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Remember August 4th by Renewing the Fight Against Imperialist War!
Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth International!
OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 32 Saturday, August 6, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy AFTER 24 YEARS COURT ORDEREFU Japan Border Provocations Met REVEAL RECORDS With Firm Resistance by Soviet; Danger of General War Growing TT1611 ATT JURY IN HARLAN TRIAL DISMISSED Minneapolis Labor SEM Backs Stand of Local 544 BULLETIN MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. In a statement signed by the executive board, General Drivers Fight Against Fink Hall Internal Crisis May Force Japan to Local 614 refused to obey the court order, directing the un Forces Showdown In NMU Extend War ton to open its books to the de inspection of the bosses agents masquerading as union Rank and File Seamen Revolt Against Hitler Holds Key members.
Declaring that they are Scuttling of Union by Officials; backed by the Minneapolis Japanese imperialism this week Central Union, the Teamsters Raid Drives Out Stalinists once more tested the feasibilty of Joint Council and the Interan early attack on the Soviet Unnational Brotherhood of Team NEW YORK As pickets encircled the Martime Commission ion. In a little hilly pocket south sters, the executive board stated the union was ready to hiring hall for the second week, the fight of the militant seamen of Possiet Bay where the borders throw its books open to any against the government threat to their unions has already produced of Manchukuo, Korea, and Soviet responsible body of organized significant repercussions. Faced with increasing difficulty in finding Siberia meet, Japanese and Ruslabor, but refuses to permit men to man the merchant ships under control of the Maritime Com sian soldiers fought a series of enemies of labor to have access to our record.
mission, plans to transfer the fink hiring hall to Hoboken, NJ:pitched battles. It was not merely Above: Sacrificed on the Altar of ImperiWhile members of the board where picketing is virtually suppressed by the police were speeded. another incident. It was an un alist Greed in the Last War. have not yet been cited for With the picketing becoming more effective daily, as more and declared war, still in miniature contempt of court by Judge more seamen rally to the struggle, finks are being spirited to the but threatening almost hourly to Right: War Machine Primed Frank Reed, who issued docks in taxi cabs, men are shipped off the dock, but militants swell into a major conflagration.
for New Slaughter.
the order, union officials are prepared to answer such ac leave the government ships when they reach port. On the South An attack on the Soviet Union tion. Most likely procedure by ern Cross, one of the ships, the mate fired the crew, confident and an attempt to wrest the rich August 4th, 1914!
with the war machines. The words are changed to fit an altered the court will be to send an atthat they could be replaced from maritime province from Soviet torney for the bosses to the the government hall. Unable to control has been part of Japan Twenty four years ago, the massed armies of the nations of situation, but the lie remains union headquarters and, when obtain the world began the bloody carnage that exterminated the flower The defense of democracy against kaiserisin has become he is thrown out, Institute the the men that would accept and imperialist plans for more than of the organized working class and for four long years spread a struggle against fascism. Bleeding Belgium and Little contempt action.
shipped the remainder of the two decades. Ever since the day death and destruction over the face of the European continent. Serbia have been supplanted by Poor Czechoslovakia.
In the long statement to the when Red partisans drove the crew from the dock.
public, the executive board Militants Lead Fight last Japanese invader from Si The peoples of the world are still groaning under the burdens The lie remains. On the day that war begins, the great made clear the determination The determination to close the berlan soil nearly 20 years ago of that war. They have not even begun to pay its tremendous democracies of England, France and the United States are pre of the union to resist to the Deputies and Mine government fink halls, which there has been no doubt that the price.
pared to trample the labor movement underfoot. The plans are utmost the campaign to de threaten to undermine all the Japanese intended to return and But once again, on the gruesome anniversary of the first Owners Jubilant ready. The war against foreign fascism will be waged by estab.
stroy the powerful unlon sains won in the last four years renow their attempt to bring world war, humanity awaits the dread beginning of a new conmovement, of which the court lishing fascism at home.
