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SOCIALIST APPEAL JULY 9, 1938 Stalinists Try To Frame Rodney Salisbury Oak In Workers Alliance MODEL REVOLUTIONIST COAST UNION Dunne Debates Parson SPLIT WIDENS On Gangsterism Charge AFTER PARLEY was always open to thean county, and the jail Appeal Army Relief Probe Is Slated For New York City MINNEAPOLIS. Repeated all over the nation, they are now NEW York. Liston Oak, Spain while Oak was there Norcharges of racketeering in the instituting an Open Shop drive.
journalist active in the labor and man Thomas and Sam Baron, of By CHARLES TAYLOR promotion of the paper. The terror was at its Remnants of Federation Minneapolis trade unions, familiar The drive today is being carried revolutionary movement for 20 the Socialist Party, Harry Milton, apex. It was decided to make the proposed cries of employers and the Com on under the slogan: Free the years, was tried and found of the Bertram Wolfe of (The following article on the death of Rod Socialist paper the local organ of the Now Isolated From munist Party, became the subject Labor Movement from Gangsters guilty of being a fascist spy by the Independent Communist ney Salisbury by Comrade Taylor, one of his At this time the writer, Socialist from northLocal 1700 of the Communist Labor League, John McNair of of open debate last week when and Racketeers. Under this gulse closest co workers, contains so much Inter ern Minnesota, became connected with the Pro Sea Going Unions Dunne, organizer of General the employers are making their dominated Workers Alliance on the British and John Dos esting and Inspiring detail about Rodney ducers News, as editor. He got out the first Issue Drivers Local 544, spoke against attack on unionism.
June 23. In true Moscow Trial Passos, novelist. He also had statelife and work that we have deemed it best to of the paper in the midst of the terror, met RodReverend George Mecklenburg, his Parson on Racketeering publish it in place of the article Comrade ney Salisbury, and was from the very first SAN FRANCISCO. As the an who has been carrying the to appear to answer the charges outstanding figures in the labor aligned with him politically, nual convention of the Maritime ployers campaign from the pulpit Cannon planned to write Ed. Reverend Mecklenburg began nor to submit evidence of his movement in this country, repreRodney Salisbury was a comrade whose place Fights for the Persecuted Federation of the Pacific ad of the Wesley Methodist Episcopal his talk by stating he represented senting every left wing political anti fascist activities.
just cannot be filled in the great struggle of Rodney Salisbury, in the midst of this fight, journed last week in San Fran Church the public, and said the public beAt the May 12 meeting of Local faith, except of course Stalinism.
Since the rules of the Alliance the workers for justice and liberty. This is par1700, four Stalinists, James Hawcame definitely into political activity. He helped cisco, Harry Bridges could gaze The debate, held under the lieves generally that racketeering ticularly true of the agricultural workers of organize and raised the money for the defense about the and see nothing auspices of the Workers Defense in going on in the world. He told thorne, Sol Becker, Sam Brody do not permit barring anyone for whom he was one, and whose problems he un of those arrested, locally and nationally, on but loyal hand raisers of the best League in the banquet hall of the of racketeering in the Middle and Abe Newman, declared that political views, Oak could not be derstood so well by reason of his life and asso espionage and criminal syndicalism charges. Stalinist brand. Once more the attracted a crowd of Ages, in China, in the Island of Oak, who had just been placed on debarred from membership, but ciations. It seemed to be a strange play of fate In this struggle, when it was almost a life and Communist Party had captured 300 men and women, with another Zaba. Turning to the United the Federal Writers Project, had to was warned not to carry on itself.
that Salisbury came to his old home town and death matter, Salisbury showed his courage 100 unable to be seated in the hall. States, he quoted Thomas gone to Russia and Spain in 1936 pro Franco propaganda in the county, the scene of much of his life work, to and mettle. He worked night and day, facing With the sea faring unions, Dunne told his audience that Dewey on racketeering in the and 1937 as a spy. committee Alliance.
die. He had been doing some organizational every situation without flinching, always leading militant backbone of the old Fed while charges by the thousand New York restaurant industry, consisting of Sol Becker, Townwork for the Farm Holiday Association in North and never asking anyone to do a thing that he eration, departed from the con were made against the trade He said Minneapolis workers send Rice and Mrs. Ulmar was Govt. Lines Up was not himself prepared to go ahead in. All vention and already rallying unions of Minneapolis, all efforts had come to him with information appointed to investigate the of the local prosecutions were defeated, and unions connected with the marine to publicly debate the issue were that there was racketeering here, Against Truckers he came to Plentywood to visit comrades and charges old associates, local members and sympathizers hundreds of dollars were raised for the defense industry behind a fighting five unavailing. The people who give and that Big Business was pay.
