BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLiberalismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyVicente Lombardo ToledanoWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

One Third of the Nation.
Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal LATE FLASH! Plot on Trotsky Life Exposed!
bureau Into jail after mere for one of their members of the POLICE CLUB STEVEDORES ON a new world war, a new catastrophe, a new doomed generation 16 YOUTH JAILED BY BOSSES DRIVE LOCAL An Editorial VOL. II No. 37 Saturday, September 10, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy When election time rolls around again, politicians of the New Deal and Old Deal variety will once more be making their usual impassioned defense of the American Standard of Living.
Nobody least of all the politicians ever knew precisely what these grand words signified. But millions of people did know that permanent poverty and insecurity was their share of the American Standard of Living Now, a committee appointed by President Roosevelt himself and consisting of such luminaries as the Secretary of War, the Sec Drop Principles in King, Ramsay and Drivers Win Union retary of Agriculture, etc. has California Primaries; Connor in Appeal Conditions for verified by detailed figures and Pension Hit official data the grinding misery SAN RANCISCO. Oral arHuge Area Diplomats Jockey for Position But Only suffered by millions that passes sument in the appeal from the By JAMES BURNHAM life imprisonment imposed on CHICAGO.
United Workers Might Can Beat Employers of 70 under the name of an American The tremendous popular supKing. Ramsay and Connor, per cent of the drivers in the 11Down War Danger Standard of Living port of Franklin Roosevelt has now in prison on a frame up state North Central Aren last charge will be heard on Sept. week unanimously voted to sign Fully one third of America been, and is based upon the feelby the First Appelate Court at ing that he is the Great Liberal, the agreement reached a week 39, 458, 300 families received an the champion of the masses and San Francisco.
ago by committees representing average income equal to 471 their needs and hopes against The three men, members of the unions and the operators, thus per year. Compare this figure the machinations of the Torles. the Marine Firemen, were con ratifying pact that embraces Young New York unemployed workers being led out of reller slugging by Mayor LaGuardia Diplomats, politicians, and generals of the great powers played with the 2, 500 annual income from the 1932 election cam victed of murdering George more than 250, 000 workers and finest. They wanted a ghastly poker game across the chancellery tables of Europe last week.
Alberts, chief engineer on the brings union conditions and estimated by the Children paign onward, therefore, RooseWorkers Alliance, jittery world sick with fearful anticipation waited from velt has been compelled to nour steamer Point Lobos, in a cam ll wages to a vast number of hithBureau as requisite to keep a faish this feeling to find suitable paign to discredit the marine erto unorganized workers.
moment to moment for the flashes that will announce the outbreak mily of five in minimum com gestures in order to keep it alive unions. Earl Warren, Alameda Only three hours was needed fort and decent conditions. Then and breathing To accomplish County District Attorney who for the employers, meeting in of youth.
you will understand why death this task while at the same timell prepared the frame up six Chicago Merchandise Mart and Around the issue of Germany demands on Czechoslovakia the from pellagra, malnutrition, tu mental job of preserving carrying out firmly his funda months after Alberts death is observed by representatives of now running for Attorney Genthe major trucking concerns of berculosis takes such a large toll capitalism against the blows of eral of California.
the whole nation, to decide to actake material form.
from workers and their children. the crisis: this is the heart of the cept the terms reached after ARMIES MOVE TO FRONTIERS nearly a year negotiations on Eighty seven per cent of the remarkable, and up to now sucHuge armies and formidable equipment moved into position nation families received an an key to the unique value of his cessful, Roosevelt demagogy, the the part of the union representatives. The untons, represented Face Jail Terms on Only Agreement Not along the frontiers. Hitler mobilized one million men and demonnual income less than 2, 500. In services to the bourgeoisie.
at the meeting by the North stratively rushed them into the half finished Siegfried line of SPLIT FROM other words, practically the enRenewed by Water fortifications along the Rhine. To Nuremberg came a million Nazis Central Area Negotiating Com Framed Charges; Purpose of Purge mittee and General Secretarytire working class population is the chief purpose of RooseBail High Front Employers for the annual party congress where the Führer was to make his Treasurer Thomas Hughes of struggling to keep its head above velt current purge is to bol New York Union Hits the International Brotherhood of final statement of policy on the Czechoslovak issue.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nearly water, and a good section of itsler up his standing as a Grent Teamsters, meet this week in In NEW YORK relief bureau Ready to match display for display, France and Britain moved has already been pushed under masses. The mechanism of the Liberal and champion of the Communist Party dianapolis to hear a report on in Brooklyn was turned into a 50, 000 workers paraded up Market in turn toward the great military demonstrations behind which, by contract.
Yet horrible as this appears, purge shows that this purpose is Misleadership battleground last week os police street last Monday in San Fran: grace of a short fuse, a tiny incident, lies the ghastly reality of war Basic Hourly Rate there seems to be no bottom to paramount over the secondary.