At Mistrial of grim struggle against the ship eastern Siberia under the Rising proceedings are only a part.
owners, has enlisted the support Sun of Nippon fict. Armies are being whipped into fighting shape. Munition The lie remains. As in the war of 1914 1918, the small of the most militant and loyal Planned Incidents factories work overtime. Bombing planes fill the air, and battleBy CARLOS HUDSON First efforts of the federal. gov. union men of the waterfront. Or. Incidents along the Siberian nations, pawns in the imperialist struggle, will be treated once ships cruise the seas. And all the while, the diplomats are shuffling. they were by the plunderers of Versailles. Under the ernment to convict Harlan fcially supporting and leading the frontier do not merely happen.
the cards with big profits and human lives as the grim stakes.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn new coal operators and former deputy picketing are the Sailors Union of They are always planned and albanner of The actual scene of the war cannot be foretold in advance.
of the people of Spain by German and Italian Fascism with the paign against General Drivers the Wagner Labor Act met with another West Coast Union) and aim on the part of the Ja Japanese But the danger spots are multiplying. In the Far East. In Czechobenevolent support of Great Britain, the scope of imperialist Union, Local 544, occurred Thurs failure when, after an eleven the Marine Transport Workers imperialists. From 1931 onwards slovakia. In Spain. In the Mediterranean. The actual time of the outbreak is still uncertain. Only the imminence of war is beyond murder will be enlarged to include the peoples of the world. Reed ordered the union executive missed last Monday, unable to In addition, members of the into Manchuria. hundreds of The lie machines are supplemented once again, as in 1914, board to open its books to five reach. verdict. Brien McMahon, National Maritime Union, dis small border incidents have ocquestion. Twenty four years after the first imperialist war and on by organized treachery in the ranks of the labor movement. Like finks suing for an accounting of assistant attorney general in gusted with the craven policy of curred. They made life impossible funds.
their social democratic predecessors, Stalinism more vicious and the eve of the second, it is timely to draw the balance sheet and weigh the lessons.
more dangerous is poisoning the well of working class thought, The suit was initiated in Feb diately moved for a new trial. ment pursued by their stalinist cials of the then Soviet owned ruary. Masquerading as an at and the motion will be heard officials, have joined the pickets Chinese Eastern rallway, and the The conflicts that engendered the last war have not lessened in order to drug the labor movement into docile support of its tempt by union members to se September 17.
and are refusing to ship through line was finally relinquished to imperialist enslavers.
Stories coming from the jury the Maritime Commission hall.
cure a financial accounting room reveal that members split with the lapse of a quarter of a century. Profits decline, the workthe Japanese. Subsequently the One force alone can prevent a new August 4th: the organing class is plunged into deeper misery, but the economic crisis Within the events are Japanese militarists used the in remains. And once again the bankers and industrialists prepare ized working class! One program alone can arm the working actually an attack upon trade un on the question of unlonization of taking place that have national cident technique to make perito redivide the surface of the earth and to change masters for its class: the socialist revolution!
to break provisions of union con than on the question of the guilt movement. Under the complete strength of Soviet forces along exploited slaves.
The Fourth internationalists, inheritors of the struggle be.
tracts with the employers to end of the coal barons and their domination of the Communist the border, a test As in 1914, capitalism can find no other solution to its crisis gun by Lenin, Luxemburg and Liebknecht on August 4th, 1914, legal picketing. attacked em hired thus the peace of Party, the union leadership has than war. By that fact alone, capitalism has pronounced its own rededicate themselves to the only revolutionary banner in the ployment by the union of organ. Macerated Harlan County. Aceu consistently thwarted any ha River Incident of June, 1931, izers to intimidate non union mulated evidence of shootings, tempt of the ranks to fight against when the Japanese sank a Sov.
doom. It becomes a life and death matter for the workers to war against imperialist war: drivers and owners charged night raids, kidnappings and the shipowners, and the ship iet gunboat and satisfied them selves that they need fear no inbegin the Socialist reorganization of society.
Organize the toiling millions and arm them with the program that the union has secured unbeatings, all carried out by depuAs in 1914, the lie machines are being built in equal pace of the Socialist Revolution!
employment relief from the city ty sheriffs under directions from more greatest My, the governterference in that quarter in their Beginning two years ago plans to invade China, which they for undeserving people, etc.
