AntifascismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

2 SOCIALIST APPEAL AUGUST 13, 1938 UNION OFFICIALS Labor In Northwest Charge of Trotskyist Spies At CUCOM Meet AID BOSS DRIVE ON FOODWORKERS Rallies Behind 544 left.
at all.
The gation.
in effect REFUGEES FACE Appeal Army CALL STRIKE OF in Progressives Win STEEL PLANT Steel Lodges Exposed As Lies LOS ANGELES. ProgresTO WIN DEMANDS slves in the Mexlcan agricultural workers union, Organizer Answers toward the middle of January, They have been active not 1937 no Republic lodge had us yet only in Youngstown but in New Chiseling Company annual convention, held re Union Fails to Back (Continued from page 1) Relief Pickets Daily Worker been formed. This was done after England and several other locallcently in Los Angeles. The old Find Union Ready tles. Several of my co workers are conservative do. nothing Up Fight Against action, the Associated Council Calumny Break Injunction Who Appointed Alberts? investigating to establish facts, bureaucracy was replaced by of Independent Unions, known To Fight a young progressive leadership Speed up to be financed not only by the lo Robert Burke, a member of the exact dates, etc. and to secure militant picket line, staged By BOB STILER that may be capable of supplycal Associated Industries but by in front of the central relief The Stalinist in Amer Communist Party, who took orandavits. This will bo published LOS ANGELES. Workers of ing the militant policies neces By CAFETERIA WORKER national manufacturers groups, office, 902 Broadway, put to an ica attempted last week to link ders from Steuben, was in charge in the forthcoming issue of the Appeal.
the Dura Steel Products Co. last sary to the building of a strong NEW YORK. The drive now maintains a considerable and well end the vicious injunction reup a self confessed stool pigeon of the organization work of Re.
union movement in most unthe being conducted by the reaction Ananced apparatus warring of Tom Girdler with the Trotsky public. It was customary straining Will Lubin, unemweek voted unanimously to strike organized Industry in Califor ary Stalinist clique in control of against the bona fide untons, Hav ployed worker, from entering ite movement.
organizer in charge to make recAlliance Member in answer to rejection of their nia.
ommendations for the various Local 302, Cafeteria Workers Un ing failed in its attack on DrivIn its customary manner and a relief bureau to demand his demands by the company manFrame up Victim resolution to permit all with the usual clumsiness the posts whenever a lodge was set fon, to frame up and remove from ers Local 544, the independent agement, notorious chtsellers in workers in the industry to join their jobs militant, progressive unions appear to be concentratthe steel fabricating Industry in Labin was arrested recently Daily Worker recently reported up. Consequently, it was proNEW YORK Frame ups the hitherto an exworkers, took the form last week ing their fire at present on the when he a sit down that Harold Vargo, allas Richard bably Burke, working under the the Los Angeles aren, clusive Mexican unlon, marked of a physical attack on a worker building trades unions. Among Brooks, slias Ira Alberts, who direction of Steuben, or possibly against militants in Workers Allstrike inler bureau The strile declsion was made an important step in breaking by the manager of his store and other moves, it is now attempt ter repeated failures to have had confessed before the LaFol Steuben himself, who made the ance Local 22 found a victim last after a whirlwind organizational down the strong nationalistic was followed by an attempt of ing a frameup against Walter his case heard. The judge forlette Civil Liberties Committee recommendation that Alberts beweek when Max Weinberg was campaign carried on by the sentiment in the union. In ad a union business agent to remove Frank, leader of the lathers, bade Lubin to return to the that he had been paid by Tom Anancial secretary of Republic suspended on charges of attacking the Stalinist leadership. Only United Electrical and Radio dition, a resolution was passed the worker for defending him against whom a fink swore out bureau because of the sit in. Girdler police to give informa Steel Lodge.
