BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniRosa LuxemburgSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorking Class

OCTOBER 1, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Imperialist Powers Prepare Millions For New Slaughter Fight Hitlerism Versailles Banditry By Revolution MILLIONS IN ARMS AWAIT ZERO HOUR ON ALL BORDERS TEACHERS FIGHT New War Flows from SLANDER AGAINST TROTSKY DEFENSE FORMED workers and peasants of every people and race within the Czecho FOR UNEMPLOYED Trotsky careful to confine himself to huto strangle Germany by an immanitarian terms and to assume perialist war 18 quite another.
the air of complete impartiallty.
The howling of the pacifist But let us have no illusions on juckals of democratic Imperialism this score. If war breaks out in is therefore the best accompaniment to Hitler speeches. You Europe, this country will intervene. and much sooner than It see, he says to the German peodid last time. All the machinery ple, even socialists and commu(Continued from page 1) them. Intolerable social and ponists of all enemy countries supof propaganda is at work toward (Continued from page 1)
litical conditions must exist for port their army and their diplothat end, Roosevelt, the pacifist. Continued from page 1)
over the world.
slow advance of the monster on speaks of humanity and clvillHitler speaks of the nation. citizens of a democratic coun macy, if you will not rally the frightened Frankenstein. Thatzation, but he was bold enough is why they have been so desperto speak of the threat against An Editorial the congress (the Latin American of race, of the unity of blood. try to be selzed by a desire for around me your loader, you are trade union congress. In reality his job is to broaden the Saar in France, the Austrian the lackey of democratic imperiately trying to come to terms capitalism, and it is capitalism with Hitler rather than face the that he is interested in defending (Continued from page Mr. Laborde has full oppor the military base of Germany befearful prospect of a war and all and for which he will sooner or which will follow it if declining capitalism still remains in the statement, Rivera concluded over colonies. Here the national Czechoslovakia felt themselves are the best aides of Hitler in de tunity to refute Albert Goldman core opening a struggle for rule Germans in the Europe of Ver alism and all the lackeys or sta sailles, the Sudeten Germans in In Jouhaux, Toledano and Cothey know it will bring in its later summon this country to he only needs to answer clearly banner is only the flg leaf of im citizens of third rank. It will not celving, lulling, and intimidating wake.
WRP saddle.
Democracy In Discard Roosevelt appeal showed just Not democracy but the rivalries over spoils and tribute is at where he has been in the last perialism.
months. In Moscow or in New The principle of democracy selves. In Germany, at least, they the German workers.
But part of the process of com how close that day is for it stake between Hitler and the democratic nations.
York? No subterfuge will help plays a similar role in the other will be oppressed on the same Tools of Imperialism ing to terms is a trial of strength. merely is the first step in makSilence will help just a little. camp. It serves the imperialists to basis as the rest of the popula The Czechoslovakian crisis reWhen Hitler raised the ante, ing the record in this governFrance and Britain were forced ment struggle to preserve the THE ANSWER OF REVOLUTIONIST Public opinion will force the plot cover up their seizures, violations, tion. The masses prefer under vealed with remarkablo clarity to play new cards. Both capitalist peace for which it will eventually To the Czech workers and peasants the revolutionists give answer to the question: Die lanese This is very fruit hier een these conditions equality in sert that funcion does not exist as an governments not bothering with have to go to war.
another answer.
the democratie procedure of Let us not fall for all this humborde hide in the United States: vealed in the question of the Su The temporary strength of Hitler of the tools of imperialism. Deconsulting their respective parlia bug! The workers of Europe are Fight Hitler? Yes, yes: with all your power and strength Yes or no? If yes, then for what deten Germans. Democracy means lies in the bankruptcy of impert mocracy is another of its tools.
the right of each nation to self alist democracy.
purpose. Imperialism rises above them ments. undertook measures of being called to the blood bath. and determination, with your hearts and lives.
determination. But the Versailles mobilization and tried to impress They will soon enough come to But there is only one way to fight Hitler and Hitlerism: by Teachers Statement upon Hitler the need for arriv the realization that they and they breaking altogether away from your own bourgeoisie oppressors Fascism is a form of despair in both. It sets them in motion acTreaty concocted by the highest the petty bourgeois masses, who cording to need, at times counterThe declaration of the Mexican representatives of the most dem carry away with them over the posing them to one anothers at ing at some amicable arrange alone will have to end it by) and their state, by uniting firmly and independently your own teachers in reply to the new ocratie governments one could precipice a part of the proletariat To fight against fascism in an alments undertook measures of their own strength. We in this.
class ranks, by launching your own firm and independent struggle which has been carried into the lamentarian Italyst yores and hold when all roads of salvation same as to Aght to an alliance Stalinist calumny campaign. find: France, Great Britain, par: as well. Despair, as known, takes liance with imperialism to the meeting in a war that neither country must be prepared to take side actually wants.
our place with them at that time under your own leaders and toward your own aims.
