CommunismCommunist PartyFascismImperialismInvasionMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers Party

SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 17. 1938 Shipyard Workers To Workers To Launch Huge Organizing Drive MORE LOCALS 11 STATE PACT IS Union Defense Guards NOW IN EFFECT Formed By Local 544 istration of the New York Paint for the first time since the elec lance last week because of Stalin told what the Communist Party ment, signed the week before by and finance organizations with urge him to run for a third term against the union busting machine lehe 11 locals in District or Appeal Army meantime, carried almost unani majority of some 650 votes amone well as the policy of the progres ference when he said: The time in most of the progressive locals. John Brien for Illinois; 10 McCORD STRIKE RANKS HOLD FIRM fice, attempted to prevent the AIM AT LITTLE Progressives Gain In meeting. Local 10 held its meeting regardless of this, unexpected STEEL YARDS development, and then voted to Painters Union LEAVE ALLIANCE quit the Alliance, bad case of jitters was demIUMSWA Meet Hits Referendum on Tax fashion, that is with the memEight Delegates, 35 ansented when the seat der score the Unions Ratify Plan. Continued from page 1) members against anti labor viothe big business men, was soon lence.
Fink Halls; Defends bership entirely uninformed as to Joint Board paid visits to Observers Attend Establish Area routed by the striking workers, Realizing that the onstaught of Goes Against most of the progressive locals to its contents. Adding insult to inFred Beal The paunchy men from the coun the bosses is directed against all jury, they then proceeded to ask Administration Conference urge unity, and pleaded to the Committee try clubs had no stomach for unions, officers of Local 614 are for a organizing drive tax.
members not to send observers to Tax Washed Out By GEORGE MILTON the September 10 conference. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. Rep the rough business of breaking interested helping other unlong (Continued from page 1)
defense to establish their own NEW YORK. Less than three Charge Bureaucratic Rule NEW YORK. Throwing their According to the laws of the Labor Non Partisan League months after a stupid maneuver resentatives of 175 local unions of Now the employers make a pre guards, and are willing to acA delegation, headed by Willis the International Brotherhood of Wo must get into the to by the General Executive Board, union, they had to institute a forees in with the two powerful fight for real labor candidates offered as gratuitous aid to the referendum on this tax. This Mechanics and Chauf. Morgan, appeared at the Wed Teamsters, meeting here last tense of accepting unions and the quaint other unlons with the union book members we can opposition, helped to swing the offered the membership an opporteurs Locals, and 43A, which nesday night membership meettions. But secretly they inspire control their actions in office. elections for the Stalinist admin tunity to express its real views withdrew from the Workers Aling of Local, where they were North Central Area drivers agreeaght for better wages and condi the organization.
sald several delegatos.
ist dictatorship in that organiza had done to further this unity employers in Chicago, thus put. but one purpose: to ruthlessly WANT ADS Urge Independent Candidates ers Union, the mass of the millions.
The resolution to give un tants in this union are rising with The results of the referendum, tion, two more locals, 10 in Man Among other things the members ting into effect contract cov. suppress and destroy the labor ROOM WANTED in Manhattan with use of telephone, rent not wavering support to Roosevelt for greater force and in even still not completed, spell calamity hattan and 60 in Brooklyn, both of Local charged that the staring an 11 state area.
Thomas Hughes, secretary movement. Only a few weeks ago with the Alliance this week, and wholesale expulsions of opposi treasurer of the International, ad. Belden, head of the Associated and his Administration and to greater numbers than before for the boys in the Paint of the unemployed division, broke linist leadership had indulged in more than 00 weekly. Write union.
