AnarchismAndrey VyshinskyCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionFascismFranceGPUHitlerIV InternationalJohn DeweyKidnappingMarxismMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

AUGUST 6, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Socialist Bares Barcelona Frame Up Against POUM Tells How Militants Vancouver Jobless Fight REFUGEES FLEE French Party Brands NAZIS; SPURNED Klement Kidnapping As Are Persecuted By For Right To Live BY DEMOCRACY Work Of GPU Agents the Stalinist GPU Cent Back to Con AUTO UNION TRIAL Plan Joint Action to centration Camps TO BE RESUMED it WAS not possible to put the lon in 1934 for his courageous atlin jury to the gallery paintings Into BC. Ottawa stalled and volt against their morning prospect of being returned to the By ROBERTSON Cite Cases of Exiles Another heroic chapter in the and their places monotonously government resignation. Some struggles of the Canadian work Alled until the cops gave up. of the crowd shifted to the police Combat Stalin Import Moscow Trials Into Spain; Crush wh Columbia this summer by the In this manner and used to sup the arrested strikers, Winch, the ing class is being written in Brit Thousands of dollars were raised station and threatened to release Terror System Revolutionary Movement in Name The Belgian La Lutte Ouvrlere who have revolted against whole ets.
played his usual role, however, of July 9th describes the repres. Continued from page 1)
PARIS, France. Members of of Democracy sale lay offs from work reller. On Mayor Mobilized Forces by appearing and persuading the sive treatment accorded German the Internationalist Workers Party May 15th, without warning, the In the meantime Mayor Miller mob to disperse (for which he and Austrian exiles from Fascism the essential object will remain provincial. Liberal. govern of Vancouver ranted red balting was The following story of the persecution of the and ment closed down its forestry nonsense in the press and wired the bouy congratulated by by the self styled democratie the same, and the auto union will (P. French section of the press. In the eve governments.
remain in constant danger of Fourth International, declared the coming trial of its leading militants is written by a socialist in camps where 3, 700 men had been Patullo for more cops. The latter ning another mass demonstration The following four cases are convulsions and schism as long here that all signs definitely point the pages of the latest issue of the French syndicalist magazine, mucking all winter for their grub tried vainly to break the strikers saw 100 of the strikers off on the characteristic: as the Stalinists can influence to the disappearance of Rudolph LA REVOLUTION PROLETARIENNE (July 25, 1938. While the and a monthly smell of cash, and ranks by shrieking that half of boat to the provincial capital at (a) Eleven Austrian refugees, appreciable sections of the mem. Klement as a kidnapping job per SOCIALIST APPEAL cannot agree with all the political evalua vuppedver ete waliku sentitute in to the ring magnanimously conduhin Vancouveritele tune the madena House hordes were ancovanxeno manent necemuity that the unton petrated by Stalin G. Kle tions which the author makes of the various tendencies in Spain streets. As in the previous sum these foreigners back where land. Returning from the pier choice of entering the Foreign wreckers be subjected to a with ment is a German enigrant who Caballero, anarchists) the indisputable facts which he mer the government policy was they came from Promptly a the crowd demonstrated before Legion or returning to the Hitering fire of progressive union served as administrative secretary records are of such vital importance in revealing the sims behind to make the jobless get out and sympathetie youth organization the police station, then went lerian fatis. six have accepted ism.
of the Fourth International.
the frame up, that we are glad to present the article to our of o use the favorite phrase took a census and announced down and completed the wreck the Legion, five others the cer progressive course, will obviPremier Patullo. But that 73 per cent of the strikers ing of the post office.
tainty of concentration camps. ate the necessity of bureaucratic At the same time, the leader readors. Ed.
this year the unemployed were had been in the province at least It became known that truck Eighteen Austrian and Ger measures and win rank and file ship of the announced that We have received the Indietready to fight. Organized in five years and most of the rest loads of Aremen, returning from man refugees were sent back support for whatever organiza the constituent congress of the Tribunal against the leaders of names. At the station of San 1, 500 of them marched into the kept on the run so long by the the evletlon, had converged on man territory, ment intended for the special a work camp. We know thel Relle Project Workers Union, were Canadians who had been an early alarm at the time of from the Belgian frontier to Ger tional stepa may prove necessary, newly formed Workers and Peasneeds of the u wnion to the Workers Party of cente de Castellet, Valentin Vilamain streets and sat down in buck passing authorities that the post office and backed by (c) An eye witness describes the the neare is clearly diclomerants Socialist Party (P. Marxist Unification of Spain. Anet, a member of the Iberian three of Vancouver chief build they no longer had a legal home.