Workers of America, under the to form a pact with the Fedtwo weeks before Harry ShopNow word about Steuben selt. warrant charging burglary. More than 50 members of the tion about the Republic Steel leadership of Bob Ontell and erated Filipino Workers Union, Christ Cordista, former shop It was in this atmosphere of joined the picket line Lodge of which he was financial Who no is he and what is his role herd was acquitted by the memRudy Garcia, militant leaders of another agricultural union, chairman in Foltis Fischer, at 42 desperate reaction that Judge together with members of Losecretary, had been smuggled in in this frame up? Steuben is an bership on the same charges, but the strike committee. Within the and to act together in all deal St. and 3rd Ave. and financial Reed struck at the most power cals 4, 15, and 17 of the Work to the union by myself while Told agent. He worked for by packing the meeting with nonperiod of one month the company ings with the employers. secretary of the Progressive ful and most militant of Minnea ers Alliance to demand that WAS secretary to Elmer Cope, several years for the in members the Stalinists swung union set up was broken and re Through the agricultural secgroup, has always defended union polis unions, the General Drivers Lubin be allowed to return to sub regional director, China. He boasted of this to the the vote against Weinberg, placed by a fighting outfit capable tion of the LO, the Stalinista whose sell out Scoop George Ronon of challenging the slave driving tried their usual attempt to conditions in the shop and natu Local 544.
the bureau. The picket line regional director, Elmer rally excited the hostile prejudice It was clear to all except cow was successful. The injunction The information was supplied Cope, in a moment of confidences. tactics earned the slander, conditions existing in the shop.
capture the union. Despite of the manager of the store. ards and traitors that if Local was lifted.
by John Steut mer Undoubtedly the in brought the charges against fulsome promise of money, orList Demands On Friday, July 29th, a dis 544 obeyed Judge Reed order, it organizer In Youngstown, in America has assigned him the Weinbreg, served on the trial Demands of the union are for a ganizers, etc. the delegates agreement developed between would mean the decisive turn in Court would have been refused special interview with the task of concocting this frame up committee and, as the local or tabled the resolution calling closed shop, seniority rights, the Cordista and the manager over an the battle. Four years of onward by the august judges.
Daily Worker staff correspon to discredit the Trotskyite move ganizer, led the frame up drive.
for affiliation to the dent.
ment, and to bolster up the fiasco reinstatement of four men fred attempt at speed up, which is marching of the unions since the Another member of the proBut in the eight days after for union activity, time and a half being Instituted throughout the great 1934 strikes would be Reed order had been published. Vargo, who used the name AlThe only evidence offered that of the trials in the Soviet Union. gressives, Sol Berkowitz, was recity with the consent of the un turned into a disorderly retreat the entire labor movement had Present the Facts!
fused reinstatement when his for overtime, or over hours In lon lendership since the instal Judge Reed had to be challenged been aroused. It nothing else in berts in Youngstown, was a Trots If Steuben has proof that Al year suspension reached its any one day, and a minimum Auto Union in wage standard of 50c per hour.
Detroit Strike lation of the hour day in May. in a head on collision tervened, there would be an im. Kyite was that had signed him berts is a Trotskylte, why is this close. During the early stages of At a final conference Thursday, When Cordista refused to be August 4th, between the managespeeded up, the manager assault(Continued from page 1)
And that is just what was would have to try by force and Steuben he had seen Alberts sev. Worker? Why was this informa year, Berkowitz Inststed on reed him. In the scuffle that ensued, ment, represented by William when workers at the McCord the manager came out sadder done! After the most careful jails to enforce his order agninst eral times in the company of Samtion withheld from the Civil Lib minding members of the Frank, whom Steuben belleved to erties Committees. If Steuben has of LaGuardia record of breakBrownstein, plant manager, Ed Black, sales manager, and Louis plant refused to work on scab but wiser man. Infuriated at the preparation, the Executive Board 544. And with an aroused and or Fran Brown, attorney for the com materials produced at the Amer successful self defense by Cordi of Local 544, on Tuesday morn gantzed movement, that would First let us dispose of this proof that the Trotskyites are ing strikes and coercing the un smuggling stool pigeons into the employed. For this the Stalinists by a curt refusal to recognize the recent strike there and forced the sta, the manager phoned the un Ing. August 2, handed to the press mean gigantic collision of the amalgam, and the we will deal unions, it is his duty to present suspended him for one year.
pany, negotiations were dropped can Brass Company during the opposing class camps ion and demanded his removal a 3, 000 word statement challengwith Steuben himself. do not re this proof and demand an investi As the time for his reinstateWhat to do? How far can the member Alberts ing Reed order. The statement from the job.
ment approached, Local 22 voted union, claiming that a previous driver to return with the load.
Crucial Test Quickly the business ngent, A1 exposed the plaintiff who had reactionaries go? They probably name doesn even sound familiar.
company union contract was still But such testimony is not forth that Berkowitz be reinstated.
