BourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionJohn DeweyMarxismMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyWorld War

AUGUST 13, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Leon Sedoff Murdered? World At Glance Sugar Companies Grab Lands in Puerto Rico Plenty Two items in the recent dis tionalist Party, the organization Trotsky Presses Question In Letter to Medical Men Find Death Mysterious, But patches from Prague throw a of the Czech Fusclsts, which has French Court; Finds Inquiry piercing light on the true characAuthorities Fail to Investigate Work six deputies in the Prague par Then there the Gem of the ter of the capitalist democracles lament, has rallied to the demoCaribbean, Jamaica. lovely Avoids Essential Facts of Assassins which are being touted by social cratio government in its hour of mountains, deep canyons, broad reformists, Stalinists and so called danger. Faced with the threat fertile plantations. Jamaica, On February 16th, Leon Sedoff, son of Leon Trotsky, died of a Hitler Invasion of the Sudplied an answer in advance in the gence and therefore interested in liberals as bulwarks in the fight now peaceful British colony.
in a Paris hospital following an abdominal operation. The suseten German area to ald the above elted article, a year prior covering it up. Yet behind the against the Fascist dictatorships.
the stronghold of those once was to his death. The turn for the negligence of some might have Item No. large group of cause of Henlein Nazis, the swashbuckling pirates who picious circumstances attending his death, combined with perViennese Jows, after being de worse in the patient condition easily lurked the criminal will of Ozech Fascists have decided to sistent persecution by Stalin agents in France, pointed an roamed the Spanish Main.
prived of all their possessions, was so sudden and unexpected, others.
rewrite their constitution to in(Travel section of the August accusing finger at the Friends of Leon Sedoff requested that the surgeon who was acX Known were deported across the Czech clude clause in defense of an investigation by the public authorities into the causes of SeForum.
quainted neither with the identity French jurisprudence follows border two weeks ago. Discov democracy!
doff death. We print below a letter addresed by Leon Trotsky of the sick man nor with the con the formula of investigation ered by the police of that demo For the defense of the status In May and June a strike of to the court concerning documents submitted to it by police ditions of his life, found himself against Under this very cratic republic, the Vlennese quo, for the defense of predaalmost general proportions in and medical authorities. Ed.
Jews were rounded up and ar.
compelled to resort to the hypo formula the investigation is now Kingston, Jamaica, spread to thesis of suicide. This fact, rested. Unable to show entry tory nationalist alms, the Czech re being conducted into the death of rural districts, involving thouTo Penegal, Examining detalls, take the liberty of calpeat, cannot be deleted from the Sedoff. But in this case does permits or to explain by what Fascists have thus shown themsands of laborers on the broad means they intended to support general picture of the illness and not at all remain an unknown. selves just as facile as our fertile plantations. British sol. Magistrate of the Interior Court ling your attention to the verb Department of the Seine.
themselves, they were redeath of my son! One might, it in the literal sense of the term.
Stalinists in bandying about the atim report of the Bultherindiers, Island militia, volunteers Monsieur le Juge, Sir: deported over the Austrian borand police brutally suppressed Rykov trial published by the one were inclined, say that the It is not a question of a chance der.
This morning received from Soviet Commissariat of Justice.
slogans of bourgeois democracy.
suspicions of Sedott relatives cut throat who murders waythe strikes, killing twelve workand intimates arise from their farer on a highway, and vanishes ties of the Fascist dietatorships One of the most heinous cruel my attorneys, Maitres Rosenthal ers, injuring hundreds, and arIn raising the banner of the Messrs. experts declare that and Rous, materials relating to death might have also resulted resting countless others. On a question is their maniacal anti Semitism. Socialist United States of before us a physician, for whom of a very definite International One of the basic principles of Europe, In refusing to be enAugust 1, hundredth anniverthe medical findings on the death might have. However, as is evithe preliminary investigation and from natural causes. Of course, it Sedoff was an ordinary patient, gang which has already commit the democracies is the right of compassed by the wave of Hosary of freeing the slaves, the of my son, Leon Sedoff. In so im dent from all the circumstances an unknown engineer by the ted more than one crime on the authorities were trembling beportant and tragic a case deem of the case none of the physicians name of Martin. Consequently the territory of France, and which who have to beart asylum to refugees. To the Jews cial patriotism, in calling for an fore the threat of a general surgeon could not have been in makes use of and cloaks itself of Nazi atrocities, the basic prinactual brunt intensification of it my right to speak with com expected Sedoff death. It is clear the class Insurrection, with hundreds of struggle, the Czech revolutionplete ankness, with fected with either apprehensive with friendly diplomatic relaspecial police and militla staany dip that the itself, trailing ness or political lomatic subterfuges. The trans every step of Sedoff s, could not He guided tions. That is the real reason why ciples of capitalist democracy themselves to be iste pro tioned at strategic points and mitted documents have astonished have pinned its hopes on the poshimself solely by those symptoms the investigation of the theft of have proved precious little, in more realistio fighters against the British cruiser Orion waltFascism than all the People which came from the organism of my archives of the persecutions action. No property no right of me by their reticences. The policesibility that natural causes clal nurse. Yet on the night of the sick man. And the first re of Sedoll, of the attempt to kill Asylumn! That how democratic ing in port with 600 men Fronters. The latter are only investigation, as well as the medaboard.