This strange document carries Communist Youth, 17 years old, ings, the Art Gallery, the new The strikers themselves pointed ing the streets, had jeered the po twenty five years old, alther Aus tant membership.
waitresses from restaurants in extradition of a young man Martin, and above all to the mill left wing of some 15, 000 members whose leaders were recently the date line, July 11, 1938, Bar was killed by a bullet In his face Federal Post Office, and the fash out they were willing to go any lice. The Mayor moved can the trian or German, effected by two celona. According to law, the ac expelled from the Socialist Party because he looked out of the car Revive 20 Point Program tonable Georgia Hotel where if they were guaranteed assistant fire chter and the scores Belgian policemen who did not cused should have been brought window. On arriving at the enmp. The 300 in the latter were work at fatr wages. Patullo wired of Bremen involved but was forced hesitate to cross over into German now that the original basis of posal for joint action with the But it is of cardinal Importance of France, voted to accept a pro to trial within twenty days. But thone All were asked to make quickly bought out, by a panicky the Dominton Government to the eventually to ignore the incident te hard to place en el porico. mer in the controversy is not lost from French Fourth Internationalists.
rlod of a year that a document that presented themselves was les of arbitration which were for the men, but to get the use which was now so strong that view, and that the struggle does One of the first points to come up (d) The refugee Baldus, of this type has been issued. Juan Ruiz Tomas, of the Immediately brokent. But the man of the federal mounties and to even the city police (not the man, hung himselt in the cell of apollo and scramble for post for joint action between the two Not so long ago, Gonzalez Pena, seriously in of tuberculosis, jority gat firm for around month secure a blockado ngainst the mounties) were rumored in re a Dutch prison, faced with the tions. The issue which precip parties will be the Klement case.
Minister of Justice, declared that sentenced to thirty years in priswhile the pollo hoads, forring entry of any more unemployed tated the factional conflict was a on trial nor to free the stude during the Asturias upris and the mail if they used tear work.
Nazi authorities then wired its At dawn the Unable to Find Work flagrant violation of the 20Triumphal March Jeaders, because this entire ating point program unanimously The Press Bureau of the gas, and intimidated by the mill next morning, Sunday, the yel.
Many Murdered fair is dominated by reasons of Numerous refugees allowed to adopted by the Executive Board issued the following release on hastily convened delegate state which in this instance re All these stek disappeared and tancy of the men, blustered and low striped heroes of American the city union remain in Belgium live only and by the Stalinists. The 20 July 16: thanks to occasional and individ fers only to the Soviet alliance their surviving comrades who tried to wear the strikers down pulp magazines stormed the post conference with waiting.
office with tear gus and threw voted to aponsor protest cam. ual support. All these exiles are point program was and remains This morning French members Trial Legal Assassination write to us believe they were shot but the heads of the strictly prohibited from living by son attacks of the employers turbed by a two days absence of The trial, if it takes by order of the chief of the camp, In une with the radical trads through the broken plate glass taged netion. Tacking the Indis cannot be bought. This produces an agencies, temporarily post engaged in administrative and place, will be an attempt by the a torturer named Astorga. Pedro real hidden rulers of the Spanish Vergnler, of the has tions of Vancouver, the sitRepublic at Assassination, with also disappeared from the camp.
