BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

The Appeal Will Be Issued Three Times Weekly Beginning Saturday. The SOCIALIST APPEAL will appear three times Only the revolutionary Marxists of the Socialist longer be possible for the revolutionists to publish legal Let us prepare for it now. That is the clear duty of a week for the duration of the world war crisis. Every Workers Party are taking ihe lead in the fight against organs.
every revolutionist. Every party member a soldier in our Monday, Thursday and Saturday, the only revolutionary imperialism and against war. We are swimming against The SOCIALIST APPEAL proposes to utilize every own mobilization! Every sympathizer a pillar of support!
newspaper in the United States will broadcast the antiwar message of Marxism and Internationalism to the the stream as Liebknecht and Lenin and Luxemburg and available minute in this respite before Mr. Roosevelt Party members: Respond to the call of your branches workers of this country.
Trotsky did in the face of universal treachery and patri. clamps down his war time dictatorship. We may not be for sale and distribution of the APPEAL!
As we go to press with the current issue, the outotism in 1914 1918.
able to stop the war, nor to prevent American entrance Branches of the party: Place your orders at once for break of the new slaughter may be a matter of days or We have no apologies to make. We are proud of into it, but we can we must spread our message to the large increases in your bundle orders.
even hours. But long before, a pestilence of patriotism our role. But there is no time to be lost on self praise. working class, so that when the sober truth is brought Sympathizers, members and branches: Raise funds, has been invading the labor movement. Pacifists, liberals, Action is on the order of the day now; it will be only a home to them, they will remember who told them the every last dollar and penny to keep the tri weekly ANTIlabor skates, Stalinists are shouting for the war impa matter of months before America too is sucked into the truth, who warned them in time, who pointed the way AR APPEAL going.
tient to put the workers in the irenches for Morgan, death trap. Then comes Day dictatorship, censorship, to real peace and freedom. That awakening will be the Remember! This is our own Day. Let put il Rockefeller and du Pont.
the war hysteria and the lynch mobs. Then it will no crack of doom for American imperialism.
over while the putting is good!
Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth International!
Drivers Accept Terms PRIMARY DEALS New War Flows from MILLIONS IN ARMS Fight Hitlerism By Revolution REVEAL DANGER IN ALP POLICY Trotsky Urges Firm Revolutionary Defeatist Independent Action Pacifists Leap On Policy As Only Way to Alone Will Rally Boss Front Cracking After Ass Rejects Bandwagon to An Editorial Fight Hitlerism Workers Support War Every militant worker, every anti fascist throughout the world Compromise; Strikers Keep Unsigned By LEON TROTSKY stands solidly behind the Czech workers and peasants in their Last week primaries were (Sept. 19, 1938)
BULLETIN Firms Tied Up burning, noble desire to resist and smash Hitler.
Arst test for the practicability These lines are written in the very midst of an ominous dip.
Adolph Hitler has postponed lomatic muddle around the question of the Sudeten Germans. his ultimatum to Czechoslovakia The events of the past weeks have proved a thousand times NEW PACT REDUCES HOURS of the American Labor Party of the class collaboration policy Chamberlain has flown over the skies in vain hope of finding for twenty four hours in order to over the reality and strength of that desire. The great, stern crowds there the solution of allow for a four power conferin Prague and throughout the cities of Czechoslovakia, covered leaders especially as expressed in BULLETIN their current alliance with the the imperialist conwith shame at the contemptible capitulation of the Czech governence, according to dispatches reNEW YORK, Sept. 28. While the effectiveness of the great Republicans. This policy was nottradictions. Whether ceived just before going to press.
ment and pleading for the chance to defend themselves with arms truck drivers strike remained entirely unimpaired with the city ably put forward as a party buildthe war will break Mussolini, Chamberlain, Daladier in hand against the mighty death machine of the Swastika, bore ing step which would give the out now, or, what is witness to that desire.
commerce still in a state of paralysis, hundreds of individual truck. ALL balance of power in the are to meet the Fuehrer in Mu.
ing operators waited in a line a block and half long before the head state legislature as well as put more likely, whether nich in an effort to strike a hard But how, how? That is the crucial question. How can the quarters of Local 807, 74 Varick Street, to sign the Mayor com leading party figures into public the rulers of the bargain on the war crisis. The Czech workers and peasants defend themselves against Hitler and wor!
promise agreement with union officials. Most of them were members office where they in Hitlerism?
