Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

SEPTEMBER 17, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL The Crisis in the Auto Workers Union Today Provided lacked How Kulak Danger In SEAMEN PICKET In Stalin Realm Soviet Reappears TRAINING SCHOOL The Russian Workers (Continued from page Continued from page 1) pression struck with full force, he That these men will be used to by the Stalinists in the was forced to retreat. Then he New Tax Decree, Aimed at Wealthy man the ships when the bone Alde Own Story has placed all groups before bungled all over again by signseamen strike is obvious to unacid test. Fine speeches and ing the agreement without conPeasants, Reveals Grave Situation; ion marine workers.
wordy resolutions could not resulting the membership. The StaCollectives Being Undermined Cooperates Reviewed by JOE HANSEN move the unavoidable necessity linists, originators of this type of While the pickets, most of of taking a stand. combination high handed action, unscrupuof circumstances made the so lously exploited Martin bureauwhom belong to West Coast unBy WRIGHT of the reasons for Stalin past ions, continue fighting against the (Continued from last issue)
cent of the delegates represented 80 per cent of cialist Party an influential force cratic action and lined up the The Supreme Council of the success in temporarily resolv government agencies bent on de In the very educational system the school members of the same type as themselves. We in the union. Throughout they membership against him.
Soviet Union, when in session in ing the problem of the kulak was stroying all maritime unions, the teachers attempt to circumvent the systematic can therefore assume that fully million and a have performed a wretched role For months Martin sailed August, transacted what appears the ability of Russian industry to National Maritime Union stin propaganda of Stalin. This is explained by a half members are supporters of Stalin. the shadow of the Stalinista. along with no program whatever, on the surface to have been a absorb vast army of raw agri follows its course of cooperat local secretary of the Communist Party Incl We will call that the dynamo. The fly Left to their own, they fumbled at least with none visible.
minor piece of business, which re cultural labor. The peasants were ing with the Maritime Commis dentally an ardent defender of Stalin: You see wheel is the three quarters of a million the ball consistently. But the in demagogy about militancy and ceived little publicity in Russia driven not only into the collec slon. Picketing ships such as the even though Stalin book on Leninism is to of them well paid, strictly disciplined and ready tensity of the fight did not per democracy found ready listeners and was given a routine para tives but also into the urban Southern Cross works for the di form a part of Lenin work and is now made to kill anyone but themselves, as long as they mit them this luxury for long. In this period. Their demagogy graph in the world press. It is centers, where conditions, bad as rect benefit of the for a compulsory possession of every library and a are given all the privileges that subject of The cowardliness of the party went up in smoke when Martin sued a new tax.
they were, nevertheless when the Commission is forced textbook in every school, very few grown up Stalin can get. The machine is the three to leaders and shabbiness of the championed and carried the 20Stalin found it indispensable to by and large an improvement to call union men to all crew va intelligent people in Russia take Stalin as anyfour million bureaucrats. Add to these about party program made them an point program at the Executive placé a special tax horses over the bestial and the predomi: cancies, it is the hiring thing more than a joke so far as education is million young people who have never had easy prey for the cynical and un Board last May. But the proowned by peasants not members nantly feudal routine of rural hall that is called. Yet the new concerned.
chance to look upon anything except through principled careerist, Walter Reu gram was carried out in the most of the collective forms. In the existence. This safety valve no officials persist in alding the Ma THE YOUTH KNOW the eyes of very skillful propagandists, and a ther. His personal ambitions dilatory fashion. The membership territories of Great Russia, the longer functions. In ritime Commission by advocat similar number of workers who believe that dominated the party policy. Nor remained uninformed about the Ukraine and White Russia this monstrous disproportions from ing the slogan Pack the Fink This is more concretely shown in a surprise quack pills are best because they hear it and man Thomas fumed and even union busters. Then Martin start tax has been set at 500 roubles which Soviet economy suffers Halls.
visit paid by a high official of course a Sta see it everywhere. Add all these together and for the first horse, and 800 rou and which the regime instead of Militant rank and Ale seamen, made public liniteto a class in which is taught the history Walter Reuther contrations but led the entire union by his susyou have the sum total of Stalin supporters.
of the Communist Party. The school teacher to put pension of five of the leading of bles for the second and third. In mitigating can only aggravate disgusted with the Communist The total may not be quite as big as the figures the party through the paces. ficers. This terrible mistake conrecounts the visit as follows: would indicate, for people are apt to discard With Reuther at the helm, the sisted not in the Innocence of the from 400 700 roubles. The dead of man power from rural regions with all government agencies, The Stalinite official begins questioning one pills when they find they don give the results difference between the and careerist and stooge officers. No!
