BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxismNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 17. 1938 Company Unionism In New York Primaries Pinning em Down History Repeats! center in this hemisphere, they are try.
SOCIALIST APPEAL ing to create a favorable atmosphere for a Vol. II No. 38 Saturday, September 17, 1938 terrorist act against Trotsky. Hernan Laborde, leader of the Mexican Communist Party, rePublished every week by the turned to Mexico City from New York after an SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, illegal visit here, with orders to hasten the acBY JAMES CASEY Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 complishment of this task, now a primary one in the eyes of the international Stalinist mafia PROPHECY COME TRUE Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six whose list of victims is already so long.
Shortly after the last war, while covering a National Guard months, Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order cents per copy. Single copies cents. Is Tail To Kite of Boss Parties encampment for duPont owned newspaper, attended a class Not all the persecution of his followers in session in anti aircraft warfare. The instructor, an army captain, All checks and money orders should be made out to the Socialist Appeal.
the Soviet Union, the murder of his son Leon in discussing the possibilities of another world holocaust visioned Sedoff and of his other three children, nor the By JAMES BURNHAM In the case of these offices, the two years, has publicly fought it as primarily a war of the air in which whole cities would be Entered as second class matter September 1, leaders have made not the New Deal bills such as the wiped out. At one point in his talk, he hinted of the probable use murder of his closest aides and collaborators, 1937, at the post office at New York, New York, Recent developments in the one single move toward the nam Executive Reorganization Plan of germs to snuff out populations.
under the Act of March 3, 1879.
like Erwin Wolfe, kidnapped in Spain, and New York state primary caming of independent candidates, and the Supreme Court revision quoted the officer in a story sent to the Wilmington (Del. Rudolf Klement, who disappeared from the paign are serving to bring out and the organization of a gen upon which the ALP leaders Morning News and when he read it on the following day, he MAX SHACHTMAN heart of Paris, have been able to silence the the futility of the coalition policy uine independent campaign. have claimed the progress of the Editor waxed indignant. Such military classroom information was solely adopted by the leadership of the From the beginning, they have country depended. Nevertheless, HAROLD ROBERTS firm voice of revolutionary Marxism in Leon for those on the regimental grounds, he argued, and not for GEORGE CLARKE American Labor Party. The re let it be known that they will the tie up of the leader Associate Editora Trotsky. The will seek now to do so public consumption. In a word, the people must be kept in ignor.
sult of the coalition policy, orig make a deal with one or the other ship with Roosevelt would in ance as regards the plans of the war makers and of the fate that STANLEY directly inally argued for as giving the of the old parties.
virtual certainty compel it to Awnited them.
Business Manager LP, the key position in New Tralls Along support Lehman.
Developments of the last few weeks have stirred up memories Vigilance must be doubled and trebled. RevoYork politics, has been to send The Illusion was spread that in The result of such backings of the army captain lecture. It seems now, some eighteen years lutionary militants must throw a steel wall of the further and further this way the would have and Allings can only be to dislater, that he spoke as a prophet.
protection around Trotsky. Guarding him with into the background, and to leave the deciding voice in picking the illusion workers about the whole the field of the current elections nominees of at least one of the conception of working class poliWith the world on the verge of a new conflagration, two all the resources at our command, we answer under the clear domination of the old parties. Naturally, nothing of tics. They see the party which significant announcements have come from the War Department the mafia with the creation of the Fourth (Continued from page 1)
The army national alr base is to be shifted to Illinois. From the sort is happening.
two bourgeois parties.
they are trying to build as the International and the forging of the tempered The outstanding contest for When the old party bosses saw expression of their own political the military viewpoint this removal from the East to a central into Marseille to break a strike of the dock revolutionary weapons which will know how to those nominations to be decided the tactic of the saw that interests being batted back and point in tho land is calculated to better coordinate and facilitate workers there. Subsequently the government warptane operations in the Atlantic and Pacific areas as well provide the antidote for the poison of Stalinism In the direct primary, September the LP, was subordinating it forth like a shuttlecock between 20, is occurring in the Democratic self wholly in these instances to the two old capitalist parties.
as in Mexico and the Latin American countries.
took the extreme measure of militarizing the in the international labor movement.