Matters stood at this point and that we will do by most re Benes has betrayed you, and will betray you again; Chamber the Stalinist Party, was in part trampled under foot this demo of democracy, social democracy with the devil against his clawa when President Roosevelt raised solutely resisting the march of lain and Daladier can only betray you.
as follows: cratie right of the Sudeten Ger and the Comintern were the pre. his voice for the first time since American imperialism toward The workers and peasants of Czechoslovakia can defend Yesterday the so called Com mans, the Austrians, as well as munist Party of Mexico made a many other national groups fascism. All three have tied their requisites for the successes of The struggle against fnselsm the present crisis set in. Roose war.
velt intervention took the form Our war is not the bosses themselves against Hitler and Hitlerism only through a class war, demands above all tho expuldeclaration in which it accuses Hungarians, Bulgarians, Ukrain Tate to the fate of imperialism.
sion of the agents of demoof an empty appeal for peace and war. Our war is the war against a revolutionary war, in unalterable opposition to their own bour the revolutionary leader, Leon ans, etc.
cration Imperialism from the continued negotiations. But this the bosses, In our own country All three bring nothing to the geois government and to every bourgeois nation.
Trotsky, among other things, of Versallles Brought Fascism plea contained at least one pasranks of the working class.
first, and throughout the world.
carrying on personal agitation masses but despair and by this sage that explains the real fear Let us keep hammering that Only the revolutionary proletaTHE REAL ALLIES OF THE WORKERS against the and the For the strategie heads of the assure the triumph of fascism, that the capitalists suffer from as riat of France, Great Britain, home in the critical days and trade union educa triumphant Imperialism of the Moscow Not Mentioned AND PEASANTS America and declaring they face the prospect of war. weeks that are coming.
tional workers) and other revolu Entente Messrs. Democrats, with The chief aim of the Bonaparta life and death struggle The Real Fear In the ranks of the workers army for such a war belong the tionary organizations of Mexico. the support of the Second Inter We, the revolutionary tench national delivered the Sudeten ist clique of Stalin during the against their own imperialism The economie system of evGermans into the possession of last years has consisted in prov. and its agency, the Moscow buery country involved (Roosevelt ers, protest energetically against slovakia nation Germans as well as Czechs, Hungarians and this calumny. The Stalinists of the young imperialists of Czechoing to the imperialist democrareaucracy, Is capable of aroussald) is certain to be shattered.
Poles as well as Slovenes.
Mexico who slander Trotsky can slovakia. Meanwhlie the German cles its wise conservatism and ing revolutionary hopes in the The social structure of every hearts of the German and Italcountry involved may well be And the allies for such a war are not the imperialisms of not prove, and we challenge them social democracy waited with love for order. For the sake of lan workers, and at the same to do so, that Trotsky is inter dog like submission for favors the longed for alliance with imcompletely wrecked.
France and Great Britain and the United States. These governtime of rallying around itself That is the real threat of which NEW YORK. The formation fering in Mexican affairs and is from the democracies of the En perialist democracies the Bonaments, on the contrary, are the worst enemies in such a war.
hundreds of millions of slaves Chamberlain was so emotionally of an Unemployed Defense Comattacking the The tente; waited and waited in vain. partist clique has brought the The allies are the workers and peasants and farmers of France demo Comintern to the last stages of and semi slaves of Imperialism Stalinist and Vilchist camarillas The results are known conscious when he made his sob mittee, whose immediate purpose bing speech over the radio. He will be the defense of William in the entire world. In order to and Great Britain and the United States, aiding the workers of which are trying to rob the teach cratie Germany, unable to stand political prostitution. Two great guarantee peace among the knows that the end of the Brit. Lubin and Afteen other unem Czechoslovakia not in union with but in direct and uncompromisers by Imposing upon them a tax the yoke of the Versailles Treaty democracies, France and Engish Empire is just around the cor ployed youths, arrested last Seppeoples we must overthrow Iming opposition to their own governments.