The contract establishes the of Local 17 of the Workers Al strength on Labor Day. With this pit.
object of strengthening the hold By GEORGE MILTON rate of pay for drivers on through liance who demanded the Im nearly 3, 000 warehouse workers France called the class of 1918 the armistice babies. into Fully 2, 000, 000 families and of the Roosevelt faction on the NEW YORK. What may be runs at cents per mile opermediate granting of emergency locked out, and employers threat service. The thousands of youths who came into the world the year individuals earned less than 250 Against the advice of the lead the beginning of a national split pted based to per hour for lenge posed to the who had been ening to force two other unions the last holocaust came to its close were moved into the Maginat Alliance was plus 75 cents per hour for time ployed youth who had just been to resort to strikes, the marching line where they will be the first to go in the new war when it per year.
ing machine politicians, Roose in the Workers lost in pickups, deliveries, etc. a evicted from his home. Sixteen Negro family income in the velt was compelled to undertake started here last week when Hen minimum guarantee of six hours were arrested, and apparently the unions created powerful im breaks out.
pression on the watching crowd The parade itsele pictured the The day that Hitler arrived in Nuremberg amid the blaring white family, and in the North, power the stock public expla. Izer of the Chauffeurs and sation for breakdowns, deadhead long prison terms for four, critical situation in labor ranks, pageantry which is his stock and trade France announced that the One half.
nation of his bourgeois oppo. Mechanics Local, announced its ing. layovers and impassable charged with felonious assault. with American Federation of La Maginot fortifications were garrisoned at full strength, that all army Four million families and sin nents, nor by lofty adherence to withdrawal from the Stalinist highways, and seniority rights. Led by members of the Pro bor and Committee for Industri leaves had been cancelled, and that classes of specialists had been gle individuals are entirely de abstract principles the expla controlled Alliance, The contract lays the founda gressive Group of the Alliance in el Organization unions marching called to the colors to meet the crisis.
pendent on relief. Life for them nation which he and his sycoFLEETS IN BATTLE ARRAY phants would Hke to have beThe action to break with the and ultimately a nation wide tered the Bureau and sent a joint most of the unions marched in will end with the dole.
contract. At the Chicago meeting committee from Locals 17 and 19 one united parade, with only the Simultaneously the British Home Fleet, more than 40 men Thus by open admission of its gesture as the purge could remembership of both locals, when lieved, but because only such a came at meeting of the observers from both unions and to demand the immediate reopen teamsters refusing to march with o war, steamed out of naval bases into the North Sea for maneuvers. Only a few across the same ism is sending its millions of New Dealism, shaken by the denouncing the Stalinists for using talo and Tulsa and Oklohoma ency rent and food cheeks. Miss splitting taetles of Harry body of water the newly built German war fleet also appeared for the Alliance for purposes of Com city listened carefully to the pro Shirley Buxbaum, a supervisor of Bridges, West Coast CIO direcwealth producing workers to slow pression of the past year.
death by starvation. The working necessary for Roosevelt to win propaganda and throwing overThis is why it is not at all munist Party recruiting and ceedings. One of the first tasks Bureau 79, refused to recognize ortor, have resulted in isolating the maneuvers.
of the Area Committee set up un deal with the committee in any International Longshoremen and In and out of foreign offices across Europe in the capitals of class is being sapped of its out in most of his purge at board the legitimate aims of the cere the preement will be to se manner whatsoever. She state Warehousemen Unton, only ma. the smaller states, who form satellites in one or the other of the strength by undernourishment, tempts. He knew that Smith unemployed and workers. eurempplication or them identiced that Luben case was closed, and for San Francisco organization main constellations of the Powers, scurried ambassadors and mine bad housing and shoddy clothing, South Carolina: he had himself Last of Strength Western Pennsylvania and the not concern her in the slightest isters seeking or giving last minute assurances of support or acting Splitting Tactics Felt But on its back sits a tiny oli predicted so. But the glamorous With these two powerful territory contiguous to Highway and ordered Luben, who had been serving as one of the spokesmen astrous policy of the Stalinists in Already the effects of the dis fearfully coy while hoping the blow would not fall.
Meanwhile the United States, our own fair peace loving govgarchy, and it neither toils nor popular effect of his opposition locals goes the only substance to Oklahoma City.
spins but it concentrates in its to Smith was a great, perhaps tial section of the organization The present contract has guar for the committee, arrested on the control of the local move ernment with its peace loving. Hate War. President Roosevelt, few hands the natural resources, victory. So also in the cases of mains mere skeleton of the and substantial growth of the ineven greater, in spite of Smith W. Division, which today re anteed in advance the immdiate spot.