port and mobilizing the workers for work under struggle in the Sixteenth con: capitalist politics, they realized Also, the army has awarded contracts for rapld fire antiBosses Pick Candidate aircraft guns and carriages sufficient to equip thirty two reglmilitary rule. This was the advance notice in At this critical time, more than ever before, gressional District between Rer that they no longer had to take resentative Connor, incumbent the into account. They are No trade unionist would ever ments for air battle. The magnitute of these war preparations France of what war for democracy means to vigilance around Trotsky! Vigilance and deterchairman of the House Rules simply going ahead to straighten stand for a situation in which, become more apparent If one bears in mind that the anti airthe working class. Far from protesting, the Genmination to put an end to the terrorism of Sta Committee, and the Administra out their own internal difficulties, when choosing a business agent craft defenses at the present time comprise sixty or seventy lin G. by arousing against it the fury of tion backed James Fay. In this knowing that when they have for his union, he was told to eneral Confederation of Labor, whose chief, Leon guns for only six or seven regiments.
the workers it so shamefully betrays!
fight the acts only as an finished, the will have to dorse one or another of two can During the last year or so, our civilization was horror stricken Jouhaux, was in Mexico this week, mouthing obedient ward heeler for Farley trail along whatever has been the aidates named by committees of by the repeated barbarous attacks of Spanish fascists on defensewordy threats against Fascism and whooping The meekly forbore put outcome.
the bosses. This, however, is exless men, women and children. No less are the world peoples it up for war, issued a communique announcing ting up an independent candidate Their difficulties are, it is true, actly comparable to what the horrified by the ruthless Japanese raids on Chinese cities, with its support of the government drastic anti Minneapolis Leads of its own, and is running Fay, embarrassing. The Republicans leadership is proposing the killing of innocent and helpless human beings by the tens of unopponed, on its ticket, now plan to nominate Tom with respect to the state wide of thousands labor stand. The Socialist Party has dutifully the Way Again!
Fay Machine Politician Dewey, riding high the creatfices. The Republicans and Demfollowed suit.
Yet, in spite of the unprecedented massacres, military men Farley, as is to be expected of his racket busting wave, forocrats will name their candidates view the present slaughter of non combatants as a feeble imitation of what will happen when the big war breaks out. It is Most rabid of all the war mongering traitors Once again General Drivers Local 544 has save the absolutely noth the governorship. With Lehman during the week following the ing in return for this capitulation. already declared for the two re primaries. The State Com pointed out that while the Spanish fascists are using 500 and 800in the labor movement are the Stalinists, the gone to the front for the entire labor moveThe LP. had not the slightest maining years of Copeland unmittee will then meet, and, ac pound bombs, because they have no larger ones, the major powers once revolutionary Third International which ment! The Executive Board has taken steps (re volce in naming Fay. Fay him expired term, and Senator Wag cording to present plane, will ar will shower on city and countryside bombe weighing a ton each these has now become, with the degeneration of the ported elsewhere in this issue) for the organiza self is an old time machine poliner candidate to succeed him gue merely as to which and more to wreak death and destruction, Soviet bureaucracy, the most reactionary force tion of a union defense guard to protect it tician, Tammany stalwart, and self for the six year term, the sets shall be put on the The War Department preparations dovetail perfectly with one of the chief links between Democrats feel they have no ticket.
the elaborate plans of the New Deal administration for quick within the international labor movement. In against boss class violence.
Tammany and the national Ad candidate for the governorship This outcome would not occur mobilization and nationalization of Industries in the event of France and Britain today they stand most openly Continued and open threats against the Min ministration. From the point of strong enough to put against so placidly and automatically ir, war. Success of the New Deal program would mean fascization for war against Hitler because that today serves neapolis union movement by vigilantes, fascist view of the workers, there is not Dewey. Strenuous efforts are be between now and that time the of the nation the instant war was declared or hostilities begun the aims of the reactionary Soviet bureaucracy.
Silver Shirts and other employer paid mobsters two cents worth of difference being made to get Lehman to re voice of the actual members of without a formal declaration.
tween Connor and Fay.
