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Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth International!
OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 36 Saturday, September 3, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy UAW FIGHTS LEWIS INVASION Drivers Sign Pact War Nears in Europe Locals Condemn Plan Covering 11 States, Czechoslovakia Vital UNION SMASHING To Set Up Dictatorship 250, 000 Workers for Expansion MORE SHIPS TO BE RUN BY GOV Plan STRIKERS FORCE. cxisting after the majoutunment the Klement Reported Killed, Body Found TO MOVE PLANT Der Führer Gives Europe the Jitters To German Plans DRIVE OPENS IN One overpowering fact emerges Tentative Agreement Will Affect 2, 000 from all the foreign news: Europe SAN FRANCISCO Lewis Acts as Foil for Union Wreckers; Would End Auto Union Autonomy and is on the brink of war. It war Operators, Make Teamsters breaks out in Europe, It will enWarehouse Lockout Hand Control to Stalinists Largest Union circle the world with a new conflagration.
The actions of all the capitalist Begins Campaign LEWIS IN SPLITTERS ROLE CHICAGO. One of the major advances in the history of orpowers serve to enforce this ganized labor in the United States took place last week in Chicago truth. Fortifications are being Against Unions DETROIT. John Lewis is invading the auto union under when a union contract covering a quarter of a million men and two pushed at a feverish pace. ArmaSAN FRANCISCO. The bosses the banner of peace and harmony. He is bringing war and thousand operating companies in an area of more than eleven states monts are being piled up at inoffensive against the workers schism into the ranks of the in order to settle a gang of was signed by union and operators committees.
human speed. Opposing armies are maneuvering simultaneously The signing of the contract week in San Francisco, with 120 union busters in the top positions of the union. But it takes two to marked the successful conclusion and citizens are being mobilized of the 200 warehouses in the Bay make a fight, and Lewis is already discovering that the militant auto in test mobilizations. Full cabiof almost a year effort by the Area closed down, locking out workers will not prostrate themselves before him like Ghandi loinnet meetings are taking place, powerful teamaters group, the more than 2, 500 warehouse work cloth brigade. He ll get all the fight he wants. more than he can with all eyes fixed upon one North Central Ares Negotiating ers. On two other fronts the emcountry. Czechoslovakia. and handle.
Committee, to completely organployers became bold, with San within that country upon only one ize the trucking Industry of more Francisco major retail stores After consulting or rather conspiring for weeks, and probably issue the Sudeten issue.
than 11 states. As defined by the refusing to renew contracts with months, with the crew of officers thrown out of the as German Plans at Stake contract the North Central area Commission Extends the of retail clerks union, disrupters, Lewis finally came forward with his plan. This bed The Sudeten issue is not just organized last year, and ship of roses for factionalists to lie in is full of sharp thorns.
ADOLF HITLER Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Hiring Control Over another ticklish minority prob owners demanding extreme modiNew Iowa, Missouri, North Dakota.
More Seamen lem. It is far more important fications of the longahoremen Maintain the status quo.
South Dakota, Kansas and the than that. The Sudeten Issue is agreement explring Sept. 30.
territory continguous to the south weathervane of Germany The lock out started a week ago of the last Convention.
bank of the Ohio River between NEW YORK. Continuing its foreign policy. The direction it when warehouse workers, memPortsmouth, Ohio, and Paducah, drive against union controlled hirHomer Martin put his Anger on takes will indicate the direction PARLEY ON PLAN bers of Harry Bridges In Kentucky ing, the Maritime Commission of German imperialism and Ger.