Police Solze Luben (Continued on page 2)
was by no means out of the picture. Roosevelt belligerent speech in Canada a few weeks ago has the fabricating and extracting in George Tydings and Connor once strong and influential City Connectional unton, Buying the bad Luben was seized by the police been supplemented by far more concrete exchanges of strictly merce and takes for itself the at stake in actually defeating the bership meeting called by the become by far the largest union gripped in a vise like headlock private nature between Washing largest single proportion in anlatter two. Division, was attended by in the and his cye glasses thrown on the Represents Wage Gains ton and London and Paris, floor. The workers in the dele nual income.
The real nature of the purge less than 300 members. AccordThe contract wage provisions gation organized Last week the British governsitin substantial improvements comes out most sharply in what ing to official figures, the memment directly sounded out WashBetween the kings and serfsit omits Hague, for example, is bership of the city organization in strike. Six patrol cars and two of olden times, there was almost not touched by it and in the ca has dropped from 24, 000 to less for the great majority of the emergency squads were sumthan 8, 000, with figures constantly drivers, while also safeguarding moned to drive the alt in strikers Handpicked Delegates Will Extend Sway able outbreak of war, the help a common standard when com lifornia contest.
that can be expected in the comthe higher wages and better con out of the bureau.
dwindling Left Defeats pared with the monstrous in of Stalinists, Boom Toledano for ing struggle. This query, nor the The California Primary camditions previously secured by loThe direct cause for the split equality between the wage slave answer to it, was not made public WILS entirely Mexican Presidency and industrial magnate of today. from all others. There Roosevelt ke Locals being allowed to picket and working conditions which all of the bureau by their hair, different arose over the issue of the Rour cals in some sections. It eatab Swinging their black jacks, the lishes a series of minimum wages police plunged into action. Men, Washington but in France on Saturday, appropriately dedicatsupported the conservative and SAN ANGEL, Mexico, August 27. Diego Rivera, ing a monument to America constitute a degree of uniformity kicked in the ribs, thrown over world famous revolutionary artist, today branded the forthcoming entry into the last war. Ambasdoddering old William McAdoo. Continued on page 3)
Eighty seven families and in that completely changes in dividuals garnered in more than and the opponent was not in the close confidant, all but openly 1, 000, 000 per year each.
scast e disguised Republican or CLEANERS GAIN IN tem o further improvement or the head, arms, and body with Pan American Trade Union Congress in Mexico as a show dominated sador William Bullitt, Roosevelt working conditions anywhere in clubs. Two young women were completely by the He predicted that insofar as its pro pledged America readiness to One per cent (1) enjoyed an aan Downey, champion of the SYRACUSE; JAIL the area. The workers who se punched in the mouth, Sixteen fessed aims are concerned uniting the workers of the American come to the side of its brothers annual income that was almost California Pension Plan. And on cured better conditions previous were arrested, their arms twisted continent and preventing war it would end in a fiasco.
overseas once more in their time the issue of the Pension Plan, in chains, and flung head first SYRACUSE, week ly no longer form isolated gar equal to the combined total of Rivera declared that the deleof trial.
Roosevelt was for the first time strike at the dry cleaning plant risons in unorganized or poorly into the patrol car. Many had to gates to the Congress have been lon is the real aim of this con Imperialists Promise Ald the lowest 42 per cent in the indefeated from the left: Downey of Wilkins, Castle, Wilkins re paid aress, but the army of drive receive medical treatment.
handpicked by the in order Eress More than a thousand workers to carry out a program entirely Both Roosevelt and Hull have come brackets of the population carried the Senatorial nominasulted in galns for the union anders working under good condibeen dinning into the ears of the Answer: In the convocation of American people that they cannot Neither do they toil nortion was a step towards the organizations now extends in unbroken gathered to witness this brutal different from the ostensible one the Pan American workers conmore than 100, 000 votes spin, but their combined annual whatever its utopianism and undustry of Syracuse. The strike.
The California Pension Plan, Assault. Some pushed through the before the Congress, Moscow aims tion of the entire dry cleaning in ranks throughout the area income amounted to 6, 240, 000, Seniority rights, comparable to police lines and succeeded in preto complete another stage naine gress different elements pursue expect to stand aloof if Europe is 000 or 13 per cent of the 48 would be in practice, represent called by Local 88 of the Inter those operating in the best orventing a number of arrests. Mass process of conquering the North different aims. The working class plunged again into war. And this, national Association of Cleaning ganized cities, are established for meetings and picket lines organ. American Labore movement for masses semi instinctively strive billion total in its alms legitimate aspirations for unification and independent cannot. The question is: win the masses of the American working The truth unfolds irresistibly of the people, in particular of the and Dye House Workers, was prethe whole area. Furthermore, ized on the day of the assault and Joseph Stalin. Not least of the now in the industry will after were jammed by sympathiz real objectives of the Congress is policy. Some of the leaders pur people intervene just as cannon there is not one but two Amet. many respects to the Ludlowers for union activity.
