AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismInvasionItalyJohn DeweyKidnappingMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniPopular FrontsPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySocialismSovietSpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

Two years have passed since the fascist re which preserved order at the rear, have met the been the perpetration of the great deception: capitallem to a new social order.
bellion opened up the civil war in Spain. The same fate. Also demolished are the frontier po recalled, but also the cases of the presentation of France and England ruled Compared with them, Scheldemann and Nosanniversary is an occasion for drawing up, 80 lice first set up by the masses.
Navashine, former official in the by hoary, cynical bandits as Great Democra ke, the blood hounds of capitalism in the Ger berly and objectively, a balance sheet.
The Central Council of anti fascist militias, cies upon whom the Spanish workers could deSoviet embassy in Paris, who was man revolution of 1919, were amateurs and allThe unflagging heroism and tenacity of the which, in centers like Barcelona, democratically shot down in cold blood in the pend. The democracies never helped in the ettanta. Under the latter reign, they only pro workers, shaken to the depths by thatred for the Bois de Boulogne, because he was expressed the will and enthusiasm of the masses struggle against fusclem, for their fear of a tected the Junkers who murdered Luxemburg fascists whose dominance they rightly fear, are and which was the embryonic government of German Italian domination of too well informed about Stalinist the peninsula is and Liebknecht. The Stalinista assassinated Ber constant source of inspiration to all those illegal activities in France; the the workers, has been crushed not by fascists, exceeded a hundred times by their fear of a suc neri, Barbleri and Nin with their own hands throughout the world who have not grown tired but by the People Front covernment, which case of Ignace Reiss, former cessful proletarian revolution in Spain. If The prisons of the Loyalist Democracy were not in the struggle for proletarian emancipation, France and England allowed paltry dribble of official who broke with the Just how deadening the effect restored the power to the bourgeois Generalidad large enough for them; they set up their own who have not lost faith in the resourcefulness Stalinists and joined the Fourth of the People Front policy has whose power proved to be such a myth when arms to seep into Loyalist Spain, it was only 18 prisons, their own torture chambers, their own International, and and militancy of the oppressed.
the civil war broke out and for months theresub been for the French laboring popG. to ferret out revolutionists, to hound part of their policy of upholding the lords of the WILS How many would believe, two years ago, that after. In this, the People Front leaders carried sequently lured to his death by ulation is well illustrated by the People Front just as long as it was required to them, to stay them. Impatiently brushing aside the Spanish workers would hold out so long agents in Switzerland; and character of this year Bastille through the same counter revolutionary work crush the independent and revolutionary move the advocates of the gradualist method, they the more recent case of Leon Day celebrations in Paris. Not against such frightful odds? The entire capi that was accomplished by the German social ment of Spanish labor that greatest of all themselves sought to oust the workers from talist world surrounded them Ike strangling Sedov, son of Leon Trotsky, who, only did the demonstrations on democrats after the November 1918 revolution, threats to British and French Imperialism in control of Industry and plants as in the Telenoore the fascist powers aiding Franco ar it was established by Paris police, July 14 take place under the sign when they gradually smashed and dissolved the Spain.
phone building last year by armed force; they mies directly, the democracies indirectly; with popular Workers Councils and restored the Now that this dirty job appears to have been sent their own troops to crush the democratic had his home under constant sur of the reactionary Anglo French even the Soviet Union giving its skinfiint ald veillance by emissaries, orientation, but the participation power to the German bankers, industrialists accomplished by their People Front agents Aragon Council of peasant collectives in a manat such an enormous price (in gold and in polit and landlorda who tried to snare him in a trap of the working masses, so marked London and Paris come out more openly with ner that left little to be desired or added by ical tribute) as to assure a tatal exchange to laid in Strassburg and who, it is in recent years under the Popular Of workers control of the factories, so wide their pre determined plan to bring about peace Britain or Franco. With might and main, they believed, perpetrated Front, was entirely lacking.
Loyalist Spain in the long run.
spread and promising in the early days of the In Spain on the backs generally bones of the Span have prepared the soll of Spain for a totalitaWhereas in previous years, the civil war, there is scarcely a trace today. Where foul play resulting in his stra rian victory.
