CapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLiberalismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 10, 1938 Congress Beats the the Drums of War World Youth Labor Unity Spurs Southern Unionism WAR CRISIS IN Plea for Liberalism Is Roosevelt Hoax ELEVENTH HOUR by STEVEDORES ON WEST COAST HIT Appeal Army Slectrical gressor YOUTH CONGRESS WOULD BUILD MORE OF THESE private delights untold billions of dollars.
Is such a demand utoplan. It is utopian only so long as we (Continued from page 1)
grant the right of capitalists to shut down and sabotage industry, support for the Pension Plan to to confiscate for themselves bil(Continued from page 1)
came into the open at this stage. lions of dollars, millions of an son of what war means to the and to nominate Downey, nual income. It is paltry, overworkers. The lashing of German Houston of and Cooperate in labor to the Fascist war machine Roosevelt manner of Intermodest even if we look at what has been paralleled in demo vening in California exposes the the factories are able to turn out, Organization and Strike Activity: cratie France by the vicious de demagogy of his purge in the the land to produce.
struction of the chief of the worksame way that his intervention It is we put our faith Texas Workers Better Conditions and demagogy of ers gains of the Inst three years against the Ludlow Amendment in the By Special Correspondent was clected District Secretary of struggle the 40 hour week exposed the demagogy of his New Dealism. But it lles only a in the name of national defense anti war declarations. In both short way ahead if the masses HOUSTON. Houston is hum ly the largest in the entire inTreasurer. District is potential. and in this country we have al Instances, New Dealism is cast from their backs their worst ming with industrial activity. It dustry and is exercising a favor ready heard plenty about the Mshown to be a means not of enemy their illusions, and take control of their own destiny.
is the fastest growing capitalist able influence in the International Day plans for tying the American fulfilling the needs and desires metropolis of the South. ConThe sweep of the California Union.
working class to the capitalist of the masses, but of leashing struction work and shipping are war machine when the day comes the masses to the interests of rian shows once more, in its own loents in steel, oil and destiny.
setting the pace for the maritime have worked closely Revolutionists everywhere have capitalism.
It is true that the California The sweep of the California factories and mills moving south with longshoremen. This the task of tirelessly making it here to make for an industrial side of the Gulf has been happily boom at Houston while depres free of the corroding and destrucworkers in every land have no either have no discernible effect to respond to bold plain that the interests of the Plan cannot work, that it would Plan shows once more, in its own way, that the masses are ready sion paralysis keeps a tight hold tive effects of the Bridges outfit.
thing in common with the interand far reach(through refusal to accept the ing perspectives. Let labor learn on Northern manufacturing cenests of the capitalists who are ters. But open shop employers With this type of union organireading the world into another script for goods) or result in un that lesson: for if labor does not fleeing union conditions are being zation and progress, the Houston war. They have to make it plain bridled inflation give such a perspective, it will be hemmed in from every side by a labor movement is blazing trail that the only way to avert the But the answer to this must supus strong labor movement.
grave digger.
for the workers of the South. The AIRCRAFT catastrophe is to fight it by fight not be the condemnation and reThe boom in union organization future on this basis will be a CARRIER ing the capitalists, wresting from is cutting a wide swath in the bright one indeed. LEXINGTON their hands the power they canjection of its aims, and what ANNOUNCEMENTS barrier that keeps the labor only use to destroy, and to use these express on the part of the Insertions in this column are to rebuild a world anew in which masses. On the contrary, we must Rs cents for five lines. Copy must movement divided throughout the war shall become the dark mem affirm the legitimacy of these be in at the APPEAL. Otice becountry. unions are lending aims, call for their extension, and a helping hand to striking NEW YORK of Lunions. of locals Inspired by Stalinists, Sponsored by Reac Treaty of Versailles, based on the ory of a barbarous past.
show how they may be imple SUPPORT THE 16! All out to right to plunder, and the League mented, are cooperating in organition, It Issues Open Appeal for Covenent which has become the is quite non partisan in its apFirst Fall Frolic of the A Thirty Dollar Minimum zation drives. Progressives stand Inter Circle Quiz Anals, bar, classic example of futility. From plication being motivated by at the helm and union men are Robber War Alliances conclusion is naturally humanitarian considerations, like We must demand 30. 00 weekly Dorsey. Duehin recordings dancing to latest Goodman animated by spirit of unity. Continued from page 1)
drawn that peace can be main the Red Cross, but with special as a minimum income not merely Saturday eve. September 17th.
