Andrey VyshinskyBourgeoisieBujarinCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyFranceHitlerImperialismImperialist WarKamenevLeninMarxMarxismMoscow TrialsOpportunismRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassZinoviev

No, It Is Not The Same!
IMPERIALIST WAR are Unity Against The Union Wreckers!
SOCIALIST APPEAL July 2, 1938 cialism in one country, they offer, in Socialist Appeal crisp bright ideological cellophane, the We Communists Disdain Trotsky on Lovestone VOL. II. No. 27. Saturday, July 2, 1938 theory of American exceptionalism. There are two main reporters at the To Conceal Our Published every week by the Aims convention: Lovestone on the internaSOCIALIST APPEAL PUBLISHING ASS at 116 University Place, New York, tional question, presenting the line of the Telephone: National Office: Algonquin 8547 February Congress of the London BuSubscriptions: 00 per year; 00 for reau; Herberg on the national question, with the point of view summarized in his The Workers Age of June 11 Zinoviev, Kamenev, months. Foreign: 50 per year, Bundle order Smirnov, cents per copy. Single copies cents.
article in the June 25 issue of Workers carries an article in defense of Radek, Piatakov and the others Lovestone and Company long were counter revolutionary terAll checks and money orders should be made Age.
years of subservieney to the rorists, allies of the fascists, etc.
out to the Socialist Appeal.
Lovestone would build the new InterThermidorian bureaucracy. This Good For Nothing Entered as second class matter September national by uniting with the stale and article proves once again that 1937 at the post office at New York, New York, impotent centrists of the London Bureau, these people incorrigible. Lovestone and Company under the Act of March 3, 1879.
who can teach him from many years In my study on morals (pub. good for nothing as Marxists, but lished in the June, 1938, issue of no one considers them idiots.
MAX SHACHTMAN experience how to be against both the the New International. Ed. They knew very well that we Editor.
Second and Third Internationals and pointed out the criminal atti were confronted with a gigantic HAROLD ROBERTS FRANK GRAVES yet sabotage and block any real move tude of Brandler and Lovestone frame up. But since in their Associate Editors. STANLEY toward the new international; those antitoward the Moscow trials. Love petty bourgeois, cowardly and stone answer to this is: Yes, conservative policy they had firmPopular Frontists who join the Popular Business Manager.
we erred, but Trotsky, too, erred ly bound their reputation with Front whenever they are let in; those with regard to the trial of the that of the Thermidorian bureauanti Stalinists who cover up Stalin Mensheviks in 1931. Where is cracy, they made an attempt to Lovestone Travels crimes and cannot, at their congress, the difference?
follow it to the very end, in the even put to a vote a resolution on the The Difference Explained hope that Stalin would succeed in his violation of public opinion.
The Lovestone group, now called ofSoviet Union; those anti imperialists We will explain briefly the in their hearts they hoped that ficially the Independent Communist who, like Pivert, take posts in the imdifference to these gentlemn. for this service the Kremlin perialist government until they are The Mensheviks are a conser would finally recognize Labor League, has covered much rough them during the past year and a half.
thrown out on their ears.
vative, petty bourgeois party, and call them to office. Only tied up with imperialism. In the when they saw that the Moscow But any other kind of internationalism This week end the group meets in naOctober. Revolution they united super falsifier had failed ignomintional convention, in order, presumably, from Lovestone would prove too awkwith the bourgeoisie against the iously did they step aside and ward for Herberg. For the real meaning proletariat. During the Civil War, recognize in a hall voice their to sum up for itself the results of its of Lovestone internationalism comes out the right wing of the Mensheviks slight mistake.
travels. Maisky. Troyanovsky and many with full clarity in Herberg article in In France, at the end of the last For eight years the Lovestoneites funcothers) stood on the side of the century, a Jewish officer, Dreytioned as a faction of the Communist InWorker Age.
imperialists some even with fus, was accused of espionage.
ternational, acting within the labor moAfter going to all the trouble and exweapons in hand.
Dreyfus was a figure unknown vement as the unrecognized, unrewarded, pense of sending a delegate to the conThe Menshevik emigres in to anyone. One could be thoroughand unhonored attorneys of the hangman gress, you would think out of mere poParis consider Leon Blum, the ly sincere, a democrat, a socialist, liteness Herberg would have made some clerk of the trusts, the execution an opponent of antisemitism, of the Kremlin.
