AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalInvasionItalyJohn DeweyMarxismMussoliniNazismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyVictor SergeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

AUGUST 27, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Await Nazi Move Franco Refusal to Withdraw Foreign Soviet Japanese Peace Plenty In Czechoslovakia Troops End Non Intervention Farce War Inevitable NEW WAR ZONE INCLUDES CANADA FRENCH WORKERS Basky, Veteran FACE MAJOR LOSS Note Reveals Italian WIRE VISITING SPANISH MINISTER, Hitler Threat Arouses Extreme Nationaland German Plan PROTESTING PENDING POUM TRIALS Trotsky Sees Japanese Militarists Headed August 27 is the tenth anniversary of the signing of the Kellogg istic Fervor; Workers View British for Blow Up; Internal Difficulties for More Aid Pact to outlaw war, handNEW YORK group of prominent educators and writers Efforts With Skepticism Force Stalin Hand protested to Gonzalez Pena, Spanish Minister of Justice, on his some piece of paper to which By ALBERT GOLDMAN arrival in New York, Monday, against the impending trial in only five nations Argentina, Bo.
By LEON TROTSKY cow they give themselves no less By FRANK DEMBY livia, El Salvador, Uruguay and To the proposal of the NonSpain of left wing socialists, anarchists and POUMists.
The telegram stated: The feeling of satisfaction over clear an accounting of the fact Yemen Pulled to put their sig (Special to the Socialist Appeal)
Intervention Committee that the truce between the that a war will inevitably lead natures.
PRAGUE, Czechoslovakia, Aug. 10. This magnificent city, the Franco send his volunteers Newspapers report impending trial CNT FAI, UGT, and Japan should not inspire op to the collapse of the Stalinist Socialist and POUM members. As devoted Partisans of timism about the near future. Ja dictatorship In the intervening ten years, juncture between East and West, has been literally overwhelmed back to Italy and Germany, the the Spanish workers in their struggle against Franco Stalin is willing to grant any pan cannot move deeper into Chithe following wars were not pre by an influx of newspaper correspondents since the beginning of this leader of the Spanish fascists reand International fascism, we demand that prisoners ne and at the same time tolerate concessions in foreign policy in Vented: The Japanese seizure of month the occasion, of course, being the arrival of Lord Runciman plied that he wants belligerent Manchuria and attack on Shangrights before any withdrawal and be tried before the Popular Tribunal in open court and the in Vladivostok. No order the more ruthlessly to that the prisoners be permitted to choose own counsel hai in 1931 32, the Chaco War and his entourage. On the surface, Prague is calm; the people do not that an equal instead of a pro diplomatic can remove this maintain his power within the and be represented by either stational committee or foreign attor from 1982 35, the Italian invasion seem unduly excited in view of the critical situation. They know, at portional number of men be antagonism. Tokyo would prefer country. But these concessions neys. We also request that an of Ethiopia in 1985, the Spanish least, that regardless of the results of Runciman mission, there will withdrawn from both sides. This to postpone settling its accounts and the failures of Soviet diplo of labor representatives be permitted to interview prisCivil War and the Japanese be no war while Runciman is here, so they calmly pursue the even is tantamount to a fet rejection with the until its posi macy in the last two years, kindle oners and be present at trial.
tion in China is secure. But on discontent within the country Chinese War, which are both stil tenor of their ways, take vacations, sip their beer in the many pleas everybody, with the possible exSigned: John Dewey, John Chamberlain, Ludwig the other hand, internal events and force Stalin to demonstrative the present one in ant cafes and talk mainly of the Russo Japanese situation, rather ception of the Committee itself, Lore, Dorothy Dunbar Bromley, Max Eastman, Ben in the R, tempt Japan to gestures of force intended to hide Palestine and British bombing than of Runciman and Hitler, whom they would like to forget. accepts it as such.
jamin Stolberg, Sidney Hook, Meyer Shapiro, Carlo forge the iron while it is hot, that his readiness to make new conoperations in India. All the coun. The experienced observer, how This leaves matters exactly as Tresca, Anita Brenner, Dwight Macdonald, George is, to measure strength immedi cessions. This is the explanation Novack.
tries involved in these ware ever, is not fooled by the easy CZECH PRESIDENT they were for the last two years.
ately. Hence the ambiguous pol for the latest bloody conflicts on signed the Kellogg Pact with the going disposition of the Czechs.