The strike at McCord is committee rose to leave, Brown crucial test for the entire auto Steinberg, appeared and obliged secured the order as agents of haven decided, and much of a secretary to Elmer Cope coming because no facts, no evi Only after considerable pressure As the union bargaining depend on most of my work the manager. He was ready to do the Associated Industries. It their decision was done at union. It is one of the major atdence, can be adduced to prove had been put on the Adjustment the manager bidding because of sharply attacked the judge for whether the labor movement rethe office of the From this stalinist calumny. Alberts Committee was Berkowitz able to stein blunderingly bohupted out tempts of the to resist Cordista progressive record. not sending alleged union mem main hardwoor, the reaction time to time steel workers would connection with the Trotskyites obtain a hearing. The committee Why not wait a month or six the union shattering decentraliza The manager doesn want you bers back to the tribunals of the Meanwhile, however reaction enter the office, wanting to join exists only in the minds of the composed of four members of the thing out? We re busy now, and tons. Workers everywhere in the want you, so you have to get first, as even the settled law of Judge Reed order. The ensuina cation cards, Generally. signed ceived and there it will die.
need time to think it over. auto unlon, harried by similar atout.
non, refused to reinstate BerkoFears ne strike at the present the tempts of their own bosses on Thursday, August 4th, pointed out the irremediable dam. ad vantare by the Florbor forventere tra application cards to sign up complete rexpose of the role of in the Progressive Group and the co workers. It the Stalinist In the Socialist Workers Party.
ing seasonal production, with sing their jobs because of the Cordista appealed to the execage to the union which would re In mobilizing its forces for future their friends exodus of plants and faced with utives thorpeained, they bringing sult from surrendering its inner eventualities.
was the policy of the staff that orders flowing in rapidly.
wage cuts because of competitive down all the workers in his store most secrets to agents of the emany member who gave out cards Record of Discrimination non union prices are watching as witnesses, forced his reinstate ployers and made clear that the should sign his name to them.
The company consistent ef the McCord battle with intense ment. But not until considerable union stood ready to fight Judge forts to intimidate workers for interest. It is expected they will heat had been generated and Reed order.
Consequently almost every staff member has his name on cards union activity served as a fuse lend every support to the Steinberg, in his impatience, had with Local 544 the outstanding of to ignite the sputtering discontent McCord men.
seen, or whom he has not directly in his turn assaulted Cordista. union, not only of Minneapolis, with open shop conditions. Even And once again the InternaThe fight against frame ups but also leader of the North Censigned up.
First Anniversary of the Socialist Appeal the provisions of the company tional is face to face with its bis continues, with several progres tral Area drivers movement, that (Continued from page 1)
Ordinary Procedure union agreement have been vlo unaccomplished task, set out in sive workers appealing removals statement was news! All three ployment. Deprived of residence do not know whether or not The appearance of this issue step forward in the second year lated and ignored. Three unton the twenty point program: organ: from their jobs. This drive of Minneapolis dailies carried the permits, they are permanently my name actually appears on Alwill mark one complete year of of our publication.
members have been the roatena tine este inte e competitive planter the framo ups and removals is being fel a text and heaven the deere subject to arrest and imprison: berts application card. If it does. tape regulethe publicativolutionary went ment, for no cause whatsoever, at it is because Alberts probably got socialist paper in America. We we want to cite comrade Ruth For special mention this week been transferred to another plant signal. Had the International in control in an attempt to ter that day, there was only one sub the whim of any authority.
operated by the company. Three acted six months Ego Instead of rorize the membership in advance Ject of conservation uppermont Forbidden to take jobs, thou office and asking for an applica can point with pride to the fact Quero of Allentown, Penna, who union attorneyMarshall Ross, cal officers the run around the Labor wander huddle in period has increased by more house sales of the Appeal Inst with the National Labor Relations strike might never have been nee next December.
Meanwhile, the trade union the cellar of a decaying slum, is simple ordinary procedure.
than 50. that our revolutionary week and sold a total of 85 papers Board, charging the company essary. But the strike 18 here movement was being mobilized. slowly starving to death. Seeing apmessage is reaching more work within one hour! Splendid work, with intimidation of union organ now. The International will be exThe Teamsters Joint Council, not the slightest way out, hun pears on Alberts card, if it does ers than ever before in the history Ruth! special bouquet of orchization. Last week a charge was pected to support it every inch constituted by ten drivers unions dreds are driven to insanity or does not make him a Trotskyite of the American Trotskyist moved to you. Let other branches sit filled for refusal to bargain with of the way.
