BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyDewey CommissionEnglandFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyJohn DeweyLeninMoscow TrialsNational LiberationNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

JULY 16, 1938!
SOCIALIST APPEAL For Japanese Imperialism China War Spells Doom CHIANG KAI SHEK GOV Aids China War Divide and Rule Policy WEAKENS CHINA FIGHT Explains Palestine Riots BY SUPPRESSING MASSES How Stalin Gov Knifes Workers PRIETO LETTER REVEALS HOW REVOLUTIONISTS IN SPAIN WERE WIPED OUT Stalin Murders Foreign Communists In RADIO IS USED TO GENERATE WAR HYSTERIA deputy in Washington. Writing to a friend in the United States, Madame Chiang Kal shek, wife of the Chinese dictator, describes the assist The long smoldering antago this Eastern Gibraltar, Mother ance which is being given to nisms in Palestine have again England seeks to divide the Arab (Continued from page 1)
China fight against Japanese Aared into armed fighting be and Jewish masses by stirring up Imperialism by the Stalin reHow the Prieto Stalinist government of Loyalist Spain cleaned tween Arab and Jewish groups race riots. The explanation for capital invested went into war China as unconquerable as Sibe gime in the Soviet Union and between Arab nationalista the Jewish Arab conflict is to be up the revolutionists by sending them to the most dangerous secIndustries and in the first quarria was when it was overrun by Says Madame Chlang: In and British troops. Great Britain found in this fact. Britain, alded tors of the front to be finished off by Franco is revealed by Prieto ter this year this rose to 70 per the invading armies of the Inter deed, the Russian attitude to has rushed two additional cruis by the Arab landlords, who fear himself in a cynically frank letter alleged to have been sent by him cent. And these industries are a ventionlat powers 20 years ago. ward China is exactly similar ers, close to 2, 000 marines, and the nationalist movement for drain, not a souro to Fernando de los Rios, Ambassador to the United States, shortly of revenue.
to that of the so called ImpeBut such a war cannot be two battalions of colonial troops their own reasons, has succeedWhile in the rest of the world rlalists. Russia wants no more from Egypt to assist the 8, 500 ed in imparting to the Arab after the Barcelona May Days of 1937.
prices are dropping, Japan price made to order. In the years when to make an outward show of soldiers already stationed in the movement pogromlat character, This letter, and the accompanying article, appeared in Independ.
level was 13. higher in the first it was a revolutionary peasant helping China than mandated territory to quell the thus leading it away from its legent News, Paris, for June 26, 1938, where it was stated that the quarter of this year than it was force, the Chinese Red Army was Ica. Both seem to be animated Arab general strike and uprising. itimate objective of colonial liberin 1987. Exports, vital to the able to withstand the superior by the one Idea, to sell equipletter was reprinted from Espagne Nouvelle, No. 50 51, and that it More than 100 Jews and Arabs ation and threatening it with maintenance of Japan light in forces of the Kuomintang prement for cash and be sure of had previously been published in underground Spanish papers.
have been slain and over 200 self destruction.
dustrial plant, have fallen of 20 cisely because it unlocked the getting the cash first. We have wounded in the fighting that has The Zionist movement is care At last the most important per cent with no prospects of re simple secret of successful parto pay for Russian planes as part of the clean up behind the repression without violence and been raging since July The fully utilized by Great Britain.
lines has been accomplished. In without effort, but so efficaciously covery. Everywhere Japan ritisan warfare. Because the we have to pay for American spark which ignited the present This especially true of its Barcelona, 18 vals are gleefully pouncing on the masses are Interested only in the conflagration was the hanging of most reactionary section, the throughout the that the work will be completed markets she had gained and practical solution of their probRusslan volunteers to fly them Ben Yosef, reactionary Revision Revisionists, who seek to organprovince, the machinery of the shortly.
