AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCivil WarCommunismFascismFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalInvasionJohn DeweyLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SEPTEMBER 24, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Post War European SPANISH TRIALS PENA QUERIED ON Assassins and Their Victim War Crisis Curbs Lineup Shattered Strikes In France MURDERERS OF REISS SEEK LIFE OF TROTSKY Lying Liberty Article where he stood in the fight bet visa.
sent. He disclaimed any knowledge of the arrest or imprisonment of the Bolshevik Leninists.
Munis. Carlini and Rodriguez. Continued from page 1) dissolution of the entire political and said he knew nothing of their French Bosses Use National Defense Plans off from the working class in all ystem created as a result of the impending trial.
left In regard to the leadto Break Strikes and Chain Workers countries, it is now threatened Last World War. The process, mortally by the friends it tried to the hands of the bourgeosisie, Jers, he declared that they would make among the capitalists. The democratic and Fascist, is lead be given every opportunity for a to War Machine victory of Hitler in Centraling directly toward a second legal defense in the courts. The By DEMBY pressure on the French bourEurope is another victory for World War. It will be sharply in tribunals in Spain, he insisted What has happened to the re geoisie if they continue to lose Stalin brand of realistic poll terrupted and put on the rails to several times, were absolutely in cent strikes of the French work their working class following, but tics, wards a real lasting peace only dependent. even of the Minister ers against the extension of the also that Sy the revolutionary intervention of Justice. The judges draft the Re Making the Map all the workers who of the workers of all countries. indictment, hold the trial and working week to 18 hours by the leave their ranks will retire into Both in London and Paris the the workers have no side in the pronounce their verdict, and Daladier Government? Two political inactivity. Some will find hope rides high that war has been war that is being prepared to it is the function of the governweeks ago the red flag was re their way to the revolutionary averted. But that hope has little say they have is consciously to ment only to carry out the decisported waving over factories in ranks, the Fourth International basis. The troubles of the World accentuate the divisions in the tons of the courts.
Amlens, a general strike of the Hence, in order to keep their folWar victors are only beginning working class along national Denies Trials 50, 000 textile workers was threat lowing. the Stalinists are forced The successful German campaign lines, to fan the national and race Secretary Novack then inquired ening and the Marseilles dock into action.
Left: Ignace Reiss, who broke with the Soviet secret service and declared for the for the amputation of the Sudeten hatreds which keep the workers of the Minister of Justice whether workers were conducting a twoEconomie Battles Inevitable regions of Czechoslovakia has lashed to their respective capital the also had its indepenFourth International, was kidnapped and murdered by Stalin G. near Lausanne, month old militant strike. Has In spite of all the variable facquickly aroused the other count ist classes. That is the role nowdent tribunals in Spain. Shrug Switzerland, on Sept. 4, 1937. Vladimir Kondratieff and Dmitry Smizensky (Upper right. the French government used the tors which play a part in the Renata Steiner and Gertrude Schildbach (lower right) are the agents who par.
international crisis to mobilize its present struggle in France, and races. Hungary, with full support played by the reformist trade un sing his shoulders the Minister ion leaders, the so called Socialist cmphatically denied that any such ticipated in this dastardly crime.
war apparatus, calling the work which are so difficult to estimate from Hitler, has demanded self and Labor parties, and above all stalinist tribunals existed.
ers to the colors and thus putting precisely, it is absolutely inevidetermination for the Hungarian by the Stalinists. That way leads Later the Minister Interpreter an end to the strike movement? table that the present reaction minority in Czechoslovakia. Pol to war and mutual destruction told another member of the deWe do know that the National and general discouragement and has come forward with a By cutting across these national legation, Assistant Secretary Committee of the trade amongst the workers must give union federation) has approved way to stormy battles either in demand for the strip of Czechones and uniting the workers of Kluger, that even if the trial slovak Silesia. containing in all the would be belligerent nawere held, the defendants conthe national defense plans of the the immediate present or in the cidentally the richest coal region tions and of all the races in lessed, and a verdict rendered, he bourgeoisie.
very near future, unless war inin Czechoslovakia. in which the Central Europe with a revolution felt sure the defendants would be The contrast between the mo tervenes. The economic struggle Polish minority lives. The map ary program identical with their pardoned as they did not wish The that shot down Ignace Reiss in rale of the French proletariat to alone, that is the general and to a terrorist attempt on the life of Trotsky.
makers will not be able to keep common interests, the revolution to murder workers having dirday and last year, between the rapid worsening of the living up with the process of dismem ists will lead the way toward pro Cerences of opinion, Switzerland a year ago, that kidnapped Erwin We have the last few months been able to course of the class struggle to standards of the masses, Is foreberment that will now set in.
