CommunismCommunist PartySocialismSpainStalinStalinismStrikeViolenceWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL JULY 30, 1938 Press Ballyhoo Hides True Story of COPS FORCED TO RETURN PAPERS Housing Program;Slum Problem Acute OF UNION OFFICER SPLITS PHILA.
In Alliance Local NAVY YARD UNION EIGHT ARRESTS IN INDIANA STRIKE gruesome STAGE RIOT AT AUTO UNION TRIAL family to wait for the analeve ing to Detroit on a dictatorini torney Hanson sued for a writ consistently refused to negotiate back to the National Union. In purchase our patient sau station STALINISTS ORDER contact me to come PURGE the number of single and mar Members Told y remains homeless while La Pernational women, Latigation. To se determined to fight the ssue scasea, judgment with hera on SEAMEN PICKET GOV FINK HALL CALL GUARDSMEN The more recentes perfection are the released IN IOWA STRIKE Appeal Army a period of nearly one year. All efforts were bent in the direction Slander Fails of fighting against the Local grievances of the workers were ignored, Kelner and Co.
claiming that satisfaction could NEW YORK. Another at(Continued from page 1)
only be secured through contact tempt by the Stalinist slander in Washington; organizational machine failed here last week the work of the Navy Yards work was neglected, and aton the East and West Coasts tempts at concrete action were The past week has seen blaring Youth Sits Down Relief Red Tape Leaves Tenants Helpless Union Wins in Fight when members of Workers Al22 full time Director of the Navy sabotaged with the intent of herdlines in the press about new Before Marshals; Brutality Against Illegal charges placed against Harry Yard Locals was to be appointed, proving that nothing could be appropriations for housing, parIn Relief Bureau Shepherd, militant member also in accordance with the de accomplished without a Director ticularly in New York City. AlFeatures Evictions Seizure the Progressive Group, by a cision of the National Convenand the Local membership ter hemming and hawing for tion.
vote of 28 to 4, despite the NEW YORK suspended many long months, 50 million doldwindled. When the ar NEW YORK With LaGuar, not long in the United States and OMAHA, Neb. The fight of hysterical pleas of the Stalin lars were finally released for two sentence suspended as long as dia relief administration coldly unable to speak English well. The teamsters against the police Ist officials.
Harry Kelner, Secretary of Loranged meetings with Navy Yard new housing projects that will he stays away from the relief officials, Kelner rejected them, frameup and conviction of Al Charges against Shepherd cal 17, was determined to get the accommodate 000 families, when bureau was the answer will ployed slum residents, even the kicked the furniture about, tore Russell on charges of vagrancy were: 1) calling George ReJob by hook or by crook. He But the was blamed. For Lubin, jobless youth, received completed two years hence, Althy rooms of New York tene up the oilcloth from the floor moved forward a step last week non, local Stalinist Alliance ofsecured the recommendation of did they not refuse to appoint to the one man sit in he staged The metropolis of the nation ments are denied jobless as and cursed the woman constant when the authorities surrendered Acer, a rat. and, 2) slander the Joint Council of Navy Yards Kelner as Director?
last week at the Williamsburg also the leading slum center, has systematie evictions are carriedly. When she dared offer a word to Russell all the property which Ing the leadership. In defendfor the position of Director. How Finally, in view of all the rumclose to 3, 000, 000 people living in relief station in protest against out by deputy marshals.
of protest they struck her.
the bureau decision refusing was seized when the cops illegal Ing himself Shepherd related ever, the National organization pus raised by Kelner group tenements that were condemned The growing number of evic Eviction Relief Inadequnte was in a very bad financial state, and of certain elements he inan incident where Renon had him relief.
ly searched his apartment.
in 1901! But the new plan of the tion cases is especially concen Even when the relief bureau due to the shipyard strike which fluenced in the Brooklyn Local, denounced him in the presLubin, a member of Local 17 The property was returned federal and municipal govern the East Side slum bolatedly grants moving ex voluntarily by the police after trated in of the Workers Alliance and ence of police in an attempt had recently ended in the Port of the decided that the best ments will accommodate the piti the Young People Socialist area, where a large percentage penses, the sum is never ade General Drivers Local 664 inNew York, and was unable to way to prove Kelner bankruptto have him arrested. Shepof the population is on relief.