scal expertareport, is obviously westruction without extraneous himself, was found wandering perienced physician to the unex the prosent investigation of Sed would accomplish their work of February 14, the patient, left to action of this eminent and ex him at Mulhouse, and, finally, why principle is interpreted under preparing the road for further capitalism.
Fascist victories by their superAn orchid for every woman and pursuing the line of least resistassistance. Meanwhile Sedoff nude and in a state of wild de nationalistie politics, both at illness and his surgical operation lirium through the corridors and any natural causes, turn in the lasted Ave months, have brought for every man who ance. In this way the truth canItem No. The Czech Na home as well as over the border.
visits Puerto Rico (the flowers not be revealed Messrs. medical experts arrive offered exceptionally favorable premises of the hospital. Doesn to be grown by prisoners in the tention of the experts?
at suicide on the part of the paing to avoid being involved in penitentiary gardens) was the at the conclusion that Sed conditions for an intervention or this monstrous fact merit the at: cause was to suspect an attempt and are bringing no results. Seekthe tlent. Isn it clear, isn it most the completely real and powerful plan announced by Govern death may be explained by My attorneys have placed at tural causes. This conclusion, in your disposal, Monsieur le Juge.
Left Unattended palpably evident that had the sur political factors and forces behind Winship last winter If natural causes must have geon known at that moment the the crime, the investigation prothe given circumstances, is almost all the necessary data proving (must have, not might have) led identity of his patient and the ceeds from a fiction that in quesIt is to be hoped the origin void of meaning. Any sickness that the considered the to the tragic denouement, then by conditions of his life he would in tion here is a simple episode of a of the flowers would not remind o Scanden erhe other hand, there extermination of Sedoff as one of what and how explain the op stantly have asked: Couldn this private life; it labels the criminal Editorial Note Recent events in the Caribbean have the tourists of Puerto Rico its most important tasks. Gen timism of the physicians, owing to be the work of assassins. is no sickness or almost none that and fails to find him.
political prisoners. The framust necessarily result in deatherally speaking, French judicial which the patient was left com This is precisely the question The criminals will be exposed.
forcefully reminded the American people that Yankee imperialgrance of gardenlas, however, exactly at a given moment. The any doubts on this score, follow critical moment? It is of course that is posed in all its force be. Monsieur le Juge: The radius of authorities can hardly entertain pletely unattended at the most ism holds sway in those islands to the south. Strikes and peasant might keep the tourist nostrils judicial Investigation is not faced ing the three Moncow trials and possible to try to reduce the whole The question is formulated, Mon great number of people and fore the judicial investigation the crime is far too great, far too revolts have forced the government to send troops against the from being assailed by the stench of the Island slums with a theoretical question of specially after the revelations case to an error of prognosis and sleur le Juge, not by myself but interests often contradictory to oppressed colonials. The reception Governor Winthrop received whether a given sickness could of made by the Swiss and French poor medical care. However, in by the surgeon Thalheimer, even each other have been drawn into some of the worst in the world.
at a celebration of the annexation of Puerto Rico by the itself have resulted in death Eyes feasting on orchids might police in connection with the mur the materials of the Investigation involuntarily. And to this quesit: the revelations have already United States was a rude shock to those who expected the overlook the starving natives, but rather with a practical ques. der of Ignace Reiss. For a long there is not even a mention of it. tion And no answer at all in the begun, and they will disclose islanders to meekly accept the most terrible exploitation tion of whether somebody had Infested with hookworm for deliberately aggravated the sick The article below deals with the manipulations of the huge lack of shoes. The average wage ness in order to do away with the last two years, Sedoff lived in why: if there was inadequate vestigation forwarded to me. do crimes lead to the and, for men employed in the Is sugar corporations that own the island of Puerto Rico. This constant state of siege by a supervision, then does not the conSedoff as quickly as possible.