In this country Earl Browder and his Communist consider, and to run again for the and of the unions found a fitting retort in the organization of this Needless to say, the nation workers and farmers cannot and The humiliating consequences the governorship; but if these which adhere to it were heard to Party have already announced their readiness to fighting phalanx. If the workers of Minneapolis, of the coalition polley, of the fall, they will doubtless have to the effect that workers have as must not overlook this threat to their liberties. Militant workers must start Intenslve campaigns at once for unionzation of all fight for American imperialism and have as the admitted by the Department of Labor to be one fallure to launch resolutely into fall back on Representative Mead Pittle use for company unionism war Industries. Trade unionists should call on the of main core of their agitation the demand that of the best organized towns in the country, one hundred per cent independent of Buffalo.
in political as in economic affairs.
and CLO. to cover every mill, mine, shop and office in the war this country join in the war alliances of Europe.
Face Predicament found is necessary to set up a defense corps, cer.
working class politics, are, howThe time has come for New York danger organization drives.
ever, to be seen even more strik If, however, Lehman runsworkers to remind Alex Rose It is at this fateful, historic moment that a tainly the need is far more pressing in other Only by strong, united ranks will the workers and farmers be ingly in the case of the state wide against Dewey, the will be that the American Labor Party new voice is raised in the international labor sections offices (governor, short term and placed in an absurd predicament. Is their property, not. blank In a position to fight off fascist war decrees and act in thelr own The workers in New Jersey, harassed and long term Senators. nominations Dewey was supported with great check issued in his name. If the movement, a voice that speaks for the communi Interests when the Wall Street Imperialists begin to herd the for which are to be decided at fanfare by the LP. when he reminder is too long delayed, masses for the new blood bath.
ty of workers interests in all lands, for the real terrorized by Mayor. am the Law. Hague party conventions following ran for the office of District At there will be nothing but a deficit fight against war through the fight against ca pensioned thugs cannot move a step forward the primaries.
torney. Lehman, during the last left in the bank.
pitalism, democratic or fascist, for the fight to without a defense organization to protect their PROSECUTION GOES BEGGING free the world of helotry and starvation through. their. It is most amazing how prosecutors, who lay claim to alertthe revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist ness in weeding out crime and criminals and eagerness to swellorder and the building of world socialism the murdered by Girdler gang of jailbird deputies ing their records for convictions, affect an air of nalvete on some matters of gravest concern to the masses of the people.
voice of the Fourth International! Small today, The circulation of petitions in New York City by the Nazis it shall be heard with increasing insistence, for Noah London was not a contributor to the Dally Worker; it alone translates the burning desires of toilers California urging legislation to ber Jews from holding public office or clvil over the wide expanse of the he was not a member of the Communist Party; never heard service jobs is clearly violation of a State law enacted more United States the labor movement faces annihieverywhere for a real democratic Peace, a workof him; there never was such a person.
than fifteen years ago to end racial discrimination and attacks ers democratic peace, and an end to the false lation at the hands of the fascist bands unless a With these words Clarence Hathaway, editor of the Daily by secret societies and all other groups. At the time of its introWorker, speaking in Lynn, Mass. for the Communist Party, wall of steel of guards standing ready to exlegends of capitalist democracy which are only (Continued from page 1)
duction, the measure was aimed at curbing the Ku Klux Klan.
last week, disavowed a leading Jewish militant and founder a miserable, ragged cloak for the worst exploi change blow for blow in defense of their orToday the Nazis are carrying on the depredations where the of the American Communist Party, now reported shot in tion of grain means a smaller inK. left off and with more vigor.
tation of the working masses over the entire ganizations is built around the unions.
come for the farmer without satworld!
Their activities have brought protests from dozens of organiThe progressive unions of Minneapolis in isfying the millions of hungry, so Though Hathaway memory conveniently falled, other members of the still remember that Noah London was zations, and newspapers have been flooded with letters by individ The great masses of workers today, ground organizing the defense guards are again demon long is it a mockery to boast leading spirit in the foundation of the Frelhelt, communist uals against Nazi terrorism.
under the heel of war mongering Fascist rulers, strating that great self reliance which made their about any improvement daily newspaper, and member of its editorial staff during the Many of the lawless actions of recent months were initiated will be inspired to rise against their masters existence possible and assured their success.
early years of its existence. Some will remember also that he in the little Brown House on Eighty third Street, which is within One need not go outside of was a member of the party Educational Committee and di the jurisdiction of Thomas Dewey, high powered and ambitious They built the unions themselves the workers only by the most militant working class action Roosevelt Labor Day speech to rector of the Workers School since its foundation, prosecutor, who is ready to accept the nomination for governor of the workers in other countries against their did it on the picket lines they did not be the What the members the would like to forget by the Republican party. Why has Dewey closed his eyes to the discover why the present adminis.
own masters, not by a war of horror waged vi capitalist politicians or their boards to do the is that Noah London went to the Soviet Union with his wife, much needed inquiry into Nazi violence and general law breaking?
tration has not been able and will ciously against them.
job for them. Now the very men who built the not be able to achieve a real imto place his technical talent at the disposal of the Soviet Why has he not moved for indictments against leaders of the German American Bund in Yorkville, who are responsible for Union. Since then it has been reported that London has been unions are being called upon to defend them.