The fascist powers will continue The telegram was sent by the American Fund for Political lcy of Japan: provocations, bor the Manchurian and Korean bor There are countless bits of eviexception of Bolivia to send men and armaments for Prisoners and Refugees. similar telegram was sent to Prime der violations, bandit raids, and der as well as for the fact that dence which reveal the tension Franco forces while the great Minister Negrin.
simultaneously diplomatic nego so far these conflicts have ended democracies beneath the surface and explain will undoubtedly The Swiss have just given tations so as to retain the possi in truce and not in a new war.
bility for temporary semi retreats tangible evidence retain their virtual embargo Tokyo Holds Key their faith the highly surcharged atmos in the ability of the League of phere of Prague, when compared against the Loyalist Government. strengthened by the fact that it, in case the proves The key to the situation is is right now preoccupled with the with London or Paris. One can Nations to preserve peace by stronger than Japan would like. now in the hands of Tokyo. The Quick Victory Impossible In Moscow the inevitability of a Japanese government is ruled by constructing a tank trap with stroll any evening down the stateThe chief explanation for task of putting the screws on It is not at all ly Vaclavske, In 500 yards of the League of Franco rejection lies in the se Improbable that the note from Far Eastern war has long been generals. The Japanese generals Nations Palace in Geneva. and Fifth Avenue, and notice the rlous military reverses he has Burgos was sent just understood. Generally speaking, are commanded by lieutenanta.
this time number of soldiers who walk There is now a tank trap on Moscow has always been Inter This constitutes the immediate suffered within the last month. to create a diversion in favor of every rond Into Geneva briskly past, saluting each other.
ested in delaying the war, as danger in the situation. The Had he been able to continue Hitler. Ajab from behind by (Continued from page 1)
The population, from capitalist much because rapid Industrializa lieutenants grasp neither the poto worker, eyes them with pride.
he felt confident that the end of that the British Government bethis march on Valencia and had Franco is as good a hint as an agressors, lawbreakers, and diction strengthened the military sition of Japan, nor the position From fourteen to fifteen billion One can almost read behind the Loyalist resistance was really in ter do all it can, through its tatorships.
power of the Soviets as because of the Despite the Chithe inner contradictions of Japannese lesson and partly because dollars year, times the gleam in their eyes their obvious sight, he could have very well af emissary Lord Runciman, to asHull was stating to Europe: where a semi feudal regime still of the Chinese lesson they are amount spent in the year before thoughts: There go our soldiers.
forded a more affable reply to the sure Hitler domination of Cze make no mistake about it, the exists, are preparing the greatest seeking busy victories at the exthe World War, is being paid for Look how strong and well trained proposal of the Non Intervention choslovakia United States, choosing its own social and political catastrophe. pense of the They are armaments in 1938. Thus the na they are. If Hitler thinks that he Committee. But the hopes which What will the Daladier Gov. most advantageous occasion, will Fears War, Not Japan generally mistaken. If they protions indicate their belief that will take Czechoslovakia like he his successful spring offensive Military difficulties which Ja voke a war, it will not produce war has been outlawed. The took Austria, he is making a big ad mistake. We will fight, everyone aroused for a speedy capitulation ernment of France do? It may come into the approaching war. peace loving ation grumble, but tied as it is to Brit and come in with both feet. And pan encountered in China and the immediate collapse of Stalin; democracies, as of the Loyalist forces did not ma ish diplomacy, it is not in a po the United States aims to get the which the Japanese militarists in on the contrary, it will strengthen well as the war madh dictator of us; and our army, almost a terialize. On the contrary the sition to follow an independent lion share out of it.
their extreme short sightedness his position for a year or two, ships, are doing their bit to keep million strong, is the best Loyalists launched two success course, even though the imperiworld. How Will Be Debated full counter attacks with the realist interests of France demand the munitions works going over equipped in the and not foresee, gave rise, how. and this period is more than suf.
ever, to a new situation. The vicient to reveal in reality the full time.