land largest industry, sugar gang which operates onclusion force itself automatically not find even an attempt to seek through the directly to brief sketch depicts vividly the ruthless oppression practiced During the Bukharin. Ryko Parisian territory almost as freely that his enemies, who never lost an answer. find no interest in Stalin. cannot tell whether (the profits go to absentee own trial this yearynical frankness had prepared a trap for Sedoft at this favorable situation for their that the enigma of the crucial heartily welcome it, and am prein Moscow, it was French justice will take an active by the masters of the Caribbean.
ers in was 65 a wook revealed with as in Moscow. Hired assassins sight of Sedoff, could have utilized the very question itself.
Truly astonishing is the fact part in these disclosures. would for 1986 87. Food costs more that one of the methods of the Mulhouse similar than in New York City. The all respects criminal enda?
By FRANCES MERRILL Is to assist a disease in exthe Island greatest source of to the trap to which Reiss fell grateful natives have just showThe staff of the clinic made an night has remained thus far not pared for my part to do every The Puerto Rican Supreme wealth.
The sugar companies only unexplained but even un thing in my power to assist. But, ered their flower loving govern. Dediting death. The former head victim. Only chance saved Sedofrattempt, it is true, to list those probed. That time is allowed to in one way or another, the truth Court on August upheld Con have been highly profitable to of the Menzhinsky, and gressional resolution passed in their American stockholders. The or not with blossoms, but bulon that occasion. The names of who had come in contact with the lapse, rendering extremely diff will be discovered!
the writer Gorky were not young the criminals and their roles are sick man. But what value have cult the work of any subsequent From the above it follows quite 1900 limiting the amount of land principal companies by 1981 had and were all their death, con known to you Monsleur le Juge, these testimonies, if Paul McNutt, High sequently, might have been readI do not need to dwell on this had the opportunity, unknown to the staff, of leaving his bed and ministration of the clinic has na hardly begun as yet. In consider enacted by Congress in 1917 as ceeding 100 per cent a year have away as an accident. The ad Into the death of Sedoff has ches, but which has never been place their original investment enforced. The land law was re Commissioner in the Philippines, Hy explained by natural causes. por many times over. Dividends exis to have a summer palace in That is what the official findings On February 4, 1937, Sedoff pub room, and wandering without hin turally tried to avoid any Inves atlon all the circumstances part of the Island Organie Act, been known, and from 10 to 30 the mountains in addition to the cared. However, from the Molished an article in the French drance on anybody part, igation of this point, for it could the case and the prophetie words but it was not implemented until per cent is the rule.
of the physicians originally deone now being built in Manila. cow judicial trials mankind Berlined that he was an excetta condition of delirious exattation. negligence owing to which aruary 1987, the investigation the Rubert Hermanos sugar com perialism has contributed to the periodical, Confessions, in which through the hospital building Innot fail to bring to light grous written by Sodor himself on Feb 1986. The Supreme Court ordered learned that the shining lights of lent health; that his spirit had not How little American sugar ImCongress appropriated the Moscow medical world under been broken by the persecutions; Turn Unexpected gravely sick man 750, 000 for the palaces. The Filippinos must not be left la At all events, Theiheimer, the any attendance and could have sumption that the death was of a pany owner of the central San Island prosperity, however, 18 the guidance of the former head that he inclined neither to despair surgeon went operated on Sed or, committed acts fatal cu himere violent character. The organizers Vicente to dissolve, and fined indicated by the wages paid the of the secret police, Yagoda, had nor suicide and should death sud was taken uns wares by the events or could have been subjected to of the crime were agentsed by the long period during and in the centrals. For 1936 doubt, despite illusions of in hastened the death of sick people e, as to whose is the by means of methods that either denly strike him, those respon of the fatal night. He asked Sed such acts. The doctors experts, the fake functionaries of Soviet which the law WALB disregarded wages for men employed on the power and the glory.
