CapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismHitlerImperialismMarxMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSURSS ConstitutionWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

OHIO UNIONS TO Yipsels Announce Auto Union Threatened Membership Meet With Split By Wreckers DEMAND BETTER RELIEF SCALES POLITICAL AIM SOCIALIST APPEAL JULY 23, 1938 Gang Disrupts Astoria Skoglund Elected SWP Rally; Cops Look On President of 544 MINNEAPOLIS. Carl SkogA general membership meetHarvey Police, Like Hague s, Condones Fascist Tactics lund, veteran of Minneapolis (Continued from page 1) Monday night meeting of the Deing of the New York District of labor struggles, was formally Against Labor Meetings; Workers Need troit District Auto Council, to step into the Auto situation members fought against the call the Young Peoples Socialist installed in office as president League, to be held Friday even and bring about peace between ing of a special convention and Own Defense Guard of General Drivers Union Loing, July 22, at Ninth Ave. the two warring factions. On this condemned the attempts of the cal 544, after returns of the Is announced by the District point, the program, insofar Stalinists to stop payments of By FRANK GRAVES electior were reported to the Committee.
As the meeting is to be held identical with the program of the al. The has not yet achieved NEW YORK mob of hooligans, inspired with fascist membership The official tabulation, re Stalinists. What significance has a complete break with the Staideology, succeeded in breaking up an open air meeting of the Soported by the union election Example of Minneapolis Unions Fight for for Internal discussion, admlu this request for the Auto Union? linists and their program, but the cialist Workers Party on July 14 at the corner of Second and Ditmars board, gave Skoglund 788 votes, Adequate Unemployed Relief Inspires meeting will be called to order first moves have already been Avenues, Astoria, in the heart of the bailiwick of George Harvey, with Tom McCue polling 596.
Independence Threatened sharply at 8:30 made. The path is now cleared reactionary president of the Queens Borough, well known for his Two other candidates, Peter Akron Workers The intervention of John for the creation of a broad proHarris and Frank McArdle, rered baiting and hatred of the labor movement.
Lewis into the auto union battle gressive bloc standing on the proceived 26 and 19 votes, respecBy WIDICK As soon as the meeting commenced, the rowdies, thirty or forty tively.
has been solved mainly in one would mark the end of the su gram of democratle and militant Labor Secretary, city, Minneapolis, as indicated in COURTS CRACK tonomous and independent exist unionism and fighting the reacof them, closed in from all corners of the street intersection and set The election was held to all recent issue of the Northwest ence of the most militant union tionary policy of the Stallist up a chorus of yelling and singing which made it impossible for the AKRON, Ohio. campaign to Organizer, official Teamsters Joint the post left vacant by the death of Bull Brown, long time provide for supplementary rellet Council publication, and speaker to be heard. DOWN AGAIN ON organization in this country. gang.
Lewis would only act as a releader of the Minneapolis team for and industrial emWhereas, The solution was ceiver, in order to turn the union It must be freely admitted that In accordance with the custom Jersey City, and his method of sters.
ployes along the lines of the Min achieved through the introduction neapolis plan was begun here of system of supplementary ary procedure, the Astoria party handling labor the method of STRIKERS over to the Stalinists at the Arst the Martin administration has branch had given advance noti outright proscription and supthis week by the Akron o. relief for any company or favorable opportunity. That not facilitated the path of the fication to the police that the pression of labor hard won council Lewis is not averse to turning or other union groups. Ever TRIP ACROSS and Goodyear Local, employe whose wages were inmeeting was to be held and sev. rights.
United Rubber Workers of Amer sufficient to permit a family to (Continued from page 1)
unions over to the Stalinista, since the present battle in the eral cops were on hand, presum Stalinists Also Attacked when he thinks that they are in union, the Martin leadership has ica.
ably to preserve law and order Not only the but the have a minimum standard of lv course that the workers right a position of power, is attested to remained, by and large, unmindCOUNTRY HAS By mobilizing the labor moveby the fact that he did not hesi ful and Ignorant of the actual de and the democratic right of free Stalinists, too, are finding it imment behind this night, union leading whose cost was determined by must be abrogated speech, possible to obtain a hearing on a union survey, and ers seek to revitalize the unions By restricting themselves to late to hand over the West Coast sires and wishes of the rank and Pollee Protection the streets of Astoria. Commuand to alleviate the suffering of supplementary relief, the emsupplemeen.