The 1938 Convention of the Amer ment is being felt by the workBy HAL DRAPER tained through a system of In efforts for the victims of age for the aged, but for every workAdm. 25c. 159 Rivington St.
ican Federation of Labor will find ers as employers take advantage ternational law and they call for gression. Point under this ala er and farmer, employed, unemthe setting up of an Interna is: Boycotting the goods often in the country. This is a paltry ROOM WANTED in Manhattan a proper setting in Houston, of their isolated position to seek The Second World Youth Congress, recently held at Vassar ployed or part time unemployed, WANT ADS Unity at Union Plenle to wrest from them gains won in College, Poughkeepsie, with about 500 delegates from 54 tional Authority. big union plenic which hard struggle. Warehouse operat countries, gives a composite picture of a caricatured League of Natective security. The report makes native measure of promoting the enough claim in a country of litwith use of telephone, rent not turned into a huge success despite ors, under the guise of demand. tions Assembly and a typical Stalinist innocent congress. The more than 00 weekly. Write Liston Oak, 166 111th St.
mon aims and cooperative spiriting to re instate the open shop: delegates present, the larger portion of whom were of the usual nomic actions against aggressorations. This will insure getting country where Sixty Familles New York City.
of Houston labor. While the pic Retail clerks, under domination youth careerist type, argued out the viewpoints of the national and military action. Quite the the president of the Czech Chamown and control for their own nic was sponsored by the strong of the Bridges machine although imperialist states they represented, as do their elder diplomats inity which is demanded is not the ing committee Lodge No. 2083, the still in the of L, face the Geneva; but the dominant tone was given by the Stalinist line spirit of love which Guyot com Appeal to Fascists sound truck bore the label of the united resistence of owners of International Brotherhood of San Francisco 27 major depart the air at Vassar, but the decisions of the Congress spelled out of collective war which was put across. Shouts of peace filled mission recommended.
Another of the tasks set by As the remedy against bombing the Congress was drawing in Workers, of cities, we urge that the law the countries not represented.
Federation of Musicians men Council, however, has voted to unmistakeably the word war.
abiding states should set up an To this end special appeals Special Page Issue on World Congress made up the band; bread and support the retail clerks in the The First Congress was held in international force of mobile antiwere drawn up for Italy and meat carried the of Iabel event of a strike.
Geneva in 1986, as the illegitimate military dictatorship of Rou aircraft units and intercepter Germany. The Appeal to the So as to adequately cover the imately in the early part of Ocand the cooling beer was made on the waterfront, scene of in offspring of the international fed mania. Other International planes, to be sent to the places Youth of Italy starts with we Founding Congress of the Fourth tober. Exact date will be any by union labor. The huge Harris bor rise since 1934, employers eration of League of Nations So Patrons include Barrio, the now subject to such attacks. Un realize that we cannot yet, with International, we are planning anounced as soon as conditions County Park was obtained for have signified their willingness to cieties and the Young Communist Spanish Prime Minister respon der the heading of Collective out your concourse, speak for special page issue of the Social permit.
the picnic by joint of renew existing contracts with all International, and was of course sible for the suppression of Defense, the program further the whole world community of ist Appeal. Needless for us to say, Double Your Bundle Order For peasant actions under the Re states: Until such time as a youth. We cannot but deplore this historic event is of such im The World Congress Page Issue!
of the Galveston Central Labor With the renewal of the off shore tivo security. The intervening two publie, and Wellington Koo, tions can rely for their security your absence from us. We portance that it easily warrants Council and Alaskan agreement last week, years have been spent mostly in who was directly in charge of upon the forces of an interCongress.
