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We Want No Moscow Trials in Spain, Minister Pena!
Socialist Appeal Vital Questions To Spain Minister of Justice Pena OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 35 Saturday, August 27, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy Gonzales Pena, Loyalist Minister of Justice at Barcelona, has arrived in the United States. Workers interested in defeating the Spanish fascists have a few questions to put to the Loyalist Minister of Justice. Why are revolutionary and devoted anti fascists hounded by the Loyalist Government? Why does the Loyalist Government permit the to kidnap and murder revolutionists devoted to the cause of the working class? Why are not the anti fascists now in jail given a public trial? Why does the Loyalist Government refuse to make public the preparations for the trial? Will the Loyalist Government permit a commission to be present at the trial and to examine the defendants and the witnesses?
There is no more fitting person than the honorable Minister of Justice to answer the above questions and to bring back to the Loyalist Government the news that those American workers who are the most militant fighters against fas.
cism will not believe a single word of testimony given at a trial which is only a replica of a Moscow trial.
Militant American workers will announce to the Minister: To defeat the fascists you must liberate the anti fascists.
ST. PAUL UNIONS DEMAND IDLE FACTORIES BE OPENED, OPERATED UNDER WORKERS CONTROL Paper Unions Rule Labor Will Clean Approve Plan for atBridges Conclave It Own House! No Profit Industry Includes Canada in Calif. State Meeting US War Zone; Hull Shakes Warning Fist At Europe Hands Off, Mr. Dies!
category of good Americanism. At any rate it has not turned STRANGE MEDLEY recognition of the tuplaligirof the the main purposes of the Dies Committee is to counteract the AT YOUTH MEET Roosevelt BY IN NEW mind by the testimony of the witnesses who appeared before JERSEY ELECTION As On the Slide An Editorial Propose Law Would Have State Take Over Admits Impotence Reactionaries everywhere have rallied around the House Closed Plants to be Run by to Aid Unions Committee to Investigate Un American Activities of which ConJobless Workers gressman Martin Dies of Texas is the chairman. They look hope LOS ANGELES. This body is Fully to the Committee becoming a real battering ram to be used powerless to aid, said Harry against everything and everybody that might in the least interfere AT UNION HOURS, WAGES Bridges, at the tail end of the California State convention with the inalienable right of the employers to exploit the workPledge of Armed Support to Canada held in Los Angeles Inst week ers to their hearts content.
Fourteen million jobless workers stand idle throughout the end. This confession, made during Every open shopper, every politician and labor leader, United States, unable to earn a living through gainful employShows Imperialist Plans for a discussion of a resolution inanxious to show how faithful he is to the interests of his masters, ment, fortunate if meager relief provides them with a bare World Dominion troduced by the United Connery every stool pigeon and petty racketeer comes forward with lies and living.
and Agricultural Workers asking for help in organizing the indushalf truths to convince the American people that our great Amer In a nation that surpasses all others in its power to produce, President Roosevelt last week utilized his trip to Canada to try, confirmed in full the asserican institutions are about to be destroyed by plotters of high and these fourteen millions are turned out upon the streets, the facmake his most dramatic pronouncement on foreign policy since his tions of the Rubber Workers, low standing tories boarded up, the smokestacks of industry smokeless.
Chicago Address inaugurated the new stage in the preparations of Auto Workers and Garment To fool some people into believing that the Committee is No profits no jobs!
the United States for the coming war. Before an audience gathered Workers, who boycotted the con impartial and against all those who are connected in the popular Against the senseless contradictions of the profit systemto watch him receive an honorary degree from Queens College, he would be futile.
mind with un American activities, some gestures were made in want in the midst of plenty, idle plants surrounded by idle men pledged the armed forces of the United States to a defense of Showing its complete bankruptthe direction of investigating the more or less official fascist workers in St. Paul offer their own solution. Let the workers Canada.
cy by Aling all motions that had groups. After a perfunctory examination of witnesses on Nazi open the idle factories, regardless of profits! Let them be operThe Chicago Address last autumn marked the open and cona militant trade union content, activities, the Committee proceeded to its real objective.
ated by the workers, under union conditions, hours and wages.
scious recognition by the Roosevelt administration of a new world sell the California Industrial UnIt is to be noticed that the Committee evidently considers Labor everywhere will join them.
