Andrey VyshinskyAndrés NinBujarinCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGPUGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyKidnappingMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

AUGUST 20, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Peace Trotsky Brands Klement Letter as GPU Forgery Plenty Victims of Nazis Write Pitiful Letters to Analysis of Alleged Letter Reveals Glaring Inconsistencies; Kidnappers Exposed o in New Book on Fascism to Be Published by Pioneer Polish Dissolved; CallStalinist Chiefs Spies On the fortieth anniversary of the occupation of the Philippines by American troops, President By LEON TROTSKY did not initiate him into the ceed from the fact that the letter Reports persist that the Communist International has disManuel Quezon, stooge of Imperialism, told a huge crowd solved the Communist Party of Poland and has declared that Driven to desperation by the United States rule has brought terrible persecution of the Nazis received by mail via New meaning of this alliance. In other was forged, the explanation is ina telephon book and at you. York City on August the letter words, my frankness had the laiented by the entire technie of until further notice there will be no in that country. Since name, thought, perhaps this peace and prosperity. educar and unable to obtain entry into man can help me.
in Gorman signed Frederic. The angle purpose of helping out the the Where ignorance is combined with brazenness. In the tion, sanitation, agricultural and these reports have not been denied by the Stalinists, it can be letter is dated July 14, without in had to emigrate from Gertaken for granted that they are true.
industrial enterprise. security this country without affldavits of dicating the mailing place. The Frederlo writes further on the Moscow trials all opponents of and happiness, freedom from friends or relatives who will as many, because am a Jow. The reason for the dissolution as given by the is nancial pressure, and a higher sume financial responsibility for don know if you are an arian Inner envelope bears in German same score that what was called stalin were thrown into one heap.
that the Polish has been led by spies and provocateurs.
Ameror a jew; but, does that be so the words, for LD. It is nec using fascism was direct collabo Among the members of the nonmode of life. All this we owe to them, a frantic search ican city directories and tele Important?
essary to establish from where ration with the Gestapo. Not existent right Trotskylte bloc No explanation was, of course, given how it could happen that flag and the great people phone books is taking place in and by what route the letter word on what this collaboration were included not only Bukharin that a party should be under the leadership of enemies of the that it represents.
Germany and Austria. am a girl of 21 years, born reached New York. Let me add consisted of and precisely how but also Brandler and even SouIn 1932, after thirty four years revolutionary movement for a long time without the geniuses In Vienna. am a drone maker Many Americans have received that the marks and lines on the Frederie learned about it. In varine. In accordance with the of American rule, per capita Jetters from Germans or Austriand a painter, but will do evof the having suspected it until recently.
Income in the Philippines was ans bearing the same or almilar ery work!
margin which appear on the pho this part Frederich follows same logie Brandler finds himself tostatic copy were made by me strictly the shameless methods of among people who broke with No one in Poland, outside of the fanatical Stalinists, gives 50 a year. beg you, help me by sendthe Fourth International to which names, trying to establish a relain red pencil upon first reading Vyshinsky Yezhov.
the slightest credence to the fantastic charges of the It Ing an affidavit of support.
tonship, and begging for affidahe never belonged.
the letter.
is taken for granted that the leader of the Polish Lensky, The most expensive sport in vits to enable them to come to hope with all my heart Klement began his letters to FOLLOWS VYSHINSKY FREDERIC the world, grouse shooting in this country.
that something will come out of has fallen from grace and, together with his supporters, has me with the words: Dear Com PATTERN DEFENDS BEALS Scotland, opened August 12. Pome, having neither relatives this letter.
been liquidated by the Most of the leaders have been rade The present letter Among the American sportsmen nor friends, are picking names beg you to excuse this letbegins with the salutation: Mr. Then follow accusations of living in the Soviet Union for many years.
taking part were Quincy Bent. at random out of telephone books ter, but my presente Circuit Trotsky. This salutation appa: serve as motivation Cor Klement tinues Frederie, that public 13. It is puerile to think, convice president of Bethlehem Steel and sending pleading letters, ask stances are forcing me, to try and Morgan, whose many ing for the chance to live like hu any possibility.