middle classes. It is analogous in ceded by the firing of two work men have first preference if their emers from the neighborhood, the furtherance of hench ue entirely different aims. In the fodder or will they, together with name of the Mexican proletariat the workers of France. Britain, ican Standards of Living, One Amendment, which expressed the The company, paying wages as ployer business is absorbed by Join in Frame Up man Lombardo Toledano presi The police, the relief bureau, dential aspirations. The success appears, as stage manager, Mr.
for the masses and one for the hope and need of the people for low as 15 and 20 cents an hour, another company.
attempted to break the strike by section of the agreement pro and the courts are now collaborat of these sims, said Rivera, would Lombardo Toledano. He is a Germany, Czechoslovakia, and the masters. The one for the masses peace, Cracks Down on Masses rapidly sliding far under the subthe tion on the basis that a company require drivers to pass through vicious frame up trial. Long pris can working class and for Ameri: working class and pursuing his time to stop in and impose a own personal aims. Toledano peace of their own making?
sistence level. The one for the when contronted with concrete dog contracts had been violated. ions in a position to give com. Ludon, Enrico Torlone, Ben Her ambition is to climb to the Mexi That is the question to which masters, high enough to keep demands, for peace or for decent The complete statement of can presidency on the backs or we have to find the answer and their dogs and pets in the same pensions, the Great Liberal Backed by the Syracuse laborplete cooperation to unions on man and Mildred Gardiner who Diego Rivera is follows: are charged with felonious asthe workers. In pursuit of this which we have to help answer.
movement, the union was able to strike.
regal style they themselves enjoy, cracked down with the full force stop the granting of the injune Press Aid War Makers Area Committee Set up Question: What is your opin sault. They were among the 16 aim, Toledano has closely Inter ion upon the coming InterFrom the press one gets the imtwined his fate with the fate of The establishment of a perma arrested and were held incommuand more to spare.
pression of paralyzed helplessness With this report, the New the Ludlow Amendment, revealed to Helations Board. In the mean an experienced and able group of which time they were finger whelming majority support for dispute referred to the State Lanent Area Committee will enable cade for over 24 hours during American Workers Congress the removes instruction and of peoples and nations incapable Deal gives an accounting of six in accurate unofficial polls, time, the strikers have returned union men to settle many minor printed, photographed and ques: capital?
all kinds of aid, Moscow subjected of lifting a finger to avert the Answer: The closest unification the Mexican communists to Mr. catastrophe that now hangs 80 own mouths, we hear the confes Congress. The California Prima cupted by strike breakers, pend with the full weight of the area tempts to intimidate and demo of the workers of the American Toledano, that is to his struggle closely above them. But that is sion of bankruptcy. The country les, however, permitted popular ing decision by the board. Fur union behind them. It also means ralize them in order to force continent is a vital necessity.
for power. Toledano recent trip precisely the fllusion that the warassure the to the United States and to makers desire to foster so that (Continued on page 2)
is rich and abundant, but the peo.
lead men at each others throats largest and most strategic in the out of line, it can be guaranteed could be used in the trials and influence of the workers of each Europe as well as the forthcoming it shall be all the more easily to ple are in hunger. Industry and technology are without peer, but been one third of the Nation. ill. city dry cleaning industry. is in advance that the operator en against the Alliance failed. They of the American countries on in congresses in September have BS when the interests of agonizing.
thus made possible.
tire system will be closed down. spent two days in jail before beternal as well as on foreign policy one of their aims to provide a dying capitalism require se the factories are idle. Yet the fed, ill housed and ill clad. The Two young militant strikers, The whole agreement shows the ing released on bail.
In particular only a firm and de New Deal has succeeded in its conclusion flows inexorably from Herbert Lewin and Bob John work of unfon men, familiar with The total ball for the 16 decisive policy of the united prole. Hard Toledand works completely and in Europe, in every working own aims. It has propped up the the report of Roosevelt own colle were arrested during the line betworking the industry, and concerned 5, 000. Twelve of the 16 who were being involved in a war. Will the need not doubt that at the forth solute stand must be taken now tottering system of capitalism. It committee ing charged with malicious con primarily with protecting the in arraigned on charges of disorder forthcoming congress accomplish International agents of Moscow. We have already had a clear lescoring congresses in Mexico all AGAINST THE WAR MAKERS!
has filled the coffers of the one CAPITALISM MUST GO IF duct. hearing has been set terests of the union membership ly conduct were released on all this aim? doubt it.
per cent. But the props have THE MASSES ARE TO LIVE! for September Continued on page Continued on page 8)
Question: What in your opin. Continued on pago Continued on page 2)
Rivera Says Trade Union Congress Staged by