perialism under all its masks.
ner from the outbreak of war. tember 1st at the demonstration The allies are the peoples of the oppressed colonies and manedly for trade unfon dues, regard road of fascism. It would seem make concessions to Hitler who Only the proletarian revolution the opposition and indignation that the Czechoslovakian democis supported by Mussolini. AppaThe French bosses know the at District Rellef Office No. 19, dates of the imperialist powers, the brave peoples of China and same thing goes for them. Hitler Lafayette and Nostrand Avenues with which almost the entire body racy which stood under the au rently nothing is left to Prague can accomplish this. To prepare it, it is necessary to place the and Mussolini know it too, but Brooklyn, and giving aid to the Spain and the workers and peasants of Italy and Germany, who of teachers have met their greedy gust protection of Franco Brit but to yield to friendly advice.
peothey are in a position where they Matson Defense Fund of the in the end will not fail to hear the summons of their class brothers workers and the overainst the scheming as the personal work of sh democracy and of the soor Moscow there is no mention cialist bureaucracy of the No one is interested in the opin ples irreconellably have to take the chance, because Workers Defense League, was an over the strident voice of Hitler chauvinism. had every possibility of ton of Stalin or his Litvinoff. As imperialist bourgeoisle and to they know they are ruined any nounced here by the publicity The war of the oppressed against their oppressors; the inter Resolution Against Trotsky showing the Sudeten Germans a result of the disgusting crawl. rally them into a single Interway if they don director of the committee, Milt They want this money for the the great advantages in reality of ing and bloody vileness in the national revolutionary Army.
national war against the whole rotted structure of capitalist tyrCohen.
No Way Out support of international Stalinist democratic regime over a fas service of imperialism, especially This great liberating anny: In this war alone lies the hope of mankind and the promise organizations which exist on cist one. He this tans had been res in Span, the relire Organizations represented on That is the supreme irony of more Isonow being fulfilled only by the the present crisis. Roosevelt the committee include Locals 4, Fourth International. That is other war we shall resist, to the end. To this war we have pledged profit, since these dues produce a course, to make an attempt on statement shows how conscious 17 19 and other locals of the What are the causes? There are why it is hated by fascists, by the capitalists are of the implica Workers Alliance, and the New our lives.
tidy sum of more than 1, 500, 000 Sudeten. His main strength lies two. The first lies in the fact that Imperialist democrats, by sothe Workers pesos with which they can con now precisoly in the fact that the having definitely become a lackey cial patriots and by the lackeys tions of the war. Yet the system York City branch of the Kremlin. This is the true tentedly carry on their Aght Sudeten Germans themselves of democratic imperialism, Sta of capitalism makes it impossible Defense League, Cohen sald.
Defense for Jobless to avoid the war. It provides no against reaction and fasciam. want unity with Germany. This lin does not dare, however, to sign that under its banner will Organization of the commitother way out of the economic The statement went on to desire was inspired in them by bring his work in the to rally all the oppressed.
impasse that has become so intoltee krew out of the necessity of charge that the Staliniste have the rapacious and police regime a conclusion, that is, to the reCoyoacan, erable in the last eight years.
providing a militant defense of entrenched themselves in the of Czechoslovakian democracy storation of private ownership of And the only way out, it has reaLabin and those arrested with him in the face of obvious of son to fear, is going to prove they tating its worst methods. abolishing of the monopoly of forts on the part of Miss Shirley Dissolution of Party and Murder of Leaders campaigns. Last week at a na way out for capitalism altogether.