Liston Oak, 166 111th St. sent delegates to the conference ton members: suspensions where dressed the meeting and pledged Industries, participated in meet New York City.
was referred back to the resolu under Weinstock leadership.
tions committee for reconsider the latter expulsion by the Council No. 9, the New York up a new and unemployed right expulsions framing and in enforcing the agreement, even cist gang which has threatened CAMP SEVEN OAKS, Eatonation and when the committee B, two days before the elecorganization the Painters jailing of members who to the extent of revoking charters Unlon, 10 have already cast organization, town, Red Bank Station. reported back it recommended tons last June provided the Thirtheir vote in the referendum.
non concurrence. It was amusing teenth Street gang with their only Capacity 25, swimming pool, The conference, held here last disagreed with them: completely of locals tinking on its provisions. many times to raid unton headto watch the Stalinists and the issue in the campaign. Presented EIGHT OUT OF THE TEN tennis court and other sports After the ratification of the quarters, arms in hand Against these threats the UnMechanics and Chauffeurs Union and breaking up of progressive agreement, Permanent Arca ion Defense Guard facilities, good food, comfort100 Democrats vle with each with a last minute halo of mar.
being bullt.
able housing. Daily 25, weekother in praise of the man who tyrdom, the bureaucrats appealed MAJORITIES AGAINST THE headquarters, was attended, ly 13. 00. Further information, addition to the eight delegates TAX!
At one of the best attended enforcement. Farrell Dobbs of the function of the guards is to organized the notorious Maritime to the membership against an act defend the union picket lines, from these four locals, by more meetings of Local the memberAt the present count, the opphone Bryant 7620 or EatonMinneapolis was elected secretary Commission which is attempting of bureaucracy. The members of town 515.
to smash union hiring halls and the union, of course, have never position vote is running some than 35 observers, coming mainly ship voted unanimously to ap and Joseph Scislowski Chairman union headquarters and union set up Fink Halls in their place. had any more use for the bureau.
from unemployed locals and prove the recommendation of of the committee. Other commit750 ahead of the administration. defeat for the proposition is a few white collar pro its executive committee to send tee members are: Jack Wirth for Inevitable.
obserVers to the September 10 North Dakota; Kenneth McCreery into the LN. In order to fight cracy of the than for that of the Stalinists. The suddenness Secretary Weeks of the Mecha conference at the Mechanics for South Dakota; Carl Kuehl for In coming articles, the Socialist nies Union, structural fron hall for labor candidates and against of the move made deliberation Iow. Tom Smith for Nebraska: supporting liberal Democrats and aircult for them. Taking advantAppeal will give an analysis of What took place at Local s Neal for Kansas City, Mo. Republicans and to give support age of this difficulty, the Stalin the new content or the other Appeal Needs Immediate Financial Aid to the LAN. candidates in theists were able o squeeze out is ripe for a new and un with the membership throwing Williams for Indiana; Griff We want to state frankly to all CHICAGO mously. total of nearly 8, 000 cast.
sive opposition group.
employed unton, which would in the false cry of unity back into for Ohio; and Laughlin comrades and friends the really Minneapolis.
The convention then turned its serious financial position of the New York City Machine Majority Accidental attention to the underhanded, That this majority was entirely IN. FUND RAISES clude the 200, 000 families on relief the hypocritical faces of the Sta for Michigan. in New York City) and the millinists.
On the Permanent Area Com Appeal. Despite the fact that California double dealing attempts of the mittee falls the task of coordinat summer is over and Labor Day union and accidental, that it was more 150 COLLECTION out the country. The Alliance has Illinois Stalinists to split ing strike action to enforce fulhas passed, our regular Income Ohio.
capture jurisdiction over the Navy demonstration of disapproval of falled miserably in their attempt Allment of the agreements pro has steadily declined. Even the Connecticut Yard workers. The delegate from the than approval of the The New York Committee of to organize the unemployed, visions. With 70 per cent of the number of new subs coming in Massachusetts San Francisco reported that the Weinstock machine, that it saved the American Fund for Political mainly because they have given operators already signed up local each week has fallen off!