the powerful Harlan County Coal by advocating the Copeland Con Operators Association, pointed so tinuous Discharge Book, designed did a week later Background of Plaintiffs The fresh incidents of the signed their names to the com the jury was for conviction, 11 defendants that the week before (Continued on page 2)
and casualties than any that plaint and summons were, at va to have ever occurred developed in rious times and without too much enthusiasm, members of the InJurors Against Union a context laden with menace and After the chief defense attordependent Truck Owners Sec ney. Forney Johnson, delivered desperation on the part of the Japanese militarists. They also Directors Get Big Long Awaited Moscow Trial of Spanish Chief Task of til et plin Local de One had been his summary, devoted entirely to undoubtedly bear a direct relaunion for una denunciation of the United tion to the expectation in Europe Raise As Ranks Revolutionists Believed to Begin; To Carry Out 20 dercutting the stipulated price: Mine Workers, sentiment of the Face Hunger Defense Action Urged Point Program ployer a third, for scubbing etc jury rapidly changed. Seven of Police Supplied with armed coup this month or heater the jurors were from Clay CounThanks to the fact that the JaThese people are now connected ty, a section of small individually Guns and Bombs. Continued on page 8)
Wages of 28, 262 work In line with its oft enunciated policy of physical extermination DETROIT, Aug. As we go with fink drivers union, Lo owned mines, and they refused to Used in Strike ers in New York were slashed in of all its political opponents and critics, the Stalinist bureaucracy in to pross, the trial of the four cal Number One headed by convict. As one of them put it.
June. The cuts ranged from 70 Moscow, through its Spanish agents, has finally prevailed on the suspended officers of the United Taylor, and supported and He would rot before he would East Side Parade to 14. 95 per month. All those af Automobile Workers is sched nanced by the Associated Indus send a man to the penitentiary to The brazen methods used by Demands Housing tected by the cuts came from the Barcelona government to go through with the long delayed trial of uled to resume, and it is expected tries and Mayor George Leach. help John Lewis, the the Republic Steel Corporation to home rellef rolls. Workers in the the leaders of the Workers Party of Marxian Unification (POUM. that the Executive Board will Defendants in the suit are Bill or the Professional Division had their The reports from Barcelona indicate that the trial, which, it is complete its deliberations and Brown, slain May 25, Carl Skog. In a trial that the government light this week at the hearings of izing Committee were brought to NEW YORK. Winding wages reduced from 108. 40 to expected, will take place behind closer doors, will be opened shortly.
reach it verdict.
lund, Jack Smith, Farrell Dobbs, characterized as the most revoltthrough the tenement district The riotous actions of the Sta Grant Dunne, Miles Dunne ana ing display of perjury in the his the Senate Civil Liberties Com of New York lower East 108. 95 to 88. 40 drop of 14. 98 Other reports declare that, in accordance with the stereotyped for linist inspired delegations Side, where 50, 000 persons live. and junior clerks and typists mulas of the Moscow frame ups, defendants of all sorts. POUM. the persistent Allbustering of the Judge Reed ordered the union tory of the judiciary naturally mittee in Washington The steel offcials openly ad in squalid slums, parade from 50 to 60. 45, a drop of ists, left wing socialists, anarchists, syndicalists, real spies and fas Stalinist directed officers and at to open to the plaintiffs its books, fixed were not remote Suck mitted their preparation for a last Saturday by the East Side 11. 05.
cists will be thrown together under one head and tried jointly in torney, Maurice Sugar, brought a membership lists, its minutes, tricks as parading before the bor when they told of their purbloody war against organized Housing Committee met Ostensibly, the wage cuts were order to add to the judicial crimet the last session of the hearing to correspondence, reports, and doc jury residence friends of the Clay chase of tremendous supplies of bore hunners demanding houshearty response. The paraders an early adjournment before uments of every mature.
stituted in order to prevent lay which is in preparation, an ele all the organizations involved for charges and evidence could be Part of Nation Wide Attack ing for low pald workers, the with the defendants received the arms and munitions coincidental the purpose of exerting the neo presented and testimony taken.
offs. Yet in this same period, the ment of confusion.
