AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismDemocracyFascismImperialismPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL AUGUST 6, 1938 AMERICA PERMANENT DEPRESSION II New Deal Takes Care of Bankers First; Juggles Relief as Riot Insurance and for Political Machine CAPITALISM T, VA SOCIALIST APPEAL not unnaturally with much of what is actually going on.
Vol. II No. 82 Saturday, August 6, 1988 The reason for this is that Roosevelt still repPublished every week by the resents to the masses their hopes and needs.
SOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS Aided by his demagogy, supplemented by the at 116 University Place, New York, treacherous propaganda of trade union bureauTelephone: National Office: ALgonquin 8547 crats, Stalinists, reformists and liberals of all By ART PREIS Temple are very much with us, small independent producer. He Act, the establishment of the, in office during the lowest point types, they explain the difficulties and disapSubscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for six Some day the New Deal era Indeed, his first political act, the scored with fiery tongue the in Home Owners Loan Corporation, of depression in American hismonths. Foreign: 50 per year. Bundle order pointments as due to the sabotage of Wall will be known as the Years of Bank Moratorium, served merely dustrial monopolists. His new and the Wagner Labor Act. tory was literally wrested from cents per copy. Single copies cents.
Street and the Tories.
the Great Deception. Few po to clean out the small independ Magna Charta, the National All checks and money orders should be made The first was an attempt to the New Deal regime by riots Roosevelt thus performs the work of a nec. litical demagogues have demon ent banks and a host of small de Recovery Act, as its one outstand subsidize wholesale crop and live and bloodshed, by storming of out to the Socialist Appeal.
essary safety valve, preventing the pressure of strated so great a divergence be positors. The major financial ing achievement wiped out thou: stock destruction, while a third food stores and warehouses, in mass discontent from turning against its true tween the word and the deed, the groups were given a new lease sands of the little men by vir of the nation was in dire want, which literally hundreds of thoupromise and the fulfillment as upon the country. Backed by govtue of its price fixing codes of and resulted in the ruin of tens sands of desperate unemployed, 1987, at the post office at Neat terorker ptember 13 enemy, the capitalist system itself and the capiunder the Act of March 3, 1879.
has Franklin Delano Roosevelt. ernment power and credit, fair business practice and fur of thousands of small dirt farm led mainly by such organizations talist state as a whole.
Borne into office on a tremen nance capital consolidated its ther entrenched industrial moMAX SHACHTMAN In the present period such a safety valve is dous tide of popular protest power.
nopoly. And, startling as it mayers, tenant farmers and share the Unemployed Councils and croppers. The rich landlord farm Unemployed Leagues, took part.
Editor essential to the maintenance of capitalism. The the Hoover regime, Roosevelt has at Wall Street as the root of all numerable Investigations under rents and shares, and pocketed bare emergency relief in the against the brutal indifference of For those who point the finger sound, while we have read of in ers continued to collect their These funds provided only a HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES majority of the masses, as is recognized even Associate Editors steered a course with such po evil, and pin halo to the scalp the Anti Trust laws, there has the bounty of the government form of food orders, and because STANLEY by many of reactionary political spokesmen, Hitical adroitness that he has of It is well to recall that been not one successful prosecuBusiness Manager simply cannot be induced to turn back again to tion since Roosevelt took office. The instead of prol of the necessity for state and lomaintained his popular hold upon the genial Great White Father, old line laisser faire conservatism.
the masses of American people when he had the greatest opportecting the small home owners, cal governments declaring themIf the 1940 elections presented to the people have failed to effect a single fun the choking weeds of Wall Street and Destroying Crops despite the fact that his policies tunity ever presented to uproot Subsidizing Home Owners has merely guaranteed interest selves in practical bankruptcy in payments to the banks, mortgage order to obtain these federal The Popular Front a conservative Republican candidate for Presidamental change in our economic by nationalizing the banking syscompanies and insurance corpo grants, many state and local comdent and a conservative or reactionary Demo and social order.
tem, chose rather to nurture their Much has been made of Roose rations. Thousands of small munities refused to avail themand the POUM crat against him, the old two party system would The money changers whom growth.
velt social legislation. Chiet home owners, unable to meet in selves of such funds. As a result 1932 go up in smoke that very year.