hostile tone of the letter which break with the Fourth Interna opinion will allow itself to be pa solve this question we can and FRENCH POLICE house guests will include the man beings. Awaiting your kind answer, announces the break in relational and with me personally. It cited by the simple declaration must utilize the services of RESPONSIBLE King and Queen of England. It is friend of the American Fund remain your faithfully, tions.
is curious that this part of the that they are all agents of the handwriting expert.
estimated that the current grouse for Political Prisoners and Refuletter should begin with a refer This phrase is even less Reports received from These are the considerations shooting season will cost 10, 000. gees turned over the following This letter is typical of many SKILLFUL FORGERY ence to my Bonapartistle man understandable. None of us have ners, that is, it seems to return said that Nin and other leaders handwriting experts, confirm France, after investigation by which led to the conclusion that 000. The rental of moor alone letter he received. We reprint it being sent by workers, who have Klement was kidnapped by the runs anywhere from 500 to below, without correction, as oris neither money without Intorey. Itter is very similar to the hand. Stalinist regime. In passing all by the compositores ends to the The handwriting of the let the epithet applied by me to the of the being annihilated Trotsky conviction that the and that his letter to me letter is a forgery Ed.
is a forgery, fabricated by the gan has his own.
Vienna, the 22. July, 1988 speaks volumes in misery, help writing of Klement. But after the accusations in the trials This applies as well to the specialists of the It is very If it should be established, as easy to refute this hypothesis: Dear Sir: lessness, desperation and hope. more careful comparison with against the Trotskyites are built other people mentioned in the The slums in Scotland are Many of my friends are The hope that fellow human be old letters the difference becomes on this pattern: Stalin plasters letter except Roman Well who believe that the letter is a for Frederic must emerge from his probably the worst the writing to different persons in Ings, strangers in strange lands, very striking. The handwriting of his political opponents with through his activity openly distin gery, all the rest will become hiding place and come out with United Kingdom. Rents are the for getting an aff will come to their ald.
the last letter is not free, but crimes of which he himself to gulshed himself in the service of clear of itself: open accusations. If he will not higher than for any part of the davit. But there are no rela To this letter, one can only add studied, uneven; individual char guilty or with accusations which the Klement knew very British Isles except London. In tives of my family in the another urgent appeal that con acters are drawn too carefully are advanced against him. Vy. Well that none of us advanced KLEMENT MURDERED in the clutches of the be. menia the early part of the cen or in an other country. ThereKlement was kidnapped, spirprobably already liquidated es tury over 30 per cent of the fore don ask you, If you are can Fund for Political Prisoners tating. Absence of erasures and carry out this operation almost against the people listed in the Ited away, and probably killed. have been so many others.
population in Scotland Ilved in my uncle, cousin, etc. must and Refugees, 100 Firth Avenue, careful spacing of words, espe automatically. Frederic sub letter. But the whole thing is The fabricated the letter, The chief responsibility in solv.
tenements of one or two rooms, write to a strange man. took New York City.
clally at the end of lines show missively follows the strictly set that Frederic, in passing at representing Klement as a traitoring the mystery of Rudolf Kle bevond any doubt that the letter pattern.
tempts to defend the American, to the Fourth International, pos ment disappearance lies with compared with per cent in has Leen copied from a draft.
Carleton Beals, and other friends sibly with the aim of shifting reEngland, and very little has the French police. Let us hope, no The letter further lists all and agents of the must sponsibilty for his murder upon matter how diffeult this may be, Was the letter really written by been done to relieve the housKlement? shall not presume to the negative consequences of my consequently compromise the the Trotskyltes.
that they will this time prove ing situation since that time.
accusation of connection All this is entirely within the themselves more persistent and writing in similar it each charac past. he states, we were abans with the Therefore this practices of the international more successful than they have The new Fascist youth, said ter is taken by itself; but the doned by such people as Nin, Ro clumsy trick by means of which gang. consider this variant the been in solving all the preceding Mussolini as he harangued his manuscript as a whole lacks man Well, Jacob Frank. The the suspicion extended In my most likely.
crimes of the on French troops at the end of the army Pioneer Publishers has obtained in the hands of every enemy of naturalness and ease. If this is combination of these three names name to such people as evidentsoil.
maneuvers on August 11, has only the American rights to Dantel fascism.
