CapitalismDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 24, 1938 Set Hearing for NEW YORK RUSE MENACES Unions Fight Picket Ban met but took no action other than appoint policy committee empowered to decide policy in this and similar situations. The Los Angeles Bosses Grand Jury Clears Mpls. Fails Seven Unions; Slanderers Hit ALLIANCE HEADS cooperatione et industry. Haber und is the constitution of READY TO EXPEL MILITANT LOCALS STRIKE TIES UP TRUCKING Appeal Army 16 ployed Four members of the Worksend a delegation of 75 McCord ers Alliance, charged with Drive on Picketing Head of State Body (Continued from page 1)
strikers to the headquarters of lonlous assault as a result of ing Houser move for which he the International, the Griswold Pass Anti Picket demonstration in a Brook Pledges Workers had no authority whatever Building, which demanded immelyn home relief bureau, are Ordinance Strikers out on 1, 000 ball, awaiting a to War Makers declaring that the strike would diate action by the policy commitcontinue.
hearing on Oct. in the BrookEver since the strike at the and dodged, and Houser, Reuther LOS ANGELES. Organized LOS ANGELES. Seven memlyn Felony Court. The police are trying to railroad them to NEW YORK. Support of McCord plant began and for and Co. tried to weasel their way MINNEAPOLIS. Declaring, disappointed the employers who reaction struck vicious blow at President Roosevelt New Deal weeks prior to its commence out of any definite commitment prison for a long term in ortrade unionism in Los Angeles on that charges of labor racketeer had hoped that the report would bers of the were ar der to quell the militant spirit speech making for company un ment, Houser and his cronies on but the insistence of the delegaSeptember 16th, 1988: a day that Ing and gangsterism in the Min add the drive to smear the unrested last week on charges of having committed assault and of the unemployed.
ion politics, and a pledge made the International Executive tion finally compelled Mouser to will go down as Black Friday in hea polis labor movement cannot lons. However, the complete ab battery in a manner likely to probe substantiated by facts, the resence of any evidence against the duce great bodily injury a felony.
by Allan Haywood, President Board, on both sides of the face phone the company informing The riot in the bureau follocal union history.
of the newly organized State In tion fight, viewed the MoCord sitthem that the truce was off and lowed the refusal of relief of port of the summer panel of unions or their leadership forced The reactionary anti picketing Grand Jury, issued last week, ex unanimous agreement with the bers of the Municipal court, they reed Appearing before Judge Chamdustrial Council, to go to war in tuation with great uneasiness.
that he wished to open new nego ficials to consider the case of defense of democracy, were the local had called upon the Inter tiations William Lubin, starving and were released on bail of 1, 500 keynotes of New York first national to furnish assistance hating Southern California, Inc. ploded the campaign of the ene report, even though several memPolice Assault Strikers mies of labor who for months bers of the Jury are very symeach and were requested to ap.
homeless youth who had been as a part of the coast wide unionI. convention held here over through sympathetic action in As we go to press, Wyandotte given an 11 week run around.
smashing campaign. was passed have been trying to smear the unpathetic to the employers behind pear the following Friday for last week end.
Sixteen members of the Althe slander machine other plants. Promises were plen police are attempting to smash in a special election by a vote of ions with these charges.
the picket line. Several strikers, their preliminary hearing. They The first day session was tiful, but Local 210 was put on The report, summarizing four Boss Lie Machine Nance delegation were arresttransformed 198, 507 to 152, 065.
including John Anderson, into a campaign carousel as far as any real aswere represented by attorney For many months now, the bos Marshall Ross.
The of ordinance, or months of intensive ed, beaten, and charged with rally for suspiring Democratic sistance was concerned. Houser member of the Executive Board fered as a substitute to the reac hit hard at Mayor ligation, chief ses of Minneapolis, caught bet The union men were employees three others are charged with disorderly conduct. Lubin and Party candidates. The 800 dele attempt to end the strike under of the West Side Local were artionary ordinance, lost by instigator of the slander, and ween the deepening economie of the Youlin Embroidery Co.
felonious assault. Funds are gates representing between 700. the worst possible circumstances rested and held by the police for closer margin. This ordinance stated, The Grand Jury consid crisis on one hand, and the rising and had gone on strike Sept. 15.