Bridges machine on the West Weinstock neck from the Prisoners and Refugees reportes up the struggle for the unemDetroit unions will present the contract The result is that the Appeal Pittsburgh Coast had denied recognition to bureaucrats of the Brotherhood total of 150. 22 turned in so far ployed and workers in to the operators who have not yet again faces grave danger of New Jersey the in preference to only because the rank and Ale to the office as a result of the favor of playing around with the Other Locals Must signed. In such instances where missing an issue! The Business Total.
the operator refuses to sign the Manager and even the editorial delegate gave a full account of the Stalinists in their own fashion Collection Can Drive recently held politicians.
Cite Stalinist Wreckers Act in Solidarity local union will report back to staff spend altogether too much the attempts of the Staliniats to all this is borne out anew every size of the collection, made up The Needle Trades Branch of the area committee, and it strike of their time rushing around and New York City has already capture the Navy Yard locals by day by events themselves, mostly ore pennten, nickled and in the forcuelta en endur With Strikers action is necessary the operator trying to raise funds! This se placed an order for 500 extra corule or ruin tacties. One Harry. Unmindful of the warning mandimen, is a tribute, not only to the Kelner had attempted to swing tested by the membership work of the comrades who took said: The Communist Party has feurs Union supporting Weeks will find his trucks stopped riously handicaps the paper in ples of the World Congress 13DETROIT, Sept. 13. Local throughout the whole area.
the Navy Yard membership into throughout the election campaign this drive seriously, but to the completely wrecked the Workers 210 ranks are Arm and morale addition to giving all concerned sue! We have also received extra Each member of the Permanent a case of the well known jitters. orders from Kansas and Clevethe United Federal Workers, as well as at the polls, Weinstock interest of the mass of workers Alliance. In the past year every high as the strike of this plucky Aron Committee will form a sub The fault rests entirely with cere land, Ohio. Where are the other Communist Party controlled and Co. continued with their on the streets in the fate of their action initiated by the Alliance local of the United Automobile committee in the state he reptain branches throughout the branches?
o union of white collar workers, criminal class collaboration poll rellow fighters against Fascist leadership was lost. The Workers to prevent movement of resents, this sub committee to see country which Insist upon runin order to get the jurisdiction. cies in the infamous Industry terror and oppression. white collar workers still have machinery from the McCord Ra that the agreement is carried out ning up large debts and endless New bundle orders this week Fortunately these wreckers were Control Committee. concluded an Highest honors for the largest their wage cut and the leadership dintor Co. to a scab plant enters in each state.
exposed in time and they failed to agreement containing yellow collection go to Sam Portnoy of and their stooges are still parad its sixth week.
ly delaying payment of their bills are from: Large delegations of visitors we emphatically warn these friend in Providence, gain a foothold in this important dog arbitration plan and put over the Young Peoples Socialist ing around shouting victory. The temper of the strikers in were present at the Indianapolis branches that our situation no this Agreement in typical Stalinist League, who turned in 16. 21. This section of the union.
An agent in Tel Aviv, Palestine. Conditions in the relief bureaus the Detroit and Wyandotte meeting, representing unions in longer permits this, and that fur who starts out with an order And while the question was on record indicates that large sums are getting worse. We proposed plant reveals a determination to Western Pennsylvania, New York ther extension of credit is impos of 50!
the floor, a call came through to fashion. Anthony Wayne Smith can be secured for the work of demonstration of all the school nght til hell freezes over. But State and the territory around sibie. We must have payments on And an increase of 10 from John Green, president of the of the legal staff of the the American Fund by this means children for a demonstration the key to a successful termina Highway 68 to Oklahoma City. All our bundle orders immediate Cleveland new literature agent, from the central office made clear that the bosses were it members and friends of the around City Hall because notion of the present battle with They expressed themselves in ly. That means this week if there Paul Scott.
of the saying that the able to throw monkey wrenches local committee take their lead clothing was forthcoming for the the company now rests outside of favor of the program and pledged is to be an Appeal next week!