object of the alignment undoubt of the Merchant Truckmen Bureau and the Highway Transport As work more effectively to advance putting it off for edly is a coalition of powers sociation, the two bosses outfits which yesterday Aatly rejected the making the leaders premise on The spokesmen for the democratic bourgeoisie in all some time. not a against the Soviet Union. No countries, the reformists and liberals and Stalinists and pacifists compromise.
its own merits, and leaving aside very long time to be stone will be left unturned by the and preachers, all the swarm of flag wavers who led the people Mayor LaGuardia compromise agreement, which calls for a our principled objections to class sure. this question imperialist diplomats to prevent a into the war of 1914 18 that war to end wars, that war to 44 hour work week at the present rate of weekly pay and specifies collaboration politics for the mo is still not definitely war between themselves and to make the world safe for democracy. give in unison one answer.
settled. None of these that no driver is to work more than 14 hours in any week including ment, the results of the primaries turn the war machines against the They tell the workers and peasants of Czechoslovakia that gentlemen want a they can defend themselves against Hitler and Hitlerism by fightWorkers State. This is clearly inof politics meeting called at Mecca Temple yesterday morning and afternoon The main Agure in the war. All are afraid of dicated by the omission of the ing for the Czech government. that is, for the Czech bourgeoisie tumultously discussed acceptance of the compromise. The men angrily Republican primaries, its consequences. But Louis Soviet Union an ally of Czecho whose government it is, and by calling on the governments of insisted that the 40 hour demand remain intact, in spite of pleading (Continued on page 2)
fight they must. War slovakia from the conference, France and Great Britain that is, on the French and English by many of the leaders, includingt they cannot avoid.
bourgeoisie, to come to their rescue.
those formerly members of the Their economy, their Every country in Europe stood This answer is a lie and a betrayal.
STRIKELIGHTS on rank end file committee. The politics, their militarism all faces war.
mobilized this week awaiting the Mayor, after a hot reception, THE REAL INTERESTS OF THE CZECH called for arising nye vote. AlToday cables inform us that in all churches of the so called fateful zero hour of the new the TRUCK FRONT ter he got it, he said: That civilized world public prayers are being offered up for peace.
GOVERNMENT world imperialist war.
enough for me! and left the hall.
They come in time to crown a whole series of pacifist meetings, Events seemed to have run far The interests of the Czech government, the government of No hay vote was taken. Heated BY BILL MORGAN two short sentences. When he banquets, and congresses. Which of these two methods is the more beyond the puny efforts of the Benes, is to uphold the property and the profits of the Czech discussions continued in groups. Where did you fink before offered to fight the guy who efficacious, pious prayer or pacifist bleating is not easy to decide diplomats. Any last minute set capitalists and bankers, to enable them to continue their rosy City Trucks Roll you got on the public payroll! heckled, one thousand contend.
The strike committee is pro was one of the first greetings ers for the honor made themAt any rate, only these two resources are left to the old world. tlement that does intervene can twenty year exploitation of all the peoples of the Czechoslovak ceeding with the signing of con to reach the Mayor ear as he selves available by trying to tracts the basis of the com walked out on the stage at the elimb over the Press Table, When a simple Forkert Peitizen beras Obe really wants peace ofly postpone the death struggle nation, Czechs, Slovenes. Germans, Hungarians and Potes.
The interest of the French and British governments is to pro promise agreement. The Mayor Mecca Temple meeting this Orchestra Plt and the Baby has declared Public Emergen morning. The boys were a bit out against war, we can believe him he really wants peace though briefest period to come. tect the world wide plunder of the French and British capitalists Grand Plano only rarely does he know how to get it. But the bourgeois pray in Last week the principal decy and mobilized Sanitation De and bankers, to protect their rights to grind down their workers at uneasy and the applause was a mocracies, Britain and France, partment trucks for the shipment little thinner than had been ex Some guys were doubtful of the their churches not for peace but for the maintenance and increase gave clear demonstration of home and to exact hundreds of millions in tribute from Africa, of foodstuffs and other vital pected. Little Flower honesty on the of their markets and colonies: if possible peacefully it is cheap just how much the abstract noAsia Minor, India, Indo China, to shoot down Arabs and Jews necessities. Union men are manunemployment problem. Didn er. if impossible by means of arms. Similarly imperialist paci tion of democracy is worth to in Palestine and Morocco, to bomb the villages of India, to sweat ning the trucks at regular pay. As the Police filed down the he say more than once that he fists (Jouhaux, Lewis and Co. trouble themselves not at all them when they offer Fascist the Negroes in the gold mines of South Africa, to whip into line Citizens Committee headed by aisles one enthusiastic brother wanted to solve this question?
