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Workers Of The World Unite!
Socialist Appeal For The Fourth International. OFFICIAL WEEKLY ORGAN OF THE SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY VOL. II No. 28 Saturday, July 9, 1938 375 Five Cents per Copy Socialist Dies Jersey City Lesson and Warning Stalin Third Degree, Unions SPOTLIGHT IS By Former GPU Agent Hit Court PLAYED ON JOB Picket Ban SECURITY PLAN DOLES DROP AS NEEDS INCREASE OTTOBAUER IN stances that sleutely bike Reis, was foully murdered on Stalin picker met een lande FRENCH EXILE RELIEF PROBE employment checken was IS SLATED FOR NEW YORK By JAMES CANNON Story of 90 hour Grilling of Mratchkovsky Gives Jersey City today is the testing ground of a struggle destined in the not too distant future to become national in scope and to Insight Into Moscow Confession Trials; dominate national affairs.
Torture Ends With Capitulation The most conscious representatives of the two main contending forces which will confront each other in the national struggle Editorial Note The following highly moving and dramatic Survey Bares Hopeless Inadequacy of Pet New Deal that is impending the capitalist masters of America and the dis account of the technique employed by Stalin G. in breaking satisfied working masses are closely studỹing the developments Insurance Measure; Beneficiaries Number down the Old Bolshevik Mratchkovsky and forcing him to confess Anti Labor Injunction in Jersey City and drawing conclusions for the future.
to crimes he never committed, has been penned by Walter Krivit Fought: 14 Are Held Only Fraction of Workless It is safe to assume that a section of the capitalists have al.
sky, former high official of the who broke with the Stalin For Contempt ready come to certain tentative conclusions in favor of the Hague regime a few months ago and sought safety in France.
method of dealing with labor insurgence. It is important for the We reproduce it from La Lutte Ouvrier, organ of the NEW YORK. Labor responded workers also to know what the brutal aggressions of Mayor Hague Revolutionary Socialist Party of Belgium (Fourth International) vigorously to a vicious anti union and his cohorts really signify.
which in turn reprinted it from Le Courrier Socialiste, organ of the injunction issued last week by The American Association for Social Security has analyzed the Supreme Court Justice Salvatore results of the first quarter of New Deal liberalism unemployment They must know what the problem is in order to formulate Paris Menshevik group to which Krivitsky now belongs.
the proper answer to it. Much can and much undoubtedly will Krivitsky was a close friend of the late Ignace Reiss, also Cotillo, permanently restrain and old age insurance, January to March 31, 1938, and found be written on this subject, for it has a transcendent importance. operative, who was foully murdered by assassins United Optical Workers and the that its program in this field is anti social and in every conceivable Here want to present an outline of opinion from the proletarian near Lausanne, Switzerland, last year after he had broken with United Retail Employes, from aspect worse than home relief.
class point of view: Stalin bloody regime.
picketing stores of the Busch The only success that can be registered is the issuance of 38, Mratchkovsky. it will be recalled, was one of the defendants ates. Striking workers defled the bureaucracy of 13, 890 employees in 19 states. which is five times Jewelry Company and its soul. 000, 000 social security numbers by a newly created, superfluous The Real Meaning of Hagueism in the Moscow confession trial of August, 1936. He was injunction and continued to picket more per insured person than has been found necessary in capitalist Hagueism is not simply the individual abertation of an il OTTO BAUER executed with the other defendants, including Smirnov, who for two days.
literate, provincial politician, as liberals, Social Democrats, and is also referred to in this dramatic story by Krivitsky.
After the Appellate Division Britain) and the collection by the United States Treasury of 577, Stalinists represents the matter. The Jersey City events signify Krivitsky story is a word for word reproduction of a con unanimously declined an appile 450, 100 as compared with 2, 935, 829 paid to the lump sum recipi.
a deliberate mobilization of reaction, backed by big industrial and DEATH CLAIMS versation he had with Slutsky, another prominent function and 14 members of the unions ation for a stay of the injunction, ents of old age benefits.
financial interests, for a serious preliminary test of the workers ary, who died in Moscow recently under mysterious circum were placed on trial for contempt Miserly Payments capacity to resist fascistic repression.