If we were to accept the reason ment and that the Appeal has up and take notice It can be 544, backed it in its stand and its In addition, tens of thousands ing of the agents we would firmly established itself as a solta done!
of the workers.
begin a serious and well planned organ, the Northwest Organizer, of the refugees are deprived of have to accuse the Communist and going institution.
Promises of support were delle campaign with competent organ.
Here the sub list for this past (Continued from page 1)
made that abundantly clear. The citizenship before expulsion. Na Party of being in league with the But we are well aware of our ered at the strike vote meeting by izers and a qualified director for Minneapolis Labor Review, or turally, none of the plous demo McGuffin fink agency in Youngs numerous shortcomings.
CALIFORNIA representatives of several Los the organization of the competi sem sed the mente het Sallone ing san of the central body, came out cracies erant new citizenship, town. Upon the recommendation paper too small to cover the.
ion of the Paolflc. At a meeting on Thursday with flaming head except in a very few instances of Steuben, the hired as flood of events transpiring each New York City of Harry Lundeberg, secretary lines in defense of 514 and Men without countries, these as an organizer Chick Welsher. week. Branches really do not do Minneapolis treasurer of the and Green alashing editorial attack on Judge refugees are in the most terrible Welsher was actually a member all in their power to increase our Chicago.
Missouri. of sermen unions on the Reed. Across the river, the organ sense outcasts on face of the of the Communist Party. Later it weekly circulation and there are of the St. Paul unions, the Union earth, was discovered that he was a spy far too many readers (especially Massachusetts East Coast, the West Coast un Advocate, ordinarily none too Though many of the refugees in the pay of McGuffin. He was our own comrades. who are not fon was authorized to organize friendly to the radical Minnes are professionals or intellectuals, promptly fired from the subscribers. As we enter the secAn Editorial Washington, the unlicensed personnel on both polls drivers, gave its headlines the fate of the worker refugees, several months later the Dally ond year of publication Philadelphia. Continued from page 1)
Coasts, the Gulf and the great and full space to the complete above all of those who have been worker carried a story about his set before us the following goals: New York State Lakes into one unified union.
took a majority of posts on the national council, but Joseph Curtext of the 514 statement.
active in working class politics, expulsion from the New Jersey. 1) weekly page Socialist ran, kingpin of the Stalinist clique, remains president. Between sab Assures Support With the unions so aroused is the most appalling of all. The The erime of signing Alberts Appeal.
New Hampshire Plans were laid down to es even the timid Minnesota Leader, professionals are more likely to up is not quite as helnous as (2) total net circulation of Cleveland.
tage and bribery, the Stalinists will leave no stone unturned to distablish a maritime department organ of the Farmer Labor party, have relatives or connections of making him an officer of the unConnecticut 10, 000 per week.
rupt or domesticate the new board. Every effort will be made to within the A, F, Ito assure felt called upon to publish a fa. some sort Youngstown plunge the into a fratricidal warfare with the support of teamsters and long vorable story, though there were some small percentage of former for this. When left the 3) Doubling the present number of subscribers.
TOTAL. 38 newly chartered into the of Here again the struggle shoremen to the seamen in case many sighs and groans on Capi. property, so that they can set at against the Stalinists must be a struggle for labor unity.
In the past year we have made of strikes. On the vital question tol Hill about what the Aght least bread. The workers have of government hiring halls, Green might do to Governor Benson nothing, and no chance of getting ANNOUNCEMENTS a beginning in making the so Send all contributions and subs The explusion of Mortimer, Frankensteen and Hall from promised support to the West chances of election.
anything. The big bourgeois and Insertions in this column are American workers. From this cialist Appeal the paper of the to: the auto union will hardly compose the differences in the auto Const union declaration to call So far as the purely legal isliberal rello organizations are 25 cents for five lines. Copy SOCIALIST APPEAL union or put an end to the factional conflict. On the contrary, 116 University Place erament attempten west pects of the case went, Judge not interested in them. They can be in at the APPEAL OF be base and with the three aims in mind, we can take another great the suspended officers have already announced the calling of a New York City Reed order was an interlocu some of them, take a few scraps fore o clock Monday evening.