many times now have heard At the same time. Hull was tal interests of the re inner bankruptcy of Japan 80such thoughts from the lips of vathe fascist offensive has been ment which will not interfere again popularizing the Ideological quire that it help China with all cial and political regime. big rious people, representing every There is a spirit that broods stopped and an immediate vic with its route to the French cover under which the people of its might, consciously facing the war will bring to Japan revoluover Palestine, and with God social strata and class!
tory appears out of the question. colonies.
the United States are being risk flowing from this. This is tionary catastrophe similar to the help peace will be restored to Speak No German Under the circumstances, But what the brench or British swung into the war. It is grinly understood in the Kremlin, since one which befell Czarist Russia the Holy Land, declared Mac It is obvious that an intense Franco, necessarily under in Governments do is not half so ironic that an official of the definite opinion upon the Far in the last great war. The colDonald, British Dominions Sec wave of nationalism and patriotstructions from Mussolini and important as what the French bloody and wholly illegal Brazil. Eastern problem has been slaap lapse of the Stalinist dictatorship Hitler, is frank enough and bola retary, on August 11, on his re ism has swept over this small, workers do to assure that the lan dictatorship pralsed highly ing iselt during the entire twen will come only in a second turn.
turn from Palestine.
elongated state, artificially creenough to announce Indirectly. Spanish French border is open the conjoined Roosevelt and Hull ty years of the Soviet regime. That is why for the rulers of JaEDUARD BENES but nonetheless clearly, that he so that war supplies can ated by the Treaty of Versailles, There is indeed a spirit reach speeches as showing the world But the Kremlin oligarchy fears pan it would not be wise to force brooding over Palestine, but and now already half Inside the outside of Russia, and the Germany, and that he does not military successes show clearly mined at all costs to defend fears Japan. No one in Moscow not want, that is, defending the needs more help from Italy and the Loyalist forces. The recent that the Americas were deter: war. This does not mean that it Stalin Into doing what he does scarcely one of peace and holljaws of Hitler Greater Ger sangster apparatus, although at intend to be hampered by any that the Spanish workers are democracy.
ness. On August 19, Arabs were many. Instances are too numer present quiet, is waiting for the agreements doubts that the Mikado could not with arms in hand.
from getting that far from having given up the besteging Hebron and there was ous to mention, but one made a time when it will be more politic Rid. And via Franco rejection, battle. The fact that Negrin has Queens College address will preThere is no doubt that the withstand a big war. But in Mos Coyoacan, Aug. 12, 1938.
heavy fighting going on be profound impression upon the for it to move more openly and Hitler and Mussolini have once to make positive denials of his cipitate a lengthy debate in the tween the British and Arabs knew that Czechoslovakian is a freely around Acre and the plain of again announced to the world purported negotiations for a new Congress. It is equally cerslavic language and would be so much gibberish to me, but did In fact, it is only the small their intention of guaranteeing a truce with Franco shows that the tain that the puny hearted ConSharon, British planes machinenot anticipate any language ditvoice of the Fourth International victory for their puppet.
gunned Arabs, as the military Popular Front leaders would not gressmen of the isolationist bloc, might of Britain proceeded to that is raised here against the Heulties as took it for granted dictatorial war plans of Czecho Unpleasant As Franco (or dare to come out openly in favor all of them wholly devoted to the Militant, Dead restore peace to the Holy Land. that almost everyone in Prague Slovakia and then chauvinistic rather Mussolini s) intransi of reaching an agreement with fundamental interests of would sperk German. Time after poison that has been injected into geance may be to Prime Minister the fascists. Such a peace is pos: capitalism, w11, after windy and Delivering the coup de grace NEW YORK, August 19. fore the war machine, just as General John Pershing has all, Finally, asked a comrade to the bloodstream of the proleta Neville Chamberlain, the predic sible only over the dead bodies of face saving oratory, fold up beto the last remaining conquest Louis Basky, veteran American arrived in Paris for his yearly explain this. He replied: Oh, yes. riat by these so called workers tion can be safely made that the the Spanish workers, latest slap in the face of the Tory Workers Aid Needed leaders, they did in the case of the Big Should the French workers be Navy Bill, and will on every won as a result of the strike revolutionist, died last night in tour of inspection of American Most Czechs speak German, but Economic Crisis Government will not change its action of the French workers in Metropolitan Hospital of pneuwar cemeteries in France. Noth they will not do so nowadays if policy of reconciliation with Mus. gin real struggle against the other decisive issue.
ing. said the World War com they can avoid it.