Men, Munitions at Franco Command ish workers and peasants. The hideous farce of the People Front could not get the workers to death after an operation per Tricolor waved side by side with non interventionism. participated in and formed upon him.
red flags, this year it seemed to On the side of Franco have stood the trained, surrender their positions by means of chicanery supported by Stalin Latvinov and Co. is drawAnarchists Display Bankruptcy have been dominated by the crissPortfolio Missing professional soldiers of Spain, Morocco, Italy and deception, it ousted them by means of Ing to a close. England pact with Italy is a and Germany. The The anarchists in Spain were so powerful two last named poured an armed force. The same holds true of the col public bet on the victory of Franco, and France, Further significance is attached cross pattern of the Union Jack.
force that an enormous responsibility reated on endless stream of arms, ammunition, artillery that other Great Democracy, trails behind as lective farming inaugurated by the radical eleto the fact that two weeks before according to the Times correments among the peasants. In one large center, their shoulders. In no other country could they and airplanes into the fascist armies. On the his mysterious disappearance, spondent. The coupling of the red Aragon, the collective farms and the dominance be or were they put to the same test as in Spain.
Loyalist side, the forces were composed at least Klement reported to his comrades flag with the Tricolor in the The civil war swept them completely off their of Leaders Continue Fatal Policy ninety per cent of workers and peasants, not of the milltant peasants were shattered by as the fact that his portfolio, con national unity arranged by the only untrained, but unequipped, starved out by skvage punitive expedition under command foet and lost them all their bearings. What of the Stalinist, Lister might have been carDo the leaders of the People Front at least the Great Democracles whom they were taught good is a phllosophy, a policy, which is cast to been stolen by unknown persons People Front in the past has draw up a balance sheet now of their policy of the winds the minute the Arst shot is fired?
ried on by a fascist army of Invasion.
to regard as their friends and saviors. And if who, by the very nature of Klem merely paved the way to the dependence upon the democracies. Not for a The anarchist leaders more accurately, the they have fought with such amazing endurance, minute, for such an action would be fatal to ent work, could have been none coupling of the flugs of the two Loyalists Suppress Democracy bureaucracy violent verbal opponents of the of the Stal sated European Imperialisme in and held out so long against a technically suthem in its revelations. It is true that they no state, who made a political living for years by inist Intelligence department. their progress toward the new perior foe, despite all the other handicaps under which they labored, it is because the masses unIf the socialist beginnersely trampled under and aspirations of longer acclaim their Democratic bosses so louddenouncing social democratic parliamentarism, The stealing of the portfolio In world slaughter. Thus, through the masses have ly: they are no longer so pat in their assur proved to be not one whit better than the agederstand that the victory of fascism means an foot by the People Front, what, at least, is the dicates that the had been the symbolism of the Angs disances of the salvation that is to be expedited old objects of their scorn. They rushed pell meli end to their unions, to their own parties, to their trailing Klement for some time played is mirrored the whole per situation with reference to democracy? When from Paris and London. But while their en into a government (o horrors. and into a cooperatives, to their most elementary rights, the civil war broke out, Spain was the most thusiasm has now been ritualized into a whisand was aware of his residence Ady of the Stalinist. reformist bourgeois government at that, one consecrated and his movements. line for the French working means they will be reduced to the same gagged democratic country in the world, with all sec per, they nevertheless continue to base their and fettered serfa tormented under the heel of to the perpetuation of private property. The Rudolph Klement joined the class.
tions of the toiling population enjoying the policies on the commands and concerns of Brit anarchist ministers piled up e most disgraceHitler and Mussolini.
