BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDewey CommissionFranceGermanyJohn DeweyMarxismMoscow TrialsNazismSocialismStalinismStrikeTrotskyViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SOCIALIST APPEAL JULY 16, 1938 LA GUARDIA POLICE CRACK DOWN ON NEW YORK JOBLESS Arrest 22 Members Of IO. SUMMONS NEW DEAL CROP Ex Deputy Sheriff Is For Demanding STRIKE IN Killed As Mine Trial Bigger Relief Checks SUMMER CAMP PROGRAM BASED Proceeds In Harlan ON STARVATION of Get Together in Akron EVICTING e o enda WORKERS they joined.
OHIO TEACHERS SHOW GAINS BY PROGRESSIVES UNION August New International BRIEFS To Have Article by Dewey arran person said in part the hovora condes and men det er bare 123. 000 desperate Homeowners te workers back pay from date of bread by the dine the big heat Mills have sharply cut production amonte e regolatore couple esse moletom entitled The AKRON, Ohio. co ordi.
nating committee to work with similar committee from the was set up here by the NEW YORK. The City Administration of Mayor La. Stalinists Slave Girls WAS of Trades and Labor Asand former peace officers, found guilty by the With the trial of cool operators least one of the compla LAGuardia, re elected to office last year as a democrat, a progressive 12 Hours for sembly last week. The purpose charged with bloody suppression bor Relations Board in Washand a friend of the unemployed with the aid of the Stalinist and of the three man committee, Socialist parties, cracked down hard on this city jobless last week.
a Week of union activities, stili in prog ington, composed of representatives ress at London, Ky. two shoot Board Gives Declsion from the teamsters, building Bumper Harvests Promise No Relief for inga last week added to Harian Twenty two unemployed victims of capitalism, demanding In a decision handed down last NEW YORK. Between 15 trades, and retail clerks, is to County reputation for higher relief standards were taken into custody by LaGuardia police.
terror week, the Board ordered the Har Hungry as Government Maps work out actual and potential and violence.
Seven of these were arrested at a demonstration staged by more than and 20 waitresses employed by lan Fuel Company to cease unjurisdictional disputes and to Browder Communist Party at Plans of Destruction Frank White, former deputy fair labor practices, to end dispreserve harmony in the Akron 200 unemployed at the West 53rd Street relief bureau.
sheriff and ruthless thug. Wascrimination against members of its Camp Kinderland, Hopewell, labor movement.
shot to death at a tourist camp the United Mine Workers and to Refusing to meet the demands were called out on strike Through the sane attitude 12 miles south of London. Chris of the jobless, the City Adminisinterference with the right By PYTLAK by wheat. The money made available of both houses of labor here, Patterson, here under govern of union representatives to enter tration, besides instituting phony fort to force the Stalinist moguls ment subpoena and a witness be Harlan. investigations to determine In line with Roosevelt policy for this purpose is 212, 000, 000. the bitter fights which have fore the La Follette Civil Liber: to pay these workers wages equal of saving capitalism in a demo If this money were spent for the characterized A, of and whether some wretched victim of Twenty four union men were relations in such places tles Committee in Washington ordered reinstated with back pay, unemployment is getting someto, and conditions not worse than, cratie way, the government is purchase of wheat for the un as New Orleans and Seattle last year, was held for question and compensation ordered for thing which he is not legally en those they would get in private doing everything in its power to employed it would buy some 353, have been avoided.
ing titled to, is now resorting to mass employees discriminated against Violence Marks Trial in their working conditions.
The creation of the co ordial crops anticipated this summer about 51, 000, 000 barrels of flour. o. pickets The day before, Lee Fleenor. This verified testimony of witgeneral attack on the Workers were and thereby, if possible, raise As a left handed concession to nating committee, following Alliance.
paradin New Deal Concern blessure resort, which has be cotton. Confronted around the Stalinis upon the of and another former deputy and de: nesses at the London trial, who the prices of wheat, corn and what should be done, the governwith the ment has purchased only 5, 000, unity established after the po fendant at the trial, was arrested told of union miners being as Local Four Takes Lend Boasts Eviction for shooting and critically signed to places where the coal come notorious in union circles bounteousness of nature, the 000 bushels of wheat to be milled lice attack upon the Goodyear About a month ago, Local of wounding Charlie Reno. Fleenor, was so sparse that it was Imposat Washington into some 1, 100, 000 barrels of picket Vines, is a further great who was convicted of murder Insible to make a living wage.
the Alliance started and carried Successes for the sweated conditions to makes no serious attempt to put flour for relief purposes, which step forward and can well be 1933, but pardoned, claimed selfthrough a series of militant acwhich its subjects its employees. bread and clothing into the hands is less than the proverbial drop imitated by labor elsewhere.
