BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismChekaCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismLeninismMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveURSSWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

JULY 9, 1938 SOCIALIST APPEAL Alive or Dead?
An Open Letter Turn Coat on the Witness Stand France Under Daladier Moves Toward National Sacred Union Gov TO MOISSAYE OLGIN of the most influential friends you had, and one of your closest SUMMER GET UNDER WAY ne bo patently rehus product retortes en ment, EARL BROWDER TESTIFIES BEFORE THE McNABOE COMMITTEE Concerning the Fate of Your Two Friends, BROWDER: DEFENDER OF THE SOVIET UNION Political Course of Bourgeoisie Is Influenced by Juliet Poyntz and Noah London Reporting the testimony of Earl Browder, secretary of the American Stalinists, before Growing Isolation of the Soviet Union; the McNaboe legislative committee, the New York Post of June 30, 1938. gave the followSocialist Party Left Expelled My Dear Mr. Olgin: ing exchange between the witness and the committee chairman: By TERENCE PHELAN severe set backs suffered in the Two of your oldest political and personal friends have dis If it came to a war between the United States and Russia who would you bear arms spring strike wave through the appeared Juliet Stuart Poyntz and Noah London. The first vanfor? MeNaboe asked.
PARIS, June 21. The shift to misleadership of the Stalinista ished from her last known residence in New York, and despite refuse to admit the possibility of such a war, said Browder. But McNaboe pressed the Daladier government, a long and the bureaucracy, time stop gap while the heads of French workers en masse have a great deal of publicity about her case, there has been no clue for an answer and Browder finally replied: Under all conceivable conditions indiall the parties from the Stalinists recoiled to nurse their wounds to her whereabouts. The second was last heard of in the Soviet cated at the present time, would bear arms for the United States.
on the left to the Fascists on the and take stock. on the right horse trade and jockey to whole, a time when general millUnion, and despite repeated requests made in our columns for information, those who are in a position to supply it have been Why did the Daily Worker of July 1, 1938, reporting this exchange, deliberately suptrebbed; to press the last sentence of Browder reply, which declared that he would fight for American ward the ultimate goal of Govtancy has for a mould be wishernment of Sacred Union includ. pretend otherwise disturbingly silent ing all parliamentary parties, has ful thinking. The Stalinist treachimperialism in a war against the Soviet Union?
You knew both of these persons very intimately. Although made no essential change in ery has thus a double edge: not you joined at a somewhat later date the party which they helped France foreign policy, which still only did it canalize militant strike found, you established close bonds of friendship with them.
IN There are few things as re and all military appropriations, And meanwhile? Fascism. follows the plans of British im action back into compromise setAfter the formation of the Workers Party in 1921, when you volting as the sight of a turncoat about which the Communist In there is the enemy; democracy Started last fall by Halifax fonts; but by that very betrayal tlements that were essentially deJULIET STUART POYNTZ slithering on his belly before the ternational said at that time we there is the cure! And how prewere being hounded politically by the Costrell Bittleman faction enemy he was once devoted to do not know single socialist serve democracy? As is well Berlin visit, followed by Chau: convinced many workers under in the Jewish Federation of the party, Noah London became one fighting against.
of that breed, there are few equalled the action of the Amer preserve it by getting behind confirmed by English and French hopelessness of militant action collaborators in the editorial board of the Freiheit. In the subse.
in history to match the admix ican party. But even in dropping Roosevelt.
In this connection behaviour when Hitler seize a vicious circle.
quent internal fight over the Labor Party, your relationships were SCHOOL CLASSES zure of consummateness in rene this provision, the Hillquitites of Browder makes a most reveal Austria, and increasingly uncon: Yet other workers, quite on the gacy, cynical effrontery, hypocri 1920 never went so far as to ing, even it not entirely accu cealable with each new in contrary, draw the opposite and even more firmly cemented.
the continuing Czechosloncorrect conclusion: they move sy and servility that marked the guarantee explicitly their support rate, statement to MeNaboe.
Leader in Anti LaFollette Faction testimony of Earl crisis and the conversations with away from the cesspool of beBrowder, of American imperialism in any Browder and Roosevelt Stalin viceroy for the United war it might wage. They weren Elghty five per cent of the nothing less than buying off Hit revolutionary leadership. Here Mussolini, Chamberlain plan is trayal and gropingly seek a true As for Juliet Poyntz, your friendship, political and personal, States, before the red baiting sale so cheap.
was, if anything, even stronger. With you, and Ludwig Lore, she The New York District of the legislative committee in New But Browder is. In reply to They are very short sighted ca free hand in the East against the and there among the techwas one of the principal leaders of the faction which opposed is conducting a Summer York headed by Senator John McNaboe question, Would you pitalists who understand while Britain, and to a School from July to August 9, MeNaboe.
the famous LaFollette maneuver of the Communist Party in at 116 University Place. The Disavows Principles sell Liberty Bonds tomorrow ir that he is the greatest protector lesser extent France, feverishly ployees, postal and telegraph workers, and numerous crafts 1924. In point of fact, you went to the sessions of the Executive war broke out. that is, war of capitalism.
