CommunismCommunist PartyEnglandIV InternationalInvasionItalySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL SEPTEMBER 3, 1938 Open the factories! Hook Alliance to FIGHTS Opposition Grows LEWIS INVASION Roosevelt Machine in Furriers Union Demonstrating clearly how started to make known her oppo. happens to the autonomy of the smaller than those of the past twenty per cent of temporary a field which UNION SMASHING BEGINS IN stand that a better agreement could not have resulted under this leadership The leadership made no preparations to win a better agreeAn Editorial ment through a strike. Whoever (Continued from page 1)
dared mention that the furriers As the capitalist class stands by, helpless before the ravages could win better conditions of the economic crisis, the unions in St. Paul have proposed a crossing officers, even if Lewis is through a strike Wils denounced method to bring to an end growing mass unemployment and to Strange List of Politicians Named as Pro the candidate for Dictator. Dissatisfaction With New Agreement Brews as a stool pigeon and a unton No officer shall discuss conset into motion again the wheels of production.
wrecker. The union leadership regressives by Alliance; to Collect troversial questions at local unDiscord in Union Long Under Their answer to the enigma of the capitalist crisis is simple.
ions or muss meetings. until lied entirely on the Labor RelaThe State of Minnesota shall set up factories and plants to be tions Board and on LaGuardia, Huge Slush Fund the next convention. Once before Control a proposition of this order was and on the sense of justice of operated by unemployed workers, not for profit, but for the By GEORGE MILTON lined up for the new Congress, made to muzzle the progressives By a FUR WORKER they would not sign an agreement the bosses. The bosses, on the other benefit of all unemployed workers. In this manner the vicious NEW YORK. The Stalinist has nothing but the of and the administration while the NEW YORK. Stalinist leader that does not include the closed hand, knowing the policy of the circle of depression factories closing, more millions jobless and leadership of the Workers All Roosevelt, the Stalinists and Communist Party lined up the ship in the Furriers Union has shop. But this was pure deception. Stalinists, knowing that they still more hunger and deprivation for the masses will be re ance completed plans to turn this their Workers Alliance. rank and Ale by lies and calummy been seriously shaken by the two More than ever before are work were not prepared for a fight.
once promising organization of Louis Waldman, No. Olain untouchable caucuses. It came recent events. First, the strike ers thrown out of shops any time utilized the occasion for a lockIf this plan is to solve the dilemma of capitalist production unemployed and workers Guard social democrat in y. tra Frankensteen and Browder which dragged on for 14 weeks the boas desires. They no longer out.
Finances Drained into an adjunct of the Roosevelt State and infamous for his at at that time. The author today is and was recently concluded. Sco even wait for the work week to it will be necessary to extend it far beyond the boundaries of Min political machine, at a meeting of tempts to purge the Socialist Parundoubtedly the same, even ond, the elections for officers in end in order to fire workers from Even then Stalinists would nesota. Over all the nation the same problem confronts the work some 300 local executives ty of communists (i. mill though the sponsor is changed the union.
the shop.
not answer the lockout with a ers and only by a bold execution of the plan on a nation wide and members, last Friday night, tants. revolutionary Socialists. Not even rankensteen had the The new agreement, the worst Officially the present agreement strike and waited fully seven basis can any effective relief for the jobless be secured. To con called specifically for that pur during the Old Guard split in the temerity to bring this plan to the the furriers ever worked under, provides for two additional weeks before strike was de pose, ceive of its operation within the narrow confines of a single State of 1936, is also slated for Board. The whole auto union was acclaimed by the Stalinist months of division of work. The clared. By this time the workers The Alliance is to be put on support by the Staliniat Repub knew its execution meant a Sta administration and hailed by the last agreement provided for sixwere sufficiently discouraged, is to dream of a little utopia, such as Upton Sinclair Epic scheme a war. emergency basis, said lican ALP Old Guard Roosevelt linist dictatorship. It has re press as a great victory. In May June July, October, No starved and demoralized and Nor can the workers be content to enter this on small Sam Wiseman. democratic front.