Under the system merely legal contesta against these Clo, movement to Harry Bridale membership. It has never But they permitted the hooligansnist Party meeting, despite the ring of its pub thousands of families living on ploye of either private con decisions, the workers affected lees, who has since been wreck clearly stated and certainly never to carry out their disruptive tac patriotic sooth sub existence levels.
would be contesting decisions in thg and discrediting the oclearly demonstrated, what kind tles unhindered, without even a He representatives, was broken (Continued from page 1)
cern or of the obtains in a game in which the bosses have organizations on the Paciflc of unionism it stood for and was Praise Local 514 cash the difference between his made 11 the rules for their own Coast prepared to establish. It has mild warning. Nor did they in up by the same hoodlums at the ing care not to stick his neck out The campaign was announced wages and the amount needed for benefit. Obviously, the only way Martin tervene when the barrage of cat ame spot (Second and Ditmars too far, but to phrase his re in the Summit County Labor the minimum standard, as shown the Busch workers as well as all when he stated that the Autopaign to win the membership to was completely right never put through a bold camcalls, yells and snatches of patri Avenues) the night previous to marks in such a way that a vic News, which gave much credit to by the attached clipping from the otle songs was supplemented by the meeting. To the fas: tory for the 100 per cent New the Minneapolis Teamsters Unlons Northwest Ask Supplemer. Relief therefore, the others involved in these recent Union was an autonomous body, its program and to condemn the barrage over ripe fruit.
court decisions have of assuring that had voluntary affiliated reactionary program of the ComAfter twenty minutes of vain meetings are suspect as being could be interpreted as a personal plementary relief on sound Be it resolved, that we go on themselves record in favor of such a system boss cla ainst the ravages or with the And that the lat munist Party, but has tried to justice is by imple ter had no authority to intersolve this complicated task by which the mob worked itself into people, e. capitalist politicians, passed off as no concern of the Over 110, 000 of the 225, 000 in of supplementary reller. and that menting the lawyers brief with vene into any International in premature and unexplained disa frenzy bordering on real vio hold their meetings in halls.
President habitants of Akron are on one we seek to Institute a similar sys strong doses of militant, maternal affairs. All progressives ciplinary measures against the lence, the handful of Astoria The experiences in Astoria At the same time the time kind of relief or another, and tem in Akron, in conjunction with action. That is also a means of must repudiate the calling In or opposition, point to the growing Martin Begins Campaign don the meeting.
advancing fascist movement in directed over the heads of the loworking less than two days a we urge the entire labor move being on and on until the union throttle its autonomy and either preventing their cases from drag from the outside who will only The fact is the Martin group the spot, our comrades heard and deepening social crisis, farmers. His wityside speeches of supplementary reller indispens join with this union in the cam and the spirit of the militantsmittees, or else hand it over. kinds of people, but includes red of thousands were crowded with the glitteringible reduce it to the pititul status of not only composed of the most some of the organizing variegated and heterogeneous such characteristic remarks as, throwing Go back to where you came of the youth on to the scrap heap generalities of the more abun ble for the sheer existence of the palgn.
here Don come back to As providing fascism with its human and dams and conservation and was indicated in a resolution as a substitute for jobs, or lock, stock and barrel to the Sta balters as well. Only during the The surest way to protect the linist wrecking crew. The prob past few days has Martin begun The campaign is not being made toria. One youth was heard to Thierar mye awamiye contre future wages and hours and the predmet passed by Goodyear Local and equate wages. Unton readers soe capitaine courto intend to handlet must be solved by the Automobile porte dhe te stimulimistempelene tenen ings was his favorite pastime. ganizer with the gifts of a dema large scale and organized nationmove upon thembring the bosses or Text of Resolution to fight against the effects of the bership and to explain what kind gogue. Hitler.