Another Incident brought out tions, including picketing. This The waltresses, according to all of the unemployed.
in the bucket.
in the London trial is referred to tragic story of the depression, battering of the recession will Recently a government witness, in the Labor Board Andings. On culminated in last week demon a story of working class home available information, have been stration in which six other locals owners pitilessly evicted, is writ receiving the miserly wage of other hand, is not directed to Its farm relief program on the Crop Insurance Plan make such co ordinated effort Lester Smithers, was slain in July 10, 1937, the decision reade, front of saloon at Gulston, near Elzo Guthrie, president of the Aroused by the fallure of the ery one of the million mortgages ten across the face of almost ev per week for a 12 hour working benefit tenant farmers and share. Besides reducing the surplus all the more necessary.
Harlan, and John Isom, another company, accompanied by several government witness, was kid other persona, all armed with relief bureau administrators to do held by the Home Owners Loan day, while the Stalinist Party, al croppers, who comprise half of of 460, 000, 000 bushels by stornapped but escaped by a clever pistols, entered the Postoffice at ruse. In addition, several in Yancey, in which were several kept walting around for months, Deal writes a tragedy, every day has been waxing rich on their wealthy farmers and farm cor of 5, 000, 000 for relief, the govern.
about 100 unemployed stormed the sets a family on the street. From exploitation, stances ment hopes to lighten the market Intimidation and at organizers, and said to porations.
53rd Street relief bureau to hear 1933 to the end of May, 1938, by its crop insurance plan. This tempted bribery have been res colored organizer, Get the hell The Communist Party claims it Great Harvest plan provides that when the reports of the grievance commit ported to government authorities out of here. ought to shoot your there have been some 30, 000 evicAs defense attorneys for the Harbrains out. Then, the decision tees. Hardly had the reporting tions in the New York region makes a net profit on its Camp According to the May bulletin wheat farmer has a surplus he police arrived and alone. Now the New Deal ts Kinderland of some 23, 000 per of the Agricultural Adjustment ment for withdrawal in case of may store it with the governlan conl companies argued their adds, with his hand on his gun, begun than case before Judge Ford in the Guthrie ordered all the organimmediately went into action Administrator Becker und of whom 3, 809 are unemploy ten weeks. liquidating 1, 890 more families, season. The season lasts only Administration, the domestic crop failure. The premiums are tiny courtroom in London, at izers to leave.
supply of wheat will probably payable two years in advance Supervisor LaBella, two avowed ment cases. According to the exceed 1, 200, 000, 000 bushels with and this year they will total betStalinists Defeated in berals (Becker was until rec capitalist press, officials ently Lovestoneite, while both feel proud of this record.
the completion of the harvest. ween 60, 000, 000 and 100, 000, 000 Plan to Capture of this total, 200, 000, 000 bushels bushels. Under the most favorare members of the Stalinist con In 1983 the took over Federation trolled State, County and Munt. 3, 091, 000, 000 worth of mortgages will represent carry over from able conditions, therefore, surcipal Workers Union. actually from banks and trust companies, last season. The bulletin states plus wheat will amount to 155, that the best estimate for do 000, 000 bushels this year.
AKRON, Ohio. The recent summoned the police.
building loan associations, Amestic consumption is 650, 000, convention of the Ohio State FedThose Arrested mance and mortgage companies, similar situation prevails in eration of Teachers recorded 000 bushels. This means, of John Dewey, the distinguished life insurance companies, estate Other features of the August Among thone arrested at the National Labor Relations course, that the home market cotton growing. Time, June 20, substantial victories for progres American phllosopher and edu issue of the New International the corporation stated explicitly son, Charman of Local 4, and that the only borrowers eligible Dudley has recommended that not that 650, 000, 000 bushels will only 28, 000, 000 acres of cotton declive decent for the Stalinist chairman of the Commission of man to the criticism made of hia Gorputar the Alliance speaking for assistance were those in the Ford Motor Company rein satisfy the needs of American were planted this year, as com unton wreckers, who had at. Inquiry into the charges made intents article the modele demo anda against Leon Trotsky in the Russia by James Burnham and urgent need of funds for the prostate 192 workers and grant sole 90, 000, 000 bushels is expected, 1987, a crop of some 13, 000, 000 All important posts were won Moscow Trials, will appear in the a concluding reply by the latter.