this dodge when he declared: ternat Longshoremen Ware We could have gotten that in the Militantly Executed last week announced further in man war plans. It will decide def housemen Union, refused to beginning. We were given that While negotiations were not creases in merchant shipping unnitely and Irrevocably whether handle cargo loaded into a box car offer by the expelled officers preceded by a single wide spread der Ita direction. Three Jarge in the coming world war will be prithemselves before the trial startstrike, numbernate strategies anders, formerly on the intercoastal marily a struggle between con. Headless and Legless Body Tentatively Woolworth warehouse. In a delib erately planned maneuver, the car Quick Act Prevents Mortimer, Addo, Halland Frane ployers ample proof that the senger service between New York the Soviet Union will participate Identified as Fourth Victim of containing the hot cargo was Entry of Scabs; kensteen under the conditions of teamsters were able and deter and the east coast of South as an ally of one of them, or if it shunted from warehouse to wareAmerica, in Europe September, 1937. As if nothing will subside into a four power mined to back their demands Leader Praised house, with the workers being had happened since then! Leavwith effective strike action. The These ships, whose crews were treaty that will settle conflicting locked out as soon as they refused ing aside for a moment the long whole project, boldly concetved, discharged several months ago interests in Europe by giving Ger As we go to press the newspapers carry a despatch from Paris to unload it.
DETROIT, August 30. As we serles of vicious practices that was carried out in a militant and when they were laid up for many a free hand in the Soviet that a headless and legless body has been tentatively identified by Committee of 43 Union, with the blessings of Eng. two members of the International Workers Party (Trotskyist) as the go to press, negotiations were re brought on their expulsion, how forthright manner.
shipped through the Sea Service land and France.
The operators committee will Bureaus, government hiring halls and ends, Germany is the mov. body of Rudolph Klement who was kidnapped by the oners is the San Francisco Distrib Radiator Co. to prevent move u. call for the reinstate In the forefront for the employ sumed in the three weeks old can any man who pretends to be permend the whole rast a moment maintained by the Commission, ing figure and Germany must July 13th last. Klement, at the time he was kidnapped, was Secretary utors Association, warehouse ment of machinery to a non union menilor oficers who violated to operators as a whole, at he meet. now being ploketed by unton se move soon. new depression has of the Fourth International and some years before he was secretary Waterfront employers Associa shop in Chlo. Local 230AWA y trust and broke every pledge ing in Chicago Merchandise men in New York and Baltimore. just set in, and the need for forto Leon Trotsky.
Mart. Local unions of the TeamAnother large line, the Dollar, eign markets grows. Unless these sters International will meet in has virtually come under the contre seized, economic decline will Should it even turn out that the body is not that of our comrade longehoremen. Fighting the retail company whole generatiahne otiate their suspension?
They declared a dues strike to Indianapolis on Sept. to hear a trol of the Maritime Commiss be accompanied by declining mo Klement it would make no material difference. All the available clerke is San Francisco Retailers after the able generalship of Moskun, Local President, frusbankrupt the union and starve report on the contract from the sion, but it remains problemat rale, accentuating the dire straits evidence points to his having been murdered by the Council, denying union conditions negotiating committee.
ical whether the hiring for the of German capitalism and pressto the store employes. Lurking betated a major attempt to run its offeers to capitulation. They Present at the conclusion of Dollar fleet will be done through ing down still further the living Fourth to Die scaba Into the plant.
commenced court action to tie up the negotiations, and signing the the fink halls, as the Sea Service standards of the masses. And herents or the fourth Interna and for freedom will destroy them Furnishing strate motor coordona: 50 men crossed the picket line set up a dual International office.
Klement is the fourth of the ad Tits struggle for its own democracy hind all the boss committees, and On Wednesday morning about unlon funds in litigation. They contract as the representative of Bureaus are known, or whether economic traits and flagging home kidnapped and murdered by root and branch. The revolution tion to all the notorious com and entered the plant. Moskun They made gangster attempts to the International, was Thomas the West Coast unions, who have faith will undermine the strength the outside of Russia.
Hughes, General Secretary Treas contracts, will continue to man of Hitler backing, Waiting canurer of the International Brother, the ships through union halls not bring a solution nearer.
Wait who cume over to the by Stalinist assassins.