Only a mass movement directThe present crisis is equally re solini. It is true that last Aprli non intervention farce (which ernment of Daladier (unani on the 15th. He was afty six years mander, can prevent me from The reasons for this chauvin vealed, although perhap mously approved in the Cham old, part of the fascists only. the machine and its plans can hope visiting the American graves in istie sweep are not hard to find. dramatically. in the WAS expressly stated by the guarantees intervention on the ed unequivocally against the war British Government that it re France annually as long as Hitler annexation of Austria Beld. True, the two sigantie en garded the settlement Spanish workers would be tre to have the slightest efficacy.
ber of Deputies last April) con. After his arrival in this counof the tinues to advance the march of try from Hungary, Basky entered live. Here is comfort for the made the Czech bourgeoiste real terprises of Czechoslovakia, the Spanish question as a prerequi mendously heartened. So much so But at the head of the war ma reaction in France. The news the American revolutionary soldiers of America future wars ize that they were next. Rela Skoda munitions works and the site of the entry into force of the that they might even begin to chine stands Franklin Roose papers laconically inform us movement forty one years ago Go, ye heroes, go and die, se tively far more powerful and Bata shoe factories, are still agreement between the British speak once more in sharp terms velt. That is what makes so imthat this is not an abrogation when he joined the Socialist La cure in the knowledge that every clever than the Austrian bour showing profits, but at a dimin and Italian Governments. but to the Loyalist Government measurably criminal the actions which, because of its desire to of the labor bureaucrats, reform of the 40 hour week, but a bor Party. In later years he be modification of its interpret came a member of the yen him ne may be, your com determined to fight for the pres preciated, the Czech kronen being British Government was perfect been looking to the French and know tined behind Roosevelt in SELVE Spanish capitalism, has ists, Stalinists, liberals, who are and was quite active in many mender in Chiet will pay a pious ervation of their internal imperio placed in the category of the ly willing to wait for a Franco British capitalist governments for the current elections.
By their The prime minister stated in strikes in the Past among the pilgrimage to your graves!
his radio speech: am not workers in Schenectady, Bridgethe nine millions of Germans, Slo the German mark and the Italian would be declared officially in aid against the fascist govern New Dealism they are simply against the forty hour law or port and other cities.
vaks, Ruthenians, Hungarians, tire. This makes it quite advan force. It would be absurd to supguaranteeing the success of any other social law, but say ete, who comprise definite matageous for foreigners to visit, pose that the British politiciansnist and Socialist parties of war sharpening the knives The Army Air Corps, acWhen the Communist Party Undoubtedly both the Commu Roosevelt major project the that factories must work nor was founded in 1919 Basky was cording Russell Owen, Now jority of the total population of but in spite of this the tourist did not know of Mussolini de France will raise York Times star reporter, pre15, 000, 000. When the general mo trade of Czechoslovakia, which termination to mally. Thus, in the interests of a charter member. He occupied howl about poised to cut the throats of the national defense and increased important posts in the leading fers the name of flying fort bilization was called on May 21, annually draws hundreds of thou Franco. They, like Mussolini, the necessity of relaxing control workers.