downers got large spontaneous Outside more mounties, swing. pensable fighting support of the among most of them, unemployed legal pretext, of irreproachable May 8, twelve prisoners, amo support from citizens, including ing the butts of their heavy skulls of linite and tactics of ap for the proper moment and care ternational for some time, discovmilitants who have become par them Francisco Pina Orza or the even small shopkeepers and the ing quirts, cracked the ty rid unions, and confused by the sta and living in the most de Poned by the employers waiting technical work for the Fourth Inplorable conditions, demoraliz fully feeling out the union, win ered that he had disappeared from ticularly dangerous because of Iberian Communist Youth, arrest Protestant churches. The CCF the blinded workless as they pealing and deploring. the un their honesty and their past. Thised for having written on a wall. socialista) with seven members staggered out. The mounties were employed strength was gradu. Those who resist are precisely soon bulk up large as the major his residence. At the same time, problem before the auto workers. a copy of a letter addressed to at a time when food scarcity and Down with the tyrants! Free In the provincial parliament and backed by city police with clubs ally spent, but not before 100 those among the exiles who beat Roading cops are not likely to Leon Trotsky and signed Rudolph and dicks with rubber hose. The more had joined the delegation have understood the the about a governmental crists. shot. Before executing Francisco cil demanded that Patullo gov dolenseless unemployed had in Victoria.
These crossed first to that they have lived the pertence soften up with the passing of Kiemonte ky modellene Rudo pola Many of these refugees, who mands a vigorous and organized pignan, on the frontier of governtime. The 20 point program de them. It was postmarked at Perorder not to have to give an ac Pina Orza, the camp chief said ernment get out or make good begged to be arrested en masse, Nanaimo and made a hundredcounting, the organizers of de he regretted having to make an the work and wage program it, but when they saw the mounties mile triumphal trek down the Is have fled Fascism in the hope of fight against wage cuts. The un mental Spain, which is controlled suckerb feat are intending to suppress example of him because the or had used power. wanted blood, they fought back. land, e mining and lumber Anding freer atmosphere in ton can successfully cope with by the police occupying, as ace in the der for his liberation had been men whose very existence The Communist Party charac. Though outnumbered and werp of the little en route a guests which to live and work, have been staliniam only If it can survive is well known, the commanding prisons poses the question of resigned three days before. Do they to share in the strike Teadership post office wickets and sent five demanded work from the prov periences and have turned away positions in the governmental sponalbilty.
do better in the camp at Dachau?
ince or rail tickets to Ottawa, from the workers political organpolice forces of Spain.
Three Arguments UAW Organizes WPA mentioned above the For but nolsily championed the sit cops to the hospital before they ghere they planned a sibudownizations of the 2nd and 3rd Inter We don doubt but that we The Indictment of July 11 in gery, upon which part of the down through its myriad Indies were driven out.
The took a great historle are confronted here with another slege to force federal worka nationals who in their proper step: unparaleled In: labor his gangster act perpetrated by cates three kinds of arguments indictment Festa 18 por and sontlemen Paddoplatia. street Warfare Steve Brodie, the unemployed Program. Which Patullo Terused ganda for Democracy against tory, when it set out to organize Stalin police, known as the It Arat discusses the ideology of Madrid, bearing on its reverse in Instead of enlisting the willing the The general line invisible Ink a coded text men.
of this party propaganda wastioning certain Nin? Nu strike action the Stalinite Work dozen mounties at once and left Hold the Fort, through rows of Austria, that genuine democracy Auxiliary directly tied to the, un fabricated witnesses, etc. for the trade unioniste for sympathetic leader, WAS slugged by half a to meet their delegations the 800 Tuscism, have created the Illu the tens of thousands of laid off right in the heart of Paris.
marched four abreast, singing slon, especially in Schussnigg factory workers into a This police requires falsifications, and its democratic governors by found with purcist Agent Council to petition the govern four other workless were loaded helpless pollco Into the swank exista in parliamentary countries.
the. Nina? Negrin. ion. The thousands of trial being built up against the These working class militants workers in Detroit And in Michl Workers Party of Marxist Unitviolence and the installation of Madrid, the architect Javier Fer ment to inaugurate rearms into ambulances and 22 more into Beacon Purk and again sat in turn are denied relief by the gan, holding cards, have cation (P. and the Fourth dictatorship of the proletariat. nandoz Golfin. This Golfin mustment campalin which would ab the Black Marin. But the main Here they were foined by 200 organizations controlled by the not been cast from the union be International at Barcelona.
