CommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismInvasionMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

America Permanent Depression. New Series Begins This Week; See Page Workers Of The World Unite!
For The Fourth International. OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 31 Saturday, July 30, 1938 De 375 Five Cents per Copy Socialist Appeal Stalinists Riot As SEAMEN FIGHT FINK HALLS Trial of Suspended Chiefs Begins in UAW Pickets Open Drive On Gov Hiring Hall most CAMPAIGNS FOR DEMOCRAT CALL GUARDSMEN IN IOWA STRIKE East Side Workers Nationalist Feeling Flares Middletown March for Housing As Attempt Is Made On Gives Labor New York East Side tenement districts will witness a parade on Saturday, July 30th Puerto Rican GovernorBig Lesson by organizations afAliated to Stage Shameful Brawl to Discredit Proceed and endorsing the East Side Militant Action by Muncie ings; Switch Line After Lewis Fails to Workers Housing Committee. Attempted Assassination Discloses Repres Auto Workers Smashes The parade will open the fight for new housing projects in Intervene; Drop Rump Moves sive Rule of Imperialism Against Attacks on Union New York City and aim to Picket Line Answers Government Threat to enlist the support thouIndependence Movement MUNCIE, Ind. Carefully chosBut Danger to Union Is Mounting Ployed workers of the East Take Over Hiring; Seamen Act en by sociologists as the average Nationalist and anti imperialist feeling in Puerto Rico, inflamed American small city and dubbed Despite Opposition DETROIT, July, 26. Riotous scenes staged by organized StaMembers of the Socialist by the repressive measures of the Winship administration against all Middletown by Mary and Roblinist delegations marked the first day of the trial of the four susWorkers Party, Young Peo independentist sentiment, flared into violence again on July 23 when ert Lynd in their two popular ple Socialist League, Work an attempt was made to assassinate Governor Winship at the cele mous as the besoroughly Hiring on Dollar Line Held by SUP pended International officers of the United Automobile Workers of ers Alliance Local 15, other bration of the fortieth anniversary of American occupation. explored city in the United America. In a deliberate effort to set up a special tribunal to give an progressive locals of the Although the governor escaped the shots, two persons, a Colonel States. Cross sectioned and cross NEW YORK After a week of fruitless efforts to form a unofficial veto to the action of the regular International Trial Board, United Handicapped a deputation of friends of the suspended officers broke down the Workers of America, the Po of the Puerto Rican National Guard at the head of troops marching examein, dininde dienas tabulaire fighting united front with the National Maritime Union, the New ish Workers Club, and other door and refused to allow the trial to proceed unless their participain review and a Nationalist, were killed, and more than thirty were town has presented the pro York branches of the Sailors Union of the Pacific and the Marine abor organizations will carry wounded. Seven Nationalists are under arrest for the attempt, bail fessors and students of the uni Firemen established a picket line around the Maritime Commission tion was recognized.
the slogans and banners of the being set for two of them at 25, 000 each.
versities with detailed material hiring hall, determined to defeat the government plan to destroy The so called sit down to disrupt the trial proceedings, break committee.
ing out into fistfights and smearing the ugly situation over the front The parade will assemble at It is almost an axiom that repression breeds terrorism. Marxists on the average American society. union hiring hails.
have always condemned terrorist methods as futile, and serving to their significance for workers Despite the refusal of officials to approve joint picketpage of the capitalist press, came to an end after the Griswold 159 Rivington Street at 1:30 and begin at P. The provoke greater repressions. The Building was vacated through a misunderstanding of the sitNot only the students of socioling, rank and file members of the union have joined the West following route will be fol mistaken tactics of the Puerto downers.
ogy can draw lessons from Mun Coast men in picket duty, and seamen as a whole are respecting the lowed: starting at Rivington Rican Nationalists will give the SPLITS PHILA. cie, but trade unionists can gain Line. Added pressure, on and off the picket line, is expected to make There can be no two opinions and Clinton Streets, north on authorities further excuse to supon the meaning of the occurrence valuable knowledge from the ex. it very difficult for the Maritime Commission to obtain crews for Clinton to Stanton Street, east press Puerto Rican civil liberties NAVY YARD UNION perience of Middletown workin the Griswold Bullding today.
and all manifestations of a desire to Avenue c, north to 11th ing class.
government owned merchant ships.
The union had been clearly in Street, west to 2nd Avenue, for Independence.