war, and the beginning of deliberate preparation for it. Before that, ion Council and elected an executhe arming of thugs and gangsters by Tom Girdler and others of however, at the Buenos Aires Conference, Secretary of State Hull tive board of eleven. Staliniats to. ST. PAUL, Minn Voicing its had laid out plainly a main line of the strategy of Roosevelt imperi dominated the board and the post alism. Speaking at the Confer 1profit system, and its determinaof Secretary Treasurer was given to an investigation of such activities. As a matter of fact, one of ence, Hull flatly announced the the isolationists and pure pacifist of the Young Communist League to Louis Goldblatt, former leader tion to fight for the right of every worker to have a job and a intenti United States to dreamers.
maintain and extend its hegoMooney Protest Killed evidence brought out by the LaFollette Civil Liberties Committee.
livelihood, the St. Paul Trades Witnesses before that committee showed how the employers Patriots From Many meeting squarely faced the probmony over all of South and Cenand Labor Assembly at its last has Resolutions Introduced by the subsequently tral America.
made some pretense that his re Mine, Min and Smelter Workers, spent huge sums to buy armaments with which to arm the scum HARRY BRIDGES War Machine Marches lem of mass unemployment while marks are merely part of the calling for work stoppages in of the earth for murderous attacks on active unionists; how vigi Lands Bicker, Pass factories stand idle, by taking acIn the months which have fol traditional interpretation of the event of deaths on the job, the Monroe Doctrine. This is an ob Killing of any strike pickets and lante organizations were created and spontaneous mobbings War Resolution tion to study the provisions of a lowed the Chicago Address, the vious sham, and controverted by the fallure of the Supreme Court organized all in order to destroy every form of unionism. The proposed act to establish a sysadministration war machine has the opinions of all competent to free Tom Mooney, were all de Under the leadership of the Minnesota, to be run o tem of state owned industries in on a nonseries of amazingly provocative historians. imperialism ex fented as paper union after pa Follettee Committee and of erasing the effect left on the public Stalinista, more than 500 dele profit basis and to provide work notes and proclamations on the poses its hand openly over a new per union all controlled by the gates to the Second World Youth for all the unemployed, Far Eastern situation have told province, the vast expanse of Communist Party took the floor to explain that they would be unthat committee.
Congress, meeting at Vassar Col. The proposed act, already apJapan that the United States Canada, From one point of view, the The Mine, Miland Smelter able to carry out such action.
Upon the stage first stepped John Frey, one of the vice patriotle resolution on war under likelihood will be adopted by the rich Chinese markets. With Roosevelt declaration that the workers pointed out that these lege in Poughkeepsie, adopted a proved in principle by the Cenplochtemptuous regard for the United States will defend Canada resolutions were passed unant. Candidates Oppose publicity given to the representative of the of bureaucracy the guise of fighting for peace. labor movement with few gality, the administration has re is another implicit avowal of a mously at their own convention The resolution adopted is a changes, provides an answer to United States and tried desperately to pass the Act in the Sino Japanese War at and Great Britain. But the decla Mooney resolution after agreeing Hague Political indicates an agreement on the part of the Dies Committee and repetition, almost word for word, the mass unemployment to which the doddering bureaucrats of the of to use the Committee private industry can find no 80the same time that it clamps the ration goes beyond this in sugMachine of the seven point program out. lution.
to cut the stoppage down from gesting that in the tie up Great one day to one half hour. They Act down in Spain.
against the C1o. Frey presented a lengthy report intended to lined by Secretary of State Core State Owned Plants as Congress opened Britain must be considered the were successful in getting the NEWARK, The North show that the was largely under the influence of the Com dell Hull, in his radio address to The act sets up a system by in January, the billion dollar junior partner. Never before in support of the Oil Workers and Jersey District of the Socialist munist Party. Many of the things Frey testified to are well known the nation last week. Hull which common necessities can be lered over the tiny odern history has one great the San Pedro local of the long Workers Party placed in the field military budget was power had the audacity to state shoremen, as well as scattered this week a ticket et of four run to every one in the least acquainted with the labor movement.
statement, like the Congress reso produced without a profit, and Even a casual reading of the Daily Worker would show that most and within a few weeks the Vin that it is the protector of the militants in the other delegations, ning for office in the general distributed to the workers on a lution, is definite attempt to cost basis. The state owned son Big Navy started on its dominion or colony of another but not enough to overcome the elections this fall and opened of the material presented by Frey in his report was taken from that unite the good democratic na plants, under the act, would be victorious parliamentary Journey great power.
solid Stalinist vote against them. campaign to broadcast the revo paper.
tions against the bad fascist operated by a public industries Meanwhile, the Ludlow Amend. Claim War Resources John Brophy, right hand man lutionary message to the workers (Continued on page 4)
powers for a new imperialist war. commission, on the basis of in ment was smashed and buried.
for John Lewis, delivered the in this area.
