AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyImperialismInvasionItalyMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismURSSWorkers PartyWorking Class

SEPTEMBER 3, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL DEATH TRUST: a French Workers Grow Restive Under Deepening Crisis; Strikes Break Out American Medical Ass Mulets French Workers in Action During an Auto Strike Peace Profits; But Disease Is Rampant Plenty By DAVID COWLES POUM TRIALS POSTPONED; workers in the present period of The corrupt profits system PRISONERS STILL IN JAIL economic decline saps the very lite and resistance to discase out The conclusion of the Chaco haunts even the sick bed.
of them. It makes them open to Peace Treaty by Paraguay and Quite recently, the Federal gov Information has reached us that the Loyalist Govern every disease which slum living Bolivia was the only thing that ernment charged the American ment has decided to postpone indefinitely the trial of the and rotten and inadequate food could be found to celebrate on Medical Association, national or anarchists, Left Socialists, POUMites and Trotskyites. The bear with them. The only prethe observance of the tenth an ganization of the medical profesprotests of working class organizations throughout the world scription that can cure here is niversary of the Kelogg pact to sion, with acting as a health outlaw war. The Chaco war trust and restraining the free has evidently convinced the Loyalist Government that it Destroy decaying capitalism!
Build a socialist world!
raged for some years after the practice of medicine.
would be inadvisable to proceed with a Moscow frame up Meanwhile there are many mil.
pact had been signed by Para The chief issue involved is trial in Barcelona.
lions without doctor care, withguay, but now the official repre price. The price here is not for The indefinite postponement of the trial is an admission out hospital care, and even with the belligerents steel or fertilizer but for medical sentatives of that there is not an iota of credible evidence against the out medicine. To conserve their state that the war did not solve service.
the problem; it was solved revolutionary workers now in the jails of Barcelona.
strength and prepare them for The facts are simple: Several through the medium of the op: thousand low pald Federal emIf that is so, why are they being kept in jail? What indestroying capitalism, it is nec posite procedure pacific means. ployees, whose sickness had cost essary to put forth program terferes with their immediate and unconditional release? It now An editorial in the New York the government hundreds of Times expresses doubt that the thousands of dollars, were enwould appear that while the Stalinists are not strong enough IIospitals Needed dictatorships have learned this, to compel the Loyalist Government to proceed with a frame To accommodate the sick in but states blandly. It has been couraged by it to form a medical learned in the democratie nations, them regular medical attention at need of hospital treatment, the up, they are strong enough to prevent the release of the revolutionary anti fascists.
government should begin immewhere opinion is free to be re e construction of a large numtional, and where free opinion helped start the cooperative with cheap price. The government The progressive workers everywhere will not be satisfied ber of hospitals, with all modern can be heard. Why, may we ask, a 40, 000 subsidy.
with the indefinite postponement of the trial. They will inten equipment. These hospitals should do the democratie nations consify their campaign for the release of the loval anti fascists. be distributed throughout the tinue to keep their colonies in Advantages of Cooperative For victory against fascism liberate the revolutionary country, in the slum areas of evanti fascists!
ery large city. All services to line by force of arms in Palestine, The octors were as folIndia, the Caribbean, and North lows: The got a fixed sal workers and unemployed, the Africa, and to build up their war ary for their services, the memlower middle class and the poor machines at a feverish pace, bers got service to the full ex profits over health has resulted and enable the manufacturer to of charge, whether for medicine, At all times, the supremacy of workers to use to purchase goods farmer must be absolutely free they really know better?
tent of their needs and the use in sickness and death among the increase his profits. Second, admission to the clinic, or anyof expensive equipment and spe lower paid workers. But in the would be easier for him to reduce thing else. The workers in the President Roosevelt, sitting cialized care for which they present epoch of capitalist de wages, since lower wages would hospitals must get union wages on his Hyde Park lawn, gave might have had to pay exorbitant cline, is oppresses even the bet be partly compensated for by low. and hours. The internes must get welcome to Father Divine new fees otherwise. Moreover, the ter paid workers and the lower cred medical costs. In both cases, a minimum weekly wage of 25.
Marseilles workers from any soli all their weight, because the miHeaven across the river in a minimum Militancy Checked dangciation with the dockers. nority program, put forward by the people in that heaven venting sickness rather than in latter has been to get doetors pitalists would be at the expense weekly wage of 50.
these words: m confident that in prolonging it. Incidentally, due to and medical care through coop of the professions. Doctors, too.