which she is now obliged to lems of livellhood. Peng TehF. and has now been We still fear, however, that the as we have to pay for Ameri Ist Zionist, by the British ize terror bands against the abandon at a rapid Japan hual, a Red leader once said, It broken up; their most dangerous tisan cans. New York Times, thorities. He had been convicted Arabs and offer themselves as gold reserves and credit abroad is possible to develop of terrorist activity against the tools of British imperialism elements are dead or in prison brigades of these elements remaining at present at the front have sagged to the point where warfare only by the Immediate In Its China policy, as in its what is still more important is might leave to come to the aid of their most urgent Arabs and his execution imme against Arab nationalism. Eng.
cash alone will serve, and in this satisfaction International policy generally, dlately set off vlolent Jewish land has hypocritically promised that those who have returned to their organizations. But believe important commodity Japan is demands. This means that the the counter revolutionary Sta Arab battles.
to make Palestine a homeland for reason are today convinced, or at they will not dare do so. It would now seriously lacking.
exploiting class must be promptly Infat bureaucracy consistently The IANU Stated the Jews. But this is sheer dupllleast tamed.
be very difficult, moreover, for disarmed and Immobilized.
destroys the reputation of the Saw Easy Task The Arab movement, like city. No sympathy for the victims Growing Stringency them to organize such move But the strongest resistance ment. Furthermore, we have deStalinist Capitulation first wokers state as the true movementa for colonial liberation of Anti semitie persecution atirs On the home front, these dirand disinterested champion of having been broken, it will be cided to proceed on the various Serverywhere we dangeror dumperter in Britempt browsers Closed INDALECIO PRIETO In other words, the fight could the nations and peoples opficulties have been translated in very easy for us to carry on fronts with serios of offensives by to growing stringency, increas be carried forward against Japan pressed Imperialism a rep this reason, Great Britain and As a matter of fact, the doors for which we shall use the ingly severe measures of govby rousing the masses to the reutation built up, not under the the Arab Effendis (landlords) of the British Empire are closed and elements first as shock ernmental control over Industry Alization, in word and in action, the regime of Stalin, but under have for years desperately sought to the Jews. Even the number ad troops. We have also decided to and trade, the depression of an the regime of Lenin and to divert this movement into mitted to Palestine is a miserable transfer these elements to the already low standard of living that this fight was identical with Trotsky.
channels harmless to themselves. handful. Actually, Britain forbids most dangerous sectors.
Thus the and corresponding growth first the struggle for the land, by The main aim of Great Britain, the Jewish masses to arm themRebels themselves will help us to of apathy soon of outright tensifying, not by suspending the since it received the Mandate, selves, cuts down Immigration complete the clean up, for which hostility on the part of a popu class struggle. By its complete has been to rule Palestine by to quotas to the bone, and prevents we should be grateful to them.
lation unwilling for very long to capitulation to the Kuomintang.
menting strife between the Arab the building of Jewish industry (Continued from page 1)
Pleasing Their Friends accept propaganda tracts in the the Red Army abdicated this and Jewish people.
for fear of the development of the Polish supported PU member of the League of Revo By following this polley, we place of rice, Japan has already struggle. In return for a bloc The crassest proposal yet made an industrial proletariat Britain sudski uprising in 1926. It is lutionary Proletarian Writers. shall please, as you know the by Great Britain is the Partition is motivated by only one desire in not amiss to point out that com Arrested in MOSCOW on the three countries that have given barred the use of cotton domest with the bourgeoisle In whom fcally and rigid control has been Stalin placed all his hopes for a Plan. England aims to divide her toleration of Zionism, rade Trotsky was an uncompro charge of espionage.
Palestine into three parts in established over the manufacture, Chinese foil against Japan the and that She seeks to use the Jews as a mising opponent of this tactie. us the most wonded such have lately trade and use of 17 major com Red Army surrendered its leadArab atate, a tiny Jewish State buffer against the Executed as Sples policy from us. Excerpt from a Shot for Esplonage modities including copper, gasoership of the peasants and fore The conscious campaign of with an Arab minority of some ment, to lead the Arab national The following former members. fab swore the mobilization of the American Imperialism to whip up 300, 000 population, and a British ists into the false belief that the Simultaneously with the arrest of the Central Committee of the letter from Indalecio Prieto, dated rica, leather, rubber, lead, tin, working class, a leady comenuinet the lagging patriotism of the military zone. This policy is de Independence of their land o Sokhataky and Voyevudsky German Communist Party breve dressed to don Fernando de los zinc, nickel and antimony.
