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SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 3, 1938 Attacks on NLRB Reflects Pinning em Down Blows Suffered by Labor.
revise those boundaries? What is sauce for the SOCIALIST APPEAL goose is sauce the gander.
Vol. II No. 36 Saturday, September 3, 1988 Is there anything else necessary to prove the Published every week by the correctness of the revolutionary Socialist position SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS that for the workers to support their demoat 116 University Place, New York, cratic governments during a war will play into By JAMES CASEY Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 the hands of the fascist governments? Here are delegates of Hungary and Bulgaria reacting in Attacks Subscriptions: 00 per year: 00 for six months. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order a chauvinistic manner to the chauvinism of the William Green Joins Militancy Alone Will SURPLUS BUT NO BREAD New York City administration figures show that during the last cents per copy. Single copies cents.
delegates of the democratic capitalist countries. With Employers Save Gains Under seven months relief cases have increased by 41, 115. There is no apAll checks and money orders should be made Nothing else could be expected. If there is any.
parent reason to believe that other cities have fared better.
out to the Socialist Appeal thing that will arouse the German and Italian Against Board Wagner Act Autumn is almost upon us and then the dreaded winter for the jobless and destitute. The most conservative estimates place the Entered as 1937, at the post ond class matter September 1, at New Yor workers to struggle against their fascist govern York, New York By JAMES BURNHAM strengthening of workers organi number of unemployed at ten to twelve millions and, adding their under the Act of March 3, 1879.
ments during a war, it will be the example of During the past month, the zation; on another as it has sev. dependents, at least twenty five million men, women and children their brothers in France and England.
long sniping from many quarters eral times already been as a will face the coming months with lack of food, shelter and clothing MAX SHACHTMAN at the Wagner Act and its creafactor weakening the workers Almost simultaneously with the issuance of the relief case reEditor and their unions.
port came the statistics relevant to the bread problem from the HAROLD ROBERTS GEORGE CLARKE There can be no peace without justice, tlon, the National Labor Relations Board, has broken out into There is no doubt that the United States Department of Agriculture. These reveal that the coun.
Associate Editors grandiloquently proclaims the peace pact. Jus sustained and rounded attack LR. has made many deci try has too much wheat. To be exact, the United States has a wheat STANLEY tice to whom? Did the delegates consider the As in the past, we discover in the sions in general favorable to the surplus of 517 million bushels. In other words, there is in the country Business Manager subjugation of millions of colonial slaves by vanguard spokesmen for the Reunions, and speelfically favorable enough surplus wheat to feed all the hungry millions for four full France, England, Belgium, the United States as to the publican Party and for the Nayears.
tional Association of ManufacThis is not, however, a tribute Yet the jobless and their dependents can expect no more than something that falls within the realms of justice?
Cordell Hull Philosophy turers.
to the beneficence of the Wagner 25 millions bushels to be set aside for relief. What will be done with Does their struggle against aggression include a On this occasion, however, the Act and the In reality, the other 482 million bushels? The farmers don know. The govAmerican Federation of Labor is struggle against these imperialist countries for new note of Secretary Hull s, addressed to it is a reflection in the juridical ernment doesn know. Nobody knows!
the liberation of the exploited colonial masses?
taking more conspicuous part, the Mexican Ambassador, and released to the sphere of the strength, during the wheat may be held in grain elevators to keep up prices. It How noble it is to be for justice when it does and indeed is currently the chief press last Friday, brings to a turning point the the period recently ended, of the may be exported to South America through a government subaldy public critie, Hardly day goes upsurge of the labor movement in plan. It may be destroyed, as in other years of the New Deal adnot involve taking up the cudgels on behalf of by without a new denunciation general and of the in par ministration.
current dispute between the Mexican and the exploited of one own country!
from Bill Green.
ticular. The problem of the So, although the nation granaries are stocked to overflowing, For the first time, moreover, Had the Congress been composed of middle was to adjust class conHull, rejecting bluntly and rudely Cardenas class pacifist youth, one could be more tolerant President Roosevelt has entered just, amply motivated and sufficiently modest Alets; and this meant above all millions of workers will be forced to skimp on bread crumbs and the controversy. Green last week to meet the challenge of the walk the streets hungry in search for jobs.
in estimating its work. For while pacifism is reply to his earlier note, in effect denies the held a long conference with the Strength Shifts to of And the Washington administration will go on singing about independent sovereignty of Mexico insofar as helpless in the struggle against war and capi President. Folowing it, Green Today drive to amend the the blessings of the New Deal!