scale, with a little industry balanced precariously with a primitive Secretary of the Alliance, Browder Frankensteen plan. That agreement, we will take up some the other months of the year the ty of the leadership to get a betCeller Record barter system for distribution. No, factories must be opened makes it clear as daylight who is of its major points.
boss would discharge any one he ter agreement, had no other im Communist style. campaign Congressman Emanuel Celler, calling the tune for Mr. Lewis. Wage Raise Slight throughout the nation and the workers must set themselves to wished. In order to be entitled to mediate alternative but to accommittee of 35, headed by Wise another progressive politician, accomplish the task at which the capitalists failed giving jobs man and wms Morgan, Presl also professes his love for the Lewis Arbitrator in the agreement is very slight. above mentioned months, a workThe raise in wages provided for division of work during the cept the contract. To this should be added: when the strike began, and security to America working masses.
dent of the Alliance, are to working class. This friend of la Any dispute. that cannot be obtain mutually settled. shall be re point of contention, But whatever it is, it was not a er had to be employed for three there was no more than 100. 000 Rather than wait for State commissions to establish new Alliance to its final resting place. ing an injunction for the Wise serred to the executive officers of raise could have been secured commencemente elbise this species that spite of the fact that in the past industries the workers must insist on taking over the idle factories, three years of peace in the inforfeited by owners unable to make a profit, and immediately Co ing specifically the shoe Sales. This point should really cheer the It has been a tradition of many thanh todens for the hosts to ma dustry, three day pay assessutilize the now unused machinery of production. Far more vital The Stalinist chieftains of the men Union, and the considerations enter here than the pocketbooks of a few property had previously announced People Socialist League, which any cheer out of picking up the month of July, the furriers have vorites while the bulk of the bers. Together with other union owners. Hunger and want is the lot of the fourteen million already through the press plans to raise organization was aiding the shoe deuces Lewis has been dealing received increases from to 15 workers did not share in the di incomes, this amounted to over per week known in the industry Vision at all. million dollars. This did not forced into idleness by the closed factories. The living standards Bouch fund of 50, 000 to clect salesmen in their fight against them from his stacked deck of Roosevelt politicians, and the the wise Shoe Company in cards. With Lewis as arbitrator as the July raises. Since the StalinThe new agreement covering at the time the agreement was help the morale of the workers of the whole working population are being undermined as the the Stalinist minority on the Ex meeting mere formality. Brownsville, Brooklyn.
vast economic machine drags to a standstill. The profits of the called to lay down the line, which Protesting this latest sale of ecutive Board will be converted the union, they were compelled to division of work includes the pefew must no longer stand in the way of the needs of America was decided long ago, was turned the unemployed to the capitalist in short order into majority. conduct strikes in some shops to Miod from May to the end of Depresented for their approval.
They will appeal every decision enforce the July raises.
cember and provides for a into a typical campaign pep rally, politicians, Rhoda Pearson, pro where they are the losers to him.
The elections which followed millions.
with Congressional Candidate Vi gressive Chairman of Local The present agreement provides two week trial period. But there the strike have already shown The former owners of the closed factories cannot be expected If the present appeal is any indi to Marcantonio, president of the denounced the Stalinists for for July raises from to This is a rider to this clause which that the dissatisfaction of the to give up peacefully. They and their class allies will attempt Stalinist LD. as chief speaker building up the Roosevelt war cation, Lewis will decide in their is in reality a concession to the provides that during the season workers with the Stalinist clique what bosses since the present raises are bosses of June, July and August, the is taking on organized form and to keep the newly opened plants in the old cuts of production, machine. Kardly had Pearson favor. And, incidentally, Announce Plans are entitled to employ is showing surprising strength in hampered by debts and interest charges, distribution of products 80 thoroughly But worse yet, the number of subjected to a myriad restrictions and the project as a whole tightly these Browder hacks operate sition to this liquidation of the under this set up?
when in control of an organiza Alliance in favor of doing the The workers have no doubt workers receiving these raises is workers. Thus, when it is really dominated by Ben Gold and the controlled and kept in safe channels.