To cope with the multiplying the former Red Army has initiated at the secret conference the friction between Arab and rialism, but by the Jews. Zionism members of the Central Commit Heinz Neumann, Hermann Rem Rios, Spanish Ambassador In. The contents of Prieto letter by step: Into an outright mitery role in the military events of the heads and representatives of free hand over the entire area by ion, Britain can utilize the Jewish Bulshorn. They were all shot in the Landtag people as a scapegoat for the 1934.
Werner Hirsch. bourgeois are of capital importance. They dictatorship. Japan principal past year. It surrendered the op. the kings of United States. unlimited control over the mehr nance capital, proceeds at an tary area. The attempt to put Arab masses. At the same time In the same year they shot journalist, joined the In demonstrate Irrefutably the theo vala, the United States and Great portunity events offered to it to over this plan is at the root of Britain encourages Arab agita Vandursky. poet, proponent of 1924 and from that time has been ry we have many times set forth Britain, will not, certainly, come play an infinitely more herote ever growing pace. romarkable brazen plece of the present conflict. The Arab tion against the Jews with the proletarian art in Poland, and the closest henchman of Thael in this publication, that the May to her ald. Her friends, Germany role on an incomparably higher incitement brazen, at least, at masses seek to prevent the div! aim of instilling a deep hatred former head of the Polish the mann. After Hitler assumption days were carefully prepared by and Italy, cannot do 30. Unless plane. The bourgeoise for its this stage of the game was to be sion of their land by their own for the Arab people among the atre in Kiev and Teshner (An of power, Hirsch was arrested the Stalintata and reformists with no more than Jewish masses.
ton Werner. member of the but shortly set free. During one complicity, this letter in the International situation altersit WAS in the days of the first heard on the radio the evening armed intervention.
radically in her favor, Japan is anti Imperialist united front of sored by the company selling dicates, of the minister of naof July 7, on program sponBritain Is Responsible And for this, the Zionist move of the Polish Both of them of his conspiratorial meetings In spite of all London pro ment is willing to support and were shot in connection with the with Thaelmann, they were both tional defense.
destined in the not too distant eleven years ago to abdicate any Tenderloat Tea. Here an open testations about the need for defend British domination of Prieto also confirms in very future to suffer the most pro of its own fundamental economic appeal was made to encourage British troops to maintain order, leatine and to fight against Sokhataky case for espionage. Brrested. Hirsch WAS sent to Arab They were all exposed by concentration camp. Owing to clear fashion the way in which found internal convulsions.
every patriot snooper and busy in Palestine, impertallet Britain independence!
Lensky and his group. After their his mother influential connec the government itself proceeded The Chinese Bourgoosle With the connivance of the body to cooperate with the red beats direct and primary roupon Dancer or Disunity execution the Polish party press con he was set free in 1988, to diaorganize the Aragon front The greatest danger facing the was filled with articles about the and fled to the where he first destroying the revolutionary In continuing to offer resist Communist Party, it has set up a eral Bureau of Investigation in sibility for the sanguinary fightance to Japan, the Chinese bour fraudulent People Council. sathering the names of trouble ing between Arab and Jew. Pa Palestine people, both Arabs and exposed provocateurs and was arrested as an agent of the military brigades by exposing lestine is for Britain center of Jews, is disunity. The struggle about the radiant plans for the Gestapo and the organizer of them to the enemy fire (it was geoisie is gambling on this pros an appointed body of docile Kuo makera.
