AnarchismAndrés NinAntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionFascismGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyJohn DeweyMarxMoscow TrialsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL AUGUST 20, 1938 AMERICA PERMANENT DEPRESSION IV Power Gel Union Busters Plan Rump FIRS Roosevelt, Man of Many Faces, Has But Single Purpose, to Save Capitalism Blackwell, Anti Fascist DEMOCRATS LINE Successful Camp Jailed by Loyalists, Free UP IN PRIMARIES PROTEST LONG HOURS, LOW PAY SEA UNIONS AND GOV FINK HALLS and Big Business Signal Appeal Army (Continued from page 1) LO. International Union, of heart in the administration? United Automobile Workers of Trump Yet to come America, and thereby save it Are these things possible? Not from financial paralysis.
on your tintype! Anybody who has watched the union wreckers These are two strong indicaat work, knows that they play lions. The holding of the splitters convention will finally answer the their game with better cards than By ART PREIS absorb, supporting a government the deuces mentioned above. The question: Is Lewis actually adanswer to the twisting, squirming vising and gulding the Stalinist Franklin Roosevelt has been credit structure mounting to un line of the Communist Party wrecking crew in the auto unlon?
pictured in so many diverse as precedented and top heavy which has finally evolved into Whatever the truth of Lewis pects by anti and pro New Deal heights, unable, except by huge the rump convention and open present role may be, this much ers that disinterested observers of government spending programs split course of Strategy Number is certain the auto union is fightthe man might well feel they are which mean increasing tex loads, Four may very probably be found ing for its life against a host of vlewing grotesque reflections in a to balance prots, prices and proin the name of one man: John Lenemies. The progressives must hall of freak mirrors. These reduction with mass purchasing Lewis.
unite to save the flections continually resemble carl power, the American capitalist It is a known and recognized Enemies in Martin Camp catures in which those features class is preparing its inevitable fact in the labor movement that which are most attractive or most and desperate bid for survival It is time to say a word about the Stalinists have currled favor the chair warming reactionaries detestable are drawn to exar through the military subjection of with Lewis. And it is equally and opportunists camped in Maro gerated proportions, all in accord its commercial and imperialist known that either through a writtin own backyard. It was their ance with the particular pre rivals.
ten pact or a verbal understand. stupid, bonehend polleles which judices of the artists.
It is the role of Roosevelt to ing. Stalinists have been given built up the To his foes on the right, largely best prepare the American nation high positions in the De behind the Beasongth for that task. His entire program the relics of the hard bitten inspite a flood of complaints and imagine that they have a feld dependent industrial feudalists of of economic and social legislation grievances from workers day an earlier capitalism, Roosevelt can be understood only in the Ohio YPSL Holds clean the militants all throughout the country. Lewis militants out of the union. What sometimes appears as a blood red light of such preparations.
has not uttered one word of erit. is this but the reverse side of the revolutionist trampling on the War Demands icism against his stalinist allies. Stalinist medal which aims to most sacred rights of private And they in turn have kept their clean out the militants via its property and the unrestricted ex Support By All YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio. part of the bargain by trumpet traditional methods. Let these ploitation of labor. To these Roosevelt is perfectly aware highly successful educational ing his praise throughout the un gentlemen look to their stewardgentlemen, whose minds see no that the successful pursuit of his and recreational camp of the Defense Needs Funds funds have been collected and (Continued from page 1)
ion movement.
placed in the hands of Mrs. Black.
ship in the service of the union further than the end of black imperialistic aims through mili Ohio district of the Young Now the Stalinist section jack, the slightest gesture of paeltary means necessitates the comTo Complete the before they begin to contemplate Peoples Socialist League onded fication offered by Roosevelt to plete loyalty to him of every well for her husband freedom talist office had to do what saw alliance is being hammered with any expulsions or removals of last week at Lake Milton.
The persons listed below, who yer will necessarily be compelled ion. The last issue of the Socialist have carried the load of union or Works the unemployed or any other section of the population. Such More than 20 young comsection of the workers and poor blind adherence to his designs, redes attended the camp which came together for his defense, and to do tomorrow.
Word has been received that any others designated by them, featured a program of trade ganization and responsibility on Any doubt on this score should Appeal reported the defeats adfarmers, even though the gesture particularly in the part of the be made with an empty hand, ap impoverished masses, can only be union, political, technical and Russell Blackwell has been reconstitute the only group author have been removed by the re ministered the Bridges regime on their shoulders.
pears as calculated betrayal of secured by his convincing the public speaking classes under ment authorities into the custody the only group which has to date Governor Kraschel had already seno later David Dubinsky anyoneers on the side of Martin her to collect funds, and cent experience in Iowa. There the West Coast and the Curran The records a their interests.
