BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers FederationWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

What Good Work, Mr.
For The Fourth Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal International!
Union Defense Guards Formed By Local 544 SEAMEN PICKET Group Prepares to VOL. II No. 38 An Editorial Saturday, September 17, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy In his Labor Day speech delivered at Denton, Ma. President Roosevelt appealed to all who labor in field and factory to support him in carrying on the good work to a just and successful conclusion.
The thinking American workers and farmers will not be fooled by fine phrases; they will not be taken in by the fact that Roosevelt invaded Maryland to oppose Senator Tydings, one of the arch reactionaries in the Senate. They will ask some very BOSS OFFENSIVE Sailors Back Longshoresimple but pointed questions, What good work are you re MET BY UNITED Men; Blast Slanders Congress in Uproar; ferring to, Mr. President How Dissident Voices do you propose to carry out this LABORMOVEMENT (Reprinted from the WEST COAST SAILORS)
Workers Sold to War Suppressed The Sailors Union of the Pacific wishes to inform the longMachine by Paysuccessful conclusion that you Strikers Picket 27 shoremen warehousemen that it is now, and always has been. Special to the Socialist Appeal)
have in mind?
the policy of the membership to back up any section of MEXICO, Sept. 13. The triot Leaders An Editorial the maritime workers, or other workers, should attacks be Were Roosevelt not a dema Dep Stores; In so called World Congress made on them by the employers.
gogue angling for the votes of Against War and Fascism was The historic collapse of the Second International occurred FIGHT THE Militant Mood We now publish this statement for the simple reason that thrown into an uproar here yesworkers and farmers his speech the comrat controlled slander machine is bustly circulating at the outbreak of the European war in 1914. In each of the belwould have been much shorter rumors and filthy lies among the longshoremen warehousemen WAR PLANS!
SAN FRANCISCO San FranPuetro Rican delegates declared ligerent countries the labor and socialist organizations which stood but a thousand times more truth cisco unions, both of that the will not back these men up in their disputes that democratic imperialist na committed to a program of opposition to imperialist war capitu.
with ful. He would have stated the and rallied behind the employer. Anybody who knows the policy of the tions like Great Britain and the membership knows that these are just a bunch of finky lated to the demands of the bourgeoisie and helped send millions Führer Hitler finally spoke his following: After six years of my of retall clerks in their United States were war makers lles, put out to serve only the interests of the comrat slander of the working youth to their deaths for the greater glory of anxiously awaited piece at Nuremas well as the Fascist powers.
administration we are back to the strike against the 27 major de berg. last Monday and left the machine.
British, French, German, Italian, and Russian imperialism.
The incident gave striking same point where we started, and partment stores of this city Maritime workers on the Coast do not have to worry On the waterfront, where proof of the real nature of this Out of that treachery came the historic split in the Second Central European war crisis to tell you the truth don know warehousemen are locked out about the SAILORS UNION OF THE PACIFIC crashing Stalinist inspired demonstration, any plcket lines. And just because our picket lines against the International and, after the epochal revolution in Russia, the exactly where it was before on what to do about the whole and employers have not yet re The Congress was nothing but a the edge of a general explosion.
Shepard Line in its open shop drive ve were crashed at the insti.
creation of the Third or Communist International, dedicated to a newed the longshoremen agree gation of a few finky commissars this doesn mean that we are recruiting Agency for British, The deadly parallel between French, and American imperialprogram of militant revolutionary internationalism. In this pro Czechoslovakia and Austria boFor what other conclusion ment, Harry Lundeberg, leader holding this against the bona fide longshoremen warehousemen, of the powerful Sailors Union of ism.
gram the firmest resistance to imperialist war stood as the keycame more marked immediately could an honest man draw?
the Pacific, issued a statement deThe SAILORS UNION has always backed up legitimate, Against Imperialism stone of all revolutionary activity, after his speech. In that arrogant Anywhere from twelve to four claring that the stood bona fide maritime workers in their conflicts with employers; The Puerto Rican delegate, and bellicose declaration Hitler It has never changed its policy and does not intend to do so Today the world labor movement is confronted with a spec Juan Juarbe, was almost physicannounced that Germany stood teen milion workers are now un ready to back the longshoremen now. This polley is that if attempts are made by employers to ally ejected from the congress tacle infinitely more revolting than that of 1914. On the eve behind the Nazi Sudetens in employed, almost as many as were and warehousemen in any disputes with the employers.