000 to 800, 000 organized workers, came as a culmination to months several hours.
sorely needed for defense. Conwas supported by the of Lers it unfortunate that a person union movement on the other. demanding Union recognition, listened to Governor Lehman, of delinquency and sabotage.
Members rs of Local 210, however, tributions should be sent to the cro. Council and the Trade in high official position should have systematically sought to higher wages, and the settlement who has recently announced his Houser Condemned are convinced that with the acthe Lubin Defense Committee, make charges, voth in public propagandize the people with lies of charges of discrimination Union Conference.
candidacy for the Senate, outline tive support of other W, they and before the Grand Jury, con that labor racketeering and o. the Socialist Appeal. Save statement of the local union could successfully repel the atBosses Spend Half a Million Arrest All Pickets his good deeds in the behalf of the 16 militants from jail!
The Southern Californians, Inc. cerning organizations embracing gangsterism were prevalent in appeared in the press condemn tacks of the police. But they have labor.
according to Business Week, a large section of our population the city, and that consequently Dick Jones, at seal, attacked Lehman contended that pro ing Houser for violating every become increasingly and right spent 500, 000 in bil board, ra without being in a position to the unions must be cleaned up members of the union with sperity hinges on the intelligent accepted practice of unionism as fully bitter of the shameful and dio, and newspaper advertising substantiate such charges and ac and the right leaders stick and attempted to provoke criminal treatment accorded put in in order to secure the passage of cusations.
government. Deploring the use The Local called on the them by Houser and Co. Mr.
The suit of the five finks a the union men attempted to dethis ordinance. The Chamber of Probe Death of Brown of strikes to settle the worker policy committee of the Execu Houser and his kind are directly Commerce, the Merchant and Magainst the General Drivers Union, fend themselves against the economic problems, he declared tive Board to meet immediately responsible before the workers of The Grand Jury spent four now being fought by the union scab attack, wrested his club that he had found industrial and carry out the resolution Detroit for the outcome of the nufacturers Association, and sevweeks investigating the death of attorneys, is a vehicle to carry from him and were successful in eral other anti labor organisations Bill Brown, militant leader of such slanders. The many court warding off further attacks. This were active in attempting to put General Driver Local 544 killed cases against various unions and story was corroborated by several of misunderstanding and ignorance of all Michigan locals to the sion with the management makes ance of the actual facts.
the possibilty of victory more over this law.
last summer, and though there union leaders in the past few persons questioned by the union Stalinist struct all locals to re Parade of Politicians The Council of the of Committee refuse to work difficult and his actions over the and the Trade Union Conference forces were involved no evt labor drive.
were many reports that dark months have furthered this anti attorney. Police who came to the long and loud parade of po on scab McCord products.
entire seven weeks period have aided each other in united actividence could be found to substantscene of the fight immediately afAble to Revoke liticians followed, haranguing the President Martin was advised in inflicted serious damage on the In the face of the Andings by ter its occurrence refused to arty in opposition to this ordinance; the Grand Jury it will be hard to rest either the strikers or the late such reports Charters delegates on the familiar subjects a wire from the local that Houser strike. Houser and those who of New Deal politics, support of had violated the constitution of agree or follow him should retheir lead was followed by all The report, appearing in the get an audience for the vicious seab, but that night after listenother labor organizations, includ.
President Roosevelt who is the the union and that they expected member that a certain Francis ing the Los Angeles Industrial midst of a slander campaign lies spread by the enemies of the ing to the story of Jones, the BULLETIN greatest friend the workers ever him to convoke a meeting of the Dillon was sent back to the bushCouncil Although handicapped backed by the boss press and the Minneapolis labor movement District Attorney issued warrants NEW YORK. The Jamaica had. tearful appeals for A, of Executive Board and reach a for leagues by the auto workers for by lack of funds and the division Stalinist clique who pretend to Even their own allies will no against the entire picket line Local of the Workers Alliance, O, unity, demagogie mal decision of assistance to the behaving in a not dissimlar between the of and speak for the in this area, longer believe them with the exception of three wo the largest in Queens County, speeches on fascism and windy strike. The Executive Board fashion.
nationally and locally, labor was men, including one member of the with membership of more than orations on the many blessings of able to effect a great degree of regular union officials and nego union that was absent from the 500, quit the Alliance, and de democracy unity on this issue and succeedtiators, but that their whole ac scene of the struggle.