Trusted Labor Board Already the Commission has formed by President Martin that south to Grand Street, erst to The fact remains, however, notified the agent, Frank the trial would be held in closed Sheriff Street, north to Rly that the military police reglme of Shipyard Loc Gives Workers at the John Lee AcJAPAN RETREATS Berry, that the agreement signed session. This was known weeks ington Street, east to point Governor Winship, backed by the me Co. manufacturing automoUp Charter by the Dollar Stenmahip Line in advance. Irrespective of the where parade began.
erstwhile liberal, Ernest Gruentive parts and employing about with the West Coast unions will merits of an open trial over Two Boss Parties All and ing, in charge of the department 700 workers, struck the plant in In Split Move IN BORDER CLASH be honored by the government closed trial, the Anal decision on members are to report not Int1937. They were induced to reUnite to Back of Insular Affairs, and egged on The Dollar Line recently was this matter rested with the Exer than 1:30 PM, Saturday, by super imperialist Senator Ty.
turn to work, leaving details of taken over by the Maritime Comecutive Board.
Reactionary July 30, at 169 Rivington st. dings, has merey reaped what it PHILADELPHIA, July 23.
settlement up to the state Labor Soviets Firm Stand mission, and it was planned to For their part, the Stalinists sowed. Everything that could be After a long and intense fight to Relations Division.
While the State Labor Board done to drive the Nationalista to secure a dominant position in the ship crews through the fink hall, Forces Japan to expressed no opinion on this matAny such any shir ter one way or another. The spePowerful forces within the New desperation has been done. direction of the Navy Yard Lo and Judge Guthrie were settling under York Republican Party are deRetreat West Coast agreement cialists in frame ups condemned Sentiment for independence in cals of the Industrial Union of up details, the company intimiwould immediately precipitate e the trial as a frame up on the manding Republican endorsePuerto Rico is far more wide Marine and Shipbuilding Work dated the workers to the extent strike, for the Is on record War clouds threatened the Sov to oppose with all their strength very day it was announced in ment in the coming elections of spread than is ever permitted to ers America (C. the Stalin of practically destroying the the press, more than a month Representative John Conproduced Discrimination is widely dst controlled group of Local 17 United Automobile Workers 10 iet Far Eastern horizon for any attempt of the government to ago. Their attempt to force into nor, present incumbent of the the trial today an arbitrarily 16th Congressional District in NEWTON, Towa. Machine cates of the island freedom Yard decided to return their discharged in violation of their Soviet army, stationed in those ing. Shipping a crew through the discrediting the proceedings. The Connor is a Tammany Demo Maytag washing machine factory political party, the Liberal Party, to enter the stalinis raved United the struck in body and Lake Khawan on the societ Man Bank hall to West Coast whip will violent action was intended to crat, chatrman of the House and National Guardsmen pa has independence in ita platform. Federal Workers of America demanded reinstatement of the chukuoan border south of Vladi: On the East Coast the vostok. The Japanese press im following the line handed down prove that the rank and Alle didn Representatives Rules Commithave a look in. To any objective tee. This is the most influential trolled the streets of Newton, The extremist Nationalist group. where their ambitions discharged the terrorization by mediately raised a hue and cry by the Communist Party, has conunder martial law in the elev. however, is very small. It has it could be better satisfied, In spite of the observer, the motives of the sta committee in the House Through enth week of a strike against die popular support and is in no progressive step, with im. Sherit Pucket and his deputies about an invasion of Manchukuo sistently aided the government in linist riot ere transparent it in the regular order of busi proposed wage cuts by the May way a threat to American domi mense possibilities, was under the men stood pat and organized by the Union of Socialist Soviet its attempt to throttle the marine through and through nation. But it has been continu taken when the TUMSWA began the officers of the law resorted to the Mamoru Shige first established a pleket line was passes before going to the floor of The National Guard, called ally coaded, harassed and per to organize the shipyard workers to open violence. One of the dep mitzu, at once protested the in placed about the hall, but within Major Defeat the House. By Connor fron out by Governor Nelson Kra secuted by the Winship govern of the government owned Navy uties approached a group of men, vaslon to the Foreign Office in a week the Stalinist officials were The mad rampage of the Sta control it has during the past schel when union plckets pre ment.
Minists at the opening of the trial tew years proved the most efvented strike breakers from Police Murder Two ing them with the shipyard work raised his gas gun and statea Moscow. Upon a reply from For shouting. Pack the link hall, corresponds directly with the be fective of all parliamentary In: trucking washing machine parts When two Nationalist youths era in private industry. But mul that he was going to take a pic eign Minister Litvinoff that the ginning of defents at the hands struments for the sabotage of away from the plant, used their 82. sinated the Insular Chief of tancy is of no importance to the ture. He shot tear gas Into the hill was Russian territory accord. policy that soon became official Fink Hall Old Stuff of the rank and Ale. At a meet progressive legislation, bayonets to force strikers and Police, Colonel Riggs, in 1936, Stalinists. Rute or ruin is their group at close range, nearly ing to a treaty concluded in 1869, ing of all Executive Committees Party Lines Blurred their wives away from the fac they were taken to police head motto.
blinding one worker.