full number of twenty to twentyquate: with less than 15 the stituted sult for a writ of re herd also backed up his statesupport Director. This condi cy was to allow him to have the Lengue, had spent weeks en Woman of 65 Evicted five thousand people. And they evicted family is expected to pay plevin to force the return of the tion did not satisfy Kelner and Director job for a trial period ment that the Communist tangled in the red tape of ap have the gall to put this forth There is the case of a woman moving expenses, put down a property. The union has directed Party leadership in the his group in Local 17.
of two and one half months. The plying for relief. Although he as a gigantie effort to take care of 65, on relief and living alone deposit for electricity and eas, its attorney, Dewey Hanson, to patiently Alled all the forms capitulated to the relief adresults during this time were to Pressure Campaign Begins of the housing problem!
at 146 Suffolk Street. She could and pay the Arst month rent.
continue the suit to establish the ministration at a time when and suffered the investigations determine the permanency of the not even speak English to the Low rent Apartments, even in illegality of the rald and seizure.
militant action promised to They began hammering at the job. After a period of discus Headlines Hide True Story of the officials, the bureau, marshal when he came to throw the slum areas, are hard to find Authorities Harass Russell bring results.
National officers. Meetings of the sion at Local 17, Kelner refused Blazing newspaper headlines, after weeks of walting, de her few belongings out in the and moving costs are high. Few clared it could not grant single In an attempt to induce Russell Joint Council, which Kelner al to accept and demanded a five pretty pictures of leading offstreet. She merely wept.
buildings are from fire and with and the union to drop the appeal most completely influenced (the month period. When that was cials, ballyhoo and ceremonies gemaintenance relief Members of the Young People decent sanitation are within the from the 90 day vagrancy sen.
Council was a shell, with only not forthcoming he threw in his After being evicted from his lore, but new housing appropriSocialist League appeared on the relief rent allowance. There extence, imposed despite the fact two of the five Navy Yarda Lo charter.
ations only a drop in the bucket room and pawning his clothes scene as the furniture was being its a real shortage of any kind Russell is a paid cals represented. were spent disand books, Lubin resorted to Kelner and Co. will now atwhen compared to the needs of in the further demolished by a down of apartments. In Harlem less union and was workin of the the sit in demonstration. In cussing nothing but methods of tempt to swing other Locals into the population. Contrast to this pour. They returned the furniture than three per cent and on the offices of Local 554 at the time compelling the General Executive the path of Local 17. It can be this he was supported by Local the horrible total of dead as a to the apartment.
East Side less than eight per of his arrest, the authorities are Board to give Kelner the job as stated with certainty, however, result of fires in old Inw tene 17, although Stalinist. conAt Second Street and Avenue cent of the apartments are va deliberately harassing the young Indianapolis Police Directory trolled locals of the in ments, and the cynical, pompous that not only will this disastrous e of the worst slum blocks cant of these almost all are in unionist.
the neighborhood refused to Finally, in desperation, they de policy be unsuccessful in any of ceremonies become a in the country, a woman and her buildings condemned as unft for back him up as he is TrotThe date for the first hearing cided to go over the heads of the the other Locals, but that Local young daughter were thrown out. human habitation, In some in of the case was suddenly adAttack Striking farce. Law upon law has been skyist.
passed, Investigation after invesNational Union, and to attempt 17 will again be established in They had been on relief. When stances as long ago as 1901. vanced, with Russell in Sioux Box Workers Three policemen were called tigation has taken place. Yet, to have the Itselt finance Philadelphia under a healthier the dispossess notice was received in by the bureau officials and City on unton business. Although decade upon decade roll by, and Director. An appointment was and a firmer leadership it was brought to the relief buhe rushed back to Omaha, Rus. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.
Lubin was thrown out. When nothing serious is done to elim.
The made with Brophy of the reau. The bureau refused to inate the death holes that lowhe continued to protest he was sell arrived a few hours after the strike at the Mohan Box Co. ma and a committee from two Navy handle it.