production, the previous exten bodies of the Party Hungarian there were many misgivings in Sands resses to bombers, since to its fumous baths, has hoped for an early fascist victory long as the Daladier Government sion of the work week to 45 section. they do not like the onus that foreign capitals, even, it is ru dwindled to practically nothing. British Busy Elsewhere knows that neither party will do hours in the armaments indushas become attached to that mored, in the Presidential Palace and most of the baths are closed Opposed Stalin GUILD SIGNS PACT The conclusion that the British anything more than howl, it will tries has provided the wedge name. When our military exIn 1927 he opposed the Stalin Only the General Staff of the perts succeed in finding pretty which reduces the French work faction in the Russian CommuArmy was confident that the mo Unemployment increasing Government will not be seriously continue its policy of preventing The New York Daily News unit ers to a palpably worse connist Party and supported the names for all such unpopular bilization could be achieved. They steadily, and the government has exercised over Franco note is real assistance from reaching the of the American Newspaper Gulla dition than prior to the great Left lethal weapons as polson fas knew the strength and training of made absolutely no provision Opposition headed by strikes of June, 1936. Of course. Trotsky. He was summoned to and subm Ines, nobody can The victory of the Spanish has just signed an agreement have any objection to being a that the famous Skoda munition, is, in reality, the slogan of this peacefully. That requires time. workers depends upon the ability with the publishers improving the 40 hour law, for the time appear before the leadership and being, will remain on the statute offered the alternatives of givcasualty the sweet and gen works gave them. It turned out democratic government; and, Can Hitler wait a year to carry of both the Spanish and French minimums in pay, forcing higher books, but overtime will nowing up his struggle or expulsion.
tle defense of democracy that went off like clockwork. In some nor trade unions lift a finger intration that is to be proposed the paralyzing hold of the treach out a plan to extend salaries to be a master stroke. Everything of course, neither the out the policy of peaceful pene workers to free themselves from severance pay, and has worked be paid at no more than 10 He refused to yield and together some people, with no sense of above the regular wage.
decency, Insist on calling Im towns in the Sudeten areas, defense of the unemployed. As Moreover, while the Czech gov: erous reformists of all types and with a number of other Hunwhen soldiers began to appear, matter of fuct, the trade unions, ernment is quite willing to grant to fight fascism with the meth above the minimum on the basis Troops Break Strike perialist war.
garian workers who supported the Nazis almost a free hand in ods of social revolution.
they thought it must be the ad controlled by the Social Democ of merit.
Simultaneously with this heavy his stand was expelled blow, Daladier scored another vic Following his expulsion he and The du Pont family of Delawance guard of Hitler leglons, racy, do not even exercise the the municipal administrations in The Henleinists turned out to wel strength which their numbers the Sudeten area, such proposals tory for the bourgeoisie when he his co workers published a wood ware, who are not strangers to come them, only to be immediate permit them, working hours be. Will weaken their authority conmoved in hundreds of Sengalesely paper in the Hungarian lansome of these instruments of death or the profits to be made and decided that that WAS notaverage Czech worker earns indicated that they will insist that ly disillusioned. Hitler took pause ing very long and wages low. The siderably, and they have already troops to Marseille in order to guage, the Proletar, in which unload ships there and thus at they expounded the views of the from them, is building a 300, 000 the moment. The result WILS to about 00 a week, Czechoslova control of the police, army and tempt to break the militant dock Loft Opposition. They were maktomb to house the remains of the er strike, which has been going ing plans for the publication of late Alfred Irenee du Pont, with raise Czech patriotism to a fekis may be a tourist paradise financial departments in the Subut hardly a worker In true deten cities remain in their In the August September Issue: room for five other du Ponts, verish pitch.
on for more than a month now. a paper in the English language hands. Whether Runciman can Rooseveltian Popular Front style This monumen Class Lines Forgotten The resignation of the Minister when other and larger splits will be a tower the entire burden of the crisis find a formula (and any formula of Labor, Ramndier, and that of took place over the same issues.
with a carillon and beacon lights, But far more important than and the war preparations is must be at the expense of Cze ART AND POLITICS by Leon Trotsky Minister of Public Works, Pros and Basky and his Co workers and six passenger elevator the strategy and propaganda of sard, both members of the neo Joined with the new forces to just the right size for the ghosts the bourgeoisie in the develop placed on the back of the work choslovakia) that will be agree ers.
able to both Henlein and Benes MARXISM IN OUR TIME, by Victor Serge Socialists (a parliamentary right found the Communist League of of all six du Ponts to ride upment of the nationalistic spirit remains to be seen. The populaand down in. Thus one of the here has been the complete de What will Runciman do? This tion here is skeptical, but in any wing split off from the may America in the fall and winter greatest of America sixty fa generation and capitulation of the question have propounded to case it believes that war is inTHE SOVIET CINEMA, by Dwight Macdonald not have any great political sig of 1928 29 nificance, but it is also possible Basky remained with the Com.
