AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionEnglandFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionJohn DeweyMoscow TrialsPopular FrontsSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSWorking Class

JULY 30, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Hull Note Masks Masks New Imperialist Threat by Roosevelt Starts Fight Leading French Scientists BRANCHES ACTIVE Labor Militancy Rises Anewlin France; Against Mexican Protest Law On Asylum IN FUND DRIVE Progressives Gain Strength in Oil Expropriation Unions term the JAPAN RETREATS IN BORDER CLASH Committee Denounces Decree as Inhuman FOR REFUGEES Reject People Frontism at Left Socialist tached. It sent a strong promet to the Spanish Loyalist Govern and Illegal. Trade Union Officials Money Rolls to ComConvention; New Awakening Seen ment for its suspicious imprisonJoin in Protest mittee from All SecIn Political Trends ment of POUMists and other militants; and protested equal tions of the Country ly strongly to its own governA distinguished group of leading French trade unionists, scienBy TERENCE PHELAN Agrarian Claims Serve As Pretext for tists, scholars and intellectuals have vigorously protested against the ment against the savage represPARIS, July 19. While bourgeois Paris gawps at the dummy slons in all French colonies.
Establishing Precedent Against infamous decree laws promulgated by the Daladier government on peal of the American Fund for sovereigns of England amid expensive decorations whose principal revolutionaryo diere a tiem Right of Expropriation May 23rd of this year. These laws impose severe penalties upon Political Prisoners and Refugees motif is the fasces, and whose featured entertainment is the display nevertheless called for revolution French citizens aiding exiles and further abridge the already restricted for funds to all the militant laat Versailles of French imperialism armed might, proletarian Paris ary defeatism in other terms.
In a long and provocative communication to the Mexican am. rights of asylum under the Popular Front regime.
Among the signers are the Noble Prize winners, the famous been extremely encouraging the wonders father what were the exact contents of the letters ex. And lastly, significant in view Pivert notorious affiliations, basador, promptly seconded by a public statement from Senator Key physicists, Marie Joliot Curie and her husband, Frederick Joliot. be the American Prund. Four hun visit, unconfirmedly rumored to be the final sealing of the Franco tepelne referendum, a yote Pittman, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Sec. They have not only demanded that the right of asylum be protected, dred dollars have already been British alliance.
tically active and class collaborretary of State Cordell Hull last week expounded the real meaning but they proclaim that they will defy the law and refuse to abide collected in the first few weeks For the French working class is justifiably jumpy. In recentationist fraternal organization in of the Roosevelt good neighbor policy and the general Roosevelt by it. Their militant stand has been backed up by many militants in conception of international law and equity.
First honors belong to the lo weeks it has seen Daladier la Guerre Radical Socialist government France.
the trade unions.
Party Direction Undecided Secretary Hull note dealt nominally with the Mexican expro cal Cleveland Committee, which release the last of the fascist cagoulards, while at the same time Vicious Decree Law Those whom the fatal role of quickly lifted its initial pledge of imposing crushing jail sentences on the aroused workers and stu the POUM, which herded into a priations, from August 30, 1927, of moderate sized agrarian proper The complete statement folties owned by American nationals. Figured even at the sum claimed lows: to be criminal and punishable. 15 to 50, and is now heading to dents of Tunisia, France martial law colony in North Africa suicidal centrism the left moving France did itself the honor wards a quota of 85. Cleveland 200 years of prison sentences in one month. So severe is the reworkers, has made with much by the former owners, the total value of these properties comes only On May 2, 1938, the govern under all previous regimes to pression that even the reformist socialist newspapers have been sup: that the gives birth to to 10, 132, 388. It was obvious to all observers that the real, though ment issued a decree law con offer unreserved hospitality tol Aid Given taining the following para political emigres. Today it is pressed and Blum Co. heretofore deaf to the appeals of the similar unexpressed, subject of the note was the recent expropriation of the graph: the government described Five Refugees miserably exploited worker natives, suddenly howl to high heaven should the Pivert group retain oil companies. Article The foreigner who, democratic which condemns the themselves.