Charges By Majority of the Socialist Workers Party, of which he was of the class prisoners.
point program against the ship. currency to the ugly rumors are ing tribute to the unions. know The majority report of this The government is determined a charter member.
owners in preparation for the precisely those who refuse to a firm that has to pay weekly committee assorted that Oak utilto break the truck drivIn 1922. Salisbury was elected sheriff, was rese old Farmer Labor Temple, even the gallery, The elected in 1924 and again in 1926. As sheriff of September 30 show down, Bridges debate like Mnyor Leach and the to be let alone, he said.
ized his position as director of ers strike in New Orleans. Aland his union wrecking cohorta Communist Party, both of whom Labor is gouging capital, he ready 100 O, unionists have was packed at his funeral with old associates, Sheridan county, Montana, he became known propaganda for the Spanish to the workers all over the West. The Wobblies closed a convention that managed were asked to debate tonight and concluded. It is piracy, buccanworkers and farmers, many of whom had come Loyalist Government to conta been arrested on vagrancy from long distances. The casket was buried in were at home in Sheridan to stay in session only by violat both whom refused.
charges and three o. leadeering. say to labor: You have pro Franco organizations. the flowers. The simple and sincere eulogies were wanderers, where the ing the constitution and even the independent communDunne went on to present the to take the initiative and clean ers wounded. John Grosch, actspoken by Salisbury oldest and most intimate beds were kept clean and the bathtub ready. convention own actions.
actual record of the drivers up. It seems to me as a minister ists. the CNT. anarch ing superintendent of police, friends and political associates, Peter Gal Also the big range in the jail was at the servunion: Delinquents Remain announced that he was holding of the gospel of Jesus Christ, ists) and Caballero (left wing)
lagher and Charles Taylor, who reviewed his Ice of workers, who always had free access to In 1933, the average driver want to say: For God sake, let Socialists and through them to two io. leaders incommunilife and work, and the principles to which he the larder supplied out of the pocket of the Despite the solemn decision to received less than 14 weekly. Our all get together. Minneapolis is a undermine the People Front cado, and added: was devoted and for which he worked with sheriff. Fellow worker Salisbury was one sheriff unseat all delegates from unions union has changed that. Today beautiful city, and we could have The evidence consisted of When get the other seven untiring energy and unselfishness.
who used his office all the time for the protec delinquent in per capita taxes, the average driver receives 33. 60 a wonderful time here.
articles written by Oak in leaders of the am go the Son of the Soil tion of the workers and the dispossessed delegates from the Marine Engin for a 18 hour week. During the After the question period, durliberal New Statesman and Nat ing to run them all out of town.
Rodney Salisbury was born on farm at eers, the Inland Boatmen and a past four years, the average driver ing which the Reverend refused tion of London, the British InThere is no room in New Or Rio, Wisconsin, May 2, 1888, the son of farmers, Was Charter Member of number of locals all de has received wage increases to cite specific instances of dependent Labor Party New leans for the Communist poor. When he was still a small boy, his father In the autumn of 1921 a local unit of the Com linquent were permitted to re amounting to more than 1, 600 racketeering by Minneapolis unLeader, and the American Social Party. They are preaching bundled the wife and babies into a covered munist party was organized in Sheridan county. main. Three delegates from the and this is putting it very mod ions, Dunne closed the debate with ist Call that Negroes are the equals wagon and with Rodney to help drive the Salisbury was one of the charter members. Marine Firemen, repudiated by eatly. Over a four year period, a summary. minority report by Mrs. UIof white men.
horses went overland to Brinsmaide, Benson When Tom Flaherty was the associate editor the branches they claimed to rep: Minneapolis employers have been Reverend Mecklenburg saya mar declared these articles did Aiding the bosses and their County, North Dakota. There he took a home of the Producers News, he and Salisbury became resent, stayed through to the bit forced to give wage increases to Minneapolis is a beautiful city.
not prove the writer fascist but government, misguided close associates. It was then that Salisbury first ter end.