crush any section of the maritime workers, and these workers when he demanded that the of war, while the capitalist masters hesitate, fearful of the up: Czechoslovakia and in effect made unemployed when Roosevelt endecide they are forced to strike to protect their status, the United States be included in the Employers Admit Alms heavals that war must surely bring in its wake, the so called it clear that the Reich would be tered the White House. vivid the retail clerks called the SAILORS UNION OF THE PACIFIC stands now, as always, List of aggressor nations. rep leaders of labor are the loudest, most violent, most insistent satisfied only with the ultimate demonstration of the extent of strike against the department to back them up at all times! That does not mean, however, resentative of the the annexation of the Sudeten territhat we are going to take any orders from the Top Fraction Mexican Workers Federation, alsupporters of the policies that call for direct action against tories.
unemployment was given in New stores after weeks of fruitless ne. boys. so declared that Mexleo and La aggressors, for collective security in short, for war, for capi.
Hitler Mocks Self Determination York when over five thousand gotlations during which the emHARRY LUNDEBERG, Sec y Treas. tin America as a whole were en talist imperialist war in which the workers have no more stake In Hitler mouth the demand workers applied for a few jobs ployers banded together in the gaged in a struggle not only than they did in the holocaust of 1914 1918.
for self determination for the as municipal porters, and in the made clear that they were not against Fascist imperialism but In 1914 the misleaders of British and French labor sent the 3, 500, 000 Germans in Czecho rush to fill out applications three interested in reaching an agree against British and American im slovakia was like an Ironie jest perialism, which were, he said. workers out to fight under the lying legend of the fight to save on the slogan which the Versailles unemployed were injured. Is that ment, but only in smashing the equally responsible for war. democracy from Kaiserism. Three years later the leaders of Amer. Treaty converted into a bypopart of the good work to which union. After union leadership had made numerous concessions to The French delegate, Ri ican labor follos Roosevelt referred?
bard, was immediately on his their patriotic example. The result everyone critical deception 20 years ago.
Self determination, the elementary no avall, 5, 000 clerks began pickfeet, demanding that the Mexican knows. Twenty million of the finest youth of all lands were left right of all races and all peoples, One third of the consuming eting the stores.
and Puerto Rican proposal be dead on foul battlefields and over their bodies the capitalists of can become a reality only under units of the nation earned an av.
With the workers grimly degiven no consideration in order all lands grovelled for the spoils. Democracy remained the socialism, truly free common erage of less than nine dollars a termined to protect their union, Defend Union Hall not to break the world unity of myth it has always been under capitalism. It is that same myth wealth of nations. The world had formed little more than year a brief glimpse of what self depacifist elements against the Fas which the misleaders of labor today are once more calling on the From Thugs on the report of the National Re Market Street, San Francisco cist aggressor. Marguerite Nelkin, Stalinist, presiding as the workers to die for in the name of the struggle against Hitlerism. termination can mean in the first sources Committee. Roosevelt dia main thoroughfare, became a TRAINING SCHOOL MINNEAPOLIS. Formation delegate of Loyalist Spain, re At Blackpool, England, last week the Trade Union Congress, too it was extinguished as the not include that among the list huge pleket line Jammed with of a Union Defense Guard was used to entertain these unseen national body of the British trades unions, and the Labor Party, deformed almost all the progresof things which he characterized pickets and sympathizers.
the answer of Local 544, midt ly dissident motions from the took an open stand for war. The British Government, it was sive features of the isolated Soviet as good work.
police doing their best to keep Pickets Meet Gov tant teamsters union of Minnen foor. Whereupon the representaState.
polis, to the open threats of the tive of the Peruvian delegation proclaimed, must leave no doubt in the mind of the German The price of wheat has gone store entrances free and protectdown to a little over sixty cents Jing scabs going through the pick Ship, NMU Officials Silver Shirts and other employers threatened to walk out it the prom government that they will unite with the French and Soviet gov. Hitler speech was naturally sponsored groups to conduct posal were not considered. Juar ernments to resist any attacks on Czechoslovakia. Whatever taken by the Sudetens in Czechoa bushel, the lowest price in his et line, but plckets always quick Aid Commission armed raids against union halls. be insisted on his right to speak slovakia as a virtual call to tory if one takes into considera ly reformed their lines.
risks Britain must take, it must make its stand against aggression.