American workers and farmers the direction of Widick, By his friends of the left the that he is the genuine champion national labor secretary of the of American consular officials. provided the necessary funds.
Socialist Workers Party.
Blackwell, an American antiineffectual reformers and liberals, of their interests.
More money is needed, and ob by the leaders of the But nounced in the press that his will not stand the glare of public the labor fakers marketing union Further, Roosevelt understands Only was charged for State the union is in no mood to see a ism to the capitalists as an instru: how vital to his aims is the preroom and board for the entire been placed on the Stalinist black charged by this group. It is an vent him from smashing the May scheduled o. New purge of militants by people with ment for stabilizing profits, the servation of peace between capital week, yet, under the excellent list, published here and abroad. urgent appeal, therefore, which tag strike when that strike be Convention.
shabby records, by Stalinista or peace time pacifista, the Stalinists and labor.
administration of Sam Silvers, Lewis May Back Split As a result, after upwards of a they send out. Even the smallest came real threat to one of by anybody else.
year in Spain, he was jailed in amount will be helpful. They have Iowa largest industrial estabwho wish to preserve democracy His program is to keep a con camp director from Young Madrid and the danger arose that asked checks to be made payable Ishments. The function of capis rapidly waning prestige and pow. split is by fighting the splitters!
Is Lewis planning to save his Hands off! The way to Aght the even if they have to silence bystant balance between the classes. town, a profit of 20 was made, frame up. knife or gun every on the one hand he maintains which will be used for YPSL the which has easy access to John McDonald, 63 Washington pitalism no one, therefore, should be throwing in his hot within the way to fight the split is by. get. City labor militant by these he is still his hoid over the masses by at and party activity.
night, the way they got Andres hailed the new St. George of the tacking the most conspiciously The following are members of the auto unlon? There are Workers through the 20 point in Nin; function.
in; or that he would be included the committee: Anita Brenner, common man, thrusting a solid evil manifestations of the capital some strong indications that this program: fight the wage cuts; orspear into the dragon of vested ist system. On the other, while in the Spanish Government James Cannon, Field, Case of Connor is the case. Firstly, Franken ganize the competitive plants; reinterests.
disguising with reforms the ug (Moscow) trial.
John McDonald, Muste, The wholly bourgeois orienta steen emphatic remarks in To sume the organization of the His release was secured by re Liston Oak, James Rorty, Herbert Ition of the LN. PL bureaucracy ledo on the planned rump con Ford Motor Company In a word, liest aspects, he tries to maintain Portraits Are Modified questing the State Dep here for Solow, Thomas Stamm, Carlo is as strikingly illustrated in the vention. we will advise with the system as such strengthened his repatriation. For that purpose Tresca, Mike Vega.
BUILD THE UNITED AUTOcase of Representative Connor. and be guided by the LO. and MOBILE WORKERS!
From time to time, each camp and intact.
At the suggestion of LaGuardia, its leader John Lewis. No reis forced to modify their partic. The attempt to maintain class CHICAGO. Fifty of the 120 the American Labor Party had joinder or denial from Lewis on ular portraits. When Juicy appeace in America becomes inFascism made the stop gap nomination of this statement.
propriations for military purposes creasingly diffeult for Roosevelt. workers on the Federal the little known Byrnes MacDo Secondly: No refusal to hanare pushed through by Roosevelt. He is unable for any length of Clothing Project, staged an effee nald to oppose Connor in the de funds turned over when fat bounties in the form of time to pacify labor by paving the tive protest against extremely long BY DANIEL GUERIN twenty third congressional dis by local unions of the PRINTING CO. Inc.
Brilliant and thorough going trict of Manhattan. At the same to the O, office, and 316 61 STREET, laps of bankers and railroad ty must immediately cancel out these hours of work and a rate of pay (Continued from 1)
analysis of evolution and time the New York Republican no publie statement that he will Pho coons. when the undistributed concessions by measures which lower than the scale.