letarian power and this way We are not interested in the Wolf, Trotsky secretary, in Spain last summer, follow the traces of various prominent day and a year ago, is reallying the French working class What we are witnessing is the alone. toward peace.
petty squabble between the Trotsthat kidnapped and probably murdered Rudolph agents who have been ordered to Mexico to amazing. Gone is the enthusiasm, once again onto the path of exkyites and Stalinists. Mr. Pena declared. We have bigger proKlement, secretary of the Fourth International, organize the assassination of Trotsky. Last Feb plenten workers and its place the parutionary situation goes Akron Unionists Blast in Paris last July, is now plotting to take the life ruary police investigating the murder of Ignace such as winning the war. Asked blems to concern ourselves with reigns discouragement, disinter through many ups and downs of Leon Trotsky in Mexico.
Reiss, the ex agent who broke with Stalin estedness in politics, and all the before the final crisis is reached, This dark International mafia directed by the and came over to the Fourth International, came obvious characteristics of a pebut inevitably it merges into a ween the Trotskyites and Stalinupon the effects of one Rossi, alias Rous. Among riod of social reaction. The miser revolutionary crisis.
ists, Pena replied that he stood in hand of Stalin in the Kremlin is behind a new able showing of July 14 was one Whether the progressive elehis belongings were found a map of Mexico City By FERGUSON campaign that has been begun by the Stalinists in the county, more than one the middle, and that was a dir.
example. The steady drift of the ments in the will succeed and their agents in Mexico in an attempt to and a copy of Rossi application for a Mexican workers away from the in calling an extraordinary conAKRON Akron ſabor began fourth of the population is dificult position to be in. He made no reply to the query what he (General Confederation of Labor) gress to prepare for the present work up a lynch atmosphere directed against its response to the vicious antirectly dependent on re vent starvation. Thousands more thought about people who said attack launched against the Trotsky. Stalinist agents in the unions in Mexico Another French agent namea Georges Four is obviously proof of the reaction. strugcles remains to be seen. The local union movement in the arwork two or three days per week, they stood in the middle during are trying to exert pressure in this direction.
nial was reported in Mexico last March. In It is easy to read the minds French workers still have time to of these workers. They say to prepare for their decisive battles tiele Why Akron Is a Ghost City just enough to keep them off the Civil War.
Minister Not Responsible The Teachers Union recently adopted a resoluApril it was reported that George Mink, an themselves: We had every(these decisive battles might take. How Strikes Brought Ruin relief. Akron shares a great part Asked if he knew whether AndAmerican who has carried out some of the most pubished in last week Liberty of the 10, 000 cvictions by the ho tion, Stalinist inspired, hostile to Trotsky. In thing. Now we have nothing. place before, during or after the In the state of Ohio for the res Nin had been assassinated by murderous assignments of the especially the Stalinist press the familiar lies and slanders magazine, by entering a libel suit month of June only. The courts the he disclaimed any We cannot even trust our lead. Increasingly short. The People in Spain, was on his way to Mexico. All these for 500, 000 damages against the are being whipped up into a fresh frenzy of Ruthor, publisher, and local dis of repossession by finance com ferred that Nin had been killed hysterical hate the world premier Bolshevik.
attempts are now going to add up to what the the People Front. Maybe the Front has not only wanted valupeople Front is no good. What able time in the last two years, tributors of the article. hopes will be the final and successful one.
panies of autos, radios, furniture. during the barricade fighting in but it has also, while entrenching Nelson Sparks, ex mayor of This campaign, begun as soon as Hernan can we do? We night just a Safeguard Trotsky life! Let the guard Akron is a ghost town to the Barcelona a year ago last May.
well enjoy ourselves in the the reaction, disarmed the workAkron and founder of the late He did not answer the question Laborde returned from his secret visit to New around him be doubled and trebled. The short time that remains before crs ideologically, weakened their Law and Order League which extent that the rubber barons York, the center for North America, is must not be permitted to carry out the vicious we have to fight against Hitler. fighting organizations, criminally fizzed out in the Goodyear strike have ruthlessly exploited it, as to the fate of Erwin Wolfe, designated to create an atmosphere favorable crime it contemplates.