It reproaches the with then have been executed. vital sorb the unemployed!
having attacked a friendly coun part of the indictment of the parson and Stalinite fall guy. and, joining their comrades who loggers from a nearby camp, and two Internationals. Their main cause they were turned out of once more given populer support, hope for assistance rests in quartA Russian Hand try, whose moral. and material rested on him. Then worrying more about Vancouver were simultaneously being tearthe factories. On the contrary. The text of the document (the support has permitted (sic) the why did they make him disap dublous art treasures than the bombed out of the Art Gallery, despite the fact that Victoria, era unafiliated with the two in the union has gone health of the unemployed, offered began marching to their union home of retired English colonels, ternationals and above all, with them on the projects and has which the Apparently into bat for letter signed Rudolph Klement)
independence, and having slan opinion of several men in the them his church to sleep in headquarters. But the mountles, is traditionally the most conserv: the friends and sympathizers of rolled up considerable achieve dered Soviet Justice, no doubt by government on all this. The his flock he apologized for his lib them off and bombed their head leading medical men issued tends to use for the purpose in ments for the men on dicated, is written in German, but The American Fund for Polit. This work must be pressed for the spelling of some of the words not approving that of the Moscow frightful concoction of the Mos executioners. It asserts that the cow trials could not get along eralism with the reminder that quarters; maddened, the work demand for food for the men, ical Prisoners and Refugees is ward leaders of the were In without the blood of suspicious these are honest men and we lens stormed down the main which the government met with cooperating with almilar organcan be traced directly to Russian Scheming Staliniats, currying contact with the fascist organl personages. The Forgery don know how soon we will streets, smashing shop windows silence housewives organized izations in Europe to provide as favor with Roosevelt, have moved orthography. For instance, the zations of robel Spain and also furnished the substance for the have to cal, on them to give thelr for blocks before being scattered. food collections, while shopkeep sistance to these refugees. Every heaven and carth to sidetrack name Beals (Carlton Beals, the with the International organiza book by Max Rieger (what Hves for their country.
tons known under general agent is hidden under this pseuBut against such treacherous bing spread, Vancouver was in ance. Once more the strikers cumpaign fund will go to lighten ton. Reactionaries, for whom a Stalinist agent in the Mexico City bearings of the Dewey Commisactivity inside a friendly power with a preface by Jose Bergamin. firm. Those not in the occupied street cleaners mopped up the streeta, again replacing canvass against the fascist reaction. Send a trouble making liability. TASS. press Agency for a numname of Trotskyists and whose donym. Espionage in Spain. Ad the unemployed remained an uproar. By the afternoon, while sent their tin canners into the the lot of these front line fighters unemployed organization is onlysion, having served the Soviet shows that they are in the serv who has decidedly fallen to the buildings sent toggers into the 30, 000 worth of broken plateers as fast as the cops threw all contributions to the American would like to see the Ice of European and Astato fas lowest depths, and for a pam main drags with tin cans; the glass, 10, 000 people gathered in a them into stir. Within a day the Fund for Political Prisoners and Auxiliary shelved. But close to ber of years previously. Ed. is clsm. This shamelessly to phlet by Georges Soria, published taggers were chucked into Jall elty park and shouted for the sale were full and the unem. Refugees at 100 Fifth Avenue, 200, 000 Michigan auto workers belspelled Bulls in accordance with ployed had tagged another 1, 000. New York, make the Barcelona procedure in London.
lieve the Auxiliary vital to their the orthography used by Russian very existence and to the preserStalinist papers.
direct sequel to the Moscow From a protest quite vain by Struggle Continues As to the content of this docvation of their union. Neither retrials!