sible for it must be sought in oft wife, Jeanne Martin de Pal for their part, did not at all in institutions are not subject to or are very dhe Stalin camp. This issue of con lieres: Hasn the patient tried sist upon clarifying the events of petratore cwertedheropent of the the Fajardo Sugar Company and week, or 12. cents Paris. The per by the authorities. Cases against plantations averaged 65.
of detection. From the Paris to Cuba has expressed her willing standpoint of the question that be placed in your hands, Monsieur tion, which cannot be deleted vestigation was confined to super. White emigres, French or foreign the Central Cambaleche are pend. In the sugar factories they averto od from among an hour.
ness to do her bit towards solve concerns us it is almost a matter le Juge, and that is why am from the general history of the ficial depositions of individuals Stalinists and so on. The PT Ing. with further hearings to be aged 73 week or 175 cents ing the refugee problem. State of indifference whether the tes quoting from memory. Sedoff sickness, Sedoff himself had sup who were guilty at least of negli could not fail to have its agents held in the fall.
an hour. The sugar companies nounced she was ready to remony of the accused was truth prophetic warning, flowing from The big sugar companies, dombave also contributed far less in a Russian clinic in Paris or inated by absentee capitalists in than their share of taxes, for ceive capitalists, and favored crete instances. It suffices that known facts of a historie magniamong circles closest to it. Such the United States, own or control their property has been scandaltalists who might contribute to secret methods of poisoning. tude, should, in my opinion, have the eventual admittance of capiare the paths along which the in the greater part of the sugar ously under assessed.
the improvement of our national spreading infection, causing chius determined the course and characI should like to hope, seeks to un lands in the four chief cane see cover the crime, and not to purcan coast. All of the most fertile and is one of the most urgent Land Pressing Problem tions that fringe the Puerto Ricountries refuse to allow em are included in the arsenal of the the conspiracy of the.
The ownership and use of the Without going into further shoot, strangle, drown, poison or sue the line of least resistance, remain, Monsieur le Juge, soil is the property of men who grants to take out any capital.
Infect Sedoff was a constant and By LEON TROTSKY lirium should contain the ele most sincerely yours, seldom or never see the Island Puerto Rican problems. Popula.
Czechoslovakia displays basic fact in the last two years and who have no interest in tion density in Puerto Rico la This morning. August 1, rements of the well known accusa July 19, 1988. Leon Trotsky.
of his life. His sickness was only ceived a letter apparently in the tions of the We must Coyoacan, Mexico.
similarly touching generosity.
except dividends. Dirfie: Puerto more than 500 to the square mile. Prague dispatch states, The an episode. Even in the hospital, handwriting of Rudolf Klement, not forget for one moment that Rico, Broken Pledge. Rubert Only one fourth of the total land authorities recently have shown Sedoff was compelled to register in German. The letter is dated Klement was closely familiar Hermanos, Inc. the company area is cultivable, with the result under a ficticious name of Martin, July 14 and presumably went via with the life and work of the sympathy for the position of convicted under the act, is one of that every square mile in cultithe smaller ones, owning 12, 188 vation must support over 1800 these tugitives from Nazl Auin order thus to render more die Paris and New York. The hand Fourth International, that he was acres and producing 31, 247 tons people. The state of Carolina stria and have considered estab The September issue of the cult, if only partiaily, the work of writing is undoubtedly similar to especially indignant at the is comparable to Puerto Rico in lishing concentration camp of sugar in 1935 New International will contain the bandits who were dogging his the handwriting of Klement but cusations and that his Indignafor them at Statoborlez In Mo new features to add to an already steps. In these conditions justice bears an extremely uneven, sickly tion found inimitable expression One of Big Four that it is 80 per cent rural, similar proportion, but in South highly attractive and substantial has no right to mollify itself with and feverish character. The letter in dozens of letters. Klement took The Central Cambaleche is Carolina there are only 55 per(Continued from page 1)
organ of revolutionary Marxism. an abstract formula: Sedoff might peculiarly is signed, Frederie an active part in the unmasking flagration in hopes of somehow about the same size, but the in sons to a square mile and the per Brazil is checking up on the the management announces a have died from natural causes. As to its contents it is one of the stor the Moscow trials and this pulling themselves out of their dicted Fajardo Sugar Company is capita wealth is more than six 1, 800 European refugees who partial list of articles for the Sep so long as the contrary has not most fantastic documents that work, again, is imprinted in nu Chinese bos, these calculations one of the bis four American times that of Puerto Rico.