line for payment is October 15, but have actually acted to re hoped that the election that of the pupils: Who organized the proletariat to expected, and not all the bureaucrats are Sta not deci The Their crimes were heavy enough overthrow Czarism and capitalism in the Soviet swept the Stalinists from control but those peasants who enroll in verse it lin supporters. Remember, in Czariat days we whined and even protested but to warrant expulsion ten times the collectives prior to this date Return to Village of the would put the un Union?
had many good Socialists among the Czar clvil In the end it always tagged along over. But no educational cam Varlous parties for The peasant no sooner acion alongside the West Coast are exempt from payment of the overthrow of Czar servants. Who Is against? Nobody can tell that behind the Staliniats. Undoubted paign had prepared the memberquaints himself with prevalling unions in the fight aganst the ism; only the Bolshevik Party was against catax.
with any measure of certainty. That can only ly, Reuther will repay the Pship for these dlsciplinary measDecree of Sweeping Nature conditions in Industry than he Ank halls. But in the night against pitalism.
become more or less clear at a real crisis. But one of these days for their tolures. The bureaucrate suspenThe decree is so worded as to seeks to return to the village, the Stalinists only succeeded in Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks? am not far wrong when say that in the south erant treatment, just as David slon put the Stalinists back on give the impression that this tax even as an agricultural laborer. putting in a few new officers Comrade Vladimir Ilyitch Lenin.
Stalin has very few admirers and is very little Lasser of the Workers Alliance the map of the auto union and is aimed only at a section of the trend is so marked that with the same fatal policy. Who were his chler assistants. feared.
did by leaving the party when gave them their strongest talking Even on the Pllot, the union Many Bolsheviks. can only name Comrades those Individual peasant proprie Pravda itself has had to publicize THEY RE NEW he is done with it and kicking it point. Martin has never fully retors who are still outside the col. it. Thus, in commenting on the newspaper, the Stalinists have Krupskaya, Zinovieff, and Kameneff.
lectives. It affects peasants who critical situation in the Donbas ridden the wave of revolt. The in the face on the way out. That covered from the irresponsible What did the party do in 1905. ARISTOCRACY!
is of little importance, however, manner in which he carried out not only possess horses but also coal mining area, Pravda openly long awaited house cleaning It tried to organize armed risings, but sucBoris Silver observations confirm entirely hire them out to collective farms. warned the management of the Ands, out of a staff of three, two ceeded only on a small scale.
to American workers who are the suspensions.
the reports of the Tchernavins, of Lyons, of having demonstrated for them What was Trotsky doing in 1905?
Stays Among Friends There can be no doubt, however, mines as follows: Let them bear old Communist Party stooges.
Fred Beal, of Ciliga, etc. as to the inhuman re once again in the the utregarding the sweeping nature of in mind that spring and sum Corby Paxton, formerly business You will excuse me, comrade inspector. With no other road open pressions of the Stalin bureaucracy, its increaster bankruptcy of the Socialist Martin finally began an open this decree because the long mer are approaching. Seasons manager and now editor, edited Trotsky was not a member of the party at that ing strangulation of the productive forces, the Party as a force for progressive campaign. While the campaign standing shortage of horses. fol when in past years, as a conse the Voice of Labor, a contime.
tragic and farcical nature unionism the trials staged ed the effectiveness it would The government official questions the next lowing the mass slaughter of quence of inattention to housing trolled sheet published in Honowith no other intention but to tighten the grip boy. What part did Comrade Stalin take in have had before the suspensions, cattle by peasants during the pe and living conditions of the lulu, and is well known on the of Stalin gang upon the workers state.