The solution of the anguish that now rides They alone can or will.
provement in the condition of the executed by the Soviet bureaucracy. The complete silence of a long series of crimes ranging from cajoling retailers into buythe world lies not in turning the masses of toil.
masses. To Roosevelt the unity of They have profited from the lessons of the the Communist Party and London old friends still in the Ing German made goods to kidnaping opponents of the Hitler ers against each other in every land under false organization. Party is tacit proof of the report truth. The shameful les all groups, excluding perhaps the steel strike: the leaders called on the Governor of Hathaway confirm the fears that another revolutionist has Why pretexts of defending democracy. That fight Attorney General John Bennett silent? He, too, is few economic royalists, is and the National Guard for protection. The been murdered by Stalin executioners, will be fought on a world wide front by all ambitious, seeking the Democratic nomination for the governorGovernor and the National Guard smashed the something worthwhile to strive workers against all the masters with whom they ship. Indeed, he has already appealed for support by the State for. To include only the workers, of private property such a reason. Power Prepare Federation of labor.
strike. They profited from the lessons of Jer have nothing, no interests whatever, in compoor farmers and the lower urban able solution is impossible.
Evidence is abundant that the Nazis are spreading their antimon.
sey City: the wind jamming liberals invoked middle class but also the good their constitutional rights and pleaded with If workers are unemployed, the World Conflict religious propagande throughout the state and that open meet Democratic Britain rules nearly half a bil.
ings fanning race hatred are being held regularly in violation of Roosevelt to do something about Hague. Hague capitalists is his idea of unity. reasonable thing to do it to re(Continued from page 1)
lion people in its empire with the harsh iron New York statute. Newspapers have published ample accounts of knocked the constitution into a cocked hat, the lawless antics by Hitler tools, and still the Attorney General hand of a military dictatorship. Democratic Roosevelt wants to represent duce the number of hours with the speeter that is feared most appears to be one of the very few unaware of the rotten megs.
and Roosevelt Department of Justice gave him all classes; in fact he stated that out reducing wages. But that is France not only enslaves the blacks of equatorial of all In Downing Street, at the a clean bill of health.
Why doesn United States Attorney Lamar Hardy get buay he defends the capitalists to the impossible for those who con Qual Orsay, the WilhelmstrasAfrica, but is already lashing its workers at se, and the Chigi Palace alike quite apart from the gesture of sending assistants to Germany farmers and workers and he desider the interests of the emMinneapolis is not waiting on mayors and home with the whips of military rule. Demofor Interviewing some one or other, who couldn talk even if he the specter of revolution that fends the farmers and workers toployers.
cratic United States has plans completed for governors and laws and begging with outwanted. Secret meetings of Nazi leaders have been held even if he will put an end to the Fascist the capitalists. And that is exstretched hand. concentration camp lies at Only those who suffer most German consulate in New York City. At least one prominent ship the militarization of labor in the event of a dictators and their democratie line official is known to be operating here as an agent for the actly why he has failed miserably from the present insane system, counterparts in Western Europe.
war emergency the end of that road, as the workers of GerHitler government in his attempts to get out of the only the workers, supported by all the world stands at a fateful many and Italy so tragically discovered. They Democracy is a lying myth under capitalism.
There may be many reasons for the astonishing display of are acting. The rest of the labor movement can economic morass in which this middle class elements, can actu. crossroad. The status quo is innaivete on the part of the prosecutors. None of these reasons, Let us not be fooled into thinking otherwise.
not afford to ignore their example. The unions country has been immersed since ally put a program into effect tolerable for all the class forces That myth took twenty million of our best however, can be of any benefit to America masses, who have 1929.
which will be able to solve the caught in the insoluble contraAlists demonstrated time and again that they abhor fascism and want cannot postpone the organization of workers working class lives only two decades ago. Today defense guards for a single day!