complete control. To them it can Demand Arbitration Bankers Hatchet Man without valid excuse, omits aid given in certain circum The secretary reports that Franco Welcomey Doriot be recalled that the POUM With the customary hypocrisy within the legally fixed time stances to these refugees. money already on hand has The French worker has just was a left wing organization that which is the notorious and everlimit to ask for card of iden Quote Victor Hugo enabled the Committee to give read of Franco triumphal reWar Monger moved right, whereas the present characteristic of Amertity, will be liable, without In May, 1871, Belgium forbade Immediate relief to five urg ception of the renegade commuis a right wing organization movprejudice to fiscal fines, to a entry to the Communarda fcan diplomacy. Hull modestly ont cises: Two German refunist Doriot, most dangerous of ing left. There are furthermore fine of from 100 to 1, 000 francs agrarian asks only that the Victor Hugo, who had not gees and an Italian exile in French fascist leaders, while the signs that the maneuering Piv.
and imprisonment of from one approved of the Commune, and France, one political prisoner claims should be submitted to armonth to one year.
ertists are unsteady in the sad who lived at the time in BrusStalinists push ahead for unity bitration in accordance with the In Spain and a German refu with anyone, including fascista, dle. It is not yet excluded that Article 4Any person who sels, refused universally accepted principle of bow before such gee now seeking asylum.
directly or indirectly facilitates decree. In a letter to the Inwho will help them build up the pressure of rank and tile milFrance imperialist war machine.
or tries to facilitate the entry, tants, pushing the party policies on reason, equity and justice.
dependance Belge on May 26, found house to house canvassing Bosses simply scorn the decifrom the centre to the left, may the movements or the irregular 1871, he wrote: Reasonable enough, it would seem on the surface.
Bojourn of a foreigner will be make it true revolutionary party Asylum is an old right, the ing money. Two members col when not overwhelmingly in most effective method of rais sions of governmental arbitrators Meanwhile the Fourth Interpunished by the penalties pro holy right of nationalists give it their friendBut study of Hull note vided in the preceding article. the asylum which the Bellected 10 on two blocks during their favor; they snipe off any Declare Decree Illegal gian government refuses to the the first tag day.
militant who protests; and they shows that acceptance by the ly criticism, and make every exTag Days Effective proceed, with the help of the exfort to establish with it united Mexican Government of arbitra vanquished, offer. offer tag day in Minneapolis raised planations of Stalinist interme This decree law is purely fronts against capitalism and its tion of the agrarian claims is and simply illegal because it asylum in Brussels. 51 for the Fund, while Philadel diaries, to the most bare faced social lackeys, for the workers made to imply acceptance by it bears no relation to the pur. Falthful to this example, the phia ran it a close second with a sabotage of the hard won 40revolution.
of the general principle that no poses of the decree laws agreed undersigned declare that they contribution of 60. The Detroit hour week. And the cost of living expropriation can be undertaken to by Parliament, will personally take no cogni local is off to a fine start with inexorably rises.
without full and adequate com By virtue of a law for flzance whatever of an illegal in 24. 35, and plans are being made Telegraphists pensation. and that, further Strikes Increasing nancial readjustment April human decree law, which is to extend its contribution and But the workers begin to grow more, the amount of compensacontrary to the noblest tradi activities beginning with gar not only jumpy but angry. And Present Demands 13, 1938, the government was tion is to be determined not by authorized to take such meastions of our country.
den party.
impatient. Strikes (characteristhe government and people who CORDELL HULL series of demands alfecting ures as it deems indispensable Noted Figures Sign The New York local thus far tically sit downs that the union decide that expropriation is nechours and working conditions to meet expenses required for Among the other signers of raised 14. 74 and is planning a leaders are hard put to turn into essary for their own well being the national defense and to re the statement are: tag day which it expects will put evacuations) again increase: the were adopted for presentation to (the only proper and rightful adjust the finances and econo Bouvalle, Secretary of the Bak it at the top of the list.
the Postal Telegraph and Cable whole building trades in judges. but by an international my of the nation.
Company by the convention of ers of the Seine: Digap Secre Southern Unionists Give Isere; 700 metal workers at Mar commission, that is, by a body The decree law on foreign tary of the Agents of the Posts, the American Communications Collection lists are bringing in seilles: other strikes in Guindominated by experts commit.