RE gent 06 machine is planning to give strategy of fascism in Italy remit these funds to the official profits tax is dropped into the induce price risca and the mainThe protests were made against way of Roosevelt war prepara legislative waste. basket. the tenance of profit levels. He can the hours of work originally set tions.
and Germany from the MarxO Connor the Republican noml Tories nod their heads benevo not indefinitely pacify the unem for 156 hours a month. Long benation in his district. Following Who Built the ist view point. The author Roosevelt Georgia speech, howhis direction and affirm, ployed, because new waves of un fore the month had expired the lently in hi stresses that it is not enough But it is to be presumed that to understand fascism but that ever, when it became evident that The kid got talent all right. If employment force him to spread workers had already put in many Jerry King is not a Stalinist, as appropriate means must be the Roosevelt faction was going he only take himself in hand, appropriations for jobs in thinner hours in overtime. They received he wus elected on an anti Stalincut out these week end sprees and thinner layers, while the rul only 60 a month while the minist ticket. And it is to be pre taken to combat it. In this reto oppose Connor for the with those red bums around the ing class thunders at him because imum scale is fifty cents an hour. sumed that he is without previous spect, this book is also a tacDemocratic nomination, the We want to thank Abe Miller Subs picked up a bit last week. obediently withdrew its tical guide manual for action corner, and stick to business, he of the inevitable increase in his Under such a scale the rate of commitments, and that his pribe tops someday.
own nominee and substituted that and some of the New York bran. Here the list: requirements.
pay should have been 78. 00 mary interest is in building and against fascism.
MINNEAPOLIS When Roosevelt, the great Now to the Left, month, preserving the of the Roosevelt candidate, Fey. ches which sent in greetings to The volume will be edited by the Socialist Appeal last week on NEW YORK CITY Here as in its other coalition When they protested, the work On the other hand, the building democrat, counterposes only an Dwight Macdonald who will moves, the leaders treat the occasion of its first anniver NEW YORK STATE St. Paul.
imposing silence to the labor Now to the Right ers were told they are not really of the Is not the primary supply notes on America.
the workers votes like so many sary. These donations came from Massachusetts smashing brutalities of Hagueism, So Roosevelt, offering his favors working on a project and concern of President Roosevelt Price on Publication: 00 pawns that they sell to the high the Needle Trades Branch, the Village Branch and the Lower Texas.
and the insolent flaunting of now to the left and now to the are not therefore entitled to this and his government. Despite the Advance Orders: 25 est bourgeois bidder.
East Side. All the more credit is organized gunmen in the face of right, subduing with increasing minimum wage! The protest of well wishes There is, in short, just one Colorado Mail your order today.
e the chief task Chiengo legislative edict by the Weirs, diffeulty the constantly smoulder the workers won for them five on the of a few Individuals Girdlers and Fords; when the ing class conflicts, hastens his day week, rest periods and a 00 of Roosevelt is to prepare for the Pioneer Publishers little item of importance missing due these comrades in that we made no special effort to obtain in this primaries campaign: Detroit Roosevelt State Department, in course toward imperialist war monthly Increase in wages.
coming war, and in that task the 100 Fifth Avenue California namely, independent working these greetings.
immediate response to the de before inevitable, recurring and Maritime Commission plays a far Connecticut class politics. And while that is New York mands of the blood sucking Ame constantly deepening economie In addition to the above gains, more important role than the missing, the old run around con There another month and a Wisconsin rican oil, mine and land interests crises explode into naked and tre the workers won the right to time LR. The job of the Maritime TOTAL.
So far, no one appears in Impoverished Mexico, imposes mendous class conflicts which of for overtime work for which Commission is to rehabilitate and sect to final acceptance by the nuesIt is still heats, the half left in our subscription conbosses win; talls, the workers test rulnous retallatory economic neither he nor anyone will be able they had not been paid. This vicexpand the merchant marine, the Master.
tory is spurring the workers on right arm of the Navy.
headed for the first prize which lose.
In two brief sentences the Ad measures upon our southern to control requires a minimum of 24 new The Appeal Poster Shop has neighbor; when he sanctions the It is true that Roosevelt has into union organization and they And to have an effective warmiral nets aside the victory subs. Here the standing to date: just issued its first job an exthe best time merchant marine it not fought for and won by thousands neutral embargo of arms to curred the displeasure of many are now considerch organiza only necessary ANNOUNCEMENTS tremely attractive large size to have an ade of seamen on all coasts the right Republican Spain and permits the of his own class whose immediate means to achieve Insertions in this column are Dostal, St. Paul. poster advertising our paper.
unhampered shipment of oil, scrap and personal interests have been tlon.
quate number of ships, but an for union controlled hiring halls. 25 cents for five lines. Copy must Grace Carlson, St. Paul. Copies will shortly be sent to all iron and munitions to Japan; hampered by the measures he has adequate supply of docile, regi And if too many seamen now be in at the APPEAL office beKarl Shler, Chicago. branches throughout the country, mented seamen to man those sailing the ships insist on being fore o clock Monday evening.