TEAMSTERS WAR ON FINKS time scheduled for his appear nufacturers of paper box cartons, Yard Locals went to see him.
pald workers and unemployed arrested and held in all over Bureau Action Delayed night. The next morning he ance in court. His bond was re is now entering its fourth week. The result of the entire meeting In a declaration of war against call home. ruling effect does not per received the suspended sen.
voked and Russell was clapped Twenty eight out of 35 workers, with Brophy, in which the NaWith each passing year, the mit the buronus to accept distence sentence that makes into jail, prevented by the court members of the local. tional officers were given the Anks, the Minneapolis Teamsters housing problem becomes more possess notices for it virtually impossible for him action Joint Council called upon every. Continued from page 1)
struck from obtaining new bond.
and more acute. Throughout the emergency cases, but forces the prospect of John Lewis comto continue his efforts to get against a ten per cent works by the Kelner crowd, was To obtain Russell release, At wage cut. The management has only to refer the entire matter Minneapolis driver to refuse to country, not only in New York, relief.
the rotting slums tak their toll tion notice. This final notice al junket, the Stalinist machine is of habeas corpus. Only then dia with the union.
not signed up with Filling Staof the working class through lows the tenant only 24 hours to beginning to tack a new course the authorities permit the union Early in the strike, around Council, the voted to Rustion Attendants Union, Local 977.
fire, disease, and overcrowding clear out or be evicted by deputy Recent statements of George Ad to post a bond of 250 free July 4th, a policeman threw a pend the Council indefinitely With the deepening of the crisis, marshals des and the other suspended of Russell.
firecracker at one of the girls, Local Union Dwindles overcrowding becomes a deadly The bureau seldom acts before ficers makes it clear that they Fully aware of the intentions burning her leg. Eight workers ASK FOR THE APPEAL menace to health and life. rethe client is on the street. Some have ceased their open splitting of the police to use this to have been arrested for picketing, These actions took place over AT YOUR NEWSSTAND times the furniture stands on the maneuvers. Locals have been intimidate the unions and to halt charged with acts of violence, inical of life in the cities. in Mary.
street for two or three days in all publicly advised to make their the campaign of union organiza citing to rlot, assault and battery, land shows a perilous Increase in fami per capita payments to the tion in Omaha, the drivers union etc. Of these two have been reried young people forced to reTo Dismiss All Guardia relief officials investi. hold up the funds of the Inter to an end.
one and prosecution continued on main in the already crowded gate.
national appears to have been the others. The police have conhomes of their parents. Lack of Dissenters There is the case of a woman dropped. And all no rump despite indiscreet tinuously encouraged strike jobs, poverty, compel large famion relief who was being evicted breakers to enter the plant.
We are glad to report that the one who obtained it if any credit response to our lies to live in fewer and fewer NEW YORK. purge of the from three wretched rooms. The statements by Ed convention is contemplated. pleket linea, numbering last week wis aura Kency appeal is to be given.
tto rooms. No new houses are being Greater Danger as high as 150 last week, are inus to avoid skipping an issue. As built. Rents are mounting. There writers projects, to be woman was a Spanish Jewens dicating that Indianapolis work. the first anniversary of the pub. for the past two weeks: Here is the lat of new subs But it would be the most seare no safe and sanitary homes pursued in true Muscovite style, rious error to think that the Sta ers are losing confidence in LA lishing of the Socialist Appeal to move into with renta low has been ordered by Stalinist linists have given up their in. Continued from page 1)
NEW YORK CITY. 11 enough for the low salaries of party headquarters here. The CHICAGO.
Communist Party unit on the the crisis ridden working class.
tention of their campaign to men in the their indigna of labor politicians to win their approaches, we can point to a Minneapolis writers project has received in tion knew no bounds. Prevented strike and are relying on the only revolutionary socialist paper!
Poor Tenants Excluded ion. On the contrary, the newl by the dictatorial methods used own strength. Locals of the We particularly want to thank borcom Foreign.
legal forms their fight is taking by the stalinist top in the United Rubber Workers and the house. comrades and sympathizers make the government housing must be driven off the rolls Pennsylvania (Continued from page 1) make them a greater menace from turning the union against Steel Workers Organizing Comwho sent in donations, and those projects so inadequate. In addi soon as possible.
tion, it is almost impossible for Thus runs a report in the cur the town, the to rent in rent New Loader, organ of the laned by the empany, embola than ever before. The continued the shipowners and the governmittee are giving full cooper branches which leaped to the New York Stato low ped worker presence o agitation for special conven ment, more than 75 East Coast tion to the strike. They are deof troops.
rescue by throwing parties, makSt. Louis.
