Civil WarCommunismFranceIV InternationalImperialismKidnappingPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySpainSpanish Civil WarStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth International!
OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. III No. 30 Saturday, July 23, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy KIDNAPS SEC OF IV INTERNAT Bosses Hurl Hurl Armed COURTS CRACK Trotskyist Leader Mobs Against IO. NY. STRIKERS Force Fight For Power POLITICAL AIM Seized In Paris; Taken To Spain Unions In Strikes Auto Union Threatened TRIP ACROSS By Split As Wreckers COUNTRY HAS In the face of open aggression on the part of the capitalists, union hatters in the town of Dan is too low for these professional office and to send all monies to the findings of the latest Gallup collecting his mail, and from that actually in his handwriting Mexico fight will sulted in the shooting of one and against striking taxicab drivers them satisfaction. The stand or selves from the threatening Tuin membership in the union, after velt utilized his tour not merely 15 and had been malled from Barcelona, Valencia or Madrid by COURTS CRACK DOWN AGAIN ON STRIKERS Labor Right Mere Unscrupulous Tactics of Stalinists Para President Adds to Privileges, Says lyzes Militant Union: Lewis Party Prestige Jersey Judge Intervention Danger By Tour Young German Revolutionist in Hands of NEW YORK. Following on the heels of the wave of injunctions BULLETIN For a real solution of the dirClimaxing his cross country Stalin Assassins; Clues Lead to ficulties of the Auto unton, this junket with an official review of California Lumber Workers Driven From issued against unton picketing by Following the expulsion of their educational campaign will have the assembled battlefleet of AmerSpanish Border Homes by Hoodlums; Cops Battle in New York recently, new jud stooge, George Addes, former to be intensified and the member ican imperialism, President New Orleans Taxi Drivers against inbor unions Tast week. United kutomobile Workers Un telpation in the more uket The Roosevelt last weck departed in FORGED LETTER POINTS TO FRAMEUP ry Company strikers, the same have been speeding their cam that the measures taken are incidentally at the same time giv.
Editorial Note. The news stories below describe the methods workers against whom Justice palen to bring about the collapse emergency measures, that their ing Mexico and the Central (Cable to the Socialist Appeal)
used in a California lumber town and in New Orleans to crush and Cotillotesued his anti plcketing progress mostre pollutant un nodemast democratic rights remain intact. American nations ample oppor PARIS, July 18. Rudolph Klement, secretary of the Bureau terrorize workers that dared give vent to their discontent methods Aron Steuer handed down deci ter whirlwind move to bring clear that the fight against the tunities for observing and medi of the Fourth International, has been kidnapped from Paris by the that the capitalist masters of America view with increasing favor. slon holding the union, the United pressure upon John Lewis, Staliniat unton wreckers 18 a tating on the latest types of As in Jersey City, the city administration of New Orleans Optical Workers, liable to chairman of the to inter night to preserve the rights of the Navy construction.
The missing revolutionist was last seen by his comrades at combined with the lowest elements of the population petty gang civil sults for damages resulting vene in the affales of the Auto rank and Ale. in course In spite of Howard Hughes midnight of Tuesday, July 12, when he left an important meeting sters, hoodlums, riff raff of the city to drive o. unionists of from breach of contract.
they appear to have garnered onlack of consideration in grabbing at which problems of the international movement were being disthe streets. In Westwood, certain sections of the workers, demo: Roosevelt DETROIT. Under the tutelage The decision was termed unly some purely verbal conces of his stalinist masters, George the headlines for a number of cussed.
ralized by years of a more subtle terror, the company town, circles and comparable only to the are announcing velled plans for a treasurer of the United Automoto be pleased with the results of American section of the International the Socialist Workers Party Prior to his retirement for the night, he sent a cablegram to the joined hands with imported thugs to carry out the company decision in the case of the Darrump convention in the near fu bile Workers of America, advised his tour. Flushed with the re informing it of the discussions that had just taken place.
well laid plan to rid the town of union members.
in 1903. That decision, affecting ture. No shabby trick, no renc all local untons to stop per capita cent rise in the stock market and tionary unlon splitting maneuver, tax payments to the International The next afternoon, he was seen the workers must prepare their own organized resistance. Against bury, Connecticut, resulted in a the guns, knives and blackjacks of the hoodlums the workers in the law sult in which the United Hat bule o reinem leaders of the la his private home. The Stalinist and Fortune polls, the turn out moment on none of his comrades were included by him only afterhave thus made Addes the front of the crowds and the attitudes in Paris.
or friends laid eyes on him again ward and under dureau. Earmarks trado unions must mobilize their own defense groups. The brutal spite of twelve years of legal in self protection, President man for their proposals to wreck of the local politicians showed Strange Letter The contents of the letter are thugs of reaction must be repaid, blow for blow.
contest, had to pay 252, 000 in Martin and the majority of the the International Union and to Roosevelt that he is still holding Friday evening. July 15, one drafted in such a style as could Build Workers Defense Guards!
of the leaders of the Internation only serve the interests of a ers being attached for years while union have had to resort to International Executive Board the whip hand.
alist Workers Party, the French frame up.