send our fraternal greetings to the strenuous efforts that will be Notice: All those who have Chairman and main speaker at all sea faring groups have passed building up the the suppression of the Chinese national authority, we recognize you, the youth of Italy. We necessary to put out such a spe ordered bound volumes of the No Soviet Delegation Communists in 1927 that the law whereby aggression are certain that you are not ab cial issue. We intend to have a Appeal (1937) will receive them District Director, Texas and Okmatically continued for another few notes on the set up of lahoma Steel Workers Organizing year after Sept. 30.
is outlawed, can best be main sent from us in spirit. Since detailed report of the nature and within one week. We would like the Congress are necessary before the Roumanian National SponThe official report points to tained by the pooling of the de we believe in better conditions proceedings of the Congress, the to have more orders. Why have Committee. Rasmussen is a forIn the case of the longshore we consider its decisions. There fense forces of the law abiding mer Republic steel worker from men, the waterfront employers were only four important counof life for young people of all most important resolutions a dog eared pile of papers when soring Committee as an example states e. war against the ag. nations, races and classes.
adopted in addition to a special you can have a neatly arranged to other countries; this comthe South Chicago area.
mittee consists, in addition to our love for our country is so fle?
features covering the history John Crossland, outstanding are insisting that the men refuse tries which had no delegations at to respect picket lines. In this the Second Congress: Germany the Patriarch, of the wife of Unite the Generals! deep that it expresses itself the Fourth International movemilitant in District of the on they take their cue from Bridges Italy Japan and the Soviet This is to be implemented by without hatred or enmity, for ment.
the President of the Economic The Berkeley. Calif. Workers Union delivered a brief tatter and the Stalinist leadership of Union. The absence a series of regional pacts for any people. We believe that Council, the Minister Governor This issue will unquestionably clrcle has re assembled and is re.
but stirring talk for workers of the mysteries at the was mutual Assistance, on the modell you too love your country In be of special Interest to all com newing its bundle order activity rights and trade union unity. He the LL. who have in the Congress, and there was a good past asked the longshoremen to Koumantanice siater Bank, the of the Franco Soviet Pact. And the same spirit out. Youth of rades, friends, sympathizers and by taking a bundle of 25 as hailed the growing sentiment these youth diplomats are willing Italy! We wish to be brothers to the working class in general. starter. And Norman Mint among the rank and file of crash picket lines, on the plea deal of whispering among the President of the Telephone Co. of respecting their contract with delegates, although nothing was five former State ministers and to go to any length to preserve with you in this struggle for Instructions and necessary in has been appointed lit agent of American workers for the unity the employers. Job action is to suid about it the proceedings peace. the effective coordina peace. And so on not a word formation have already been sent the newly organized Sacramento and lashed out at the be barred, also, if the employers themselves. The delegates of the two present ministers, two for mer presidents of the Council tion of the collective defense about fascism, or the Aght around to union busting red hunt of the iterature agents. Branch of the It looks Dies Inquisition and the pers have their way, and the speed up including the chiefs of the Young Communist International forces within each of these re against it, or anything except They must act at once by sending like the worst of the summer is of Ministers, Royal Counsellors, is to be instituted.
gions necessitates regular conver the expression of the deepest and the Commandant of the in large extra orders, with the over and things will pick up!
dious role assumed by John s of America, France and Engsations between the general staffs Boy Scouts all, it must be refraternal love, in either the ap money it at all possible. We can Believe Compromise Due Frey in it.
land as well as the international and military, naval, and all co peal to the German or Italian membered, creatures of the only get out this extra issue if we BIN Allison, Secretary of the Watch for news about the comWhile the seamen unions, fol secretary disclaimed any knowlviciously anti working class die operation to ensure the efficiency youth.