revolutionary movement while Workers Dormant greatest freedom of action and expression. In ish and French Imperialism. They are not lead ful record during their incumbency. And when The fact that fascism, with all the material still very young and was one of the two years that have elapsed, the Loyalist ers of the Spanish people; they are humble footthey were no longer needed by the reaction Or greater importance, however, leaders have steadily brought their political rethe most devoted and ablest comand technical advantages on its side, has been men of the city and the Paris Bourse which thereupon kicked them out unceremonirades in the Trotskylt movement, than the symbolic flag display is unable to crush the workingclass after two years gime closer to that which the fascists have al Spain has not been merely the scene of heroic of continuous sault, is living proof that, propously, they spent the rest of their time insisting with which he was associated the fact that this year celebready established in their conquered territory struggle of workers and peasants against fas upon the Atness and necessity of having their erly organized, the workers in Spain give the from the very beginning of hierations indicated a complete lack and which they seek to extend throughout Spain. cist barbarism. It has been, especially in the ministerial posts restored to them. Yes, the anof Interest on the part of the Hamburg lie to the faint hearts, dilletantes and do nothactivity in The People Pront spokesmen declare that they last two years, a vast testing ground of the Parisian proletarians, poison the minds of the masses with ti state anarchists!
Inge are fighting for nothing more than democracy, parties, currents, tendencies, policies that exist Was Long Active As if this was not disgraceful enough, the the thought that fascism is destined to win Two years ago, writes the anyhow. Militancy, courage, epic heroism, endurin the labor movement. An appraisal of all of But while they have suppressed the embryonic anarcho syndicalist bureaucracy sought to braz While Leon Trotsky was in same Times correspondent, Soviets of the workers and peasants, they have them is not only possible, but inescapable for en out its indefensible and corrupt course as ance, invincibility all these the working class exile in Turkey, Klement served (the celebration) was held in the at the same time reduced the old Cortes the workers in every country must make a it does to this very day by the time worn dehas, and is ready to display them in action once for some time as his private Ger first flush of the upited front vie the reins of restraint with which its leadership (Chamber of Deputies) to an empty shell, and choice among them by learning the rich lessons vice of reference to the truly glorious record of man secretary, and also as trans. tory at the polls with Leon Blum are now ruling Loyalist Spain as a military dleof the events.
checks it are released or broken.
devotion, militaney, selflesstiess and revolutiontatorship. In two years, there has not been a lator of many of Trotsky writas Premier. There was a great ary spirit of the anarchist ranks. In the same Precisely there lies the fatal weakness of the The social democrats, the party of the Second Ings. The young militant also display of clenched fists and politsingle opportunity for the masses to exercise International, have done nothing but seek to manner, the Stalinista covered up their betrayal struggle against the fascists. The leadership of began to develop an independentical animosity even to the extent the Spanish working class has been welghed their democratic right of suffrage and a right add another tragedy to the long Hat in their of the Chinese revolution in 1927 by pointing to political and literary activity for of some disturbances. Last year and found wanting, and that regardless of the you are forbidden to exercise is no right record, from which they refuse to learn any the deathless exploits of the Chinese masses which became well known in there was less Popular Front and standard by which they are judged. summary at all. The argument that we are in the midst thing. The social democracy is the agent of the who mistakenly followed them.
the movement of the Fourth In a far bigger display of military of a civil war. Is fraudulent from beginning to bourgeoisie in every country and when, as in of the situation in the camp of the Loyalists strength with Camille Chautemps ternational end. In the midst of an even more violent and Events Teach Anarchists Nothing demonstrates to all who are willing to see and Spain, the bourgeoisie no longer requires its Unable to return to Germany as Premier. This year amid this to think that the Spanish workers would never extensive clvil war in Russia, elections to the assistance and seeks to dispose of it, it seeks the Soviets continued to take place wherever the And throughout the world, you must look with after Hitler seized power, Klem prodigality of Anglo French dec have suffered defeat in one battle after another, service of capitalism elsewhere In France and ent settled in France as a political orations there was a restricted but a microscope in the various anarchist period and now be threatened with defeat in the war is country was free from reactionary domination; England. Its motto, like that of the Prince of fcals, for single strong line of protest against refugee after Trotsky left Turkey. effective representation of the whole, were it not for the disastrous policies and the Soviets continued to meet for the pur Wales, is Ich dlen and it serves capitalism, He then turned his activity to most modern and also the most pose of freely discussing and deciding all the the perfidious Montsenys and Olivieras, for a pursued by their own leaders. If the war should Second International Impotent important questions of the day.