Roosevelt stormed against Roosevelt, in his speeches, among his reform acts have terest and amortization on gov. scarcely a third of the needy unThe upholders of Popular Frontism in Spain Bitterly as Roosevelt is hated within as well and vowed to drive from our champloned the little man, the been the Agricultural Adjustment ernment loans, have been fore employed received any of these closed, while the mortgage sharks starvation benefits.
proclaim that they are fighting for democracy as without his own party by many of his fellow get good hard government cash Stifles Mass not more than democracy, and not less.
bourgeois politicians, they know that he still reNew Deal Housing in place of shaky mortgages and They are not fighting capitalism, but only increasing property taxes, Jobless Revolt tains his mass support, and they know why he fascism. They want to preserve from fascist retains it; and they know also that fundamental.
70 EUR Bargaining Rights Won As winter approached, and as barbarism the democratic rights of the masses, ly he is absolutely loyal to capitalism.
the first year of Roosevelt tenon Picket Line ure came to close, with the which include the right of organization and agi If he cannot be replaced with some one able tation promise of re employment under to perform the same function, therefore, they Another diamond in the Roose the program completely At least, so they say.
know that he must be run for a third time; and velt crown has been the act de fulfiled, Roosevelt Instituted the The trial of the leaders of the POUM which Aning the rights of collective bar. frat federal work relief program, is about to take place in Barcelona is a transthey are consequently preparing for that congaining for labor. Under this act, the Civil Works Administration tingency. suitable alternative candidate if and its defunct predecessor, Sec. This was more than a humaniparent frame up, based on the best models of one could be found or a renewed down plunge tion of the organized tarian gesture. On the one hand California and Moscow justice. Its purpose is of economic crisis for which a scapegoat had to labor was presumably guaranteed it was an attempt to stifle mass the rights of collective bargaining revolt during the most bitter the physical extermination of this working class be found, would, however, lead equally well to free from coercion and restraint months of winter on the other, party, after it has already been legally suppressed Roosevelt rapid shelving.
by the employers. Yet, in every it was the beginning of that pro and outlawed. It is part and parcel of the coun Meanwhile, the job for revolutionary social.
single great test of these acts, gram of pump priming and ter revolutionary work that the People Front ists is to make clear to the workers that the and there have been scores of credit inflation into which Roosehas engaged in from the beginning, under in problem of a third term for Roosevelt is not them in the past four years, labor velt has been repeatedly forced has won recognition for its bar when all his other measures have structions from its masters: the Stalinist bureau.
their problem, but a problem solely of bourgaining rights only by blood and proved inadequate to solve the cracy and French and British imperialism geois politics. Roosevelt is an umbilical cord struggle.
economic crisis. Within three That the Stalinists are the principal instiga tying the embryonic labor political movement to The Maritime strikes, the Tex months of its inception, the tors of the frame up goes without saying, for capitalism. first step in the growth to maturity tile Strike (when Roosevelt folded up. The unemthese people, permeated through and through of that movement must be the sharp clean cutthreatened to call out the Federal ployed went back to dandelion with corruption and cynicism, are the vanguard troops against the strikers. the greens.
ting of that cord.
Minneapolis Teamsters strike It is interesting to note that of reaction in the labor movement. The shibthe Toledo Auto Lite, the Mil the wages paid under the boleths of democracy are merely the pretty waukee power, the Koehler, the for common labor were 15 por words behind which they carry out the most Rounding the Circle Little Steel, the General Motors, week. The mistake of maindespicable totalitarian tasks.
the Rubber strikes, and thoutaining such high wages has But what about the democratic socialists. Negotiations are being undertaken between sands of other bitter physical never again been repeated by They denounce the Stalinist frame up system the Thomas socialists the Oneal Cahan So.
struggles, testify to the fact that Roosevelt. For as we shall note, Roosevelt had given the workers every future work program was Spain but keep silent completely about the cial Democratic Federation. Old Guard. merely the rights they always to mark a decline in the actual fact that the system could not operate for a looking towards the reunion of the two groups.
possessed, the rights they have and real wages paid federal work minute without the sanction of the socialist The old Socialist party, or rather its remnants, always had to wrest from the rellef employees.
head and ministers of the Spanish People is thus approaching the completion of a circle.
ruling class in life and death conflicts.