The average cumulative pay was taken from him for every It is no accident that the fight of Hague was directed from orders, there can be no doubt.
stores and replaced by roving ment to 114, 927 persons who had dollar spent for old ago insurance.
bands of strikers and sympathiz reached the age of 65, and to the Not one single claim of the By WALTER KRIYTTSKY tell you and do not want to era who paraded through the states of those who died, was but Social Security Board has been irrational interference with the formal rights of free speech, etc.
Under the pressure of torturing have any conversation with you. streets of New York publicizing 29. 80 after 15 months of contri justified. From December, 1987 to bution payments. While one New March 1988 the employment index By the same token the aggressions of the Hague reaction interrogations, carried out over a You are one of those policemen the strike.
York executive who worked for for manufacturing fell from 88. Mobile Picketing can be seriously countered only by an organized resistance of the Austro Marxist Leader Dies period of months, and even years, who are worse than those of the seven corporations simultaneous to 81. and from 564 to 51. for the accused, a prey to threats of Cear. And in the first place, tell workers. Any other approach to the question is false and can only After Spending Life Over the holidays, the roving ly, and continued to do so, re Class One rallroads. Retall trade hunger, end by confessing all that me what right you have to ques pickets concentrated on transceived 1, 001. 67 on reaching the was also showing increased unlead to defeat in the fight against Hagueism in New Jersey and In Betrayal is demanded of them. There are tion me. Where were you during portation terminals and visited age of 65, there were payments employment According to the its spread to other centers. No doubt the present attempt to sup some, however, whom they do not the revolution? It seems to me the crowded beaches and resorts, below ten cents. Thus, aside from claims of the Social Security succeed press the in New Orleans draws a certain inspiration and Otto Bauer, the outstanding two of this type on the eve of the Noticing two Orders of the calling for support of the Busch destitute family off the rellet rolls should have prevented an increase encouragement from the Jersey City success of Mayor Hague. theorist and political leader of Arst Moscow trial: Mratchkovsky Red Flag on my chest, Mratch strikers. An unusual twist in for about two weeks, about 197 in home reller rolls. Yet relief the Austrian social democracy, and Smirnov.
kovsky sald: never saw your strike activities was used on the of the worker purchasing power costs in March increased eight Bureaucrats Debase Struggle died on July 4, 1938, at the age of But the knew that Stalin type at the front. These decora Fourth of July when an airplane per cent over February, and in The greatest aid to Hague campaign has resulted from 57, in exile in Paris. Already prominent in the pre two. As a Inst resort, therefore, remained silent; did not banner announcing that Busch did not want a trial without these tions you have stolen them. flew over the city, trailing a huge April three per cent above March, just at the time when the flow of the pusillanimous conduct of the leadership of the New Jersey war days of Victor Adler, he was the decided to turn over interrupt him; let him say what stores are on strike. They renounced the fight on their own account and handed among the social patriots who these two unmanageable prison was on his heart. He continued peak.
it over to liberal Stalinist civil liberties bodies. The latter, as the Austro Hungarianers to their most experienced You call me comrade MratchThe injunction by JusOnly 900, 000 Benefit is their nature, debased the whole struggle to more or less mean During the period January to ingless court battles. Hague plug uglies wielded their clubs and When the monarchy collapsed the interrogation of Mratchkov one of your lik, in interrogating company represents a grave dan March 31, 1938, 16 states received 2, 467, 065 claims. In spite of apblack jacks on the streets of Jersey City where the issue is really like a rotten hulk, despite all the sky, as it was told to me by onemo, called me reptile and counter ger to organized labor in New efforts of the social democracy to of these magistrates. Slutsky. revolutionary. was born in Si York, as its effect is to nullify the proving 1, 389, 614 of them, they decided.
bolster it up. Bauer became The Inquisition berta; my father died in Siberia, Anti Injunction Law, which for The high placed comedians from Washington, who were had but 19, 500 beneficiarles.