have arrived on tourist tember number. have good for six months, but powerful had let slip a start with, the salutation. all Where Is Klement? If Japan moved in the first in industry. The others are the the sugar companies has reduced Canada and World Politics, remained. The means of support favorable opportunity to ald the the preceeding letters of Klement. It is most probable, however, stance at Hitler advice to see South Puerto Rican Sugar Com the land available for other crope of each refugee will be investiby Robertson natural causes.
including those written just a that the letter is written in the what Moscow reaction would be pany, Central Aguirre Sugar with the result that the Island gated, and they will be placed Diplomatic Origins of the Stalinist People Front PolNo Ordinary Case under police supervision until the It may be argued that the words: Dear Comrade or Dear Klement, in fear for his life or cause Moscow, confident that sociates. Together they pro lood from the United States authorities decide what to do icy, by Max Shachtman.
e developed considerations, my initials. This last let for the lives of people dear to Japan difficulties in China made duced nearly half of the total out again paying tribute to American with them. Anniversary article on the however weighty in themselves, ter begins with the words, Mr. him, or finally, under the influ Russia an easy master along the put for 1935 6; 399, 207 tons out of imperialism through both the Murder of Ignacz Reiss by cannot alter the negative results Trotsky. From beginning to endence of some drugs, submissively Siberian frontier, has assumed an 880, 908. Fajardo output was 104, costs of the food and American On his seventy fifth birththe Stalinist by Elsa of expert medical examination. the letter presents Reiss, his widow.
incoherent wrote down what he was ordered aggressively defensive position 207 tons. Figures from Farr steamship lines. The land monoFord received the reserve the right to return to this piling up of accusations against not bothering to correct obvious and has indicated that it would Manual of Sugar Companies, poly has also lessened the area Grand day, Wess of the German An extensive omnibus review Eagle, awarded by Hitler for by Dwight Macdonald or question in a books on economics and kind after a consultaclal document, the Fourth International, against absurdities. It is even possible be just as prepared to call a show 1937. Many of the smaller com available for housing to the point with compe me personally, and against my that Klement included these ab down here and now if necessary. panies are American or foreign of distress.
the first time in this country.
tent physicians. That no traces of deceased son.
surdities with complete readiness Indications are not lacking, in owned. According to Diffic, about the workers in the sugar inIt was officially given for Mr. red subjects, issued recently poison were found does not imply the accusations are of two in order, in this fashion, to com deed, that Moscow was not dis 60 per cent of the sugar crop in dustry cannot live Ford services in making au by the Harvard University that no poisoning took place, and kinds: the first clearly dictated promise the plot be pleased at having the opportunity 1981 was ground by American and lands. They must crowd into the tomobiles available to the Department of Business Ad in any case it does not imply that by the the inevitable forehand. In any case this letter to rehabilitate its diplomatic posi other absentee companies. scabrous, malodorous slums that masses. But Hitler has no rest ministration; the Brookings the did not resort to some bloc with fascism and connec written and transmitted to me tion in Europe by a show of Fajardo owns 30, 132 acres of fringe the coastal towns. Every son to be displeased with Mr. Institute of Economics, and other measures to prevent the tion with the Gestapo: the second testifies that this affair will have strength on the Far Eastern Cane land, leases an additional spot of waste land, no matter Ford either for his anti Jewish Save America First by Jer organism, after an operation, from a series of accusations concern its aftermath.
ome Frank of the Roosevelt overcoming the illness. It in ques ing single episodes the in Klement disa he very fact of frontier. The risk of War WAS 20. 011 acres, and controls through how unfit for decent living, 18 activities or his treatment of from Administration.
remains present, obviously, but under con grinding contracts with small occupied by wretched shacks. They tion here were an ordinary case, ternal life of the Fourth Inter of course the chief mystery. ditions which could not but be plantation owners another 16, 096 are built above several feet of Articles on problems now be under normal living conditions, national which seem to make an Where is he? What has happened favorable to Russia because acres. The South Puerto Rican stagnant water or over the tide Reminder on the Anniversary Ing discussed the then the findings of medical ex attempt at explaining the sudden to him? The letter bears no indi Japan is so seriously wenkened Sugar Company owns 50, 000 acres flats. As many as ten people live of the World War: manuand Youth organizations.
perts, while not exhausting the change in Klement position. cation of the place of mailing by the failure of its China ad through a subsidiary, Russell and in tiny one room hovels. But the facturer of steel for shells, who The regular features: Edit question, would have preserved orial Comments: Dwight Mac their full force of conviction. But Past History Forgotten Apparently the letter passed from venture.
