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For The Fourth Workers Of The World Unite!
OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY Socialist Appeal Union Busters Peril VOL. II No. 34 Saturday, August 20, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy Where Does He Stand?
FDR Aligns Forces It Might Have Happened!
In Primary Battles; Labor Acts As Pawn Plan Rump Convention To Split Auto Union DEMOCRATS ARE PREPARED FOR MAJOR SCHISM ENGLISH GROUPS planes pour a bal of shells from the skies. The French General UNITE TO BUILD New Party Combines precision, freely appointed August 15th us Der Tag the TENUOUS TRUCE Leading features of the wrecking plan follow: But it might have happened! There isn an inteligent person REACHED IN SIB AKRON TO ERIAN CONFLICT BUILD UNION FOR saw STEEL WORKERS WIN STRIKE 1, 000, 000 Nazi troops maneuver on the Czech border. clash occurs between a detachment of Czech border guards and a Frankensteen Claims Support of Lewis company of German soldiers. German soldier is dropped by a as Locals Are Advised to Throttle Int bullet fired presumably by a Czech but in all likelihood by a German instructed to fire the wrong way. The command is given by Sending Funds to National and German infantry marches over the border while German arCracks the Whip tillery opens fire on Czech fortifications. The Czechs bring up LEWIS MAINTAINS SILENCE their dig DETROIT. The hit and run drivers at the wheel of the ComStaff orders a mobilization of its army on the Rhine. Great Britain munist Party automobile are now careening wildly through the auto delivers an ultimatum. Mussolini brings bis army into fighting workers union. The mad drive, which recognizes only green lights, position. Screaming headlines announce the beginning of the new is headed straight for a smash up of the biggest and most powerful 4th INTERNAT world war International, the United Automobile Workers of America.
It didn happen this way. While the European and American JOHN LEWIS Meeting in Toledo, presidents of Stalinist inspired or dominated LNPL Tail ends Dempress, accustomed to Hitler acting by bold strokes with time clock locals adopted a plan that will make a split an early reality in the ocrats, Depends on Forces for Revolu, mobilization of its war time Call a rump convention in Labor Friends tionary Policy military the near future under the guise of a National Auto Conference.
Fortified by Senate Majority LONDON. long step forward alive today who doesn have the fatalistic feeling that almost any Tighten the financial nooso Leader Alben Barkley declwas taken in the building of a morning or night will find him face to face with a series of inaround the neck of the Internasive victory over Governor cidents that wind up in a general war. And the feeling is no less tional by sending all union funds Happy Chandler in Kentucky, and per capita payments to naPresident Roosevelt last week in Great Britain, when derogater universal that nothing can be done about it except sit anxiously Japanese Back Down WPA WORKERS tional headquarters.
took his most daring step of the representing various British or Line Changed Arain current primaries campaign when ganizations working for the Is there any doubt that this is a true description of the men But Threaten to The now or never campaign he came into the open with a di Fourth International met in con tality of millions of trembling people in the world today? Look Fights Move; launched by the Communist Par Resume War rect attack on Senator George of ference here on July 31 and Au at the newspaper reports. No one doubted the possibility of an Stalinists Want ty marks a third or fourth gust and merged their organiGeorgia. Disregarding the advice outbreak when Hitler announced his maneuvers. Yet no one switch in line since the faction of the moderates within his zations into ono unified section Less than a week after Japafight broke loose in full fury in acted Open Field of the Fourth International, nese diplomacy requested and obown party, in particular of his tained a truce with the Soviet the auto union. Just to describe chief strategist, Postmaster Gen Independent organizations in Thousands of angry workingmen did not gather in the streets Union in the fighting around the By WIDICK the ragged outline shows where eral Farley, Roosevelt went London and Scotland will merge to thunder their protest at being dragged into a blood bath to Labor Secretary, the drive is headed.
down the line against Senator into the national organization Changkuteng sector of the Sibprotect the maps of the imperialist Versailles treaty or to redraft erian Manchukuoan frontier, in AKRON, Ohio. Disgusted with Early in May, the alliance with George, and called for the nomiwhich will take the name of them according to the Hitler conception. They did not threaten dications are at hand that the Frankensteen was finally sealed, nation of George opponent, FedRevolutionary Socialist League the misleadership of the Staliniats stamped and delivered. The proeral Attorney Lawrence Camp.