when, in fact, he demonstrates taken to preserve the class as a Ponicall, Detroit. more than detached concern for whole. But such displeasure is ships. That means, no matter how men and not slaves, the Maritime Send all contributions and subu frightful their conditions, no mat Commission is preparing for that NEW YORK the interests of the real ruling temporary, like the immediate reAll prizes are still open and any to: ter how much needless danger also. Training ships, established one should be able to put on a class regardless of his most ideal action to a bad tasting medicine SOCIALIST APPEAL istic utterances, the loyal leftists whose future results will be benethey are subjected to, no matter and operated by the government, BEACH PARTY, AND MOON spurt during the last and final 116 University Place shake their head sadly and paintficial.
how disgusted they may become will turn out new sonmen, men. New York City the picture of a generous, noble It is significant to note, that in (Continued from page 1) with the whole mad mess of an without the tradition of solidarity day, August 20, Brighton 6th St. beach. Bring your bathing soul, abused and misled by crafty every poll of public opinion, as rious chiselters in the industry. imperialist war, the soamen shall and militancy Inspired by union and Insidious powers betraying well as in the expressions of the the union is planning to extend its that means no unions.
not have the power to resist. And membership.
suits. Song fest and skits. Re SOCIALIST APPEAL and NEW INTERNATIONAL him within his own camp. capitalist press, Roosevelt for organizational drive. Bob Ontell All Hiring Endangered freshments, 15 cents. Auspices: All of these estimates are falseeign policy and war appropria and Rudy Garcia, leading Agures Can be obtained at the following Newsstands Brighton SWP and YPSI.
More and more ships, formerly Land Gives Line NEW YORK CITY to the core. Roosevelt is neither tions (the greatest in the peaceprivately owned, are being taken NEWARK, lurking anarchist awaiting the time history of this and every militant leaders on the strike com derstands this fully. Replying to of war, the whole merchant mathe organizational drive and The Maritime Commission un over by the Commission. In event MANHATPMN: Pourteenth St. Reitman s, cor. Brond William WANT ADS opportune moment to sprout whis other nation) have received almost mittee, expect to bring into the a letter from the New York Mari rine will be under the control of SINGLE ROOM For rent at a at University Place, at NEW HAVEN, Conn.
kers and heave a well timed bomb universal endorsement. The recent union many workers in the smaltime Council (C. one of those the Commission. Even now the at Fourth Ave, at Church St. bet. Chapel Center Nodelman Newsstand, into the sacred precincts of the Life magazine poll, among those ler manufacturing plants in this futile gestures by which the Sta New York Times editorially asks very reasonable price. Riverside Fourth Ave, and 2) at New York Stock Exchange, nor of the wealthy and upper middle area, plants that have been in linists pretend to fight the fink that the government hiring halls Drive near 125th Street. See Third Ave. at Third Ave. CHICAGO Stanley at headquarters for de W: Oppo ardeatre; at Jefferson 160 Wells, Rm. 308 talented but irresponsible play class, showed a more than 90 perboy, nor a great white knightcent approval of Roosevelt im nored in the organizational lag in halls, Admiral Land, head of the take over the hiring on privately tails.
Second Cor. 67th Blackstone Ave. the here.
Commission, states, Masters of owned ships. The question of gov. PLEASANT ROOM, 20th St. St: 12th st. and University Pl. Cor. 12th Kedzie come on horse back to storm the perialist preparations as expressed Rand Book Store, E. 15th all United States Maritime Comernment interference is sharply News, 37 Monroe citadels of oppression, nor yokel in his foreign policy and armMUSIC GUILD WINS mission vessels have the respon posed for all seamen unions.
Aug. 15 to Sept. 15, weekly Candy Store, 75 Greenwich Ceshinsky Bookshop being taken in by county fair aments program.
The American Guild of Musical sibility and the duty of selecting for information call CHelsea Ave.
ALLENTOWN, PA sharpers, nor a benevolent coun So it is that Roosevelt hopes The West Coast unions, follow 4359 Forty second St. at Fifth Ave. Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
try squire innocently inveigled ultimately to conquer unemploy Artists AFL has been recog the crews of such vessels and of ing the lead of the Saltors Union W; at Sixth Ave. at Sixth Otto Yost, 383 Hamilton St.