For eight years, standing for the rereference to it. But do not be deceived: er of colonial peoples, as their etc. and still admit the possibil.
form of the Communist International, Lovestone Herberg internationalism is circumstances, different forms of a spy: such cases are not at all the Lovestoneites were the most ardent for holidays and European junkets; it a bloc of Russian Mensheviks, es infrequent among officers. But it pecially of their individual re is quite another thing to come defenders of the main line of the is not meant seriously in the maneuvpresentatives and groups, without in defense of the French ers of realistic politics on one own policies which were strangling the Rusimperialists, are politically en general staff, and of all kinds of sian and the international revolution.
home ground.
tirely possible, both at present reactionary scoundrels, and to and in the future, just as they take part in the anti semitic For eight years they preached that Not once is internationalism or any inwere possible in the past. newspaper campaign. socialism in one country was entirely ternational perspective even so much as Trial of Mensheviks Mistakes and Mistakes correct for Russia and for eight years mentioned by Herberg. The whole article The defendants in the trial of they out Stalinized the very Stalinists is a polemic in the old, old style, against Between these two mistakes the Mensheviks in 1931 were there is some difference, gentlein the slanders and denunciation which looking abroad for inspiration, against little known or completely un men of the Workers Age! One they poured forth against the Trotsky mechanically translating European known people, whose political mistake has an episodic charactists, against the revolutionary opposition.
approaches into American terms. For, past did not offer any guarantee er; the other flows organically and whose political views at the from a policy shot through and Today they proclaim the hopeless bankyou see, America is different. The Eutime of the trial remained on through with rottenness.
ruptcy of the Communist International ropean isms (and doubtless wars and am not writing this for Loveand their own final break therefrom.
crises also, for this is implied by the 1f, in view of the stated cir stone and his clique. These people They call for the creation of a new Marxother) don take on in America.
ist party of the workers.
Not merely our tactics, but our pro the American labor movement by Coast. To a lesser, but growing forces.
The reactionary role played in these two unions, on the West parable injury to the progressive sibility that these or other mes are hopeless. For 15 years they sheviks, or former Mensheviks, groups in the Soviet bureaucracy Such a change is of course progresgram, our strategical course, our poli the Stalinist union wreckers has extent, this movement is finding were really involved in imperial Lovestone was a Zinovievite with sive. Whatever the motivation, whatever cies. must be drawn not from been dealt with on more than one roots in the other marine trans Among the Painters ist intrigues and combinktions, Zinoviev, a Bukharinite with the reasons given for it. whatever the where revolutionists find them, in the occasion in these columns. Like port unions in the West and Progress against Stalinist did not at all, however, come Bukharin, a Stalinist with Sta.
experience of the international working a cancer enting away past, any such break however inadequate or halting. from the poisonous class, but where any good patriot finds vitals of a healthy organism, the established substantial contacts ed among the painters of New hinist bureaucracy and of Stalin: the slanders and falsifications Stalinist machine has been bent with militants among the long York, where, in District Council ist justice. On the contrary, against the so called Trotsky orbit of Stalinism is so much to the good.
them from our own social soil, from a for years on a rule or ruin policy shoremen who have had their of the Painters Union, the continued in irreconcilable strug ists. His fraternization with But, in every case, it is necessary also systematic study of the conditions of the in the trade unions, calculated to bellyful of Bridges and his co Weinstock machine was swept gle against the Moscow oligarchy. Vyshinsky and Yagoda in 1936 to understand the reason and causes, and American class struggle. in the light into office two years ago on the The case was with Mr. Love was a natural link in this shameof Marxism, piously adds Herberg, the war machine of the Kremlin the precise nature and implications of Nor is everything as rosy as wave of protest against Zausner stone permission. somewhat ful chain. Lovestone cannot be the given break.
though it is hard to see where Marxism perialism.
bureaucracy and American im it once was for the Stalinists ism. The record of the Weinstock different in the trials against re educated. But in the ranks of on the Atlantie seaboard. Up to machine, which promptly allied the Trotskyists. By its entire the so called Lovestoneites there The Lovestoneite leadership clung descomes in when it yields neither program The Stalinists have registered recently, Curran, lord high com itself with most of the ousted past, this grouping had shown are undoubtedly entirely sincere unmistakable successes in their missioner of the National Mari Zausner gang leaders, has been that it was little inclined to people who are being systematiperately to their past policy until the nor strategical course, nor policies nor mighty waves of engulfing historical tactics. work. One union after another time Union, who, if he is not a dealt with adequately in these friendship with the bourgeoisie cally misled. For them. write came under their control or at member, acts just like one, columns.
and with imperialism.
these lines.
events smashed that policy to fragments. And Herberg goes on to argue that least their decisive influence; and has, together with his Stalinist The revolt of the rank and file Lovestone knew the Truth Even in the face of the trial of Zinoviev the role of the group must be to immerse rectly, they prevailed through the situation, that is, if we omitment, at first spontaneous, was where they did not dominate di aides, been undisputed master of against Stalinist mismanageLEON TROTSKY.