Ignace Reiss, a member of the tarded but it will not be stopped Francisco Ainoameros strong arm strikers and presenting their vite slanderous statements in the hood of Teamsters. Chairman of the unswerving opposition of the ing simply gives England and Fourth International after the The end of the old Industrial behind the strikebreakers. Once Son officials. Their friends the negotiating committee was West Coast unions to govern France more time to rearm. Moscow frame up trails, was murNew York Faces Association came two years ago inside Moskun men surrounded burglarized the home of one of Joseph Scislowski of Milwaukeement ink halls may force the Walting makes Germany rela dered in Lausanne, Switzerland.
when the waterfront unions suc the smaller group and took postheir opponents. And that don and Farrell Dobbs of Minneapolis Commission to And legal ex tively weaker for the impending Erwin Wolfe and Moulin were Crisis in Relief cessful withstood a 100 day lock session of the plant.
served as secretary.
cuse for temporarily abandoning confilet. Failure to move would kidnapped by the In Spain.
out and turned it into a victorious begin to record their crimes. It Quick Action Wins What makes the present con their announced principle of gov eat away at the very foundations Nothing has been heard from roinstating these gentlemen tract notable in the national laernment controlled hiring.
NEW YORK. The Departstrike. Supplanting Plant, The men who had attempted shows concern for the welfare of Hitler regime. Making a them. Their death must be taken ment of Publle Welfare anwhose guns and clubs only roused to go to work were members of of the then Henry Ford bor scene is that it was achieved Move to West Coast move is accompanied by the pros for granted.
at a time when the labor movethe workers into a more militant an independent union set up last must be the best friend of the nounced early this week that An announcement that the Ma pects of defeat and destruction. Leon Sedov, Trotsky son, died ment generally is on the defensive ritime Commission was consider Caught in the dilemma of Ger in a hospital under circumstances the relief allotment of solidarity, the Committee of 43 week to break the strike. coun. auto workers. 9, 308, 000 for the month of Aucame to practise a more Insidious ell was held and the members of Just contemplate the reinstateand in the midst of an economie ing reviving shipping between Scrman imperialism. Hitler must that can be adequately explained depression. Despite these adverse attle and the Orient would move even if it is to his own de only on the hypothesis of foul play pleted, and issued orders at gust had been completely debrand of union wrecking. Mouth 210 won the company union men ment of George Addes to the Sec.
ing genial phrases and appealing over. The result was that they retary Treasurership.
conditions, under courageous and squarely place the question of struction. And he must move at the hands of the to the public sense of fair play. left the plant and ten minutes purse strings in his hands the With the militant leadership, organized in control of hiring before the West soon.
once to all district offices not the new committee asked only later Moskun withdrew his forces would be easy pickings bor has shown its true strength Coast unlons, as the ships on that whichever the choice, the chaKillings Without Precedent to accept any more cases, and its ability to really fight for run would be government owned.
Never in the history of the labor emergency or otherwise.
that the unions be reasonable (Continued on page 2)
and respectable.
for every Stalinist racketeer, and otic character of decaying capl movement has the revolutionary the interests of the workers.
The relief appropriations The two principal seamen talism will continue and become section been hounded as the The new committee found every legitimate union enterprise When this contract goes into unions voted each month by LaGuarwould go to smash, The Socialist strange allies in the labor moveeffect, the International Brother Sailor Union of the Pacific and aggravated. Whatever the ac. Fourth Internationalists are now dia progressive Board of Appeal has already reported how tions, wars and revolutions are hounded by the Stalinist bureaument itself: Harry Bridges and hood of Teamsters will emerge the Marine Firemen, are Estimate, have been declining Mr. Addes by his sabotage came not certain to be sown.
the rest of the Communist Party as the most powerful and largest waiting for the issue to be crats. The Tsar police, even the each succeeding month, with leaders of the West Coast very near wrecking magnisunion in the country. The build brought to their doorstep, but fasclats are merciful in compariDrive to Southeast the last allotment cut by more cent auto union W. auxilitrying to be who were ing of the North Central District, rather have Initiated and supthan 200, 000, while the army four power treaty at the son with the murderous gang come respected reasonary because the Staliniats would an advance comparable only to ported the fight against the fink present time is a purely academic guarding the rule of Stalin in the of applicants continue to not have a competitor to their Protesting Jobless the unionization of such Indus hall on the East Coast. Realizing alternative.