DU LIEST DEUTSCH. Dann Ave. at Seventh Ave. into capitalizing some shady enter ment. The administration is pre nized as sole bargaining agent for approving any man for employ of the Pacific, have already de PHILADELPHIA prise by treasonable advisers. paring to receive dividends on the artists of the Metropolitan ment as a member of such crew. clared their determination to fight abonniere sofort UNSER every dollar spent for the relief of Opera Association Details of the Crews shall be supplied through to the last to maintain unton con WORT, das Organ der Inter. 23rd St. 4th Ave. Cor. 13th and Market Sta.
1808 North Franklin St.
Roosevelt Ablese the unemployed. Those dividends agreement have not yet been the office of the United States trol of hiring. They have de Shipping Commissioner and sub clared their willingness to unite Deutschlands. 12 Nummern, 60 store at Grand and Attorney Sts: Essex and Delancy Sta; Book Cor. 11th and Market Sts. 40th St. Girard Ave.
Capitalist Politician will be exacted in the form of made public.
Cents. Zu beziehen vom Labor Candy Store, 9th st. and with any union which will fight Book Shop 28 East Twelfth Second Ave; Blederman Book 8th St. Arch St.
In actuality. Roosevelt is the support for the Roosevelt war this government threat to all maBOSTON, MASS.
Store, 12th St, and Second Ave; ablest, most intelligent, calculat program. Every concession to the Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
working class, every slightest rine unions.
ing and single minded politician social reform has a price tag on With the Stalinists in control, it CAMPS Wigerson, 145th St. and St. NichHotel Bradford)
yet produced by the American it, marked in blood, Support of was hopeless to expect support in olas Ave; 110th St. and Columbus CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
Felix s, Massachusetts Ave, at capitalist class. His sole objective, REPORT OF THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO this fight from the leadership of CAMP SEVEN DAKS Baton BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th linking into a single chain all his Imperialist War.
the With the Stalinists town, Red Bank Station. St; Jerome Ave. and 167th St.
Harvard Square (The final article in this series seemingly contradictory acts, is THE CHARGES MADE AGAINST LEON TROTSKY out, and a new leadership elected Capacity 25, swimming pool. opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, LYNN, Mass. 51 Central Sq. Rm. 12 to save and stabilize the system will be a discussion of the only tennis court and other sports 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave: by the rank and Alle still the IN THE MOSCOW TRIALS genulne program to ald the unof American capitalism.
Sam Corner, Olympia Square is silent on the most vital facilities, good food, comfort. Jeromo and Burnside Aves: 160th able housing. Daily 75, week st. and Prospect Ave: Allerton The means by which Roosevelt employed and end unemployment.
question confronting the Amer Ed. The findings of the Commission headed by John ly 16. 00. Fare 80 cents. Fur: Ave. Station; Freeman Ave, and Friendly Variety, Warren St.
intends to carry out this objective Dewey, and its comprehensive analysis of the Mosican seamen. It is time for an ther Information phone Bryant Southern (Grove Hall)
are dazzlingly clear. All the main cow trials based upon the official records and its answer. 7620 or Eatontown 515. Kingabridge Rd.
CHILD SLAVERY BRINGS lines of his strategy, his legisown hearings in Mexico City, Parls and New York, MINNEAPOLIS STRIKE Ave. East Moshula Subway Sta. Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette lation, statements, his execis now available.
3897 Sedgwick Ave.
Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; utive policies point to that means: Seventy five boys and girls emBROOKLYN: Havomeyer Ave Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
imperialist was ployed by the Cardboard Novelty The most thorough and objective study yet made of the nue and South 4th St. Strauss ST. LOUIS MO.
American capitalism, torn by Company in Philadelphia to make trials. Indispensable to an understanding of St. near Pitkin Ave. Sutter Ave. Foster Book Company contemporary Soviet Russia. 422 pp. near an Sinderen Ave.
the same internal contradictions Christmas wreaths have gone on 410 Washington Blvd.
that beset the rival systems of strike against wages of 30 cents FORWARD TO CIRCULATION OF Ave.
SPECIAL PAPER EDITION: 50 CLOTH: 75 every capitalist nation on earth, a day. The has refused to The Book Nook, 24A Meramac ROCHESTER, is fighting in every portion of the accept dues or initiation fees YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (SEND FOR BOOKLIST)
433 Clinton St.
globe for outlets for surplus cap from children earning less than 257 Clinton St.
Nick s, Wick St, and Commerce ital and products unmarketable at starvation wages and has placed Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts.
home. Facing the menacing the entire resources of the local MacDonald Bookstore, 66 6th St.
shadow of mass unemployed milC. organization at the dis28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK cor. Main Clinton Sts. Cor. Main SAN DIEGO, Calle Universal News Co. 242 way llons which industry can never posal of the group.
10, 000!