The various Journals, representto cast all the maps into the garbage heap and together with them Mikado troops are once again in control of the Workers All grum of drive the factionists outHeretofore in the campaign, bent on resuming hostilities. ROOSEVELT Ing the different groups prior to the conniving diplomats, the profit hungry merchants of death Roosevelt has restricted himself the fusion, will now be replaced and the whole racket system called capitalism. Certainly there were On Wednesday, August 10, Amance, the Akron LO. council of the union found no takters, and either to speeches, very general by one popular newspaper and bassador Shigemitsu called on the voted to organize workers the May meeting of the Execuno demonstrations in the prison hells of Germany, Austria or Foreign Office in Moscow. The into a chartered unton, and adoption of the 20 point program tive Board unanimous In character, asking support for one theoretical organ. iberals as against conservaItaly. But in the great democracies of England and France, the call resulted in The merger will undoubtedly tives or reactionaries, or to polite a mutual cessation of military an organizing committee provide a great impulsion for the same tombstone quiet, the same tremors of fear ran through a operations at noon Thursday. set up in cooperation with the The Stalinista seurried back to personal endorsements of friendly revolutionary movement in this passive population. Why?
incumbent Senators like Pepper the hour set, Japanese Sov regional o. office to do the their holes.
country and appreciably increase Fourteen years before Hitler ground the German workers of Florida, Barkley of Kentucky iet buglers trumpeted a cease work.
But only for a month, when its influence in the trade unions or Bulkley of Ohio. This is the Strikers Backed by and among organized workers tragedy was carefully laid in the Treaty of Versailles. The League month increasingly beaves the criticism of the Workers Allanco sence from the board meeting in into a regimented Nazi army, the preparation for the present firing command. Thus one This action followed widespread tunity created by Martin abseizing upon favorable oppor generally. Sympathetic workers, out bluntly against man al New Trade Union who were confused in the past of Nations and the World Court would compose the differences ing, resulting from the most seriready in office: George has held Conference his sent in the Senate for the by the many organizations speak between nations. Disarmament conferences and arms limitations clash to date, was ended with a workers now employed on de calor paint programmes were ing in the name of the interna conclaves would draw the teeth from the war god. And peace definite retreat on the part of the projects. The Stalinists policy of transference of the board meetpast twelve years.
tional movement, are already ralPrestige at Stake LOS ANGELES. Backed by lying to the new party. These are put the seal of honest purpose and solemn intention on the flowery Tokyo government.
There is no doubt that by this the new Los Angeles Trade Union first indications that healthy speeches of the diplomats and the politicians. The working class Under the agreement, the To doing nothing to embarrass the ing to Washington, and did not see behind the sham and the fraud to the real maneuvers act Roosevelt has staked his own conterence, workers of the Dura growth and a vigorous organizakyo government accepted the Roosevelt administration caused the suspension of Frankensteen, principle of a bl partite border the criticism, Hall, Mortimer and Addes. That prestige, and the position of his Steel Products Co. won a short tion te in store for the newly cro of the British and French imperialists, angling to keep their world commission to settle all frontier marked the end of Strategy Numentire group within the Demo and effective strike last week, ated organization. LO. Calls Meet empires away from the hungry lean defeated powers. Pacifisin disputes, finally giving up the preber One: the attempt to sneak cratic Party, to a greater extent gaining 100 per cent union recogDetails concerning the program gave the masses a straw of hope and they grasped it eagerly.
move since nition and wresting many con adopted by the Revolutionary Sotense of Manchukuoan independ meeting called by the up on the board and seize control than by any he became President. The de cessions from the company.
cialist League and its concrete The masses trusted the lying spokesmen of capitalism untilence and the consequent demand organizing committee for by a slelght of hand maneuver.
for a border commission in which workers was held last week, denunciation of Senator George Dual Set Up Tried The strike was called after the plan of action to widen its revoAdolf Hitler kicked the props out from under the rotten, hypocritical edifice of imperialist pacifism; broke out of the League It also agreed to consider along who spread false rumors that the the strategy veered sharply in the it would have undisputed sway. spite sabotage of the Stalinists was promptly followed by similar company refused to recognize the lutionary influence in the British Then in a twinkle of the eye, attacks on Senator Tydings of union organized by the United labor movement will appear in of Nations, tore up the Versailles Treaty, rebuilt the German Maryland and Representative Electrical and Radio Workers of subsequent issues of the Socialist claim on the demarcation of the organizing campaign was called opposite direction. Locals were Jnarmy, occupied the Rhineland, terrorized the Saar plebiscite, inJohn Connor of New York, America, despite the fact that Appeal.
structed to withhold per capita Manchukuo Siberian frontier as off.