The pump priming of the In 1934, vigorous and militant elements in Front governm a mere 400 million And what about the anarchist fighters for de the Socialist Party, reacting against the hoary How Solved lars failed to increase buying mocracy. They too talk a good deal about the reformism of the Old Guard leaders, Ousted power to an extent whereby the latter at the Detroit convention and adopted Unemployment Stalinist frame ups in Spain. But they have not dustry and business might rea word to say about the passivity of the anarcho a more radical program for the Swinging However, the greatest prob vive. Roosevelt prosperity syndicalist movement in Spain, which claims out to the left, the began to attract the Glem which faced Roosevelt when failed to materialize, and the un 2, 000, 000 members, which supports the reac more revolutionary elements in the country in he took office was that of unemployed were again on ram employment. There were 15 mil page. Demonstrations and hunger tionary People Front government, and which the measure that it completed the break with Hon unemployed in the when marches swept the streets of ev.
could blow up the whole infamous Stalinist re the incorrigible right wingers of the Jewish he became President. So far as Iery city. City halls, state legislagime in Spain if it were merely to back its empty Daily Forward and the Rand School. At the the elimination of mass unem tures and the federal capital were invaded by militant messes dephrasemongering with actual deeds.
Cleveland convention, the final break occurred ployment in this country is concerned, Roosevelt program has Roosevelt was the This manding relief. The answer of Popular Frontism class collaborationis and was followed, shortly, by the entry of the accomplished exactly nothing poison to the labor movement and any section Fourth Internationalists (Workers Party) in the There are 15 million unemployed reet and work relief.
program provided funds for diS.
that supports it. Every honest voice in the workin the today.
ing class must be raised against its crimes, These developments promised a healthy fuThe reasonable leader, the FERA Wage Down against the impending judicial massacre of the ture for the as an effective revolutionary liberal who seeks good motives Barcelona defendants. Deeds, not words, count movement in the United States. However, it instead of sound accomplish to Relief Level ments, the radical who yearns soon proved impossible for the Thomas Tyler now.
Work relief under the for the green pastures of popuThe militants of the POUM must be saved leadership of the to progress an inch belar causes, all chant in chorus, was initiated in September, 1934.
The full program from the terror of the People Front and its yond its vacillating and untenable middle of the But Roosevelt has done more for built up to provid. was cleverly The country is witnessing this summer a set of primary cam featuring anti Semitism, adver, the unemployed than Hoover!
the maximum Stalinist executioners.
road position. Fearful of the growing influence of employment just prior to the of the left wing, the party bureaucracy finally paigns exceeding in bitterness and in social significance any com tise the notorious Protocols of parable struggles during the past several decades. Outstanding in Zion, and combine this with all to add how much more, and Even so, at its peak, the Granted! But these apologists 1984 and congressional elections.
Third Term for Roosevelt. decided upon a surgical operation, and arbi.
violent brand of anti Papism.
trarily expelled several hundred revolutionists in this development is the irrepressible tendency of profound social familiar in the history of Amer why Roosevelt concessions to employed million less workers the unemployed were made.
than the although the a manner that aroused e envy and applause of conflicts, driven by depression and crisis, to break through the sur scan politics.
From every quarter, the groundswell of a Roosevelt ald to the unem need was just as great. Further, In California, through the popface of ordinary party machine electioneering. Third Term for Roosevelt movement is be the totalitarian experts of the Daily Worker.
Since that time, the official has progres In the normal times of a past now dead and gone forever, ular initiative, there has been ployed comes under two hendings, the wages paid amounted to ginning to be felt. The first open signs ap peared some months ago, at several of the trade sively deteriorated, shedding members and prin primaries were almost always cut and dried affairs. Serious contests of the Townsend old age pension work relief appropriations.