United Federal Workers wanted into the machinery of the board from Portnoy.
kids, and Brother Morgan (Willis their immediate control or influ cooperation in its execution. One we also urge any Appeal reader Special Request. Only a few to discuss the question of juris wherever it rendered a favorable diction with the This dicision to labor. The convention planning another Collection Can Alliance threw the lie into the tion to heel is strong and imme. seek extension of the agreement these difficult times, New York Committee is Morgan, president of the ence. The only force that can be the first tasks of the Perma. who can make a contribution to Appeal renders responded to our now bring the McCord corpora oranent Area Committee will be to rush it to us and help tide us over request for Vol. I, No. of the was the last straw and the con made clear that the union could Drive on the streets within the Rourke Appeal. We really need this isvention immediately appointed a not rely on the to win next month, and has made ap faces of the Alliance skeptics who diate action taken by other low to the areas from which these Literature agents should now sue badly for purposes of binding special committee to draw up a its strikes or organize shipbuild plication for the necessary per characterized the 24 hour picket cals now building automobiles visitors come.
be laying plans for local winter and once again urge all those clear and sharp statement on this ing workers, but insofar as the mit. With the return of members ing of the empty City Hall as with McCord radiators.
fall campaigns. Subs have fallen who have it to mail it in to us.
vital matter. There was no doubt Board rendered decisions favor from vacations, the Committee stupid, when he announced at The question of whether the McCord strike. The telegram off far too much to be excused.
in the minds of many delegates able to the union, it must be given hopes to be able to throw a much the Saturday conference, that McCord local can beat the com went on to state that unless im And don forget to place your Reminders. 1) Place your speas to the motive of these stalinists the opportunity to function un larger group on the streets than Last night, 700, 000 more than the pany union crushing game and medister measures were taken, special order for the page cial order for the World Congress issue. 2) Order your bound yard workers on the verge of the picket line and not in a law. ticipated in the last drive. goal for materials, the issue around other invasion of the open shop they had been deliberately left in volumes of the Appeal now. Not another imperialist slaughter. The yer office, was the attitude of 300 has been set. daily which the mechantes staged the is now squarely up to the Hudson the lurch by the Executive Board. Here the list of new subscribmany left!
resolution, which was carried with taken by the delegates. mounting pile of appeals from plcket line.
and Packard locals in Detroit and They requested an immediate ers. Note that this covers a twobut one dissenting Stalinist vote, Organizers Fight Reaction refugees in Europe for even the To Meet Again the Studebaker local at South session of the Board, so that week period. We hope all com Send all contributions and subs pointed out that the had The reports of the fled organ barest necessities makes the at The Alliance hasn 8, 000 all Bend. The Executive Board must Moskun, President of the local rades and especially literature to: given the union charter to izers of the union drew an all too tainment of this goal imperative. told, here in New York City, and face its responsibility by com union might lay the facts before agents will try to do something SOCIALIST APPEAL organize all shipbuilders in every familiar pleture of the reaction little more throughout the coun pelling these locals to meet the it and suggest the needed action at once about this sharp falling 116 University Place yard in America and that changes of the bosses and the government try. With the right kind of pro obligation of elementary union Members of the striking local off.
New York, in jurisdiction would not be dis to any and all attempts to organgram we can get to the millions solidarity and meet it at once. have effectively prevented the op.
cussed with anybody.
ize. Baltimore, for instance, of unemployed and workUp to the present writing, the eration of the plants and bril Hit Maritime Commission company union called the Baltiers, which the Alliance could not Hudson and Packard motor com liantly thwarted the running in do, because of their abandoning panies have been unable to ob of scabs. This, however, in a America Permanent Depression pressed themselves on the matter white workers in the yards a dolthe fight. This new organization tain any new supplies of McCord strike to prevent the removal of of ink hiring halls as proposedur month dues and Negro Arrest Four cratic the exact opposite of what dication that they have been us ent to win. So long. McCord By ART PREIS by the Maritime Commission and workers dollar thirty seven.