foreign minister in the first social When commenced the ques. my mother also. have been in bids the fasuance of injunctions These beneficiaries received assigned the task of restoring free speech in Hague domain, ist cabinet which came into being tioning, was clean shaven, the party since my infancy. else infunction, Justice Cotillo de Boss Politicians Seeking to be an average of 15. 48 each per couldn find their way to Journal Square and had no organized with the declaration of the Slutsky declared. When finished Warrior Wounds republic.
it, my face was covered with a clared that strikers picketing the workers force to protect them if they had arrived. The publicity Chisel Payments As Bitter Anti Bolshevik Suddenly he rose, bruskly un Busch stores employed illegal month, regardless of the number beard. The examination lasted 90 attending the intervention of Norman Thomas overshadowed the Throughout the early years of hours. Every two or three hours buttoned his blouse and showed methods and constituted a men Crisis Deepens the same time, in March, the of dependents in the family. At one fact of paramount significance: There was no organized force the republle, Bauer, bitter anti came the relentless ring of the me his wounds. Here are my ace to the peace of the communnational average of home relief of Jersey City workers prepared to defend the meeting. But a Bolshevik, concentrated all his telephone from the Office of decorations! continued silent. ity.
Two separate tasaults have was 23. 43 per month, almost elght Judge On Picketing efforts in the work of persuading Stalin secretary, and a voice had some ten brought and offered Workers Defense Guard, the one factor so far lacking, is precise lately been launched upon the liv. dollars more than the average the Austrian proletariat to toler asked me: Well, have you broken him a glass. offered him some ly the factor necessary for the beginning of a real fight. Only the Justice Cotillo, who persists in ing standards of the unemployed unemployment Insurance benefit.
him cigarettes. He took the glass and calling himselt friend of in New York State.
Workers Defense Guard, surrounded by the sympathy and sup ground that a revolution in the But, asked Slutsky. did you heleneily trainen door shot item labor, save his peculiar view of On June 14, the City Council of spent per coses during the first scantey would not meet with the remain in your office all this violently to the floor, shouting picketing when he said: Picket New York passed a resolution for quarter, yet unemployment ingur port of the workers mass organizations, can smash incipient American fascism for that is what Hagueism is and safeguard approval of the Allied powers.
When the Hungarian Soviet No, atter the first ten hours, can tell Stalin that despise him. ined should you be abuped to investigating relief with partie ance benefits amounted to our the workers rights in Jersey City. He is a traitor. They have already drive capital into making an un the Workers Alliance. It was same period.
Bauer ded the Austrian social which time my secretary replaced taken me to Molotov. He, too reasonable bargain. This attitude proposed by a Republican who As in the case of old age Insur Business Interests Behind Hague democracy in sabotaging the de me. Mratchkovsky, during these wanted to buy me, but spat in met with the approbation of the had been elected with the supportance, the national and state govThe experience of the past weeks have shown that Hagueism fense of the Hungarian Commune, 20 hours, did not have a single his face. When he had said everything Busch Corporation, and one of of the American Labor Party.
On June 23, the state governor their treasures as against mengre ernments had huge surpluses in is capable of organizing the entire apparatus of the city admin bidea, perlahing for lack of the went to the toilet he was accom he had to say im to come are court of New York State appur called for the purpose of the relict sums returned to the workers in istration, its police and unofficial thugs, veteran organizations, military supplies which the Aus penied.
to reply to him: No, the throughout the state. This and all forces of reaction, together with a considerable section trian social democracy was in a Slutsky Task Mratchkovsky, did not steal my of the local population. It is likewise quite obvious that busi position to furnish it with. should mention, to character decorations. earned them in the Iness people, the employers of the proposal came from a Democraticance. The United States Treasury State.
governor. He, too, had been put on March 31 had a balance in its ness, which is the real beneficiary of Hague anti labor cam Philosopher of the school of lze Slutsky, that although he was Red Army, before Tashkent wide campaign against the into office by the support and Unemployment Trust Fund, from paign, is solidly behind him. It is not for nothing that Jersey Austro Marxism. the essence of an old collaborator of the Where. dourbt cunder your. com injunction is planned by organ votes of the American Labor takes peoplected for sew upelers com whose wisdom consisted in find he had remained a man who was mand. do not consider myself a ized labor, with untons, both Party City official slogan is: Everything for Business.