Against this danger the proposal of the St. Paul unions sets tion, they sent out press releases dirty work for the various politi been surprised to learn that this very negligible. worker must busy. the unemployed worker party line.
has no hope of getting attached an important safeguard. The operation of the factories to be Board, without these items ever turned into a hog calling contest. Interests of our organization and the month of July to receive the to a shop. All he can get is temopened by the State of Minnesota shall be under the control of coming before the Board, accord. Whereas Wiseman, Marcantonio for the protection and advance raise. The fact of the matter is porary employment. And then workers councils, formed in each factory by the workers there.
ing to one of its members an and the other defenders of dement of the best interests of our that the overwhelming majority only ly by signing the yellow clog are hired in the month of July.
This provision is highly important. Not only will the newly.
nouncing the 50, 000 plan, and a mocracy held the platform for membership.
Try to Dodge telegram telling Roosevelt or two hours, while Pearson had Don take our word that the Then there is another trick of the opened factories be operated for the workers, but they will be The administration of the un.
their support of candidate James hardly spoken five minutes, in gold brick Lewis is presenting boses. If they need workers in (Continued from page 1)
operated against the capitalists. If the workers are to succeed in Fay, who is opposing Con cluding time she paused while the the auto workers has been signed, the shop prior to the month of ion, confronted by great dissattheir plan to re open the gates of industry to the millions of job. gressman (to be purged) John Stalinist hirelings booed, chair stamped and delivered by the July, they only employ them for Isfaction of the workers with the unless basic demands are withless they will succeed only by carefully guarding against the Connor in the Roosevelt pri man Benton banged his gavel and union busting Stalinist clique. two weeks, fire them and hire yellow dog provision in the drawn.
refused to allow Pearson to con. Their daily rage has been so other workers in their place. The agreement, arranged for a hurried On the Embarcadero, the wateropposition, both hidden and open, of the capitalist class. Said Wiseman in his report: clude.
deeply steeped in the faction much advertised raise in wages conference with the bosses as front employers open agreements The owners of industry are firmly for the principle of profits, We ll elect progressive candi Milt Cohen, Vice Chairman of night that they have not the dis consequently benefitted only a tiny sociation and had the procedure to complain of quickie strikes for the keystone of their society rests on profits. By the same dates to office, so that we won Local 4, jumped to his feet at this cretion to remain quiet at least fraction of the workers. And even slightly modified. Instead of the and work stoppages. effective principle they are against high wages and short hours, for profits have to picket and demonstrate point, and after virtually fore until Lewis puts over his peace for this group. the raise was individual workers signing the means of enforcing union agree depend on the free exploitation of labor. On these grounds they ments long ago abandoned under (at City Hall and Washington. Ing recognition from chairman plan. The Daily Worker edito smaller than in previous years. agreement with the boss, the unThe records of these progress. Benton, on a point of procedure, rial commends Lewis and his 85 Another point in the agreemention is notified of it and the union Bridge leadership and warily will bitterly oppose any attempt to give labor control over any ive politicians speak for them denounced this dictatorial consociates for their obviously fair which the Stalinist press presented representative makes a public watch developments on the other share of industry, however small.
selves: duct. This was the occasion for and constructive proposals que division of work. But this meeting.
gain, is the one dealing with announcement of it at the shop scenes.
But only under workers control is the plan of the St. Paul Unions Retreat Marcantonio, law partner and more boos and hog calling. Pro It urges the acceptance of these The result close collaborator of Mayor (10 gressive members of the Alliance proposals. It condemns in ad gain is vitlated by a clause perof this so called unions capable of really answering the major problem facing the With the bosses offensive going cut) LaGuardia, is being opposed were manhandled and threat, vance those who fight the promitting the bosses to employ tem equal division of work is that ahead full steam, officials of the workers today. Only workers control will assure the free flow not only in the Republican and ened when they protested. posals as being allied with the porary workers for six week not 80 per cent but only a small unions, Stalinists all, are confused of the factory products. Only workers control will guarantee union Democratic primaries, but also in big union wrecking employers and period. worker getting a job fraction of workers, always privl and fearful. After months of conSelze Leaflets hours and union wages in the State owned plants. Only under his own LP. primaries, where their stooges, the Lovestoneites under this victorious agreement leged to begin the season earller ciliation and kow towing to the Just prior to adjournment, and Trotskyists.