Massachusetts projects. The rents of previous which claims to have this inforScaba, guarded by armed thugs along constitutional lines with to express their rage against their at the Mohan Box Company in But the emergency crisis is not apartment in the new housing Social Democratic Pederation, attempted to open the factory. tion is to be carried forward men tore up their u. booke termined to prevent the wage cut ing collections, etc.
from Akron the realization that they will be yet over! Summer is still with us the aim of placing an onus of union officials.
unimpeachable added to the sheriff and conprojects were supposed to have mation Montana next in line unless the wage cut and has a long ways to go yet. If When the West Coast unions, been set within the reach even of sources stable forces, crashed the pick legality on the actions of Martin.
is defeated.
unskilled workers. But the real plus the of Seamen of course, the purge is being et line in the early morning each branch and literature agent If the entry of Lewis would Union, went ahead with the picket sees to it that bills are promptly Cleveland manner of renting proved this to planned not only against trots hour Warned of the company move placere straight Sacket on the line the majority of the WANT ADS paid for and substantial amounts Newark tual figure finally set (in previous reject outright Stalinist dictation. in advance, strikers and their auto unlon, special convention men respected the plekets, much necessary to issue any emergency projects) was far higher than At the first possible moment, ac wives turned out at A. M, and a at this time will reduce it to a to the consternation of the NM. GIRL WANTED TO SHARE of new subs sent in, it will not be cording to the report, non con crowd of 500 met the scabs and present furore and with the main District Committee, was shambles. In the midst of the officers. leaflet, signed by the TOTAL rooms and kitchenette, attrac appeal again. We certainly don systematic process of investiga formist writers are to receive the gun toting scab herders. In tively furnished, modern house. want to! It gives the whole star tion of applicants was installed. warning slips about Inefficlen the fierce fighting that followed, issues still indistinct in the eyes circulated on the waterfront, urgprivacy, piano. 30 a month will the jitters especially our splendid Ruth Querlo, our super star making it virtually impossible to cy from party line off 20 were injured, six seriously. As a good section of the membering men to pass through cover all your expenses. Sanel, printer!
saleslady of Allentown, Pe. has 26 Grove St.
rent an apartment on the proscials on the project. Ultimately. special deputy was knocked ship, the danger of domi the plcket line Branches should now be activ not only increased her bundle to the anti Stalinistis are to be dis down and his gun taken from lightly to be dismissed. Before Labor Relations Board, an arm PULLEST PEUTISCH UNSER Campaign. Get after all sym this week to sell in the streets of Declaring that the National ects unless one was earning ely engaged in their Canvassing 35, but is taking 50 extra papers substantial salary and had a mlased entirely.
very secure job. The result was Alliance Purge First Step 20 minutes two ar any convention is held in the of the same government that set Within WORT, das Organ der Inter pathizers, former subscribers, etc. her city. The entire branch is that municipal employees, higher In view of previous experiences. mored cars arrived from the serious and vigorous up the fink hall, would fight the nationalen Kommunisten for subs or renewed subs. This is being mobilized for this. Good Deutschlands. 12 Nummern, Bo the time for getting those subs in stuff, Ruth. Louis Becker of ness men were given preference authenticity of the report. Sta recklessly through the crowa, conducted in the union. The mill. mlttee asked that the sink hale me Cents. Zu beziehen vom Labor and credited with us for that first is taking 25 papers each as tenants.
Book Shop, 28 East Twelfth prize in the sub campaign. To week while vacationing at his linists have previously attempted scattering the pickets. Shortly tants must be organized and edu reformed, not closed down.
Outright discrimination was to get around the problem by at after, a company of Infantry cated on the basis of an genuine date there are four comrades camp. From Melbourne in Gov Sulu Determined practiced against home relief re tempting expel non conform marched to the factory with fixed democratic and progressive pro The Maritime Commission, getgram.
CAMPS bunched together for first place Australia we recelved an order cipients and workers. In ists on from the Workers bayonets and drove the strikers with Grace Carlson of St. Paul for 20 Appeals with payment in But these considerations enting a taste of real militant ac number of cases, work: Alliance, the unemployed and and their wives block away.
ahead with a total of 8; followed advance!
ers to hide Machine Guns Mounted tirely aside, the most damning ton, is perturbed but is not CAMP SEVEN OAKS, Entontown, Red Bank Station)
by Dostal of St. Paul, source of livelihood in an attempt their control, While the factory was kept argument against the special changing its plans of eventually shackling the American seamen Capacity 25, swimming pool, Chester Johnson of Minneap Send all subscriptions and comto get into the new projects Recently they made such an closed by the Guardsmen, Mayor convention is that it would Karl Shler of tennis court and other sports olis cago munications to. built for the poor. When their attempt in the case of Liston George Campbell announced The agent, discussing matbankrupt the union. Tomorrow ters with a member of the Comfacilities, good food, comfort each with The campaign still SOCIALIST APPEAL, identity was discovered these Oak, a former leading function early this week that he was sure or the day after, every penny able housing. Dally 75, week has months to run.