With studied perfection, Brow gainst Mexico or Japan or the From this follow, or should log: they hope will permit them at the against further class collaborarush armament programs which sporadically courses, open to and violent Committee of the Comintern at that time in order to present the members and their friends der repudiated not only what he Philippines or the Soviet Union; ically follow two conclusions: proper moment to snatch their tion, Against Daladier anti abor view you held in common with her.
and sympathizers are as follows: himself stood for only the other in short, any war of American one that the Staliniste support imperialist spolls at the expense decree laws, against the sacred These friendships, as you and so many others know, you OF MARXISM by HAL day, but disavowed every single imperialism. Browder promptly of Roosevelt is exactly equivalent of both exhausted adversaries.
union for war, burst significantly maintained until not so long ago. Then, for one reason or an. to the foundation of the interna. would not sell them during the capitalism its greatest protection Fascist Orbit Extends forth, are with more or less ditRumania has swung largely culty quashed by the bureau(Tuesday nights 8:15 other, your two friends fell foul of the Moscow machine. Noah beginning. July 5)
tlonal communist movement some last war. And the Daily Worker anders is now there is only into the fascist orbit: Austria is cracy.
London and his wife were tried a few years ago on a charge of July Basic Philosophy of twenty years ago.
Seine Federation Revolts sabotage which you, as well as 1, know to be preposterous for Marxiam (Dialectical Materi The brand new pretensions to shamelessness to print the an tion from. Two, that the Stalin Third Reich; Czechoslovakia, latent fire democracy. Americanisme, and swer in bold face type! Browder ists should devote their agitation, though untikely to be territorially of Symptomegtander the lateshes a man of London record and position. He disappeared after alism. efforts not to the working occupied by Hitler, is being rapthat trial and recently the report reached here that he was shot July 12 Why History Happens patriotism, which were so touch may now take his place ahead of al temporary calm was the recent by the Stalinist authorities. As for Juliet Poyntz, you know that to Society (Historical Materi were, however, so obviously frau size the depths or to empha Class, but to the capitalist class. Idly bullied into a governmental revolt of the whole Socialist FedMarxist Philosophy applied ingly emphasized by Browder, Samuel DeWitt who, his patriotism, represented by eighty five per realignment which will make it eration of the Seine (Parls and after her disappearance, in the midst of her work on a book. dealing with the situation in the Soviet Union, responsible per July 19. Economie Mechanism of instructions from the Krem. McCue in 1920 sold Liberty of persuade the Liberty car or actually pro Hitler; and Po Blumerlaureendership of the theme sons charged that she was done away with by the Stalinist secret con of their diplomatic masquerade. Bonds than there were glasses of their misguided fight against the revealed by the recent terroriz ists. Senos Federation, ideologie service in order to silence her. July 28 Political Mechanism of that the New York Post Is un boer sold over the bar of your contebe grounderte de lo osevelt ation of Lithuania to be playing ally dominated by len develoNow, Mr. Olgin, would like to know what you have done devene Senator MoNaboe who say, because the outraged social understand that the president to the map will show more plainly Pivert, a manoeuvring centrist of about these two old friends of yours. Have you at least made the lution. August Imperialism and is scarcely distinguished either ist patriot will only describing their greatest protector.
than any words what these shifts the Tyler Zam stamp, had had the appropriate inquiries about their fate in those qualified quarters War.
for perspicacity or knowledge of what he did in a past war, while Defender of Capltalism mean to the Soviet Union. Herein courage, remembering the police which, both of us know, are in a position to give detailed and August Radical Tendencies the radical movement. saw Browder is already pledging him Not alone Roosevelt, however, is grimly foreshadowed the tragic murder of the Clichy workers authoritative information especially if you asked, in your capa Today self for the next one!
through it.
but also Browder. For if the end of the un Marxian Stalinist under the Socialist minister city as a prominent official and leader of the American It is this deliberate fraudu Qualled Support former is the Lord High Protec policy of socialism in one coun: Marx Dormoy, to protest enercommunists?