Klement handwriting, then it is strange, Roman Well and Jaly it cannot be applied at all. This At first, as have already statCoyoacan, one ambition and he jealous Guerin brilliant study of Fas America Offers Comparison of only one privilege to bear cism and Big Business and win an unusual feature of the book tional circumstances; more likely can be so only under very excep cob Frank openly returned in again is the style of Stalin Vy cd, assumed that the letter was their time to the Comintern after shinsky Yagoda Yezhov.
written by Klement at the point August 8, 1938 arms in defense of his country issue the book in October. will be special notes prepared by however, it is skillful forgery. having attempted for a while to 14. The name Beals is spelled of a revolver or out of fear for It is true that to die for his The author is a noted socialist the editor relating the emergence From the point of view of act in our ranks as secret agents Incorrectly in the letter: Bills. the fate of people dear to him: CONCLUSIONS Tege an Italian youth has, but one on the French Committee of In many and Italy to events taking and the signature draw attention. With us, maintained an independ in such a manner. But Klement before him by agents. In country is about the only privi and Marxian scholar who is active of the fascist movement in Ger the handwriting, the salutation of the cominterna con te. com Only a person not familiar with or more correctly, not written but CONFIRMED would think the Duce might hest quiry into the Moscow Trials. In place in America. In addition the clearly they have been written atent position, remained hostite to knew the English language well, case this hypothesis is contrmed, been written when received All the above had already tate to admit it.
this book he has not only pro volume will contain a special pre different times (different shade of the Comintern and fell victim of knew the name, Beals, and was the possibility is not excluded from Paris a letter by Comrade vided a richly detailed analysis of face by the author for the Ameri ink) and in a somewhat differ the Klement knows this very pedantic in spelling out that Klement is still alive and Rous, dated July 21, each line of Democratie France is taking fascism in Italy and Germany but can edition.
steps to increase the crop of tactical guide manual of action The importance of this boole ternative: ether the author of the eric ignores it or does not know distinction very well. red names.
that the in the near fu which contirms the above conFrenchmen to die for their against fascism.
15. The German of the letter is ture will attempt to extract fur clusions.
country too. new deeree re Dwight Macdonald, who will undertake an intensive campaign what salutation and what sig.
correct; but it seems to me much ther voluntary confessions Rous received a copy of the vises the laws of inheritance, edit the American edition writes to obtain advance orders and con nature to use, and resolved the AIMS AT POUM more primitive and unwieldy from him. Confessione of this letter addressed to me, but signed which ever since the Revolution It is of the utmost importance tributions to finance its publica question only after the letter had than the language of Klement, kind dictate their own reply from Rudolf Klement and Adolc.
have divided land and property that Daniel Guerin brilliant and tion. The book will be about 300 been finished: or the forger had FRIENDSHIP who possessed stylistic abilities.
public opinion: let Klement, the Assuming the same signature to among all surviving children. deep searching study of fascism pages and will sell for 00 on already samples of the words amongcall was that the heart be made available in English. In publication. Andere enfant els der Trotske manier Froderdspondence continues in der CONFERENCE is alive, come out openly before be on the original addressed to 10. You have delivered the KLEMENT INITIATES the police, before the judicial aume, Rous expressed legitimate asants have been afraid to have these United States of Jersey City, be accepted Immediately at 25 him from old too many children lest the land the Mohawk Valley Formula and cash with order. All interested while the rest of the letter had to iets. This phrase is absolutely thorities, or an impartial com tonishment over the letter being mission and tell them all he signed with the name Adolf and be sub divided into such small 16. Worthy of attention, too, is knows. We can predict in ad not Camille, the signature Kleplaces that the owners could no means an academie question, urged to send their orders in im characters. Therefore the greater enigmatis net sy boneless: the reference to the forthcoming vance that the will in no ment used during the entire Inst not make a living from them. Guerln has analyzed in great de mediately to Ploneer Publishers, naturalness and ease in the out with the Fourth International, the means of which, hope, in the hands.