is compelled to sign what is tant and be the last ones to conclude, employers, the union officialdom is workers control will it be possible to extend the scope of nonfrom Italian Local 89, Wiseman, in answer to Pearson C. Demagogy amount to a yellow dog contract, share in this division of work. faced with an attack threatening profit production to larger sections of the unemployed workers.
largest in to wipe out the whole structure And only the initiative of the working class will open the opposition is the result of Marhog tying the unemployed to the Finally the Daily Worker lays specifying that he agrees to be a The old agreement provided of the unions. To the lock out the No Closed Shop idle factories. In Minnesota the workers face a real struggle to that beginning with 1938, only Stalinists have replied with peace Roosevelt war machine, pulled down the line of attack for the temporary hand.
cantonio speaking at fascist this gem: Watch out for revolu Lewis plan: It (the issues) 3s compel the State to take over the abandoned factories and plants.
meetings. The 18th Congressional tionary phrases now this: For or Many nalve furriers believed one boss in a shop would be per offers.
To the bosses cynical offer District, stamping grounds of Behind them must be rallied the organized support of workers they will lead 17. For Bragainst the leaders that with a unified union, unchal mitted to work. Instead of entore of a uniform contract. the you directly to war! Wiseman throughout the nation.
Messrs. La Guardia and Mon Torgot that it is Roosevelt and the ship of John Lewis! Thus the lenged in the field, with able ing this, the Stalinist administra Stalinists have already conceded tion agreed in the new contract group agreements.
tonto. Is predominately Minnesota must not stand alone. Everywhere the cry must and these two political dema union. All the sincere union a closed shop agreement. This was As the leadership of the unions be raised; Open the idle factories, put idle men back to work. gogues, seeking the large Italian curity, and that it is Roosevelt ists, foes of the plan to turn over particularly emphasized by the other year, thus depriving many vote there, think nothing of peace time navy and war mawho is building the greatest their union to the wreckers, will union leadership, which assured workers of the opportunity of reveals its unwillingness and inspeaking at meetings of the faschine!
capable of protecting the rights ist Sons of Italy and those be branded as opponents of John the workers at a meeting that getting work, now being done by ability to answer the lock out with the bosses in the shop. One more a determined counter. offensive, MORE SHIPS TO of seamen. Lewis and of the CI.
the employers grow bolder, their sponsored by fascist editor, GePointing to a table piled high at Flint and of the Milwaukee concession to the bosses, Any unlon, or any union lead. neroso Pope.
ultimatum stronger.
with confiscated Progressive The lie sticks in their throats. District blazed a trail for their Fight ership, that stands in the way of Not Prepared Now the labor movement is feel Friends of Labor Group bulletins, he told how they Auto workers who oppose a plan brothers in the rest of the counan open and unrelenting fight pamphlet recently written by These are the main points of ing the disastrous effects of the had been taken away from An to wreck their organization are try when they upheld the actions the agreement which was intro splitting tactics of the Stalinists.
against the Maritime Commission (Continued on page 1)
denouncing this self alleged burn them, like they do in Ber are its stanchest advocates. Those the expelled officers and protested fanfare of trumpets and shouts fronts organized labor in San Union still urges its men to ship and the government. Elementary friend of Inbor now the white lin! Cohen shouted. who want to tear down the the interference in their behalf of victory. How did the furriers Francisco is split in two, with the through the government halls organized labor join in the fight pictured Marcantonio and Pope National Convention of the Anl. enemies. Auto workers need not unity of their union was at stake an agreement?
The answer is not the ruinous tactics of the Stalin. most powerful of the by John Lewis. They recog who have a reputation as class unions under the control of Jerry King, leader of the group against the vielous anti union feasting together at the same ance, to be held in Cleveland, how to John Lewis as if he In preparation for the coming new affiliates they are the most nized that the autonomy and the conscious militants swallow such Bridges and the Stalinists isolated.
that recently obtained a majority Maritime Commission.
over the Stalinists, made a trip banquet table.