Like in February, 1935, were cut to union conventions. In recent wecks these have ciples like a snake sheds its skin. All that is were rare exceptions. Candidates were agreed upon, after suitable scheme which has swept behind almost every New Deal conces the equivalent of each worker become more definite, with the petition handed left of it today is a little centrist sect, to which haggling, by the party bosses, and participation in the primary elect the former followers of Epic, ston, the Social Security Bill somergency rellet budget. This to Roosevelt at Pueblo, the resolution of the some revolutionary militants have remained aftions themselves was confined for the most part to faithful hacks Utoptan Society, the Townsend bone with a string attached. Its was a fancy scheme to exact filiated in the vain hope that some day it might bership marching to the polls.
and ward heelers, with only a small fraction of the enrolled mem movement, Share the Wealth, and benefits apply to less than ten work for what amounted to an the hundred and one local Cal officials in Ohio, and a number of Delfornia cults.
ployed. Further, the conditions shortly by the rapid demobilizaphic remarks by various members of the Adbecome a revolutionary party.
This year, however, there ist under which worker can re tion of the work program.
These hopes have been given the final dagger hardly state in the Union dramatic step yet made by laParty Labels Inadequate ceive any benefits are extremely In June, 1938, the federal govwhich thrust by the announcement in the current Sois exempt It would be a profound error to imagine from bitter bor in this country toward en of these phenomena, to restricted, and then the benefits that this movement is in any sense a personal cialist Call, organ of the of the anxiety struggles. In nearly every elec tering the political Arena as gether with the running fight in last but a few weeks. The real ernment ended the At tion which has so far taken class to appoint a committee to meet with the Old place, the voting turnout has dozen States between the pay off is that workers obtain: one stroke, million familles question, as many of the commentators now were left to starve, or to go back Maverick Defeat Roosevelt and anti Roosevelting unemployment insurance retry to make it out. It has nothing to do with Guard group to discuss re unification. Thomas come within a few per cent of camps of the Democratic Party, celve less, in most instances, than to the tender charities of bankand Co. are exhilarated by the prospect of re.
Roosevelt own power complex or overthe total registered voters. Under the leadership of La unite in emphasizing the growing they might on relief.
rupt local communities.
In a number of States the con bor Non Partisan League, anal inadequacy of the old party laturning to the ancestral hearth and weeping This benevolent venture, recurrent pattern marks the bearing egotism which are the stock phrases tests are still, it is true, progous tactics are being repeated dels and the old party frame adopted in most European coun entire course of Roosevelt of the political columnists.
penitently upon the forgiving bosom of Abe marily of the old machine type: in score of States. In an ex work.
It can be said with confidence that, if his ago, is in reality a treatment of the unemployed, UnCahan and Jim Oneal without further waiting State patronage machine ver actly comparable situation in been tries yowme of government tax employment is considered tomhealth continues good and it now seems exfor an official communication.
sus the Federal patronage mo Texas, Maury Maverick last week marked even more strikingly by ation of the workers, whereby a porary. Periods of starvation recellent. Roosevelt will himself wish to run for Thomas, Tyler and Zam could not live in the chine: a local elty boss against went down to defeat in the Demo: the entry of the bulk of Repub tremendous fund is being built let and jobs at coolie wages are a third term provided he believes he has a same party with the revolutionary left wingers.
a governor wanting to cut in on cratic primaries by a combina lican voters of Minnesota into up. Iargely from deductions in Collowed by periods of outright the local gratt; etc.
good chance of winning. Roosevelt is too adroit They are dying to get under the same roof with Clash of Social Forces merce, of and the well against Benson, and by the coallatose scheme resolves itself into ed. The administration is testing and too ambitious a politician to worry too the petrified representatives of reformism and much over breaking precedents.
class collaboration. As in nature, water finds its But in the majority of cases, try in the old party primariestion now being formed with both gigantic swindle, a deferred how little it will take to satisfy the unemployed. Further, it la the primary campaigns are re leaves labor politically hamDemocrats and Republicans by payment of wages.
The question will be decided not by Rooseblindly hoping for a business own level, so in politics, the centrists finally re flecting, in however distorted a strung: but even so tentative the American Labor Party in manner, the discontent, uncer form of class action sharpens the pick up which will relieve the Riot Insurance and velt personal preferences, but by the political turn to reformism. The circle is thereby comNew York problem. The pick up falls. Demneeds of United States capitalism.
pleted tainties and strivings of vast so class lines as whole, and brings For workers there is in these Political Expediency onstrations, hunger marches, rlRoosevelt tour, together with the results of What will now be said, and done, by the cial groups which remained pas to the surface the underlying so primaries of this year a lesson sive and inarticulate in the dayscial divisions.