WESTWOOD, Calif. Armed NEW ORLEANS. Mass or the union was raising the money. emergency measures. crude in quickly and gleefully pounced on Consolidates Position Trotskylst organization, received. The hand of the 19 seen, and deputized vigilantes last week rests, forcible deportations and drove striking lumberworkers illegal raids on union meeting for a legal battle. The experience given the character of the strus of the hopelessly indefensible por drastio purge course advocated curately, a carbon copy of a letter letter was postmarked from the Union attorneys are preparing many instances, but unavoidable, Addes, eager to take advantage Steering midway between the most peculiar letter, or more ac furthermore, in the fact that the and their families from this com have made New Orleans e city of of the Danbury hatters should, gle and the background of the sition in which he had placed dicating that Klement was in all night of terror with an attack on police continued for the fourth however, warn the Buach workers union as well as the past policies himself, and on Friday, July 8th, by certain of the younger White ostensibly sent by Klement to Franco Spanish frontier, thus inthat a cou yield of its leadership to save them expelled him from the office and policy favored by Farley, Roose The letter was postmarked July probability being spirited away to the strikers plcket line that re week their ruthless campaign and drayage workers the capitalist judiciary was suf of the organization planned by he refused to answer all quesa horrible beating for 30 others.
tions at his trial.
to rally general mass sentiment to Perpignan, a French town on the his captors.
him, but in particular to consoli Spanish frontier.
As is known, a group of Spanish More than 1000 men, women and Egged on by the State legis fciently Illumined last week in the Stalinist wrecking crew.
another case, to serve as an adchildren camped on the highway lature and the boas owned city aitional warning Locals Taken Over It is freely admitted by the Sta date his leadership within the The communication stated, most Fourth Internationalists was recbetween Westwood and Red Bluff, administration, Acting Police Hinists that they were quite cogDemocratic Party, a leadership unexpectedly for all those BC ently arrested and imprisoned in 80 miles west of here, as police of Superintendent Grosh declared at In a decision prohibiting 800. In the Tarrytown, New York, nisant of the eventual fate of stormily threatened by the con quainted with Klement, that he Barcelona, and is now awaiting the latter town refused to permit the beginning of the strike, called ondary picketing, Vice Chancel local of the the Stalinist their vietim, after he freely ac nicts during the past sessions of was breaking with the Fourth in trial on tramed. up charges of the homeless sawmill workers to by the o. drivers unton, that River, New Jersey, maintained kleked out, under the direction means very, very little to the Understanding that the pres. It was impotent, because of its the fascists. It is believed in Paris ternational, on the grounds that treason and of Intelligence with remain in the town. The harried he was going to run all the that free speech was really a priv of Bert Harris, representative of corrupt crew of blackguards and sure of the double depression is alleged objective collaboration that Klement was kidnapped by one at a time, to Westwood in Meeting in special session, the such nherent slechts The books and property of the nist Party. He is merely one political Alignments in the United that the undersigned promised Spain, in the hope that he would order to retrieve their belongings. Louisiana legislature adopted quiring and protecting property Allis Chalmers local of the small pewn in the much larger States, Roosevelt is compelled to not to make a public exposure be cubjected to such moral and When a wage cut of 174 per on New Orleans officials to drive against members of Local 66 of selzed by executive board repre to create a People Front in the controlling group of the face of these statements, the letsim to slgn one of the notorious cent was instituted by the Red the from the state.
River Lumber Company, which owns this town lock, stock and In this drive, arrests number affiliate to restrain them from George Klebler, president of the sons behind the War program of addition, to maintain within its in surprisingly friendly terms. haps appear in the coming trial All the circumstances surround as a witness against the Trotbarrel. members of the In more than 100 workers homes ing on other picketing activities Klebler was appointed temporary that reactionary program, the Third Party or Labor Party ac ing the letter, as well as the letter skylst defendants.
ternational Woodworkers of Ame have been raided, unfon halls in the vicinity of stores that buy administrator of the Allis Chal Stalinists are ready to employ tlon.