single serious re examination of the anarchist work in the International Secret picturesque elements in the army end in that horrible outcome which every workdogmas, to my nothing of the practical policy arlat of the Fourth International, and with Edouard Daladier as er even hates to think about, namely, the vicThe rights of free speech, free presa, free as Just think of an International whose com of the and the in Spain. Every devoting all his time and energy Premier no political activity at tory of fascism, it will have been due not so semblage and of organization are now honored al. where, the tiny anarchist groups bask in the reto it.
rades are engaged in slitting each others in the breach rather than in the observance. It much and not even in the first place to the millthroats! Comrade Leon Blum, as prime min flected glory of the epic feats of the anarchoIt is not surprising that the Separato Labor Parades tary superiority of Franco as to the course puris significant that all the professional crities of ister of democratie France, did his level best to syndicalist masses in Spain, and eagerly hope turned its sinister atten How deep the change is, con sued by the traditional parties and groups of the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, who find in strangle comrades Largo Caballero and Juan that nobody tions to him, knowing the post of tinues the same writer, was best notice the black, Ineradicable the labor movement.
acceptable what the Bolsheviks did to limit Negrin, prime ministers of democratic Spain. mark of bankruptcy of anarchist polley. The importance he occupled in the shown at the labor parade in the or deny democratic rights to reactionaries in Later, comrade Negrin proceeded to suppress hope is vain, for nothing can hide the fact that movement which Stalin is deter. East End of the city during the People Front Defends Capitalism the interests of socialism, are among the most the perlodicals, imprison the supporters, and dis official anarchism in Spain proved to be nothmined to crush even if he must afternoon. Two years ago it numpassionate apologists for the People Front The struggle of the Loyalists has been conrupt the trade unions of comrade Caballero. Al use the foulest methods to ac bered hundreds of thousands, all ing but a whimpering auxiliary of the bourlenders in Spain, who have abolished the demo ducted under the leadership and policies of the three of these socialist statesmen are mem geois People Front which inexorably smothcomplish his alm.
with red banners singing the In cratic rights of revolutionists in the interests of so called People Front, to which all the old bers and leaders of the same International. ered the proletarian revolution.
Public Warned ternationale. This year it was capitalism. What sort of monstrous hoax is all parties and groups social democrats, Stalinists, What then is the Second International for? It is only a skeleton of that immense Centrism too was tested in Spain, on a larger anarchists, POUMisto have adhered to one dethis blather about the Aght for democracy, an arena in which the Comrade Ministers, act senle than ever in recent years, in the form of Every effort is being made by display of popular feeling and when the POUM, a political party of the work ing in behalf of their respective capitalist the POUM. This substitute for revolutionary Klement comrades in France to here was the most curious thing gree or another.
ers which rendered yeoman service in the fight classes, drive the most comradely knives into Marxism proved to be totally inadequate. Apascertain his exact present where of all: there were no political In a word, the People Front has operated to stem fascism, is outlawed as a party, when each other backs. On May Day, they appear pealing to all possible considerations. geoabouts and to delve into the man speeches at the Place de la Naon the theory that the fight against fascism can its leaders are flung into jail, confined without be conducted only on the basis of a preservation before the workers and declare: Here are our graphie, biologic, national, temporal, spiritual ner in which the kidnappers tion (the scene of the labor paof capitalist democracy and private property, specific charges, and kept in prison for months wounds honorably won in battle. Long live the to emphasize the meaningless platitude that seized and made off with him. rade) for this reason, that the on end without being brought to public trial?
and by methods which correspond to them and brotherhood of man. Spain is not Russia the leaders of the POUM Meanwhile, the labor public is leaders of the various Popular when the prisons of Loyalist Spain are filled to the principle of acquiring and maintaining Caballero, who crushed the Barcelona workers themselves helped to destroy the promising being warned against the possibil. Front groups could not agree as with more working class victims of despotism in the 1937 May Days by sending a punitive ex movement they had organized. Instead of orIty of a frame up against the to what they were to say.
the friendship of the capitalist democracies, than are to be found in all the dungeons of pedition equipped with shiny Russian rifles sup ganizing an intransigent struggle against PeoTrotskyists in Spain, amalgam There, in a nutshell, is summed France, England and the United States.