The program is one of those the greatest strategical impor between Arab and Jew benefits future now that the atmosphere Thaelmann arrest. In 1937 he thus that the 29th Lenin with internal collapse it hopes to futile intellectuals plus seven everlasting serial plays, known tance, protecting the route to In. only Great Britain and the impe has been purified. Stalin, how was shot. He wife was in the Brigade was dissoived and inter: of the Paris office of the to a lesser extent, those of the sible terms. As against this, it gates as a foretaste of the deals with the experiences of the intersecting important rallway of the moment is a unifiled move these victims. Additional ones be In 1936 she was fired. At F. and then withdrawish and or American Imperialism In this deception the Stalinists Francisco stock broker. Paul, eld. us for all pipe line from Iraq, throw the dominance of British the turn of Lonsky and his group. with her child in great want in front to augment the forces Lensky Group Purged southern France, against the proletariat in the is finally compelled to intervene have participated with only the est of the Barbour children, at which provide Britain with a imperialism and for the independence of Palestine. This is no It began with the arrest (and shot: Ziskind, former editor of In 1937, the following were rear.
and save the Chinese bourgeoisie faintest whimper to the general the program inception some necessary refueling base.
To maintain her hold over Utoplan goal.
execution) of the well known the Rote Fahne in Berlin; NikoPlanned Mass Murder from Japan by yoking it more effect that they had hoped for a years ago, was a representative writer Bruno Jascensky, author laus Birkenhauer, former editor lutionary organizations would not Prieto knew, too, that the revosecurely to chariot wheels of the more democratic body. Actually of the lost generation, a philoCity and or Wall Street. Which the bourgeoisie is making just sophical pacifist war veteran who of the novela Set Fire to Paris of the Ruhr Echo, in 1933 1934 recall their forces from the front turn, by the outcome of the strug to keep the workers and peasants wrote books.
Skin, which created a sensation of th in Paris, and later, of the stakes in the civil war; With the growth of the proHe was accused of ties with Yo after the Seventh gle between British and American yoked to its wheel, to make them goda tool, Auerbach, and the greas of the Comintern, head of not hesitate to send revolutionary World Con that was why the government did imperialism for world domina bear the cost of the war and to gram popularity and achieve Polish spy Domsky, former the Paris Committee for the de volunteers to fight, without artiltlon. In the meantime the Chinese prevent them from rising to ment of a nation wide hook up, Paul has progressed to some sort member of of the Po tense of Thaelmann.
bourgeoisle will continue to ex struggle in their own interest.
of volunteer man, and is freligh who was already in lery or aviation, an enemy ten ploit the limitless man power at Death to Strikers quently absent from the family By MAX SHACHTMAN. its disposal man power which exile for many years. Later, the Victims Pile Up times superior in equipment, heedfireside has given a glimpse in the past The workers, who had begun in It was the family discussion of on mysterious journeys.
Since our Open Letter to you concerning the fate of your shot. Lensky. the Polish Sta. Sauerland, the former editor of of the war fronts, such wunfollowing were arrested (and In the summer of 1987 Kurtless of whether that inferiority year of its capacity for herolam 1985 36 year of economic re one trip that set the stage for and sacrifice and to depend on covery to reassemble their scat last week bit of propaganda.
two old friends, Juliet Stuart Poyntz and Noah London, further, In. general secretary of the Roter Aufbau in Berlin, was ar information has come to our attention which warrants some comPolish Albert Henrikowsky, rested in Moscow.
fortunately occured on the Aragon sell to tire out the attacker.
the magnitude of the country it tered forces and to conduct in To Protect Democracy well known member of the Procreasingly bold and militant ment by you.
After praising collective securSince 1986 the following have front when the fascista launched fintern, and Bronkowsky their drive.