Object Lesson in Democracy al opposition to Roosevelt is proof union he proposes to build On their way to the elevated unable to organize these elements and since the policy of the Reworkers and by part time indusIf the labor movement proves vided by the Republican Party, of wages received by den on the rich.
Whereas. The present amount social crisis and to place the bur. While the lawyers engage the not be solved at all.
court in argument, the workers Stalinists Prepare Split He has already spoken at some station a block away, we were and draw them into the class pulican Party promises only to trial employes is not sufficient to nounced giving of more liberal effect and hurl back the employ. Stalinists began active prepare plaining the position of his adAlready, relief officials have an must resort to mass picketing major local union meetings and followed and protected by a After the Addes expulsion, that will break the injunctions in made several radio addresses exsolitary policeman who had talism, which has reduced them pitiraf wages and hours stand living needs, especially of large part time industrial employes to ers in actual practice. reduce the. tions for a rump convention of ministration. But one swallow meeting without attempting to to their present social plight, they ards and shamefully inadequate familien, and the Auto Workers Union. Such docan make a summer. Suput a stop to their hooliganism will become recruite in the army conservation and social insurance Whereas. This grave situation holding down their regular Jobs Cottle Injunction has not stopped reckles proportions did thelr rounded as Martin 1, by many Walking between our comrades provisions, the generalities of splitting campaign assume that opportunists, job seekers and reThe Contagion Spreads the Busch strikers. Their solid great dissatisfaction arose in actionaries, his speech will bear and the yelling mob which folRoosevelt still have power to New Orleans Police The fascist perit Is here right move the masses in spite of the lowed them, he kept the hool: now. Jersey City Newark and glaring and brutal conflict be Mob Drives Mill arity remains unimpaired. Picket side the Socialist Party against no relation to the acts of his adlines continue to roam through continuing the bloc with the Sta miniatration, unless he makes Fight Unions Workers from Homes the streets of New York business linists.
yards, but this did not discour now. Astoria!
Hague and Harvey tween them and the realities of district.
genuine attempt to unite all proAge them from hurling fruit mis only last week the Flatbush the current crisis.
Continued from page Continued from page 1) That responsible labor repreRecently members have gressive elements around his siles at the departing ers.
merce addressed a letter to May pulled from the Roosevelt hat leaflets not approved by the Hee the town.
One other important card warrested. He announced that no union. All were forced to sentatives are aware of the registered sharp change ontwenty polnt program concretized This guardian of law and or their previous policy. At the to the present situation.
plications of the Busch workers der showed by his whole attior LaGuardia and Police Com. during the course of this tour, Mayor would be permitted distude that he was in sympathy missioner Valentine respectfully and we may be certain that we tribution.
Use Sound Truck fight insofar as the whole union with the aggressive mob and was demanding that future outdoor have not seen the list of this one.
The extent of the preparations movement is concerned, is in THE SOCIALIST APPEAL CAN BE OBTAINED doing only the minimum neces. intbush Avenue and Albemarle signed Colorado, petition strike breaking tasks, without when sound truck apponred on solidarity coming into the Optical mass meetings scheduled for at Cops are busy at their usual for the purgo was revealed dicated by the expressions of AT THE FOLLOWING NEWSSTANDS 4, 000 workers called NEW YORK CITY ROCHESTER, bered comrades. At the communists, Nazis, Friends of Spain, run for a third term. few days guards. New Orleans is almost union members or sympathizers the union and attended by more at University Place, at attack on our hopelessly outnum Road be held elsewhere. Com upon Roosevelt to get ready to taxies accompanied by police the streets, manned by a group of Workers Union every day as well the vigilantes. Names of suspected as by the conferences called by MANHATTAN: Fourteenth St. 433 Clinton St.