Franco? when the anarchist and left wing 80 plled by The revolutionary criticism of the People alin; Negrin and Prieto, the willing ple Frontism that is, the subordination of ated, as is Stalin custom, with up the whole result of the Stalincialist periodicals are elther suppressed out tools of British and French imperalism; Leon the independent working class movement to the the familiar fascist elements list and reformist policy of Front, which we have advanced even before the right, or else permitted to appear only with wide Blum, and all the other gentlemen of the Sec bourgeoisie and its rule they clung pathetically elvil war began, may be summed up just as and adorned with the usual con People Front betrayals: apathy spaces carved out by the censor? when revolu ond International they have demonstrated that briefly: the failure to pursue a proletarian polley, to it. Like the anarchists, they developed a fevfeastons. It is known that Stalin of the working class, paralyzation the policy of the militant class struggle, will not tionary militants, whose only crime le opposition they are not only incapable and unwilling to erish ambition to become ministers in the bourneeds such a demonstration of labor power of action, into Stalinist People Front capitulation, are only not bring the working class closer to sociallead the proletarian struggle for socialism, but geois government, and lamented bitterly when trial, not only in Moscow, but creasing discord instead of growseized and imprisoned without the slightest pre1sm and emancipation, but will result in not even are just as incapable of leading a fight for the their only Catalonian cabinet member was imtense to legal procedure, kidnapped in the dark right now in Spain, in order to ing unity, subjugation of the democratic rights of the masses under capital politely dismissed. Instead of combatting the explain away or to cover up the interests of the proletariat to the preserving the traditional institutions and rights of the moon by extra legal murder bands who ism. For the latter can be fought for only by anarcho syndicalist prejudices among the of bourgeosie democracy. In other words, the succession of military defeats that needs of imperialist polley, selfPeople Front polley will defeat its own avowed operate with the approval of the govhht. socialist methods, by methods of the class strug masses, they confined themselves to negotiations have been suffered by the Loyal imposed speechlessness in the face or assassinated by thugs who work im gle, and this whole crew has the same abhor and never realized combinations with the en ists as direct result of the of mounting losses to the workers alms and facilitate the triumph of fasciam.
punity in the knowledge that the democratie rence for these methods that the plous Christian archist bureaucracy at the top. All their revoluStalinist policies which now dom and in the face of an ever growFruits of the People Front government will protect them?
has for Beelzebub.
tionary intentions were nullified by their ininate the Valencia Barcelona gov ing war danger in which not even curable waverings between the policy of class British and French Interests Rule ernment. The numerous Fourth the much cherished Franco Soviet Let us now examine the fruits of the People Stalinist Bloodhounds Active struggle and class collaboration. The bankruptcy Internationalista, members and alliance in whose name all these Front policy. It is a primary duty to do it thorThe truth is that the People Fronters have About the role of the Stallnlsts, one can write of centrism in Spain is no less profound and leaders of the POUM and of the crimes were committed 19 safe oughly, for tomorrow the workers in other completely subordinated their own declared fight only after overcoming a feeling of physical re thorough goling than the collapse of the Stalin anarchist movement who are from disruption. fake real countries, the United States not excluded, will for democracy to the interests of the two vulsion. They have found no course too abominist, social democratic and angrcho reformist held in Loyalist dungeons are un ism of the People Front is face substantially the same problems as the countries without whose approval they dare not movements.
able, no arguments too mendacious. In their cadoubtedly scheduled to serve as heading the French working class workers of Spain.
breathe or budge: Great Britain and France. The the victim of Stalin frame up toward disaster. The fate of the When the civil war broke out, the workers pacity of servitors of the Russian anti Soviet interests of the two Great Democracles are bureaucracy, which is in turn completely bound lust.