tulates completely to the ruling class when war told the press that they had disits relations with imperialist powers are conWagner Act in a reactionary diis actually declared, it is nevertheless an expres cussed possible amendments to BILL GREEN cerned. In an extraordinary paragraph, he atrection, and the prominence of THE PRESIDENT MORALS the Wagner Act, and that Roosethe of in this drive, simtacks the right of the Mexican government to sion of a genuine hatred of war and all that it Stop your kidding, Mr. Roosevelt!
velt was in favor of (unspecified) It would be a delusion to imilarly reflects the weakening of confiscate for purposes of the public welfare the The President has set up a cry that the Republicans are poinvolves, especially when it is embraced by young changes in order to clear up ceragine that the present attack is the organized labor movement be.
litically immoral.
property even of its own nationals, much less of people. But those who gave the tone to the tain ambiguities. By failing to a merely legalistic one. Like the fore the new slump and more issue a denial, Roosevelt has tac passing of the Wagner Act, the specifically the terrific set backs any of those representing the rival wings of the Wall Street oligarchy.
Mr. Roosevelt is an astute politician, in fact the cleverest of foreign residents.
Congress were not naive pacifists; they were itly admitted the correctness of present attack must be under which the Hull correspondence on this issue of the young Stalinist bureaucrats who used the treGreen report.
mendous prestige and influence of the Stalinist stood in terms of the actual re during the past year. These set. Accordingly, when he starts to shed tears in the open, it is in order Mexican expropriation is, in fact, achieving the to take inventory.
Want Courts Supreme letionship of the social forces backs are altering sharply the status of a general defense of the foundations of apparatus to confuse the youthful innocents and The bosses have long since involved.
It seems that the Idaho Republicans entered the Democratic relative positions of and make them enthusiastic propagandists for the made clear the nature of their Aims of Wagner Act of year and a half ago One way for the Democrats to get even would be to enter all the imperialism. The latest note is a condensed essay primaries to help in the defeat of Roosevelt Senatorial yes man.
imperialist war mongers.
attack, and the amendments The Wagner Act, sequel to Sec no one would have dreamed of on the philosophy of property, and includes As these delegates will scatter far and wide which they demand. They wish tion 7A of the came into disputing the dominance of the Republican primaries and, by means of their vastly superior number, extended reflections on the eternity of property Roosevelt. That would to give employers the right to being as a class collaborationist in the American labor nominate all the stooges hand picked by rights, tracing their alleged ancestry far back to preach the gospel of concerted action against petition the directly, at device designed. 1) to swing the movement. Today the of silence the for a while. But far it be from us to advise the beyond the world of modern civilized nations.
aggressors, trying to fool themselves and others present excluded by the wording workers behind the New Deal is shifting again toward the as President in his foraya with his immoral brothren.
of the law. They wish to subordi method of salvaging cupi cendant.
What does interest us are the implications that are likely to Let us hope that Cardenas will see fit to show that this means peace, they will be confronted by the advanced youth of the working class, who nate more completely the actions talism; and (2) to keep the growup the hypocrisy of the good Secretary by mani.
As in all important cases, the be drawn by many workers from Mr. Roosevelt laments. True of the Board to the regular ing mass movement of the work parliamentary questions, though enough, the Republicans are politically Immoral, if one wishes to pulating his own philosophy. Hull might well will also preach peace but a peace that can be Courts, in which they have funers from getting out of capitalist having a secondary relative au be charitable in thus describing them.
be asked what happens to these profound philo achieved only through the class struggle, through confidence. And they wish especi bounds, to restrain it firmly with tonomy, are in the last analysis But since when, Mr. Roosevelt, has morality been considered a sophical considerations when they concern, say, the overthrow of all imperialist governments, ally to write into the law certain in the frame work of the bour subordinated to the relationship tralt or requisite among capitalist parties and politicians?
requirements of union responsl geois state.
of social forces. The fate of un Having himself invoked the morality issue, does the President fascist and democratic alike.
relations to other major imperialist powers for bility which would enable them The Act was thus in one sense tonism in this country will be de remember his strange silence when the vice president of his National example, those engaged in the late War, which While the Stalinist and their innocents will to utilize faked up or even gen a concession to the workers, a cided neither by preservation nor Committee had gang of strong armed men pelt Norman Thomas have somehow been rather lax about just com prattle about justice and righteousness, the uine contracts as a means of concession for the sake of the by amendment of the Wagner with eggs and then kidnap him, because the latter attempted to expensation in the Hull manner.
class conscious youth of the working class will smashing militant union activi more general aim of preserving Act, but by the class strength and ercise bis constitutional right of tree speech in New Jersey ties.