Kamenev they continued, and as the itself in the labor movement as it is.
The literature of the Trotsy Coyoacan, stooges and innocents or in al from consideration the mossback given necessary organizationalists has been and still is ac June 18, 1938.
Kremlin unofficial attorneys they not to remake the labor movement in liance with some of the most ed Ryan bureaucracy among the form and consciousness rainly cessible to allo Zinevrier Kamer elaborated, their own fou! lawyer our own image. we are part of the corrupt and reactionary elements longshoremen, which the milit through the medium of an ex nev were figures of international briefs to justify the massacre of the labor movement, an organic and inse in the labor movement.
ants have been combatting for cellent four page tabloid paper, magnitude. believe Lovestone Some 1, 400 workers of the founders of the Revolution. Yes, even parable part. In such words, in their years.
Opposition Is Growing in the first period following the trial of given context, does Herberg abandon the Now, however, the Stalinist in many respects of a fighting well. The accusation against them Long Island Lighting Company, Radek Piatakov they continued this.
idea of the revolutionary vanguard, and In recent times, however, there crew is facing a serious rank and union sournal. By means of it. was politically and psychological members of six locals of the inIt was not until the enormity of Sta provide the theoretical prop for a rank has been a growing movement of file opposition in the the progressives polled 46 per ly preposterous.
the elections, The trials against the Trots. trical Workers, have lin crimes and the work of the Com and flexible opportunism, a systematic expressing the horror and indi in the union elections for all of which makes the narrow victory kyists took place five years after union as sole collective bargain mission of Inquiry had alienated from exploitation of the shifting moods of the gnation of the healthy and pro fices except that occupied by obtained by the Stalinist machine the trial of the Mensheviks. Dur.
the Kremlin and its chief assassin the labor movement, which he hopes will be gressive rank and file at the Curran himself. Its paper, the something they cannot afford to ing those five years, our litera ing agency for mechanical employees and providing for uniture succeeded in completely un form sick benefits, a five per cent broad trail of misdeeds which Rank and File Pilot, has had be proud of.
opinion of virtually the entirety of civil enough basis on which to keep his group the Communist Party agents marked success among the memWhich brings us to a decisive masking the Thermidorian wage increase for those earning ized mankind, including the overwhel alive.
have hacked through the trade bers. More than that, the New point. Wherever the Stalinists Presencia cand ithalsa methods of less than 60 cents an hour, and ming bulk of the militants among the There is no crime in change; rather Lovestoneite membership, that the Love is it a crime not to change when events rank and viously dominated Not to know and to see all this six months limitation on prothe Stalinized and disciplined machine, stóneite leadership began to seek a way and the interests of the working class telligently and not allowed itself) is beginning to feel the presence posal. That even this handicap did not want to know and see.
file movement has proceeded in ists and their 13th Street sailors, with vast resources at their dis was possible only to those who bationary periods.
out from the filth which they had piled demand it. But it is a crime also, in rearound themselves.
volutionary politics, not to change clean baiting, or to be used by forces which systematically provoked rank and file and the progressive Brandler, Lovestone and their To the militants in the membership ly, and to make the change only a new just as black as the Stalinista, riots have thus far failed to movements, is shown by the vote friends. They did not believe for that turn, however belated, meant and in the painters union, where, with a single moment that Trotsky, device for old deceptions.
it has recorded gratifying pro crush.
gress. If it has not always been a very recently organized group still means a march forward into the The militant workers in the Lovestone able to unhorso the Stalinist Clarity Is Needed and little funds at their disposal, the servitor of the old line. fak.
with every 00 purchase clear air of the road toward the new group want a new revolutionary party bureaucrats, it has not failed to Any one of the following revolutionary party and the new revo and a new revolutionary international. be a painful thorn in their sides Unfortunately, the Pilot, like get more than 3, 000 votes for ers (and their younger emulatlutionary international.
But in the policy proposed to their conand to give promise of the re the movement it speaks for, does candidate Stevens and missed ors. in beating down any pro titles: gressive opposition that appears.