Chairman of the all powerful vigorous campaign had succeeded vaded Austria and now stands on the Czech border and once again set forth in documents relating to payments. dual financial office House Rules Committee. within a month in destroying the An apparently reliable report at the home of George Addes was rattles his saber. Sino Russian treaty dating back was received here from Washing established. dual international These developments were mak old company union set up. Local New York Then the diplomats dropped the peace conferences, buried to 1886.
ton that John Lewis had def was set up. First steps were ing clearer than ever the fact New Group Alds Schedules Meet the League of Nations and began to talk of a more forceful Japan in Weak Position nitely vetoed the proposal ad taken to tie up International that the present primaries are a major factor in the victory of major preliminary battle in the the strikers was the invaluable policy. They called the policy collective security. With this Ay previously established in vanced by leaders of the Workers funds in litigation and to redi.
There will be a membership these columns, the events Alliance to give collective action they would police the world, perhaps enforce a an inter rect mail from the Griswold broader struggle for control of around the Changkufeng struge national charter. The word Building office to private homes.
the Democratic Party, which will aid given the union by the new meeting of Local New York of little boycott and by sheer show of force hold the war makers gle are notable Insofar as they is being passed along in The hellraisers ran rlot through reach its climax in the contest central body of unions that recently left the Bridges controlled the Socialist Workers Party, in line. It would never come to war that they promised with all make clear: circles that Lewis wants to or the local unions and a split imfor delegates to the 1940 Demo Industrial Union Counell and Friday, August 19, in the Victhe sanctimonious fervor they could summon up. They failed to That Japan has been so de sanize the unemployed and the pended with deadly imminence.
toria Room at Irving Plaza, at bilitated by her Chinese war as people but is anxious to But Strategy Number Two demany cases, victory of one or the formed the Trade Union Confersay what every foreign office in the world knew as a simple ence. In line with their announced other of the factions in this sum8:30 Attendance is conaxiom: collective security meant war meant new line ups when to offset any weakness in the exclude the Stalinist leadership. pended on bluff. and John fined to members of the Soviet domestie position which mer primaries assures control or policy of ald to all unions strugThe effect of the council Lewis. Martin refused to be gling to win concessions from the war came to protect the old booty.
she may have counted upon as the delegation In 1910.
And the Young Peoples Social The Stalintern beat the drums for the new angel of peace, action in Akron is to place the bluffed, and John Lewis hesiadvantageous to her Interests.
The mounting bitterness of the employers the strength of the Stalinists in the position of Aght tated to intervene because DuIst League and admission will decked out in the uniform of a cop a collective security cop. That the Red Army, after ing a progressive proposal of the binsky of the ILG. threatprimaries is likewise showing major unions in Los Anthat this battle for control means geles was thrown behind the new be by red card only.
a fearful loss in morale and per labor movement to make the batened to march out of the The workers waited again, trusting no more in the sweet dove of in the end split of the DemoThe subject of the evening sonnel due to the continued tle of the unemployed its own, the auto workers union was Encouraged by the victory over cratic Party, whichever faction Dura Steel, one of the most notopeace but now in the blackjack of the self appointed keeper of discussion will be the National Stalinist purges, has sufficiently and they are meeting the oppo throttled by a Lewis dictalaw and order. Until one day they saw the amazing spectacle of recuperated to be more than a sition of most of the prominent torship.
wins. The tone and content of (Continued on page 2)
Action Program of the Party.
Roosevelt remarks in Georgia (Continued on page Continued on page 3) Akron labor leaders, Then acting either in agreeindicate that the President is ment with Lewis or at any rate fully conscious of this perspec banking on his subsequent suptive, and is preparing for it.
sheeps clothing. Locais were in Labor Political Strategy structed (at least publicly) to Meanwhlie, the primaries were providing additional lessons in national; Addes surrendered his turn over per capita to the Interthe political strategy adpoted by Plans of Maritime Commission to Regiment tionary International Seamen to rely on B, the ErlendWest Coast Unions Prepared to Defend vention was shefred of Labor Non Partisan League.