By Loyal CGT sabotage by the of the liere, went ten times as far in Ulster County will be used the regular medical care and the eratives, thereby destroying the suffer and will suffer further country districts have long been Disease and sickness in the strikes of its own component or the same direction, and the sedrop in sickness, the government profit motive in health. But the from the oppressive burden of ca a subject for horrified discussion Bureaucrats ganizations is deeply significant. rious danger of its passage had ess County. In view of the saved itself money.
fight of the American Medical Aspitalist decline.
The Marseilles struggle looks to conditioned the leftness of the form the good neighbor polley However, the medical coopera sociation is similar to that of all among medical circles. It is time By TERENCE PHELAN be long drawn out, war of at majority resolutions. The vote, is taking in Mexico these days, Cooperation Limited Live strikes at the vested inter monopolies. It is a fight to keep to do something about it. Let the and what it Implies for the PARIS, August 18. Under the trition (though at present writing 842 to 238, with 38 abstentions ests in medicine. The doctors are up prices of services, to keep up tightening of the stranglehold still individual enterprises in the profits and to increase their Medical Association bucks down belts with special concentration premonitory rumblings presnge getting a general strike of steve force of the revolutionary left.
However, even if the American hospitals throughout the farm calm of the August vacations, the Marsellas, may succeed in sives some idea of the louvening the Western Hemisphere, Fa business of distributing medical wealth, no matter at whose ex and permits the spreading of among the poorest areas.
an uneasy autumn. Just prior to dores in all French Mediterra Finance capital orgun Le Temps, service. The cooperatives would pense.
medical cooperatives, it will not ther Divine and his angels might shudder a bit at belny turn them into salaried employ.
th the government warnings to touch the health problems of the Sickness and disease is a na the mopening ned the disquieting testing Portitudod, with the sabo which has lately been getting welcomed in these terms.
favorable. The situation shoulatorial, raving about a state with ket. can bear. The cooperatives the New Deal has suddenly be 50 to 50 a month. According Roosevelt and his wides are notted under its new stabilization. The underlined, however, as symp in a state, hinted treason, and sleutee what the client the mar tion, however, are no sign that atives is limited to those paying tional government to handie. reached the towest point permitte per the prognosis is not very bor, rushed out front paget ediPuerto Rico still is not satisfied enterprisers, they may make un the masses against the profit syg ple are now covered, out of 100, speeches, if they are not just try. recovery. coupled with the visit tomatle of the situation of generally acted hysterical. But Governor Blanton Winship of would substitute a fixed wage. As gun to represent the interests or to the Times only 1, 500, 000 nes just making more campaign The weakness of its subsequent of Morgenthau, Secretary of French labor today: a basic milimore was to come with Rockwell Kent mural in limited Incomes from unlimited tem. Deceivers and reformers will No unemployed and none but the ing to deceive the masses with Jouhaux Booed the Post orloe Building in Wash fees. The cooperatives would lim doubtless say so, but it is com best paid workers can afford this. honeyed phrases, let them start the Treasury, suggests the possi tancy. kept carefully localized billty of another devaluation, but and canalized by the trade union The next day, folowing the enington, although the inscription it them to a definite income stat. pietely false. We need only glance And even if a national system of the health program now on the airmail letter from Alaskaled in the contract. Cooperatives at the past and present use of the free medical clinics, free hosp Instead of billions for war, de even more the probability of bureaucracy, and sabotaged if it thusiastic singing of The International, Jouhaux, the William in Eskimo dialect, which proved and government medical service anti trust laws to see this clearly. tals, requiring the expenditure Struction, and death, let them ap France first trying some special gets out of hand.
Teachers Show Militancy Green of France, attempted to to be a plen for Puerto Rican in are a boon to the unemployed After the boastful self congratThe other alde of the picture is address the convention. Half the dependence, has been painted out. doctors, to the doctors who are of at least a billion dollars a year, propriate 5, 000, 000, 000 for build form of exchange control Laws No Safeguard Governor Winship has asked for employed but who cannot get In the past, the anti trust laws solve the health problems of the with wealth pay the taxes for ulations of French imperialism more cheering. Preparatory to delegates and all the audience an appropriation of 3, 000 for a enough paying patients, and to were used against industrial and workers.
health. But the fallure of the on the success of its first pre war the annual convention of the cover a thousand non delegate whole new painting. The mural those who are more interested financial monopolies. And that.