The new decree provides for tail the evolution and strategy of 100 Fifth Avenue, New York, so line of the salutation and signapionage of the persecuted the members of words of the letter, to save the and the keeping farms intact. The Min fasclem. Thorough, clearly organ that publication will not be de ture, Gestapo, Klement changed his ister of Justice, Paul Reynaud, ized, intransigently Marxist in its layed. Contributions, of course, the precisely as if they situation for the Fourth Interna CAPITULATION were Trotskyites; In other words, tional. In reality, as can be seen UNLIKELY pseudonyms three times during who was responsible for the de conclusions, this book should be are always welcome.
REVIVE OLD the is subjected to from ample correspondence, Klethe last few years in the followcree, stated: Henceforth the PSEUDONYM mangling on the same basis asment was the initiator of the ing order: Frederie, Adolf, CaTheoretically a third supposi mille. Obviously, the fell pensant will give brothers to quently, to see in the newspapers, his sons and defenders to the on Monday, August 15, dispatches The name Frederlo as the adherents of the Fourth In Conference and took the most action is possible; namely, that Kle into a trap. Possessing the nation which needs them.
relating to violations of the truce signature is difficult to explain. la phrase is apparently dictated Insofar as it was aware tered his views and gone over Adolf, to lend more plausibilty ternational. Frederlo enigmat tive part in its organization. The ment had suddenly radically al names: Klement, Frederic, and concluded only four days before. It is true that Klement once re ally used this pseudonym, but he by the desire to set against of the inner affairs of the Fourth voluntarily to the side of the they placed on different copies all The debut of the daughter of Competent observers point out, abandoned it more than two Trotskyism those members of the International (through the press, drawing from this all the three of the names (which is abMr. and Mrs. Henry Ripthat while Tokyo is not ready by years ago when he grew suspi who have not yet been internal bulletins, and possibly practical conclusions, that is surd in itsell. but did not use ley, patent medicine millionaires (Continued from page 1)
in Newport last week, was estiany means for a war with the clous that the name had become murdered by the through secret agents) might consenting to support all the the only name which Klement acmated to cost 50, 000. An emermatch for the considerably be Soviets, its armies are neverthe known to the or the Ge 11. The accusations which refer have hoped by kidnapping Kle frame ups of this institution. One tually utilized as his signature set and harried forces of Japagency ballroom, to be torn down less anxious to remain in a posl. stapo. The letters which have to a later period are of no less ment prior to the Conference to can go even further and assume during the last period, nese Imperialism on the Asiatic tion to push on toward Siberia in received from Klement in Mexico false character. Recently our or stop the organization work and that Klement has always been a after the dance, cost 15, 000, the orchestra received 10, 000, chammainland.
case of a heavy entanglement of for the last year and a half haveganization was abandoned by prevent the Conference itself. agent. But all the facts, in PORTFOLIO STOLEN That Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia armed forces in been signed either Adolf or such people as Sneevilet and Verpagne cost 5, 000 and flowers cluding the letter of July 14, make 17. This same part of the letter this hypothesis absolutely incon prior to Klement disappear Fascist Italy, in spite of thelr On July 8, that is Ave days 2, 500.
anti Comintern pact with the erale ere not yet sure of is the What made Klement return to a political sense and wisdom in the posal of including Walter Held in ment could have granted the ished in the subway. It is under According to a recent report question as to whether the Soviet long abandoned paeudonym, espe Spanish question. Sneevilet and the International Secretariat ap the greatest services so far stood, of course, that the portposition to sld their ally or else Far Eastern Army would be able clally in a letter to me? Here the Vereecken in reality showed their parently by orders from over as it was a question of taking fotto could not be found. Klement. in of the New Jersey Labor Commissioner, at least 100, 000 womwere indifferent to his demands.