The history of relief and work lots. Shortly after the ending of the recent Fortune and Gallup polls, have shown militants remaining in the by those who, of normalcy. The mighty clash that his popularity continues in spite of dis four five years ago, were earnest and purposeful of the awakening labor move organized entry of labor into the In a thousand places throughout reller programs under Roosevelt the Roosevelt notes a Just as obvious as the more the country, the workers, in the is one of constant mass strugete decline in his popularity. Too many millions of workers have satisfaction Roosevelt party and faction, in launching the fight against the Old Guard ment with the social system that political arena is the pressure or primaries, are trying to go for by the workers for every slightest had to jam Section TA down emtries to with many of Roosevelt specific policies and and the disastrous policies it stood for?
restlessness of the middle class the growingly disoriented middle aduto Workers. Relying on the concession and the skillful use ployers throats with their bare to strangle it in birth, the and promises of bureau by Roosevelt of federal funds for Asts. Production has registered the battle of and of classes, particularly in the West.
British Repressions Muslim League (a rapidly develthe cleavage between Roosevelt Combining reactionary demagogy crats and unstable liberals whose political maneuvers. Relief comes This latest and most violent in and the old guard Democrats, the With hill billy music and a plat Interests at bottom are the di under two headings on the scarcely any rise. The unemform consisting chiefly of the rect opposite of the interests of Roosevelt Budget rlot Insurance ployed are fuming.
Again the astute Maglelan of Continue in Burma ping movement of Indian for a series of bloody Ineldents now complaints of the farmers, all the working class, they are try and politioal expediency.
Ten Commandments, Lee cism. led to the armed interfer sweeping over India indicates are finding their symbols in the Daniel swept a field of ifteen in ing to make themselves felt It is significant to note that rabbit from his hat. This time it the White House pulls a trick ence of the 5, 000 troops perma. that the masses of people, auf competing candidates for Con Texas to win the For the past week, Burma, a nently stationed in Burma by gress and State Ho and Les nomination province of British India, has the British rulets. After firing fering under the civilizing vir islature. equivalent to elec. result is uniformly that the class plied himself to the national scale, super super works proalms of the workers become problems when he took office gram. The gets slowly unbeen the scene of bloody strug upon the crowds of demonstratues of British Imperialism for Outstanding from the point of tion) for the governorship. cat paws for one or the other were first to safeguard the bank der way in the fall of 1985.
Fascist In Kansas gles between sections of the poputors, the military authorities set 250 years and now facing the view of the labor movement was of the bourgeois forces.
ers, next to entrench monopoly, In Kansas, the potentially fas These primaries must be made and finally to throw a few crumbs (This is the second of a series lation and the British army, It sup machine cun outposts and prospect of rapidly approach the campaign in Pennsylvania, barred the streets to the people ing new economic crisis, are be where the workers girded them cist direction of such movements to teach that politically, as eco to the unemployed, who in the of articles on unemployment.
estimated that 100 have been of Rangoon, capital of Burma. ginning to stir. We can cont selves as a class behind Tom as that which threw up Daniel nomically, the workers can de spring, summer and fall of 1983 The next article will continue killed and many more hundreds Martial law was declared and dently predict greater struggles Kennedy attempt to place him finds more open voice in Dr. Ge fend and advance their aims only were in mass ferment.
the story of The New Deal and wounded.
armored cars patrolled the area. in the immediate future. All the self at the head of the Demo rald Winrod, leading candi when they shake of the The Emergency Relief fund the Unemployed, covering the Rioting, which apparently be The hoary British policy of di more reason why our support cratic ticket. Vain and futile as date for the Republican nomina whole structure plled on them by which Roosevelt instituted in the Roosevelt unemployed program gan over incidents provoked by vide and then rule was at work goes these long oppressed the effort was, it was neverthe tion for the governorship. Dr. bourgeois tradition, and strike summer of 1933 after six months from the winter of 1938 up to members of the pro imperialist again!
less the most organized and Winrod publications have been out freshly, independently, boldly, as a class.
the present. Old Party Lines Break Down In Round of Primary Voting ANI to