Houston Teamsters Joint Council, lowing the lead of the Sailors edge of why the Soviet delegation receive sufficiently increased oring Fall Winter Appeal Cam.
of such pacts. As an immediate Second International in Line ders plus the necessary funds to paign!
took the microphone several Union of the Pacific, have made was absent, when asked by others.
recommendation, it further urges times to address the crowd on known their uncompromising op It was recalled that there had This modelsponsoring com The Second International finance it. Let start of the Fall Send all contributions and subs the pooling of armed resources in groups behalf of the militant strikers at position to the shipowners plans been a substantial Soviet delega mittee, of which the other Na the Pacific by the signatories of at the Congress played Winter campaign by making this to job a real success!
SOCIALIST APPEAL the huge Coca Cola plant. to undermine the conditions won tion at the Geneva Congress in tional Committees are only the Nine Power Treaty, against through their assigned roles in The special World Congress 116 University Place, Steel Workers Backbone by the unions, this is not so of 1936, that a National Committee diluted (less successful) exampossible reprisale by Japan against this farce to the end. In the first issue ples, points to the character of should appear approxThe powerful edifice of union the IL Rather, by their had been operating to popularize New York, NY, place, the various national delethe aw abiding states.
ism going up in this territory is conciliatory attitude towards the the World Youth Congress, etc. the World Youth Congress as gations from the Socialist (Second tribute to persistent and inten bosses and their open scabbing Yet this time there was only a the company union of the This is the real content of this International) Youth distributed SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL peace congress a call for sive organization work based on tactics against the as in formal telegram of greetings from youth.
themselves over the political speccollective war by one group of Can be obtained at the following Newsstands trum in almost exactly the same a progressive program and fight the Shepard Line dispute. the Kosarev.
Among the speakers at the Con Imperialist states against anGermany and Italy had regress were Mrs. Roosevelt and other. This is the explicit prodegree as the delegates as a ing policies. The backbone of the Communist Party officials of the NEW YORK CITY NEW HAVEN, Conn.
union movement is formed by longshoremen have practically mained away from the first Con. Aubrey Williams. The delegates gram of the World Youth Conwhole on the central questions ATTAN: Fourteenth St. Nodelman Newsstand, gress also; the official report to were divided up into four com before the Congress. The British Broadway, e. at Fourth Ave. Lodges 2083 and 1742. announced their willingness to Place, at Church St. bet. Chapel Center gress imperialist war. Here Socialists thought the American w; at Fourth Ave. at The Reed Roller Bit plant (Lodge accede to the demands of the the Vassar Congress commented missions: taking up the political, are the forces which the antiCHICAGO 160 Wells, Rm. 308 2083) is rapidly approaching com operators, on this as follows: source of economie, religious and philowar youth must fight in their The general consensus of opin dissatisfaction with the First sophical bases of peace respecopposed to collective security, etc.
tation which Cor. 67th Blackston Ave. at Third Ave. ion is that Bridges will be willCongress Ed. was that the youth tively, with the fourth considering imperialism of the Youth ConThe American volve 1200 workers.
Cor. 12th Kedzie Socialist Party W: opp.
youth, the Norman Thomas group. Second Ave, on Theatre; at News, 37 Monroe Hughes Tool (Lodge 2083) willing to compromise on these ques of Germany, Italy and Japan all the question of activities to be gress. at Sixth Ave.
Ceshinsky Bookshop be 3, 800 strong when organization tions compromise that may remained away. Their abstention undertaken by the Congress. All distributed a statement to the Rand Book Store, E. 15th is completed. This plant is owned cost the union members early was the more surprising since the the reports of the Commisalons prised that the program comes printed in their organ, contained Candy Store, 75 Greenwich After this one need not be sur delegates which, however, as re st. 12th Stand University ALLENTOWN, PA Zettlemeyer, 637 by Howard Hughes, the round. Even if he wished to fight, he young delegates of the first two were adopted, out explicitly against any self no mention of collective security Forty second St. at Fifth Ave. Otto Yost, 383 Hamilton St, St.
the world flyer. few weeks ago would be forced to appeal for sup had until spring (1936) collabdetermination for national minor at all!