Soviet Union increase steadily.
hat in hand begging out known tries as auto, steel and rubber, that success in the government The second alternative is While the Fourth InternationalInstead of mobilizing the tee. Town Meetings were held Denied Food As as the Workers Alliance. Similar has closely followed the organiWorkers Alliance membership instances can be cited by the where the forum attempted to zational tactics used by the sain effort to rob the untons of the drive into southeastern Europe. Ists bear the brunt of their hatred, Bureau Closes regardless of the consequences. no honest opponent of Stalinism for immediate and effective acscore. Lewis may take the place of the picket line want Addes neapolis teamsters in expanding ing means sure death to all sea The consequences, however, are is safe. Socialist, anarchist, any tion against this latest attack back but you can bet your botUnder the influence of soft words NEW YORK. New York tom dollar that the auto workers their unions over the Northwest faring unions, the two militant certain war in which the rivalim. member of a group fighting on the unemployed, the Stalin and pleasant meetings, the vigilern states.
unions have urged that a fighting perialist blocs would fight for he against the policies of Stalinism Ist chieftains have turned the ance of the workers relaxed, and largest relief sit in of the past don t!
The militant leadership of Min. united front against the Ank gemony not only over Europe is in danger of his life.
Alliance into an adjunct of the Year of Turmoll concessions were made. Bridges two years was in progress TuesTo save the militants of the neapolis Local 544, developed in halls be formed by all seamen but over the entire world.
Roosevelt political machine. even found it possible to send day night as members of Work All appeals in the controversy the great strikes of 1934, has unions.
Were such a drive definitely labor movement from extermina Meanwhile Progressive locals longshoremen and warehousemeners Alliance Local 15 occupied the. shall go to the next conven Bleecker Street bureau, holding tion of the The next pointed the way for the organizaOn the East Coast, where the begun, the cruelal point for Gertion at the hands of degenerate in the Alliance have decided to through the pleket lines of other on grimly as a cordon of 50 po convention of the union is schedtion of teamsters over the vast ink halls are alreedy well comany would be Czechoslovakia. Stalinist bureaucrats it is essential take steps for militant demon unions, such as the Sallora Union lice kept food from the protest uled for August, 1939. That will area of the new North Central tablished, the National Maritime This is true for economic, strat to drive the vicious murderers out strations at the relief bureaus, district. Dobbs, secretary and of the Pacific of the labor movement. united egic and military reasons. Continued on page 2)
to fight the ruling of the Weling unemployed.
give the Stalinist machinators leading spirit of the negotiating Economically, Czechoslovakia and open struggle against them fare Department in not acHews to Class Line In spite of all past coopera tant local in New York cessant turmoil, to drive out evMembers of Local 15, most mil. one year to keep the union in incommittee. played an important Seattle Council could supply to a large degree is absolutely necessary.
cepting new applicants for rerole in the long struggle precedNothing will avail the Stalinist tion, cooperation that the of came to the bureau to demand ery honest unlon man and in the the needs of Germany, Germany ller. Central Labor Council consist the reopening of the case of a meanwhile to bulld their fence, ing the signing of the agreement.
Hits Fink Halls imports foodstuffs. Czechoslova gangsters. The working class in ently refused to the bosses, it is married woman denied relief by so they can pack the next conkla exports them. Germany needs the unions under the control of the authorities. The woman, liv vention with phoney delegates UNITY AGAINST PICKET BAN Iron ore and other minerals.