Company: Eastern Sugar Assoc acreage in sugar has expanded had been allotted troops to What is most striking is that city to city: the inner envelope So when Shigemitsu come, hat intes owns 31, 000 acres and leases ten fold since 1900.
work in his factory, remarks donald They the Peoples we have before us case quite the content of the letter in all bears only my initials. will en hand, he was virtually shown 17, 000; and Aguirre owns 25, 000 Although enforcement of the to me: At last shall discover Archlves: besides numerous out of the ordinary, namely, its detalls stands in direct and deavor of course to obtain the the door and 6, 000 miles away acres and leases 22, 000. The big land laws may remedy some what is the working man other articles and features to death, unexpected by the physi clear contradiction to hundreds necessary information about the Soviet guns continued to shell four also own railway, telephone abuses, it will be no solution. It maximum output. For if they be announced shortly. clans themselves, of an isolated of letters written by the same postal route of this letter. Japanese positions on the disput and shipping lines. The South will make little difference whether don work shall send them The August issue of The New exile, following a prolonged duel Klement up until a very short The letter ends with the words: ed hils and Soviet aircraft en Puerto Rican sugar co owns the land is held by absentee corback to the trenches. Diary Internationat, out last week, has between him and a mighty state time ago to me personally and have no intention to come out saged in threatening demonstra, the Dominican Steamship Com porations or individual Puerto of Michel Corday, Tho Paris met with a very enthusiastic re machine armed with inexhaust to mutual friends. The letter is openly against you. Needless to tions which the Japanese did not pany and sugar centrals in Santo Rican capitalists and landlords, Front, 1914 1918.
ception. The variety of contents ble material, technical and scien written the past had not say. wish more that anything dare reply to in kind. Nothing Domingo, and Aguirre has a con whether it 13 held in immense and the high quality of the art. tific resources.
existed at all. Only a person tied else that the unfortunate Klement has more clearly evidenced trolling stock interest in the New tracts or 500 sore lots, for 500 November 14, 1917.
Steeg icles have resulted in increased The formal medical examin. hand and food physically and could speak and come out openly Japan desire to retreat from an England Alcohol Company, acres of valuable sugar land is strongly advises me against Cle demands for the current issue. ation is all the more inadequate morally could write like this and it. he is still alive. am im uncomfortable jam than the fact Sugar Pays Dividends no trifle. There is only one real menceau (to form a cabinet. He Orders for the current and forth because it stubbornly overlooks then only under the dictation of mediately sending photostatic that not a single Japanese plane The commanding position of solution: ownership of the land believes it necessary to associate coming issues may yet be placed the central moment in history other people absolutely unfamill copy of the letter for the dis has yet taken to the air. these sugar corporations in Puer by those who work it. Until the the socialists with governmental The price per single copy is 20 of the illness. The first four daya ar with Klement past but who posal of the French authorities There remains always the dan to Rican economy is obvious from Puerto Rican workers and agrlaction and the repressions which. cents; and the subscription rate is after the operation were days of wanted to make use of him for and the New York Commission xerous possibility that the border the fact that the value of sugar cultural laborers expropriate u he says, are indispensable. Other 00 per year. Address: of Dr. John Dewey. Let us trust clashes will automatically extend and its products represents 70 imperialism and for this health of the operated patient, Theoretically it could still be that the solution of this mysteri and that both protagonists will per cent of the total value of all they need the help and solidarity that would very quickly become THE NEW INTERNATIONAL, whose condition was considered assumed that Klement has lost ous case will be found and that find themselves in the midst of Puerto Rican products, and cane of the workers in the United paciflet. Poincare Memoirs, 116 UNIVERSITY PLACE, 80 favorable that the hospital ad his mind. But in this case the complete light will be shed upon war that neither has really de growing occupies 40 per cent of States there will be no prosper Vol. IX.
NEW YORK, ministration discharged the spe puzzle remains as to why his de it.
sired at this time.
all land in crops. Cane land 18ity for the Puerto Rican masses.
dependence, Trotsky Tells of Letter from Victim of NEXT ISSUE OF PREVIEWED JAPAN SEARCHES FOR RETREAT ravia.
above Labor.