Does Mr. Roosevelt recall how the State Democratic boss ruthIt would be difficult to exaggerate the issue demand the right of the people to decide the The of charges that At its inception it was opposed selves, outside of the courts and lessly suppressed meetings of the while appeals to the White which is now raised between the Mexican and question of war and peace in a referendum, will through its power to designate by many (though by no means the halls of Congress House for and some action were met with a shameful the governments, an issue which is brought demand the expropriation of all war industries, the bargaining unit, the Ball) employers, who were short This does not, of course, mean display of but Or went entirely unheeded?
to a head by Hull new note. Squarely and the transfer of all armament funds for public has favored industrial unionism sightedly against making such that workers should be indiffer Does Mr. Roosevelt have any recollection at all of how Mayor openly imperialism is drawn up against the improvements. The working class youth will and the and that the law concessions. Interestingly enough, ent to the fate of the Wagner Hague, representative of Standard ON, boasted in the newspapers should claims and rights of exploited peoples and amended so as to pro there is no longer any explicit Act. On the contrary, all proposed that the President was behind him in his fascistic depredations, with strive for peace by participating in the class war.
tect the right of employees to employer objection to the Act as amendments designed to aid not a word of denial forthcoming from the White House?
bargain in craft unions, Green whole; the demand now is only craft against industrial unionism, What had happened in those days prior to the election campaign It is high time to demand an answer from objects also to the personnel of for amendments or modificato bolster faked contracts, to les to the President sense of political morality? Why had he waited for Roosevelt cohorts in the American labor move Wages and Hours the and tried unsuccess tions.
sen employer responsibility, or to weeks (after the storm had blown over) before making a lukewarm fully to block the re appointment Act Is limit and bind trade union activi criticism of attacks Ambiguous ment. The line is marked clearly: on which free speech, without even then daring to side do they stand? It is impossible to fight for According to estimates just released by offiof Board member Smith. Green The Act, called into being by ties should be vigorously resisted. mention the name of Boss Hugue? We repeat where were Mr. Roosejoins hands with the bosses in the incipient movement of the But the best way of putting up velt virginal political morals at a time when they should have been the freedom of the people at home when we cials of the Labor Department as many as four wanting the Board to be com workers, became itself a factor this resistance also is not by par given the widest exhibition.
participate in the oppression of the people of million workers might obtain shorter working pelled to give increased recogni stimulating union organization. lamentary jockeying but by another country We might also point out that the Great Moralist has remained hours ultimately under the new Wage Hour tion to contracts: that is, Green The ambiguity mentioned by extending and deepening the silent all these years in the face of the black crime of California wants to be able to negotiate, Roosevelt is a fact, and no acele mass organization of the workers big banking and utility Interests against Tom Mooney.
The New Deal shows its true character openly Law. The law provides that after the first year over the heads of the workers, dent. The Act is sufficiently flex and by combatting militantly the in these notes of Hull to Mexico. Support of the work week will be reduced to forty two contract which the Board can ible to be utilized on one occasion direct offensive of the bosses on Or does the President believe it is more moralistic politically the New Deal is necessarily support of Hell hours, and after the second year to forty hours. not upset as factor in the growth and the economic front.
to woo the resources and votes of the California reactionaries than That means that the estimated four million try to right one of the gravest class Injustices in America history?
Mexican policy. Let Lewis explain this to the labor Congress which he is scheduled to address workers will have to wait two years before their No worker can have any brief for the Republican bamboozlers or their immorality, to use the President characterizaion. However, in Mexico City!
hours of work will be reduced. That is not anythey are, in no respect, either better or worse than the political mothing to make a worker shout for joy.
ralists in Mr. Roosevelt own camp.
The purpose of a reduction in the number of So far as America workers are concerned, they can give answer Peace Means War hours should be two fold. For the worker who to the President moralistic cry with that apt phrase which he not so long ago used on a less appropriate occasion: is employed it will mean more leisure, and for plague on both your houses.
The democratic imperialist governments of the unemployed worker it will mean a greater By DUNNE the United States, England and France have opportunity to find work. If the capitalist sys.