Martin Fights the preparing the party for the October Revoluit was a step in the right direcriod of enforced wholesale col workers, sections of them re: West Coast as a devoted follower On Stalin course as a whole a school teach Only a blind man or fooltion. But here again he bungled.
has made it neces turned to the village to work in of the party line. Assistant tion?
er comments: Stalin is also responsible for the He was always member of some committee would deny that Homer Martin Instead of going into hostile tersary collectives to hire the Melds. Pravda, Feb. 1938. Editor Hennessey is the discovery that Socialism is possible in one coun has waged a persistent and couritory to convince opposition loand occasionally a secretary.
horses from individual peasant It goes without saying that this only one connected with the detry alone and that permanent revolution means rageous struggle against the un cals of the correctness of his acphenomenon is not limited to the funct Rank and File Pilot. Was his a leading part?
proprietors. It depended whether the part played by his permanent dictatorship of the proletariat. It ion busters. He has refused to tion, Martin remained among his Moreover, the competition be Donbas region, Look Who Here!
didn take genius discover such absurdities make any rotten compromise friends and kept repeating his tween the various collectives to Only the future will tell prePrize specimen on the staff is committee was an important one.
which are both meaningless and contradictory, did Comrade Stalin mainly distinguish with the Stalinists, resisted their story to locals already lined up assure themselves of the India cisely what scope and form the Managing Editor Jim Neil. himself as a leader?
because over whom would a dictatorship rule if blackmail and spurned their re for him.
pensable supply has made this struggle against the kulak will one time editor of the Voice of socialism turned everybody into proletarians? peated attempts to buy him off. Despite all his blunders, Marhiring very lucrative. So wide assume. But it is already appa the Federation, organ of the MaNo answer was forthcoming. The official And if the present unprecedented advertising asked if any other member of the class could Where countless leaders tin record as the head of the spread and important has the rent that the class struggle in the ritime Federation of the Pacific boost of him as the great leader succeeds, we may from Lewis down have taken the most democratic of unions, practice become that the press village will shortly enter into its Parly in 1937 Nell was slipped answer the question. girl rose and said: He yet see for the first time mediocrity destroying always carried a book under his arm in order casy road and become fronts for of the union which had gained has from time to time made men sharpest and most open phase.
into the Volce by the mathe work of genius, unless, of course, there are to show that he was a learned man.
the Communist Party in the un most for its membership through tion of abuses in this sphere, chine after a bitter factional still enough people left in Russia able to form a ions, it is to Martin credit that militant action, of the union and directives have periodically fight that threatened to disrupt And was Comrade Stalin not a learned LABOR SHOWS he refused to sell out.
party such as Lenin had in his mind at an hiswhich had organized unemployed been issued against discriminathe Federation. After promising He must have been more learned than the torical moment when Stalin and his bureaucracy But good intentions never workers on an unprecedented tive practices in favor of the inSTRENGTH to keep the polley of the Voice workers of his time, because they did not even are at death grips elther with ambitious rivals made good fighter. Especially scale gave every reason to exdividual peasant proprietors.
non partisan, withi six weeks or ambitious oreign powers.
political fight skill and pect that the fight could be taken Translated into the language of IN SOUTH Neil trumpeted the line know how to read.
As for the intensity of feeling against the principles of paramount impor into the camp of the enemy and economic reality What made you say that Comrade Stalin means that exclusively. The pages of the carried a book under his arm?
bureaucracy this is ably expressed by an old the individual peasant proprietors tance. Martin skill in the strug the Stalinist opposition smashed.
workerboot maker. They are our masters; have been able to compete very gle against the Stalinists has al But Martin missed his boat once HOUSTON, Sept. Without Federation newspaper were saw a photograph in the library.
The official questioned the class generally: they make us work! They re a new ways at best been questionable, again. And now lines are drawn aristocracy!
successfully with the collectives. disturbing the tranquillity of the open to publicity writers of ev. There will never be equality in Russia until and the principles of the admin hard and fast to a point where at Who was Comrade Lenin chief assistant in and grow at their expense. So slow South, labor has begun to cry stooge organization of the every one of these new aristocrats is strangled.
the October Revolution and civil wars?
istration group allied with him least for the present it is impossuccessfully, in fact, that drastic move into offensive positions. The Workers Order to the League of Trotsky. came the loud answer.
HOW OPPRESSION WILL END have been open to serious criticisible to change anybody mind. And who else?
1sm by progressive unionists. UnEvents in the auto union are cree is the first, have finally been as organized labor at Houston American Writers, but unton men class mate of Silver in the days before The proletarian soldiers.
der these conditions, the Stalinist dramatic proof on resolved upon to cope with the mobilized 14, 000 rollicking, shout ruinous policies of Bridges and 1905 outlined his idea of how Stalin will be large scale game was tremendously facilitat that there is only one way to de.
The official turned to the top girl: Have you overthrown: Today leadership. political as growing danger.
read any book by Comrade Stalin or have you ed. As long as Martin fought feat the Stalinists. Harry LundeThe size of the tax itself, the marched them down Main Street Co. were denied a voice.