Confronted with one of the and the chair continued her efrevolt. Bloody clashes Alled the Unions in Solidarity tion the devalued dollar. The The strike is endorsed by the NEW YORK. Picketing, in strongest and most determined forts to silence him. Aliaga, anThere is no room for doubt or hesitation.
night that followed the NuremPresident forgot to mention that Central Labor Council and a progress for several weeks Minneapolis employers have been the remarkably democratie proIn France the ruling class cleverly utilized the war crisis to berg oracle pronouncement. As part of the good work.
the Nazi demonstrations assumed of unions have agreed against the Maritime Commission extremely active recently in at posal to eject Juarbe with whom sweep away at one blow the remnants of the gains made by the the character of a rebellion, marWhat then constitutes the good not to pass the picket lines. De bring helse last week was ex tempting to organize hands of he almost came to blows. workers in their magnificent mass strikes of June, 1936. Premier tial law was proclaimed, Europe work? The Social Security Bitt. livertes to the stores must be tended to the plors by members hoodlums and thugs, primed to Ramon Gonzalez Pena, Spanish Edouard Daladier People Front government decreed the still waited on its now familiar the Wages and Hours law and the American Rallway Express cific, the Marine Firemen and use strong arm methods against Loyalist Minister of Justice, rep termination of the 40 hour week and sent Senegalese soldiers tenterhooks for the further (Continued on page the Wagner Labor Relations Act as the teamsters union refuses Marine Transporte Workerscum attack is Local 544, whose mili that repressed the Spanish revoWorld Clash Inevitable Granting that these laws are to be to handle goods for the struck lon. When the sovern tant example and leadership has lutionary movement at the behest What this evolution will be, few considered as favorable to the stores.
any longer doubt. The intolerable workers of what benefit are they the Retail Clerks Union are un surrounded by picketing seamen.
Supplementing the pickets from and the Coast Guard station were labor throughout the Northwest. So infuriated at the audacity of tension that now holds Europe The spectacle to the fourteen million who are ion men from the waterfront, of unprepared the Puerto Rican delegate, that paralyzed will inevitably crack.
Replacements to the Southern workers being mercilessly beaten he rushed at him fists flying. This The feverish and hysterical war unemployed and to the farmers both and of Among Cross were shipped through the and, in some cases, driven from is the gentleman who a few dnys preparations by all the Imperialist who must sell their wheat at the unions offering full support, government fink hall and about their homes by armo vigilantes ago warned against secret Fespowers, democratie and Fascist less than the cost of production both men and money are the 20 pickets met them at the docks and hired thugs, right becom. cists!
By BILL MORGAN allke will reach before long their Whitewash Democracies culminating point. An answer to That leaves the as the realizing that the drive against were present, the new men re throughout the led the exCAMDEN, Fifity two delegates representing 20, 000 the problems that were left unonly thing that Roosevelt can the clerks is only part of the used to board the ship and sevecutive board of the union to democratie imperialism won members of the Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Work answered in 1918 will be sought In the end the defenders of boast about. What a miserable whole open shop campaign uneral of the deck crew left the confer with groups of union record to use as justification for ste bonheur phone one montanter for at henter the same mon members to seek a way to combat the only when comprome res ers of America, ClO affiliate, met here over the past weekend to mean imperia horrible futhiety of me ritime unions are in the forefront from the Ankhall boarded the any such tactics on the part of tect, to statement that the militant union has faced in its struggle to organize all the shipyard counting houses of the continent of the struggle.
ship. Seamen continued to picket, the bosea here. From these democratie imperialists are workers of America into one powerful union, We must win where who believe that the clash. canor If we assume that the Repub.
Leadership Conellatory protesting the government uur meetings evolved the defense not guilty of seeking war.
lican party would have permitted While the rank and Ale of the pation of union hiring control. groups, formed of men willing Thus at the slightest touch the Lindle Steel failed! became the slogan of the convention as will be postponed much later than all those who are now on striking union is Alled with Around the Coast Guard staand determined to guard the un deceptive cloak of pacifism falls report after report of the field organizers stressed the need for a de next Spring or Summer. That is to starve, then Roosevelt can militant spirit and willing to fight tion more seamen kept watch, ion from attack.
away from these demonstration termined, uncompromising fight against that citadel of reaction, the There are many who believe, not the most optimistic position.
Lessons From 84 claim credit for giving just bitterly to protect their organi warning prospective recruits for congresses against war and fas Bethlehem Steel Corporation.
playing the training ships against the In 1934, during the two great cism. The congress was an atwithout good cause, that the crienough work to about three mil a conciliatory role that threatens true purposes of the school to strikes which firmly established tempt to dull the edge of Latin In preparation for this decisive sis may come to a head in the lion people to prevent actual star the success of the strike. The turn out trained links and the teamaters unton in Minnea. America struggle against Belt offensive against Bethlehem Steel Wirince Worshestfore the National course of the next few months, it vation. What an achievement to bosses, enraged by the effective strikebreakers.