en in Industry, or over half Only Breathing Spell sukran border in case of a the forgers of the letter had in was accused by the stalinists of there. In other words the author my life, the life of Leon Sedov, or who well knew that the However, any such threat at the other extreme of the their posses of Kle being connected with fascism. that Walter Held is an agent of laborators and my documents. He own home, immediately informed those gainfully employed in the termining the fate of my col In Paris acts as if it were in its State, receive less than a bare the Nipponese have been forced Union of Socialist Soviet Repub ment, signed Frederie, and that Thus it seems that Frederic on the Gestapo. The absurdity of had the possibilty of coming out every section of the Fourth Intersubsistence wage of 663 to undergo in the current border lics. They are not decided in their they were not aware of the the one hand solidarizes himself year, and 35, 000 women earn wine less than a week.
formed into an aggravating fac show of strength of the Red Ar vestigation this circumstance is of Vereecken: and on the other, rey, casting a shadow upon one of those days at least would have sending letters to the old adwho know Held. revelations, which in folio, suggesting that they cease tor in the decline of the fortunes my: they don know whether it very great importance.
peats the accusations against the homework on infant weer in whole.
It would, therefore, be a has no immediate apprehensions there are something like two lev them, consequently, also against pourth International sone of than now. But during the MosMore than half the women in of Japanese imperialism as is due to the fact that Moscow In the content of the letter opponents of the among the prominent adherents of the made a much greater impression dresses, the On July 15, after receiving cow trials Klement did what he Adolf letter postmarked Perthe South make less than 75 mistake to consider any perma. regarding its Ukrainian tront els which are mechanically con the of connections with week, according to the report nent settlement of the border As a result of these considera nected with one another. On one fascism. It must be added that 18. The letter ends with these could to unmask the frame ups, pignan, the French comrades visof the National Emergency Coun quarrel close at hand. The truce tlons, it is expected that, in spite hand, the letter repeats the vile during the last several years Kle words: have no wish what actively helping Sedov in gather ited Klement room. His table cil, which has just been issued cannot be considered as anything of the truce and the pending ne falsifications of the in rel mentoften reproached me in ever to come out openly against ing data, Klement showed great de was set, everything was in order, The average annual income in the else, from the point of view of gotiations, clashes along the erence to my connections with friendly fashion with being too you: have had enough of it all, votion for the movement and a not the least sign of preparation South in 1937 was 314. The av the Tokyo war office, but a Siberian Manchukuoan border fascism, relations with the Gesta tolerant and patient in regard to am tired. go and leave my serious theoretical interest in the for departure! The importance erage tenant farmer received 73 breathing spell which is to serve will continue, if not increase. The po, etc. on the other hand, it Sneevliet and Vereecken. But ap place for Walter Held. The fal discussion of debatable questions. this circumstance does not need a year per person, and sharecrop the Mikado strategiats in evolv outbreak of full fledged warfare, criticizes my policy seemingly parently Frederic knows noth sity of these phrases is absolutely To his pen belong a series of ar any elucidation.
pers as little as 38.
ing some new way out of his however, is expected only in con from the point of view of the in ing about this.
evident. Frederich would not ticles and letters showing that he distress nection with acute developments terests of the Fourth Internationhave written this letter if he or had a very earnest, even ardent RUSSIAN STYLE At the session of the intergov.
It was not surprising, conse in the European scene.
al, and tries in this manner to BRANDLER his masters did not intend in attitude toward the program of Comrade Rous points out give an explanation for Klement DRAGGED IN the Fourth International. To feign that the address on the letter some way or another to utilizei ernmental refugee committee in turn. This ambiguity threads subsequently. In what way? This devotion and theoretical interest from Perpignan was written London on August 4, Myron WHAT IS SOCIALISM?
the entire letter.
12. We were abandoned, he is not yet for a movement for a number of the Russians write it, first the Taylor, United States apokesman, By ALBERT GOLDMAN pointed out that 680, 000 persons particular in the years is a task more than dire continues by Molinier, Jan Burmay be releapparentPossibly it CRUDE WORK name of the city, then at the botwith his group, Ruth Fischer, Barcelong trial held behind closed cult.
tom of the envelope the name of in Germany and Austria must Does Socialism exist in the Soviet Union. Is Socialism the way find homes in other countries OF Maslov, Brandler, and others. In doors against the Trotskyltes. It is just as difficult to accept the street. It can be considered out for America? These questions and others of burning imthis list the name of Brandler, But possibly too it is for a larger the hypothesis of a sudden without delay. He stated that the On the fabricated conserva who never belonged to the Trots purpose.
beyond all doubt that Klement, as United States had already agreed portance to workers are dealt with in this pamphlet clearly, tions between Klement and me kyite camp but on the contrary within the last period. If Klement a German and a European, never succinctly and interestingly.
to take its full quote of 27, 000 concerning the admissibilty of was always its irreconcilable and had voluntarily gone over to the wrote addresses in this manner.