declared its solidarity with all the High wire fences about the proMembers; Leafthe Alliance has degenerated to ing McCord radiators already on radiators can be obtained from popular analysis of the nature of unemployment progressive maritime unions in perty, which in many cases have today. Rourke concluded in urg hand. The laxity of the leader the open shop in London, Ohio, and fighting program for the unemployed.
the fight to establish and main been extended for miles behind lets Banned ing the setting up the new ships of these locals in taking the ned to defeat.
tain union hiring hails. This was the actual shipyards, and comorganization. The delegates left sympathetic action is one of the The strict company vigilante 3c per single copy dig at the officials of the Upany police are the answer to who refuse to come out in the union organizers. From San Fran for distributing leaflets denounc mittee to call another conference and the consequent hardshipa implant out of the realm of poesie ALLENTOWN, Pa. Arrested tion undecided but elected a com longing of the strike at McCord early organization of the London 21 2c in bundles of 15 or more lowing a policy of tacit consent Alabama to Bath, Maine the story Forgotten Men, a fascist organA curious twist developed when on strike. Instructions sent to organized plants using MoCord Off the Press September 23rd!
to Roosevelt anti union cam was the same. Terror, discrimization in Eastern Pennsylvania, two leading members of the Mc these locals by President Homer radiators will now pull the strike Workers interested in having their friends receive a copy of paign on the waterfront.
nation, company unionism is the four members of the Socialist Chanics Union, Brothers Clifton early in the strike brought re through. The Executive Board The whole question of the role answer of the National Manufac Workers Party were taken to the and Moore, crawled back to the sults, but no follow up action was can force these locals into line, this important pamphlet should send in names and addresses played by the stalinista was dis turers while the Government. Allentown police station and held Stalinista, and issued a statement taken and a bad situation is re Thelr fallure to act is jeopardizand five cents to cover the cost of mailing and the pamphlet.
charges being placed repudiating Rourke. Both, accord appearing.
resolution was introduced from ston, assists union busting with a rainst them. Fearful of protesting to Rourke, who described ing the jobs of the McCord workOrder Now!
the floor by one local which had its official power.
suffered from the wrecking tac. The whole spirit of the conven police Mensinger released the the prime movers in the two the Int Executive Board that ing into the hands of the bosses Martin announced to the pressers and the conditions of all or from Allentown workers, Chief of their action as scandalous, were prior to the present meeting of ganized auto workers. It is playLABOR BOOK SHOP tics of the Communist Party. This tion was animated by the desire four, but ordered them to appear locals withdrawal from the the two chief matters on its or The fate of the strike is now in resolution, which was discussed at of the delegates to do away with the next day.
28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK length and defeated overwhelm the old, hidebound attitude of th Alliance.
der of business would be the Mc the hands of the Executive ingly, called for the disqualifica of toward militant ecoThe meeting which the The Alliance threw a picket Cord strike and the Lewis peace Board. The workers will hold tion from the executive board of nomic and political action. Many covered with warning leaflets was line in front of the Alliance City plan, Board members have been them strictly accountable.
members of any political party of the delegates were veterans of Beaudressed Ma. Gen. Smedley office at the time the leader in town for almost a week with not accepting the American form the labor movement and many cer, whose speech was entitled meeting of the two locals, bearing cause of conferences being held LERMAN BROS.
ident of the pointed labor movement. And the leader Un American Policies be Hanged signs asking: CLIFTON AND between Martin and Hillman and 37 EAST 14th STREET New York City BACK NUMBERS OF out that the union would never ship of the union are men who The League of Forgotten Men, MOORE, HOW MUCH DID THE Murray, Lewis representatives.
Union Stationers and discriminate against any member have established a reputation in fairgrounds, has worked in close TO SELL OUT THE MECHAN has wired a strong plea to Homer In the meanwhile, Local 210 Printers Phone Algonquin 8856 8 that political affltation was no exlatence for militancy and hon collaboration with the Shirts and under the guise of Martin advising that only quick Records Stolen Selling to Labor Organizations grounds for creating a class esty.