Catholics non Catholica draw water, similar sentiment was completely without routine police 257 Clinton St.
mencement of the meeting the mob displayed its cowardice when as many as 2, 000 spectators who publicly expressed by a group of services, such as traffic direction. were called out over the loud than unlon delegates inst Broadway. at Fourth Ave. Cor. Cumberland Clinton Sts. W: at Fourth Ave. E. at Cor. East Ave. Chestnut St.
one of its more vociferous mem. create nuisance and hinder the CLO. Teaders in Ohio. Roose as the whole department is con. Speaker. When the men could be week. In line with this spirit of Fourth Ave. and at. sw. Cor. Main South Ave. cor. Main Clinton Sts.
bees there referring to our par Thus Brooklyn is in line to fol ment upon either of these sum of crushing the io. unfon their position. at all in favor tion Committee has been formed. W: Oppo Jefferson Thendrever NEW HAVEN, Conn.
low Hague and Harvey.
mons movement, ty comrades.
of the union, or resentful of the At a meeting of this Committee. Second Ave. at Sixth Ave. Right now is needed a workThird Term Talk humilation heaped upon them, addressed by Alan Haywood, Rand Book Store, E. 15th Church St. bet. Chiapel Center show of real resistance to Roosevelt will find this thirdFight Legal Battles they and their families were regional director of the and St. 12th St. and University the hooligans would have put the ers defense organization to defy CHICAGO and contest every attempt to cur term talk a handy weapon, what With many of the strike lenders ordered to get out of town.
other leading unionist a resolu NE: Candy Store, 75 Greenwich latter instantly to flight. It was Cor. 57th Ave.
not forthcoming from the police all the rights of free speech any ever his actual intentions and it in hiding or in jail, and rank and During the early morning battle tion was adopted calling for Forty second st. at Fifth Ave. News, 37 Monroe Ceshinsky Bookshop George Harvey, are fascist in squads to protect working class decided whether or not to make a the streets because of the cer Was sent to Governor Merriam. Aby meetings, radio and mass pick Ave. at Seventh Ave. meetings from fascist Assaults. to break the precedent. Fortainty of arrest, defense of the platoon of 30 guardsmen started eting. To assure the movement Opstand Bway, ALLENTOWN, PA.
to the work.
Sterns; 108 44th Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
ers movement.
PHILADELPHIA the black plague of fascism, third term will serve to soften most wholely on the judicial turned back at Sacramento when greatest success, especial stress Defense Guard Needed Essex and Dtlancy Sts; Book1806 North Franklin St.
his inner party opponents, and to plane. Two attorneys are buay Sherify Olin Johnson informed will have to be laid on mass pick store at Cor. 13th and Market Sts. Which points the need for a ANNOUNCEMENTS at Grand and Attorney Sts make them ready for almost any night and day, attempting to pro the governor that order had been eting. Every labor union should Candy Store, 9th st. and Cor. 11th and Market Sts. w3 well organized, disciplined and tect the strikers according to restored. Order was restored by be involved in mass picketing Second Ave; Biederman Book Insertions in this column are concession, BOSTON, MASS.
sufficiently numerous defense 25 cents for five Ines. Copy must But it was the final continental their legal rights.
guard to protect our meetings In at the APPEAL ofhce be speech, made in California just Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
the simple expedient of having the demonstrations. Only by a power store, 12th St. and Second Ave: sheriff deputizo the 800 vigilantes ful show of labor solidarity in Wigerson, 145th St. and St. Nich Hotel Bradford)
The hooligans are bold and actore o clock Monday evening. before the review of the feet, activity of the police, acting on inhabitants.
In the face of the lawless engaged in terrorizing the town action can the bosses and their alus Ave; 110th St. and Columbus CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
gressive because they know or that set the high mark in dema the direct orders of the bossjudges be brought to their knees. BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th Felix s, Massachusetts Ave, at sense our weakes. They could NEW YORK gogy. There, preparing to survey Harvard St: Jerome Ave. and 167th St: casily be put to fight by crear NOCHE DE LA FIESTA. Span the tremendous naval armament, the legal minded defender Mattor holatlons of the law by the oth ASK FOR THE APPEAL (opp.