stead on the virgin prairies and undertook to the drivers amounting to more One thing is certain, and that is showed that he repudiated the men have taken over the strikcarve out a farm and home for his family on became somewhat acquainted with the develop Added to these were the host than 5, 000, 000. Have the employ that Minneapolis is much more Communist Party, of which he ers Jobs under police guard.
the frontier, as his fathers had done before him. ments in the Communist party in the Soviet of non Pacific, non maritime, ers a reason to attack our union beautiful today for 10, 000 truck had been a member for nine The boss government challenge Rodney experienced the hardships and pel Union and in the United States. He became unions controlled by the Some employers are desperate: drivers and their families than it years, because he had become has, however, been strongly anvations of the average pioneer homesteader what was termed a Trotskyite as soon as he All voted with the unanimity they are trying to get out from was in 1934. And still, labor is convinced that its policies and swered. Some 600 taxi drivers son, plus those which fall to the older son under came to any understanding of the issues. But, made famous by the parties of the under the weight of organized being unmerelfully gouged today.
tactics were leading to disruption have answered the sympathy such circumstances.
hoping for the eventual reconciliation of the labor. Together with employers even in Minneapolis.
and defeat of the anti fascist strike call of the United AutoIn 1909, when Rodney had just come of age, errors in the party, after dropping out of the Even before the convention was workers and pensants.
mobile Workers and three wahe filed on a homestead near village of Ray party for a time, he rejoined and carried on over, the almost complete isolation Oak Evidence Refused terfront unions, the Inland mond, built himself shack, got a team and under the idea of unity.
of the Maritime Federation The evidence Oak offered to sub Bontmen Union, the Interna busted the sod, as he had helped his father do In 1932 he toured Montana as the Communist from the marine industry became mit, and which the committee re national Longshoremen and the at Brinsmaide. He worked in the harvest felds candidate for governor, receiving a splendid apparent to the delegates.
Once fused to examine, included state National Maritime Union, havo and cooked on the threshing rigs. In the winter vote, especially in northeastern Montana. In 1934 more the unity resolutions came ments by well known anti fascist refused to handle goods transhe cooked in cafes in Plentywood, in the spring Salisbury and Pete Gallagher and others of the up on the floor, and unions which labor leaders who had been in ported by scabs.
he broke more sod with his earnings and seeded old members left the party in disgust. By the had been attacked for days before Typical of the many letters we of St. Paul has jumped out in the more crops. And this was the round of his life Fall of 1934 the party was torn sunder and all and during the convention, were receive is this one from Com lead with five subs to her credit as the years went by.
of the old vetoran members were out.
asked to unite with the rem rade Panicall of Detroit: already, while Dostal, also jobs for all unemployed, jobs Linked Up With the LW.
In the early spring of 1938, at the annual at trade union wages, trade union nants of the once powerful Mari have just received this week of that city, is right behind her In 1907 he heard about the trials of Moyer, convention of the Holiday Association of Montime Federation.
hours and trade union conditions.
issue. With the article on the with four. St. Paul, we might Haywood, and Pettibone, of the Western Fed tana, Salisbury was unanimously elected presi Atrald of Teamsters we will go to town. The auto mention, has been running To the capitalist politicians we say: If you cannot or will not eration of Miners. He started to read the old dent of that organization, which office he was workers want paper like the highly successful local campaign still holding at the time of his death. Many were One such union was the Team Appeal, which comes out frankly in conjunction with Minneapolis insure a decent livelihood to the Appeal to Reason, which led the fight in the sters Union, which had been the and tells them who are the union in a Twin City Drive.
defense of the miners officials. His soul, was the successful demonstrations against foreclosunemployed, get out of your soft object of some of the most viclous wreckers and how to fight them. NOTICE: Do you want credit ures and evictions, and for relief of the poverty fired by this trial, reports of which he read in legislative chairs. For the workers attacks. In an abrupt about face. better selling campaign is being for the subs you get? Then be CAN and WILL detail.
and drought atricken farmers and unemployed the convention decided to send organized and from now on we sure to write your name in the The first organization Rodney Salisbury ever workers under his leadership, or under his di(Continued from page 1)
speakers to a meeting of Team, will send you some extra money. proper section on the sub blank joined was the Industrial Workers of the World rection, throughout the wide borders of the and living standards of workers SOCIAL SECURITY sters Local 85 to explain the pros And from Wakefield, Kansas, or else we just can give you (I. He loved this organization for what state of Montana. Nobody could put a faking grom adopted by the convention. Gates, enclosing a contrib credit. Every sub turned in must politician on the spot more effectively than Rodand unemployed.
it had been to his dying day. It was his alma, ney Salisbury. Many grateful farmers from As usual, the resolution passedution to the paper, writes: wish have the name of the one who ob When the American Labor FRAUD IS BARED He joined the agrleultural section of the North Dakota came miles to attend Salisbury unanimously, but when it came to express to you my deep ap tained it!