Association, Negotiations ted to the views of imperialism ers has no connection with ex Telephones and Telegraphs; Fo a steady stream of contributions gamp. Venisseux, Prouvy signifor a new contract with the com penditures for the national de roibeval, Secretary of the Lock to swell the total. One dollar bin ficantly including war industries, on the question of expropriations.
pany will begin late in October. Continued from page 1)
The present contract expires in The application of this doctrine Soviet cutter passing the island economy of the nation. Other nauer, Secretary of Education Industrial unconvents or the oth which Infuriates the war monger December.
to the oll expropriations is evi was fired on and an exchange of wise any fascist measure could the Seine: Gerard Rosenthal, la with the inscription: Wish we infuriated is the big bourgeois The demands call for a forty.
dent. Hulle noto will also serve bullets followed. The Japanese be adopted under the same prebor attorney: Marcel Roy, Ser could contribute more than one Temps, at the Marseilles dock text: The government could retary of the Metal Federation ntekel aplece! Best wishes to our workers, who have found their EDOUARD DALADIER to clear up any illusions that came out at the shorter end of four hour weak instead of fonty just as well suppress, for ex. and numerous others.
eight, without decrease in pay: have existed about a differ this encounter with two of their may friends, the working heroes and own way to enforce the 40 hour elimination of certain technicallence in the British and at soldiers wounded and one ma ample, freedom of the press. This statement, reprinted from Aghters our militant brothers week, e. to work 40 hours and liation with the London Bureau: ties in the present agreement; Denouncing as Inhuman titudes on the old problem. Eng. chine gun, five rifles and a quanLa Revolution Proletarlenne of and sisters in Europe.
then go home, leaving Le Temps and the after roundly closed shop and clarifleation of land and the United States have tity of ammunition seized by the The decree punishing all ala June 10th, eloquently points out the news of the American to tear its hair all it wants to condemning the second and the classifications and rates of pay to extended to foreigners in an ir the terrible plight of the anti Fund formation has brought It is still a long way from Third International for their provide for the transfer of emmerely divided a common labor. Soviets.
The friendly tone of the Art Toklo Forced To Retreat regular situation is not only 11 fascist exiles in Europe. Here are numerous requests for all from June, 1936, yet workers militancy notorious betrayals, remains for ployes from one classification to communications contrasted This test apparently settled the legal, it is also immoral and the wolves teeth tha snap at individuals and organizations. The seems to have passed the low the time Internationally unat another.
with the harsh wording of the question. The Tokio government Since morals have existed, friends in France and elsewheretions be vailable be promptly powerful appeal throughout the the political refugees and their secretary requests that collec ebb. In June the conference of British documents only in the retreated from its arrogant up and all mo trade union minorities issued a manner that a smiling murderer threats with a loss of face, the humanity has glorified ald to while the representatives of the ney now contrants with a scowling one. first of its kind in recent years. the proscribed. This aid is to Popular Front regime display forwarded to the committee so national trade union federation, Nippon thus proved that it was day in certain cases proclaimed smiling faces at Evian.
American Seizures Unmentioned that it can continue its work the Its program, condemnobviously in no position to tackle without difficulties and delay. ing the fatal class collaboration It goes without saying that the Red Army.
policies of the Popular Front, Hull note makes no reference The explanation for this humcalling for a return to the class By GUSTAV MULFINGER For this political irresponsibilto the uncompensated selzura iliating retreat is not hard to find. met immediate response, spread rap worker of July 20, entitled by reprimanded by the Centre acres by the through the Japan has lost more than soldiers and equipment in the Chinese idly through the and con Workers Enemies Exposed, Committee for removing their Mexican War; nor to the graft, bogs. She has lost the freedom of impres was Informed of my expulsion trusted henchman and eventually corruption, sharp dealings and sive support. The tinues to win inebraucrats at from the ranks of the Commu forced to reinstate him. He, by briberies through which cit action necessary to the maintenRedoubled efforts have been the top are feeling the pressure, nist Party. Declaring that am his own admission, had misapizens got title to the lands in ance of her claim as a fighting power. But more than that, the made to obtain the liberation of are being driven to the left. politically irresponsible and propriated hundreds of dollars question as well as to the Chinese invasion has been disas. Continued from page 1)
have failed to attend meetings for his own personal benefit.
nite warning. and which, in Fred Beal, framed up leader of Statement Causes Flurry wells and mines; nor to the hun.
dreds of millions of dollars which trous from the point of view of Seven Nationalista, including could be more plainly termed a strike, who is now serving a 17 formist head of the anview of his previous policies, the militant Gastonia textile On July 17. Leon Jouhaux. re or pay dues, the official organ of In 1937 this protege of the the Stalinist party solemnly ex leaders again misappropriated capital drained out of Mex her already tottering economy.
their leader, Albizu Campos, were threat.