We asked last week: What assurance have you that tobeen incarcerated: the Austrian Throughout the first year of strikes, were thrust back by the ity as the solution of the world of the former collaborators of physician Gerber, former collabothe war, the Chinese bourgeolate war, which has caused auch ters, and neatly poking holes in That is why the new military morrow or the next day, you will not face not the firing squad Varsky and Kostrzeva, the fol rator in the central theoretical brigades, formed from elements has dared only to conduct a pure rito destruction in the chlet in the fallaclous theory of Isola in a cellar, but the murderous slander campaign against lowing were arrested during the organ of the Dle Interna Stalinists and reformists, us for ly military defensive struggle. It dustrial centers and which natution, Paul let it be known that has succeeded in making the in rally checked the brief economie his mysterlous expeditions were the expelled scapegoat?
vaslon costly adventure for Ja upturn. To Inaure Itselt against for the purpose of protecting instance the 41st Brigade, demorwits. Lapinsky, a prominent tor of the Internationale Presse Alized and without revolutionary We came a little closer to the mark, it appears, than we pan, as we have seen, but it has any attempt by the workers to re democracy on the home front. thought.
later the head of the foreign de of the Rundschau, who was a spirit, ranks as well as leaders, also shown that such methods ject the new loads now laid upon We on the West Coast, sald cannot effectively withstand the them, the Kuomintang governPaul, are especially in danger For is it not true that you, who go to the Soviet Union alcrossed the French frontier with most every year for a visit, were refused a visa by the Soviet aw schlicht.
partment of Investin, and Un mous for his dispatches concern out offering te or giving imperialist attack and will not ment has established the death from advocates of allen Ideas ing the and his paeans battle to the certainly, serve the interests of penalty for workers who dare to and trouble makers of all sorts.
who were thorities when you tried to arrange for your periodic visit a few of praise to Stalin; and Profes11 Germany Chinese national liberation. So strike or even agltate for And, in reply to a question from months ago?
sor Halle, a prominent member casily able to reach Lerida.
of the Disastrous Polley long as the leadership of China strike. With these policies in gen his younger brother, Paul told Is it not true that the refusal was based upon the fact that, After the seizure of power by At the end of May 1937 they remains in the hands of the eral, the Communist Party, to his family and several millions Prieto policy, which he himbourgeoise, the outcome will be use Wang Ming words, has de of cavesdroppers to gather the servile to the Stalinist machine though you are ready as you the Nazis, many prominent Ger shot in Moscow Rudolf Haus selt reveals in this letter, led to always are to apologize for its hideous crimes, it nevertheless SR, where a worse fate awaited tary questions in the has fallen into disgrace, he has either a compromise with Japan clared itself fully satisfied.
names and addresses of these or the subjection of China to the trouble makers.
was apprehensive about your possible reaction to the absence The further course of the war them than in Hitler Germany. whose articles appeared in Prav plenty of time to meditate on the United States and Great Britain. Do you mean that the Federal of all your old friends that you would note as soon you ar. In 1934 began arrests and execu da and Izvestia. He confessed consequences of his betrayal of Neither eventuality will free in Chine will be determined by rived in Moscow? That virtually every single one of your old tions among the German emito espionage for the Reichwehr. the Spanish proletarian revolution China. Nelther will alberate the many factors, near to and re Bureau of Investigation would acquaintances and associates in the old days of the Polish Bund, gres in the We give mote from present day battle like the names of trouble makX. which he helped masses who are bearing the Helds, but the cause of Chinese ers? another member of the fadestroy, he list, far from complete, of the the socialist movement in which you were raised, the men and victims of Stalinist terror.
and the Stalinists, under the women who finally went over to the Third International, has which they are also the principal national liberation will be served mlly asked.
pressure of the three countries in the coming period only to the Yes, and all potential troubleGerman Emigres Shot ASK FOR THE APPEAL recently been shot or imprisoned? That virtually every one of Herman Kupferstein and his that have given Spain the most degree that the masses cease be makers, the amateur man reAT YOUR NEWSSTAND assistance.
ing us fully satisfied with the lit te Interesting to note that Revolutionary War your old intimates of the Jewish Section of the Russian Commu wife departed from Paris for The war against Japanese Imbourgeois exploiters. This will in most militant and least patriotic continuing domination of the Moscow in 1935. He was a prominist Party has met the same fate?