Party votes for capitalist politicians, it is supporting men who shortly after it was created. He was an organ funeral (Continued from page 1)
one could find time to attend the very capable and invaluable servClass Conscious to the Core izer and local leader, and many migratory harvwill try to smash both unemWe regret to report that the meeting. Not one delegate dared ices you are rendering to our first week of our campaign was ployed and trade unions. It is ernments are storing up huge est workers still remember him from coast to Comrade Salisbury was possessed of a charmcoast, wherever old time Wobblies can be ing personality, coupled with dynamic energy, strengthening the vary instru funds at the expense of the broadface the membership of the Team party and all humanity for your disappointing so far as increased sters in person!
ments that would destroy work est and poorest sections of the found. They knew his courage, daring and ini He was class conscious to the core. He hated tiative, and his class consciousness and class exploitation of any sort, and fearlessly deirfg class organizations, and, ulti population.
At the meeting of the Team causes. Marxian revolutionary pending on a pick up for the next nounced it. He despised capitalism and all it sters which convention delegates socialism. This praise is doubly week. Here the list: mately, the American Labor Party loyalty. The next organization he joined was Living Standard Ignored itself.
the old Socialist Party. He regarded Eugene stands for. He could not reconcile himself to feared to attend, the membership valuable in that it comes from a Aside from the fact that for Victor Debs with great admiration, naming This truth becomes crystal clear no good reason old age and un his the right of any man or group of men to rule voted to adhere to the program comrade who is now a 60 year old St. PAUL when we consider the New York employment insurance does not second son for the great Socialist labor leader. another man or group of men. He instinctively initiated by the Sailors Union of working class fighter!
Minneapolis aligned himself with the underprivileged and California the Pacific. This program, which City Inquiry.
Again in the Socialist party he was an organinclude workers in non profit Izer, and an indefatigable worker and propa the oppressed and unfortunate, no matter how pledges uncompromising struggle The first week of our Summer Pennsylvania Seeking Out Waste making organizations, domestics gandist. And much was the Jimmie Higgins unpopular the victim or how great the cost to against the shipowners, has al campaign has rolled by with some It proposes to see whether or and farm workers, but does inwork he did. He always had a dollar for the himself.
ready been endorsed by five major sections getting good results from Detroit.
not there is any waste. It wants clude highly paid executives and cause.
Rodney Salisbury was devoted to principle.
marine unions.
activities in covering newsstands.
New Haven, Conn to ascertain whether or not the presidents of corporations, the Promoted a Socialist Paper He was more concerned with being correct Don forget to send in right now New York City cost of administration of relief is plan in operation gives absolutely In his early manhood Rodney married Emma than with the number aligned with him or the Nat of all stands carrying the excessive, whether it is wasteful no consideration to basic standRyan, of Minnesota, who came into the county popularity of the cause. He was never afraid Appeal!
Washington, The city doles out an average of ards of living.
as a school teacher and taught at the school to be in the right with two or three, nor was a month to each of the 1, 000, 000 Paid for directly or indirectly near his homestead. Emma Salisbury was a he swed or afraid in the presence of organized This week is Library Placement TOTAL. 31 in New York dependent upon by the poorest sections of the popgood wife, companion and teacher, who sym and powerful opposition.
relief. The inquiry is to see ulation, the benefits, such as they pathized with and joined him in his revolution After becoming disillusioned with the Stalinagents to see that every library We apologize to the St. Paul whether this is excessive. are, accrue to those who have had ary outlook. Of this union there were born the most steady employment and ist party, force and effective, persistant and in their section is approached and comrades for failing to credit whether is is wasteful.
Michael in 1914; the twins Jardis and Janis, in unrelenting was the war he conducted against asked to become a subscriber. them with four subs they obPHILADELPHIA. The Follow instructions as contained tained two weeks ago and which These depraved politicians, with have earned the highest wages.
the autumn of 1917: Eugene Victor in 1919; this betraying and misleading group, and none Sagebrush, last of the Shepard in The Appeal Army bulletin. were credited to Minneapolis.
their thousands of dollars in gov. Those who are unemployed at Camilla in 1922, and Patrick in 1925.
testify to this better than the stalinists them ernment salaries and many thoug present can never receive any Line ships to be forced to live up You can fail if you do!