Under the direction of this well as military, has gradually come to mean ever been told about Leninism?
them with bureaucratic weapons, berg and the West Coast Sallors brief period of less than sixty yesterday.
personal power over the workers and peasants; they could shout democracy to gave the Stalinists the trouncing In some respects it was much Journalist the Volce of the Fed have see the book in the library, tried to membership of the Communist Party is now days set for its collection, as well read it, but could not make out what Leninism the high heaven although secret of their life because they fought as the exemption proviso Indi like any other parade that has eration declined from a fighting just a sound investment in a gigantlo commerwas.
ly they planned a dictatorship. As the bureaucrats as chamcial trust, and even the Red Army is becoming cate graphically the real Import pounded city pavements in years maritime newspaper with a ne tional circulation to Stalinist And how would you connect Lenin with long as Martin Allied himself plons of democracy; they fought and intent of this decree. The ku past. There was a motorcycle es more and more saturated with snobbishness cort, a few official cars, a dozen the Federation would read. The rag that not even members of Marx with reactionaries, the Stalinists the reactionaries not as lak danger is abroad again.
and other petty bourgeois motives. Take it could pose as progressives al conservatives but as progressive In the same way as would connect a great For some time now references bands and a procession of marchpaper has not yet got out of the from me, Stalin will not only have his stuck up though their real policies dit militant unionists. Democracy Shakespearian actor with Shakespeare because financial hole into which it to agents of the kulak have ing men three miles long.
proletraian generals like Voroshiloft and Bu ered not an lota from those of and militancy are the only weapdotted the Soviet press. Obvious People Parade Lenin Arst studied then acted Marx.
plunged under his editorship.
denny; he may also hay means The class applauded the answer. The official corrupt Martin right wing allies. The ons against Stalinist reaction and ly, a grave situation exists in ag But there the similarity ended At the 1937 convention of the men as capable as Tukhachevsky and Egoleft hastily, commenting that this wasn the auto workers rightly jealous of dictatorship. These methods are riculture. The decree is an avow. There was nothing formal about the delegates removed rov, and to purge the army of all true Social their democratic rights and de dictated not by expediency but standard al of this fact. It is an avowal these hatless, coatless, happy Neil from his job. Now the mark which the school teacher took as a comists who cannot possibly accept him as they ard system of education in Russia, a resiring a progressive union fell by the needs of the unions, by that the system of collective workers who were having a bet whole game is being played again accepted Lenin and Trotsky.
victim to the Stalinist demagogy, the true relation of forces and pliment.
farms is being undermined by the ter time than the shouting, cheer on the East Coast, with Neil It will, of course, take a very long time to Record of Blunders the real role of the That not even the writings of Trotsky have automatic interplay of the con ing onlookers. This was a peo prepared once more to do the convert the Red Army into a national army, Let us cite the record to make tradictions in Russian economic ple parade and underneath was Stalinists dirty work with fine been completely suppressed in Russia is shown because the reserve is still international and the point clear: The Compromise Proposals by the following incident: In one of the workers life. While milder in form, it is the humming power of organized air of impartiality so too ready to fight tyranny at home as well libraries in the Ukraine, Silver noticed a student Martin chief lieutenants The Socialist Appeal has alnevertheless a resumption of the labor in a city growing industrial Charter Delayed as abroad. There is only one comfort Russia studying a book by Trotsky. The student hapare men like Fred Pieper and Loready pointed out the hypocritical polley of enforced collectivization ly by leaps and bounds.
Meanwhile, issuance of a nacan never be wholly conquered, it is too vast ren Houser. Notorious for their nature of the Lewis peace plan.
pursued so disastrously in the In the ranks were youngsters tional charter to the by pened to be the daughter of the secretary of for that, and the Russian people had tasted incompetence, they liberally in. The plan is a clear attempt to placards the Communist Club. Silver asked if Trotsky course of the first Five Year Plan. carrying reading the of is being delayed.
freedom for nearly ten years before Stalin books aren illegal in Russia. No, came the dulge in red baiting of the good destroy the autonomy of the unStalin proposes to save the col Trade Unionists of Tomorrow. The discredited fakers of the old succeded in becoming a tyrant. They will make answer, they re not illegal; they ve merely disold fashioned variety. Hatred for ion and to saddle the union with lective forms by driving the cancer sap in the rankaste International Seamen Union, good use of a war situation to get rid of their them and their like turned conappeared from Russian libraries.
a peasants into them against their marchers were standing back who hold a charter but no union, oppressors at home first, and afterwards of the siderable sections of the auto have termed the plan u com Stalinist regime. Wiseacres will.
from an unclean object a tall, have prevented the Executive TELLS WHO SUPPORTS invaders by teaching their soldiers how to get TALIN The problem that Stalin has so saunt, black hooded and shroud Council from granting the char workers against Martin.
promise. Yes, something like the rld of their oppressors.