the Executive Committee of the Still lacking the active support Like the indictmente of Prose to the Minister of Jus actionaries Stalinists must be ument, it is built around the cenof the unions the strikers have cutor Vlahinsky, this tice, dated June, 1988, extract now been forced, after three allowed to wreck the WPA Aux tral theses of the Moscow trials exudes bad faith, falsification, these details on the assassinaweeks in Victorie, to accept a Hilary. The ardent and determined and follows them point by point: and lies that are utterly untentions of Juan Hervas, ex commisthe so called alliance. Bloc. beeffort of a militant rank and Ale compromise. The federal governable (It is true that everything ser of the School of Transmission must keep the Auxiliary intact tween Trotsky and the Fascist ment promises direct relief until can be made tenable by firing of the Generalidad, of Jaime Tro Another excellent number of This polemic, between the out (Continued from page 1)
and build it to Invincible propor Is it a forgery fabricated by squads. The whose bat pet, of a corporal (whose name The New International is off the standing American philosopher August 15 to strikers from outG. specialista on the basis of talons have so frequently been do not know. all three mem press and on sale. The August and the revolutionist. Trotsky side the province, and the Cpanese are now so heavily em tons authorities are arranging road brolled along vast fronts in Chi Drive on Competitive Plants the burglarization of private arThe 20 point program placed chives? How was this document my. The kidnapping of Nin by member of the their com fully up to the high standard issue may still do so by addresa day, for resident single unem able to take firmer stand high on the list of its activities, forged? Was the signature exhaving retreated before the ene the Aragon front, and of Nogn, variety of outstanding articles, who failed to obtain the June work in three day spells, at 20 ha, the Soviet government was the with the obvious rade e in arms. During a Stalinist one has come to expect of this ing The New International.
ployed. The joker in the deal is against the new provocation and the organization of the competi torted? Where has Klement been complicity were It only from meeting at the front, a report of outstanding organ of revolution Continuing Its polley of free that the men must keep on the far as can be gauged from tive plants. Little or nothing has taken? Has he been carried off Impotence of the Negrin govern which was transmitted to the ary Marxism.
discussions, almed to bring clar move, looking for the job which dispatches, the Red Army patrols been done to place the rung way to Moscow via Spain like Erwin and decentralized plants under Wolf or Mare Rein, the son of the doven exist, and accepting their have. siven the Japanese pause ment, becomes tho mysterious Ministry of War, the physical The question of a Labor Party ity into labor ranks, Max East contracts. Yet the problem rewell known Russian socialist escape of the principal accused. suppression of the Trotskyists is presented in two articles sub man and James Burnham pole road work at different towns each week.
pan is having such difficulties in mains as urgent as ever. Failure leader Abramovitch? Does the The is considered re and ists was decided mitted by James Burnham Max mize on one another concepChina and on the home front to seriously undertake program Intend, by means of this sponsible for the street Aghting upon.
Shachtman and Hal Draper. tions of socialism, the Soviet Despite their partial vietory that its ruling generals may of organization can in this sphere document which is meant to cover in Barcelona in May, 1937, while Recalled behind the first lines, Burnham and Shachtman adopt Union, dialectical materialism and the heroic militancy of the plunge ahead into a suicidal war Jeopardize and eventually crack up its crime, to produce a fabricit was in reality launched by the on the Carrascal road, not for pro position on the question with Burnham presenting the single men, the immediate with the Soviet Union in the the entire wage structure of the ated new witness against Trotanarcho syndicalist militants of from Heaca, the four soldiers now being discussed in an interviews of the Socialist Workers outlook for the million and more hope of somehow extricating unlonized section of the sky and Fourth International?
the much more numerous were slain by machine gun fire. nal discussion within the ranks Party and the Fourth Interna Canadian unemployed is still themselves from their predica Undoubtedly, Stalinist sabotage is such a new witness to become than those of the as they were then listed as desert of the Socialist Workers Party tionalists generally.
bleak. Both the Stalinites and the ment by precipitating what has seriously impeded the actual another wheel in the mechanism all Spain know. Finally, after ers to the enemy. An Investiga and Fourth Internation Stalinists Record on Roosevelt play a conelliatlonist role would necessarily become a execution of this program. But of the Stalinist inquisition for having several times abandoned tion carried out by the general alists. while Hal Draper esA thorough expose is made of in the unions to the detriment of world conflagration the daily needs of the auto work somo new machination against In this, however, there can beers make imperative an immedithe Forgery, the Indictment commissar, Cresenclano Bilbao, pouses the minority attitude. the hideously hypocritical and militant support for the jobless. our movement?
again in order to base brought these assassinations to these discussion articles are pre chameleon positions of the com Secure in the knowledge of this little doubt that the Tokyo gen ate undertaking concrete or upon it the thesis of explonage light, but the crumbling of the ceded by a statement by the po munist Party of the United States the dominion and provincial erals will await word from Hit ganizational measures. con New Provocation of and obtain more surely the capl Aragon front prevented the ar litical Committee of the Socialist when Albert Gates reviews the houses do nothing. Both are ler as to the probable course of structive program must be under The Internationalist Workers tal penalty.