In the summer of 1917 the members of the selves. When the Socialist Workers Party was Miriam Gerson of New York City ands more from private sources benefits until they have been reorganized he was at the convention in Chicago to their contract with West Coast How about groups of comrades is carrying out a fine lden by takSocialist Party organized the Peoples Publishunions, sailed from here Inst week and sympathizers getting to ing a weekly bundle order of 10 cian was caught taking a 35, 000 called benent does not vary to in ing Company and prepared for the launching of last December doing his bit.
with a full West Coast crew gother and donating sub to Appeals while vacationing at the Producers News In Plentywood in the spring Rodney Salisbury is dead. He died in harness bribe they think a month is clude dependents.
shipped from the of Sea some local publle or labor library? camp. new literature agent of 1918 as a Socialist county paper. Salisbury dia as every revolutionist would wish to die. He excessive. The City Council It has also been pointed out yeoman service in the promotion of this enter now rests on the hillside at Missoula, Montana, men Union hiring hall, after lying in port week, captured of South Haven, Michigan, is gave away 20, 000, 000 to million that when in 1949 a worker of 20 prise, as in everything else undertaken by the beside his twin daughter Janice, whom he loved The sub contest is just begin starting out with a bundle order by members of the National Marl ning to warm up. Grace Carlson of 10.
aire concerns at the World Fair. enters the old age system, he party. The success of the publication, which at so dearly.
This was nothing. But a month could on the basis of a salary of one time was a power in Montana and Dakota What a shock his death was to those who retime Union.
to the unemployed is excessive 250 per month receive an an and the wheat section generally, was in no ally knew and understood this great man, this The crew, who had and must be investigated!
THE SOCIALIST APPEAL CAN BE OBTAINED nuity of 147. 36 from private worked the ship in Pacific ports small way due to his efforts.
true and loyal leader of the workers, this classThe whole Inquiry is a smoke insurance company as against the By the time the paper was published, most conscious and faithful revolutionist! All those behind pleket lines established by AT THE FOLLOWING NEWSSTANDS screen, a mask, a farce. Its real 85 maximum under the federal of the Socialists in the area, where the party who knew Rodney Salisbury, loved him or the Sailors Union of the Pacific aim is to obviate further taxation plan.
was strong, had joined the Nonpartisan League, hated him, depending much upon their class NEW YORK CITY in an effort to enforce signed ALLENTOWN, PA.
upon the people of the City of For at least a minimum of proMANHATTAN: Fourteenth St, the nation was in the midst of the World War, position. What agreements with Zettlemeyer, 637 Hamilton st.
grief his demise is to his comNew York. The people for whom tection, workers must demand the St. Louis convention of the Socialist party rades, his friends, his fellow workers, who have company, were arrested and at University Place, see Broadway Fourth Ave!
concern is felt, however, are not that all taxes for social Insurance had drafted its famous war manifesto. Debs. been associated with him so long in the revocharged with mutiny on orders of W; at Fourth Ave. at Andelman s, Tremont St. opp.
the workers, unemployed and be levied against inheritances and was on trial, as were the Socialist leaders at Chl lutionary movement! His death is a great loss the District Attorney. All Pourth Ave. and at Hotel Bradford)
middle class. These are already incomes over 3, 000, instead of cago and the leaders of the Salisbury to the revolutionary cause to which he was so are free on bail.
Third Ave, at Third Ave.
overburdened with sales taxes, against payrolls and wages. Bene, Felix s, Massachusetts Ave. at The arrests came when the NW; opp. Jefferson Theatro: at devoted, but the inspiring example of his life electric light taxes, cigarette taxes had taken an unknother stand against the war, as had many fits should be paid on the basis of connected with the crew, following the advice of Rand Book Store, E. 15th Harvard Square remains.
and other imposts, and they canthe size of the family and in ac officials, refused to sign off, St. 12th St. and University ROXBURY, MASS.
not bear much more. The giant cordance with need, instead of acalthough articles could be termin Candy Store, 75 Greenwich Friendly Variety, Warren St.
banking firms and wealthy cor cording to the amount contrib ated at any East Coast port. Dis. Ave. Grove Hall)
MINNEAPOLIS porations are the only people uted. It is also imperative that regarding the fact that all Shep Forty second St. at Fifth Ave. left with money. The councilmen unemployment benent periods be and ships are under West Coast W; at Sixth Ave. at Sixth Shinder s, Sixth Hennepin: want to protect these people extended from the approximate unton contracts, won by strike Ave. at Seventh Ave.