HISTORY AND PROBLEMS lence, this all too obvious hypoc When Hinquit said in 1920 that tor of American capitalism, the try (with its vielous concomitant getically against the Sacred Union OF AMERICAN LABOR by risy and double dealing that disWhat Have You Done, Olgin?
BILL MORGAN (N. Trade tinguishes the Stalinist leaders States would have no hesitaney the socialists of the United latter is his not unworthy coad of no socialism anywhere else. and its war plans, and both to Or have you, as has been your custom in these past years, Union Dir. remained silent; slunk whimperingly from your elementary obli(Tuesday night 8:30 10 in the history of the labor move whatever in joining forces with port to the eighth convention of clear, and that wholesale deception public manifestations against beginning July 5)
gations; cursed yourself bitterly for your impotence in the privacy Under Moscow Orders repel the Bolsheviki who would land in April 1934, Browder, in than which only the distrust that collaborationist policies. brief survey of American of those intimates who you hope will not betray you as you are try to invade our country and answer to the question: What motivated it is more contemptible It goes without saying that the labor history and a discussion of Yet in France the Stalinists conWhen the labor current and most pressing second de social patriots of the force a form a government upon are the ideas, the misconceptions: nuo to check the militancy of pelled en masse from the partye always ready to betray them; and rationalized your cowardice International bofore the our people which our people are with which whole federation was simply exthe social fascists un under some mythical higher duty to your political employers who problems. Early labor history: last World War pledged them not ready for and do not desire confuse and disarm the work the working class, to pin all their an expulsion confirmed last week a then, however outraged revoers? declared: In Germany, hopes on class peace and the by the annual convendespise and ridicule your notorious servility as much as you do Knights of Labor: of and selves to bear arms for theirs to the next layer of the hierarchy?
Gomperism; LO; and current therland, they really meant it; lutionists were at this vicious this idea was, concretely, alliance Franco. Soviet pact, unembar tion, which, in disgusting distrade union problems.
and when the war broke out they declaration, he was at least quall with Hindenburg against Hitler: ressed by their new allies, the de play, underwrote the Bonapartist This letter is not addressed to you because you have retained redeemed their pledge in full. PUBLIC SPEAKING IRVING any of the small ration of character and probity you could so ill PANKEN, District Comm.
When the Stalinists say. asical war with political considera the Nazis; in the United States, man Yburnegaray has recently proved in advance the coming afford to lose. What little you had left after your years of service Browder said to McNaboe that tions of an abstractly democratic with Roosevelt against Wall come out strongly in favor of it nationalist government, and proY.
their love for American democ nature. When Browder, in his obStreet. It is also true that he this at the behest of those ele pared to follow its Macdonald, under Abe Cahan, you surrendered completely during your term (Monday nights 9, racy burns with 80 pure and scene zeal to curry lavor with added in the same speech that ments in the French General Staft Leon Blum, anywhere he may of service under Stalin. But you do have left what has sustained beginning July 11)
powerful a flame that they will the American bourgeoisie, says Roosevelt, leading the present whose technical military distrust lead.
you for years: self interest. brief course in the elements support capitalism in the flatly that he will sell Liberty ruling class, finance capital of the Red Army, following the New Party Formed of public speaking. How to pre coming war, even if it is fighting Bonds to help finance the next stands for degradationen, war. somewhat offset by the similar now reconstituted as an indepenhunger, purge of the generals, has been Pivert Revolutionary Laft is Look around at the shambles of the Stalin machine! See pare and present indoor and out the. not how many of its victims are men who sought to escape it by door speeches. Classroom and and native upholders of Amer his statement the qualifications But that was before the Stalinist sya kecupeen etue Reichew chitung dent party under the name of the shrieking its praises and suppressing their inner revulsion! What field practice. Open to y. ican imperialism know they are or reservations which the most turn at the Seventh World Con by a close study of the military Socialist Workers and and Party comrades.
assurance have you that tomorrow or the next day, you will not predictably face not the firing squad in a cellar, but the murderous Fees for cows are nominal under orders from the self same would make, as, for example, which may God forbid. Brow which, practically successful be about 5000 strong The new has in its 20 cents for single course, 35 cents Moscow gang they pledge them. It is not a predatory war. or it der takes no orders, or would cause of the lack of resistance by slander campaign against the expelled scapegoat? That the party authorities will say, as they did about Juliet Poyntz, that they for two. Public Speaking free to selves to fight if war is declared, it is not a war to protect Stand throw them in a waste basket Austrian clerico. fascism, was rank and flo valuable militant members.