Germany a deal that involved the Richard Lawrence, chairman of was puzzled. They must think Well, how does he explain his about peace but about gaining sympathy and support for their dismemberment of Czechoslovathe natives who man the vast plantations of Central Africa, to the New York State Chamber of this is a bloomin Flower Show, refusal to accept the forty hour national imperialism kia, their own Versailles off imprison the determined revolutionists of Indo China.
Commerce, is in charge of emer he said. The cope were slightly week?
There are three and one half million Sudeten Germans. If spring. Prague was forced to ac These interests are diametrically opposed to the interests of gency trucking. While the strik embarrassed, and the 5, 000 strikwar breaks out, the number of dead will probably be four or five cept the bargain.
ers are suspicious of every move ers felt kind of sorry for the While Abe Klein was trying the Czech workers and peasants, and to the interests of workers Chamberlain Dream In this emergency trucking ven poor little blue coats.
to explain the situation, the times, possibly even ten times as much with a corresponding numChamberlain flew back to Gerand peasants everywhere.
ture of the Mayor s, they neverwage committee members and ber of wounded, cripples and insane; and a long wake of epi many to close the deal and with The only quarrel which the Czech and French and British theless regard some such ar Brother Cashal middle some the officials tried to take a demics and other tragedies. This consideration, however, is in it open the way to his most governments have with Hitler is the quarrel over the privileges rangement as inevitable.
how or other connected with powder but the drivers loudly capable of influencing in the least any of the enemy camps. For cherished dream a united bloc The strikers regard as their of exploitation, over the division of spoils.
loose shoe (size 14 according demanded that each one come main job now, the rapid bringing to the grunt) during the quesof the fascist and democratic out from behind the wings and the robbers in the final analysis it is not at all a question of three powers of Italy, Germany, to terms of the two bosses assoTHE OBJECTIVE FOR WORKERS tion period. When the clod hopand a half million Germans but of their role over Europe and face the membership. And after France, and Britain for a rediciations. Pleketing is going on per was held up for identifie(Continued on page 3)
each one got through pleading vision of power and pelf in EuAND PEASANTS with the usual vigor character atlon one near sighted brother the cat calls and boos grew not rope at the expense of the Sov The object of the workers and peasants must be to wipe out istic of truck driver In the second balcony sighed only in tone but also in volume.
iet Union, the whole system of exploitation, whether carried on under the sadly and sald, The Naval As he explained Tuesday in his banner of Hitler or Benes or Mussolini or Chamberlain or DalaNEW YORK, Sept. 26. More Limitations Conference won It took more than twenty speakbroadcast, Chamberlain was than 30, 000 truck drivers in mean a thing unless they check ers to calm down the meeting and shocked to find that meanwhile dier or Roosevelt Greater New York and New Jer up on that guy.
then when all seemed quiet, Bob Hitler demands had multiplied This object cannot be accomplished by supporting one gang sey are engager in one of the Dillon took the mike to say that that his stand had stiffened. He of bandits against another.
greatest strikes to hit this area The first and second balcony he thought the plan stunk out demanded more territory and MEXICO, Aroused by the who charged that Laborde had scoffed at the Anglo French der in years. The truck operators are gangs were right on time with loud and that he, for one, was They tell us: Poor little Czechoslovakia. Stand by Czechoslovakia. Save Czechoslovakia.
not even attempting to move the chorus when Mike Cashal be still for the forty hour week. This launching of the campaign of actually remained in the United of a guarantee for the borde their trucks. Even newsprint has gan to sing that well known ditty. was what many men had been sit slander against Leon Trotsky, a States and that his principal mis of what would remain of Czecho We beard that one before.
been halted.
Only it was Poor little Belgium the last time.