Super democratic Austria found foreign trade. And without these Therefore from the very first Commissioner of Welfare Wil Is Reward for Loyalty to Stalin tional convention they put itself until a short time ago un measures he remains in the eyes the democratie powers are comthrough resolution to strive der the tireless solicitude of the of the imperialists just a revolulam Hodson department, pelled to bring into play all the and Comintern with all possible means to obtain democratic Entente which seemed tionary parvenu, an untrust.
iles of their propaganda about and the police, to impose heavy the expulsion of Trotsky and the to have made it Its business not worthy adventurer, a bloody falsi. WASHINGTON, President sentences on all of the defend democracy and at the same ants, Cohen declared. The atBelow is printed the proclama ered by the Stalinist executioners discharge of all Trotskyite teach to let Austria live or die. It ended fler. The imperialist bourgeoisie Roosevelt set the machinery of time prepare for militarizing tion of the Polish Bolshevik Le for their devotion to the Socialist by Austria throwing herself in does not venture to wager an Im the Railway Labor Act into action their democratic governments tempt to rallroad Herman They call Trotskyltes all those to the embrace of Hitler. On portant stake on Stalin. e. turning them into Fascist Matson In Hoboken, N, 19 ninist, Issued in connection witA Revolution. We, who for seven teachers who cannot be bossed smaller scale the same experience of course, it could utilize him this week with the appointment governments in order to protect another example of the policy the dissolution by the Comintern years fought against the base and robbed, the teachers state was previously made in the Saar for its partial and temporary act finding commission of the Communist Party in crimes of the Lenskis and the the bosses from the fury of the of persecuting militant unemPoland. The complete dissolu Hangrikowskis, know that these they use the regular methods of mained in the hands of France for Kremlin isolation looms up: action by railway labor for at ment continued. To terrify them region which after having re aims.
ployed workers, who have the here the second cause that will effectively delay strike workers as soon as the workers tion of the Communist Party of last leaders of the were racketeering, bringing thugs into for Afteen years and having tried in its struggle for self preserva least 60 days.
find out that they have been cru relief to speak out for better elly deceived once more. Not only event in the history of the labor Stalin not the Polish secret po prevent the distribution of leaflets democracy, by an overwhelming clique has crippled the army and speaking for 18 railway labor war, but world Fascism is on the ken, September 15, after he had Matson was arrested in HoboWhen George Harrison, movement. Before our Polish lice!
order of the day!
been beaten by thugs at a meetcomrades Is posed the respons Tools of Stalin and propaganda material among majority expressed a desire for the fleet to the last degree, shak unions, announced that a nation the teachers. Last Saturday the unity with Germany. These les en economy, demoralized and hu wide vote authorized a strike call The Only Answer Against this double threat the standards under the McFeely ading to protest inadequate relieflibility for a tremendous task: It was at the command of Sta. delegates of the school zones of sons of history are more signifi. miliated the country. No one be for midnight of Sept. 30 unless To gather under the banner of in that the Central Committee the Federal Districts presented at cant than resolutions of all the lieves the patriotic howling of the operators rescinded orders for a wokers can make only one an ministration.
the Fourth International the of the with Lenski at the Belles Artes meeting (the con pacifist congresses.
swer: they have to mobilize them16 Involved in Case fragments of the Polish Com its head) carried out in 1929 the vention) some petitions and were defeatist clique. The imperialists 15 per cent wage cut, scheduled to selves to fight capitalism the The sixteen defendants in the munist Party and to construct adventurist ultra left policy of met by gunmen who immediately Mockery of Racial Unity clearly dare not risk a stake on become effective Oct. 1, the Nabreeder of war and fascism. The Brooklyn case were arrested at new revolutionary party!
most fatal thing now is to listen the September 1st demonstration the third period. and in 1936 called them Trotskyites, split Only pitiful babblers or fascist Stalin even for episodle military tional Mediation Board was imthe unprincipled Peoples Front. ters.
mediately notified. They in turn to the lies of the bosses lackeys where some 300 unemployed workcrooks can speak in connection At the command Stalin, When the carried on proThe statement ended a re with the fate of the Saar, the AuThe Fight Against War. the labor fakers like the Jouers were demanding Immediate Yezhov and Litvinov, the Cominvocations against the Trotskyists quest that President Cardenas restrian and Sudeten Germans of notifled the President, who then In this International situation appointed the commission, contrines, and the lackeys of imperi to be evleted from his lodging. An Party of Poland and Young Com that too, was done at the direct to describe to him conditions in The Swiss Germans, for example, ocean and gather in hospitable Stacy of North Carolina, Profeshaux, Greens, Lewises, and cl. relief for Lubin, who was aboutern dissolved the Communist and reported them to the police, celve a delegation which desired the trresistible call of blood. the agents of the cross the disting of Chief Justice Walter aliam, the Stalinists, who are of the sixteen are charged with Imunist League of Poland. This order of Stalin. not the Polish the Ministry of Education and do not want at all to en on the workers the lying belief and three others face the udal by the destruction of the whole to the leader nor the worlon with a denunciation of the plane slavery under Hitler, because The method is simple to unite University and Dean James Into Mexico to fight against war. sor Harry Millis of Chicago most loudly of all trying to fast: Gisorderly conduct, while Labin formal dissolution was preceded secret police. But neither of the to hound and mur they feel themselves masters in all the democracies against Landis of the Harvard Law that this struggle, like the war tional charge of felonious assault. leading staff of the Party, present menta in the struggle against der revolutionists, the first of their country, and Hitler would cism. Only against fasclem! School in 1914, is to be a struggle for The felonious assault coses come as well as former. Warski, Kon Trotskyism, helped the At them Leon Trotaky. democracy.