It is profoundly significant to opening address to the convendustrial democracy through The details of the mobilization recall that in recent studies by tion. Instead of answering the nominated: Irving Rosenberg The following candidates were Political Melting Pot workers councils.
plans were elaborated, providing the War Department of the war If not for its serious conse Although the operating plan is the complete structure of mili: material resources of the imperi charger preferred against Brid. vice president of a io. union)
tary dictatorship, and embodied allat nations, the resources of cases and the leadership by for Congress from the 12th Congress would be really amusing the public industries commission, in bils ready for instantaneous nada are listed among the re the unlons boycotting the congressional District: Reuben Plas Among the delegates there were according to the net, would be passage vention, he avoided the issue by kett (young unemployed leader)
fascists, pacifists, social demo appointed by the governor, the sis. The confidential journeys of of England.
the outbreak of a crt serves of the United States, noting the leaders of the dissi for Congle (WPA worker) for Stalinists Claim Sanction from Lewis: Urgel gether in support of collective which would direct the operation from the 11th crats and Stalinists. All fused to provision for workers councils, State Department and Army of dent unions radicals Franke ficials, the parallel action in The day preceding the Queens Bulletin Distributed State Senator: Willie Crews (vetsecurity. There were sympa of the individual plants, would the East, the complementary College address, Hul directed a The 20 page bulletin distributed eran fighter for Negro rights) for Him to Set Up Czar Rule Over thizers of General Franco, represerve as the basis for genuine action in Mexico, the naval ma short wave broadcast to Europe, to the delegates by the radicals General Assembly. The 18 Auto Workers Union sentatives of the Japanese mil workers control neuvers at Singapore, revealed the two speeches obviously timed created quite a stir. In an at also giving critical support to the tarists, members of the Young Such an net, which has met Communist the de facto existence of a mill. to fit to other. Hull repeated his tempt to save Bridges face, the candidate for Senator, League, supporters the enthusiasm of the St. Paul tary alliance with Great Britain, familiar platitudes about interna delegates from the Ford local of John Palenglo.
DETROIT Three conferences held this week at Detroit, of British, French, and American trade union movement, would be tional law and order, the sancti. took the floor to state Hague Runs Candidates a bitter pill to the bewildered The issues in the fall elections Cleveland and Toledo supplied a striking contrast between the aims imperialism The Queens College speech centernational morality. In even that Bridges endvice to end the are much more clean cut than and plans of the union builders on the one hand and those of the Roor and give a scathing indiet close their plants the moment the same stronger terms than normal, he strike and crawl back on their anywhere else in the country. The union busters on the other. ment of British rule in India, their profits are unsure. It would course of tinued Yevelopment. It was denounced international anarchy, bellies WAS correct. It remains to reactionary Democratic Party The bulld the union conferences and another delegate would deserve as a real demonstration of slapped square into the faces of (Continued on page 3)
held in Detroit and Cleveland tend the British foreign policy. the fact that capitalism is un of the Ford Local will back their Party, as alike as two pens in a were officially sponsored by the Japanese delegate spoke in de (Continued on page 2)
pod, are both controlled by Auto Workers International and fense of Japan invasion in ChiAlthough Bridges had the situ Hague.
brought a large attendance of na, on the ground that Japan Pickets Protest ation well in hand most of the To date Labor Non Partisan representatives and officers must free China from commutime, he ran into opposition on League has not uttered a single Frame Up Trials the constitutional provision re peep about running a single can Fred Beal Defense speaking for the majority of the nism. The Chinese delegate statmembership of the ferring to the composition of the aidate for any office in this arer ed that China is determined to Defeated by drive out the invaders. Every Russell Blackwell, NEW YORK While GonResolutions were adopted on delegate mouthed his own naAmerican movement, received the usua executive bonrd. Roy Donnelly, in spite of the fact that their revolutionary anti fascist, who Stalinist title as Trotskyist former president of San Pedro hunt for some one to endorse zales Pena, Minister of Justice Stalinists the vital problems facing the untional Imperialist Interest. But was recently released by the Fascist and subsequently was ar longshoremen, supported the mo has brought them up against ion: the continued and deter the Stalinista held command of for Spain now visiting the Loyalist Government into the rested in Madrid. Through the tion calling for representation by blank wall so far.