for the West Side (Manhattan) lection and preservation of their bargaining rights to the United thus leaving carry over of bales is expected. The carry over by progressives. Stalinist amend forthcoming (August) issue of There will also be articles on the Committee of the Alliance, which homes, and. unable to pro Automobile Workers of ments to the constitution, which the New International with situation in Palestine, the origin the July demonstracure the needed Anancing He also recommended. 460, 000, 000 bushels, the highest from last year amounts to almost would have cleared the way to criticism of the article by Leon of the complete through the normal channels. disbanding of the Liberty Legion since 1923 Is the Administration of the At present the government has of America, Inc. Ford company as much. Cotton prices at 60 cents per pound are about four ward their control of the organ. Trotsky on Their Morals and the si. People Front polloy two discussion ar 53rd St. relief bureau afraid to more than 600, 000, 000 invested in union, as This year, government Ours which created so much stirticles on the Labor party in the ke peranting a proposes to reduce the supply of cents lower than last year and ization, were defeated. Call for Unity in the radical movement of this United States and the attitude country when it appeared of the revolutionary Marxista, an posed? Are Administrator Becker the New and Supervisor La Bella deter New Jersey. Connecticut alone. to receive remedial wages dating storage of part of their crons and world consumption is down were the following resolation (New York, are farmers 800, 000, 000 for the article on the political aspects of mined to keep the public from Dewey criticism, entitled The the crisis in the New Deal by Bondholders Protected demanding the release of Fred Interdependence of Means and Maurice Spector, the column on finding out that they are confrom the company refusal to Storage of wheat means not 18 per cent.
tinually refusing relief to men ance sheet one sees that in diLooking over the entire bal reinstate them and another group merely withdrawal from the be normal, but by this Fall last of to reopen unity negotiatlona central points made in Trotsky nald, which, inaugurated in the The corn crop is reported to Beal; one calling upon the Ends deals with one of the columnista by Dwight MacDowho are in need?
rect contrast to the wording of ential employment list. Here are the conditions pre the law, it is the government and of 67 are to be put on a prefer market, but in all probability year surplus will amount to with the a resolution con article and raises the problem of July issue, has met with very destruction, unless the vailing in the Single Men Relief the bondholders that are 1, 200 members of the United the form of a loan or loans which above normal.
As a result future dents with Nazt Germany: re to the class struggle as the way ers; and a good deal of other Burwhen most come for help they protected, whereas the home: Electrical, Radio and Machine will be repayable in cash. prices have dropped to 67 cents solution demanding that the to attain the liberation of man material.
Workers Union, Local 102, a bushel, 60 cents below last North Central Association en kind.
sre told to come back in 10 or 15 Orders for the August issue of how badly they made to feel the toe of thel on strike since April 29 at the Big Farmers Advantage year.
force class load standards; It is expected that Trotsky win should be placed immediately Sep.
sheriff boot, which is not any Philadelphia Storage Battery Prices Not Needs need resolution opposing the priority reply to the critioism of John with the business manager at 118 the softer for having the New plant (Philco radio. voted unanThe government is offering If men are rejected for some That the government whole rule for workers; and Dewey.
University Place, New York City.
small reason, they have to fill out Deal imprint on it. The govern imously to reject the company farmers loans against crops at program is avowedly anti social resolution demanding the exten new application and wait an. Ave per cent interest on its orig work. Retall Philco radio deal theoretically remove 500, 000, 000 interested in prices, not in needs. resolution died in committee. The ment is piling up tidy sums at wage cut proposal and resume o cents per bushel, which would is not difficult to discern. It is sion of among the schools other 10 to 15 days for interviews. ina 53. 001, 000, 000 investment, plus or will be pleketed on a nation bushels from sale. This, it is cal: Excessive surpluses, such as are convention called, however, to This may keep up until the man what it has loaned since 1933, wide scale and boycott urged. culated, will more than eliminate indicated for 1938, says the take any stand on war, feeling elther starves or la evicted from which losses on resales of forehe is no longer eligible for home set. These sums are augmented the Washing Machine Employ ness of the lending plan, however what policy is followed. In an dum on all wars conducted by Be to the unfortunate truth. Lit. peal before the workers. The Robert Kirkwood, secretary of next year. Because of the new. AA: bulletin for May, will the subject to controversial. The Drive Is Lagging: We re paper from the best selling spots relief and the bureau refers him by federal taxes and mortgage ces Union, of Newton, it is expected that the amount attempt to remedy this price the government was tabled by erature and bundle order agenta whole branch should be mobilreferen: gret to have to report this, but in their section and bring the Apto the flop houses.
That business is good may Town, has been arrested on the of wheat stored or destroyed situation next year, Congress has action of the Then, taking are evidently not carrying out ized for this!