The MeNaboes are perfectly ard Oil in Mexico, or provided if they were sent. Now Browder technically far from perfect.
elements whom the BolshevikWorkers Mark Time can scarcely remember the name of Olgin? Or that they will be well aware of the hypocrisy in it is a war for democracy, or jus is for Democracy, for Roosevelt, Leninists gladly welcome as comthe pledge made by Browder, tice, or to end all war, etc. etc. for the greatest protector of ca Deeply discouraged by the rades 1r the heavy tasks ahead.
even though it is quite true that No, come what may, regardless pitalism. And in the statement he made to good friends about things sacrosanct in the eyes of fraudulent or not, the very agl of the war that will finally break entered into the McNaboe comtation and education carried on out, Browder has already stated, mittee records, he made it the Stalinist inquisition?
by the Stalinist chieftains will re in his reply to MeNaboe, that he clear that he is ready to impleWould it then not be better to speak out now about the fate sult in many (if not most) of will fight for the United States. ment his newly found faith.
their present supporters actually Or more likely, as did the social The Communist party is opof your two old friends whom you have till now deserted and betrayed, before others have to speak out about you?
Fifty ho stop work contracts, turning anti Soviet and pro impe patriots in the last war, he will posed to the revolutionary overthe first of their kind between a rialist at the crucial moment. Alght on the home front by throw of American capitalism The August issue of the New editorial response Yours, etc. governme gency and labor un An American Precedent urging others to occupy the and its government. The com International, now being pre Zionism and the British LionMAX SHACHTMAN.
ions, have been signed by the If we leave aside for a moment trenches and the graves munist party is opposed to in pared, will again present a wide by Ben Herman.
Federated Building Trades un this last and by no means unimciting strikes, to stirring up in variety of articles of high quality. The New Roosevelt Programions in fifty cities and the United portant point, the only precedent Hillqult Never Knew dustrial disorders. The ComAmong the outstanding features by David Cowles.
States Housing Authority. Fifty in modern American labor histo When Hillquit said in 1920, munist party upholds the demo to appear are Those who wish to be sure of similar contracts are nearing for Browder belly crawling amid a chorus of protest in his cratic institutions of America. Behind the Stalinist line of the obtaining the August issue should completion. The contracts pro a precedent which did not, how own party, to say nothing of the The Communist party is opposed People Front by Max Shacht place their order at once. The vide that the unions will not halt ever, reach anything like the clamor of the communists outto gaining control of the unions man.
subscription rate is 00 per year; An Editorial work because of demands for depths of depravity touched by side of it, that we adopt the exWants to Be a Cop The Stalinists and Roosevelt single copies 20 cents. Address all changes in pay or jurisdictional Browder Is the famous case of isting form of government based But by Albert Gates communications to the New InWriting on the case of Charles Rappoport, French commudisputes. Thus the bureaucrats the five New York socialist as upon the Constitution of the nist who publicly denounced the Moscow trials as frame ups, of the bave hamstrung the semblymen ousted by reaction United States as the form upon bosom of the Republic who are There ARE people in the very They, the People by Dwight ternational, 116 University Place MacDonala New York, the Paris correspondent of the New York Stalinist Yiddish daily, workers and prevented their re from the Albany legislature in which to build the future so guilty of all these dastaraly Reply to Burnham article on Morning Freiheit (April 25, 1938) wrote, according to a trans Max Eastman Science by Krivitsky Tells was taken away from them du sens, Solomon, DeWitt and Orr. that elghteen years later, the subversive elements in our midst.
lation given in the Workers Age (May 14, 1938. Max Eastman, together with ing the long building slump. What a storm of sulphur and boss of the communist party And if the McNaboe committee of Tortures But Rappoport finds himself in bourgeois France, where brimstone was poured on their would make assertions on the is to emulate Our Great Presibetrayers of the proletariat are not sent for trial before the courts.
Morris Engargola of Brooklyn, heads by the contemporary com same subject that would make dent as the greatest protector mations in favor of Democrcay (Continued from page 1)
be. But who knows, the power of the Cheka is beyond imagi: New York, recently convicted of munist press for the manner in the late Nestor of the Socialist of capitalism, it it really wants and Peace; his word of honor as At the end of the third day he nation. Perhaps even in Paris it will prove capable of giving its having led a group of strikers in which the five social democrats party sound like an uncontroll to put down sedition, mutiny and surances that he takes no orders aaked to see Smirnov. gave the enemies a special dose.
an assault on a scab at the plant sought to regain their legislative able barricade fighter.