LYNN, Madre Ized, physical defense and givene Sam Corner, Olympia Square Dow Thentre. Sorkin, 206th ish Dancing Entertainment, for maintenance and expan. neys are preparing a comprehen etal thugs of New Orleans.
AT YOUR NEWSST AND Jerome and Burnside Aves: 160th lesson which would discourage and Bainbridge Ave; ROXBURY, MASS.
Beer. Saturday Eve. July 23. sion of which he more than any them from repeating their July 14 Terrace Beer Garden, 1110 See other one man has systematically St. and Prospect Ave: Allerton Friendly Varlety, Warren St. Grove Hall)
ond Ave. 58 59th St. Aus devoted his most strenuous efAve. Station Freeman Ave. and This was not the first pices Latin American Commit forts, Roosevelt called piously for Southern Boulevard; 174th St.
MINNEAPOLIS meeting disrupted in storin ssion, cents.
Bonton Road, Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; disarmament.
week previous, at the corner of BROOKLYN: Grand and Union Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
Steinway Street and Jamaica PENNY, PENNY, WHO GOT ment, he hastened to make clear, Aves: Havemeyer Avenue and SAN FRANCISCO PENNY? Rivington St. adapts was to be started by the other South 4th St; Marey and Brond MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
Avenue, some distance away itself to the accelerated decline fellow. Thus, as always, pacifism way: Pitkin Ave. and Strauss St; young hoodlums inspired and of American capitalism. Merely serves as the moral covering for Sutter and Van Sinderen SAN DIEGO, Calif.
eleven pennies admits you to super Imperialism egged on by Legionnaires and Universal News Co. 242 way An Editorial known members of local fis its PENNY PARTY. Join the cist organization had carried out Rollicking Rivington Revelers OHIO In the face of economic decline and rising Joint Committees BOOK BARGAINS precisely the same tactica. The this Saturday night. Dancing for those who can bear it. Wear OHIO DISTRICT CAMP.
reaction, the militant unity of the labor moveconduct of the police in this preUnemployment is not a local problem. It is the coolest thing you own or The Ohio District is making exment is imperative. The example of Philadel national in its scope. In each city, the cinct, too, was the same can borrow. Refreshments for tensive preparation for the phia, therefore, should Inspire workers every and the of must set up joint committees LEON TROTSKY the July 14 meeting. One of the pennies Entertainment for Camp to be held at Lake where.
to demand jobs for the unemployed.
cops on duty there told us plainnothing. Start saving your pen Milton, July 31 to August When the city councilmen of Philadelphia These should then be organized on a state wide ly that he had no sympathy with nies now for the PENNY PAR This is to be the District school persisted in playing ghoulish polities with the scale, and the state committees should be orour Ideas but that nevertheless TY for the Poor (and rich, too, and Organizer training camp. suffering of the unemployed, the o. and the if you know any) this Saturday ganized on nation wide scale.
we had the right to expound them Plus camp life, classes are beWhat is the Soviet Union and Where Is It Going? of leadership buried their differences.
The aim of the committees must be a great, at reetings.
night at Lower East Side, 159 ing organized on technical inA critical study of the economic study of the new Soviet Rivington Street, at 8:30 political and cultural develop Together, they led hundreds of workers on the structions for newspaper and He permitted the hoodlums to long range public works program, paid for by City Council last week. Together they brushed ment of Soviet Russia leaflet work, and principles of taxes on capital and incomes of the speculators Constitution) which you have wanted for some time but could disrupt the meeting and pelt our ANOTHER CITY WIDE AFaside the police. And together with the workers Marxism. There are still vanot afford at the regular price, 50 (308 pp. and financial and industrial dictators. The pubcomrades with fruit and vege FAIR! What could be better cancies for a few more com they stormed the City Council Chamber with tables, and finally escorted the for a summer night! cool lic works should be planned to expand as the rades. The total charge for the demands for jobs for Philadelphia unemNOW AVAILABLE FOR 98 local comrades to their homes to beer garden, lively music, danc depression deepens and unemployment inweek is five dollars. For further ployed.