Interminable Walting man who applies for reliet bonds Is 101. 25 and the have been on strike against the with funds on hand to carry him from 80, 000, 000 acres to 65, 000. resolution supporting the lifting depending upon this drive subs obtained last week: the average price for short term for two months 1, 500 workers bushels. Thus the big farmer passed a law still further to re their cue from the the their duties. We wish to make it The following is the list of set of questionnaires, he then has that for long term bonds the av. pany because of a ten per cent sells out on a rising market in ed, not over the wages and living The whole approach to the war the difficult summer months. Ev.
to sit home for weeks to wait for erage price is 104. 28 with an av wage cut. Kirkwood is the sixth the future.
MINNEAPOLIS an investigation. The whole pro erage interest rate of 67.
conditions of the agricultural question showed how easy it will ery time a literature agent tails New York City man to be arrested by the boss cedure of this bureau is one of This good business means government in its aim to break In addition to this, the govern laborer, or the farmer burden be to work the professional work to carry out his assignments, evBoston.
California red tape, run around, and delay for the worker that he is being the strike. Intimidated by Goverment proposes to help the big of debt and rent, but over the ers into a patriotic fervor, and ery time he falls further and Syracuse HOLC has expropriated hun utles to preserve law and order. ments. If the farmer conforms set for his wheat, cotton or corn, political Immaturity of the Ohto to the Appeal, every time he is Connecticut When the Workers Alliance dreds of thousands of families. the union has withdrawn all but to the program in genmembers of the American Feder unable to get comrades and Canada came to this Bureau to expose on its hands it has at present three plekets and is mistakenly eral, he will receive supplementLabor Must Act ation of Teachers.
friends to plug away for new Wyoming these conditions and help men get 85, 000 homes throughout the placing Its hopes in the bossary payme the low price of most liberal version the Newente Coppermines near Ranca falling off in where he loves Missouri relief, Becker and La Bella ordered United States, 10, 167 of which are Thus capitalism, even in its subscriptions he is endangering money due 10, 000 workers at the El Tentour paper! This week pitiful St. Paul.
the police to arrest seven people in New York State. Some 5, 000 government board.
Miscellaneous These needy single men want of these homes are in the New sube must be Deal spells scarcity in the midst rellef, not arrests! Pearson con York City area. experts of abundance, deprivation and sun, Chile, have gone on strike topped!
Total cluded. 80 poverty for the producing masses pany, a subsidiary of the Kennepredict that, not counting reThe trial of the seven is sched sales, they will some time in 1939 in town and countryside. The cott Copper Corporation of Amer National Street Sales Week. An reminder that this week Is uled for July 11. All progressive be the proud expropriators of organized labor movement should ica. The dismissal of several excellent opportunity to break up literature agents about sending Once again we want to remind and militant members of the 150, 000 homes throughout the THE NEW INTERNATIONAL HAS READERS IN demand the turning over of all workers on the grounds of econ that summer let down and get all in a list of newsstanda carrying Alliance have been urged to country. surplus erops for relief of the omy was the cause.
attend the hearing.
The Poor Evicted THIRTY COUNTRIES, IN EVERY dire distress afflicting the fastsympathizers and comrades into the Appeal. Where are those lists In contrast to the militant ac The bourgeois press gives CONTINENT OF THE WORLD: growing army of capitalism branch and local should hold Chicago (Karl Shler. Philadelthe street with the Appeal. Every you have been promising us from tion by Local 4, the Stalinist lead touching pictures of the disposunemployed victims, under a ANNOUNCEMENTS street corner meetings, hawk the phia, California, etc. ership of the New York Workers sessod. One was an old man of United States Argentina Denmark plan of direct government pur Insertions in this column are Alliance called off scheduled 61 with nine children. He had Canada Chile Sweden chase, or in the case of the big 25 cents for five lines. Copy must city wide sit in. Faced with this owned the house for 17 years, but farm trusts expropriation.
THE SOCIALIST APPEAL CAN BE OBTAINED Norway be in at the APPEAL office beEngland retreat on the part of the Alliance had been unemployed for the last Mexico tore o clock Monday evening Not a single man, woman or Columbia leaders, the Welfare Department ten. Only two children were emIreland Palestine AT THE FOLLOWING NEWSSTANDS have now begun a more vigorous ployed. All they could give to Panama Scotland Syria child must go hungry while there NEW YORK NEW YORK CITY Jerome and Burnside Aves; 180th Costa Rica attack on the unemployed, result ward the support of the family France India is an abundance of food! The in: WEST BRONX BRANCH, SWR MANHATTAN: Fourteenth st. Ave. Station Freeman Aveand St. and Prospect Ave; Allerton terests of big capitalists and ing in the mass arreste.
was 17 per week between them. Porto Rico Belgium China Some months after the grain speculators must not preBrazil Holland Japan at 208th St. and Jerome Ave.