over 753, 000, 000; 21 states and the Ruling Class Hypocrisy District of Columbia had a balUnder these circumstances, it is, to say the least, quite naive cover patsivity, retreat and capit. lights, one of those old Chekists you fight against the party? This participate in efforts to have it Both to imagine that individuals coming from the outside, or a few ulation in permanence, Bauer led for whom a Mratchkovsky was you did, and well, the party has rescinded. conference of unions sessions to the workers on the ance of over 17, 000, 000 in actually dozen, or even a few hundred people from New York, can sethe Austrian proletariat straight an incarnation of the past of the ordered me today to question you and labor attorneys was planned nature of politics. They show the The State Trosurer of Mas riously challenge the Hague reaction on its home ground and hypocrisy that permeates the sachusetts predicted in May of to Its Calvary. In spite of the ob revolution and merited an un As to wounds, you can see a for this week.
vious lessons of the defeat of the shakeable respect. But Slutsky showed him those on my body) Meanwhile, mass demonstra campaign promises of both Demo this year that by the end of 1938 overthrow it. On the contrary, the sad fiasco of the comic opera German working class in 1983, was forced to repress these senti these are also souvenirs of the tions and continued picketing are crats and Republicans. They tear collections in his state would congressional heroes from Washington is proof that we are deal Bauer continued to pursue the ments. He had to break Mratch civil war.
scheduled by the two unions hit of the mask of liberalism and amount to 80, 000, 000, whereas Mratchkovsky was silent by the injunction.
ing here with something far more serious than the incidental fatal policy of colleagues in kovsky. His story continued as friendship for labor which capl only 20, 000, 000 would be expended follows listened, and then replied: do talist politicians put on in order in benefits. As the unemployment and irrational actions of a local Führer. The failure to line up at Germany, Policy of Defeat Mratchkovsky entered Imping not believe you. Where are your to catch the labor vote. They insurance tax is levied on employ least the local organizations for serious resistance, for the Instead of preparing and organ heavily (a result of show both parties as representa ere payrolls, it is inevitably passed protection of speakers and of meetings, reduces any outside inizing the militant resistance of received in the civil war. Slutsky Biography tives of the bosses who serve their on to the consumer in the form tervention in the situation to the status of a more or less mean the Austrian workers to fascism, offered him an arm chair. had him read my biography masters by attacking the wages of price increase. Thus the govingless sally, doomed to defeat in advance.
Bauer spent all his time trying to sit down, comrade Mratch and continued: After the civil SUPPORT FIGHT (Continued on page Continued on page 2)
buy off the advancing fascist kovaky.
war, worked in the revolutionPublicity Stunts Helped Hague movement with assurances of the He sat down. said to him: ary tribunal. Following this, the Well, comrade Mratchkovsky, party sent me into the On the basis of the experiences of the past week, it can be devotion and subservience of the said with certainty that all such adventuristic publicity stunts social democracy. In his brochure have received orders. to question remained there and executed the on the February, 1984 civil war, you.
orders of the party. When the The Ohio State Federation of have only succeeded in playing into Hague hands and strength (Continued on page He replied: have nothing to party ankovsky interrupted me: resolution demanding the Leaders Is Exposed In Minneapolis y tells me to die, shall die. Teachers has adopted a formal ening his appeal to local prejudices against the invasion of Outsiders. Speakers, and even groups, from the outside can play No, you have become a policemediate pardon of MINNEAPOLIS. Charges that nes. The drivers union officers Benl man. All the same, see that you and giving endorsement to his a fund of 35, 000 was raised to found Pierce and queried him for an auxiliary and stimulating role in a serious struggle; provided Refugee Fund Sends Sum To still retain a soul.