mined prosecution of the drive to the Congress and collective seU. lunched at the Hotel AsCEDAR POINT, Ohio. At the organize the Ford Motor Com curity won the day.
the American consul at efforts of Mrs. Blackwell and industries, and Both Renctionaries tor, members of the Socialist clashed sharply Valencia for repatriation, was friends here, the American State with Bridges on the question. The issues are clear for every convention of the American Fed pany. The recent creation of a Workers Party and the Young mysteriously removed from the Department was recently pre Bridges insisted that he knew one but the Stalinists. In cach cration of Teachers held here last separate Ford Local to be called attained in the resolution itself People Socialist League plek eted the hotel, protesting the boat upon which the American vailed upon to secure his re the men best Atted for the post capitalist party there is only one week, the Stalinists made another LCR 600 with its own officers it is filled with statements about placed. de the need for limitation and protrials of left wing militanta, scheduled to take place soon voyage to Maraeities. The snatch ish government responded to the elected from the floor. On direct in the primaries who stands any national organization and were step towards putting body into gressive in Spain.
Police (Stalinists) who are now promptly releasing Blackwell to many who could better represent out and out reactionaries: Bar Chicago organization, represent ixing Committee and implement Attending the luncheon were respect for treaties freely enholding Blackwell at the head the American consul at Valencia, some unions than their present bour for the Republicans, Ely for ing the largest local and two ing this resolution.
a number of well known labor quarters of the Secret Police atat whose residence he took tered into, self determination thirds of that clty teachers. The continued drive for the orand abstention from the use of representatives and the unions the Democrats.
leaders, including Norman Valencia refuge, under guard as it was who had suffered his interference Ely has been a creature of whose slate elected a majority of ganization of workers in Thomas and Charles Zimmerin His wife, Mrs. Russell Black put.
in the past knew what the die Hague for many years and the executive council. The Stalin to the union auxiliary and concies. The Congress, however, man, Lovestonelte head of Lowell of New York City, has been In what may be an unprece tator meant.
mortal enemy of the ists were successful, however, in crete steps pledging the organi had not a word of criticism of cal 22, Garment Workers Uninformed of these sensational dented coup, the Spanish Govern Donnelly retorted that he was work Ever since electing their candidate for presenti of the unorganized com the democratie nations such as ion. Zimmerman, who was in charge of the luncheon, preevents by Secretary of State Cor ment through its stalinist Secret stek of hearing the cry of democ ment through Roosevelt and bageri Jerome 25 avisby 28 petitive plants were also featured England, France, or dell Hull. Like Ossietzky in his Police, reversed itself and upset racy and thought it would be Hague to the post of State Ad majority of 325 votes to 233 for in resolutions. Confidence and States who are today arming to vented delegates from the picket line from presenting a prison interview with the press the arrangement between the two Food thing to put it in practice ministratorimo o PAcio lol has won the Herceg no lo tiene en die te enthusiasm were prevalent among the teeth, denying self determina petition to the minister from the American Consul afterward from American custody when the they initiate it in the convention. ti labor policy. He has been sup. sary to point out that while the that the union was lifting out of Justice to the working class, and Loyalist Spain Banners carried by the said he had not been treated. American consul turned away one of the stooges gave the ported at every turn by Wash Bestation, voleil we mental y antes the more inte diverteptive faction preparing to use force in defense from seeing him off on the boat.
marching pickets, calling a Promised Freedom The group which has been microphone and shouting, Stalinists in the Soup personal prestige some votes of plunged by the union wrecking Cordell Hull was the Congress halt to Moscow trials in Spain, After The Stalinists are rushing about unaffliated delegatos.
agents of the Communist Party. gulding light, and Mrs. Eleanor attracted considerable attencism and for socialism in Spain, continues its appeal for assist go down the line with Bridges, this week trying to get organiza Another contested issue was a In Toledo, an entirely different a hate war as much as tion from the noon timo crowds about the fashionable for nearly two years, Blackwell, ance. Send funds to John Mc Otherwise we will be here for two tions to send letters and tele resolution calling for the release picture was presented. There Roosevelt gave the keynote adwho has a long and honorable Donald, 63 Washington Square, weeks. Thus was the State grams to Roosevelt, notifying of Fred Beal, Gastonia textile the expelled officers, the Commu dress. Yankee imperialism behotel in the center of Times record in the American labor New York City.
launched. Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 2) came the savior of mankind.
Wreckers Map UAW Split CHICAGO SLATE IN Blackwell, Freed by Spanish AT MEET Gov t, Snatched from Ship hands