Japan Faces Crisis ico, paid for by the blood and to 20 year jail sentence in North nounced that the interrupted re poses me as an enemy of the funds to the amount of 130. 00 arrested after the murder of the program of her Riggs, but as no connection with It is necessary, he said, Carolina.
sweat of the Mexican people Minister of Finance, says the murder could be established that the people of Puerto RIWhen this case reached the Conforms must be completed. And working class.
Beal was sentenced in 1929 to that day, he added, may bo Unless one has a blind belief tral Control Committee the quesgums far and away above any Times commentator, provided serve a living death behind bars near: October or November may headlines om at a loss to tion of corruption in the party conceivable compensation that because he dared to organize a call us to action. We are pre understand why have forfeited did not come up, but, by lies and the unquestionable fact that group of the most exploited negro pared for it. The fascists will not the confidence of all workers and frame up, Mulfinger was again All such practices are, of reserve held by the Bank of or treason. They were convleted the Island as a whole is deeld and white workers in the heart of pass in October 1938 any more working class organizations. Is attacked. As for the second case courae, part of the universally se sary to ship three fifth of that in the Federal Prison at Atlanta the south. He was incarcerated than they passed in February. dues and no longer attend party have heard of no decision. He it because have stopped paying against their thieving protege, of edly loyal to the United States The following year, on March Government and the American several months ago after evading 1934.
law, based on reason, equity and reserve, in order to purchase raw21, 1937, the Nationalists had a appreciates the help capitalist justice for nine years. Le Temps immediately threw meetings? Or is it because, well has not, however, been exposed justice, for which Hull stands. It materials vital to military reCommittee Asks For Funds It has already received, that it front page Ats: this was not the aware of slander campaigns as an enemy of the working is only when an oppressed and quirements. In other words, the permit to parade at Ponce.
Just flag, that continued sinking of resources the permit was withdrawn by as the parade was about to start, An emergency appeal has just language it had expected from against former party members, class.
exploited people turns upon its Is truly deserving of even more into the Chinese adventures of the Chief of Police after a conhave, through my Attorney. As for me, did not wait for oppressors, and reasserts, how. her militarists is fast bringing on gonerous help in the future. been issued by Margaret De SH the tame Green like Jouhauxver, treasurer of the Non Parti especially since as recently as warned them not to attempt such a decision. Without words ever partially. Its own human the total collapse of Japanese forence with Governor Winship. In my opinion continued finan.
ashamed of the party had done clal assistance will be needed san Committee for the Defense of June 25, when at the Rassemble tactics against me?
The Nationalists attempted to parights, that international law In 1935, as an official of the my best to build for ten years, gets excited, and reason, equity currency, and with it, of herrado despite the orders, and the for many years before the Is Fred Beal. She reports that the ment du Front Populaire the whole economic structure, attorneys for the class war pris Radical Socialists.
by Alinging controlled Uptown Press, left. Ten months later, but only and justice And themselves of The incident of the hill near police opened tre on the un land can be put on a self sustained basis. That help must oner are enthused about the pos back in their faces the Socialist reported certain financial irregu one week after had begun to fended.
Aim for Public Sympathy come from the Federal GovernLake Khasan thus throws pier armed demonstrators.
sibilities of obtaining a pardon. and Communist propositions, had larities and demanded a clean up print the Socialist Appeal in the cing light on the state of Japan Twenty persons, including ment, and the amount received Her message read: proved the political death of the The thieving functionary in printing shop am connected Hull cleverly uses the agrarian resources. Her position appears passers by, were killed or dled of will depend to a great extent It cannot happen automatic Popular Front, Le Temps had volved was protected by party with these gentlemen have the rather than the oil expropriations to be even weaker than suspected. wounds, and between 100 and 150 on how the Puerto Rican peoally. There are important steps permitted itself some pompous tops and was forced to bring effrontery to designate me as an to make his point of general Sovlets In Fortunate Position injured by bullets or clubs.
to be taken, and they cost gloating over the impotence of the affair to the Board of Direc enemy of the working class in ple are thought to feel about principle. He may hope for more Insofar as the Soviets are con Eleven Nationalists were tried the relationship to the United money. Beal is behind bars be the Lett. Jouhaux is certainly no tors and call in an outside ac their slander sheet, the Daily public sympathy in connection cerned, the stand of the Far East for the death of a policeman in States.
cause he organized American frebrand, and if he speaks as countant to clean up the mess. Worker!