think ten times before attacking am invited here, speaks the 800, 000 Votes Cast up on October 10 in Felony Court trazeva, Waletski, Domski, Sophia the moment when Stalin no longworthy agent of the French Under their auspices the 80 and the disorderly conduct cnsen Unshilicht, Krukikowski, Lenski, er needed the he smashed The strike voto was cast in a Bourse Jouhaux, for the strug series of meetings held all over called pacifista are lining up on October 13 in the Pennsylvania Henrikowski, Bronkowski and the leadership and scattered the the role of a bridge between the Stalinism?
once more in classic manner. Avenue Court, Brooklyn.
gle against fascism, and not im the nation, with more than 800, 000 Kremlin and the Inspector GenThese bleaters against war are Comrades! The C, is no perialism at all! Whoever Alghts ballots cast. The surge of millThe committee is making an munist Party of Poland were shot Comrades! Completely bewilder eral of the Military Forces. and longer among the living and no against democratie imperialism, tancy on the part of many other leaders of the Com membership of the Party.
the rall standing up on platforms in this immediate appeal for funds, both or killed in the torture chambers ed, you are confusedly seeking an this was not its fault. It therefore one will be able to resurrect. It that is for the freedom of the workers against the proposed hated war all their lives but now ton of collection lists, those gath spies and agent provocateurs. your Party, this event which for Stalin and Litvinov. Stalin Stadin etnpt to resurrect the French colonies is an ally of fis wage slash resulted in an overcountry to tell us how they have directly and through the circula of the accused of being explanation for the dissolution of became an unnecessary ballast Every would be reactioncism, an agent. a Trots holy struggle against Hitlerism, the case of the sixteen in Brook made against the that the time has come for lered to be divided evenly between This Infamous chehole It is not so difficult to find an once and for all convince the Pol soon present themselves as the Hindus must reconcile themselves Negotiations between operators is now seems to inexplicable to you. But dissolved the In order ary. The Socialist Parties win Kyite. Three hundred And Tratty coming majority for the striko they are prepared to support itlyn and the Matson Defense Fund. against the whole Ac explanation. One must only be ish bourgeoisie that the Soviet inheritors of the There is to their slavery in order to sup and the heads to the utmost.
the various Novelist Turns War Monger and unemployed organization to cutioner in the Kremlin the Com smashing of the is a link revolutionary illusions. that the there is in Stalinism. In order to ers of which at this very time, to Labor Executive Association, had Most prominent here a few days send telegrams or delegations to munist movement of Poland dur in the chain of Stalinist crimes, Thermidorian does not secure victory, the Polish prolet gether with the slave holders of resulted in a deadlock. The corago was Th. Mann, the novellst. Commissioner Hodson office, 902 ing all the 20 years of its exist another step in the victorious even think of who gave a perfect demonstra Brond way, and to Miss Buxbaumence has been nothing but en march of the Thermidorian coun World Revolucreparing for the ariat must have a Revolutionary democratic France, are deliver porations insisted on a 15 per cent that Stalinis Party, a Party of the ing the Spanish people into Francut: the union officials knew the tion of the pacifist role at a at No. 79, to protest against agency of the secret police and ter revolution which destroys not Trotsky and that, therefore, arising Fourth International. co bondage. People of Latin membership was in no mood for mass meeting held under Stalinist the persecution of these workers, the secret service of the Army with fire and sword the old re Beck could after all find a comauspices in Madison Square Gar Cohen said. The committee is General Staff. An infamous lie! volutionary generation.
mon language with Litvinov.