This reaction and chauvinistic sabotaged the struggle in the of 1936, wrote the article from pushed the vast majority of its former secretary to Leon Trotsky sweep is, of course, the logical colonies and placed the officers his customary stock in trade of stone or economic crisis, main mowitch, leader of the Second Inpeople down under a grinding Marc Rein, son of Rafen! Abrofruit of the People Front. corps (solidly fascist) in a comrabble rousing vigilantism. Its tained the armed force of capitut ternational, and Kurt Landau, the Marine Firemen, have But the French proletariat does manding position. What were publication in a nationally known ist law and order as a threat Austrian socialist, all reported The Defense of tration clauses in their contracts, not, as a whole, yet understand once very favorable conditions magazine such as Liberty signikidnapped and assassinated by they are not effective unless fles that this type of reactionary against serious attempts to better the in Spain. He said he for a revolution in France have this elementary truth.
Czechoslovakia workers conditions. To the same become definitely less favorable, agreed to by both parties. Thus, by refusing to refer disputes to origin and course of this reac. due especially to the betrayal of It is easy for us to trace the favor with the real rulers of cities, and the country itself a Pened before he entered the govIn an article. The Defense arbitration boards the unions are tion, because we predicted it. It the workers by their lenders.
America, of Czechoslovakia, Walter (Continued from page 1)
able to force the employers to ne is not su easy to estimate the must not be overlooked is that One thing, however, which ghost country ruined not byernment, Workers Know Sparks the but by the consuming He promised to personally in Held analyzes the positions of tons as a whole. The drive of the Soutdated directly on the matters lexend and duratlus of the rear the French working class has a Sparks, in the legal action greed of a tiny clique of capvestigate the Russell Blackwell various working class and pa bosses aimed to prevent the untaken against him, is charged talists.
case on his return to Spain, stat.
cifist forces in relation to the Under the old agreement, which variable factors. True, there is class struggle behind it. It is defiing that the rearrest had taken with being irresponsible, unCzecho slovakian Government either in protest against Intrac was renewed unchanged by the certainly a legitimate economie nitely anti fascist. This, of course, truthful, unreliable, bankrupt, a place after he left and he had no knowledge of the circumstances distorter of facts, disgruntled and War, and sets forth the tions of agreements or in sym seamen unions, ship, it nec. base for a strike wave at present. is no guarantee that fascism will policies to be pursued by resurrounding it.
politician, an exploiter of World ments by faimon ankoth, prest is what the owners wished to merely the tail end of the whole gives the revolutionary forces and volutionists in case of war beHe said that there were no pris War veterans for his personal tween Czechoslovakia and Ger dent of the Waterfront Employ avold, but were unable to force preceding period of sharp class advantage. The fascist movement gain, etc. all of which charges oners belonging to the being held for trial since man Fascism. This penetratthe workers of Akron have long ers Association, declare that this the seamen to agree. Now it ap struggles, the last desperate ges itself has not grown and, en na ing article, taking the form pears as if they have done themes on the part of the leader matter of fact, has had great difsince substantiated as the result both these groups were now part has been accomplished.
Varied, lively, thorough articles of the government.
next best thing and will force the less workers before the vise of culty in maintaining its posiof a controversy with of their experiences with him in on the Congress of the Fourth In Concluding the interview, he reSchlamm, former Communist That Harry Bridges, head of longshoremen to work such ships, the reaction clamps down comtions. All forces, from extreme the first Goodyear strike. The exParty leader, and having diPalestine peated that labor prisoners now pletely? Or, on the contrary, do left to extreme right, recognize treme verbal violence of Sparks ternational, Czechia, the was not opposed to regardless of picket lines.
rect implications concerning such an agreement, striking at Compulsory Arbitration Looms these strikes mark the end of the the gravity of the present situafascist appeal to run the out Canada and other important art being held for trial would be the attitude of similar forces the power of the union, is known By offering to extend the same reaction and the beginnings of a tion in France, and intimate that side agitators out of town in icles will feature the October is secured anywhere in the world, given as fair a trial as could be and individuals in the United from both statements and ac type of contract to the ware desperate upsurge on the part of they expect decisive battles in the March, 1936, even caused so much sue of the New International, Novack replied that hundreds of States, such as Eugene Lyons, tions. Elementary labor solidarity houses, the stalinist leadership of the working class. third elefan alarm amongst the more reand Charles Yale Harrison, sponsible Akron capitalists that now going to press. In many thousands of supporters of the The present Daladier governwill appear in the October ges, culminating in an open at saddle all the shore workers with is the possibility that (as was the Beacon Journal immediately respects, readers are likely to Spanish workers in the United number of the New Interna tack on picket lines established compulsory arbitration. Experi the case in April of this year ment will surely fall then, alprinted a bold front page editori regard the October number ng States were waiting to be contional as vinced of this fact.
by the al No Room for Vigilantes to the outstanding issue of a maga ence has proven that the machin when the Blum government fell though it is not excluded that DeFrom statements of both union ery sharp protest against represf arbitration works solely in and the Daladier government ladier himself will again be chosdisavow him.
zine already first in its field.