fight for freedom. Beal, who led import gunmen to assassinate further details of the murder only, however, that their intervention is based upon solid support of a section of the workers in Jersey City and that the brunt and Aid Persecuted In Europe At this moment understood the Gastonia, textile work three leaders of General Drivers plot. Pierce was until recently that contact had been established ers strike in 1929, is now in Local 544 were made last week one of the top leaders of the Asburden of the fight is borne by organized workers and their debetween us. Then began to ex prison in that state.
by a former agent of reactionary sociated Independent Unions, an The American Fund for Polit. Local committees are urged to plain to him the situation of the employers, according to the organization inspired by the fense squads. serious challenge to Hagueism can only begin scul Prisoners and Refugees will push the work in the delete comer. Union fascism, the war dangers on the concerne lang tiganization, the Northwest Ooreenkeer, organ of bosses in an effort to split and for stern resistance to Hague and his hoodlums, official and uncircularization of local lists, and convinced that In a statement to Grant and ment of Minneapolis.
himself, was Non Partisan Committee for the official. That is the lesson of Italy, Germany and Austria. Fascism city in the country. Committees American Fund Informed of your that was going to show him how headquarters in New York, de lund, leaders of Local 544, Ralph committees in every important affairs. Keep the office of the not a counter revolutionary, but Defense of Fred Beal, with Vincent Dunne and Carl Skog Plerce Arrested fears no scandal and is not to be bluffed. It has to be beaten When he learned of the murH. Pierce accused George Belder plot, Pierce sald, he broke down.
process of formation in Chicago, plans.
It is not sufficient to denounce Hague as a violator of the St. Louis, Philadelphia, Toledo, Previous issues of the appeal brought out the depositions of increasingly large number of labor den, head of the Associated In with Taylor and E, Lee, Constitution and its Bill of Rights. These documents are sacred Detroit, New York, Newark and announced the fact that the Ame: the others.
and progressive groupe rallying dustries, successor to the noto lenders of the fink organizations.
rican Fund was instrumental in Allentown.
Men Without Hope to the effort to liberate the labor rious Citizens Alliance, of being He feared retaliation from them, obtaining asylum for two comonly for the dupes of capitalist propaganda, not for the real Dave Burbank writes from Strades who escaped from Nazi in direct charge of raising the and asked the drivers officials Thus passed three days during The committee indicated that money and planning the murders, for money to get out of town.
masters themselves. The workers in reality have only such rights as they are ready and able to defend with their own strength. Ev raise a fund to bring one politica as belly needed in one case. The for a single moment. For three tuwer, recently spent some time when Polereto to be the ones the day tuned him money and keelund the erything else under the subject of democratic rights is a lie.
refugee from Europe. Good luck, committee now states that they days and three nights fought in North Carolina in behalf of the Arms Discovered information over to the police.
Hague, the authentic American fascist, answers all palaver with necessary money to him. As for myself, during these Beal defense, conferring with Press reports of that day stated the police arrested Pierce on a mittee will do the same?
take care of this brutal force. For their part, the magnates of industry and finance, The response to the first mail equally important cases, however, three or four hours of sleep. lod talning justice for the imprisoned ing two high powered rifles with but no immediate efforts were alarmed by labor aggressiveness of the past few years, cannot ing by the American Fund is still press for attention and all him to such a point that he wept. strike leader. He also visited Beal telescopic sights near the cen made to question any of the pers fail to notice with satisfaction that all the arguments in court and all the pious sermons and editorials about the Constitution carry dicates that there is a real inter and collection lists to the office of that everything was lost and that way, it was stated after Wald Pierce first told his story to the press, too, kept a discreet sisons involved in the allegations.
est in the fate of our exiled and the American Fund, Room 1609, there was no hope left.
man return, for legal steps look Boerbach, painters union official, lence, naming none of the em(Continued on page 4)
persecuted comrades in Europe. 100 Fifth Avenue, New York City. Continued on page 3) ing toward a pardon.
who promptly informed the Dun ployers involved.
wound proots?
OHIO TEACHERS FOR FRED BEAL Alleged Plot To Kill Labor im Fred leader.
St. Louis! Which other local com have sent the nelle case. Other three days, had at the most many persons interested in ob that police found a car contain charge of breach of the peace,