PHILADELPHIA the workers staged a spontaneous port from a labor movement that orated loyally and without reserve Eyewash for Innocents W; at Sixth Ave. at sixth sit down, which was successful in he has outraged by flouting every in the preparation of the Con The Religious and Philosophicalities, puts forward the white In view of the bureaucratic way Ave. at Seventh Ave. Cor. 13th and Market Sta. 1806 North Franklin St.
securing the re hiring of a dis principle of labor solidarity on greas. The Vassar gathering took of be steps to urging the. Ave.
40th St. Girard Ave.
Ing Inhuman working conditions forced, in event of a strike to apstate of affairs by adopting a spe dignity of the human personality them for self governmentwith was limited to the meeting of the store at Grand and Attorney Sts civilize the natives, prepare opposition to collective security Essex and Delaney Sta; Book 8th St Arch St.
Both locals have been built up by peal to the a union whose clal appeal to the youth of Italy sw the cause of war in such BOSTON, MASS.
militant tactics, relance on their membership he has denounced as and Germany to join their ranks, machination of the devil as. view of giving up their control American delegation, where they candy Store, 9th st. and Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
politely presented thelr view in Store. 12th St. and Second Ave: own strength and little depend scabs. And the teamsters, vital the contents of which will be glorification and use of force. when this is accomplished, etc.
Hotel Bradford)
ence on government agencies. key in any waterfront struggle, noted below. The Socialist Youth idealization of hatred, selfish This program of collective secone speech. Voted down and ig Wigerson, 145th St. and St. Nich CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
On Workers Cooperate have received Bridges abuse up International sent only an ob ness and lust, etc. and recrystallized in the form nored at the general Assembly urity was Pellx s, Massachusetts Ave, at Local 227, the big Sinclair local, and down the Coast.
affirmed Man loyalty to reliof Peace Pact for Youth, they quietly accepted their role as Ave: 110th St, and Columbus Harvard Square has been for the past two or three Past actions of Bridges Com The Distinguished Sponsors gious or philosophical truth which which is to be published broadside of critical but loyal support to the BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th LYNN, Mass.
years the driving force in the munist Party gang of unionThe character of the outfit is comes before allegiance to any in and which will be the agitational in their organ or at the congress opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, 54 Central Sq. Rm. 12 Texas Louisiana District of the busters show only too plainly that Sam Corner, Olympia Square likewise indicated by the list of stitution or individual, putting instrument of the Congress. Na as to their attitude toward this 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave oil workers union. They they will be ready to accept the official sponsors given in the of forward moral standards, turally, it is not as frank as the congress of war mongers no dis St. and Prospect Ave: Allerton ROXBURY, MASS.
have assisted several of bosses proposals. Militant and Friendly Variety, Warren St.
ficial report noted above. The ideals and love as the means programmatie statement on which sociation or break with the out. Ave. Station: Freeman Ave. and unions in organizing and strike courageous leadership they are list is headed by: His Grace, the of doing away with these things. it is based (Grove Hall)
activities, notably the restaurant incapable and unwilling to give, Archbishop of York, Great Brit The head of this Commission was MINNEAPOLIS workers and truck drivers. and strike action on the San none other than Raymont Guyot, The Program of Action ain; and His Holiness the PatCall, they listed 12 countries in Boston Rd. Kingsbridge Rd. Labor Book Store, 919 The Shell and Texaco Local No. Francisco waterfront is completeriarch The last labor of the Congress the bloc against collective secur. Ave. East Moshula Subway Sta.
Dr. Miron Cristea of head of the French and of 367, located near Pasadena, has ly contrary to the Stalinist politShinder s, Sixth Barquette was the formulation of its pro ity, including countries like Bul 3897 Sedgwick Ave.
the Young Communist InterKroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
Roumania, head of the Greek also cooperated with other un ical line. It only the employers Orthodox Church of that counnational gram of action, in addition to garia and Hungary, whose dele BROOKLYN: Havemeyer and ST. LOUIS MO.
ions. At present it is engaged in will leave them face saving try, and the power behind the the circularization of the Peace gates were against the Congress 4th Sts. Tompkins and Myrtle Foster Book Company organizing a big paper plant into loop hole, they will sell the longanti semitie Cuza government 410 Washington Blvd.
which was useful to the Stalinists delegation to report on the Conto the unsatisfied bloc of nations aeren Ave.