ing and plenty of good beer.
information write at once to protect them from threatened vlcreases. Private industry and public works must Hold open Saturday night, July Once there, the workers denounced the counSam Silvers, care of London, olence. Thus he performed his give jobs to all jobless. And workers should be cilmen. Before they left, James McDevitt, AUGUST THALHEIMER 30, for another night at the Ter Box 396, Youngstown, Ohio.
duty of protecting the demo able to shift freely between public works and race Beer Garden, 1110 Second president of the Pennsylvania Federation of cratie right of free speech.
private employment.
Introduction to Dialectic Materialism Avenue (near 59th. Auspices Labor and head of the joint committee of the CAMPS Material for Fascism of Local New York, admission, LO. and of set up to get prompt action, Union Hours, Wages The Marxist World View (253 pp. 25 cents.
Who are the rowdies? They CAMP SEVEN OAKS, Eatonwarned the councilmen, Continued refusal to town, Red Bank Station. Public works for all unemployed will also take action to safeguard the 50, 000 WPA Jobe are, for the most part, youthful ORIGINAL PRICE: 00 OUR PRICE: 98 people of both sexes, but a maCapacity 25, swimming pool, available to this city might have unfortunate strengthen union conditions in private industennis court and other sports results.
try, if the fight is accompanied by the demand jority of them are young men in their toens or early twentiesfacilities, good food, comfortfor Union hours at union wages on all WPA PRINTING CO. Inc.
Symptom and Example Free With Every Three Dollar Purchase!
able housing. Dally 75, weekthe type of youth which has not Jobs. In addition, all unemployed who are on Philadelphia is both symptom and an ex316 bI STREET, ly 16. 00. Fare 80 cents. Fur WPA and who are not members of unions ample.
known the taste of a job since PREFACE TO CHAOS Gratton ther information phone BRyant Phone RE gent 0690 Jenving school. They are the New 7620 or Eatontown 515.
It is a symptom that the workers cannot tolshould be admitted into their appropriate trade ECONOMIC DOCTRINES OF KARL MARX Kautsky or industrial union erate a split labor movement. Pennsylvania, the Deal unemployed, fast degener ARTISTS IN UNIFORM Eastman most industrialized state in the country, has ating Into declassed slum proleThus only can the unemployed get jobs and tarians of the most vicious type.
the greatest proportion of unemployed, due to the union standards in private industry be proCAESAR MANTLE Mainzer This is the social material upon the economic decline. It is no accident, then, tected. Thus only can the unity of workers and MEN AND FORCES OF OUR TIME Marcu that the unity of the and the of which fascism draws for the cre.
unemployed be cemented against the demagogie THE BIRTH OF NATIONS Marcu ation of its storm troops. The should take practical form in the struggle promises of the fascists. Thus can the militant THE WEB OF THOUGHT AND ACTION Levy Astoria hoodlums show by their against unemployment. In the face of the suf unity of the labor movement be forged in the FORWARD TO CIRCULATION OF conduct that they have already fering jobless, all other quarrels are trivial. fire of anti governmental struggles.
Add ten per cent for mailing with all orders Only the unity of the labor fallen to a considerable degree movement can Against the reactionary attacks on the labor under the ideology of fascism wrest jobs for the jobless from the government. movement and the unemployed, there is only SEND FOR BOOKLIST as expounded by George Har Any bureaucrat who stands against this unity one answer: the Unity of the and of will find himself isolated and soon forsaken.
LABOR BOOK SHOP Unity of the workers and unemployed! Unity of vey, who proudly boasts of his admiration for Mayor Frank This unity can be forged today now. Phil. the working class me a whole against capitalism 28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK Hague, the embryonic Hitler of adelphia stands as an example.
and its decay!
10, 000!