For the first time, so far as we know, we have an instance of the Fein Tin Can Company, seats! How scornfully and indig Hiliquit at least did not deny law and order it will find in bland exposition of the platonic office. Their meeting overpowered of an open threat by the Stalinists to murder a political opponent.
was sentenced by Judge George nantly did the special declaration his socialist objective; even more, Browder a man eager and ready relationship between the Amer me. They embraced. The two of In actuality, they have already committed such murders in Mos. in the penitentiary. sock in the in 1920 reject the appeal of the on the order of the day. Browder, grand jury and put the finger on in string pullers we need hard the first to speak, and addressing cow, in Spain, in Bulgaria and in France. But there has never jaw in the interest of the workers American Socialist Party for af however, anxious to impress the criminals.
ly make extended comment. Only Smirnov he said: Ivan Nikitich, costs times as much as the fliation, and excoriate the off the legislative committee men yet been such a cynical avowal of their use of terrorist methods have no desire to hide the the sheerest dub takes Browder let us do what they demand. It is sock of a drunken bum.
cial Brief for the Socialist As with the fact that they need not fact that there are some people statements seriously; the bour necessary.
semblymen because, among other have the slightest fear of com who call themselves communist, seois press, which Browder hopes. Smirnov refused, saying: By this slip of the pen in the Freibeit, the Stalinists burn Drivers unions in two states things, it apologizes for the munism being fought for in their who yet proclaim the opposite of most to impress, simply laughs have nothing to confess to them; into their own foreheads the brand of Gamble Robinson Company. Ne ty by calling them potential cy of their own social order, the nist party which have described. Surprising. The Governor General power of the soviets; have never won a five day strike against the presence of foreigners in the par, lifetime. Knowing the bankrupt all these policies of the Commu itself into hysterics. Nor is that have never fought against the ASSASSINS!
gotiations were concluded in Min. voters and hastens to explain MoNaboes everywhere rightly These are the groups known as of the American Stalinist party been a terrorist; have never neapolis, Local 514 officers parti that a new rule requires all par dread the prospect of a speedily Trotskyites and Lovestoneites. is scarcely the man biologically wished to kill anyone.
TICKETS FOR cipating with the representatives ty members immediately to be rising movement for the tri. Daily Worker, June 30, 1938. adapted to wearing the mask of Mratchkovsky urged him, but of the six local unions. flat come citizens.
umph of workers rule in this THE BOAT RIDE five cents per hour increase was What would the Communist country. It is, therefore, no mere bitious informer is ready to pro 1925 convention of the American this moment, weeping, they emWe have no doubt that the am sincerity. As far back as the Smirnov remained adamant. At (New York)
won ifications. International of that time say idle curiosity that impels them to vide the necessary names and ad communists, the late William braced each other. Smirnov was Up the Hudson to HOOK MOUNTAIN about its American section of to feel the ground by asking Brow dresses, to accompany the cops White, a forthright proletarian led away. Mratchkovsky again More than 300 railroad workers, day, whose recent convention alder when he expects America to with search and seizure warrants, revolutionist, characterized Brow became irritable and once more On SATURDAY, JULY representing 21 Harris County, 80 adopted new rule (that) re adopt communism. And it is not and to take the stand as a wit der, in the course of a po spoke of Stalin as a traitor, Can still be obtained (Price 1) at the City offee Texas, railroad union lodges, quires all party members imme philosophic resignation, but wellness for the prosecution. It need lemical speech, as the Uriah On the fourth day, he signed 116 University Place voted unanimously last week to diately to become citizens! thought out purposefulness and be, he is ready to act as jailer Heep of the party. It is hard to what he was to confirm before wage a fight to the finish against What the Sald determination to do all in his and executioner, for Browder can think of a more Atting descrip the tribunal. returned to my NOTICE: The boat will leave PROMPTLY at 9:30 from the American Railway Associa The turn coats in Albany pre power to make Pier A, the Battery his prediction easily furnish testimonials from linist reproduction of Charles only incapable of working, but The trip will be postponed ONLY in the event of stormy, rainy wage cut. At Kansas City, Mo. the constitutional provision call der in replying: America wh his teachers in Moscow, Madria Dickens symbol of hypocrisy and likewise incapable of living weather AT THAT HOUR 1, 000 workers met and pledged ing upon members elected to probably be one of the last to and Barcelona.
That, Krivitsky, was the Inter themselves to fight the cut. public office to vote against any adopt it.
As to Browder moving declaMAX SHACHTMAN. rogation of Mratchkovsky.
pened to Olgin because of the heretical, frightened remarks UNION BRIEFS Another Fine Issue Of New International Due Self Avowed Assassins against critics tion threat of 15 per cent valled on their party to eliminate come true, that animates Brow references anders of mark, tion of the character of this Sat home, and for a week WIS not