Union First Issue Ohio, September 26, the Progress were the Seventh Son of the Sev.
to Washington to confer with Efforts to find James Fay ive Group urged all progressive enth Son. It is their right and or other members of the Board Differences with Homer Martin Stalinist reformist policy of eat ger the gains won in four years representatives of the Commisdemonstrations of friendliness and non Stalinist locals through duty to fight Lewis to the hilt however serious or justifiedering to the bosses will under of bloody struggle.
sion and reported to the memfor the labor movement, prove out the country to elect and send when he is allied with Stalinist not at issue now. Progressives bership that he was sure the futile. This recipient of Farley maximum amount of delegates reaction as he is now. Or any must realize that every ounce of could work in harmony patronage, e deputy Internal rev. to the convention, even if you other time they see flt. Harry support must be thrown in the with the Maritime Commission.
enue commissioner, has no record have to thumb there. An at Bridges was also a Sacred Cow scales of the Martin forces of anything, let alone labor tempt to disenfranchise progress until the West Coast workers got against the Lewis Stalinist comLand Reiteraten (Continued from page 1) record. In a Columbia radio net ive locals from the rightful rep wise to him rather than see their plot. Any other course is treach To All Branch Literature Agents! also because At the same time Admiral peacefully. Although Police Com work speech, Fay said significantery to the auto workers and their were running Land, head of the Commission, Missioner Plckert and Superinty believe in the President resentation to the convention was unions ground to bits. We are attempted by the Stalinist con confident that for the majority union.
was relterating the Commission tendent Fred Frahm entered program, and believe that the trolled Joint Board when they of automobile workers, too, the We experienced great financial around trying to lay hold of Our last remarks apply with difficulties in getting out this is some cash. minuten controlling the hiring and firing no attempt was made to have program is necessary to insure delegate independent of a city longer magie unless it is black Socialist Party. The Daily Work summer weeks almost succeeded CHICAGO of all men employed on govern the police force them to come out.
social and economic peace, and wide bloc of 50 delegates. pieked magic.
in downing us! We don want to ment operated ships. The press Some trouble developed at the economie unrest. This nonentity. to post a 10 fee, with the City er speaks of the Frankensteen make a special plea for help, but New York City to prevent social disturbance and by the fraction. would have The conferences of District Mortimer Reuther group. After we urge all branches to immediCalifornia months of hedging and possum ately pay up on their bundle order Boston his words and hailed this new workers tried to force their way typical of the yes men being office, to cover expenses.
mentioned in original. plan to deal with trouble makthrough the picket lines. The Minneapolis playing, Walter Reuther takes his bills. Monthly statements were Detroit stand in this fatal crisis with the mailed last week and should be in ers in the marine industry. Our lands are confiscated; battle stopped almost before it Worker stated that the MoCord Illinois our houses are raided; and our party to which he probably be the hands of all literature agenta Tennessee and glossing over the issue can rious results with the plant still out ranks for their miliNew Jersey enemy. Are you willing to re This is the last opportunity now right now! We must have this the officials of the per remaining closed.
tant stand. and President for the sincere fighters in Flint money to pull through until after St. Paul suade the rank and file to use Moskun was acclaimed as one of pair this Japanese ship!
Montana Resume Negotiations and Detroit to break clean from Labor Day. Should this ship be placed in the ablest field generals in the government fink halls. One Canada Negotiations between the man ranks, other union officials good repair through your hands, the stranglehold of Walter Reutrick used to mislead the work(Continued from page 1) it will load supplies food for ers is pieturing the picket lineagement of the McCord com can hardly come in for any praise ther and the cowards and Sta Now that the summer period is TOTAL linist agents in the who about over and all literaturearound the Maritime Commission pany and the union began at all.
Stalinist slanders of traitors and Japanese troops. If it is repaired hall as part of a plan to keep the Thursday afternoon prop him up. It will be too late to agents, comrades and friends are Moskun, negoti Japanese spies that the Chinese through your hands, it will Workers Expect Action According Special thanks to the BrownAght when Lewis and the Stareturning from vacations, we exville Branch of New York City from winning bargaining tions were broken off before the carry guns with which to shell It was to be expected that the Stalinists felt forced to resort to linists have you faced in their pect to see the Appeal clrculation for sending in a donation on the rights for the crews on the gov strike when the company Bend Studebaker Local would to remove the Fourth Internationy rejected Stalinist leadership of the South their well known methods ernment ships. By keeping straight jacket. Dockworkers and sailors in increase its steadily rising rate. Appeal First Anniversary.
proposal in which the Keep out of the John Many branches found it necessary England, America and other men off the story goes, only agreed to a per cent wage cut sabotage the strike by forcing alists from the scene.
men who will vote for the Por six months, after which it their members to work on scab Lewis! The auto workers want to cut their order for a while.