116 UNIVERSITY PLACE, mission, was told that the governof a trensury constricted by the ly 16. 00. Fare 80 cents. Fur workers were evicted from the ary of the Communist Party who that Governor Kraschel would ment intends to institute a system We are still receiving subs NEW YORK CITY ravages of unemployment ther information phone BRyant which do not contain the name of housing projects. Negroes were broke with it as a result of his order the troops to open the may be needed in a life and similar to that used in Australia, universally rejected. Few, if any, experiences in Spain. The trial plant. Maneuvers of the Guard 7620 or Entontown 515, the sub getter on them. Name of We would like to have some will manage to get into the new of Oak in the Workers Alliance point to this, with machine guns death battle against wage cuts.
in which all hiring is done by the the branch is not suficient. Each more newsstands to add to to our authorities.
was reported in the Socialist Ap being mounted in strategic posiANNOUNCEMENTS The Stalinists know this only This system, notorious as a sub must have the name of the steadily growing list.
It must be clear now to every peal two weeks ago. Readers will tions for use against pickets. too well. They have it on first working man and woman that remember that the Stalinists did The use of National Guard hand information from their Man nonbusting trap, is responsible 25 cents for five lines. Copy must to THE SOCIALIST APPEAL CAN BE OBTAINED real accomplished is through aing him from the union as a step Maytag factory came after the Secretary Treasurer of the union, powerful and militant Australian fore o clock Monday evening.
AT THE FOLLOWING NEWSSTANDS determined program and fight towards his removal from his usual routine strike breaking by But that is of no concern to government has in store for NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY led by organized labor. There 18 job. They are, therefore, courts and police had failed. Dis them. If the union must be bank seafaring lubor.
433 Clinton St.
ING, Friday, July 20, 8:30, st at University Pince, E: by fire. Yet that awful danger scenes through their stooges in sued an injunction against the take control, then let it be. Brow257 Clinton St.
159 Rivington Street. Shacht st at Fourth Ave. Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sta.
lurks as an immediate menace the administration here and in union, and although 21 union men der and Foster ordered it that Lewis In the past in the man and Draper will way, SE.
at Fourth Ave. at Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
in every tinder dry old law tene Washington.
were cited for contempt, picketway. The sacrifices and interests will become the most hated and only. Fourth Ave. and at cor. Main Clinton Sta.
ment. The labor unions must an Another non conformist writering continued to be effective. of the workers in the shops are despised man in the auto union. Cor. Main South Ave.
swer the hypocrisy of the gov. whom the Stalinists are gunning Another tactic that failed was no restraining consideration It is not too late to change the ANOTHER CITY WIDE AF Third Ave. at Third Ave.
ernment in the face of that men for is Claude McKay, the famous arbitration. Governor Kraschel whatever, us far as they are concourse, but time is pressing. An NEW HAVEN, FAIR! What could be better NW; opp Jefferson Theatre; at Nodelman Newsstand, for summer night! cool Second Ave. at Sixth Ave. Church St. bet. Chapel Center nce. The question should be Negro poet. The latter has appointed board to arbitrate cerned.
alliance with progressive unionists, with Emil Mazey, President beer garden, lively music, dane Rand Book Store, E. 16th Warning Repeated raised in every labor organiza aroused their wrath particularly the dispute. The board recomCHICAGO ing and plenty of good beer. St. 12th St. and University Pl.
