of the Breiz Atao stands today in the camp of Hen and the German organ in September. peace plea Hitler rudely reminded peace, Baruch under his direction one by the Hodza cabinet which is (Brittany Forever. the party of leins Nazism. Its numerous memThe Communications Act of this disciple of Wilson that the was making private preparations summed up by the New York the Breton Autonomists, and con bers believe that they are fighting the Fourth Internationalists raise beginning, at the end there will shut down any radio station, no had been proolaimd by President General Hugh Johnson, was as 1934 permits the government to right of self determination which for war. Baruch subordinate, Times correspondent as follows: fiscated posters that read. We for national self determination, the slogan of the United Socialist be no slogan more practical than matter what regulations they Wilson as the most important signed to draw up plans for the will not war for Czechs against But in reality they are a tool of States of Europe. Today skepties Socialism and the United Socialist have satisfied, if war is declared. basis of national life, was simply draft and for a general mobiliza Security of person was abolour will.
the imperialist aims of German Ished, meaning that persons are will regard this slogan as imprac States of Europe and the whole Their equipment and apparatus denied to the Sudeten Germans. tion of national resources. John.
The Breton Autonomists con financial capital which is not insubject to arrest without war can be taken away altogether it Hitler was thus able to pose as the son recently confessed that he had tend that they are still a Gallle terested in national freedom (look tical and fantastic. But at the be world, the government so desires.
rants and can be held without upholder of the democratic right even gone to the extent of print people rather than French and at the South Tyroll but been cut the slogans of a handful of Rus (From Proletarske Noviny, Ordemond minority rights within this point the article has been cut sian Bolsheviks appeared equally No Free Speech charge.
of self determination in the same ing forms for draft registration the French Republic.
by the democratle censors of the fantastic. We stand Freedom of speech and press fashion that Roosevelt could pose months before America entry in New restraints were placed the thres can of the Bolshevik Leninists in Czechoslovak Republic. We hold of great historical events. the Czech speaking Area. will be abrogated. The govern as a defender of peace.
to the last war. All these actions on the press.
will give the article its logical The bourgeaiste rushes headlong, ment can throw anyone who Behind the Scenes were, he admitted, illegal, dicta Letters may be opened by Read the conclusion with an excerpt from senseless and blind, toward this The national question has up speaks against the war into prisWhile this exchange of notes torial, and unknown even to Congovernment representatives.
SOCIALIST an article in the latest issue of debacle.
on various occasions played an on for 20 years under the provi was being published, more serious gress. Proletarske Noviny which es Homes may be searched and activities were going on behind No less significant were the caped the vigilant eye of the poNobody can foresee the out unfortunate role in the history of sions of a sedition act now on the APPEAL books.
tho scenes. In accordance with the cordial relations the right of free assembly was evidence become. But we know this: No mot. Central Europe. In 1848 it brought lice censos Ed. All immigrants who have not as practices of secret diplomacy, the tween Roosevelt diplomatie ensuspended.
In the midst of chauvinist fury, ter how black it may look in the (Continued on page Continued on page 2) scope and precise nature of these (Continued on page 2)
ner was.