What conclusions follow from Comintern and the no Why, asks Rous, is the name from Germany and Austria in the 10 temporary concessions to fasopen enemy, strikes the eye im the foregoing analysis? At first matter for what reason he would Beals written as in Russlan, present fiscal year.
cist heads for the sake of the mediately. Years of open strug upon receipt of the letter had have had no basis whatsoever for Bills. In other words, the RusA dispatch from Berlin, howproletarian revolution, the letter gle in which he invariably de almost no doubt that it was writ hiding. The above mentioned Rosian transliteration of the name over, of the same date, reported Revolution and Counter Revolution represents only a belated repeti fended Stalinism against us testi ten by Klement own hand, but man Well and Jacob Frank, as is simply written in Latin charthat the quota for German tion of corresponding confesty to his animosity, Klement well in a very nervous condition. well as Senin, the brother of Well, acters?
Immigrants had been exhausted in Spain sions at the Moscow trials. knew the political figure of My impression is explainable did not at all hide after their for the next two or three years.
Omitting other remarks from Frederie does not even attempt Brandler and our attitude toward from the fact that was accus turn. on the contrary, Evidently American generosity By FELIX MORROW Rous letter (Rous and other to introduce any vital, concrete him. He knew only too well, attomed to receiving letters from came out openly in the press, and French comrades will themselves does not make it possible to de The tragic lessons of Spain ere of profound concern to the feature into the Moscow frame the same time, the inner lite lement and had never had any well and Senin (the brothers So bring these considerations to the duct even 27, 000 from the American working class and have an immediate bearing on up. More than that, he declares the Fourth International. Why reason to question their authen bolevich) have even made a ca attention of the public and of 660, 000.
their problems. The task of this book is to provide the class simply that the bloe with fas did Frederic introduce Brand ticity. The more scrutinized the reer. Finally, in the case of his the French authorities. shall conscious worker and his alles in America with materials eism was concluded on a basis ler name among the people who text, however, the more com voluntarily going over to the side limit myself now to stating that Great Britain has agreed to pay for understanding the recent events in Spain.
not altogether clear to me belonged to our movement and pared it with his preceding tet of the Comintern, Klement as the first factual information rehalf of the costs of housing her CLOTH 00 PAPER 50 (Frederie. as if thus renouncing then broke with Two explana ters, the more became convinced capable and informed person ceived directly from France fully troops in Egypt; originally Egypt in advance any attempt to under tions are possible. If we grant of the fact that the letter is only should have written a much more confirms the conclusions at which was to pay them all. It is indeed stand or explain the methods, that the letter was written by a very skillful forgery. The coherent letter without self evi arrived on the basis of the anmagnanimous of Britain to rePIONEER PUBLISHERS tasks, and purposes of this fan Klement, we must assume that he has no lack of specialists of all dent incongruities and absurditles alysis of the letter signed Fredlieve her ally of the expense tastic bloc. Thus it seems that wrote it under the muzzle of a kinds. My friend, Diego Rivera, which any investigating magis eric. that is, Rudolf Klement has of the forces used to keep that 100 FIFTH AVENUE somehow found it necessary in revolver and included Brandler who has the refined eye of a trate, any impartial commission, been kidnapped by the ally under the thumb of British NEW YORK the past to initiate Frederic In name in order to show the forced painter does not at all doubt that armed with the necessary docudaxperialism.
to my alliance with Berlin, but character of his letter. If we pro the handwriting is forged. Toments can easily refute.
Coyoacan, August 4, 1838 TENUOUS TRUCE IN BORDER WAR old