The wave of anti unton terror admonishments of the court. with the organization of the unemployed and work salaries of the top notch bureau Agents of Fascism essary pressure upon the Spanish ism Judicial, police and military trial that had as a by producto. These arms and munitions ers and they shouted militant crats were raised by thousands As in Moscow, the dofendants authorities and thereby helping Expulsion Likely slogans for better housing.
of dollars per month. Field direc are charged with being agents to smash the frame up and save The defendants have been re in New York, New Orleans, Iowa, and several cases of intimidation strike in 1987. The daily news Ironically enough, as the tors received an increase from of fascism and the Stalinist So the lives of the imperiiled Span quested to answer the charges California, and Chicago, is now and bribery of witnesses, could paper accounts of the strike told parade neared its ad in the 3, 900 to 5, 200 in their annual cialist Republican Populer Front Ish revolutionists.
and submit all data and evi reaching Minneapolis, most crowded area of the tenenot be expected to proceed with of the scores wounded and killed Minneapolis labor has already out jury tampering.
government will undoubtedly ask salaries.
the hands of the company police. For more detailed story of dence prior to the re opening of ment district, fire engines Apparently, there are enough for the death penalty for the the trial, so that the Board can begun mobilization to defend its Defendants Confident came clanging through the funds on hand to grease principal defendants in order to POUM trial, so page expedite its business and reach rights. The Minneapolis Central Gift to the Sheriff The demeanor of the defendcrowd, in answer to one of slave drivers rld itself of an Irksome political Labor Union has appointed an the palms of the speedy decision. These mens The most revealing bit of in the frequent fire alarms. The ures have been taken as a pre attorney to work with Local 514 anta, among them Harlan most formation was an admission by Il marchers slogan: Tear down and their anks. It is only on the adversary.
backs of the wage workers that The evidence against the de Stiler to Answer caution against an outbreak attorney in defending the unton Jespected citizens and most no Woltz, chief of the youngethe fire trapa, took on drameconomies are made.
fendants has already been estabsimilar to that at the last ses movement. The General Drivers throughout the trial has been one police of the presentation of Stalinist Slandersion. The Board will undoubtedly Union has already, publiclymot: ot beaming confidence. The long about 1, 700 worth of tear gas proceeding with its campaign atic meaning.
Plight of Workers lished as thoroughly fraudulent The Housing Committee is The plight of the prosby representative labor and radi Robert Stiler, formerly con ing from the temper of its mem of labor enemies to gain access acts of violence that earned the sticks and star shells to the sheriff ect employees who have undercal delegations who went to nected with the Steel Workers to rally the trade unions behind gone these wholesale reductions Spain for the purpose of investi.
Organizing bers and the weight of evidence to its books for inspection before the program for decent housagainst the suspended officers, a any group of responsible trade section the title Bloody Harlan of Mahoning County, for the in pay can well be imagined, gating the case of the POUM.
Youngstown area, will write County, disturbed the accused purpose of suppressing the steel ing and is calling for endorseThousands of those in the lower In an effort to concentrate the verdict of expulsion is a more unionists. complete exposure of the but little and their attorneys strikers. The link of the police ments of a conference of or brackets have applied for sup maximum possible protest movethan likely possibility, Peril to All Unions scurrilous charges of alleged made little attempt to disprove and Republie Steel in Mahoning ganized labor to fight for betplementary rellet. On the basis ment in this country against the connections with Republlo From that point on, the strug Should the union smashers get the testimony.
County was not unusual. The master housing.
gle in the ranks of the auto un away with their attempt to stick The men who had for so long sacre of the workers on Memorial of the new pay schedules, they frame up, the National CommitSteel agents made by the StaSales of the Socialist Appeal find it entirely impossible to sup tee of the Socialist Workers Par linist Steuben before the LAlon, spurred and goaded by Sta their noses into Local 514 recused the courts as a weapon Day 1937 in Chicago had already and the Challenge of Youth, port themselves and their fami ty has sent an identical letter to Folletto Civil Liberties Comlinist machinations, will continue ords, the employers would have against the mine workers had shown the tle up between steel organ of the L, were rethe Socialist Party, the anarchists with renewed intensity. Their tac ready made weapon by which tle fear that the courts could, in corporations and police.
ported as high. Both papers mittee. Watch for it in the Thousands who had thought and the Lovestone group, urging next issue of the APPEAL, tics may assume new forms, but they could work havoc upon or turn be use against them. While Further testimony before the carried articles on the housing (Continued on page 2) joint conference and activities by (Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 2)
The five truck owners who convincingly to the gullt of the to place the blacklist on a gov past week more serious in scope NEW WAGE CUTS Stage Set In Barcelona AUTO UNION TRIAL HIT WPA WORKERS For Frame Up Of POUM. TO BE RESUMED OFFICERS ARMED BY STEEL BARONS Committee les