The Liberty article obviously is Leon Trotsky writes on the and in particular against the the repressions which have taken ing such arbitration. While other the employers succeed in install for the strikes sion of revolutionists in Spain over, their enemies. The effect of and employers, it seems clear the interests of the bosses, and came into power) the Communisten to head the new enbinet, this that all work must continue dur all maritime unions will suffer Party is principally responsible time possibly a national union meant to be for outside of Akron government. One gets the feeling, consumption, inasmuch as every founding Congress of the Fourth legal frameup of militants of the place within the territory of your unions, such as the anding the system.
however, from a stay in France and the Bolshevik government can only be to weakone locally knows Sparks as a International, recently concluded Leninist group in Barcelona was en the united struggle of the The Hand of the In the clerks strike Stalinists that, in spite of everything, the former agent of the Goodyear in Paris, in an article, Great made in a letter last week to Gon! workers, to sow division in the That the is the driving biggest unknown factor is what We demand that they be given are united behind policy of Tire and Rubber Co. in whose Achievement.
service at that time he se zalez Pena, Spanish Loyalist Mi face of the enemy and therby to full right to independent counsel: peaceful picketing and spend force behind the strikes may will the French workers do. It is qualified writer, signing him nister of Justice, by the Socialist act as grievous obstacle to the that they be permitted to com. Most of their efforts in seeking to knows what has been happening will have the decisive way in the seem strange, but not it one the French working class which to war veterans to help his win the support of public opinand Order League crash the picksele contributes an article Workers Party workers and their allies through municate freely wth friends, wition. With the solid support or recently. We know that the star coming momentous battles in The warned the Loyal out the world.
et lines around Goodyear. His on Czecho slovakia and the Eu nesses, and colleagues that all the whole trade union movement linists did not hesitate to use the France, and it is here that the ropean Crisis. telescoped, but ist minister against the adoption charges against them be made behind them the clerks are in league flopped dismally because profound review on various as of fascist methods by the governmagnificent strike action of the great opportunity for the Held Incommunicado All Akron labor was waiting with peets and The Political situation ment blackmail (French section of the Fourth Inprecise and publie; that their position to win a decisive victory. French proletariat represents. It demanded In particular we are alarmed trial be held publicly. We de Riven determined leadership. Un against the French bourgeoisie, ternational) Hies.
weapons in hand to meet it.
in Palestine has been offered by that the Bolshevik Leninist milit and indignant at the proceedings mand, furthermore, that an in. fortunately, this is lacking. The when they thought that the forAkron as community has been shortly there is to be published sentence in Barcelona be accord. lowed with respect to the trial of known supporters of the right on any basis, with the bossesment meant the abandonment of ruined by the invasion of the in book form in the Jewish and ed a free and open trial and how law and order has English languages a comprehen with an international commission instigated against the leading confidence of the international holding out for complete capital entry of France into the politics against Franco, and having the the Franco Soviet pact and the broken down. The truth of the sive historical study of the Jewish attending.
members of the POUM and the labor movements, shall be admitlation, matter, however, is altogether dif The intervention of Meyer of the Four Power bloc. we ferent, and it is to be hoped that question in Palestine by the same Pena arrived in New York to leaders of the Spanish Bolshevik. ted to Spain to have free access Lewis is only danger to the know, too, that the 73 deputies writer, an adherent of the Fourth address a mass meeting organized Leninist group. Munis, Carlini to these defendants, and to be strikers. This personal represenof the voted for Daladier the movement will not be International, now at the Hebrew by the Trade Union Relief. Continued from page 1)
content with taking Sparks to University in Jerusalem.
present as observers at their tative of William Green entered only on the basis of an are three Bolshevik Leninists named and Rodriguez Text of Letter trial.
task merely for his obvious fakment that no open steps would These good comrades, all of the situation uninvited and imMaurice Spector writes in exThe letter was as foleries, but that it will utilize this Against the Moscow trial mediately offered to them with long and spotless re frame up methods in the inter strike. The untons in San Francoisie to be taken by the French bour above. There are several others settle the occasion to take the offensive tenso on The Soviets and De lows: break the Franco Involved in this trial and many We address you as loyal and cords in the labor movement of national labor movement.
against the real inspirers of mocracy. Is Canada Going cisco suffer enough from the Soviet Pact during the summer in prison of whose fate it has Sparks, the rubber barons and Fascist? is the subject of an ex determined anti fascists who Spain, stern and front rank fightFor full unity and solidarity Class collaboration of the Stalin period. If, as is quite possible, been impossible to learn any.