nounced its Stalinist leadership The main report of the convening in arousing a large section of tion is intended to back up the The arrests occurred the same policies and tactics as not in tion was made by Allan Haythe working class.
officials with the utmost effec day that an anti picketing ordi the best interests of the unem wood, setting forth a program of The anti picketing ordinance, if tiveness. Some of the regular of. nance, virtually destroying the played and workers. The legislative reforms and emphasenforced, will virtually eliminate ficials are known to be coop right to strike and picket, was Local membership voted to send zing the need for redoubled sup. connot close without came in last week. We want to all strikes and picketing and will (Continued from page 1)
erating and advising this commit passed by a vote of 198, 607 to delegates to the October con port of the Wagner Labor Rela saying a few words about the point out that this is a record deal a smashing blow to the trade union movement. Sympa arising from the Federal Comtee, though unable to endorse the 152, 065 in special election held ference, called to consider setting tions Act. Among the future e Appeal. In comparison with any for the Appeal: thetie strikes, secondary boycotts munications Act, have proved to action publicly for reasons be in Los Angeles. The frame up of up a new unemployed and Ativities named in his report were other mass organ we have ever NEW YORK CITY these striking workers is appar union.
a fight against racial and relig had, am satisfied that the Minneapolis 12 right of a union to decide for it be an obstacle to the official call yond their control.
At a mass meeting last night, entiy part of a planned anti labor ous discrimination, more adequate Appeal is the most outstanding. Michigan By GEORGE MILTON relief standards, union assistance John Enestvedt of Chaska, Chicago self the calling of a strike, the ing of the Express drivers who are organized into Local 808 of held in the 69th Regiment Armo drive in Southern California right of free speech and the truck drivers union, but they and attended by 5, 000 of the At the present time several NEW YORK. Becoming pan to the unemployed, improvements Minnesota Washington, D, We are interested in your New Jersey picketing are practically out matter is being given further striking drivers Acting Mayor members of the local teamsters icky over reports of a growing re in the Social Security Act. This consideration by the strike Teac Newbola Morris, the Governor union, including some of its or volt against Stalinism in the prosinowa wote en conde passed publication and would appreciate St. Paul Workers Deprived of Vote era. crack mediators Arthur ficers, are being tried on charges Workers Alliance, the Brow unanimously by the convention.
very much receiving copies for Massacheusetts Haywood in his main speech use in our current events work. large number of workers emMeyer and Mrs. Anna Rosenberg of Inbor terrorism. special diderite leadership last week met the city of Los Ange Cooperation by the strike. com of the State Social Security Board vision of the District Attorneys in special session of the Joint declared that the convention was. The Sholem Aleichem School, Philadelphia Ohio against this measure by reason tuted officers of the striking lo appealed to the men to call or office has been set up to deal Board and referred to sub not belng held to widen the split Brooklyn of their residence in working cues acis reported to the improving the drivers rejected this phoney are apparently ready to order the subsequent lifting of all Local The formation of this state body many we receive every week. An ForeignA. of Lunions and the rest of proposition with loud no and arrest of entire picket lines when charters whose membership reis not directed against the indicate that the Appeal is reach demanded in no uncertain terms the bosses charge that some one fused to take a loyalty onth, and of he said. Our first considing an ever broader circle of TOTAL 60 workers who are dented citizen the city organized, da bo ship were unable the combined elIt looks like Karl Shier of make up a large section of the associations to break the strike in statements issued to the press The arrest and trial of the team called by the Mechanics Union leader, John Lewis, namely to pick up of new subscribers and Chicago is going to win the subcourse, the youth under 21 who forts of the various employers action which had been promised charges against the union meners to the October Conference policies enunciated by our great Fourth International. The recent by Mr. Cashal and Mr. Devery sters was used to whip up a fren. Involved in this purge move organize the unorganized and bundle orders indicates that great scription contest. With only two workers particularly in mass in is in order. high point of the meeting zied campaign in support of the are some eight or nine locals en while we are doing this, we must possibilities of rapidly increasing weeks left to go, Karl is way in dustries were without the right NEW YORK, Sept. 20 Twelve came when a delegation from the anti picketing ordinance, and ap. compassing more than 1, 200 mem progress and strengthen the our circulation awalt us.
the lead with 21 subs!