milies will be housed in death mass workers organizations, the many workers. Invariably they evitable, and sooner rather than THE ENGLISH LITERARY LEFT, by Dupee that these rather astute politicians munist League until months in something like the style to communist Party, the Social De reply: don know. We hope later.
still fear what the reaction of the after its merger which formed which it is accustomed in life. mocracy and the trade unions for the best, but we do not ex Meanwhile, absolutely no steps They have completely solldarized pect anything from him. In this are taken by the government to POEMS. STORIES. ART CHRONICLE workers will be to this open the Workers Party when he left provocation of Daladier with a small group. He was conthemselves with Benes in an un the Czech workers show admirarm the workers or to solve the When one stops to consider that nected with this group up to the One section of the American written People Front and, withablo good sense and a healthy nationalistie problem in an effecand other Features unemployment in France has time of his death people does not need the relief the exception of the German So distrust for the chicanery of Brit tive manner. Nor can any capitalbeen increasing steadily during our generous government is try cial Democratic Party (in Sude ish diplomacy. The newspaper ist government do so, without unthe past six months, then the at the gains of the workers has Ing to folst on it. survey of ten Czechoslovakia. have aban correspondents are beginning to leashing a workers revolution amazing demagogy of Daladier is passed. The People Pront did INTRODUCTORY OFFER the working capital position of doned even making a pretext to chafe at the lack of news, but it is this that the Fourth Interfully revealed. If it is necessary its dirty work and collapsed, leavAfty major and Afty moderato fight for the self determination of those on the inside predict that national realizes, but which the to increase production, then why Ing the bonapartist government sized corporations conducted by the national minorities.
these conversations of Runciman Czech workers do not yet realize not put the unemployed to work of Daladier in complete control.
an investment firm found that While the Stalinist apparatus is will bring the Henleinists and the The instinctive hatred of the The answer lies in Daladier statbanks will be unable to count With each passing day revealconcentrated in Prague, having Government together over the workers for Hitler is legitimate PARTISAN REVIEW ement that labor costs are too ing the disillusionment of the on Industry a source of de nothing at all in the Sudeten same table, the bject being aand progressive. But they must be 22 East 17th Street high. The bourgeoisie are not workers, left impotent by the bemand for the greatly increased areas, its 40, 000 members wield a formula which will appease the made to realize, as the new loans urged interested in providing work for trayals of their leaders in the them recently far greater influence proportion situation for a time, as the no united organ of the Fourth InterNew York, NY all and decent living conditions. Socialist and Communist Parties, by the Reconstruction Finance ately than the 180, 000 members torious lng in England rearma national, Proletarske Noviny.
Corporation. This is quite of the Czech Social Democratic ment has even handicapped her points out that Hitler cannot be Enclosed please find 00 for one years of Like all good capitalists, their is it any wonder that the bourhearts are to be found in their geoisie has daily grown more surprising says the report, in Party and the 40, 000 German in trying to achieve the Four defeated, nor the independence of PARTISAN REVIEW (single issue 25c. pocketbooks.
arrogant and condent?
Now they view of the expectation that speaking Social Democrats. It is Power Pact. The difficulties are Czechoslovakia maintained, withOpen Offensive strike out openly and boldly, dethe undistributed profits tax important to note, however, that many.
out at the same time pursuing an would cut working capital WRY The concealed offensive against termined not only to abolish all while the Stalinist influence is on Belleve War Inevitable Name intransigeant policy of class the living standards of the masses the conquests made by the workdown. Since Industry has more the increase, it is largely amongst struggle against the Czech bourmoney than it knows what to and the conquests of June, 1936, ers in June, 1936, but to annihithe intelligentsia and the potty England has no qualms about geoisie. Only workers state, Address that the workers forced the Peo late the entire labor movement in do with, what about some more bourgeoisle. Prague 18 already giving Hitler Sudeten Czechoslo part of the United Socialist States ple Front to write into the law, France. Thus, in practise does of it for unemployed relief and the second (next to Spain) larg vakia. After all, it doesn belong of Europe, can save CzechosloCity State has long since moved into the the People Front pave the way est concentration point of the to her, but it must be done vakia.
open. The time for nibbling away for fascism.
ation, ments is PARTISAN REVIEW