Itself, Immediately aroused the Long Kidnap Trail rica called a strike and success looted, men picked up on the goods from the Metropolitan Up mers unit.
fully closed down the sawmtil, one streets any means.
He expecta 1940 to be the cru suspicion and fears of Klement Knowledge of the record of the clal test, and he aims to gain comrades in Paris. abroad only fortifies this of the largest in the world and ing. Three organizers have been holstery Company in Newark.
Apparently, the unlon leaderIn speaking as frankly as he ship is not resigned to the prosAsk Lewis Ala control of the 1940 convention, No Previous Sign feeling. It is known, for example, this Up to the time of his disappear that the Stalinist secret service in As the strike held Arm and an ine city, their lives being threat cislon, Berry merely afirmed pertizatione potere communes generalghlp, the Staliniat Wreck position to him within the Demo ance, Klement had not given the Spain kidnapped or murdered attempt to reopen the mill with ened if they returned.
members the company union, Taxi drivers were holding a ways known. Namely, that cap from the article following below they pleaded with John Lewis headed by Vice President Garner, with the organization which he Rein, son the prominent Mencalled the Industrial Employees meeting to discuss strike strateex Italist law is based upon private they are not only taking the prac to save the union from collapse. and the new party tendencies to served in such a prominent and shevike leader, Rafael Abramovich, Union, falled, company agents when more than 60 cops Invaded property and that in the protecticay stepa dictated by the tae They only omitted to mention break outside the framework of responsible capacity. In fact, less and known for his sharp criticism aroused a lynch spirit amongst the hall and arrested 72 atrikere. tion of private property rights, the tea of the disrupters but are also that it was they who wore work, the Democratic Party, the non unlon residents, many of An were booked for disturbing human rights of workers are, in carrying on an educational cam ing overtime, attempting to or vanished from Paris, he had, as Scandinavian social democratic tnem recently baported with just the peace.
Intervenes In Primarles stated above, sent an important press; Erwin Wolfe, former privsuch a contingency in view.
Berry own words, only qualified paign to protect the progressive gantze the collapse of the union.
When strikers were informed constitutional rights. In other membership of the unlon from a In addition, a committee of seven In pursuit of this aim, Roose cablegram to New York, ate secretary of Leon Trotsky, At A. the morning of July by their attorney that they would words, when the welfare of the dictatorial regimen under the from the so called Peace Fac velt utilized the tour to inter The letter, moreover, was type who has not been heard of at all homes of union members. Some and defended the rights of peacewere given an hour to get them tul assembly by any means at (Continued on page 2) ated by the Stalinists. Continued on page Continued on page 2)
which, in turn, was countersigned Freund (Moulin. active and in ink with Klement pen name prominent Agure in the Trotskyist selves and their familles out of their command, Superintendent of an entirely unprecedented pro movement throughout the early town. Others were routed out of Police George Royer announced cedure on his part. In addition, months of the civil war in Spain thetr houses and herded at gun that he, personally, would lend the date line on the letter was In addition, Klement friends point to the town limits and the police against any meeting typed off as July 1938. leaving In Paris point out, the has forced to flee.
held by the strikers.
the actual day. 14 to be Alled been active for some time in Mob Attacks Plckets Threaten Strikers EMERGENCY CALL FOR FUNDS in by hand. He comrades im France in trailing, kidnapping At A. the town siren Openly threatening armed 89mediately concluded that the let and even murdering political opsounded a prearranged signal for sault, the police head said that general attack on the picket when we come for the purpose of TO ALL COMRADES AND FRIENDS: and circulation of the Appeal? It is our elementary duty ter had been typed out in advance ponents. Not only are the cases by Klement kidnappers, and of Generals Kutlepov and Mueller line. mob of more than 1, 000 making a raid, if a single threat that the date and signature, 11 to the American working class. Those branches and litmarched on the picket lines, is made to harm a police officer Our paper has run smack up against the usual sum(Continued on page 3)
swinging pick handles, axes, at the time of this raid, there is mer financial difficulties. It was only after the greatest erature agents who, for one reason or another, are failknives and other weapons, and no telling how this thing will overpowered the striking unlon turn out.
squeezing that we were able to go to press this week.
ing in their duty of handling the paper properly, must Evian Conference Is Dismal Flop; lats. Under the direotion of the Utilizing this lead for a frametown constable fire hoses were up. police arrested Lovett, We don know about next week!