conference of union presidents to challenge the expulsions. Above Coast men through the fink halls.
the Stalinist table: at the The main obstacle to unity he tory deeree and if so defined price, it goes without saying, of from NEW YORK not appealable. Nor need one one hundred percent allegiance to all, in the auto union the fight against the Stalinist wreckers must THE SOCIALIST APPEAL CAN BE OBTAINED be waged in the ranks and not in the sheltered sessions of the two coasts has been the unwil of events, any attempt to bring tween the two coasts has been the doubt that, in the ordinary coursel sulinism, not seldom as unofficial POLISH WORKERS CLUB and COMBINE to offer you AT THE FOLLOWING NEWSSTANDS Executive Board, and must coincide with the fulfillment of the lingness of the Communist Party Reed order before the Supreme agents for the For the non Stalinists, that door is likean evening at the Terrace Beer NEW YORK CITY Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sta.
20 point program.
serious campaign against the wise shut.
Garden, 1110 Second Ave. 59th MANHATTAN: Fourteenth St. Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
Other unions are not exempt from the perfidious activities shipowners and their ally, the These refugees include genuine St. Band, Beer, Entertain at University Place, at cor. Main Clinton Sta.
of the Communist Party. The shipbuilders union which has such government. With the Stalinists Cor. Main South Ave.
heroes in the fight for socialism, ment. Proceeds to be used to W; at Fourth Ave. at Broadway, at Fourth Ave. cessfully resisted all attempts of the Stalinists to seize control is out of the way in the the authentic martyrs in the anti publish a Polish pamphlet, out Fourth Ave. and at NEWARK, fascist struggle. Their defense Reitman s, cor. Brond William now experiencing an organized raid on its membership with new leadership should find it poslining a class struggle program Third Ave. at Third Ave. NEW HAVEN, Conn.
sible to form common front and nid is not at al mere act the purpose of pulling out locals and affiliating them with some Nodelman Newastand, for the Polish workers move W; opp. Jefferson Theatre; at with all unions, regardless of afof charity. It is part and parcel paper creations of the Communist Party. Rumors have been quite Aliation, against the common main body of organized labor on dom. Continued from page 1)
ment. Saturday eve, Aug. 13. Rand Book Store, E. 15th eneof the world wide battle for free Second Ave. at Sixth Ave. Church St. bet.
persistent that steps of this nature were being planned in the my, the Maritime Commission.
Admission 25 cents.
St. 12th St. and University PI. Cor. 57th Blackstone CHICAGO Center auto workers union as well.
Fight Fink Halls the West Coast, the of The work of the American Candy Store, 75 Greenwich Cor. 12th Kedale Ave.
It is significant to note that in this life and death battle, WANT ADS News, 37 With the militant unions of Under Stalinist leadership, the Fund for Political Prisoners and the West Coast now playing the o. here has dissipated its ener Refugees, though modest in its Forty second St. at Fifth Ave. Ceshinsky Bookshes Toe waged against the purveyors of disruption and disorder in the ALLENTOWN, PA.
leading role in the of Ligles in setting up paper unions beginnings, is a crucial sector of PLEASANT ROOM, 20th St. Ave. at Seventh Ave. labor movement, John Lewis, acknowledged head of the there remains no reason to delay without membership or power, in this battle. The American Fınd Aug. 15 to Sept. 15, weekly. Opposite Sterns; 103 44th St. Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
has maintained an unbroken silence. The only statement to come PHILADELPHIA Joining hands in the flight to close alienating itself by raids on es duplicates none of the existing for Information call CHelsea 23rd St. 4th Ave.
1806 North Franklin St.
from his lips was a declaration favorably interpreted by the Stadown the government fink halls. tablished unions. Again and again agencies. Every dollar given to 4359.
of the link halls is the o. unions have been it yields concrete results in the NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM store at Grand and Attorney Star Essex and Delancy Sts; Book Cor. 13th and Market Sts. linist caucus in the It must not be forgotten that Lewis still a burning one among the forced to capitulate to the bosses. lives of the most desperately situCor. 11th and Market Sts. appointed Harry Bridges over the head of the California labor ranks of the and pickets Coupled with this is a complete ated of the refugees. It deserves 40th St. Girard Ave.