entire European working class of realized, some consciously and some instinc up in its policy of currying favor with the Demexclusively imperialistic. They never were end Class Action Only Road The kidnapping of Rudolph the world as a whole, rests on a tively, that it was not a struggle between the abstractions of democracy and fasciam, but are not now interested in any nonsense about ocratic Imperialists, they have been in the foreKlement can be understood only rapid change to revolutionary Spain hammers home again the first lesson democracy in Spain. The praise which they re front of the movement to exterminate the proin light of this despicable plan. class war between the proletariat and the of our epoch which is to be read out of all the realism in France, ceived from the People Front as our demo letarian revolutionists and the socialist hopes bourgeosie. Except for a handful of politicians, cratic friends and patrons was grist to their great events our generation has witnessed. For of Spain. No capitalist could be more candid and the latter was ranged entirely on the side of the working class, there is no substitute for mill for, with such a noble title, they found it all Franco. The workers thereupon proceeded sponzealous in his defense of the sanctity of private the ensler to carry out their foul designs without the policy of militant and straightforward class taneously to establish a a government of their property than has been the communist party fear of consequences from their own working struggle. This is the simplest and wisest and own, an army of their own, a police of their in Spain. With hysterical frequency, like people profoundest teaching of Marxlam, confirmed a class with a guilty conscience, the Stalinist leaders thousands times over in life. The working class the Industrial heart of Spain, Catalonia, they own; in one center after another, above all in Among the greatest crimes of the social demo have proclaimed thelr determination to prevent crats, Stalinists and anarchists in Spain has that hands over the job of fulfilling its tasks REPORT OF THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO took over the industries and the land.
the workers from going beyond the confines of to another class, to the bourgeoisie, is doomed THE CHARGES MADE AGAINST LEON TROTSKY Did the People Front government consollto defeat from which not even the most miracuIN THE MOSCOW TRIALS date these gains or did it destroy them? The lous feats of courage can redeem it.
of all the currents in the labor movement, difference between the Bolshevik government in only the Fourth International, the Trotskyists, The findings of the Commission headed by John Russla after 1917, which was confronted with As we go to press, the report, crowd and only one deputy uniformed strike breakers.
the same probleme The despised by all the bureaucrats who despise and Dewey, and its comprehensive analysis of the Mosof crushing the counter revo comes of the brutal assault made sheriff was slightly injured.
lution in the course of a civil war, and the Loytear gas attack followed.
fear the revolution no lesa, stand consistently cow trials based upon the official records and it upon 500 pickets of the on Seven of the pickets were Following on the heels of the and aggressively for the policy of class struggle.
alist government les precisely in the fact that own hearings in Moxico City, Paris and New York, strike against the Chicago Hard jailed.
Hague dictatorship in Jersey It is being tragically and negatively confirmed is now available.
the former solidified the rule of the masses, ware Foundry of North Chicago, The striking hardware workers City, and the assaults on the by the events of the past two years in Spain, while the latter exploded it.
The most thorough and objective study yet made of the by two hundred deputies armes are all members of the Amalga LO. in New Orleans, San An just as it was magnificently and positively conwith clubs and tear gas.
Government Destroyed Militias mated Iron, Steel and Tin Work tonio, Newton (Iowa. and elsetrials. Indispensable to an understanding of firmed in Russia twenty years ago.
How heavy the odds were ers of North America.
where, the bestial attack upon the From its setbacks and defeats, as well as from contemporary Soviet Russia. 422 pp. The popular and democratic anti fascist mill against the percefully pleketing The police, at the service of North Chicago strikers gives its victories, the working class will learn. It tlas, which offered the most effective resistance workers is indicated by the fact the employers as usual, set up added weight to the imperative absorbs the lesson slowly, with painful slowness SPECIAL PAPER EDITION: 50 CLOTH: 75 to Franco and Mols, which successfully defend that at the end of a twenty five their lines along the full length necessity of labor everywhere at times, but all the more surely for that. And ed Madrid, which kept the fascists in check and minute attack by the police and of the company property, some uniting its militant strength in (SEND FOR BOOKLIST)
when that policy has triumphed in the ranks registered the smallest number of set backs, has deputies, more than 50 pickets, two and a half blocks. They com Labor Defense Guards, for the of the workers, their triumph over all enemies been destroyed completely by the Loyalist gov including six women, were over manded the pickets to leave the purpose of protecting its life and obstacles will be a comparatively simple LABOR BOOK SHOP ernment. Its place has been taken by an army come by the fumes from the grounds, but the workers, insist and rights from the reactionary matter. We look forward to that time with con28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK based upon the old capitalist style and com tear gas bomba; one woman wasing on their rights, refused to brutes of capitalism, in uniform Adence. Our every effort must be bent to bring manded in the old way. The anti fascist patrols trampled in the scurrying of the comply with the orders of the or out.