Unity is essential but a unity problem of unemployment. And dictions they themselves created every semblance of it eliminated.
under the shadow of war we must learn how to Pressure on the recalcitrant district attorneys will no doubt of those who are exploited, of the for that it is necessary first of all at the end of the Inst war, the cram it down the throats of those who are try.
only remaining solution Increas put them on the spot and serve to further awaken the masses workers and poor farmers. How that the organized workers create to the menace that surrounds them. But decisive action must ing to lead us into a new slaughter that shall be The New Deal Speaks can the economic crisis be abated their own party, separated from ingly appears to be a plunge into not be expected by any legalized red tape. There can be no llua hundred times more horrible and more costly if the profits of the bosses are to all capitalist elements whether Fascist control over the workers slons about that. To exterminate the Nazl scourge, the workers than the last one.
On Hague and farmers themselves must organize and act.
in all countries.
be given consideration? When liberal or reactionary.
Let us raise high the banner of the Fourth factories are idle and workers un For the workers the alterInternational, the standard of workers of all The Department of Justice G men have made employed the most natural solunative is to fall victim to the capitalist deception once more lands to follow to the destruction of capitalism, quite a reputation for themselves chasing kid tion is for the government to or to raise their heads and in to a socialist peace, to the genuine democracy nappers of wealthy children and spying out take over the idle factories and PRINTING CO. Inc.
resolute conflict to dissipate it of free workers rule. It alone leads away from radicals.
once and for all. To the latter put the unemployed to work. But barbarism. It alone speaks at this dark hour for In their files they have more than 8, 000, 000 316 61 STREET, Y, since Roosevelt and his liberal alm, the Fourth International Phone RE geat 0690 the brave new world of the future.
dedicates itself and all its fingerprints neatly catalogued, and they followers believe in the sanctity forces.
add many thousands daily. Their ample quart.
ers in the imposing Department of Justice Guard the Security of Trotsky! Building feature the very latest in chemical, Thomas, run out of town when trying to make There may, of course, be a few habitual Ray, and microscopic equipment.
a speech, to unionists beaten up and terrorized grumblers who will not be satisfied with the It is no accident that another plot against But, somehow, all of this fancy apparatus to workers slugged and arrested when trying verdict of the Department of Justice.
the life of Leon Trotsky is laid by the American seems to have developed a simultaneous blind distribute leaflets or sell labor papers.
They might even be drawing rather sharp PROMINENT SPEAKERS agents of the at this time. At a time spot.
Some of these have felt in the past that their lessons from that verdict.
when the nations of Europe, democratic and For the last five months it has been submitfascist, are teetering on the edge of a new war, rights were being overthrown by Hague. Now They might be deciding that the verdict ting the Principality of Hague to examination. they can take comfort. The New Deal itself has shows that Hague and Hagueism are part and FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 P.
and the organized labor movement and the StaThe report of the examination has just been is spoken. And the New Deal explains to them parcel of the New Deal, that Hague is simply linists are doing their utmost to lead the work sued: No evidence of violation of civil liberties ers to the slaughter of a new imperialist war, that Hague has acted exactly in accord with its Roosevelt without so charming a smile.
or infringements of Federal statutes in Jersey own ideas of democracy and good government.
it is necessary to silence, if possible, the one They might be concluding that the workers Beethoven Hall, 5th St. and 3rd Avenue City.
Since as everyone knows the New Deal rep.
voice that will speak loudest against this shameof New Jersey are going to get rid of Hague This verdict will certainly be a relief to the ful treachery.
resents progress against reaction, all should now and Hagueism by themselves, through their own organizers who have been thrown out be willing to drop these petty complaints against Agents the are in Mexico today strength, or are not going to get rid of them at of Jersey City, to the Hague opponents who Hague bad manners, and should join hands all. Not even the Great Liberal in the White Auspices: Socialist Workers Party for the sole purpose of trying to kill Trotsky. have been jailed, to the candidates counted out for a sweeping vote in November for the House, sad to say, is going to do the workers Local New York Acting under orders from New York City, the of office by stuffed ballot boxes, to Norman Hague Roosevell Democratic Party.
job for them, and their leaders. Street workers clubbed and What Good Hathaway Forgets London But Doesn Deny Murder Work, Mr.
from their homes by vigilantes in Westwood, President?