Working hand in glove with the countries are helping us in our a real labor union not a dicta. They should now be able to at Vol. No. of the Appeal is fight against Japan by refusing when and National Labor Rewas to be restored, and the union radiators. They are revealing on Hongkong police authorities, to to load or unload torship or a Stalinist war racket! least order what they took for badly needed. We will greatly Japanese lations Board elections are held would agree to demand no fura small scale what conditions whom they supplied false docucargoes. We must not lag be Rld the union of the wreckers merly! We expect large increases, appreciate comrades sending in What is forgotten by these there wage increase for an 18 will prevail should the a and ments, they finally succeeded in hind our foreign brothers! We and go forward to a powerful beginning right away. Here this missing issue. Send as many clever people is the fact that month period. In return the com Lewis gain control of the tracking down some of our com must struggle hand in hand united labor movement!
something for all Appeal agents copies as possible. They are needed for to go to work on.
binding purposes.
But members of the McCord rades who were forthwith arrested there will be no unions, pany was to grant a closed shop, and tortured.
with our foreign brothers!
TOBACCO WORKERS STRIKE Please note that it is from the or of L, for any seamen, agree to stop the movement of Locul, battling a strike against retur: the Hud runaway plants in the interests unless the right of union control machinery Workers defending the faThe Manifesto therland! Do not help our eneA strike of tobacco workers at Do you see Chicago standing at year 1937!
of hiring is kept by the unions son Motor business to Detroit.
of the entire International, are The Manifesto issued by the President Homer Martin ad not handing out any bouquets for Communist Lengue of China to my! Do not serve as slaves of the Export Leat Company, sub the head of the sub getters this Have you ordered your bound Hiring Paramount Issue vised the management of the the fallure of the Detroit Regton the Tal Kou Dock Workers reads our enemy! Do not repair our son, has been in progress for work of Karl Shier, the Chicago volume of the Appeal yet? Why For that remains as the para. Allis Chalmers Company in Mial office of the union, headed by as follows: enemy ship!
more than a month in Richmond, literature agent. He now stands not have a hent nle of papers, inmount issue before the sca far waukee, the Studebaker plant in Loren Hauser, to vigorously en If the owners and bosses Va. The United Tobacco Stem far in the lead of the sub contest stead of a messy, dog eared pile?
ing unions as whole, regard. South Bend, and the Packard and force the agreement worked out Workers: want to compel you to work for mers and Laborers Union, with a total of 18 subs to date!
less of afAliation. Unless the efHudson companies in Detroit, by Martin with the strikers to Japanese airplanes are bomb their own interests, foon charged that the company refused But there still a month to go! Send all contributions and subs strike!
forts of the Maritime Commis that members would not keep Hudson and Packard ing our native land. Japanese to increase the average wages of to: sion to rob the unions of union work on McCord radiators until members from working on scab guns are slaying our brothers Communist League of South from to a week to the union Here the list of new subs for SOCIALIST APPEAL hiring halls is defeated soon, the strike was settled.
radiators. They expect real en and sisters. Are you willing to ern China. Section of the demand of twenty five cents an the past two weeks. We omitted 116 University Place there will be no organization While the United Automobile forcement and not just llp service. repair this Japanese ship (name Fourth International. hour.
it last week for lack of space and! New York, who advocate collective se demagogy cry will rise in the au leaders, they would finally secure to delay its enforcement for an BE RUN BY GOV is playing the game of the bossesinan Antonint, of Local 89. Jance members. Why don you not enemies of the they of the Executive Board towards duced to the workers with the Faced with a major battle on all STRIKERS FORCE PARLEY ON MOVE Appeal Army we only by deliberately confusing met leo, Tere there were for are there are being halled throces STOP WORK ON JAPANESE SHIP.