Mass Action Needed Broadway, at Fourth Ave. Boston Road.
Cuba This ganging up on the un took over the mortgage, their W: at Kourth Ave. at Switzerland Egypt needs of the masses! Open the NOCHE DE LA FIESTA Spen: Fourth Ave. Se 41 and 26Aves: Havemeyer Avenue and home was liquidated. Another faBROOKLYN: Grand employed, must be fought back Uruguay South Africa Czechoslovakia granaries!
and with those weapons which mily consisted of a man unemployed for two years, with a wife Let these be the rallying cries Terrace Beer Garden, 1110 Sec Second Ave. at Sixth Ave. way: Pitkin Ave. and Strauss st: opp. Jefferson Theatre; at South 4th St; Marcy and Broadthe unemployed have displayed in and four minor children. After We have readers not only throughout the but as far and the fighting program of labor ond Ave. 58 59th St. Aus Rand Book Store, E. 15th Sutter and Van Sinderen Aves.
the past mass action and ingetting a 20 week job, he mortsouth as Johannesburg and Capetown (a hundred readers. in face of the social debacle crepices Latin American Commit. St. 12th St. and University creased militancy. This is no time aged his home for 2, 667. Amorand as far north as Saskatchewan, Oslo and Oeland. The ated by decaying capitalism!
tee. Admission, 25 cents. Candy Store, 75 Greenwich ALLENTOWN, PA.
for retreats. As for us, we ve just tization and interest payments review is read in Beirut, Bogota and Bombay: in AmsterR. Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton St.
begun to Aght! spokesman for were so high that they meant Ave.
dam. Aberdeen, Allahabad: In Cairo, Cuesmes and Calcutta In Waukegan, Ill. over 200 BOSTON, MASS.
Local said.
Forty Second St. at Fifth Ave. It is an International review in every sense of the word, starvation. He defaulted and his WANT ADS pickets, who were already W; at sixth Ave. at Sixth Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
Plans are now being laid for home was liquidated by the Hotel Bradford)
larger demonstration at the under a court injunction against LARGE DOUBLE ROOM for Ave. at Seventh Ave.
It is to our friends all over the world, and especially to So the story goes. But busi disorder, marched into the CAMBRIDGE, MASS.
103 4th St. Bureau. Already the West hess is good and bonds 53rd one or two persons, Riverside (6th St. and way, those in the United States, that we appeal for ald in our courtroom of Judge Dady and Felix s, Massachusetts Ave. at Side of Manhattan has been are up.
work of continuing uninterrupted publication. We do not once more expressed their det Harvard Square See Stanley at 116 Universl Essex and Delancy Sta; Bookflooded with thousands of leaflets Workers everywhere must stop clamor or exhort. We rely upon our readers who appreciate ance. They passed out handbills ty Place, for details. store at Grand and Attorney Sta; ROXBURY, MASS.
issued by the West Side Cothe review and who know what it would mean to mas which attacked the judge and Candy Store, 9th St. and Friendly Variety, Warren St.
ordinating Committee of the evlations by the New Deal loan an issue.
stated that his orders would not Second Ave; Blederman Book sharks! Home owners must strike (Grove Hall)
denouncing arrests. Dozens of Store, 12th gt. and Second Ave: against interest, tax and fee paybe obeyed. The union has kept MINNEAPOLIS protest meetings have been held All contributions should be sent to the Chicago Hardware Foundry Wigerson, 145th St. and St. Nich Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin; nightly throughout the West Sidements and demand cancellation olas Ave; 110th St. and Columbus Company plant closed for five Kroman s, Fourth Nicollet.
and with the added publicity given of all arrears! Make the governweeks to enforce its demands for PRINTING CO. Inc.
SAN FRANCISCO to the arrests by the capitalistment and the bondholders pay!
116 UNIVERSITY PLACE BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th MacDonald Bookstore, 66 6th St.
vacations with pay, written 316 STREET, St; Jerome Ave. and 167th St.
press, Increased indignation by NEW YORK, contract and guarantee against Phone Regent 0690 (opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, SAN DIEGO, Call the workers, both employed and ASK FOR THE APPEAL AT YOUR NEWSSTAND pay cuts 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave: Universal News CO 212 way unemployed, has been volced.
Appeal Army 12 ation.