the West Coast, where one of the nent member of the Longue of pertallem will be forced to ve turn depend upon the emergence Labor movements in the United And is it not true that, in order to assuage your feelings, Red Front Fighters (R. In torious and liberating conclusion which were so badly hurt at the refusal of a visa to the land you 1932, he had shot two officers on claim as your fatherland, the party here organized a series of Buelowplatz in Berlin. In Paris the minds of the mabok writer capable of marshalling the work States exista, 18 Ingled out for this attack. birthday banquets and celebrations in the main cities, and he was one of the leaders of the REPORT OF THE COMMISSION OF INQUIRY INTO their own struggle in their own ers and pensants in their own or The Intended Vlotims ganizations and of embarking behalt. Only in this way will it with them on the path of revo makers that the Federal agents German communist emigres. He finally sent you on a junket to California, which, while it has THE CHARGES MADE AGAINST LEON TROTSKY Just who are these troublewas shot in Moscow as an agent be possible to galvanize the vestlutionary struggle. Such a party are interested in enough to seek. if you know what we mean?
not established complete socialism, at least has a safer climate of the Gestapo. After his death, IN THE MOSCOW TRIALS man power of the country. This will have to will require bold social measures the present battles side by side audience of America. Japanese know how to join in Information from the vast radio The findings of the Commission headed by John And is it not true that your good friend Heller, the effect that 2, 000 Engements pour le Dewey, and its comprehensive analysis of the Mosthat will prevent the merchants with Chiang Kal shek or the presente emberrecot the Nazi angel of the International Publishers, staunch Stalinist like your had been found in his possession cow trials based upon the official records and its Bund?
self, was also refused a Soviet visa at the same time, perhaps during the raid.
own hearings in Mexico City, Paris and New York, Ernst Ottwald In 1927 he left war on the backs of the exploited. have to be ready to continue the Not at all, we think. Soon because the remembered the vigorous protest against its the ranks of the Nazis is now available.
nght when the Chiang Kai aheks join the stil bolder revolutionary pro abandon it as they aid a decade enough will revolutionists be abuses made by Mrs. Heller the last time the couple lived in He played a prominent The most thorough and objective study yet made of the gram, Identifying for the peascalled Japanese sples and Moscow. role in the League of Revolutionantry the aims of national liber ago and to carry on the struggle agents of Hitler. The Staliniats trials. Indispensable to an understanding of against all who would seek to have already let out that cry.
ation from Imperialist aggression bar the way to the vietory of the We have only to look back to Don you think that your public, whose flattering applause ary, Proletarian Writers. Author contemporary Soviet Russia. 422 pp. of a series of novels exposing na with their own liberation from has always been such intoxicating music to your cars, is entitled tional socialism (Nazism. After SPECIAL PAPER EDITION: 50 CLOTH: 50 thraldom on the land, will brine workers and peasants in the Chl the days of the Inst war to see to a plain spoken statement from you regarding the matters Hitler assumption of power, he forth reserves of physical and nese revolution of tomorrow.
who receives the brunt of the at(SEND FOR BOOKLIST)
touched on here? Don you think, finally, that it might be well, Ilved in Prague. In 1996, he left moral strength against which the tack of the patriots. the disJapanese Invadera Will never be ASK FOR THE APPEAL for the R, together with his in the same statement, to say a few words about the mysterious LABOR BOOK SHOP contented workers, the rebellious wife, and there they both were able to prevall. Partisan warfare Strikers, the forthright revolu disappearance. not so mysterious, perhaps. of your good arrested as agents of the Greatapo.
waged by such forces will make AT YOUR NEWSSTAND tlonista.
28 EAST 12th STREET, NEW YORK friends of yesterday, Juliet Poyntz and Noah London?
Gunthor another well known who he decided to a certain now, as it did is 1921, med wounds carefully and Some More Questions TO MOISSAYE OLGIN victims NOT GUILTY