To the leadership the turn meant and vention by Lovestone and Herberg, that will yet purge the American purpose that characterizes the surgent left wing movement that not have the clarity of mind and victory by only 600 votes. Lesson To Learn For Unity Of Effort Mainzer: Caesar Mantle still means a frantic search for some wish comes up against the blind and in trade unions of its poisons and West Coast Firemen, for example, But to overcome the handicap. The American labor unions, the Mareu: Birth of the Nations Grattan: Preface to Chinose more plausible substitute which will con surmountable wall of the London Bureau maladies.
tinue to give them an excuse for con and American exceptionalism. If LoveA few instances will suffice to best interests of the struggle rank and Ale movements every thousands of militants, progresand this fact militates against the the left wing, progressive and particularly, contain Marcu: Men and Forces of Our tinuing independent clique existence stone and Herberg trap their entire orshow the trend.
gainst the Stalinists and the where have a lesson to learn and, sives, class conscious workers Stein: Day Laidler: Socializing our De.
and those independent slick maneuv ganization along that road, it is as In the marine transport in future of the movement itself. if you please, a leaf to tear out men and women who are for de dustry, the Stalinists, headed by Mingled with honest militant and of the Stalinist book: Organiza mocratically controlled unions, for Levy: The Web of Thought and ers which Lovestone and Herberg iden thoroughly doomed as if the last two Harry Bridges of the longshore progressive elements are not only tion and a press! progressive class struggle policfes, against Action tify with revolutionary politics.
years had never been. If the members men, whom Lewis appointed boss conservatives, but confusionists group that forms on the eve of bureaucratism and class collaboNearing: Twilight of Empire Lovestone and Herberg have found are to translate their wish into reality, of the West Coast were who often do more harm than an election and disperses after ration. At present, their efforts Schmalhausen: New Road to their substitute just in time, and are they must break firmly from that road having their own way for quite good.
the vote is counted, which relies are largely futile. United, cenProgress ready to drop it, wrapped and ribboned, Kautsky: Economic Doctrines onto the broad highway of genuine resome time, without encountering rank and file progressive, on mouth. to. mouth agitation tralized, given voice and direcserious opposition. Now they have anti Stalinist movement cannot alone, cannot get very far. The tion, they would be a tremendous Lansbury in the lap of their convention.
volutionary internationalism. Whether not only ended by setting into make real headway and serve the militant firemen on the West power. What has been done rinde the In place of the Comintern, they have, Spanish Barricades as their delicious surprise, the London this is, in actuality, the one question of and with the Inter protesting its own American brought forth an excellent anti done in all of them, provided the Turner (Ben. About Myself Bureau. To make up for the loss of so before their convention.
national Ladies Garment Work ism that can safely be left to dote to the Stalinist lie machine: progressives everywhere act with Pierre Quint: Andre Gide His ers Union (which Life and His Work but have met with a confusing the Stalinists with and devoted to the simple idea it is high time the rank andOlden: Hitler Some workers of the Eagle Workers of the business depart stiff and conscious opposition Reds which they are not or that telling the truth, systema file militants came together, first Eastman: Artists In Uniform Thomas: After the New Deal Pencil Company, 710 East 14 HOW TO FIGHT WAR Street, New York City, are on ment of the Pittsburgh Press from the ranks of the marine by condemning working class tically and vigorously, will finally in their respective unions and Buell: Europe, History of Ten (Scripps) and the Pittsburgh workers themselves.
strike against a 10 per cent wage Isolation Sun Telegraph (Hearst. mempolitical action just because the break the domination even of the then nationally, to cut. Six professional strikeCollective Security bers of the Newspaper and News Movement On Coast Stalinist version of labor politics powerful machine. themselves a fighting bloc in the Russell: Proposed Roads to breakers, who had incited serious Freedom Relentless Class Struggle is a monstrous abomination. This in the old days, the commun trade union movement of this Distributors Office Workers The Sailors Union of the defect, by the way, is often toists set the pace for organizing country. It is high time that they Plekhanov: Art and Society riots, were arrested last week.
The workers are members of Local 1224 of the United Elechave after a short strike obtain paper, the West Coast Sailors, by the organ or the on the left and progressive move gainst the union wreckers. Unless LABOR BOOK SHOP JAMES BURNHAM ed a contract providing for pay and the left wing militants of the derstandable though syndicalistment in the trade unions, and the Stalinists and their allies are 28 East 12th Street, trie, Radio and Machine Workers Union, 16 pp.
increases, paid vacation and sick Marine Firemen union, through and anti political prejudices may giving them systematic, central balked in time, they will not stop New York City Socialist Workers Party leave. Closed shop was not ob their paper, West Coast Firement. be as a working class reactionized and effective expression until the labor movement lies tained.
have conducted a running fight to the stench of reactionary Sta through regularly published prostrated and ruined their Add 10 for postage. PayASK FOR THE APPEAL 116 University Place which is so effective that the linist polities, the former is not papers. Nowadays, the is feet.
SUBSCRIBE NOW TO AT YOUR NEWSSTAND New York City THE SOCIALIST APPEAL de gainst the stalinist gang in and can only tend by doing irre cracy and reaction in the unions, Ilute. is the need of the hour, only.
overwhelming majority has turn a valid substitute for the latter, the vanguard and prop of bureau Action. speedy, unified, reso ment with order or Free.
mocracy of Marx Langdon. Decore) My Life Behind by