Mr. Shigemitzu declared such an The duped seamen found themof local uniona held here last Fri The significance of the propoNavy Yard Council Set up Machine Gun Threat answer unacceptable to his gov selves back in the days of the old day, a motion to call upon John sal for Republican endorsement tory, breaking up the plcket line. quarters and murdered in cola blood by the police two hours Joint Council of Navy Yards Lewis to intervene in the auto of Connor les in its dramatic Shortly after the troops ar later. None of the guilty pollee was established last year by a rte issued an injunction against would have to reach con authorities and herded around the few days later Judge Guthernment and added that if she shipping board, compelled to acunion was defeated by a vote of attestation of 146 to 122. The temper of the able also in a thousand other me making camp in the outskirts of even suspended from the force. tion of the union, to coordinate clared he would carry out the inclusion about applying force. com commission hall like cattle. Continued on page Continued on page Continued on page 2)
Well aware that the fink hall (Continued on page 4)
unmistakable. Three former struggles in this country are now of the Nipponese brigands over represented a danger to all marina members of the United Mine compelled to step outside the Labor Under Attack shot their mark this time, how. unions, and faced with the prosWorkers related their experiences limits of the traditional party ever. For the Invaders of hun pect of some of the major ship with John Lewis in Ohio and boundaries.
dreds of thousands of miles of ping companies under West Coast Illinois. They warned, on the ba The conflicts now being un.
Chinese territory to shout about agreements coming under governsis of intimate knowledge, that leashed under the pressure of the the invasion of a little hill in ment control the Dollar Line and the Intervention of Lewis would crisis no longer find the old setuncharted territory was like the Baltimore Mail the mean the same kind of ruthless up of the Republican and Demo thief shouting Stop thief! It and the Marine Firemen moved dictatorship which once trampled cratie parties sufficient arena Frank Hague Jersey City is no isolated case in the United city streets. Unionists and their leaders have been arrested. was too ludicrous a piece of hyp for militant action. delegation over the miners union. In desper in which to work themselves out.
In Steubenville, Ohio, mob of 200 thugs organized by the ocrisy for even the most reaction and the of Seafrom those unions approached the ation, the Stalinista retaliated by In this sense, the proposal to ary press to take seriously.
an It is not the only place where capital and its government Weirton Steel bosses, endangered the lives of members of the Military Importance Only men Union and asked for Anderson, militant Fleetwood Connor is directly comparable threaten to deprive labor of its most elementary rights, where the National Labor Relations Board, who were forced to flee in the What was involved was the united front against the fink hall.
member of the Executive Board to the Republican intervention guns and blackjacks of police and hired thugs are being employed middle of the night, escorted by sheriffs and state police.
seizure of a piece of territory too Forced by an aroused rank and of the West Side Local. to support Peterson against Ben to smash the labor movement.
In New York, the police are on hand to enforce the infamous small to be of anything more Ale the sent delegates to Disappointed at any immediate son in the Minnesota Farmer (Continued on page Continued on page 2)
In the last few months alone, we have had the police firing than strategie military import the conference, but they continCotillo anti picketing injunction, which deprives the striking ance in a future contest. The ually sang the. Stalinist song, into a throng of defenseless strikers in Akron, Ohio, which is Busch workers from exercising a right for which labor has fought title to the territory being in You can fight the government.
dominated by the powerful rubber magnates; and the gassing in this country for generations.
doubt, the Soviet army took ad After stalling for several meetTrotsky Fears Fate Of and beating of the American Brass strikers in Detroit at the end The same police of Mayor LaGuardia look on quietly while vantage of Japan difficulties on ings, Joseph Curran, representing Klement, Victim of May, in which 50 pickets and sympathizers were badly injured. the tough guys and thugs break up the meetings of the Socialist the Chinese battlefields to settle the presented a proposiMore recently, similar events have taken place in widely Workers Party and the Communist Party in Queens, which is the question. The incident is of tion of recognizing the Maritime significance only insofar as it re Commission hiring hall, and payscattered parts of the country.
ruled over by Borough President Harvey, LaGuardia candidate flects a new stage in the Japan ing officials of the respective My friends in Paris informed New York yesterday by In San Antonio, Texas, the local government, acting for in the last election and Frank Hague closest imitator.
ese Soviet relation of forces.
unions to observe the fink shipthe local business men, has conducted a brutal drive against the telephone about the disappearance of Rudolph Klement, a If labor takes these first significant signs of the reactionary Previously, Japan has been able ping.