For this reason we strongly and watch the Wilshire and how thousand trucks have stopped New York port branch of the parently marks the beginning of Serbia The sub committee, which has Pro War Resolution urge all local branches and lit Abe Miller of New York City lywood potbeties rally the middle rolling in Manhattan, Brooklyn, Sallory Union of the Pacific en a persistent and continued cam been given complete power to war mongering resolution agents to launch at once local has just placed an order for 1500 class and seabs to the polling Queen and Staten Island. All gentered the hall to announce suppaign against labor.
If labor is to resist this attack, suspend and lift charters whenin support of peace was carbooths to relegnto the youth teral trucking in this city is at a lines thrown around piers where it must begin to weld together in ever it sees te consists only of campaigns for new subs and extra copies of the World Conrled. It said in part: the mad larger bundle orders. We expect gress Issue which will appear rush of nations toward war, en industrial peonage.
to announce plans for the great very soon. Has your branch come Labor, marching 75, 000 strong sters are patrolling the streets in their ships dock. The meeting united action all the unions in Stalinists or their stooges, where gineered by the autocratic fasAppeal Fall Winter Drive shortly. through yet?
cist powers, can be checked if But we would like to see all Day parade carrying banners strike is 100 per cent effective. At the end Frank Lovell, speaking for Council and the Trade Unton members of the Socialist Party the proper economic measures branches follow the example of Notice: Those who have already against the ordinance will not this writing, it is announced that the delegation, with loud acclaim. Conference, which includes the rear was expressed by sam are put to use, and we urge our super star saleslady, Ruth ordered their bound volumes of that fascist war aggression be Querio of Allentown, who on her the 1937 Appeal will receive them this enslaving measure. The insey, at the other end of the Hol meeting adjourned with a vote Los Angeles Industrial Union Publicity to these splitting moves resisted through economic land Tunnel, have joined the affirming the intention of the Council, have taken a step in this by the would prove boom own initiative has more than shortly. There been some tial unity that saw of means. We call upon the demostrike, men to continue the strike in full direction by their unity in the erang, and so the deed will be the process of having doubled her bundle order in a delay in and unions get together in campaign against the anti picket committed behind locked doors force.
cratic nations of the world to few weeks and has taken as high them bound.
Building construction jobs and This morning the strike spreading ordinance that recently and carried out in true Stalinist joint action in this fight must be join efforts in utilizing to the Rs 80 Appeals some weeks. We extended to include all bona fide factories face immediate closing to New Jersey. Meetings were passed. Labor in Southern Cali style.
utmost the economic Instruexpect from now on a steady in Send all contributions and subs unions within a defense commitAimed at Convention mentalities of peace, to the end crease in circulation with our to: tee that will protect their right to clared that continued limiting of held at City Hall, where unsuc fornia is reaching its most cruThis piece of strategy was that war may be prevented.
cessfut negotiations were carried cial crisis since the recent organigoal of 10, 000 drawing closer and strike and picket lines, to protect newsprint shipments will soon on by representatives of the zation drive, and this very crisis evolved to forestall any progressSOCIALIST APPEAL The resolution called upon the 116 University Place States government to cooper.
Here the list of new subs that New York, fend the working class against aally papers. Local and state gove bolesnion officials and the must be used to bring unity to Ive delegate from getting the Hoor at the national convention, ute with the democratic forces the onslaught of capitalism. The ornment officials are working rank and fle committee. The em the ranks of labor.
which is convening in Cleveland, rank and file of labor is thormakers and to preserve peace SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL to force through a set ployers representatives anovertime nounced that they would not ANNOUNCEMENTS Ohio, Friday, September 23 and democracy.
tlement but with no success so oughly aroused and resolved to agree to the demand for a forty Insertions in this column are Again utilizing its well known Many delegates proposed reso Can be obtained at the Following Newsstands také militant action in self defar.
Strike Voted Last Week hour week and that they would 25 cents for five lines. Copy must method of using the for lutions in favor of Roosevelt runNEW YORK CITY News, 37 Monrou fense against this reactionary seek a wage reduction with abro ben at the APPEAL office be front purposes, and then con ning for a third term, but they MANHATTAN: Fourteenth St.
Strike action was voted by ac gation of the seniority clause. Ceshinsky Bookshop drive veniently discarding them after were tabled by the convention, alat University Place, at clamation at membership meet ALLENTOWN, PA Strike May Be Extended their work is completed, the sta though it was made amply clear Broadway, at Fourth Ave.
ings of Locals 807, 282, and 816, Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
It is known that 500 members NEW YORK linists have thus begun to grease that the deference of this issues. W; at Fourth Ave. at Otto Yost, 383 Hamilton St.
negotiating committees reported last night to plan their strategy Stand by France Third Ave. at Third Ave.