with the agrarian proprietora, ern army must be taken not so the massacre he was probably workers. We must and can ob above, the rank and fle must be some of whom were individually much as a sign of inherent killed by a police bullet. The first The demonstration just affordtaln his release. The need for putting some uncomfortable Iron decent and hard working, than he strength as of an advantageous trial, after dragging out three ed in the assussination attempt funds is of an emergency na in his soul, could toward the oil companies, position brought about by the months, ended in suspension of how the Puerto Rican people ture. Left Socialist Convention whose infamous conduct is harassing of their foes on other owing to the illness of a juror. feel about the relationship The Communist Party, of which Also significant are some of the known to the world. But this ex fronts. With Hitler in and the second trial resulted in to the United States could Beal was a member at the time decisions of the constitutional clear, 18 simply window dressing of the Anglo French entente and neither punishment nor official It is certain that if Winship has fused him afd. Beal led to the cialist party, the on REPORT OF THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO his way, reprisals will follow and Soviet Union in 1929, rather than July 16 18. It is still ideologically THE CHARGES MADE AGAINST LEON TROTSKY It should be noticed that Hull of the position taken by these two censure.
Terrorists Seek Revenge the expression of the Puerto RI hand his life over to the Southern a muddled grouping (e. in one is appealing to exactly the same powers recently on the question IN THE MOSCOW TRIALS The Ponce massacre and the cans feelings toward im capitalist class. In 1933, he left committee of 12, there were five por. diplomacy as a whole. In Czechoslovakia, and with the systematic repression that fol perialism, will be more sternly the Soviet Union, disgusted with distince and warring tendencies. principles that form the basis of the Sudeten German problem The findings of the Commission headed by John for its attitude on Spain and the Japanese up to their necks in lowed it have engendered great throttled than ever.
the Stalinist bureaucracy and re yet although it refused to receive Dewey, and its comprehensive analysis of the MonFar East, and for the doctrine of Chinese boga, the Soviet forces bitterness. That the Nationalists turned to the United States where a delegation from the revolutioncow trials based upon the official records and its MEXICAN MINERS STRIKE he voluntarily surrendered to ary socialist party, the and quarantining the aggressor. have been able to move with should seek revenge a theory own hearings in Mexico City, Paris and New York, North Carolina authorities sev mildly condemned the Fourth InEach phase is carefully subordi greater freedom and the Foreign that has been advanced with re nated to one central program Office to act with greater dignity. gard to the attempt on the Gov: is now available.
About 4, 500 Mexican coal mineral months ago ternational as having insufficient According to lato dispatches, ernor. is understandable. Cerers are now striking against the Although the Stalinista refuse internal democracy (this from The most thorough and objective study yet made of the protect and advance the property interests of capital on a Domel, the official Japanese newa tainly, a celebration of the annt Sabinas and the Mexican Mining to aid this innocent victim of the some of the bureaucratic extrials. Indispensable to an understanding of world scale. Against any and all agency. announces that Tokio versary of American rule in Corporations. Both companies, capitalist class, the real labor wheel horses of the Socialist Parcontemporary Soviet Russia. 422 pp. rivals. And where diplomacy may now propose the establloh. Ponce was a provocative move in nanced by capital from the movement cannot forget Beal ty. yet many of its positions United States, have refused con service to its cause. We urge all were progressive.
SPECIAL PAPER EDITION: 50 CLOTH: 75 the new Navy matures to write and Soviet Russia to settle not and the Nationalista duly arrest pay increases.
proves inadequate to its program mittee among Japan, Manchukuo After the shooting was over stant demands of the miners for renders to speed the liberation of Its supposed ideological leader, Fred Beal by sending contrib Marceau Pivert was so soundly (SEND FOR BOOKLIST)
the final paragraph.
only the latest incidents but all ed, Governor Winship proceeded ution, immediately to the Non trounced on a motion to affiliate border disputes of the past and to read his previously propered ASK FOR THE APPEAL Partiean Committee for the De with the Popular Front that he LABOR BOOK SHOP ASK FOR THE APPEAL present. In other words, Nippon address. It contained what the tense of Fred Beal, Rm. 610, 19 thought it prudent not even to AT YOUR NEWSSTAND is ready to eat crow.
New York Times called a defin AT YOUR NEWSSTANDI West 44 St. New York City.
28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK bring up his pet project of an.
Daily Worker Exposed Nationalist Feeling Flares NEED FUNDS FOR As Attempt Is Made On FRED BEAL FIGHT Puerto Rican Governor While might be claimed on any brute for the maintenance of the gold they were charged with sedition co do nothing to cast doubt on NOT GUILTY