rest of the guilty whom a cer Workers Party, explaining why attitudes taken by the Stalinist afraid to continue the camp sys events in coming weeks in Eu. taken even as the enemy is fer Party denonuces this new provoDemands Counter Trial If the trial takes failed to protect in any case. But by the party and youth organt. Gannes, et al on the Roosevelt ployed to become concentrated be able to keep developments the union faces the danger of of the perpetrated right in place, in other words the why be astonished at the crummooked Assing of Nin, Marc bling of a front where the best outside for consideration. Ungues regime on War and other decisive and organized at present from running beyond them, or breaking under the pressure of the heart of Paris. After Moscow, zation are also brought to the Rhein, Tiolin, Erwin Wolf, Kurt Aghters were thus stabbed in the tionably, the presentation of the Issues. Browder Two Roose. There continues to be no federal whether Stalin, desperate over the employers. Inefficiencyand after Barcelona, the gangster velts by Albert Gates displays syatem of relief for any type of the growing isolation of the downright Incompetency of re band which takes its orders from Landau, and Moulin. and so back or shot in the back?
many others try to repeat in Labor Party problem in the col the antics of the chauvinistic unemployed and no guarantee or Surn European affairs and sponsible Executive Board mem Stalin is pursuing in Paris its The workers organizations umns of The New International Communist Party.
Barcelona the bloody judicial who believed they were saving from an altogether fresh view Increased demands for the ma sands of jobless who are un als will welcome the welding in the failure to put the program the labor movement who want to spectacles of Moscow, a counter themselves by sacrificing, first point, will arouse the greatest in gazine have resulted in the print lucky enough to be unmarried, fuence of an external enemy, are into effect. They should not be emain Independent of the Mostrial will be demanded abroad. weaker organizations, and then terest in all labor circles. ing of an additional allotment of there continues the routine of still imponderables in the present allowed to stand in the way. It cow dictatorship. The Moscow We have at our disposition an their own militants If they do Article by John Dewey the membership asserts its de trials have been hit at their very enormous documentation, one so not come to themselves before it the August issue, and everything rod riding, jails, starvation, and critical situation.
Professor John Dewey, as pre points to a complete sale of the Police clubbing Canades In any eventuality, the menace sires for vigorous, qualified of core by the verdict of the New overwhelming that we frequently is too late, if they do not prove viously announced, writes a crit edition. The price of a single them a 3, 000 mile no man land to the Soviet Union is grave, cals and organizers, this work York Commission of Inquiry, prehesitate to publish it in order not their courage in the presence of ical comment on Leon Trotsky copy is 20 cents. The subscription and will remain so with the deep graver than it has ever been will take a great leap forward. sided over by John Dewey, which to injure, through those who dis such a profound evil strongly essay. Their Morals and Ours rate continues at 00 per year. en ing depression until the gov since the days of the civil war, We repeat again that only the absolved Trotsky of all accushonor and ruin. the cause of risk being reduced one day, when published in the June 1938 Now Anyone wishing information ernment gathers them in for can. and it is the duty of revolution membership can be trusted to see ations against him after anti fascist Spain.
they will have lost their best International) in his reply, should address: until a militant ists the world over to give flesh this program through to the end. thorough examination by person Are recent facts desired? On blood and all their dignity, to Menns and Ends Their Interleadership in the trade unions and substance to the slogan: democratic and militant union alities enjoying high esteem in the night of April 23, 22 workers, kneeling before the executioners dependence. Leon Trotsky an THE NEW INTERNAIONAL extends them hands of solidarity Hands of the Soviet Union. can only be assured by an ag the fields of science, literature and members of the loft of the working class or recelving swer is anticipated in the Sep 116 University Place in the struggle against Canadian and in the event of war. Defend gresalve, alert and vigorous rank democratic, liberal. well as the Model Prison in Barcelona for from them the death blow tember number of the magazine. New York City, capitalism.
the Soviet Union!
and Ale.
labor polfties.
New Internat Features Debate On Labor Party JAPAN PROVOKES SOVIET IN CLASH to