Stalin power rests upon a very unstable base. Martin appointments of or compromise Mussolini made with confidently declared as resolved ed figure stalking, humping along ter as planned. These men, Schar That the way Ufelong Socialist ganizers His followers are far from being so numerous whose only quality Haile Sellassie! There is no Forever has confronted him and bearing a sign Parker Unlrenberg, Hunter, Ross, etc. arand very many like me feel about it. is their loyalty to the machine other course for progressives but ter crippling and betraying the as the one ticket shot gun elections would indi Boris Silver leaves Russia not as an embit again under new conditions and forms Unfair.
and the payroll, alienated to fight the Lewis Stalinist plan cate. Grisha, the old Bolshevik friend of Silver, in far more aggravated form. little further along a small seamen tered pessimist ready to review the fundamenyears, now stand in Within the scope of this article but defiant band was causing ap the way of the militant estimates the number of Stalin supporters as progressive workers in nearly all with every ounce of strength at tals of a Marxism he never understood. but as the auto centers. Militant work their disposal.
follows: it is impossible to deal with all plause whenever they hove into these men, controlling one hopeful for the future, convinced that Sta ers, hand As a member of the party with unbroken who had grown suspicious Yet the danger of a split rethe aspects of the new situation. sight. It was the striking Coca ful of seamen in the Gulf and on lin and his bureaucracy are a temporary phe and distrustful of service and a delegate to nearly all the confer talinist or mains an imminent possibilty.
the Great Lakes, demand auThere are two important factors Cola employees.
ences, have had it driven home to me how ganizers, were held in line when with union forces almost equally of profound bearing on future Negro Dockers March tonomy on a district basis. EnThis book is worthy of a place in the library the circus character of the conferences has been developments that must be Martin replaced the Stalinists by divided between Martin and the But the most significant from the couraged by this, Chapdelaine is of every one intersted in knowing what is hapgradually and systematically developed, in the arrogant chair warmers.
Stalinists split would create pening in the standpoint of the South were the trying to retain control of the same tempo as the number of delegates of the Martin campaign against untold damage. The rival unions Differences in Collectives 11 locals of the longshoremen A. of Seamen Union, operBlack Hundred and international crook type THE RUSSIAN WORKERS OWN STORY, By unauthorized strikes very often would be thrown into immediate The struggle against the kulak union. Approximately 5, 000 strong ating under a federal charter for has increased at. conference after conference: had a demoralizing effect on Boris Silver, 251 pp. London, George Allen and bitter conflict. Between court must be resumed at a time when of whom 4, 000 were Negroes. All the East Coast.
don think m wrong in estimating that 90 per Unwin, Ltd. 6d. 1938.
union and weakened his support actions and physical violence within the collectives themselves of them were dressed in their The Sailors Union of the Paamong the militant elements. In among workers, the manufactura process of differentiation is oc blue denim uniforms. The Necific has agreed to accept a enforcing the agreement, fightingers would have an open field for curring very swiftly. As against groes had three bands, bible charter only if they retain full a major offensive against the unputes with their employers. hostile foremen and manage wrecking both organizations and 118 collective farms with an in class, ball team and Ladies Aux autonomy on a national scale, and ions, and that the lockout of the Thus Lundeberg and the ments and beating down provo re establishing the open shop come of over million dollars iliary.
they have made clear that they 3, 000 warehousemen and the forc spiked the lies of the Communist cations, the workers in the plant To avoid the eventuality of annually in 1935, there were 561 The reactionary leaders, intend to have nothing to do with ing of the strike of the retall Party, who attempted to cover were forced to resort to a sudden such a split, it is necessary that such millionaire collectives in Bannon and George Wilson of the fakers of the At the clerks is part and parcel of the disgraceful role of Bridges sit down or slow down. Some of some compromise be made. The 1937. Pravda, July 28, 1988. If the of Trades Council, coming national convention of the planned campaign. If the employ by accusing the of being a the unauthorized actions were compromise cannot and must this were a normal consequence turned thumbs down on an offer of the fight for a ne. Continued from page 1) ers were counting on the split in shipowners tool, and served no undoubtedly the work of com not surrender the union to the of the growing prosperity of the of the io. for a jolnt parade tional charter will be pushed to isfled until scabe can peacefully labor ranks, caused by the dis tice on the bosses that, regardless pany agents, but most of them Communist Party, as Lewis collective system as a whole, with minimum of 5, 000 a conclusion, pass the lines.