Under direction of polls, the strikers were forced to ish and American imperialism, the delegates proceeded to adopt can be taken when the time is But if this is a reapite to the be proud of!
atrocity stories of brutality on is putting into operation the and National Guard, the volun Mexico and all Latin American tion on the economic and political political action, and here the preparations, it is also a respite It is true that the big capitalists the part of the pickets, the union training ships a government teer troops called out by the countries. But the workers in the field. The mood of the rank and sentiment of the membership was which are attacking Roosevelt viciously officials give them credence by plan to load an industry already citizens Alliance. This motley mines, nelds and factories have fle was expressed clearly in the expressed by delegate after delc in the International labor move revolutionary militants defeat him. They are ready to ing. The bosses will not be sat with fresh supply of seamen. business men and hangers on of ringo imperialism to be taken vention. First on the order of independent political action by clogy has already been son tear anyone to pieces who makes (Continued in by the business was the question of raispage. throughout the ranks of labor by the slightest concession to the exthe treacherous advocates of colploited masses; they are too stulective security, by the Stalinists, pid to see that Roosevelt is acthe foremost of the war mongers, This psychology can be combated tually doing more to save their only by the most resolute efforts property than an open reactionary to awaken the working class to could possibly do. But it would the mortal danger that confronts be utter folly for the workers to Martin, Waging Fight Against Wreckers, slush wages, re introduce the vial is to harness the labor movement Internal Struggle Exposes Stalinism as be satisfied with a government France Is the Key to the war machine of the RooseIs Hampered by Bureaucratic Tactics, simply because the reactionaries word, smash the auto workers Major Threat to Labor Movement; In a perspicaclous editorial a few days ago the New York Times are bitterly opposed to it.
union. And in the meantime they velt administration. The auto Reactionary Allies are transferring, wherever eco workers union has been singled Socialist Party Only Shadow said France is the key. explaining that the issue in Europe The fact that the reactionaries nomically feasible, all work to out for the full brunt of their would starve the masses comBy GEO. CLARKE open shop centers. The powerful campaign. locals have of the Stalinists in the auto unloninism on the other hand serves the whims of Hitler us by the would be decided not so much by pletely is no reason for being The crisis in the auto workers union moves rapidly to a final Ale make the union more than fighting eserves in the rank and been kept in constant turmoil: would fill a book.
Satisfied with semi starvation been util showdown. With Sidney Hillman and Philip Murray, armed with a able to cope with the new attack. ized to keep a constant Rre of als the present conflict will produce workers. It uses the unions for en un meiten to these the workers The worst possible outcome of of the dictator of the Soviet ability of the French Loftlat Add together all the legisla ukase from John Lewis, attempting to force an odious decision on But the debilitating effects of sentton burning: real issues have at least ono salutory result over the counter trading with the insubjection. In its drastic miltion for which Roosevelt claims the Executive Board in Detroit, it is only a matter of time disruption from within are pa been distorted and unimportant large section of the workers will crooked diplomats who are only tarization of the Marseilles dockcredit and it all fades into insig before the crisis is resolved and a split rends the union, or what is ralyzing the hands of the union one magnified: real sentiments have learned What the score is agents of the duPonts, Fords woment reached the logeront permet nificance in comparison with the the same or worse the Stalinists grab control. third possibilty is gers. The labor movement is by magogically exploited and he is concerned. The scourge of the have no allegiance to the union. Pe development before the whole fact of fourteen million unem a compromise which will postpone a solution of the faction fight at this time well acqualnted with trayed, organization drives were lator movement, the Stalinists de They are responsible only to Sta. People and the betrayalor ployed workers. So long as there least until the next convention the source of that disruption: sabotaged if the glory did not fall liberately set out to wreck the and his Stalinism and won to a polley of Intransigeant are millions of unemployed at Whatever the outcome, the ship out of the plants, reduced Stalinism.
unionism are mortal enemies. To on some Communist Party Idol, after they failed to capOrlmes of Stalinism resistance to the war plans of the same time that factories are auto workers union faces a dire the union rolls, emptied the unand the auxiliary was al ture it. Unionism means con know this is the beginning of wiscult and trying future. The new lon treasury. The motor magFrench Imperialism, the threat Few unions have escaped the most wrecked because it did not stant struggle against the boss dom for every good union man.
of imperialist war would give idle, so long as greater produc Roosevelt depression has turned nates are obviously biding their disastrous activities carried on serve their treacherous political for better living conditions, it is The major bid for power made way to the sharpening lines of (Continued on page 4) a large section of the member time for a major onslaught to by this wrecking crew whose aim aims. catalogue of the crimes a weapon for the workers, Sta. Continued on page Continued on page 4)
Shipyard Union Convenes; Maps Drive on Bethlehem The Crisis in the Auto Workers Union it.