Comrades! For the past seven America must tolerate with gratia further lowering of their wages.
years, we the Bolshevik Leniniststude the foot of Anglo Saxon Imden last week.
also urgently in need of funds, The born out of a fu Thrown Into Discard Comrades! The which have been working to create a re perialism on their neck only be some months, is now further de always loved peace and de which should be sent to the Union of the party of Rosa Luxemtested war. Mann said. detest employed Defense Committee (Durg and Leo Tishko (known as cracy subordinated the Comint and a base slander, long ago ceas and, to create the cadres of the suede democratic boot. Disgrace, Roosevelt. Under the guise of Long ago the Soviet Bureau fell victim to a dastardly crime volutionary organization in Pol cause this foot is dressed in a layed by the action of President it even today. But feel that it Room 302, 112 Fast 19th Street, Jogisches in Germany Ed. and ern to the interest of its foreigned to be a Communist Party in new proletarien party. We are the shame, cynicism without end!
mediation the railway workers would be a shame and an infamy New York City.
the left wing of the Socialist policy. In order to gain favor the Revolutionary sense of the inheritors of the great Marxist The democracles of the Verare in fact deprived their right If Europe and the world would Party of Poland, was many with the French bourgeoisie, Sta word. But so far only a small seo traditions, of the Party of Rosa sailles Entente helped the victory to strike. Shuttled from one comaccept without resistance this AT YOUR NEWSST AND years the herole vanguard of the in pushed the Communist Party tion of the workers understands Luxemburg and Tishko, and the of Hitler by their vile oppression mittee to another the vital ques misdeed against a little country ASK FOR THE APPEAL Polish proletariat. We Polish France into the embrace of the this. For tens of thousands of heroic past of the CP defeated Germany. Now the tion of wages for more than a (Poor Uttle Czechoslovakia! Poor Troskyists who emerged from the Radical bourgeoisie. Without workers the was, up to Trotskyists are in Poland as well lackeys of democratic Imperial million organized workers will be little Belglum. Ed. which LERMAN BROS. protest against this in hesitation, Stalin placed the the last moment, a representative as the world over only group. ism of the wishes to save civilization and ond and Third In studied by a judge, a professor famous slander of the herole past at salute before Ridz Smigla, of October Bolshevism, a symbol ing which represents Leninist ternationals are helping with all and the dean of Harvard famous freedom and which would be dis 37 EAST 14th STREET Jof membered and delivered to New York City of our party.
Despite the serious hoping thereby to effect a change differences which separated us in the Polish foreign policy. But mon bletarian revolution. The Communism. Our program is the their might the further strength Law School of the proceeded program of Bolshevism. Our banening of Hitler regime. Really. The commission is allowed 30 slavery.
Union Stationers and from Warski and Kostrszeva we the decisive circles of the Polish under the yoke of creusest opner is the banner of the October what would military block of days reportanother Therefore, Mann, the pacifist, Printers will remember with the deepest bourgeoiste rejected the Moscow portunism, convinced that they Revolution. To this banner we imperialist democracies against 30 days must cla pre before strike becomes now Mann, the support Phone Algonquin 9856 8 respect their names and their proposal. The ald every were serving the cause of the Re call you comrades! The old Hitler mean? new edition of action is taken.
During that time er of imperialist war, under the Selling to Labor Organizations thing in its power in order to volution. Is it possible that the is dead long live the New Com the Versailles chains, even more the wage cut will not go into lying labels of democracy and at Lowest Priced at The views of Domski and Un create in Poland democratie destruction of the by munist Party of Poland! Long heavy, bloody and Intolerable effect, but all efforts will be made civilization.
Our Printing Planti shllcht in the last years of their Front of allles. All the Stalin did not convince the ad. Lave the Fourth International! Naturally, not a single German to blunt the fine edge of militancy Soon Involved 38 West 15th st. 6th Floor.
11fe were not known to us. But efforts however were in vain. The vanced Communist workers of the Bolshevik Leninista. worker wants this. To throw off that brought forth the huge strike Phone Algonquin 7828 In his appeal Roosevelt was we do know that they were murd was incapable of playing counter revolutionary essence of Warsaw, July 1938 Hitler by revolution is one thing, vote.
Trotskyists Defend Heroic Past of Polish Communists linistry of Education from which which toughest facethod by imi dhe means of production opened the WORKERS VOTE TO STRIKE courtsonaitions.