New Dealers to take any elective war loan, it is significant that are in November, its compo teachers) whistled and booed him is in bad taste hond in Inte in practicing medielne than in Indeed, was their original purs message, and conveys false impracticing extortion. They are pose. The smaller business men sides to medicine, the curative life of the masses will not be for not been issued any figures what its own. Among these the pace clear the hall and severely.
beinghaux could purr his hurt and honbeautiful island.
Puerto Kint paintindepleta lished members of the American power of the monopolles over it has been contracted, when it is as part of the system of profits fense Bonds. French capitalism almost unanimously representa eyed words to the still sulten and and incomes of the well estab. ments with which to break the part deals with the disease after firmly fixed in the people mind of the second, the National De les union, outstanding large percentage, though by no For some time, therefore, the small business interests a chance part deals with sickness and dis shatter capitalism, when they ever has not temporarily escaped 110, 000 members out of 130, 000 gress. One may imagine the em to the forgetfulness of vacation teachers. This union has just barrassment of the Stalinists, Unfortunately the majority are have carried on cal bittere laten monopolies exercise open dieta ed, before it has started and pre cialist world, THEY WILL BE means ofreand barefooted American Medical Association to make more profits. Today, case before it has been contract start forward to a healthy, so ing is nervous. No sooner is the held (August 6. at Nantes, an who hope by giving Jouhaux Nippon Soviet Incident settled exciting congress. The directing post in their international tradeprey to hookworm. With only six sainst medical cooperatives and terms and competitiebolo ese nomination de materiale from starting. But the MEMBER cover the twin beter than Italy closen its French fron, majority under Delmas, straight union organization to get reader tier. Just when lenient judges syndicalist rather than political, swap high posts for themselves per cent of his income foft for business, when it is threatened over the government. They are which is being heaped upon the also.
had freed the last of the submitted a majority general re in the other necessities after he has with cooperatives, it has tried to not only not prosecuted, but they The teachers convention is as bought his food, the 140 tubes of cheddite are found port smashingly condemning in a Cagoulard garden near Popular Frontism as a sell out significant as the Marseilles dockPuerto Rican cannot afford shoes destroy them. It forbade doctors are given official recognition And they continue aus before, maClermont Ferrand. And though and a failure, frankly telling the ers struggle. If the other But the Governor wants his plc from servicing cooperatives.
nipulating prices, mulcting the torial Puerto Ricans well dressed has expelled doctors who disre: masses, lowering living standards wholesale price indices soften Stalinist party to keep its ty union congresses, taking this slightly, the retail cost of living rannical hands of the teachers keynote, will renew the classand white, surrounded no doubt them out of hospitals. And, in of the great majority of the peoinexorably rises.
union, and demanding militant struggle militancy they had by gardenias and orchids.
the current instance, it has closed ple and increasing disease as a Marseilles labor, always mili action in the autumn for the de in 1938, the November Convention Willam Mills, the warden tant, now increasingly active, mands of the teachers and all the of the will relaunch the hospitals of Washington, consequence.
to members of cooperatives, even In the present case, the anti SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico. victims of the police massacre at holds attention on the strike other government lary path from which the will of French Inbor on that revolutionof the Holmsburg prison in in time of emergencies.
trust laws act as an instrument of with an unusual degree of ern the time of the Nationalist demon front. After 24 days, the strike of This program the Pennsylvania, where the steamthe industrial monopolists against ciency, the court authorities of stration in Ponce in 1937 was so the metal workers, sabotaged by swallowing their rage as best the wisp of Popular Frontism ing to death of four hunger Halo Ripped Away the petty medical businesses who Puerto Rico have placed nine incredibly arbitrary and indefens its own national federation in the they might, had to support with lured it so tragically away.
striking prisoners is under in This action tears the halo from have associated themselves in young Nationalists under indict ible that even the Puerto Rican went down to bitter and vestigation, began his career as a cavalry sergeant in the Phl the corrosive workings of pronts tion. The laws would act to nation of Governor Winship on against Winship.
the medical profession and shows the American Medical Associa ment for the attempted assassi bourgeoisie had to take a stand angry defeat. But no sooner had the bosses permitted themselves a lippine Insurrection. During the beneath it. Under capitalism, the break down their control over June 25.