Complaints are pouring in to for more than. FORTY they just about tore down the have issued a sharp protest rangements with the New York for action Oct. By this Hitler police headquarters that mate FIVE YEARS, sang the boys on house. But many discouraged against charges made by the center of the for launching made it plain to Chamberlain But it was the same lie and the same betrayal. For the sake rials for the stricken New Eng. the shelf.
and bewildered drivers had al Mexican Communist Party that a new anti Trotsky campaign in that Germany intended to domiof poor little Belgium, the workers were induced to do the dirty land and Long Island communiready left the hall under the bar. Trotsky has been carrying on Mexico which was to culminate nate any new bloc that came into work of British and French and American imperialism.
ties (suffering from the floods) The Fire Commissioner was rage of words from the Mayor, political propaganda hostile to the either in Trotsky expulsion from being and would in the process also were being halted. But there too. He looked over the from Mike Cashal and from the Mexican Workers Federation.
The results are now with us: Mussolini, Hitler, insecurity, Mexico or in direct attempts to become strong enough to chalstrikers claim that they have packed auditorlum, the Jammed twenty members of the wage com The teachers also protested to assassinate the exlled Bolshevik lenge hla imperialist rivals in the unemployment, tyranny, and now the new war crisis.
stopped only scab trucks trying afsles, the crowded platform mittee.
President Lazaro Cardenas against leader. democratie camp in circumnon exempt goods under and the mob in the lobby. The the Stalinist stranglehold on the At the same time Goldman stances even more favorable to THE LIE OF DEMOCRACY false flood signs.
hall is overcrowded, he an His Honor, the Mayor, tried Ministry of Education.
They made these revelations, Rivera him.
But democracy is now at stake?
Late tonight movement was nounced, we ll have to clear to take a walk after he an charged that the Stalinists have said, Laborde suddenly appeared Why Hitler Ronra started among the strikers What a monstrous lie! And exactly the same lie that Lloyd tie some out before the meeting nounced his plan to move foods brought the methods of gunmen in Mexico. say suddenly since For Fascist Germany the drive up food trucks or perishables starts. The answer was not de in garbage trucks, but it was no and racketeers into the teachers the press did not carry a single toward war flows from the en: they not promise that the war was to save democracy. George and Clemenceau and Wilson told us the last time. Did along with the rest. The latter, as layed a second. Why don YOU well as newsprint, had originally go home, rang out from the ko. Where do you think you re organizations, using guns to word about his return. ormous pressure of imprisoned going? Come back here and silence all opposition or criticism.
What has happened to the democratic parliaments while the German capitalism seeking the been on the exempt list. Only first row.
talk, mister, made the famous Rivera Challenges Laborde Mysterious Return expansion It needs to preserve it Where did Laborde come self. That it has in this past perlfate of the world is being decided. Not even called into session.
trucks carrying hospital supplies friend of Labor change his In a statement issued at San and home relief goods are now What has happened to democracy under the martial law of Benes?
When the vote was taken on mind in a hurry. He came back Angel on September 14 Diego from? Had he really been in the od erected for itself the instruentirely free from the strikers the Employers proposition to arWhere has the French 40 hour week gone, that great victory of and talked for half an hour. Rivera, the noted revolutionist This is not difficult to ment of a Fascist regime is the ban.
the French workers in their magnificent general strike. And where bitrate on the old wage and hour and artist, challenged Hernan La prove by passport visas. Or did twin product of its imprisonment Strike Now Sanctioned scale, the boos almost blew the As the men fled out of the hall, borde, leader of the Mexican Com Laborde, as Goldman source at Versailles and the fallure of will the shred of democracy remain if the mobilization plans are Starting out originally as a so roof. And that, in a manner of Mike Cashel held on to the mike munist Party, to prove that he states, remain secretly in the the working class parties to lead put into full force in the democratic nations?
called outlaw strike early last speaking, was THAT.
and begged them not to stop any had been, as stated in the Soviet United States? What did he do the workers out the revolutionary week, the truck drivers action The iron dictatorship of the totalitarian war regime will be trucks, not to continue the strike Union on a visit in recent weeks there? And why did he return way.
was sanctioned by an official bal Abe Klein had a tough time to obey their. elected officials and Rivera quoted the statement with the utmost secrecy at the For the democratie Versailles clamped down on all countries alike, not merely for the duration lot of the membership of Locals trying to push the compromise please, please, don continue the issued in New York City by Albert very moment of the opening of victors the war that now apof the war, but for the never ending reconstruction period (Continued on page 2) over and began to sweat after strike, boys PLEASE!
Goldman, Chicago labor attorney. Continued on page S) proaches is something like the (Continued on page 3)
Teachers Fight Slander Against Trotsky to carry