The new course of the Stalin of the Briggs Local, and with the tion! On this immediate demand because he seems to have spolled mended that the factory reopen Cor. 67th Blackstone Hold open Saturday night, July Candy Store, 75 Greenwich Cor. 12th Kedzle for more billions (not millions) the monolithic subjugation of for 60 days without a wage cut. ists is clear evidence that the others who have broken with the 30, for another night at the Ter Ave.
for housing, members of the Negro workers on to the The union accepted but the com struggle will not cease with the Stalinists in the Peace Group. race Beer Garden, 1110 Second News, 37 Monroe Forty second st. at Fifth Ave. Ceshinsky Bookshop Avenue (near soth. Auspices W; at Sixth Ave, at Sixth and of should party line. Neither Oak nor Mcpany refused.
culmination of the trial, what will mark the first step and a of Local New York, admission, Ave. at Seventh Ave. Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
raise the call for joint action, Kay are Trotskyists or in any State Steps In ever Its outcome. Then it will just good beginning, 25 cents.
way connected with the Fourth When the last resort of city begin. And we repeat what we Duty of Progressives opposite Sterns; 103 44th St. PHILADELPHIA Internationalist movement. How government, armed violence said in previous issues of the The duty of the progressives, 46th St. and way, 1806 North Franklin St.
Republicans Swing Essex and Delancy Sta; BookCor. 13th and Market Sta. the pickets Behind Democrat Stalinists from carrying on their State of lowa stopped in with its taken to the membership! we which cannot be predicted at this store at Grand and Attorney Sts: Cor. 11th and Market Sts.
campaign against such non con armed forces, the National predicted that unless this was time, is clear and unmistakable.
Candy Store, 9th St. and PRINTING CO. Inc.
Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
formists under the slogans of Guard. This potent strike break done Martin would be forced to The organization and the brunt Second Ave; Blederman Book (Continued from page 1)
Hotel Bradford. anti Trotskyism. In New York ing force, used in almost every reorganize local unions. The re of the fight against the Stalinists, 316 61 STREET, Store, 12th St, and Second Ave; Wigerson, 115th St. and St. NichPhone RE gent 0690 Labor primarles a few weeks ago, as in Moscow, the Stalin line of state in the entered New: organization of the Milwaukee vigilance for democratic princiCR Massachusetts Ave. at olas Ave; 110th St. and Columbus Felix s, This process, already far frame ups and terror follows the ton to establish law and order. Local is an unfortunate confir ples, is first and formost their Ave.
Harvard Square enough aced in 1936 to some formulae.
Fearful of losing votes, and a bit mation of this prediction. But responsibility. They must carry LYNN, Mass.
throw the most prominent right Non Stalinist workers and la piqued at the company refusal it is confirmation none the this responsibility regardless of Sam Corner, Olympia Square LERMAN BROS.
BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th St; Jerome Ave. and 167th St.
wing Democrats into support of bor sympathizers should be on to accept the diplomatic strike 1986 and it is a harbinger of the actions of Martin or any ROXBURY, MASS.
37 EAST 14th STREET (opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, Friendly Variety, Warren St.
lessen. We may expect to find in against the carrying out of this board, the Governor did not at 206th St. And Bainbridge Ave: Without substantial support begin to seriously consider some New York City (Grove Hall)
this autumn elections numer Vicious campaign of stool pigeon once have his troops escort scabe among the membership Jerome and Burnside Aves: 160th Martin plan for coalescing their forces Union Stationers and St. and Prospect Ave; Allerton ous examples of that phenomeoning and political discrimination Talu POLIS Printers into the plant.
will be compelled to adopt pre and formulating program that Ave. Station Freeman Ave. and Hennepin; rare in the history of American The very frst act any Long experience has proved cisely the methods Lewis would will sweep aside the reactionary Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
Phone ALgonquin 8886 8 Southern Boulevard; 174th St.
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio Selling to Labor Organizations Boston Road, where: coalition candidates. must be made the rally. iberal Intentions, the presence eyes of the progressives, distinc that stands in the way of a reNick s, Wick St, and Commerce at Lowest Prices.
Our Printing Plant located at BROOKLYN: Havemeyer AveThese, in turn, will only fore ing point of united struggle of troops in a strike situation options do not occur over names surgence of the powerful United SAN FRANCISCO shadow the more drastic re align against domination on erates only to the interests of and personalities but over pro Automobile Workers Union. On 36 West 15th St. 6th Floor.
nue and South 4th St. Pitkin MacDonald Bookstore, 66 6th St.
Phone Algonquin 7823 Ave. and Strauss St. Sutter and ments to come.
the bossos.
grams. And Martin, no less than that path lles progress.
Van Sinderen Aves.
Universal News Co. 242 way enable St. Paul Oregon Conn. Signal MASS.