Picture Changed little too publie gloating than the The governor himself has not This time, however, the legal strike burst out again. tempothe Philippines, atrocities com fees, not patient health. Where their profits, and to reduce their remained idle; he called a special as well as the political picture has rary truce and resumption of mitted by Aguinaldo native life interferes with fees, the ac income. This would help profits a session of the colonial insular changed. It is common knowl:work was arranged on August 17, soldiers were, as Charles tion of the organized medical pro in industry in two ways. congress in order to press edge that the defendants have but the situation smolders anBeard has put it, repaid with lession is to let the sick groan First, lowering doctor bills through a measure reintroducing broken the laws of imperialist grily.
compound Interest by the and die.
would leave more money for the death penalty abolished in justice as far as their participa Dock Workers Strike (Continued from page 1) Czechoslovakia to restore order troops. The fighters for Phl1924. The Puerto Rico prosecuting tion in the shooting can be proved Meanwhile the dock workers and within easy reach of great stands the Nazi war machine.
lippine Independence were fPowers Back Czechs nally put down hy generous Off the Press Soon!
attorney, Plerlusst Lackeys are For Marxists, this has, of cours become an increasingly irritating cities. It would increase by hunalways more shameless than their no significance. Thele moral soli: thorn in the bossessidesDes dreds of miles the frontier which ported by the Nazis, the Czechs But if the Sudetens are sup use of what the Americans America Permanent Depression called the water curel.
that he would have no qualms unreserved. Their sharp differenjor 964 (the francis quoted the against possible attack. But posing array of powers. The By ART PREIS About demanding the death pentiation from the acts of terror of week at 273 cents. the dock: Czechoslovakia that is at least threat of Nazi intervention in August Heckscher, nancier popular analysis of the nature of unemployment akty for the youthful defendants the Nationalists falls in the ers refused to work any sup trunented from Bratislava northand philanthropist, stated to the and a figthing program for the unemployed. and then going quietly home to category of revolutionary immediate Czechoslovakia had press on the occasion of his nineTo be published by the lunch pediency. For them the struggle statutory 40 unless they were ward, with the western section repercussions. France, which has tieth birthday: This used to be The legislators of the republic of the masses for liberation is given good overtime percentages many into a far more powerful ance with Czechoslovakia, anSOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY diplomatic and military alll great country before 116 University Place an socialist coalition are much incompatible with individual ter above the regular hourly rate. Aghting machine the income tax. For seventy years New York City embarrassed. They would like ror.
nounced that German invasion of didn pay anything, but now very much to prove their loyalty But the Stalinists no longer hold rect action. Now the shipping The autonomous section the territory would be considered we have nothing left. He had 3c per single copy to Washington cleaning up on this view. According to their new company bosses are about the would be swallowed up by Geras war against France. Rumaenough left, however, to celebrate 27 2c in bundles of 15 or more the terrorists, but on the other constitution, Terrorists have no most reactionary in France, dem many, increasing its economienia and Yugoslavia, as members with an elaborate birthday party, hand, the sympathy of the popu place in the company of well bred onstrably behind two important military strength. The salient in of the Little Entente, are bound including champagne In his VanOrder Now!
derbilt Avenue penthouse.
ants is so great, in spite of the couple of confused colonial slaves de la Rocque P. They have and the frontier to be defended choslovakis against the invasion.
furious campaign against invasion from Czechoslo The Soviet Union, recent survey by the Amer.
and consorts, that they do not munista find themselves on the against the dockers. First they vakia would be reduced by about France, was certain to declare ican Institute of Public Opinion dare to follow the dictation of side of the exploiters.
demanded that the government, four fifths. Germany would have war against Germany. England, revealed that nearly one third the White House in San Juan. It is understandable that this as it had threatened to do in the practically the resources of its as an ally of France, warned of those surveyed could last In this dilemma they transform new philosophy doesn penetrate Paris transport strike, declare a pre war alliance with Austria Germany that she would be only a month or less before go To Make Room for New Fall Stock the humanitarian opposition to the heads of the Porto Rican state of emergency and call the Hungary without the weakening drawn into the conflict also. And ing on relief if they lost their 49 Cents the reintroduction of the death Stalinists easily. For those who dockers (who are army reserv elements of that alliance: the na the United States showed more jobs, and another one fifth penalty into a means of disguis live amidst the misery of an ex ists) to the colors for strike duty: tionalist movements striving for openly than ever that in case of could hold out for from two to (formerly 00 to 00)
ing their participation in the off ploited people, the blessings of then, under threat of the army independence, the sprawling ter war in Europe, they would be insix months. Only 21 per cent cial terror against the National Yankee freedom are not so mani penalties for mutiny and deserritory the poorly organized volved and on the side of the could keep going for three Hundreds of slightly shop worn books at ists. The proposed legislation of fest as for Browder and the Cartion, make them work the boats control. Germany would have one democracies.
years or more on their savings the governor will hardly find the ribean Buro in New York. and break their own strike.
solid block of territory with a Should Germany drive on Czeor Income.