JANUARY. Andre Gide: Second Thoughts on the USSR.
and decisive steps could win the Americanism preaches a hometo at Lowest Prices. or Our Printing Plant located at FEBRUARY Philip Rabu: The American Writers Congress.
ever not to strike from the record close a resolution calling for the spun brand of anti labor, anti ganizer of the strong unANNOUNCEMENTS West 15th St. 6th Floor, this discussion on the Communist Immediate release of Tom Mooney, semitic fascism.
employed Local 19, in Brownsville, Phone Algonquin 7828 MARCH, William Phillips: Marxism and Esthetics.
Weekly Backs Fascists Party in order to warn the Stalin Fred Beal and Ray Becker was announced that all the records of 25 cents for five lines. Copy must Insertions in this column are APRILMost vociferous backer of the his local had been stolen from the be in at the APPEAL office beists that their actions were the passed unanimously, and the reSidney Hook:Social Uses and Abuses.
cause of this resolution. Incident commendation of a special com League is the Lehigh County local headquarters, including the fore o clock Monday evening. Fall Frolic Philip Rahv: Trials of the Mind.
ally, this resolution was intromittee to uphold the one years Courler, reactionary weekly news complete membership Hists, and NEW YORK duced by the very same delegates suspension of a Stalinist, who had paper published in Allentown. financial records. Au progressive MAYSAT. EVE, SEPTEMBER 17th William Phillips: Thomas Mann: Humanism in Exile who were so enthusiastic about directed union funds to channels Much space is given to activities locals in the Alliance have been SUPPORT THE 16. All out to supporting at 159 Rivington Street on other than legal ones was vote of the League. In addition the warned to be on guard against First Fall Frolic of the JUNE Edmund Wilson: Karl Marx Music by Prolet Play.
Roosevelt. with but one Stalinist dissent. paper applauds efforts of League repititions of this familiar methInter Circle Quiz finals, bar, The convention then went on John Brown, an honorary mem members to break up the weekly od employed by the Stalinists Reviews by Louis Hacker, James Burnham.
dancing to lateat Goodman, Electrical Transcription Dorsey, Duchin recordings. Latest Goodman, Duchin and JULY Dwight Macdonald: The Soviet Cinema, 1930 38 record against the proposed ber and a veteran of many years open air meetings held each Tues and their agents.
Saturday eve. September 17th.
amending of the Wagner Act, in the labor movement, closed the day evening by the Socialist When members of Local arWilliam Troy: The Novels of Thomas Mann.
Ellington Recordings.
backed by the National Chamber convention with a speech in which Workers Party.
Adm. 25. 159 Rivington St.
Jitterburg Contest rived at their usual meeting QUIZ FINALS Five different numbers of 1936 also available.
of Commerce and william Green he said in ringing terms. the The Socialist Workers Party place in the basement of the HELLISH BUSINESS! That of the A, of and at the same revolution is coming and we must plans to continue its Tuesday neighborhood public library, for Set of 12 for 00. Add 2c per copy for mall orders.
what coming off at 159 RivingEntertainment by Iggy ton St. on Sept. 24. We can time demanded that the National be prepared. we must be con evening meetings in front of the their regular Wednesday night reveal the FA CTS now, but ADMISSION 25 Cents LABOR BOOK SHOP you ll be amazed as the DEVIL Labor Relations Board be granted sistent and not change our line courthouse, and to continue to meeting, they were accosted by additional funds by Congress to like some people we know. we denounce and expose all organiza the police, who, acting under inProceeds for about it, so be prepared for a National Convention 28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK carry on its work in speedler must be victorious!
tions opposed to the workers. structions of the city of HELLUVA good time. POLICE PROTECT Polong term ehe delocales et comprender collecte la FASCIST MEETING strike PARTISAN REVIEW Silver ICS!