turned on the pickets, rendering leader of the taxi drivers, and rests upon them if the Appeal skips any issues. There them helpless before the brutal charged him with threatening to We had thought it possible to avoid any such emeris many times more than enough due to us in debts on After laboring for several the world by the policy of the blows of the vigilantes. kl a policeman. After being held gency financial call for help as this. By dint of cutting bundle orders from all branches throughout the country.
weeks, the Intergovernmental German Government. Except by With many of the union lumber in jail for 96 hours, Lovett was Committee on Political Refugees a few Central and jacks forced to flee with their released on 5000 ball.
our expenses not merely to the bone, but to its inner In addition, if literature agents would see to it that the gave birth to a mouse. Before ad ican States, no doors were thrown families during the night, and the When the Coordinating marrow, we had been going along satisfactorily. But strikers picket line crushed, the Committee issued leaflet de directives outlined for the present campaign were car ent continuous committee which whose fate must now be determob took over the town and pronouncing police terrorism and this was based upon a minimum income every week.
ried out, a flock of subs would come pouring in.
Is scheduled to start work August mined by nations other than their ceeded to terrorize the remaining revealing the tie up between the That minimum has dropped by over 25 for the past 3rd in London under American down. All the delegates professed union members. Armed with rifles, bosses and the city administraThere will shortly be held in Europe the First rection. The committee scope sincere desire to do what they 300 men patrolled the streets, tion, Reyer seized thousands of few weeks, with the result that the publication of the World Congress of the Fourth International. We are will be limited to assisting Ger could, but none offered to relax searched out every worker even leaflets and announced thouane Appeal is seriously threatened. We must maintain a man refugees only.
the quotes and restrictions that planning to issue the largest and most important issue As foretold, the actions of this every country has put on immi(Continued on page Continued on page 2) minimum income.
of our paper yet published, containing a full report on conference of the world might gration.
iest powers mocked their prelimi Although the conference did East Side Labor to Hold Housing Parade It was for this purpose of combatting the summer this momentous historic event. We have innumerable nary pretensions of solving this not open any doors, it let a thin slump that we launched our present circulation cam plans for the future of the Appeal.
social problem. The conference ray of light shine through by was converted by the powers into vaguey promising to extend the The East Side Workers Hous The Committee is planning to paign. We have to regretfully report that branches of But right now we re faced with the job of raising an ing Committee has set plans issue 10, 000 leaflets to be dispressure upon Ger the future.
der way for the holding of a the Party far from carrying out the campaign and thus sufficient money for next week issue. Frankly, only if a many and for appousing the powtributed at the parade to draw The terrible plight of the Jewparade through the lower East Side of New York on Saturday, Aght for better housing. Also, attention and support to the helping us to tide over the summer months, have evi real amount comes in will there be a paper next week. ertul pressure of public opinion ish and anti fascist exilos has July 30. Participating will be dently succumbed to the summer heat! The results have We urge all branches and locals to immediately ments. As little was done as was at Evlan. All the greater is the members of the YPSL plans are under way to ap been miserable. So few subscriptions came in this past make every effort to pay up on their back bills. We urge consistent with saving their faces. responsibility of the militants in Workers Alliance Local 15 proach trade unions for other Progressive locals of the dorsement of the program and week that we are ashamed to print our weekly Appeal all comrades and sympathizers to rush contributions to The Times Itself placed the American labor movement to a low estimate upon the accom ald their suffering comrades A. United Handicapped aims of the Committee in prep Army report!
us. So serious is this emergency that we request all funds cannot be sald that the confer support, and more support, to the plishments of the conference. It across the Atlantic. That means Workers of America, and mem aration for calling a future conbers and sympathizers of other ference of labor to broaden the Can there be any doubt as to the absolute necessity to be sent via Air Mail. The Appeal must not miss an ence solved the problem. It dia current campaign of the Amer.
labor organizations.
fight for better housing of not only appearing regularly but expanding the size issue. The Business Manager.
not find a landing place for the icon Fund for Political Prisoners thousands of refugees cast upon and Refugees.
began systematically visiting the they locked the doors of their hall law regards it a matter of as from an outright split machin week to see Lewis and ask himState Primaries; cautiously tak the signature Rudolph Klement, in Barcelona; and Hans Socialist Appeal Needs Your Aid!
be made aware of the fact that a heavy responsibility Powersi Offer No Aid To Refugees and South Amerdr. Auxiliary agency for exerting scope of its work some time in en