PHILADELPHIA no progress in obtaining a new in combating the strike. The driv.
Branch, Saturday evening, Sept. Alliance members who refuse to 21. at Harmonie Tavern, 38 04 put themselves under their die In the last session held at Mee Second Ave. at Sixth Ave. Cor. 13th and Market Sta.
1806 North Franklin St.
agreement with the bosses. The ers intend to bring about a com Broadway, Astoria. BMT, IRT, tatorial thumbs.
old agreement expired September plete stoppage of newsprint ship 8th Ave, subways to Broadway Sald Stalinist Elvin Abeles at dent of the French Confederation SE Rand Book Store, E. 15th Cor. Ilth and Market Sts. 40th St. Girard Ave. Continued from page 1) The men demand the establishments and to hold up perishable station. Eats, Drinks, Deluxe. the Joint Board meeting: We ve of Labor, was introduced by Hay. Candy Store, 75 Greenwich 8th St. Arch St.
boasted that Nebraska is free old basic wage of 56. 50 in order their present stubborn attitude.
ment of a 40 hour week at the goods if the employers continue LOWER EAST SIDE branch as got to clean house in a hurry, and wood with the pledge that the Ave.
BOSTON, MASS from trouble making unions.
Andelman s, Tremont sures HELLUVA good time for before the National Convention. American workers would stand BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th to spread the work to the 4, 000 The hypocrisy of the employers (opp The attempt of the owners to unemployed members of the driv. was clearly exposed before the all Sat. Sept. 24. The HELLISH Mrs. Roosevelt, and other New with the workers of France St: Jerome Ave. and 167th St.
Hotel Bradford)
SECRET of our entertainment Deal dignitaries, who have been the French found it necessary to (opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
take the offensive has gained ers unions. At present they are full view of the strikers and the will be revealed to all who plunk invited to the convention, must not go to war to safeguard democ 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave Jerome and Burnside Aves: 160th Felix s, Massachusetts Ave, at them nothing. Backed by the enrequired to work hours. Anx general public when the spokestheir 20c. on the line 159 Riv be embarrassed by any untoward racy.
tire drivers movement of the ious to solve once and for all this men of the bosses announced that In line with the Stalinist in Ave. Station Freeman Ave. and St. and Prospect Ave; Allerton ington.
Harvard Square incident there, which may otherLYNN, Mass.
North Central Area Local 554 has crucial problem of unemployment, they could not negotiate with the made the strike fully effective. the strikers and their leaders reunion because the strike was a MINNEAPOLIS, MINN.
wise mar the solemnity of the spired tone of many of the reso Southern 54 Central Sq. Rm. 12 for respukevarebridge that she Sam Corner, Olympia Square Cruising pickets patrol all high iterate time and again that there wild cnt action and at the same TWO STUDY COURSES hearsed proceedings.
tion, a good sprinkling of Stalin Ave. East Moshula Subway Sta. ways coming into Omaha, and will be no compromise on this de time declared to the press today ROXBURY, MASS. Fundamentals of Socialism delegation of four, represent ists were elected to the State 3897 Sedgwick Ave fink trucks are met by union rep mand.
that they would not deal with the Lessons ing locals, and all accredit Committee, set up by the conven BROOKLYN: Havemeyer and Friendly Variety, Warren St. 4th Sts. Tompkins and Myrtle resentatives. Grove Hall)
Although the strike has been union if the strike were sancW. Norris, Instructore delegates, will appear at the com By agreement between the Gen called outlaw, there can be notioned by the regular officials be History of American Labor Aves. Strauss st. near Pitkin national convention, and dare the The International Ladies Gar: Ave. Sutter Ave, near Van SinMINNEAPOLIS eral Drivers Union and farmers doubt that the membership of the cause a formal strike vote at Movement. Lessons Stalinists to do their dirty workmen Workers Union did not send deren Ave.
Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette organizations, farmers driving locals involved are completely be this time would not necessarily be Felix Morrow, Instructor Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; their own trucks to market were hind the committee of ten which a sign of responsibility.