CAN ALL THIS GRANDEUR PERISH? James Farrell necessary majority, Strange Defense Since this was written, Sene minimum frontier to defend and choslovakia, and should Italy The defendants have appeared The New York Times stated RED STAR OVER CHINA Edgar Snow Therefore, the Stalinist Baha galese troops were used last maximum striking power for at suppport her, then the beginning without defense in the sessions of monde tries honestly if unsuccess week end to move cargo that the tack. German imperialism would of the European war is a matter editorially last week: To be TO HAVE AND HAVE NOT Emnest Hemingway the trial held up to the present fully to do right by both sides, He Marseilles dock workers refused dominate Europe.
of days. Once it begins in Europe, sure, both Communists and Fas RACE, CLASS AND PARTY Paul Lewinsohn time. However, there bobbed up can resist appearing court at to handle after they had worked That the German drive to trun the imperialist blocs will expand cists may and do pretend to fa ZERO HOUR Richard Freund along side of the defendants the side of the Nationalists, but their 40 hour week. Ed. cate Czechoslovakia is definitely over the world. On one side vor such movements (for democracy) merely for strategic reaFORTY DAYS OF MUSA DAGH Franz Werfel unique kind of lawyer. He asked at the same time Bahamonde de when the government showed on is obvious from observing the Italy Germany Japan, and on the in the name of the defendants for clares that he is interested in the it was afraid to do this, the ship demands of Henlein and the Su other side England France United sons.
they become dangerous IN DUBIOUS BATTLE Maurits Dekkar new postponements to carry on defendants not because they are owners started wild agitation deten Party. They demand noth States, with the Soviet Union only when they begin to talk and BEGGAR REVOLT Maurits Dekkar the search for defense attorneys. innocent, but because they are in Algeria among the fruit and ing less than complete autonomy, finding a ftful resting place act like Communists or Fascists. IN DUBIOUS BATTLE John Steinbeck But he declined emphatically to be defenseless.
vegetable growers, some of whose free from all intervention from among the democratic capitallThis is another instance of the THE BEST BUTTER Elinor Rice considered by the court as the Naturally, the court has nothing shipments have been partly the central government, con ist powers.
ruling class showing clearer inrepresentative of the Nationalist to fear from such a defense at spoiled in the port of Marseilles trolled by the Czechs. The Czech sight into the nature of the class WORLD NEVER MADE James Farrell defendants. This remarkable de torney, and Bahamonde together by the dociers refusal to break bourgeoisie refuse to concede struggle and the real dangers to THE TRIAL Franz Kafka LERMAN BROS.
fense and non defense attorney is with some other remaining loyal the 40 hours. Mediators sent by this, since they realize that docapitalism in working class moveThese books are offered subject to prior sale.
the Stalinist lawyer Bahamonde. Lawyers was named defender ex the French capitalist state have, ing so would be to sign their own 37 EAST 14th STREET ments than some so called workIn the past trials of Nationalists officio, on not very plausible technicall death warrants in favor of GerNew York City ing cinss parties. It is high time Mail orders will not be accepted.
the Stalinists placed themselves But the court didn take intoties, decided invariably against man capitalism. And they are Union Stationers and many people who think they are openly on their side. But the account Stalinist party discipline, the workers. But worst of all, the prepared to crush the Sudetens Printers Communists learned that legal side of the trials was dit which can no longer suffer even the national labor feder by force should the latter try to Phone Algonquin 3356 8 will be dangerous to the capitalist LABOR BOOK SHOP Selling to Labor Organizations ferent. The charge against the the mere appearance of solidarity ation, is doing absolutely nothing overthrow the government. But system only when they begin to leader of the Nationalists, now in with the terrorist underworld. to help this strike of one of its the Sudetens are only the tools at Lowest Prices.
talk and act like Communists.
28 EAST 12th STREET Atlanta penitentiary, Albizu Cam. Bahamonde stated suddenly that own unions, and the trade union of the German foreign policy. Our Printing Plant located at and not when they talk and act New York City pos and his comrades, was a rank he must retire from the defense bureaucrats have to date suc And behind Sudetens, and 36 West 15th St. 6th Floor, like bourgeois democrats.
frame up. The trial against the indefinitely for family reasons. ceeded in holding back the other preparing for Phone Algonquin 7823 intervention in Puerto Rican Nationalists Face Trial; Lawyer Quits Europe Tense in War Crisis; Waits Nazi Move more had CLEARANCE SALE they