Union was forced in the begin y wing of the New Deal, they the time being. The fight was to They were proving that this strat Seamen in Preparation for War ning to wage bitter struggle made it impossible for the sea Right to Control Hiring, But New be directed along constitutional egy means, even when most suc.
Spell Death to Unions against both the shipowners and men to seriously combat their cessful, only the subordination of lines with a special convention the scab herding officialdom of immediate enemy, the Maritime Leaders Remain Silent as the goal in view.
the workers to a bourgeois pothe old union, the new union Commission.
tohto made a sad and ironie terested in building and preserving their unions is the question of communist Party, and, under the unions, aided by seamen belong: sive defense of the right of the ciates what they propose to do both the three serpende de bibelera On all waterfronts the major problem confronting seamen in quickly fell under the sway of the In New York, where West Coast immediately put the union on old Shipping Board, are beginning Strategy Number came to an comment on the politics of the IO. officialdom. Here the de government interference with the proper functioning of those unions fictitious guise of support from ing to the IW. established union to ship all seamen through in defense of the right of union about week ago. Why? Is it the government, a program of or picket line around the ink halls, feat of Governor Davey by Demo On the West Coast, where the sea faring organizations are ganizing through National Labor the spontaneous sympathy of the their own hiring halls.
control of hiring.
likely that the Stalinists believed cratic National Committeeman already committed to an uncompromising struggle against govern. Relations Board elections was in rank and file members of the Old Polley Prevails Leaders of the Communist that the riotous prelude to the Sawyer for the gubernatorial ment hiring halls, the seamen view with forboding the constant efforts augurated. proved that they, too, So far, these men have been Party and followers of the Sta trial staged by their stooges and nomination was hailed as a great of the Maritime Commission to impose upon the marine industry Stalinists Prevent Fight were willing and ready to fight in disappointed. Two weeks have linist line aro, of course, not prl the attendant publicity would victory for labor. It was conThe Stalinists, whose greatest defense of the right of unlon con elapsed and still the union per marily interested in preserving a save their ofacials from the cerhad been elected to office with the There, where the right of the unions to control the hiring halls was workers to the war chariot of completely dominating the dis shipping through the ink halls. political, and it is dictated by and predicted by all and sundry?
blessing and support of the same won after months of terror and bloodshed in two great strikes, the American imperialism, and thus trict committee of the u. Still the LR. is asked to Stalin. That purpose is to enlist Is it possible they believed that were able to keep the union from save the union from another the American workers behind the lurid exposure through burgSawyer as the savior of the Ohic seamen consider the right to run their own hiring halls a precious to fulen the promises of the Sovarm of the government, the Ma American imperialism in the com larized documents of connections working class. Nor is there the one, earned through heroic struggle and not to be relinquished with let foreign Office, could not be taking official action expected to fight the govern Since then a new group, head ritime Commission.
ing war, in exchange for a mill between the administration and slightest fundamental difference out even greater battles.
ment plans to regiment the ed by Jerry King, wields a ma Already the men in the tary alliance with the Soviet Un Jay Lovestone, which has been a between Sawyer today and Davey On the East Coast and Guit, far from being completely organ American seamen, for that regi jority in the leading committees and in all marino unions, who see ion. Rather than endanger the known fact to every child in the yesterday. When Davey helped where the largest group of organized, and closed shops with unton mentation is a necessary prere of the It could be reason clearly the tremendous threat to possibility of such an alliance, labor movement for more than a amash the Little Steel strike, heized men is in the National Mari control of hiring are the exception quisite for the waging of war by ably expected by many of the the very existence of any unions if they will ruthlessly destroy any year, would stave off the inevitawas doing only what any capl time Union, the picture is consid While the rank and file movement the Roosevelt administration. rank and fille who put the new hiring is relegated to government organization that stands in the ble expulsions or create a change (Continued on page 2) erably different. The industry is that broke away from the reac Rather, by teaching the workers men into office that they would halla, as it was in the days of the (Continued on page Continued on page 2)
Gov Hiring Halls or Seamen Unions.