When this open sell out became German exile living in Paris. Klement, a former Hamburg and any attempt on its part to organize the heavily underto make all kinds of such sallies offensive lying down it will be in no position to fight back student, was for two years my secretary at Prinkipo and in paid workers of that city. Organizers and militants have been ar when a fascist wave sweeps over its head.
into Siberian territory unopposed, known to the rank and Ale serbanking on internal Soviet dif(Continued on page 2)
France. He was a well educated young man, 28 years old, posrested, thrown into jail, and beaten by the police.
The way to fight it is not by words or empty gestures, not ficulties. The occupation of the sessing a fluent knowledge of several languages. From Paris New Orleans, Louisiana, another bailiwick of President by relying on capitalist politicians and their police but to smash hill near Lake Khasan merely Gang Attacks he had continued to give me a great deal of assistance in my Roosevelt party, a reign of terror was launched by the police it in struggle.
literary work. Like Erwin Wolf, my Czechoslovakian secretary, against the striking truck and taxi drivers. At one time, some 400 Reaction is bold and aggressive only when it feels that labor turned. Japan can no longer Appeal Salesmen count on the advantage offered by Klement took an active part in the unmasking of the Moscow strikers were under arrest. The leaders of the strike were also ar is passive and has no self confidence.
Stalin debilitating purge of the The time to fight fascism is when it first raises its vicious DETROIT, July, 26. Socialrested and savagely beaten in the local jail; when released on frame ups and through this provoked the violent hatred of Red Army. Her own losses in bail, they were compelled to hide. The drayage firms and the the China have offset the damage Ist Appeal distributors were head.
set upon and attacked tonight struck cab company did not conceal the fact that they paid out All the events of recent months point to plain conclusions: brought to the Soviet armed My Parisian friends say that they received a copy of a forces by the Stalinist annihil.
by a Stalinist mob in front of letter from Perpignan addressed to me by Klement. have of their pockets 12, 000 to the police for doing strike duty. The capitalist politicians, the friends of labor talk about the headquarters of the Staation of its competent leaders.
not received this letter yet. But from Klement previous letOne could not ask for a more impressive demonstration of the labor rights, but only a blind and duped worker will rely linist dominated Local Apparently, the Tokio governrole of the police than this public subsidy to act as strike breakers.
ters it is clear that he had no intention of going anywhere. My upon them to fight to preserve these rights.
ment was reckoning with a rela157. In the course of a freefor all which ensued, StalinIn Westwood, California, vigilantes and police united to Smart lawyers, and appeals to Washington, will not restore tionship of forces that had alParisian friends think that Klement was kidnapped by the ists threatened to smash the ready become outlived. To test smash the strike of the fiercely exploited lumber workers, one of the picket line of the New Orleans taxi drivers, of the Detroit just as Erwin Wolf was some time ago. If this be so, camera of a Free Press phothe power of its arrogance, so whom was shot, 30 of whom were beaten, and more than a thou brass workers, of Akron rubber workers, of the Westwood successful only a little more tographer. Although the Ap it is entirely possible that the forcibly carried him to sand of whom including their families were driven out of lumber workers or of the workers in any other locality who de than a year ago in the Amur Spain for bloody revenge. hesitated whether or not to give peal salesmen were outnumbered by the organized hoodtown by force.
region, the Japanese tried to back this information to the press before final verification. But since cide to fight against the capitalist offensive.
lums, they stood their ground In North Chicago, not far from the scene of last year up the threats of their Moscow Only the workers themselves, organized, trained and propevery hour lost may spell doom to my young friend, consider ambassador by landing a force on and continued distribution of Republic Steel massacre, police fired tear gas bombs into the ranks it my duty to make public right now the information received erly equipped, can effectively defend their rights, their unions, the Soviet island, Faingov, Two the paper. This is the second of the strikers peacefully picketing the Chicago Hardware Foun their future.
by me.
Japanese motor boats violated the time since the outbreak of the LEON TROTSKY.
dry, with the result that 50 of the pickets were hurt.
That is why it is a primary task of the unions everywhere to frontier near the settlement of faction fight that StaIn Newton, Iowa, the National Guard has been called out Unist democracy has taken Vidnoye, on the Uasuri River Coyoacan, organize Labor Defense Guards, the fighting detachment of the the form of physical violence to break the strike of the Maytag Washing Machine Co. workers, north of the Changkuteng district working class.
July 18, 1938 where the hill had been taken. against members of the soand machine guns have been mounted on all the corners of the There is no other way.
clalist Workers Party. Continued on page 3)