The American Fund for Politi. If it is decided by the Confer Union, than by its abstract good reason to congratulate themselves on the tem is unable to furnish work for all workers cal Prisoners and Refugees, spon ence to evacunte 660, 900 refugees democracy.
results of the proceedings of the Second World on the basis of a forty hour week, then the sored by an active committee of from Germany and Austria in the No Safety in Stalinland Youth Congress which held its sessions at work week should be reduced to thirty or even miltants, places before the Amer next five years (no persons over Equally opposed to the entrance Poughkeepsie, New York. For the middle class ican labor movement task de fifty are to be included, since they of revolutionary refugees from less in order to make room for all the unemmanding immediate action. cannot be depended upon to earn Fascism is Stalin Fatherland.
youth who were delegates to the Congress clearly ployed. And there should be no reduction in indicated that they will support these governIn Europe, brave working class their own living in the new Serge, Ciliga, Tarov, Beal and ments through thick and thin in case they are The September issue of the review by Dwight Macdonald.
and dren that the hands Fascist be working class refugees from to the fact that no revolution New Internatlonal is off the press What the workers want is a job at their own favorite of New International involved in a war against Germany, Italy and trade with a wage that will give them a chance agents of reaction. Where yester. Fascism? Myron Taylor, the aries are safe in the Even Japan.
to live decently. The only productive class in day magnificent trade unions and spokesman for the United States the corrupt Comintern bureau. Although emphasis is laid on the readers, George Novack, con movements Government at the Conference, crats from foreign countries, who dangers of a world war, the con view on The Politicos in an arThere is no other conclusion that can be society is not willing to remain idle because in Mourished, and promoted the in formerly spokesman for United long ago left the line of revolu tents are varied. Albert Gates tiele entitled, The Two Party drawn from the peace pact in which the ap dustry under capitalism cannot function. tersts of the working class, today, States Steel, can be dependeationary Marxism are not always writer on the Myth of Isolation System in the United States.
proximately 500 delegates present at the Con Permanent unemployment, even under con bloody, totalitarian regimes herd upon to guarantee that no revo safe there, and Hal Draper reviews the gress pledged to do all in their power to give Political Survey ditions where some relief is granted, is not in all working class militanta into lutionary victims of Fascism bol. In fact, the Soviet Union has course of Franklin Roosevelt The editor comments are conassistance to victims of treaty violations and the least satisfactory to the American worker or concentration camps and ruth. come the beneficiaries of demo its own political refugees. They in an article entitled Roosevelt, cerned mainly with the develop lessly crush every workers or cratic humanitarianism. have fewer living refuses the War Monger. The World ments in New York politics, pri to take necessary concerted action to prevent any other worker. The workers do not want to ganization. Democracy Mocks Refugees aggression and to bring it to an end.
be thrown out of industry, to lose their skill and Crumbs from Evian Table The humanitarianism the Italy, since the ngents are War by Stages is discussed in a marily the course of the Amerdemocracies is a mockery. In more expert at ferreting out revo which books by Major Ernest purges and the varlous pension book review by Widick in ican Labor Party: the Roosevelt Is there any one who does not see the impli to become members of a new class of permanent Refugees from Fascist terror most of the so called democratie lutionists; more successful in Dupuy and George Fielding Ellot, schemes which have arisen.
cation of these fine sounding words? The youth unemployed. That is the threat confronting mil clamor for help from the demo countries the right of asylum is staging frame up trials against by Hanson Baldwin, Liddell ful delegates of Bulgaria and Hungary grasped lions of workers.
cratie nations of Europe but re today a meaningless phrase. them; and more ruthless about Hart, Sutherland Dentinger and sion of issues now being disContinuing the publie discustheir meaning without difficulty. They refused The present Wages and Hours Law has al ceive only the meager crumbs of Workers who have escaped the delivering them to the fring Charles Gary are covered. The cussed in the Socialist Workers to sign the peace pact because they were for most nothing to offer either to the employed or assistance which the Intergovern nets of Fascist police sples in squad.
mental Refugee, Committee feels their homelands are now being three articles sum up compactly. Party and the 4th InG. Allied With Police a revision of the unjust Versailles Treaty, and unemployed. Not only are its provisions meager, forced to give them. This Com terrorized by other capitalist po Directly related to this is the imperialism toward war.
yet fully, the course of American ternationalists. Albert Goldman they protested against guaranteeing existing but they apply only to those industries operating mittee, now continuing in Lon lice sples in the democratie program upon which Stalin writes on the question of the la boundaries.
in inter state commerce. Domestic workers, agri. don the work begun last month countries to which they have fled. agents in capitalist de The role of Canada in relation bor party, The Bulgarian and Hungarian delegates struck cultural workers and many other categories of by the Evian Conference, At Even France, the liberal nation, mocracies have now embarked, to world politics is described in In Memoriam is a review by the nail on the head. The policy of concerted workers are excluded from the operation of the sims behind a mask of human for whose favor, Stalin sacri with capitalist police sples to son. Robertson views have since husband, Ignace Relas, murdered tempts to hide its Imperialistic the democratic ally of the that is, a program of co operation detail in an article by Robert Elsu Reiss on the life of her action (a new formula for collective securtiy) law.