Classes held every Monday eve The delegation consists of Bren any delegates to the convention, 23rd St.
some of its locals sent Ave: Crescent st. and Bridge Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
permitted to pass through the is directing the strike. And while The Strike Committee is on Socrates work. Sept 288 dah Altman, and Nell Harrison formal telegrams of solidarity Plaza Crescent St. and Bridge picket lines. The farmers are in ST. LOUIS MO.
officials like Michael Cashal, in guard against all possible tricks 919 Marquette Ave.
Four Point Program with the convention aims. Plaza 27th St. and Bridge Pla Foster Book Company full sympathy with the strikers. ternational vice president and contemplated by the Association Admission Free.
At a meeting of the Progress410 Washington Blvd.
Cooperating on the spot with William Devery, president of Lo strategists and are making all SOCIALIST FORUM ive Group in the Alliance, the BOOKS ASKED FOR SCHOOLS ROCHESTER, CLAYTON MO, Local 554 was an authoritative cal 807, are loathe to declare the necessary preparations and exThe International Allied Print433 Clinton St.
challenge laid down by the splitEvery Sunday at P. begin. ting tacties of the Stalinisti ing Trades Association has re257 Clinton St.
subcommittee of the Permanent strike legal, many other officials, pressing confidence that the driv The Book Nook, 21A Meramao Area Committee, elected only the such as Business Agents Austin ers can hold their own to a vietoning Sept. 25. Dealing with curs Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sta. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
week before in Indianapolis at a rent subjects of local, national wreckers was taken up, and a quested that the allot ten Nick s, Wick St. and Commerce Furey and William Campbell, are rious settlement.
and International Interest. Good basis upon which to rally all sin million dollars to purchase new cor. Main Clinton Sts.
meeting of 175 local drivers un reported as inclined to favor im.
SAN FRANCISCO Speakers Cor. Main South Ave.
ions. The strike will be main mediate sanction.
cere and progressive elements in text books for the many thouthe United MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
Sept. 25: Crecho Slovakia. the Alliance was incorporated in sands of schools NEWARK, tained until the employers inMeanwhile, conduct of the Appeal Available Little Belgium of the 2nd World the following four cardinal States whose expenditures for Reitman s, cor. Broad William Fillmore Bookstore volved sign both city and strike rests in the hands of an War. Speaker: Felix Morrow. points: Sutter Fillmore Sts.
Littman s, school purposes have decreased In Bound Volume the road contracts.
elected rank and Ale committee, Socialist Workers Party Hall, Militancy in action; nearly 700 million dollars annu cor. Hawthorne Ave. Reeves Pl. LOS ANGELES which has the complete confidence 919 Marquette Ave. Adm. 10c. Real democracy in the orally during the past eight years PATERSON, Volume of the SOCIALIST 2336 Broadway Room 812 of the men and is doing reCAMP SEVEN OAKS, Eaton ganization; despite the fact that the number APPEAL covering the year Guabello Stationery Store markably effective job of pulling 317 Straight St. Non partisanship: and of students has increased many Smith News, Sth Main Sts.
town, NJ. Red Bank Station)
1937 is now available in careand picketing, Outstanding among Modern Book Shop, 609 6th St.
fully bound volumes. The cost Capacity 25, swimming pool, NEW HAVEN, Conn. No pussyfooting with the hundreds of thousands.
Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn Nodelman Newsstand, tennis court and other sports PRINTING CO. Inc the leaders of this committee are is 00. Send your order in Sweet Shop, 2526 Brooklyn Ave.
facilities, good food, comfortyounger men such as Abe Red It was pointed Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
now and you will receive your 316 61 STREET, that imme and that now is the time to lay Church St. bet. Chapel Center able housing. Dally 52, 25, week. diately after the November elec the groundwork to fight these Klein, Bob Dillon and Jack CHICAGO Phone RE gest 0690 Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave.
bound volume Immediately. 180 Wells, Rm. 308 Strong. They stress the fact that The quantity is very limited, phone BRyant 7820 or Eaton tions a wave of lay offs will be in layoffs, a task in which the AlCor. 57th Blackstone they do not intend to supersede the SAN DIEGO, Calll.
town 515.
stituted on the projects, liance failed miserably.
Cor. 12th Kedzle Universal News Co. 212 way has closer!
OMAHA DRIVERS Wednesday September and after on the chienolong selalem beet BE CAREFREE with the storie HALT TRUCKING Signal