SEATTLE, Wash. In na Bridges that feel the first blows ing with her husband for the past from paper locals. And Mr. AdThe and of unCzechoslovakia has them. Gerstrongly worded resolution the from the employers. Roger Lapseven years, was, after several des as Secretary Treasurer will lons of California have united to many needs more facilities for Seattle Central Labor Counham, leader of the Committee of weeks of evasions by the relief supervise the per capita represen.
fight a proposal to outlaw plek cil condemned the establishspeeding up her giant armaments 43 and chairman of the American officials. told to return to her tation to the convention! This is eting. The proposal which was program, Czechoslovakia has the ment of hiring halls and trainHawaiian Stenmship line, drops parents for support. This is the called an world famous Skoda armaments made by the bosses stooge Com ing ships by the Maritime mittee for Pence firm, with its more than 40, 000 his false elonk of friendliness and first time that such a dodge has The Communist tal proposal.
Employment Party thrives on Due to militant strike action by issued in a manifesto by the backs the ultimatums delivered by been attempted, as any married this kind of Impartially and Commission and completely Relations will become a law unendorsed the struggle being workers. The three provinces of Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesin, Chinese dock workers in Hong Communist Lengue of China and the warehouse operators.
less it is defeated by the work waged by the Sailors Union of The officers. reaffirm their ers at the next election.
which are compactly grouped konger which the Communist downed tools when called upon Under the guise of demanding and are entitled to relier Ay such laboruntons die under it.
the Pacific and the Marine badly damaged Japa a uniform contract, the distribut Doors Locked Early desire to adhere to the 20 point Firemen against the fink holle.
form one of the most highly in Fourth International) participat nese ship early in June. ors association is determined to When her case was explained treaty. Does John Lewis beForce Removal of Ship Declaring that the union Appeal Available strip the warehouse workers of to the membership of Local 15 at live the has so soon fordustrialized areas in Europe ed actively, at least one Japanese The strike continued for ten the wages and conditions gained their regular Monday night meet gotten that the 20 point program In Bound Volume hiring hall is the only possible Czechoslovakia. In short, fita ex ship has had to be towed to Formethod of maintaining unlon cellently with the economic needs moss for repairs after attempt days until the owners of the ship after nearly four years of struggle. ing. e motion was passed to give was once proposed to end facism in the merchant marine, of Germany Volume of the SOCIALIST pel Chinese workers to perform controlled territory, realizing the mean reducing the workers of the lief. The next morning more than ficers not only affirmed their deand that history has proved Vital War Factor the necessary work.
APPEAL covering the year government control operates to firm determination of the Hong whole industry to the scale of the 10 Alliance members appeared at slre to adhere but signed their For military and strategic rea Inspired 1937 is now available in carethe actions of kong workers not to aid in re lowest paid group of workers. the bureau, and the crowd con names to the program. That beregiment the seamen and in sons, too, Czechoslovakia is cen American and British maritime pairing an enemy vessel.
fully bound volumes. The cost favor of the shipowners, the In reply to demands for a detinued to grow during the day. tore the ink was dry on their sig.
tral in German expansion. An un workers in refusing to load or unIs 00. Send your order in The activity of the Fourth Incent wage scale and shorter At P. a committee of three natures, they were using the procouncil sent copies to other touched Czechoslovakia would jut load Japanese cargoes, the dock ternationalists before and during work week for the retall clerks, was sent out for food for the sit. gram as a door mat.
No, they now and you will recelve your labor bodies asking that the like a Roman blade towards the workers at the Tal Kou Dock the strike so completely refuted in the store owners refuse even to in crowd. As soon as they left the have not forgotten. And they are bound volume immediately.
resolution be concurred in The quantity is very limited. and supported.
vitals of the German economy Yards, the largest dock yards in the minds of the workers the meet with union representatives building the doors were shut and not likely to follow the double(Continued on page 8)
Southern China, rallied to call (Continued on page Continued page Continued on page Continued on page 2)
COPS SURROUND RELIEF SIT IN Chinese Trotskyists Lead Strike Against Japan Ship