Wall Street banking houses.
cellent article by Robertson have from the beginning supporters in the struggle against Francolin the British French sell out of thing.
Editorial Comment concerns it ed, with every means in our were long months ago imprisoned the struggle against fascismists. There is no room for im Crechosovakia is to be used as a Legal Murder Attempt ported fakers.
Who Ruined Akron?
self with current burning issues, power, the struggle of the on charges obviously and brazen and reaction.
step towards the formation of a It is in any case plain that an The ghost city aspect of Czechoslovakia, War, American Spanish Government against the ly framed up by the Spanish re.
Four Power pact, then the moti attempt at legal murder of our Sparks propaganda was origin. Politics, and a special editorial on mercenary hordes of the fascist presentatives of Stalin GPU. In vation for previous Stalinist in Spenish comrades is under way ally propounded by the Chamber the Poaltion of the American Franco and his reactionary alties. violation of the most elementary America Permanent Depression spired strikes and for the re despite the protests that have of Commerce and the rubber Farmer. The Soviet Arts today The welfare of the workers of civil rights, they have been held ported present opposition of the poured into the Spanish Loyalist companies this Spring as a meth are reviewed by Edna Margolin, the world is bound up with the incommunicado, without benefit By ART PREIS to the Daladier government capital from labor organizations od of intimidating the Goodrich Archive material is definitely understandable. and liberals throughout the never before success of this struggle against of counsel, without public indictunionists to accept a drastic wage published in the English langu the fascists, and consequently the ment and with no opportunity to popular analysis of the nature of unemployment Aside from the possible reper would and fighting program for the unemployed.
cut or be faced with loss of 5, 000 ago: a discussion article contrib eyes of all workers follow with defend themselves. Secret trials cussions of the international situ(A telegram of protest was disjobs through decentralization touted on the Their Morals and the most intimate concern every have been planned for them. One ation upon French domestic af patched by the American Fund out of town plants. In this respectOurs discussion by Scoul phase of the events in Spain. such trial was scheduled for Aug3c per single copy fairs, there is, however, another for Political Prisoners and RefuAkron is no more of a ghostler, Marxist journalist from Glas. We bring once more to your ust 20, but without either prior reason which might cause one to gees singed, among others, by 21 2c in bundles of 15 or more city than Flint, Detroit, Toledo, wow, Scotland, and other interest attention the grave apprehension or subsequent explanation, it was suspect the Stalinists. For the John Dewey, John Chamberlain, New York, etc. etc. where bosses ing material, complete the con relt by all serious antifascist mi postponed in the same secrecy past four or five months there Ludwig Lore, Dorothy Dunbar have moved production away to tents of the forthcoming October litants at the invasions and that has marked all the actions of the Press September 28th!
has been a steady drift of the Bromley, Dwight Macdonald. the South or to Hague protected issue of the New International. abrogation of working class taken with respect to these de Workers interested in having their friends receive a copy French workers away from the The demand must now be raised New Jersey, in order to chisel Readers who wish to make sure rights and the repression of work tendants. and its periphery apparatus. with redoubled vigor that all this important pamphlet should send in names and addresses away at 1sbor standards. In the name of the struggle This has been part of, and one these accused militants be given of not missing an issue of the taken place within the territory against fascism and reaction to and five cents to cover the cost of malling and the pamphlet.
of the signs of the general rete an open trial, the right to choose calling Akron a ghost city. It major Marxist organ published of your government. It is impos which we have dedicated our tion. Numerically, the has counsel and an immediate end to Order Now!
Is that for thousands upon thou today are invited to subscribe. sible to defeat fascism by borrow. lives, we demand for these defend compensated for these defections the shameful third degree torture sands of workers and their fam. The price for a single copy is 20c. ing from the methods of fascism. ants their full righta so that they to a certain extent by extending methods applied by the Spanishilles, with 21, 000 men and their For one year, 00. Address. The Only through full proletarian de will be able to make known to LABOR BOOK SHOP its base amongst the petty bour Stalinist jailers.
mocracy and freedom can the the workers of Spain and to the geoisie, intellectual and lumpen wages for livelihood, with 2, 000 NEW INTERNATIONAL 116 boundless resource of the work world, their complete innocence 28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK elements. The bureaucracy, howtrying to get on and UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEW ers be gathered together for suc of the GPU frame up charges ever, knows that not only with ASK FOR THE APPEAL 12, 000 individuals on direct relier YORK, cessful resistance to, and triumph against them.
they not be tble to exert any AT YOUR NEWSSTAND OCTOBER HAS VARIED CONTENT The article claims to show how to be held TREASON TRIAL DELAYED AGAIN