Aside from this tomfoolery. Pact. These include: sending a decisions because they belonged Aves. Strauss st. near Pitkin Ave. Sutter Ave. near Van Sinthe of Brotherhood of shoremen and the warehousemen CLAYTON MO.
of about a half year ago. in ensnaring the religious innoPaper Pulp and Sulphite Workers down the river.
gress to the League of Nations whose imperialist interests would LONG ISLAND: 23rd St. 45th The Book Nook, 24A Meramac cents at the Congress, the real Assembly and sending the report be harmed by the collective secur Ave. Crescent st. and Bridge His Holiness is well known as because they state, we underYOUNGSTOWN, Ohlo Militants Win Renewal stand that the International is a bulwark of reaction in the business of the Congress was perNick s, Wick St, and Commeroe formed in the first Commission of the Congress to the governity of the satiated powers. In this Plaza Crescent St. and Bridge progressive, democratic and in The renewal of the agreements SAN FRANCISCO which drew up the political proments of all countries (this is way, they lined themselves up Plaza 27th St. and Bridge Pla dustrial in form.
MacDonald Bookstore, 66 6th St.
with the sea faring unions, re hind this fighting declaration ral mass pressure. demand for a politically with the representa za ROCHESTER, Progressives Sweep Elections Fillmore Bookstore newal that the Stalinis attack lied the major section of San gram of the Congress. This pro.
287 Clinton St.
433 Clinton St.
Sutter Fillmore Sts.
Mennwhile the annual election as a of shipowner plot, Francisco organized labor, most gram does not merely stop at the secretary of peace in all cabinets: tives of the reactionary antibare idea of collective security: it in the League of Nations Secreta attempt to differentiate them of officers at District Council actually is a result of the firm unions affliated to the of Cor, Cumberland Clinton Sts.
LOS ANGELES is almost explicitly a call to arms riat; cooperation with the Worla selves either at the congress or in of the oil workers union and united stand of the unions and including the powerful team233 Broadway, Room 312 to defend world democratic im Youth Hostel movement; a peace their own paper.
Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St. cor, Main Clinton Sts.
1541 Echo Park Ave.
swept a progressive slate into of concerned. When Bridges split sters union.
fice by an overwhelming majority. the Maritime Federation at its Faced with this show of perialism against the fascists.
Smith News, 5th Main Sts.
week, with one day of fast and The World Youth Congress de Cor. Main South Ave.
Program Protects Plunder NEWARK, Modern Book Shop. 509 6th St.
James Benton, long time leader last convention, driving out all strength, and well aware that it sacrifice; encouraging the study sires to become the center of the Reitman s, cor. Broad William Shoe Shine Shop, 2307 Brooklyn The program founded on of languages in general and of war movement among the youth.
Sweet Shop, 2526 Brooklyn Ave.
feated the conservative adminis the unions leaving the Federation ping leaders seeking to bolster the conviction that the principles an international language in par. The militant anti war youth must cor. Hawthorne ravel Reeves Pi. Candy Store, 2231 Brooklyn Ave.
tration man, Homer Coffman of signed a pact pledging themselves their standing with the rank and underlying the Covenent of the ticular; etc.
PATERSON, Candy Store, 2141 Brooklyn Ave Port Arthur, by a vote of 2, 589 to to fight for continuance of the file, the shipowners decided to re League of Nations are right and Under the head of Aid to the against it together with the rest Gunbello Stationery Store SAN DIEGO, Calle 466. Goodman of Local 227 basic gains won since 1931. Be new the agreements.
practicable namely, the robber Victims of War, this aid it seems of the war mongers, 317 Straight St.
Universal News Co. 242 way Socialists were every corporate Fourne. Se mere