ruptive actions of Harry Bridges of the fight against the Stalinist were clearly a manner of settling proposes. But it must find some there would be no need for arti workers marching. Bannon even In preliminary negotiations the West Coast director of the unton busters, fighting unity legitimate grievances on the part formula for composing the dirficial measures to force peasanta refused permission to Rasul Just received for rental: union representatives gave up the response of the unions to the would meet the open shop drive of the workers. Instead of Martin erences at least temporarily.
demands for the 35 hour week clerks strike should give them on the waterfront.
pursuing an aggressive policy to. Naturally, no one need have have been automatically absorbed carry a sign showing supand store wide seniority and, al pause. Unlons Pledge Ald wards the motor companies for any muslons that peace will be In the extension of the collectives. port of the Coca Cola strike.
James Farrell latest navel: though they demanded them Spikes Bridges Slander In Los Angeles, too, where five the enforcement of the agree achieved by any compromise But we are not witnessing any Less than thirty miles away, again when the strike was called, On the waterfront, where re major unions left the ment, he granted General Motors whatever. The Stalinists will such process of healthy growth however, in the Tri Cities (Goose No Star Is Lost already they have agreed to drop sentment against Bridges union Bridges controlled Industrial letter giving them the right to not lose a minute after the and expansion. Instead the col creek, Pelly, Baytown) area, a the demands. But the owners are busting tactics is highest, the Council in protest against the disaiscipline union men engaged in compromise is signed to resume lectives are being ripped apart very different attitude apReservations adamant in their determination made clear in a published ruption of the Communist Party unauthorized actions. This did internally, while being endang parent. There a joint parade of their attempts to capture the to control absolutely the hiring statement that the seamen stood stooges, the bosses threat met not help the union in negotiaered from the outside by the sta over 5, 000 and A, of still being received on and firing of all employees. It is firmly behind the longshoremen united ranks. In a letter to all tions, it did not discipline the un Peace within the auto union bilization and growth of the in marchers was followed by a joint CELINE. Death on the Intseniority rights that the clerks and warehousemen. Declaring maritime unions the newly ion, it did not help Martin with will come only after the uniondividual peasant proprietors. picnic where tons of free borbeare most insistent on obtaining that the statement only relter formed Trade Union Conference the militants.
wreckers are decisively defeated Within the collectives there is a cue was distributed to a crowd of stallment Plan.
for the constant turnover and lay ated the long standing policy of pledged support to all maritime WEAK with and discredited in the eyes of the growth of one pole of prosper 10, 000 BALABANOFF. My Life offs in the retail trade makes im the Lundeberg said, pub unions, regardless of affiliation, Negotiations with General membership. That is the job for ous farmers (t. e. none other rather unusual feature for than the kulak himseit) while at the labor movement of the South as a Rebel.
possible any security for the lication of the statement at this in their approaching struggle Motors were handled in a very the progressives who must now. timid and conservative manner. organize as an independent force the other there is an expanding was the militancy of some of the LABOR BOOK SHOP question that the negotiators Itrolled slander machine is busily The West Coast labor move Lacking boldness and decision, and carry the campaign to the mass of collectivized peasanta re speeches. Every mention seem willing bargain away. circulating rumors and Althy ment, plagued as it is by the Sta Martin lost opportunity after op rank and file the only guarantee duced to the status of agricul and Ale unity brought loud ap 28 East 12th St. ST 0567 Major Anti Union Offensive lies among the longshoremen linists, in time of danger is still portunity to wrest concessions that the United Automobile tural laborers.
plause from every quarter of the It is clear to San Francisco warehousemen that the Sailors capable of closing its ranks, from the corporation, then he workers will be saved from the The second new factor is equal grounds reached by the loudOpen 10 to P. union movement, 100, 000 strong, Union of the Pacific will not ready to do battle against the lost the moment to maintain the cancer of Stalinism and pursue ly grave in lte implications. One speakers.
that the employers have launched back up these men in their dis employers.
status quo and finally when de a militant and progressive pollay.