tarianism and high idealism. Aces the welfare of the French persecute and deport to Pucts received ample vindication in the by the Stalinist Stanley against aggressors signifies, at the present time, really drastic reduction of hours will offer However, when the Committee workers has passed laws imposing prisons the revolutionary refu speech of. President Roosevelt writes once again on contemponothing more than guaranteeing France and a partial solution to the problem of unemployEngland in their spoils of victory. If we accept discusses the practical aspects of severe penalties upon any French sees who have found a temporary and the attitude of the United rary India.
providing new homes and living citizen Riding an explo. Yu Popu shelter in these countries. DemoStates toward Canada ment. six hour day and five day week will Various other features complete the basic approach of the Congress, the delegates put some millions of workers back at their jobs.
in democratic countries for the lar Front Government under Da cratie capitalism, so called, now Saviours of Capitalism thousands of helpless victims of the September number, which can ladier makes it impossible for po preparing a new war for the reof Hungary and Bulgaria were perfectly justified And if a reduction to thirty hours a week will Fascist reaction, it reveals the litical refugees to obtain citizen division of the world The soothsayers or saviours or be purchased at 20 cents per copy in their reasoning. Why should the winners of not suffice, then a further reduction must be decadent nationalism of demo ship status and thus earn big capitalist powers, Hagelse the capitalism, as represented by its or a subscription entered for one the World War keep their booty If the delegates made. Whatever work there is should be divided ing. Nor is France more reaction Democrat, welcomes the assis of thought Harvard University, dressing: and outstanding schools and schools year for the price of by adcoming from the satisfied imperialist powers are amongst all workers with a guaranteed miniDelegates to the Conference ary than other European democ tance of the in crushing Brookings Institute and Jerome speak of unemployment in their racles.
the revolutionary elements in the Frank are dissested and their inNEW INTERNATIONAL willing to go to war to keep the boundaries as mum wage.
own countries; the necessity for thousand examples of perse ranks of the workers. The clear adequacies exposed in a lengthy!
113 University Place they are, what blame can attach to the youthful job with a decent minimum wage for every restrictions on immigration, etc. cution of political refugees by all thinkers in the ranks of New York, delegates of the defeated countries if they favor worker! Let the workers organize a struggle for etc. The Prime Minister of South of these democratic countries American labor, who, themselves, support of their governments in an attempt to this necessary and reasonable demand.
ern Rhodesia objects to the Con could be given. Foremost in our resist being pushed into the in many and Austria amhshed by etc. These and similar ideas must ference proposal to send 600 minds, however, on an interJewish families there since It the vigor. We political exile own movement owe it to their Fascism know that there is no be combatted with was established about the build signed by Jerome Benton. With would appear to cut across the of our times, Leon Trotsky, Who European labor movement to ence upon Democracy for the national scale against the blacking and no one was permitted to the national convention of the policy of keeping South and Cencan forget the cruel persecution come to the rescue of the hounded preservation of their organiza list, the frame up, the torture and enter. Even the rear was guarded Allance near the bureaucrats tral Africa under British Influ of Trotsky by the governmental political refugees who most con tions. American trade untonists murder methods of democratic to make sure that no food was who support LaGuardia and his neither can nor destres to offer democracy during the past ten of Europe.
Democratie capitalism agents of almost every European sciously oppose the war makers must learn that given to the demonstrators.
Independent as well as Fascist reaction. We working class action alone can must support the American Fund Messages of support came from to give lip service to militant secuted victims of Fasciam. Each can be made for the brutal de por movement in this country will be which workers feel entitled.
The fate of the new trade union preserve and extend the rights to for Political Prisoners and Retu(Continued from page 1)
all the neighboring locats demonstrations.
geos, which brings to the persedemocratic country participating tation of Trotsky from the Nortragic indeed if it fails to under Voices will be heard within our cuted European working class locked although the bureau is and even the New York office of regularly open until P.
the Alliance, controlled by Stalin ASK FOR THE APPEAL the Conference is itself being weglan democracy in 1936, ex stand the meaning of this cruel ranks, America is not Europe. fighters immediate badly needed driven into a position of extreme cept that it was dictated more by persecution. These brave mill Here we have real democracy, aid and helps to establish for Immediately a patrol of police, ists who hate the militancy of Loniformed and in plain clothes, cal 15, sent a message of support nationalism by a dying capitalist ite tangible capitalist interests, tants who have seen the great Let the European labor move these refugees a real political AT YOUR NEWSST AND Order.
namely its trade with the Soviet trade union movements of Germent take care of its own, etc. asylum.
FATE OF POLITICAL REFUGEES RESTS WITH LABOR Timely Articles On War Features September wages.