Kroman s, Fourth from taxation.
An Editorial average of less than 10 weeks to SAN FRANCISCO action, the officials delib opposite Sterns; 103 44th St. MacDonald Bookstore, 65 6th St.
Aimed At Alliance 21 weeks. Anything less than this Two weeks after the adoption of a progressive educated to the role of the wreckers and the erately jeopardized the liberty 16th St. and way, The Inquiry has a further alm: program is but a thinly disguised union program, the Stalinists threw the United necessity of these disciplinary measures that is and safety of the crew by en Essex and Delancy Sts; Bookto smash the organization of the extraction of pennies from the couraging the sit in action. store at Grand and Attorney Sts; Members of the American ComAutomobile Workers Union into bitter factional only water on the Stalinist mill.
pockets of the workers.
warfare, and now, in the midst of a serious The best way and the only way of breaking The New York Times admits Following the orders of their Candy Store, 9th St. and munications Association, union, and believing the iles tola Second Ave; Blederman Book employed by the Mackay Radio that it is Aimed mainly at the economic crisis, threaten to engineer a split in the Stalinist hold upon the membership is boldly them by the officials on Wigerson, 145th St and St. Nich York City, have won a contract Workers Alliance.
The first closed shop contract this great labor organization. The present raging and confidently to go to the membership, explain both consta today the former les Ave; 110th St, and Columbus providing for closed shop, no The answer to these viclous in won by the United Automobile battle is further testimony that the Stalinist can the issues involved, guarantee a democratic and discrimination because of union vestigations is: Hundreds of New Workers in Ohio was signed last cer must be burned out of the labor movement, militant organization and expose the reactionary men papers and their livelihood St: Jerome Ave. and 167ths trial In Philadelphia, their sea BRONX: Jerome Ave. 170th membership, hiring hall, full seYork factories are closed. This is week by Local 464, Cleveland, criminal waste. They could be and the Ryan Foundry Company if the latter is to survive.
unprincipled and unscrupulous work of this niority rights and two weeks noendangered. What will heir opp. Loew Theatre. Sorkin, tice of discharge or two weeks used to produce billions of dollars The contract provides for a shop gang of union wreckers and splitters. leaders say now?
worth of goods, goods to clothe steward system to handle griev The present battle, as conducted by Homer 206th St. and Bainbridge Ave: pay in lieu thereof.
If the militants of the United Automobile Jerome and Burnside Aves; 160th Martin, demonstrates also, and that in the most children of the unemployed, to ances, union hiring lists, full seWorkers of America will enforce such a policy St. and Prospect Ave; Allerton Local 85 of the United Automo Ave. Statlon; Freeman Ave, and house families now living in niority, time and a half for over eloquent terms possible, how not to fight the Government experts state that and allow nobody to disrupt it, they will not slums, to ensure a decent living time based on an eight hour, five Stalinists.
bile Workers Racine, Wishes Southern Boulevard; 174th St. only 200, 000 workers will gain by to all. Investigate how to open day week, Saturday work to be only break the Stalinist influence among the won a closed shop contract with Boston Road.
them, start them working under considered on an overtime basis over 1, 000, 000 will lose by having To violate democratic procedure because you BROOKLYN: Grand and Union their work week shortened to 44 membership of the union, but will unquestion the Walker Manufacturing Comworkers control, use them to help and double time for Sundays and fear to face the membership, where irresponsible ably be in a position to build one of the most any. The contract calls for Aves: Havemeyer Avenue and hours because of lack of provi, holidays. Piece work employees average 90 cent per hour us live.
wage South 4th St: Marcy and Broad Stalinists may provoke riots; to impose disciplin militant and most progressive labor unions and hiring from the unton way: Pitkin Ave, and Strauss st: slon for corresponding hourly Investigate how to put through are guaranteed base hourly ary measures before the membership is properly America has ever known eligibility list.
a public works program with Jw. rate.
Sutter and Van Sinderen Aves. wage increases.
St. Louis. CREW ON SHEPARD SHIP Week: Its up to the literature THE FIGHT IN THE AUTO UNION