Use of large apt. Complete Candy Store, 9th st. and privacy, three blocks to Ford. Second Ave; Biederman Book 8th St. Arch St.
movement; that he chartered the with Curran in control, still parade in front of the Marl lack of democracy, with the sta the support of every serious anti ham Express Sta. Bronx (8th Store, 12th St. and Second Ave; BOSTON, MASS.
time Commission offices in New linista crushing all attempts to fuscist.
Ave. Line. 00 weekly. Frieda Wigerson, 145th St. and St. Nichdespite the unquestioned leadership of the that he has Andelman s, Tremont St. opp York. So far the new administra oppose the policies of Bridges. In (EDITOR NOTE: Contribu Kalb, Appeal office.
olas Ave; 110th St. and Columbus played ball with Stalinist groups in the top circles of the Hotel Bradford)
tion in the has not taken many cases, Bridges has person tions and statements of support CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
Felix s, Massachusetts Ave, at and of was the close tie up between the top circles of Perhaps one of the strongest obstacles to unity between Clo: any steps to bring the union into ally intervened in local union at should be sent to the American De BRST PEUTSCH. UNSER SERONY: Jerome Ave. 170th Harvard Square WORT, das Organ der Inter. opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, LYNN, Mass.
the and Stalinist agents who have everything to fear from As we go to press, this question is sequences.
Refugees, Room 1600, 100 Fifth nationalen Kommunisten 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave Sam Corner, Olympla Square a united labor movement. The events of the past week are the being discussed at a meeting of the program of the new central Ave. New York, Deutschlands. 12 Nummern, 60 Jerome and Burnside Aves: 160th ROXBURY, MASS.
body, to be known as the Los AnCents. Zu beziehen vom Labor St. and Prospect Ave: Allerton handwriting on the wall. One of the outstanding points in the geles Trade Union Conference, Friendly Varlety, Warren St.
Book Shop, 28 East Twelfth Ave. Station; Freeman Ave. and program of the Los Angeles unions is the ending of intra union (Grove Hall)
Guild Wins Strike LERMAN BROS.
provides a basis for the revival of St.
Southern Boulevard; 174th warfare and cooperation with American Federation of Labor MINNEAPOLIS The American Newspaper the IO. movement, and, at the 37 EAST 14th STREET Rd CAMPS. Labor Book Store, 919 Marquette unions. That is merely an indication of developments in this Guild strike of 11 weeks against same time maker possible workNew York City. East Moshula Subway Sta. Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin: direction that are bound to come once the splitters are pushed ended with victory for the unions. Promising no raids on esthe Hollywood Citizen News has ing unity with local of Union Stationers and 3897 Sedgwick Ave.
CAMP SEVEN OAKS, EatonKroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
Printers ST. LOUIS MO.
BROOKLYN: Havemeyer Aveto the sidelines.
union. The strike was marked by tablished unions and offering ald town, Red Bank Station) nue and South 4th St. Strauss Phone ALgonquin 8856 8 Foster Book Company Capacity 25, swimming pool, st. near Pitkin Ave. Sutter Ave. 110 Washington Blvd.
The labor movement has taken a long step forward this police attacks on strikers and ar to unions in the fight against Selling to Labor Organizations tennis court and other sports near in Sinderen Ave.
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio week. Now the progressives must organize to see the fight through rests for the distribution of strike the bosses, the new group should at Lowest Prices facilities, good food, comfort LONG ISLAND: 23rd St. 45th Nick s, Wick St, and Commerce to the end. Los Angeles, New York and Detroit have started leaflets. Publisher Harlan Palmer do much to bring organized labor Our Printing Plant located at able housing. Daily 75, week Ave.
has signed standard Guild shop in Los Angeles into a common 38 West 18th St. 6th Floor.
SAN FRANCISCO ly 16. 00. Fare 80 cents. Furthe ball rolling. Let keep it rolling.
ROCHESTER, contract Information Phone Bryant Phone Algonquin 7823 MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
Aghting front.
433 Clinton St. 7620 or Eatontown 510.
287 Clinton St.
SAN DIEGO, Calle Universal News Co. 212 way charges have been a filed by the parenting the back and elvine edhe ne the local elections to be held Sus case against Judge Reed. wanderol the refugees annoniy tion card. Anyone who was there torted in total elementation in the houble entire branche Aponsores de RANK and FILE WIN the duly elected representatives above axis it munt immediately CONTROL IN NMU Our week: Welcome Sign!
have FIVE BIG UNIONS DENOUNCE 810 Ave. ther!